effective problem solving through councils

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This is a pattern taken from the book Counseling with Our Councils by Elder M. Russell Ballard


Effective Problem Solving through Councils

A Pattern Taken from the bookCounseling with Our Councils

by M. Russell Ballard

Presented by Jimmy Smith,owner of MormonMissionPrep.com

October 10, 2013


When I read this book, I noticed a pattern emerging from the many stories

This pattern stems from my interpretation and analysis of Elder Ballard’s examples

Counseling with Our Councils


Problem Solving Pattern

Define Problem• Awareness• Escalation• Assignment• Discussion• Definition

Implement Solution• Alternatives• Determinatio

n• Implement

Analyze Results• Rinse and

repeat, if necessary


Symptoms of a problem are revealed

Through data, analysis, a feeling, or other means

Problem Awareness

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results

All Lego people images courtesy of Flickr user ntr23


An event occurs that drives the need to address the problem Mandate from your

boss/leader, customer complaint, etc.

The problem is escalated to a council Consists of a council

leader and council members

Problem Escalation

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Council leader takes ownership of problem or delegates

ownership to someone else

Investigation of the problem

Problem Assignment

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Open and honest conversation about the problem

Questions are asked Ideas are shared Data is examined

Problem Discussion

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


The council searches out the root cause

The root problem is clearly defined and articulated

Root Problem Definition

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Brainstorm potential solutions that are specific and measurable

Discuss and evaluate options

Focus on the desired results

Solution Alternatives

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Assigned owner determines best solution

Communicates solution to the council leader Gets buy in from other

stake holders, as needed

Council leader decides on the solution to pursue

Solution Determination

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Do it Council leader

assigns appropriate individuals to implement the solution

Empowerment and resources provided

Solution Implementation

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Collect data (qualitative and quantitative)

Return and report Make sure the

solution is solving the problem

If not, rinse and repeat

Results Analyzed

Define Problem

Implement Solution

Analyze Results


Councils do not inherently function this way It may come naturally for a few people, but not

for most Training and concerted effort is required

This pattern will lead to significantly improved results I have found this true where I have applied it in

my work Plus we have the testimony of an apostle

Concluding Thoughts


Any Questions?

Thank You!


Appendix: Examples and Quotes from Counseling with Our Councils


Problem Awareness An EQP said: “We didn't schedule the [home teaching] interviews as often as we should have, and when we did try to hold them, most of the home teachers weren't very excited about coming." p. 128

Problem Escalation "In one of my quarterly interviews with the stake president, I mentioned the problem we were having." p. 129

Problem Assignment He "said a priesthood leader's duty is to 'sit in council' with his quorum members" and made some suggestions for the EQ presidency. p. 129

Problem Discussion "In our next quorum presidency meeting, I talked with my counselors about my discussion with the stake president." p. 129

Problem Definition “The real agenda of the home teaching interview is to agree on the 'next step' to help each quorum member come unto Christ." p. 129

Solution Alternatives "When we prayed about our decisions at the end of the meeting, we all felt good about them." p. 129

Solution Determined "We agreed to hold more regular interviews and to try a different approach." p. 129

Solution Implementation

"That Sunday, instead of just handing out the new assignments like we usually did, we interviewed every home teacher who had a new assignment and explained what we were trying to accomplish." p. 129

Results Analyzed "Since then, I haven't had any trouble getting Gary to come to home teaching interviews. In fact, he's one of the most faithful home teachers in our quorum." p. 131

Example from Counseling with Our Councils: Home Teaching


Problem Awareness "A large family in our ward experienced a crisis when the father lost his job." p. 15

Problem Escalation "They were reluctant to respond to my offer of temporary assistance." p. 15"I discovered that they were heavily in debt and were behind on their mortgage." p. 16

Problem Assignment

"I took the matter to my ward welfare committee and to the ward council." p. 15

Problem Discussion "Our RS president volunteered to visit with the mother of the family to ascertain their temporal needs." p. 16"The EQ president counseled with the father…and worked with him on ways to improve his employment situation." p. 16

Problem Definition "Following approved welfare guidelines, I inquired about the ability of their extended family to help through this challenging period in their lives." p. 16

Solution Alternatives

"Our RS president … was able to learn that the mother had a brother who was very wealthy." p. 16

Solution Determined

"I counseled with her and eventually received her permission to contact her brother, who lived in a distant city." p. 16

Solution Implementation

"Within three days he arrived in Salt Lake City and helped get his sister's financial affairs in order." p. 16"Meanwhile, our EQ president was helping her husband to find a steady job." p. 17

Results Analyzed "The family was more secure than they had ever been." p. 17

Example: Family Finances


Problem Awareness The bishop "decided to drop in on Mutual opening exercises just to see how things were going. What he saw frustrated and troubled him." p. 161

Problem Escalation The bishop "couldn't get out of his mind the image of those teenagers behaving so disrespectfully in the chapel." p. 161

Problem Assignment

The bishopric "decided it would be a good subject to bring before the ward council." p. 162

Problem Discussion "The bishop outlined his concerns before the ward council. … 'I honestly don't have any answers here…I'm really interested in hearing what you folks have to say.'" p. 162

Problem Definition "At the heart of the problem is our love and respect for Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." p. 163"Behaving disrespectfully in the chapel is just an outward manifestation of a much deeper problem that appears to exist throughout the ward. The greater issue here is personal testimony." p. 163

Solution Alternatives

"If we can strengthen the testimonies of ward members, they will naturally be more reverent." p. 163"We need to do a better job of teaching testimony and behavior." p. 164

Solution Determined

"I feel especially good about buillding our program on temple worthiness and worship. I believe that that is precisely the focus the Lord would have us maintain…Now, let's take a few minutes to develop some specific plans and suggestions." p. 167

Solution Implementation

"Anything we're going to do sort of begins and ends with this group of people here…if we do things that are counter to creating a respectful, reverent environment in our meetinghouse, it won't matter what else we say or do." p. 166

Results Analyzed  "The thing that I want to have happen…is for people to be able to walk into the chapel at any time and feel calm and peaceful and worshipful." p. 165

Example: Youth and Respect


Problem Awareness "A bishop I know was concerned about an escalating lack of reverence in his ward." p. 107

Problem Escalation "A general conference speaker suggested that reverence might be an appropriate topic for a ward council." p. 107

Problem Assignment "On his next ward council meeting agenda, 'Reverence' was prominently listed for discussion." p. 107

Problem Discussion The bishop read in the Handbook about his role in ward reverence and "that the ward council is to 'review progress' and to counsel together regarding 'all ward programs and activities.'" p. 107

Problem Definition  Solution Alternatives "'I quickly discovered that other members of the council shared my

concern, and they had some excellent suggestions for improvement,' the bishop said." p. 107

Solution Determined  Solution Implementation "Following the inspried counsel of Church leaders and implementing

handbook procedures has made a difference in our ward." p. 108Results Analyzed "'I am delighted to report that our reverence has greatly improved,'

the bishop said." p.108

Example: Sunday Reverence


Problem Awareness "One stake presidency was faced with a dilemma: of the 60 or so young single adults who lived within the stake boundaries, only about 40 wanted to attend the stake's YSA branch." p. 88

Problem Escalation "'We weren't exactly sure where they were attending, that was the problem. We wanted to make sure no one was falling through the cracks, and we wanted to provide a meaningful program.'" p. 88

Problem Assignment "Under the direction of the stake council, a special task committee was formed, composed of the stake RS, YW, and YM presidents; four high councilors (over those organizations)." p. 89

Problem Discussion "The group also discussed current branch membership, potential branch membership, and the names of the young people who would be eligible to join the branch during the next four years." p. 89

Problem Definition "During the first meeting, the problem was outlined." p. 89

Solution Alternatives "The information compiled by the task committee was presented to the stake council, where more candid and open dialogue led to the formation of a plan." p. 90

Solution Determined "The proposed plan was then presented to the stake bishops' council for their sustaining vote. Concerns and reservations were voiced and then resolved as they counseled together." p. 90“All who struggled with the challenges involved received his or her own testimony that in our stake this is what the Lord would have us do." p . 90

Solution Implementation

They "began to implement the approved program." p. 90

Results Analyzed "'We had to change some of our own long-entrenched ways of doing things, and that was painful to a degree,' the stake president said." p. 90

Example: YSA Branch

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