elcome back - dartmoorps.vic.edu.au

Post on 03-Dec-2021






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Principal Note

A big Dartmoor welcome back to students, staff and community. I

hope families enjoyed their holidays and that you are all refreshed

and ready for a fantastic 2021 school year.

A special welcome to our new Foundation students Shikara Young,

Ava Bentley and Nolan Bull, who have started school and settled in

extremely well into school life.

Our main avenues of communication will be through our fortnightly

Newsletter covering all up and coming events along with prompts on

our Facebook Page and text messages for more urgent notifications.

We are all looking forward to a wonderful year ahead and we hope

you all are too!


Thursday, 4 th February

Ed i t ion 1 , 2021

Important Dates


Wednesday 3rd, 10th, 17th,

24th February and 3rd March,

No Preps at school

Friday 5th of February

Welcome Afternoon Tea

Friday 12th February

Whole School Assembly


Wednesday 17th February

Family Information Night


Friday 26th February

Assembly 3:00pm


Monday 8th March

NO SCHOOL Labour Day

Public Holiday

Wednesday 10th March

First Wednesday for Preps

Friday 12th March

Assembly 3:00pm

Thursday 12th March

Athletics Day

Tuesday 23th March

Rural Schools Athletics Day

Wednesday 24th March

Parent / Teacher interviews

Friday 26th March

Assembly 3:00pm


Thursday 1st April

Last Day of Term 1

Friday 5th April

NO SCHOOL Good Friday

Public Holiday


Foundation Students:

Shikara, Ava and Nolan

Dartmoor Primary School

All parents must

sign in using the QR

Code located at

the front gate prior

to entering the

school grounds.

Page 2

C h a n g e o f De t a i l s & C o m m u n i c a t i on

LUNCH ORDERS : W i l l b e e v e r y T h u r s d a y a n d a m e n u w i l l

b e p o s t e d o n t h e F a c e b o o k p a g e w h e n a v a i l a b l e .

HEAT UPS : W i l l b e e v e r y F r i d a y a n d p l e a s e e n s u r e f o o d

( p r e f e r a b l y f r o z e n ) i s w r a p p e d i n f o i l a n d c l e a r l y n a m e d .

2021 Staff


At Dartmoor we pride ourselves on being approachable.

The best time to talk to staff is either before or after

school (if it is a quick chat) otherwise more lengthy meet-

ings with teachers need to be made as an appointment

at a suitable time.

Teachers should be the first point of contact as far as

communication goes regarding your children and any

ongoing and persistent issues can be discussed through

a scheduled meeting with the Principal.

Change of details

If you moved during the

holidays or changed

your phone number or

even started a new job,

PLEASE update these

details at the office.

It is essential we are

able to contact you in

case of an emergency

with your child.

Sue Reiffel - For February only

Acting Principal (Monday and Friday)

Junior Class: Monday | Senior Class: Friday

Gill Bull Junior Class: Tuesday | Whole School Music

Leanne Firth Math Specialist | Whole School Respectful Relationships

Katrina Angelino Senior Class | Whole School PE

Veronica G Junior Class |Whole School Gunditjamarra Studies

Bron Lane


Senior Class

Sally Pohland


Whole School MARC

Alana Nesbit Front Office

Wendy McFarlane Front Office

W e l c o m e A f t e r n o o n T e a

a n d In fo r m at i o n N i g h t

A Welcome Afternoon Tea for all Parents is being held

on Friday 5th of February at 9:05am at the General


A Whole school Family Information Night is scheduled for

Wednesday 17th February starting at 5:15pm. Please text

the School mobile on 0475 590 822 if you are able to

make it.

We hope to see you there!

Toys and special things at school.

Dartmoor PS does not encourage students to

bring new and special toys to school.


They could get lost or broken or they can cause

some issues between students. We are very

lucky at this school to have to lots of different re-

sources, games and equipment for the students

to use.

The school is not responsible for any item brought

to school from home if it becomes lost or bro-

ken. Thank you for your support with this.

Foundation Students 2021

Just a reminder for the first 4

weeks of Term 1, Foundation

students won’t have to attend

school on a Wednesday.

Foundation students will start

full time on Wednesday 10th


S c h o o l C o u n c i l D a t e s

11th February

24th March

AGM at 6pm

School Reminders

If a student is going to be LATE or ABSENT please text or call

the school to inform us why. If we haven't heard from you by

11am we will contact you during the day.

Students are expected to be at school by 8:50am every day,

this gives them enough time to organise their work station

before class starts.

School Council President : Mrs

Annemaree Harvey

Parents Club: Mrs Annemaree


Dar tmoor Pr imary

School Contact

Deta i l s :



All students who have an ‘Action Plan’ for any of the above conditions, we must have an up to date copy.


PO Box 35

Dartmoor, Vic, 3304

Tel: 03 5528 1382

Mobile: 0475 590 822

Email: dartmoor.ps@education.vic.gov.au

First Day of Term 1!

Uniform items

available to be

Purchased from school:

Windcheater $32

(Polar fleece with zip, sizes 4-12)

Polo Top $23

(Blue with logo, sizes 4-12)

Shorts $10

(Dark navy mesh)

Vests $4.50

(limited stock)

Hats $10

(Sizes S M L)

School Bag $30

(Hume backback)

top related