認識基督的奧秘 - stlcbc.org · 奧秘的源頭 origin 3...

Post on 30-Aug-2019






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Knowing the Mystery of Jesus Christ

Ephesians 以弗所書 3:1- 13

1因此,我保羅——為你們外邦人做了基督耶穌被囚的,替你們祈禱。 2 諒必你們曾聽見神賜恩給我,將關切你們的職分託付我, 3 用啟示使我知道福音的奧祕,正如我以前略略寫過的。 4 你們念了,就能曉得我深知基督的奧祕。 5 這奧祕在以前的世代沒有叫人知道,像如今藉著聖靈啟示他的聖使徒和先知一樣。 6 這奧祕就是外邦人在基督耶穌裡,藉著福音,得以同為後嗣,同為一體,同蒙應許。

7 我做了這福音的執事,是照神的恩賜,這恩賜是照他運行的大能賜給我的。 8 我本來比眾聖徒中最小的還小,然而他還賜我這恩典,叫我把基督那測不透的豐富傳給外邦人, 9 又使眾人都明白,這歷代以來隱藏在創造萬物之神裡的奧祕是如何安排的, 10 為要藉著教會,使天上執政的、掌權的現在得知神百般的智慧。 11 這是照神從萬世以前在我們主基督耶穌裡所定的旨意。 12 我們因信耶穌,就在他裡面放膽無懼,篤信不疑地來到神面前。 13 所以,我求你們不要因我為你們所受的患難喪膽,這原是你們的榮耀。

Union or unity? 聯合 or 合一

Frozen or Melt 冷凍 or 溶化

Single or stick together 單晶 or 粘合

Who are we ?

1. 在基督裡的豐盛 (1: 3 – 14) Rich blessings in Christ

2. 真知灼見的信仰 (1: 15 – 23) A belief with insights and true knowledge of Him

3. 我們原是神手上的工作 (2: 1- 10) We are God’s workmanship

4. 成為神藉著聖靈居住的所在 (2: 11 – 22)

Growing into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit

I. 以弗所書教導我們在基督裡合一

II. Background (3: 1 – 13)

3:1 因此 (For this reason),我保羅——為你們外邦人做了基督耶穌被囚的,…

3:7 我做了這福音的執事,是照神的恩賜,…

3:14 因此 (For this reason),我在父面前屈膝——

III. 信息大綱 Outline

1. 保羅的呼召 2. 神的奧秘 3. 認識神的奧秘幫助


• Paul’s calling • God’s mystery • Knowing God’s mystery

helps church unity

IV. 保羅的呼召 Paul’s calling 1因此,我保羅——為你們外邦人做了基督耶穌被囚的,2 諒必你們曾聽見神賜恩給我,將關切你們的職分託付我, 1For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles— 2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, 13 所以,我求你們不要因我為你們所受的患難喪膽,這原是你們的榮耀。 13 So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory.

7 我做了這福音的執事,是照神的恩賜,這恩賜是照他運行的大能賜給我的。8 我本來比眾聖徒中最小的還小,然而他還賜我這恩典,叫我把基督那測不透的豐富傳給外邦人, 7 I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. 8 Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ,

保羅的榜樣 Paul’s Example

He knows his calling and trust.

He has a servant heart.

He was given the gift of grace;

a privilege to serve.

He depends on the power of

Holy Spirit

He sees himself humbly and







V. 神如何啟示祂的奧秘 God’s Mystery Revealed

• 源頭 Origin • 啟示 Revelation • 描述 Description • 豐富 Riches

• 規劃 Plan • 智慧 Wisdom • 實現 Realization • 進路 Access

奧秘的源頭 Origin 3 用啟示使我知道福音的奧祕,正如我以前略略寫過的。4 你們唸了,就能曉得我深知基督的奧祕。

3 how the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly. 4 In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,

奧秘的啟示 Revelation 5 這奧祕在以前的世代沒有叫人知道,像如今藉著聖靈啟示他的聖使徒和先知一樣。 5 which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets.

奧秘的描述Description 6 這奧祕就是外邦人在基督耶穌裡,藉著福音,得以同為後嗣,同為一體,同蒙應許。 6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.


8 ….叫我把基督那測不透的豐富傳給外邦人, 8 ….to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable (untraceable) riches of Christ,

奧秘的規劃Plan 9 又使眾人都明白,這歷代以來隱藏在創造萬物之神裡的奧祕是如何安排的, 9 and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things,


10 為要藉著教會,使天上執政的、掌權的現在得知神百般的智慧。 10 so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.


11 這是照神從萬世以前在我們主基督耶穌裡所定的旨意。 11 This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord,

奧秘的進路Access 12 我們因信耶穌,就在他裡面放膽無懼,篤信不疑地來到神面前。 12 in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him.

VI. 在基督裡合一 Unity in Christ

• 合一是神的心意 (God’s will) • 合一是傳揚 “基督那測不透的豐富” (To preach the unsearchable riches of Christ) • 合一彰顯神百般的智慧 (God’s wisdom made known) • 合一是每一在基督裡的人,自謙與自信,彰

顯神在他身上的恩典 (humility and boldness through faith in Him)

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