electrical engineering objective questions part 7

Post on 28-Sep-2015






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    There are two time functious g,(l) and ll:(t) 11 i lh FoW'ier trnnsfonus 0 1(1) and 0, cl)

    repeciti"Vel~ Fourier cransfom1 ol' n,g1 (l) .. b.g1 (t) will be (a lllld b 10 tlu~ expressu.>n l!re c:onstanc) a, The con' olatioo or a G1 (I) and ben tn b Theproduct ofs'Gc (~ !llld bG~ (I) c, The sum or a Gt(f') and bG2 (I) t1 The prodtct or c;, U) Md a, V)

    u b Band11idtl1 of u frequeoc~ modulated signal is a. Zero b. Tile frequen~ of tlte modulating signal c. Twice tlte frequencr ol' modulating

    Stgntd cl lnfinil) The balance equation Z = A.B ... A.B can be realized using only a. AND gat~s b. O.R gates c. NAND gates d, NOT gntes Current dram form lhe power s upply 1s lowest m wbiah one ol' the following d1.gital JC logc f3mdy'' a TIL b, EOL c, MOS i.l. CMOS A MOSFET whb poT)' silicon gale IS preferred 10 a MOSI'IIT 11itl1 aluminum gate since in tlJc !irst eliSe the a. Del'!ce becomes more t esistnot to

    radutll on b. Gate can be self-ahi!ned to source and

    drain c. Isolation bet11e~ adjacent de11ces is

    beller d. Gate leakage current os snl;lller In semoconductor wafer cleaning, triChloroethylene is used to remo1e a Dust p:ll'ticles from the surface b, Grease from the surface c. Impurities from 111thin lhe CI)'Stal cl Moisture Iroon !he surface


    I 0.

    Work lunc!ion is a. Mlllimum t~mpurruur~ at 11 hicb

    thenmon enoissinn occurs b. MJnimum excess energy needed for

    therrmoo emissoon c. Maxi mum temperature up to which

    thcrmion emission occurs d. Optilnum onergl lor lhermion

    emrssron For n p-type semiconduc1or. Femu level lies a. In tile middle of the energy gap b. Close to ~1c bottom of the conducuon

    ban.d c. Close to the lop of the conducloon band d. Cluse to the top of ~Je valence bnnd The force bel~>een a ~harg~ q :md a grtluoded infinile conducting place kepi ay n distanced form iL is gi ved by

    ,, a 4.76,1/'


    d 16trt,d' In ~ soolrce-free lmcrerfect ~~~l

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    .l Use mtegral error c~mpensatioo m tire S)'StC111 Scl~t til~ correct anS\1 er !Sing tbc codes l?"'""' by a_ 1,2 a11d 3 b I :tud :! c. I muP d 2 and 1 For a fixed choo~ uf steady-state wloctty error. the 118e or dclwurrve output compensation m a proportional second order C(li\ITOI !\)'$t.em mcren.'iCS wbtch of the folJOWIDj11/ I Scnln~ttuuu 2. Undraped narurnl frequency J . Dampin_g ~tn Select the coOTect aMw(11

    ln the: rircLUt sho11. th~ millnl voltage on the ulse ll Pi4Vitlc

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    ~c:r-----~------ ~

    R o, , -i:::::IH---!>1-------1

    Ill the CirCUit shown. runctf'OIIIlf diode 0, ~~ a, To avuid lhc ~ntur:ilion of th~

    opcrntionnl amplifier b. To provrde dtc ncgotive feedback when

    I he mpul is negnnve c. To r.oducc lhe reverse breakdown

    vollnge ofD1 cl .lnsigniHcnnt and cnn be removed



    T -1


    r or the ~il'lluit ~hown in the ligur~. which 1)1\C a f I he following WIIVCrOrlll> repreSentS I he correct output

    f\t' 11 ~BV (b) ... i\ll 0 -8 V

    1c10~ (dl o~''" IV 1-:-rn f1or n los~lcss two wimHng singl~>ophuse trunsformer on NOLOAD. the following four phasor dingr.tms A. B. C and D ttre con~ider~d. Sutndlird ~mho Is arc bdng

    u~cd In mpl'ilS~nl the Vllltagc. cum.'tlt and llu~

    A 0 B 0



    1=, =- v,

    J of l-1

    c Q D 0


    Which l$ the correct j1hns(>r-d!agr!lnt'l a. A b. B c. c d. D

    A uL~,, x r;;; tl !l, ' ii' lG '::'Jl' : c. L b

    A Oll!mal Ll - ~connected J phase traostormer is obtllmcd b) connccung. three smgle-phase transformers L II and Ill as shown above. If rn!n~lbnner Ill is removed. the system \\'Quid nm operate in "'011~>-delta mod~. Under thi~ condition. tf \IOilugo Vt~o is designed by I' L60". the volmg~ I:... is a. I' L 60 b. I'Ll 80" c . I L 180 d I'L-60 A thr~phru.e 50 Ht. rrun~mf~~ion line hus a copaciUtnc., o r line to n~mml s O.OipF'H7tr Th~ voltage of the Hne fs 100 kV. The charglll CllTfllpl per ~lom

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    Ffjr d1e power '}'$l'eQI networl. shown. the zm>-~equence reactance's in ~u. are lnaioMed. The Ztm-stqucne driving 11oint rc:aclanec ufhu.~ J in p.u.. is u. IU2 b. O.JO "" cl.ltJ d. 0.20

    2 5 Whkh oF th

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    D. Sdting time (2"~) !,hi II

    r. I (~J,, Jt- :') 2. 4 1 (.;ro, ) 3 ~P( >r.;JJI ; ' ) ,, r. -[o~'ff / I!J,Jt-;'1]

    b. c.


    1\ 3 -l


    13 2 1 1 2

    c 4

    D 1 2 2

    lbe overage value of lhew:n~fonn ll(l) = 4 cos 41 - 1 sin 51" 4. 0 h. - (21 11') c. 2/ ~r (L 20 / :r

    34. A recipt'OC:ll two tort netwotl ,. ; ymmelrie"l if t1t- Zu = z;l! b. .i1 ~ I c. A =D J . a = 1

    ' 35. lf an RC tmpednce fimction, Z(l, h .. eqUt I A. Dual coovc.rtOI' 13. DC chopper C. Cyclo couvertur 0 , lnvelter Lb1 n l. Centet~l klh1 drivo 2. lncluctiun henting :'1. Rollin~ mill rlrivc 4. Electric:tl vehtcle 5. Sugr mills

    A ll C' a. 2 I 5 b. 3 4 ~. 2 4 d. 3 I 5

    D 3 2 J 2 Conoid~r the folio" h1J.! s takmcot.s: Disintt of c(ccl.ronic dc\'iethe op=tin!l point 2. 'l'o make !be O(l

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    d Til~ uddJ'\lS!> Of Ule IIOXI lllStrUCIJOR (O be e.xeruted

    A .S..h p , 3-ph:jSc, 400 V, 4-polc.. 5() H7 ~tnrrel-cage inducuon motor hns a full-

    lo~d speed of I ~~(I r p m, At half full-load the Speed nfthis motor would be u 148Urp.11L b 1470rpm. c 1-lfiQr p. m ii 1450rpm. r or a repulstotHyp~ sntgle-phas.! tnducuon motor lour conJigurauons of tl!c

    brush-a~ts tn relauon to the stator-field axts at an tnstan1 are constdereCott~ider the roiiO\\ tng SlllllllllentS I f lush AJ D ~onverter is the fusti!SL 2 Mmimum hardware IS used in

    nnplcmemln& 1he Flnsh AID comen~r Wlll~b of tf1~ sluiemcnls ~tVcn above ts arc COITCC17 a. I only IJ l only c. Both I and1 cl Nettber I uur 2 Copper bns u much low~r rl)Sistlvcly lhan aluminum StO: hns a dielectric conslruu of 3, Q and Xerogi.'l has a dielec1nc consmnl of 2 I In order to r.:ducc rh~ InterconneCt dclny in VLSI dnzwts, what should 11'l oombinarion M ulctal !llld llcll'Ctrt~ Juyer? a C(lpper wtth St01 b 1\llllllllllllll S I 0; c. t\lumtnfum wflh Xerogel d Copper whh Xcrogel


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    51 Consider th~ following 11terjal$ can be

    used at high fNquenci;;. Wbieb of tbe s~'t"'n"'tb giwn abol'.: arb corTecr'/ a, 1,2 nnd 3 b. 1 nnd 2 c 2 :mc.l ~ tl I nnd 3

    52 n.e E-fleld or u 11nif'onn pbne ""ve prt'i)Agaling ill diolefless Unu be so ll!l to oppell.r us ;m open circuit ot the input lcnrtioals'/

    ~ r = ..t 4 b. /= ). 2 .:. 1= 1. 3 d. l=..t

    54. Which one ol' th,e l'ollowlng i1< Ue copaci.ty Q[ swndard telephone .:hanuel Qccupying the trequooey range Qf JOO to '3~00 Hz Jur nn octuDI S 'JI.' rotio ol' 1023? u. .< lOOO bits per second ll. ~06\Ml bil!t per ~ceond c. 3471t200 'bits ptnt is mudt larger than those uf ordin:tay dic:le~trie mnt.criaiJt.

    7 ul IJ 3. 11u:re IS RPQnlaneous- I>OI:trizat1on of

    the material 11 hen it ts in the ferruelt-etri.; SI:LIC.

    Wl!icb of the s lillemcnl!! given ~lluvc ~re c:ottc:ct2 1.,2 and 3 b. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3 d. I and-'

    56. lf'N = number of atrom,;/m1 a a = Polaris ability

    ~ = o~ohllepennilliVity of free space Tll

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    d. lucr"-asc rhc r.sing anJJIU limtr during inv~rtc.r operation

    ~ : 2 f reqooncy

    Which one of rhc li1llowln!;!, is the minimmn phase lrdllSfer function thnl corresponds to Bode magnitude plot sho""' on ligurc'/

    J n, - -

    2.1+1 b. 2s-'- l

    I "-

    -r--$-l 2 I a. -,r t I 2

    Cons1der Ute LTI system wuh ullpclls.o response !t(l) =- u(t).u >O, which one of Jhc lblloll'lng g11'~ ~~~ rc.~ponse 10 the SI!!OOI .~{1)=~ "u(t) ? a. J'(t) =rnn con: IS ~~>C-d 1(1

    I lncrcusc rhe ~ful nux 2. !!duo~ the lcaknge nux 3 Reduce the us.!ful Oll~ Whrcb of Ut~ above isl:rre corw:l7 a. 2 only b. I Wld2 c. 2 und 3 d. 3 0111)

    Sol I~

    64. II single.-phnsc dlode-br.dgc rectlroer is connect~d to a load resistor of SOohm~. The source voltng.e is v= 200sin ror. whore w = 2r. A 50 mdlnns per second. n1e pQWer dissipute.d in the Jontl resistur i~

    400 6.67 v c. 101\V d JIJOV

    66. I I' both tbe in puiS Ill a balI' udder are I. tbc sum and CIJIT}' outpul nro. rcspccrivcly



    a. 0,() h U,l c. 1.(1 d 1. 1 The numh\!r nf >1\llllrivinl logic 1\urctious iua1-vanuhlc logic family is a. ~ b. Ill (!. u d. 16 u

    v' --c~=:r-----,1 R 'r----J'----,

    ~o !)


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    A sinusoidal !ciDntor i! boil u".in~ ~n mnplifier of Teal !~"in .-\. inlinik input impedance and 1 he f""dh,,ck 1/1} network ~1\own in the ITgure. lf l i \'. lb~n 2 0 i$ equal to a. 2jX h. jX

    ~. iX tL 2j'X n.. only lbbil long instruction in a rnad1ine code that IL~es immediat addreo.-sing modein 8085 io a. LXUil.:XX.X b. LDAXXXX c. Ull..D~'-""C\ J. 'LI\oiPXX.\.. "\ Whicb or t)le following. ttiL'mOry IJnit no:ed fJeriudic refreshing? n. ROM b, EPROM c. Sl~l ic RAt\ I d. l)~,.amlc RAM ' l'wo 3-phaoe lteruator:s """ synchroml.ed so ~101 ~1eir no load wllllg.:s E1 and E, arc. equalt- r.r the exdtntion or mac:hlno 1 is pt\w increased. ibeo I. A I()C.'II cil'l!ulnfing Clln','lll I is sd Up. 2. I, mugnoti7)n!! in n~\111'1: lor machine 2. 3. 1, tenci~ IQ reduceEu. .J.. 'J11e terminal vol!llgcs J ocs not cthmgc, Wl>icb uf Lhc Slllh:tncnt. gi1 en ohul'e nrc

    ~ ongle d, RCO>etivt fX)Wcr and ollllgc magnicudc






    I) of 14 Bond-] imlled White GaUS!Iion Not1urc.

    Which Of U1c Mtcwtnl' gi~etl ~b(m: is/are C(lm:ct1 a. I and2 b. 2 ltnly c. 'I and 3

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    b, One $elect Hne ~nd one ou1put line c. 'l'brc::e~clecllines and one oulputllne tl, rwo >elect lmes omd ~IWo OUIJJUI llno:s

    80. lan-implnntnlion t $Uperiqr process 10 cliJ'fusion because .of which or u,e following rt:asuos? L It i! lu.[\h lcmperutwc pmc'Ss. 2. ll rosulu. in prooiso> control or depth

    ond pro.file. J , l.1t1Jc.e cbmoge due to high enerl!Y ion

    benm. can be annealed. Seltel U1e ~llfrO.:t nn!\Yet u.~ing U1c ~ode given bclo\\ 1,2 and3 h. I and 2 tl. 2 and 3 d. I Md 3

    S I C:ortidar the f11llowingproce.s steps u.~ doo:s lhe SiO, Ioyer exhibit fill' usc in JC filhrjc l ion1 L l t provides proh!ctive ~onductma

    Ioyer on thesilioon surl~ce. -2. II pro, ides surfac" p~ssVlllion 3. ll soves a an insulator on the silicon

    surfoet>. -4. 11 provitlo~ suprJort for ll lC

    compnnot11s to be l':tbrrClltetlll"c:r it. Select the COI'TCCI nnswe~ ru;ins tho lde givtm below: a. 2 nnd J b. "and~ c. I and~ d. land 2



    83. Mttt~h List 1 {Element of MecllaniiUll 87. Sytcm) wltb List ll (/lnalogowl Elomrnt

    ltJoll4 on Blo:ctrlcal Network) :md select the correct answer;

    l.i~ I A. tvlai>$ B. Sprutg C. l)amp~r D. l)i.;placl:tll1>nl List n l. lnductonoc 2 Cl1Jl"aitnncc 3. R~iSt3nl!C 4. Chnrsc 5. Current

    A a t' D .. 1 2 J 4 b. ~ 3 S I ~ I ~ 5 4 II 4 2 3 Three block$ G, Gt nnd C''l arc cunneeted in some ft~;;hion .3uch tbnl ove(all IJ .. nsftr

    futw.tion~ is G, G, ( 1' G,G' ) . 111e l)Joc:!;s 1-G,G,

    are oonnccled iolhe following manner: 3 . G,. C::: with negative reedbaclr and

    comhinatiQn llar;,l)ej w11h G~ h. G,, GJ with nugativc rceclbnck ~nd G..

    in porJ lltl c. Gs. ~ iS '"'sc.~de 011d comhinolicm in

    pnrollel with G1 d. G~,Clj in casc.1de and combination in

    pnrnlle l with 0: Tite uni1 in1puL~e restlOnse of the system dcscrib

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    In the llii'Oilll shown m 1be figure. \foliage~ IS !JlVC!O b)

    cW I ' (l Jl+ ' b '~ c_ tf. +Fir!


    J /It'' +V rf! I

    tn u

    IDV . .,

    1n tb1s t:trouu ~bown, l!urrem through R b (l 0 b 05A c: 25A

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    B. Doth A and R are indi Vtdt mvbile at all

    ~. Both i\ ~nd Rare ntdi"idun lly true anti R i.s tbe correct explanation of A

    b. B

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    1L Diflbrcntiator and phnsc modul!ltor A ~-pha~., eylindricn1-rofor allem~tOr. Number of teeth 'I" the rmor should

    l>~"eli:rAbly be qqu l to L Ti 2. Elg)lt 3. Si:t -t Pour 5. rwo

    Wlu~h ofthe above nrc correct'! "- l1111d 3 h. 3 nnd ' .:. 2 aml:1 d. 1. 2 nnd 4 Whidt methods can be used fot Ute moasur mcut of three pltruw I"'"'"' for :m unbalnoced loDd2 I. 'lltree voftmol'e"' 2. 'two voltmeters and one anm1eter :.. Two 'V~Llmeter' 4. 01ll: wrcUmet.:t S:t the t~t answer u..

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    113. M:ttch List 1 " lth Li;t U and select lh~ C(>rrect answer List L (Power Plunt) A. N ucl;:.u B, Diccl C. Gru; turbino 0. Hydro l'.ist II (A pplk:ll inn ) I. Base lod 2. Stand-hy 3. Ua.5c load o peak IIJad -1 . Pe:~k food

    A n c

    ' I 3 4

    b. It 2 I !;. ~ ' ~ I (L l 2 -1

    D 2 3 2 3

    I 14 Match List l with List Jl and select tho: oorlect uswcr. Lii l (Protllc lo ground 3 . S hort circuit -t inter-rum s. c herloadlns

    A B (' D .~ I -1 2 s ... s 2 :> 1 c. 1 2 3 s d. s 4 2 I

    115. Which ) microlmc.,.sors ond oricrt)c(lntl'l) lff papo:r? u, Strain guuge b. LVDT c. Dinph>rm d. C~paci1~ncc lmnsducer \Vhioh one of die rouowi11!! frequency band fur COnitilunjcalion? u, 3 to JO kHz h. 3 Ill 30 1\ffiz c. ~ to .~0 GHz d. l o-' to 1(1' Gitl

    j!t the-sakUite


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