e learning powerpoint

Post on 24-May-2015






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What is e-learning?

E- learning or “electronic learning” is very broadly classified as a learning imparted using some electronic media.

This is a type of teaching and learning that one can be obtained by the means of online technology.

includes all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching, and more recently Edtech.

It is the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge.

E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration.

E-learning is defined as learning facilitated and supported through the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It includes use of ICT based tools (e.g. Internet, computer, telephone, radio, video, and others) and content created with technology (e.g. animations) to support teaching and learning activities.

History of E-Learning • E-learning began at just about the same

time that a computer was developed that was practical for personal use.

In England (1840) → The improvements to the postal service made this

method of distance learning popular in the early part of the last century

→ This led to a large number of "through the mail" type of educational programs. The computer only made distance learning easy and better.

→ The basic thing that distinguishes distance education is the physical separation of the student from the instructor and the classroom.

→ The basic thing that distinguishes distance education is the physical separation of the student from the instructor and the classroom.

→ The early use of computers was geared to help the classroom instructor.

→ The early attempts at distance education were hampered by resistance from traditionalist within the education field.

→ This led to the early online degrees being considered inferior to traditionally obtained degrees.

→ The improvements in E-learning technology and the ability to create virtual classrooms and a virtual learning environment (VLE) has gradually broken down the resistance.

•Natalie Aranda → She writes about learning and technology. → It is used to describe any type of learning environment that is computer enhanced.

→ Distance learning in virtual classrooms is something that has evolved from E-learning. → It is used to describe a learning environment that takes place away from the actual traditional classroom and campus.

What are the Advantages of E-Learning?

Class work can be scheduled around personal and professional work, resulting in flexible learning.

Reduces travel cost and time to and from school.

Learners may have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of knowledge and interest.

Learners can study wherever they have access to a computer and Internet

Self-paced learning modules allow learners to work at their own pace

Development of computer and Internet skills that are transferable to other facets of learner's lives

Successfully completing online or computer-based courses builds self-knowledge and self-confidence and encourages students to take responsibility for their learning

What are Disadvantages of e-Learning?

Unmotivated learners or those with poor study habits may fall behind.

Students may feel isolated or miss social interaction thus the need to understanding different learning styles and individual learner needs.

Slow or unreliable Internet connections can be frustrating

Some courses such as traditional hands-on courses can be difficult to simulate

Why Use E-Learning?

Technology can help the students learn more effectively and can improve your efficiency. 

students will already be used to accessing information via mobile phones and the web.

• This website’s aim is to help support you in your use of E-Learning at the College.

•E-learning engages younger students and can help you meet the needs of your students’ varied learning styles. 

Approaches to E-learning services

Computer-based Learning → refers to the use of

computers as a key component of the educational environment.

→ a specific program which is designed to teach.

Computer-based Training → refers to a self-paced learning activities accessible via a computer or handheld device.

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) → is one of the most promising innovations to improve teaching and learning with the help of modern information and communication technology.

→ Blogs, wikis, and Google Docs are commonly used CSCL mediums within the teaching community.

Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL) → has the goal to provide socio-

technical innovations (also improving efficiency and cost effectiveness) for e-learning practices, regarding individuals and organizations, independent of time, place and pace.

The Importance of E-learning

it is student centered which focuses on students particular needs. It simultaneously authorizes learners of different backdrop to equally access the superlative resources, learning and referral materials, tutoring, and teaching sessions from knowledgeable instructors.

Thank you for Listening

Prepared by:

Florian May B. SebastianSheri-Gil Velasco

Angeleen RebuenoMary Jane Rañon

BEED-3 (Night)

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