effective boards presentation

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MPCA Health Center Board Member TrainingMay 4, 2012Midland, MI

How Efficient is Your Board of Directors?

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The legal responsibilities of your board of directors are pretty clear. The board must:

Ensure the organization fulfills its mission

Guarantees the organization complies with its bylaws and other rules

Reviews the financial performance

Hire and evaluate the CEO

Beyond the basics, a smooth functioning board with diverse skills is a godsend.

While a quarrelsome, nit-picking board with thin experience will distract you at best and bring down the organization at worst.

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Use the following behavior patterns to see which fit your board.

Dream Board or Scary Board?

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It is alert to signs of trouble before a crisis erupts

Always asking questions such as: How are we doing in meeting our mission? Are we working hardest on the most

important task? Could we do things better and more

efficiently? Where are we in meeting our long-range


An effective board looks at the big picture.

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It works from an agenda so that it does not waste time on un-necessary issues.

It endorses planning and the use of planning tools.

Freely endorsing time and money spent on anticipated future problems and preparing for them.

A good board has a keen sense of


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When staff and board members disagree, every effort is made to understand the opposing side's position in order to come to a clear resolution.

The board makes sure that the staff operates in a fear-free atmosphere and feels confident that if they express their opinions, they will not be punished.

A judicious board thinks before it acts.

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The board elects members that have skills needed and then encourages teamwork among them.

The goal is to achieve the organization’s objectives by using the board intelligence through teamwork.

Staff should not have to act as a referee among directors.

An efficient board values teamwork.

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It reviews the organization's mission annually and re-energizes itself through various activities.

It invites outside expertise and educates itself in best practices.

The outstanding board constantly evaluates itself and keeps improving

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First we must understand the gap between where we are now and where we want to be.

What is the reason for the gap and what do we need to do to close it?

Do the skills and assignments of your baord members line ip with the skills and interest of the directors and the organization’s needs?

Does your board allow for meaningful dialogue between board members?

Is there a timely flow of sufficient information to board members to make informed decisions?

How can we improve our board effectiveness?

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Who is sitting at the board table?

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The belief is that board development pactices help organizations obtain competent board members and in turn having competent board members leads to improved board performance.

Board development is considered to have 3 components: The recruitment process, training and evaluations.

The idea is shown in the diagram on the next slide designed by Arizona State University College of Public Programs

Effective boards begin with effective board members

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Starts with recruiting Are the members qualified? Properly Motivates Dependable Are there a proper number of board

members for the size of the organization? Are we able and/or willing to replace

ineffective baord members?

How do we create and effective board?

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Are new members given an orientation?

Is there a board development policy/process?

Are we training on relevant topics?

Have members been trained on program expectations?

Are funds budgeted for board development?

Are board members receiving the proper training?

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Is the board evaluation completed annually?

What is being done with the results of the evaluation?

Is each board member completing a self evaluation?

What is the process for each of these?

Are we being effective as board members and as a board?

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Approaches responsibilities in the spirit of a director on behalf of the members and the industry at large.

Maintains loyalty to the organization with a higher loyalty to the members.

Welcomes information and best available advice, but reserves the right to arrive at decisions based on own judgment.

Honors commitments.

Supports board decisions (internally and externally) even when he or she may disagree with the majority opinion. Promotes unity within the organization.

What are the characteristics of an effective board member?

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Offer opinions honestly and in a constructive way.

Respects the opinions of others.

Avoids any possibility of conflict of interest.

Understands legal and fiduciary responsibilities.

Gives respect and consideration to other board members. Listens as an ally. Focuses on issues, not personalities.

Offers constructive feedback.

Asks informed questions.

Clearly understands her/his responsibilities.

Willing to actively serve on at least one committee.

Comes to meetings on time, well prepared and actively participates

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Understands and is committed to the organization's mission.

Speaks with one voice when representing the organization.

Acts as an advocate for the organization and its members.


Has expertise in areas necessary to assist the board and the organization.

Contributes knowledge.

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Willing to give time.

Recognizes that her/his time and energy are limited, and takes care not to make any commitment that cannot be fulfilled.

Be active in committee meetings

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How do I advocate? Establish and maintain relationships with your

elected officials Establish and maintain relationships with staff of

elected officials Attend town meetings Write your elected official Call and send faxes to your elected officials Offer to testify on health centers Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper Be active in your state PCA and NACHC

Acts as an advocate for the organization and its members.

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A requirement in the Bureau’s program Expectations

No more than ever we are in a fight for survival of the health center program

A duty to the patients we serve and the organization

If we don’t advocate for our patients who will?

Why do I need to advocate?

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Beacon Consulting Group LLC

David Brown(734) 735-3573



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