elementary and secondary education act title iii budget overview … · 2015. 9. 3. · ltel...

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Enclosure 2 Page 1 of 2

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Title III Budget Overview Annual Update

Name of LEA: Evergreen School District Fiscal Year: 2015-16

Total Title III Funding Amount: $319,450 Administrative/Indirect Costs (2%): 6,128

Title III Goal

Specific Title III Supplemental Key Actions

(Activities) to Meet Goal Unit (Purchase) Detail


Estimated Costs

for each Activity


Goal 2A: AMAO 1- Annual

progress Learning English

District Met this goal

Goal 2B

1 Select a cohort of teachers to to give input on selections for new ELD materials and high leverage strategies.

2. After selecting pilot materials for ELA/ELD, participants will be trained.

3 Ongoing PD and work with coaches, site leaders,

4 Select a cohort of teachers to to give input on selections for new ELD materials.

5 Teachers will continue to develop their understanding of the alignment of the ELD and Common Core State Standards. Teachers and instructional assistants will apply these standards to their instructional planning by providing Designated ELD and/or Integrated ELD.

2. We are now transitioning

into solidifying the cohort to

review the instructional

materials. Teachers will be

led in a facilitated discussion

of Expeditionary Learning

materials and then trained in

the utilization of the

resources. Teachers will be

piloting the materials as they

continue to implement

common core and ELD


3-5. Release time for

planning, and professional



2-5. $150,000

Subs/$135.00 per


Enclosure 2 Page 2 of 2

6 Summative & Formative assessments will be administered to students by teachers and IAs

7 District & Site Leadership will monitor implementation for evidence of ELD standards integration.

8 Principals will identify LTELs and provide intervention for the students and submit a plan to the district to support the learners.

9 Select a cohort of teachers to give input and needs for possible selections for new materials that address ELD standards.

10 ELD Materials Selection Process: Analysis & selection, professional development, pilot process, and implementation.

development for using new

ELA/ELD materials in

Integrated & Designated

ELD (substitutes at $135 per


8a. LTEL Specific


(materials, teacher extra


8b. Provide supplemental

expository text for LTEL


8a. $90,000

8b. $73,322

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 -Adequate

Yearly Progress (AYP) in

English/Language Arts

1. Teachers will focus on techniques that will scaffold

learning and provide differentiated instruction during

Language Arts.

2. Professional Development will be provided for

teachers on Integrated and Designated ELD(see 2B)

3. ELA/ELD Materials selection & monitoring(see 2B)

4. Continued support for LTELs: analysis of data, high

leverage instructional strategies, and monitoring.

Engaging students in collaborative, interpretive and

productive academic uses of language using rigorous

texts and practices.

5. Master Plan Revision & Implementation

6. Culturally Responsive Instruction Series: Organized

Cohort of teachers for building leadership capacity,

Sharroky Hollie facilitates three workshops for

teachers, coaches and admin. Middle School cohort

has differentiated facilitated work time with Sharroky

H. and his team.

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 – AYP in


1. Teachers will continue to connect strategies for

scaffolding and differentiating instruction to the

currently adopted math curriculum.

2. District and site admin. will monitor implementation.

3. Math materials were selected for the pilot, pilot was

implemented , selections were rated and selected. All

teachers will be trained, Implementation in fall 2015

4. Summative/Formative Assessments

5. Strategies that will support instruction for LTELs

Goal 2D: High Quality

Professional Development

1. Professional development on ELA/ELD, Integrated

and Designated ELD Instruction, Mathematics,

Culturally Responsive Instruction, Strategies for


Goal 2E: Parent and

Community Participation

1Review Family Engagement Framework

2. Director of Instructor will meet with site

administrators about framework

3. Continue to collect participation from parent

education events

4, Continue to promote Parent University

5. Continue promotional strategies with Director of


Goal 2F: Parental Notification 1. Continue to provide translation in major


Enclosure 2 Page 2 of 2

Total Title III



_____313,322.00______________________ Immigrant: $___N/A_______________

LEP Administrative & Indirect Costs (2%): $ ______6,128.00____________ Immigrant Administrative & Indirect Costs: $___N/A_______

For each applicable Title III goal indicated below, indicate the key actions that will be implemented to meet each goal, the related Title III budget item, and the estimated cost for each item.

Program Notes:

I. Activities must be of supplemental nature. Align activities with associated estimated costs.

II. LEAs must expend Title III funds on activities that are required, allowable, allocable, necessary and reasonable.

III. Title III funds should supplement the level of Federal, State, and local funds, including LCFF funds.

2. Ensure High Quality Translation

3. Continue to recruit for assistance

Goal 2G: Services for

Immigrant Students

(for LEAs receiving Title III,

Immigrant funds)


Goal 5A: Increase Graduation


Total Title III Budget Estimate

(Include Administration and

Indirect Costs) for LEP and

Immigrant Programs

LEP $ ________

$ ________

Goal 2A: AMAO 1 -Annual Progress Learning English GOAL

By June 2016, the percentage of English learners learning English will increase from 63.7% to 66.7%, in order to move toward state defined growth expectations as measured by CELDT. Evergreen School District met this goal and assures that the district will continue its efforts to support English Learners in meeting this goal.

[Required per Elementary and Secondary Education Act, sections 3116(a) & (b) and 3122(a)(3)(A)(i)]

3Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

PROGRESS: 62%(70 of 112 Action Items Complete)

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 1 of 102

Goal 2B: AMAO 2 - English ProficiencyGOAL

An increasing percentage of English learners will attain English language proficiency annually. By June 2016, the percentage of English learners in language instruction educational programs fewer than 5 years attaining English language proficiency will increase by 5%, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for meeting the CELDT criterion for English-language proficiency.

Evergreen School District met this goal and assures that the district will continue its efforts to support English Learners in meeting this goal.

By June 2016, the percentage of English learners in language instruction educational programs 5 or more years attaining English language proficiency will increase by 5%, in order move toward state-defined expectations for meeting the CELDT criterion for English-language proficiency.

3Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0


Budgeted: $316,450.05


Strengthen & Monitor Implementation of ELD ProgramSTRATEGY

The district will ensure that teachers incorporate the new ELD standards aligned with Common Core State Standards. Through district-wide professional development teachers will understand the new ELD standards and integrate them into Designated ELD. The site administrators, Director of Instruction and Assistant Superintendent will continue to monitor the implementation of Designated ELD through Instructional Rounds.

0Filing Cabinet Count Budgeted




ACTION STEP Alignment of Common Core and ELD Standards

Persons Responsible


Teachers will continue to develop their understanding of the alignment of the ELD and Common Core State Standards. Teachers will apply these standards to their instructional planning by providing Designated ELD and Integrated ELD.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/01/2014 - 06/15/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Tags T3Y4

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 2 of 102

Goal 2B: AMAO 2 - English ProficiencyGOAL

Strengthen & Monitor Implementation of ELD ProgramSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Alignment of Common Core and ELD Standards

TASKS 0 of 8 Complete

ELD Standards PD Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Ongoing PD and work with coaches and site leaders TOSAs, and district administrators on ELD standards

Instruction Not Begun Due 6/15/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will continue to implement Designated ELD strategies from the current District ELA adoption: Treasures & MacDougal Littell

Monitoring Implementation Not Begun Due 6/12/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

District and site leadership will monitor implementation for evidence of ELD standards integration during Designated ELD lessons through instructional rounds and/or formal observations.

Materials Adoption Cohort Not Begun Due 9/30/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Select a cohort of teachers to give input on possible selections for new ELD materials and discuss needs

Materials Professional Development Not Begun Due 11/25/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will receive PD needed to support instruction on the new pilot materials

Pilot Materials Not Begun Due 1/29/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers pilot designated programs/materials for ELD

Analysis & Selection of New Materials Not Begun Due 2/12/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Select Materials & Order Materials

Implementation & Monitoring Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Newly selected materials will be used and implementation will be monitored by site and district administrators.

ACTION STEP Monitoring Student Progress

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 3 of 102

Goal 2B: AMAO 2 - English ProficiencyGOAL

Strengthen & Monitor Implementation of ELD ProgramSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Monitoring Student Progress

Persons Responsible


Summative/Formative assessments will be collected and analyzed, facilitated by Instructional Assistants, during the year to monitor the progress of ELs in ELD. District Leadership Team, instructional team and district management will monitor the progress. Instructional Assistants will administer the CELDT and periodically administer the ADEPT and AR tests. Classroom teachers will gather other forms formative assessment data throughout the year. The Associate Superintendent and the Director of Instruction will review student progress on assessments including CELDT, CAASSP, Accelerated Reading, and ADEPT.

Filing Cabinet Count 1

01/21/2015 - 01/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Timeline Notes The Instructional Assistants will be the only test facilitators for the ADEPT and CELDT. The AR can be administered by Instructional Assistants the classroom teacher.

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LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 4 of 102

Goal 2B: AMAO 2 - English ProficiencyGOAL

Strengthen & Monitor Implementation of ELD ProgramSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Monitoring Student Progress

TASKS 0 of 6 Complete

Summative/Formative Data Analysis Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Summative/Formative assessments related to ELD curriculum will becollected and analyzed by teachers and instructional assistants.

Monitor Progress Not Begun Due 2/23/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

District Leadership Team, instructional team, and district management will monitor the progress

ADEPT Testing Not Begun Due 6/12/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Instructional Assistants administer ADEPT to ELs CELDT 1,2,3

Administer AR Not Begun Due 6/12/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Instructional Assistants administer AR to all ELs

Review Progress Not Begun Due 8/14/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Review student progress on CELDT, CAASPP, ADEPT, & AR for all ELs

Monthly PD for Instructional Assistants

Not Begun Due 5/20/2016

Denise Williams (LEA)At least 30% of the topics in the PD relate to Title III work including administering and scoring EL assessments, communicating results, and scaffolding instruction for ELs.

Specialized Instruction for LTELsSTRATEGY

LTELs will be provided instruction that will enable them to move toward proficiency in English and reach the proficient or advanced levels.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Interventions for LTELs

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 5 of 102

Goal 2B: AMAO 2 - English ProficiencyGOAL

Specialized Instruction for LTELsSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Interventions for LTELs

TASKS 0 of 3 Complete

Student Identification Not Begun Due 6/15/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Each school principal will identify LTELs who need to receive intervention to improve their language proficiency skills.

Site Intervention Plans Not Begun Due 6/15/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Each school site principal will be responsible for submitting an intervention plan to district leadership describing their program for providing additional support for LTELs.

Implementation & Monitoring Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Sites will implement their intervention programs for LTELs. Site and district leadership will monitor implementation.

Persons Responsible


Each school principal will identify LTELs (Long Term English Learners) who need to receive intervention to improve their language proficiency skills. Each school site principal will be responsible for submitting an intervention plan to district leadership describing their program for providing additional support for LTELs. Implementation of program will be monitored by site and district leadership.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/21/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Tags T3Y4

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 6 of 102

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - AYP for EL SubgroupGOAL

By June 2016, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in reading/language arts will increase 5% over baseline 2015 CAASPP data as measured by the CAASP, CMA, CAPA, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for proficiency in Reading/Language Arts.

3Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Support Reading/Language Arts Through ScaffoldingSTRATEGY

All teachers will provide research-based instructional practices to students. The focus areas will be implementing CCSS and how the CCSS are aligned with the new ELD standards with particular focus on how English learners can access academic content, and how the ELD standards are addressed within the context of CCSS.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Integrated ELD and ELA/ELD Instruction

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Professional Development Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will be provided professional development connecting strategies for scaffolding and differentiating instruction to the currently adopted ELA instructional materials and curriculum.

Monitoring of Implementation Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

District and site leadership will monitor implementation for evidence of scaffolding and differentiation strategies during Integrated ELD in ELA lessons through instructional rounds and/or formal observations.

Persons Responsible


Teachers will focus on techniques that will scaffold learning and provide differentiated instruction during ELA lessons, i.e. modeling, accessing prior knowledge, frontloading vocabulary, allowing students the opportunity to practice their language through academic discussions.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/02/2014 - 06/15/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP ELA/ELD Materials to Support Instruction

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 7 of 102

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - AYP for EL SubgroupGOAL

Support Reading/Language Arts Through ScaffoldingSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP ELA/ELD Materials to Support Instruction

TASKS 0 of 4 Complete

ELA/ELD Materials Cohort Not Begun Due 10/25/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Select a cohort of teachers to give input on possible selections and discuss needs.

Research ELA materials that have embedded ELD and select materials.

Materials PD & Pilot Not Begun Due 1/29/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will receive PD needed to support pilot and then pilot the materials

Analysis & Selection of New Materials Not Begun Due 2/12/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Select materials & order materials

Implementation & Monitoring Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Implementation of Selected Materials. Site and district leadership will monitor and support implementation.

Persons Responsible


Teachers will review current materials and research other resources that will provide a structure supporting the instructional practices for English learners.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/01/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Tags T3Y4

Supporting Long Term English LearnersSTRATEGY

Particular attention will be paid to academic support for Long Term English Learners (LTELs) in the ELA content area. LTEL data will be analyzed and used to design the specialized LTEL instruction to support English language development and academic success in English language arts and to revise the Master Plan. Students will receive specialized Designated ELD instruction and culturally responsive instruction.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP ELD Instruction for LTELs

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 8 of 102

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - AYP for EL SubgroupGOAL

Supporting Long Term English LearnersSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP ELD Instruction for LTELs

TASKS 0 of 3 Complete

Analysis of LTEL Data Not Begun Due 6/15/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

The leadership team will determine which particular areas of language appear to contribute to the stalled progress of the students and identify high leverage areas for instructional emphasis in both ELD and ELA instruction for LTELs.

Implementation of LTEL Program Not Begun Due 6/15/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Students will receive ELD instruction, which allows them to be engaged in collaborative, interpretive, and productive academic uses of language using rigorous grade level texts and practices.

Monitoring of Implementation Not Begun Due 6/21/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

District and site leadership will monitor implementation of the LTEL program through instructional rounds and/or formal observations.

Persons Responsible


Each school principal will identify LTELs (Long Term English Learners) who need to receive intervention to improve their language proficiency skills. Each school site principal will be responsible for submitting an intervention plan to district leadership describing their program for providing additional support for LTELs. Implementation of program will be monitored by site and district leadership. Students will receive ELD instruction, which allows them to be engaged in collaborative, interpretive, and productive academic uses of language using rigorous grade level texts and practices. This will provide results that will give teachers an opportunity to look at students’ language production, allowing them to identify specific gaps in language that affect students’ ability to express their thinking and successfully participate in academic tasks. This information helps teachers recognize areas to target for instruction and help structure their Designated ELD lessons.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2014 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Timeline Notes Corresponds to Action Step in Goal 2B

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Master Plan Revisions & Continued Implementation

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 9 of 102

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - AYP for EL SubgroupGOAL

Supporting Long Term English LearnersSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Master Plan Revisions & Continued Implementation

Persons Responsible


The plan will be developed for meeting the needs of LTELs will be revised in the Master Plan for ELs. The review of the plan will be facilitated by the Instruction Team, DELAC and DELCCo.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/19/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Timeline Notes This action is from Y2 and is documented as In Progress.

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Culturally Responsive Instruction

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Pilot Strategies Not Begun Due 5/29/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Pilot strategies at a designated Middle School that will include continuing the work with Sharokky Hollie and providing model lessons.

Analysis of Implementation Not Begun Due 6/15/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Implementation of culturally responsive teaching will be observed and results will be analyzed to inform future implementation.

Persons Responsible


Continue to develop a plan for meeting the needs of LTELs by providing an opportunity for intentional work focusing on Culturally Responsive Instruction. This will build capacity of teachers to impact student achievement with strategies that foster a learning environment through academic vocabulary development, classroom management and a close alignment to English learner standards and strategies.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/30/2014 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Timeline Notes -This action is from Y2 and is In Progress.-Also documented in the LCAP

Tags T3Y4

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 10 of 102

Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - AYP for EL SubgroupGOAL

Literacy Intervention for English LearnersSTRATEGY

English learners will be provided specialized ELA intervention in order to develop Foundational Literacy Skills as needed. This instruction will build upon the instruction provided in Designated ELD and ELA lessons.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Formative/Summative Assessments

Persons Responsible


Formative/Summative assessments will be collected and analyzed during the year to monitor the progress of ELs in ELD and ELA. District Leadership Team, instructional team and district management will monitor the progress. Instructional Assistants will periodically administer the ADEPT. All students will take the Accelerated Reading Test and interim assessments in ELA. The Associate Superintendent and the Director of Instruction will review student progress on assessments including CELDT, CAASSP, ADEPT, and interim assessments in ELA.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/21/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Timeline Notes This action is from Y2 and is In Progress.

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Interventions

Persons Responsible


Each school principal will identify English learners who need to receive intervention to improve their skills in English Language Arts. The school will include targeted EL students who are 2 years below grade-level in ELA in their intervention classes. The focus of the intervention will be on Foundational Literacy Skills and language development including reading fluency and comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. The interventions are site specific, meeting the needs of the targeted students. Classroom teachers and/or outside agencies will deliver the interventions.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/21/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/01/2015

Tags T3Y4

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 11 of 102

Goal 2C AMAO 3 - AYP for MathematicsGOAL

By June 2016, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in Mathematics will increase 5% over baseline 2015 CAASPP data as measured by the CAASPP, CMA, CAPA, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for proficiency in Mathematics.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Implement Purposeful and Explicit InstructionSTRATEGY

All English Learners will receive daily Mathematics instruction that is challenging, rigorous, and targeted to support their success using district adopted basic core and supplemental support instructional materials. Differentiated instruction will be provided.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Integrated ELD Instruction in Mathematics

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Professional Development Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will be provided professional development connecting strategies for scaffolding and differentiating instruction to the currently-adopted math instructional materials and curriculum.

Monitoring of Implementation Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will implement the instruction and district/site leadership will monitor implementation for evidence of scaffolding & differentiation strategies during Integrated ELD in mathematics lessons through instructional rounds and/or formal observations.

Persons Responsible


Teachers will focus on techniques that will scaffold learning, provide differentiated instruction and make explicit connections to the ELD standards, i.e. modeling, accessing prior knowledge, frontloading academic vocabulary, allowing students the opportunity to practice their language while learning the mathematics concepts.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2014 - 06/15/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Math Materials To Support Instruction

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 12 of 102

Goal 2C AMAO 3 - AYP for MathematicsGOAL

Implement Purposeful and Explicit InstructionSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Math Materials To Support Instruction

TASKS 0 of 4 Complete

Materials Adoption Cohort Not Begun Due 10/24/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Select a cohort of teachers to give input on possible selections and discuss needs

Research Math materials that have embedded ELD and select materials

Training & Pilot Not Begun Due 4/29/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will receive PD needed to support pilot.

Teachers pilot designated programs/materials.

Analysis & Selection of New Materials Not Begun Due 2/12/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Select materials & order materials

Implementation of New Materials Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Implementation of selected materials

Persons Responsible


Teachers will review current materials and research other resources that will provide a structure supporting the instructional practices for English learners. The pilot program will be essential in determining the rigorous materials and/or instructional practices that will guide the work with our English learners.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/05/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

Monitor Implementation and Results of Program and STRATEGY

District and site administrators with the support of coaches will monitor sound math instruction practices at each school and by monitoring the progress in mathematics of English learners.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Monitoring Mathematics Instruction

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 13 of 102

Goal 2C AMAO 3 - AYP for MathematicsGOAL

Monitor Implementation and Results of Program and STRATEGY

ACTION STEP Monitoring Mathematics Instruction

Persons Responsible


District and site administrators will monitor sound math instruction by observing, documenting, and supporting teachers in the following: Encoraging the use of scaffolding techniques that provide access to the curriculum and is geared to the students’ EL levels. We also want students to learn math through engaging problem solving activities as well as activities that help students understand and gain meaning of essential algorithms. We want students to develop a deep understanding for mathematical concepts and mathematical practices.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/21/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Timeline Notes Walkthrough Data Collections1st data collection due to instruction-November 10th2nd data collection due to instruction-March 2, 20153rd data collection to instruction-April 24, 2015

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Monitoring Student Progress

Persons Responsible


Summative/Formative assessments will be collected and analyzed during the year to monitor the progress of ELs in District Leadership Team, instructional team and district management will monitor the progress. The Associate Superintendent and the Director of Instruction will review progress of formative assessments including local assessments and CAASPP.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/21/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Timeline Notes The 2015/12016 monitoring schedule will be in the fall, winter and spring

Tags T3Y4

Supporting Long Term English LearnersSTRATEGY

English learners will be provided instruction that will enable them to move toward proficiency in Math and reach the proficient or advanced levels. Each school principal will identify English learners who need to receive intervention to improve their skills in Mathematics. The school will include targeted EL students who are 2 years below grade-level in Math in their intervention classes.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Data Analysis

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 14 of 102

Goal 2C AMAO 3 - AYP for MathematicsGOAL

Supporting Long Term English LearnersSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Data Analysis

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Data Analysis for Placement & Program Design

Not Begun Due 6/21/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Data will be used to determine which particular areas of language appear to contribute to the stalled progress of the students. The analyses will also help identify high leverage areas for instructional emphasis in Math instruction for LTELs.

Data Analysis for Monitoring Student Progress

Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Summative/Formative assessments, using embedded assessments from math instructional materials will be collected and analyzed during the year to monitor the progress.

Persons Responsible


Summative/Formative assessments will be collected and analyzed during the year to monitor the progress. The district will determine what local assessments will be used and we will also utilize CAASPP data. Data will be used to inform instruction.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2014 - 06/20/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Math Instruction for LTELS

Persons Responsible


Students will receive math instruction from their teacher, which allows them to be engaged in collaborative, interpretive, and productive academic uses of language using rigorous grade level math texts and practices.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2014 - 06/13/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 15 of 102

Goal 2C AMAO 3 - AYP for MathematicsGOAL

Supporting Long Term English LearnersSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Math Instruction for LTELS

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Math PD Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Professional development on how to get students to be engaged in collaborative, interpretive, and productive academic uses of language using rigorous grade level math texts and practices.

Implementation & Monitoring Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Teachers will implement the instruction and district and site leadership will monitor implementation of practices presented in the professional development.

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Goal 2D: High Quality Professional DevelopmentGOAL

By Aug.2016, 100% of LEA teachers and administrators will receive professional development on research-based strategies to improve English learner attainment of English language proficiency and/or achievement in Reading/Language arts and/or Mathematics.

[Required Activity: Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Section 3116(b)(4)]

1Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Targeted Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

We will strengthen our professional development opportunities to ensure that PD remains high quality and emphasizes research-based strategies in English Language Arts and/or Mathematics for English learners. CCSS aligned with ELD and providing and building culturally responsive strategies is a focus.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Integrated and Designated ELD

TASKS 0 of 3 Complete

Working with Coaches Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Working with Coaches

Working with TOSAs Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Working with TOSAs

Classroom Walkthroughs Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Administration will visit classrooms to review the instructional practices for ELs

Persons Responsible


Staff (teachers, administrators, instructional assistants) will be trained in the features and implementation of Designated and Integrated ELD instruction.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2014 - 06/15/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Pilot Math/ELA Training

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Goal 2D: High Quality Professional DevelopmentGOAL

Targeted Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Pilot Math/ELA Training

Persons Responsible


Pilot teachers will be trained on the materials that they will utilize to help determine the resources that the district will use to implement common core Math and ELA.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/05/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Timeline Notes The math pilot will begin in January and end in April. The ELA pilot will begin in the fall.

Tags T3Y4

ACTION STEP Culturally Responsive Learning

Persons Responsible


Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching under the direction of Dr. Sharroky Hollie will provide professional development that will build the capacity of teachers to be Culturally Responsive Instruction leaders and maintain sustainability on these concepts and strategies. This work will impact student achievement with strategies that foster a learning environment through academic vocabulary development, classroom management and a close alignment to English learner standards and strategies.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

03/03/2014 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4


Persons Responsible


Coaches in a collaboration with their site administrator will continue to be available to provide professional development in ELA and/or Math. They will continue with common core implementation and additionally will learn strategies that will provide support for English learners.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2014 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

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Goal 2D: High Quality Professional DevelopmentGOAL

Targeted Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY


TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Planning & Implementation Support Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Principals work closely with their coaches in planning and implementation of PD

WestED Support Not Begun Due 1/16/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Admin and coaches will be trained by WestED on DOK/follow-up

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Goal 2E: Parent and Community ParticipationGOAL

By June 2016, 100% of district parents will have the opportunity to learn about and participate in programs that assist them in helping their children across multiple domains.[Required per Elementary and Secondary Education Act, sections 3116(a) & (b) and3115(c)(2)]

1Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Providing Access To All Programs For ParentsSTRATEGY

The district will continue to invite parents of English Learners to attend school events via school newsletters, mailings and/or phone calls to all parent education events including site ELAC meetings, DELAC meetings, PAC, DAC, Migrant Ed parent meetings, site family education nights and to Parent University classes.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Implement Family Engagement Framework

Persons Responsible


The Family Engagement Framework will be shared. In addition, the district will use the implementation rubric from the Family Engagement Framework for empowering and mobilizing parents to reach the highest level of parent engagement that will result in improved student achievement. The rubrics for Opportunities and Educational Access include these four key principles: 1) Ensure that critical parent information is readily available in accessible formats and languages spoken by families in the district; 2) Ensure that parent representation on committees reflects the composition of the student body; 3) Ensure that schools have a system in place with multiple strategies to facilitate two-way communication with parents and community members on a regular basis; and 4) Ensure that parents have the knowledge and tools to support their children’s academic achievement.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/03/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

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Goal 2E: Parent and Community ParticipationGOAL

Providing Access To All Programs For ParentsSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Implement Family Engagement Framework

TASKS 0 of 4 Complete

Technical Support Meetings Not Begun Due 6/13/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Technical Support Meeting with Director of Instruction. Ongoing if needed

Review State Parent Engagement document

Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Review State Parent Engagement document

Share Parent Education Resources Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Continue to share Parent Education Resources across the district

Collect Participation Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Continue to collect participation from parent education events

ACTION STEP Promote and Strengthen Parent University

Persons Responsible


The Director of Instruction with the guidance of the Director of Communications will continue to implement a structure that will enhance the participation of English learner parents in Parent University. Addressing specific essential questions about Parent University will focus on why parents need to participate, what is the Parent University story, and what are the major themes of the classes.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/05/2015 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Tags T3Y4

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Goal 2F: Parental NotificationGOAL

By June 2016, 100% of the schools and the district will have a system in place to ensure that all parents will receive printed materials in a language that they can understand. The materials will include program placement options, program placement notification, English language proficiency levels, academic achievement levels, and redesignation information.

[Required per Elementary and Secondary Education Act, sections 3116(a) & (b) and 3302(a) through (c)]

1Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Continue to provide translation in major languagesSTRATEGY

The district’s categorical program department will continue to provide translation of documents in Spanish and Vietnamese to ensure that parents will receive printed materials in a language that they can understand. The district office will provide centralized support for district-level communication to support ongoing communication and interaction between schools and parents/families. The district will also hire highly qualified translators and communicate the importance of translation to the principals.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Ensure High Quality Translation

Persons Responsible


The district’s categorical program department will translate all district communication or documents in the district’s significant languages (Spanish and Vietnamese) in a timely and high quality manner. In addition, the translation will specify the general category of the document such as parent-teacher conferences, parent input meetings, etc.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2014 - 06/21/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Denise Williams

Not Begun 02/02/2015

Timeline Notes Continuation from T3Y2 Plan

Tags T3Y4

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Goal 2F: Parental NotificationGOAL

Continue to provide translation in major languagesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Ensure High Quality Translation

TASKS 0 of 4 Complete

District supports communication Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

The categorical program department in the district office will translate all district level notices in Spanish and Vietnamese.

Recruitment for assistance Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Recruit highly qualified translators, i.e. retirees, parents, and other classified employees.

Notifications to site administrators Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Send translated documents to site administrators and remind them of the importance of providing communication in a language that parents can understand.

Information to parents Not Begun Due 6/15/2016

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA)

Site administrators disseminate translated documents to parents and offer assistance to the parents who speak a language other than English, Spanish and Vietnamese.

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Goal 2G: Services for Immigrant StudentsGOAL

The LEA will provide high quality Instruction and Support Services to all immigrant students. • By (month/year) enhanced instructional opportunities will be provided to ___% of immigrant students and their families. [See Elementary and Secondary Education Act, sections 3116(a) & (b) and 3115(e)]

1Resources and state requirements for this goal Available

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 75.6% of our students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 68.1% in 2009. For the next five years, students will grow to by at least 4% annually until reaching at least 95.6% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Instructional MaterialsSTRATEGY

Ensure that every student in every classroom has standards-aligned core instructional materials.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Standards-aligned InstructionSTRATEGY

Ensure that classroom instruction is aligned with California content standards and standards-aligned (including technology-based, as appropriate) instructional materials.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Instructional MaterialsSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, ensure all teachers have the support necessary to implement the core instructional materials for reading/English/language arts.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Continue Implementation Fidelity

Persons Responsible


#1 Continue implementation fidelity of K-6 MacMillan-McGraw-Hill California Treasures and 7-8 McDougal-Littel/Holt,Rhinehart & Winston Literature.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Andrea Alvarez, Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Instructional MaterialsSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Continue Implementation Fidelity

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

implementation fidelity Completed Due 6/13/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Administrators continue to observe implementation of materials

Definition of Fidelity Suspended Due 9/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)As recommended by the District Leadership Team, develop a common definition of implementation fidelity

ACTION STEP Identify Gaps

Persons Responsible


#2 Identify instructional gaps in adopted materials and identify Common Core materials needed to align resources, including intervention materials for students with disabilities, EL students, and other high priority students not meeting AYP.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Instructional MaterialsSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Identify Gaps

TASKS 5 of 5 Complete

Identify Bridge Materials Completed Due 1/8/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Schedule teacher committee to evaluate current materials and provide recommendations for additional resources

See goal 2B

Identify Bridge Materials Completed Due 4/9/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Administrators meet with teachers to determine support for materials implementation.

Teacher Commitee Completed Due 4/1/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Survey teacher committee for recommendations for “bridge” or supplemental resources

Purchase Materials Completed Due 6/1/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Purchase additionally needed resources and materials

Identify Teachers Completed Due 1/6/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify teachers who will participate in a Common Core Materials Committee

Classroom instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

Utilize classroom instructional practices that prepare students with 21st Century Skills, including collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Incorporate various tools and strategies, including technology, to help students reach the goal of being career and college ready.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Technology Vision

Persons Responsible


#1 Construct a vision for students and usage of technology for learning.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2017Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara

In Progress 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Classroom instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Technology Vision

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Meeting Dates Completed Due 8/17/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA)Set dates for 5 technology committee meetings during the school year

Technology Vision Completed Due 1/1/0001

Duplicate...how do we delete???

Revise Plan Completed Due 3/31/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA)Revise district technology plan

ACTION STEP PD 21st Century

TASKS 3 of 4 Complete

21st Century PD Completed Due 6/16/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Hold 3 days of PBL PD during the summer of 2013

21st Century PD Completed Due 8/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Plan and calendarize the professional development offerings for the 2013-2014 school year

21st Century PD Completed Due 7/7/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Send cohort of teachers and administrators to PBL World in Napa, CA

Twilight Not Begun Due 8/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Calendarize and plan Twilight sessions for the 2013-2014 school year

Persons Responsible


#2 Conduct high quality professional development on 21st century teaching and learning, including Project Based Learning (PBL).

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Identify classrooms

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Classroom instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Identify classrooms

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Classroom Labs Completed Due 6/1/2014

Communicate school happenings to teachers and administrators across the district

Persons Responsible


#3 Identify classrooms around the district that exemplify PBL and utilize those classrooms as teaching labs for teachers and administrators to visit and learn from.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, use lesson objectives and have teachers post them in their classrooms and use them to drive their instruction.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Development of Objectives

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 8/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Determine professional development plan for training teachers, coaches, and administrators

Persons Responsible


#1 Train and coach teachers, coaches, and administrators on the development of clear and effective objectives, including how to write an objective driven by a focus on higher order Depths of Knowledge and how to write objectives with measurable outcomes that can yield See goal 2C / ELA

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Monitor Objectives

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Monitor Objectives

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Training Not Begun Due 6/1/2014

Train administrator, coaches and teachers on how to monitor the use and effectiveness of objectives

Persons Responsible


#2 Monitor the use of objectives, including the quality of the objective and how it is used.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

CCSS Assessment DevelopmentSTRATEGY

Provide ongoing training for teachers on CCSS aligned assessment development and the use of data to ensure the success of a multi-tiered system of support model. This ongoing training will specifically address the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Using Assessments

Persons Responsible


#1 Use assessments to determine student learning needs and intervention or enrichment as needed.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

CCSS Assessment DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Using Assessments

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Using Assessments Completed Due 12/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to interpret data from assessments to make changes to instructional practices.

Using Assessments Completed Due 12/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to interpret data from assessments to address the needs of SWD and EL students.

ACTION STEP Ongoing Coaching

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Coaching In Progress Due 12/31/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Train coaches on data analysis and connections to instructional practice and implications for needs of SWD and EL students

Persons Responsible


# 2 Ensure that teachers receive ongoing coaches to continually strengthen practices for using data to inform instruction.

/See Goal 1A Strategy 5 Action 1 /See Goal 2C

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/08/2014 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Create Lesson-Embedded Assessments

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

CCSS Assessment DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Create Lesson-Embedded Assessments

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 1/31/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Provide professional development on creating lesson-embedded assessments

Professional Development Not Begun Due 1/31/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Provide professional development on creating differentiated assessments for SWD and EL students

Persons Responsible


#2 Teachers create short and medium cycle lesson-embedded performance based assessments to inform instruction, including where to differentiate to meet the needs of students with disabilities and English learners.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/01/2014 - 06/10/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/16/2014

Timeline Notes See goal 1AStrategy 5Action 1

Tags PI_Yr3

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

Provide high quality professional development on ELA Common Core State Standards and instructional practices, including those that meet the needs of students with disabilities, EL students, and other students who are not meeting AYP.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Summer Institute

Persons Responsible


#1 Provide two day summer institute for teachers to gain knowledge of CCSS, and examine current instructional materials for alignment.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 08/08/2013Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/16/2014

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Summer Institute

TASKS 4 of 5 Complete

Participants Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Select Participant

Participants Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Select Participant

Location Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Determine location

Materials Completed Due 7/1/2013

Andrea Alvarez (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA) , Rhonda Cowdery (LEA)

Organize materials

Outcomes Not Begun Due 7/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Determine outcomes

ACTION STEP Training of Trainers

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

Trainers Completed Due 5/31/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Select teacher trainers

Dates/Times/Location Not Begun Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Finalize dates, times, outcomes, and location of trainings


# 2 Train teacher leaders in grades K-8 using a “training of trainer” model to conduct workgroups throughout the year to support the implementation of CCSS.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Completed 09/16/2014

ACTION STEP Units of study

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CA6 Goal 1A: Proficiency in Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Units of study

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Teacher leaders Completed Due 10/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Identify teacher leaders at all grade levels to develop units of study

Units of study Completed Due 10/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Provide professional development on creating/developing CCSS units of study

Persons Responsible


#3 Develop CCSS units of study that address the needs of all learners, including the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 04/23/2015

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Coaching support

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Training Completed Due 9/30/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Train and build coaches' expertise on coaching methods and CCSS in ELA.


#4 Implement a system of coaching support at school sites.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Completed 09/16/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

SMART Goal: In 2012, our district had 75.8% of our students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 71.6% in 2009. For the next five years, students will grow by at least 4% annually until reaching at least 95.8% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Instructional MaterialsSTRATEGY

Ensure that every student in every classroom has standards-aligned core instructional materials.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Standards-aligned InstructionSTRATEGY

Ensure that classroom instruction is aligned with California content standards and standards-aligned (including technology-based, as appropriate) instructional materials.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Provide Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

Provide high quality professional development on Math Common Core State Standards and instructional practices, including those that meet the needs of students with disabilities, EL students, and other students who are not meeting AYP.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Provide Institute

Persons Responsible


#1 Provide a two day summer institute for teachers to gain knowledge of CCSS, develop units and examine current instructional materials for alignment.See Goal ELA 2CStrategy 1Action ll

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 08/08/2013Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Provide Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Provide Institute

TASKS 4 of 4 Complete

Professional Development Math Completed Due 5/20/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Select participants

Summer Institute Completed Due 5/5/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Determine Location

Summer Institute Completed Due 5/5/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Organize Materials

Summer Institute Prep Completed Due 7/15/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Determine outcomes

ACTION STEP Training of Trainer

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Training of Trainers Completed Due 8/21/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Select teacher trainers

Trainer of Trainer Completed Due 6/14/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Finalize dates, times, locations and training outcomes with West EdSee Goal 2D for funding

Persons Responsible


#2 Train teacher leaders grades K-8 using a “training of trainer” model to conduct workgroups throughout the year to support the implementation of CCSS.See Goal 2D for funding

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Develop Units

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Provide Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Develop Units

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Units of Study Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify teacher leaders at all grade levels to develop units of study

Units of Study Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Provide professional development on creating/developing CCSS units of study

Units of Study Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify teacher leaders at all grade levels to develop units of study

Persons Responsible


#3 Develop CCSS units of study that address the needs of all learners, including the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.See Goal 2D

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2017Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Implement Coaching Support

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Coaching Support Completed Due 9/10/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Train and build coaches’ expertise on coaching methods and CCSS in ELA

Persons Responsible


#4 Implement a system of coaching support at school sites.See Goal 2C / ELAStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Support to Implement MathSTRATEGY

Ensure all teachers have the support necessary to implement the core instructional materials for Math.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Continue Implementation

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Continue Implemention Completed Due 6/30/2014

Denise Williams (LEA)- Administrators continue to observe implementation of materials

Continue Implemention Completed Due 6/30/2014

Denise Williams (LEA)- Administrators continue to observe implementation of materials

Continue Implemention Completed Due 9/8/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)-As recommended by the District Leadership Team, develop a common definition of implementation fidelity

Persons Responsible


#1 Continue implementation fidelity of: K-5 Houghton-Mifflin California Math, 6-7 Glencoe/MacMillan-McGraw-Hill California Mathematics Concepts, Skills and Problem Solving, 8 Glencoe/MacMillan-McGraw-Hill California Algebra 1 and California Algebra Readiness

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Identify instructional

Persons Responsible


#2 Identify instructional gaps in adopted materials and identify Common Core materials needed to align resources, including intervention materials for students with disabilities, EL students, and other high priority students not meeting AYP.See Goal 2B

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Support to Implement MathSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Identify instructional

TASKS 5 of 6 Complete

Identify Teachers Completed Due 1/5/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify teachers who will participate in a Common Core Materials Committee

Teacher Committee Completed Due 4/13/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Schedule teacher committee to evaluate current materials and provide recommendations for additional resources

Survey Completed Due 4/13/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Survey teacher committee for recommendations for “bridge” or supplemental resources

Meet with Teachers Completed Due 4/13/2014

- Administrators meet with teachers to determine support for materials implementation.

Purchase Materials In Progress Due 4/13/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Purchase additionally needed resources and materials. INstructional Fair will be held at the county office in October 2014

Identify Teachers Completed Due 1/6/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify teachers who will participate in a Common Core Materials Committee

Classroom Instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, utilize classroom instructional practices that prepare students with 21st Century Skills, including collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Incorporate various tools and strategies, including technology, to help students reach the goal of being career and college ready.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Vision of Technology

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Classroom Instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Vision of Technology

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Committee Meetings Completed Due 8/18/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA)- Set dates for 5 technology committee meetings during the school year. THis ia site responsibility.

Technology Plan Completed Due 1/1/0001

Dan Deguara (LEA)- Revise district technology plan

Persons Responsible


#1 Construct a vision for students’ usage of technology for learning.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2017Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Conduct Professional Development

Persons Responsible


#2 Conduct high quality professional development on 21st century teaching and learning, See Goal 1BStrategy 3

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Classroom Instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Conduct Professional Development

TASKS 2 of 7 Complete

PBL Completed Due 6/9/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Hold 3 days of PBL PD during the summer of 2013

PBL Completed Due 6/9/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Hold 3 days of PBL PD during the summer of 2013

PBL PD Not Begun Due 1/1/0001

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

Send cohort of teachers and administrators to PBL World in Napa, CA

Plan and calendarize Not Begun Due 8/20/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Plan and calendarize the professional development offerings for the 2013-2014 school year

PBL PD Not Begun Due 6/11/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Send cohort of teachers and administrators to PBL World in Napa, CA

Plan and calendarize Not Begun Due 7/7/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Plan and calendarize the professional development offerings for the 2013-2014 school year

Twilight Not Begun Due 8/21/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Calendarize and plan Twilight sessions for the 2013-2014 school year

ACTION STEP Identify Classrooms

Persons Responsible


#3 Identify classrooms around the district that exemplify PBL and utilize those classrooms as teaching labs for teachers and administrators to visit and learn from.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Classroom Instructional PracticesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Identify Classrooms

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

School Happenings Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Communicate school happenings to teachers and administrators across the district

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, use lesson objectives and have teachers post them in their classrooms and use them to drive their instruction.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Development of Objectives

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 8/18/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine professional development plan for training teachers, coaches, and administrators

Persons Responsible


#1 Train and coach teachers, coaches, and administrators on the development of objectives, including how to write an objective driven by a focus on higher order Depths of Knowledge and how to write objectives with measurable outcomes that can yield data to inform subsequent lessons.

See Goal 2C

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Monitor Objectives

Persons Responsible


#2 Monitor the use of objectives, including the quality of the objective and how it is used.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 08/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Monitor Objectives

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Training Completed Due 6/1/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Train administrators, coaches and teachers on how to monitor the use and effectiveness of objectives

Ongoing TrainingSTRATEGY

Provide ongoing training for teachers on the use of data to ensure the success of the multi-tiered system of support model, and ensure that they receive ongoing coaching to continually strengthen practices for using data to inform instruction. This ongoing training will specifically address the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP and how to differentiate as needed.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP #1 Use CCSS Aligned Assessments

Persons Responsible


#1 Use CCSS aligned assessments to determine student learning needs and interventions or enrichment as needed

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP #1 Use CCSS Aligned Assessments

Persons Responsible


#1 Use CCSS aligned assessments to determine student learning needs and interventions or enrichment as needed

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Ongoing TrainingSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP #1 Use CCSS Aligned Assessments

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

CCSS Assessments In Progress Due 9/20/2015

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to interpret data from CCSS aligned assessments to make changes to instructional practices, especially for subgroups not meeting AYP.

ACTION STEP Ongoing Coaching

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Train Coaches In Progress Due 9/20/2015

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Train coaches on data analysis and connections to instructional practice and implications for needs of SWD and EL students

Persons Responsible


#2 Ensure that teachers receive ongoing coaching to continually strengthen practices by using data to inform instruction. See Goal 1AStrategy 5Action 1

See Goal 2C

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Create Short and Medium Cycle Assessments

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CA6 Goal 1B: Proficiency in MathematicsGOAL

Ongoing TrainingSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Create Short and Medium Cycle Assessments

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

Identify Teacher Leaders Completed Due 1/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

-Identify teacher leaders at all grade levels to identify/create a district performance based assessment bank

Professional Development In Progress Due 9/20/2016

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

-Provide professional development on creating/developing/identifying CCSS aligned performance based assessments

Persons Responsible


#3 Teachers create short and medium cycle lesson-embedded performance based assessments to inform instruction, including where to differentiate to meet the needs of students with disabilities and English learners.

See Goal 1AStrategy 5Action 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/01/2014 - 06/01/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

Intervention MaterialsSTRATEGY

Ensure all teachers have the support and materials to implement the core intervention materials for reading/English language arts and Math.

0Filing Cabinet Count

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL


In 2012, our district had 61.7% of our Black students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 50.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 63% in 2013 until reaching at least 79% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 51.9% of our Black students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 49.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 54% in 2013 until reaching at least 70% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 51.7% of our Hispanic students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 43.3% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 56% in 2013 until reaching at least 72% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 50.3% of our Hispanic students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 46.2% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 54% in 2013 until reaching at least 70% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 57.2% of our Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 45.4% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 61% in 2013 until reaching at least 77% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 58.7% of our Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 49.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 62% in 2013 until reaching at least 78% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 64.4% of our English Learners students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 52.9% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 67% in 2013 until reaching at least 83% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 69.9% of our English Learners students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 62.4% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 72% in 2013 until reaching at least 88% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 44.7% of our Students with Disabilities students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 34.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 49% in 2013 until reaching at least 65% by 2017.

In 2012, our district had 42.2% of our Students with Disabilities students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 36.7% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 51% in 2013 until reaching at least 67% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Academic Support for SWDSTRATEGY

Provide academic support to meet the specific needs of SWDs in the core instructional program.

0Filing Cabinet Count

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Strategic and Intensive InterventionsSTRATEGY

Provide research-based strategic and intensive interventions in ELA and mathematics to meet the needs of high priority students identified as not meeting grade-level standards.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Teacher Collaboration to Support SWDSTRATEGY

Provide opportunities for collaboration between general education and special education teachers to support students with disabilities.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd. Adopt a multi-tiered system of support, inclusive of robust, differentiated core classroom instruction, and customized interventions and enrichment opportunities, to ensure students are fluidly moving between and across academic programs based on unique needs.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

Persons Responsible


#1 Use convening sessions with a broad stakeholder group to discuss current multi-tiered system of support practices that exist at individual schools and collectively redefine the meaning of intervention and enrichment.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/15/2013 - 12/31/2013Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Date/Location Completed Due 8/21/2013

- Set date/location for meeting(s)

Stakeholders Completed Due 8/21/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine stakeholders

Agenda Completed Due 8/21/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA) , Tiffanie Nguyen (LEA)

- Determine the agenda

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

Persons Responsible


#2 Use the results of the convening session to drive the development of a multi-tiered system of support model that meets the needs of diverse learners, to be adopted for district-wide implementation.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/01/2014 - 06/30/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

Suspended 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

TASKS 0 of 6 Complete

Evaluate the Findings In Progress Due 9/20/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Evaluate the findings from the convening session, including the best practices identified districtwide

Evaluate the Findings In Progress Due 9/10/2015

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Evaluate the findings from the convening session, including the best practices identified districtwide

Best Practices Not Begun Due 2/10/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Compare districtwide best practices with national results on multi-tiered system of support best practices

Multi-Tiered System Not Begun Due 3/3/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Document a unique multi-tiered system of support model based on the findings from district and national best practices.

Newly Documented Model Not Begun Due 4/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Convening group shares the newly documented model districtwide

Systems Not Begun Due 5/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Adopt the multi-tiered system of support model for district-wide implementation

ACTION STEP Assessments

Persons Responsible


#3 Use assessments to determine student learning needs, including students with disabilities and English learners, and determine intervention or enrichment in a multi-tiered system of support.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Assessments

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

Train Leaders and Teachers Completed Due 5/12/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to use data from CCSS aligned assessments to make changes to instructional practices in order to meet the needs of diverse learners, SWD and ELs.

Ongoing Training In Progress Due 9/20/2015

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Provide ongoing training for teachers on the use of data to ensure the success of the multi-tiered system of support model.

ACTION STEP Lesson-Embedded Assessments

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 1/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Provide professional development on creating lesson-embedded and differentiated assessmentsfor SWD, EL, and other students not meeting AYP.

Persons Responsible


#4 Teachers create short and medium cycle lesson-embedded assessments to inform instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners, including the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.

See 2CStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/01/2014 - 06/01/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Units of Study

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Units of Study

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Train Leaders and Teachers Completed Due 10/1/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to develop CCSS units of study that meet the needs of all students, specifically diverse learners and students not meeting AYP.

Persons Responsible


#5 Develop CCSS units of study that address the needs of all learners, including the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Train Coaches Completed Due 9/13/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Train and build coaches’ expertise on coaching methods, differentiated instruction, multi-tiered system of support and ELD standards.

Persons Responsible


#6 Implement a system of coaching support at school sites.See 2CStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Intervention MaterialsSTRATEGY

Ensure all teachers have the support and materials to implement the core intervention materials for reading/English

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Identify Gaps

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Research Not Begun Due 1/6/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Research and vet CCSS-aligned resources and materials.

Purchase Not Begun Due 9/10/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Purchase additionally needed resources and materials.

Persons Responsible


#1 Identify instructional gaps in adopted intervention materials to align with CCSS for students with disabilities, EL students, and other high priority students not meeting AYP.See Goal 2B

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


Provide professional development on Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive teaching and learning.

0Filing Cabinet Count


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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL



Persons Responsible


#1 Continue to promote Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive pedagogy within the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) program professional development plan.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/15/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

CLR Lessons In Progress Due 3/3/2014

Denise Williams (LEA)- Include CLR lessons and discussion time as part of each monthly BTSA network meeting.

Persons Responsible


#1 Continue to promote Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive pedagogy within the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) program professional development plan.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/15/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Professional Development

Persons Responsible


#2 Offer professional development on Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive teaching to teachers and administrators Refer to Action #1Title 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL


ACTION STEP Professional Development

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

Date/Times In Progress Due 9/21/2016

Denise Williams (LEA)- Set dates and times for professional development

Date/Times Completed Due 8/21/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Set dates and times for professional development

Interventions in ELA and MathSTRATEGY

Provide professional development on strategic and intensive interventions in ELA and math, and other subjects identified through student performance data, including processes for student transitions in and out of these interventions based on ongoing monitoring and review of student achievement results.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Professional Development

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Timeline Completed Due 8/21/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Develop timeline for modules creation

Timeline Completed Due 8/21/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Develop timeline for modules creation

Calendarize Completed Due 10/13/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Calendarize professional development sessions

Persons Responsible


#1 Create professional development modules to clarify and define strategic and intensive interventions across the system, and determine precisely how teachers will provide these types of interventions, including research-based instructional strategies.

See 2CStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2014 - 06/10/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1C: Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Interventions in ELA and MathSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Professional Development

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Timeline Completed Due 8/18/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Develop timeline for modules creation

Calendarize Completed Due 10/20/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Calendarize professional development sessions

Persons Responsible


#2 Create professional development modules to provide broad support for differentiated classroom instructional strategies, based on student assessment results, and best practices for leveled instruction in core classes after assessments are administered.

See 2CStrategy 1Title 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2014 - 06/10/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

SMART Goal: By the end of the 2013-2014 school year, all schools will be at Full Implementation on both the “EESD Common Core State Standards Curricular Implementation Rubric” and Full Implementation of the “EESD Common Core State Standards Pedagogical Practices Rubric.”

By the end of the 2014-2015 school year, all schools will be at Innovation on both the “EESD Common Core State Standards Curricular Implementation Rubric” and Innovation of the “EESD Common Core State Standards Pedagogical Practices Rubric.”

By the end of the 2015-2016 school year, all schools will be at Sustainability on both the “EESD Common Core State Standards Curricular Implementation Rubric” and Sustainability of the “EESD Common Core State Standards Pedagogical Practices Rubric.”

Filing Cabinet Count 0

PD for AdministratorsSTRATEGY

Provide standards-based professional development to all administrators.

0Filing Cabinet Count

PD for TeachersSTRATEGY

Provide standards-based professional development to all teachers, including effective instructional and improvement strategies.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Preparing for Transition to CCSSSTRATEGY

Develop LEA-wide plans for transition to common core state standards, including training in use of instructional materials as they become available.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Professional Collaboration TimeSTRATEGY

Provide regular opportunities for data-based collaboration for all teachers.

0Filing Cabinet Count

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CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Implementation of Commom CoreSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, implement a high quality system (defined autonomy, clear roles and responsibilities, etc.) for implementation of Common Core State Standards to improve classroom instruction.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Ensure Fidelity

TASKS 4 of 4 Complete

Committee Completed Due 8/19/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify members of committee

Meeting Dates Completed Due 8/21/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Schedule meeting dates and times

Vision Completed Due 11/11/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Communicate vision and processes to all stakeholders

Committee Completed Due 8/19/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Identify members of committee

Persons Responsible


#1 Teachers, administrators and district leadership collaboratively develop a vision and processes to ensure fidelity to the new Common Core academic program across the district

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/15/2013 - 11/01/2013Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Formalize Expectations

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Implementation of Commom CoreSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Formalize Expectations

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Meeting Dates Completed Due 11/11/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Schedule meeting dates and times

expectations Completed Due 11/11/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Communicate expectations to all stakeholders

Persons Responsible


#2 Identify and formalize expectations for a high quality implementation system.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/15/2013 - 11/01/2013Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

Provide high quality professional development on Common Core State Standards and instructional practices.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Summer Institute

Persons Responsible


#1 Provide a two day summer institute for teachers to gain knowledge of CCSS, develop units and examine current instructional materials for alignment.

Refer to Goal 2CStrategy 2Title 1Title III

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 08/08/2013Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 58 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Summer Institute

TASKS 3 of 4 Complete

Participants Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Select participants

Location Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine location

Materials Completed Due 7/7/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Organize materials

Outcomes Not Begun Due 7/7/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine Outcomes

ACTION STEP Summer Institute

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Location Completed Due 5/12/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine location

Outcomes Completed Due 5/12/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine Outcomes

Dates Completed Due 5/12/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Finalize dates, times, locations, and training outcomes with WestEd

Persons Responsible


#2 Provide a Common Core summer institute for administrators.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/12/2013 - 06/14/2013Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Train Teacher Leaders

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 59 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Train Teacher Leaders

TASKS 1 of 2 Complete

Teacher Trainers Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)Select teacher trainers

Dates Not Begun Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Finalize dates, times, locations, and training outcomes with WestEd

Persons Responsible


#3 Train teacher leaders using a “training of trainer” model to conduct workgroups throughout the year on CCSS.

Refer to Goal 2DAction 3Staff Development Funding

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/12/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Professional Development

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Topics Completed Due 11/4/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)-Determine topics

Dates and Times Completed Due 11/4/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)-Determine dates and times

Persons Responsible


#4 Provide ongoing professional development on CCSS and instructional practices.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/04/2013 - 11/04/2013Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Train Administrators

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 60 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Professional DevelopmentSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Train Administrators

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

professional development Completed Due 8/21/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Schedule professional development for administrators

Persons Responsible


#4 Train administrators on coaching methods and assessment tools as well as expectations and roles of coaches using a model of defined autonomy.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 12/31/2013Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


Persons Responsible


#5 As recommended by WestEd, devise a structure for PLCs and data-driven conversations at each school site using a system of defined autonomy.

Refer to Goal 1CStrategy 3Action 3Title II

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 12/31/2013Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


As recommended by WestEd, implement a system of coaching.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Select coaches

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CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL


ACTION STEP Select coaches

TASKS 4 of 4 Complete

Determinie Qualifications Completed Due 4/13/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Determine qualifications and placement procedures for coaches

Application Process Completed Due 4/13/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Announce application process

Observe Canidates Completed Due 5/12/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Observe candidates teaching a lesson in their classes

Select coaches Completed Due 6/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Select coaches

Persons Responsible


#1 Select coaches based on proven excellence in the classroom.

Refer to Goal 2cStrategy 1Parcel TaxTitle IIITitle 1EIA

Filing Cabinet Count 0

04/01/2013 - 06/01/2013Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Expectations and Guidelines

Persons Responsible


#2 Establish a system of expectations and guidelines for coaches. No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

03/15/2013 - 08/31/2013Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 62 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL


ACTION STEP Expectations and Guidelines

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Guidelines, Roles, and Responsibilities

Completed Due 8/21/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine coaches’ guidelines, roles, and responsibilities

ACTION STEP Train Coaches

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 8/21/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Schedule professional development for coaches

Persons Responsible


#3 Train and build coaches’ expertise on coaching methods, CCSS content, unit development, assessment, multi-tiered systems of support, research-based math, ELA and EL instructional practices, and PLCs.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/12/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, use lesson objectives and have teachers post them in their classrooms and use them to drive their instruction

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Train and Coach

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 63 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Train and Coach

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 8/19/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine professional development plan for training teachers, coaches, and administrators on writing objectives with measurable outcomes.

Professional Development Completed Due 8/21/2013

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Determine professional development plan for training teachers, coaches, and administrators on Depths of Knowledge .

Persons Responsible


#1 Train and coach teachers, coaches, and administrators on the development of objectives, including how to write an objective driven by a focus on higher order Depths of Knowledge and how to write objectives with measurable outcomes that can yield data to inform subsequent lessons.

Refer to Goal 2C ELAParcel TaxTitle IIITitle 1EIA

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

ACTION STEP Monitor the Use of Objectives

Persons Responsible


#2 Monitor the use of objectives, including the quality of the objective and how it is used, and provide additional support as needed.

Refer to Goal 1AStrategy 4Staff Development

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 64 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL

Lesson ObjectivesSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Monitor the Use of Objectives

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Objectives Completed Due 6/30/2014

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Train administrators, coaches and teachers on how to monitor the use and effectiveness of objectives.

ACTION STEP Inquiry Project

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Update BTSA Completed Due 8/21/2013

Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)- Update BTSA inquiry rubric

Persons Responsible


#2 Require BTSA teachers to use the EESD Common Core State Standards Pedagogical Practices Rubric as one piece of guiding research when implementing their inquiry project and require them to reference CCSS on their C-documents as evidence.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


Have an intentional focus on the Common Core and incorporate Common Core into all aspects of the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) program to help EESD new teachers solidify their understanding and practice of Common Core best practices.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Professional Development

Persons Responsible


#1 Include CCSS best practices as part of the 2013-2014 professional development plan. for BTSA teachers

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Professional Development

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 65 of 102

CA6 Goal 1D: Effective Teaching and AdministrationGOAL


ACTION STEP Professional Development

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Create Agendas Completed Due 8/21/2013

Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)- Create agendas and outcomes for monthly network meetings.

Persons Responsible


#1 Include CCSS best practices as part of the 2013-2014 professional development plan. for BTSA teachersNo funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2014Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran

Completed 09/20/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 66 of 102

CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL

SMART Goal All strategies in the LEA plan will be rated as at the Initial Implementation stage at the end of June 2013 and rated as at the Fully Implementation stage at the end of June 2016.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Articulation Among Educational LevelsSTRATEGY

Ensure articulation of services among educational levels including preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, and post-secondary options.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Parent and Community InvolvementSTRATEGY

Involve and engage staff, parents, and community groups in academic improvement strategies.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Program MonitoringSTRATEGY

Monitor program effectiveness.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Program Review

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Protocol Completed Due 12/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA)- Develop protocol for program review

Persons Responsible


#4 Establish a district wide system of program review, to grow and support thriving programs and change or eliminate programs that are not meeting the needs of students.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/01/2017Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Professional Development

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL

Program MonitoringSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Professional Development

TASKS 3 of 3 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 5/12/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Review current professional development offerings

Survey Completed Due 5/12/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Develop and administer a survey to determine needs

Evaluate PD Completed Due 9/28/2015

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Evaluate PD offerings and recommendations ensuring alignment to student data

Persons Responsible


#5 Annually review procedures for determining and collaborating on professional development offerings between district departments and sites.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/01/2013 - 07/15/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

Collect Site DataSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd, district and site leaders twice each trimester in elementary sites and quarterly in middle school sites collect site data using the EESD Common Core State Standards Curricular Implementation Rubric and EESD Common Core State Standards Pedagogical Practices Rubric.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Common Core Rubric

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL

Collect Site DataSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Common Core Rubric

TASKS 4 of 4 Complete

Invite Team Completed Due 8/21/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Invite team to create implementation norms and rubrics

Invite Team Completed Due 8/21/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Invite team to create implementation norms and rubrics

Finalize Rubrics Completed Due 9/10/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Review, revise and finalize rubrics

Professional Development Completed Due 10/13/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Provide professional development for all administrators, teachers and instructional assistants on the implementation norms and rubrics

Persons Responsible


#1 Teachers, administrators and district leadership collaboratively create the EESD Common Core State Standards Pedagogical Practices Rubric and EESD Common Core State Standards Curricular Implementation Rubric.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/13/2013 - 12/01/2013Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/18/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Implementation Checks

Persons Responsible


#2 Annually conduct two implementation checks at all elementary schools each trimesterNo funding

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/04/2013 - 06/20/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/18/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL

Collect Site DataSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Implementation Checks

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Walkthroughs Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Schedule walkthroughs

Team Members Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Assign team members

ACTION STEP Implementation Checks

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Walkthroughs Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Schedule walkthroughs

Team Members Completed Due 10/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Assign team members

Persons Responsible


#3 Annually conduct one implementation check at all middle schools each quarterNo funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/04/2013 - 06/01/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Denise Williams

Completed 09/18/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

Unit of PurposeSTRATEGY

Establish processes to increase levels of district office and site collaboration, communication, transparency and ensure a unity of purpose.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Effective Decision-Making

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL

Unit of PurposeSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Effective Decision-Making

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Facilitate a Process Completed Due 11/11/2013

Facilitate a process for district and site leaders to build norms of collaboration, communication and unity that all can commit to

Meet Frequently Completed Due 10/1/2013

-Meet frequently in early implementation to ensure processes are successful


#1 Ensure that a transparent and effective decision-making system that is mission driven is in place to drive all decisions that ultimately influences instruction.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

07/01/2013 - 11/29/2013Start-End Dates

Completed 09/18/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Allocating Resources

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Flowchart Completed Due 12/1/2013

- Develop a flowchart for resource allocation


#2 Clarify systems for allocating resources at school sites.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

07/01/2013 - 11/29/2013Start-End Dates

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Communication

Persons Responsible


#3 Develop an organizational communication structure.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

07/01/2013 - 11/29/2013Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 71 of 102

CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL

Unit of PurposeSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Communication

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Communication Completed Due 12/1/2013

Dan Deguara (LEA)- Develop a flowchart for district communication.

ACTION STEP Implementation Rubrics

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Walkthroughs Completed Due 1/1/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Schedule walkthroughs

Feedback Completed Due 1/1/2014

Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Schedule meetings to provide feedback to teachers individually and as a staff

Persons Responsible


#2 Use district implementation rubrics to provide feedback to teachers.No funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

11/01/2013 - 06/01/2016Start-End Dates

Dan Deguara, Gary Kishimoto, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


As recommended by WestEd, develop a formal system of accountability, utilizing multiple measures, to ensure that teachers are getting high quality formative feedback on their teaching between evaluations and to ensure that there are increases in student achievement.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Coaching Model

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CA6 Goal 1E: Involvement, Implementing, MonitoringGOAL


ACTION STEP Coaching Model

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Train Coaches In Progress Due 6/20/2015

Denise Williams (LEA)- Train and build coaches’ expertise on coaching methods.

Persons Responsible


#1 Use a coaching model to provide reflective feedback to teachers Refer to Goal 2cStrategy 1Parcel TaxTitle IIITitle 1EIA

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/10/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 73 of 102

CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL

SMART Goal By August 2016, Katherine Smith Elementary School, Dove Hill Elementary School, Montgomery Elementary School, and O.B. Whaley Elementary School will exit Program Improvement by making AYP two consecutive years in a row.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Support for Schools in PI Year 3STRATEGY

Schools are no longer advancing in the NCLB/PI structure. The district will continue to support the prior PI schools at the site and district level. The school plans are written to ensure that support is given to students and targeted intervention programs.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Support for Schools in PI Year 4STRATEGY

Identify the schools in PI Year 4 and describe the plan for restructuring or alternative governance for each PI Year 4 school.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Support for Schools in PI Year 5STRATEGY

Identify the schools in PI Year 5 and describe the implementation of the restructuring plan for restructuring or alternative governance that was developed when each school was in for each PI Year 4.

0Filing Cabinet Count


Restructure Katherine Smith No funding required

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Teaching Staff


#1 Select teaching staff

Filing Cabinet Count 0

03/15/2012 - 04/01/2012Start-End Dates

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 74 of 102

CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL


ACTION STEP Teaching Staff

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Application Not Begun Due 2/29/2012

- Establish application process

Staff Not Begun Due 3/30/2012

- Determine staff

ACTION STEP Instructional Program

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Research Completed Due 5/1/2012

- Research existing project based learning focused schools and has been implemented.


#2 Define new instructional programNo funding required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

04/20/2012 - 05/31/2012Start-End Dates

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

PBL World Not Begun Due 5/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Determine teachers to attend PBL World in Napa, CA

PBL Training Not Begun Due 6/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule week long summer PBL training for all teachers

Persons Responsible


#3 Provide PD for teachers on PBL

Filing Cabinet Count 0

06/10/2012 - 08/31/2012Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL



TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Sharokky Hollie Completed Due 9/10/2012

Denise Williams (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Schedule Dr. Sharokky Hollie to come to ESD for September inservice day

Professional Development Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule additional professional development on CLR and equity

Persons Responsible


#4 Provide PD for teachers on Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive TeachingRefer to Goal 1C Strategy 3

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Lyn Vijayendran, Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


TASKS 2 of 4 Complete

Consultant Completed Due 6/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Contact consultant

Schedule Completed Due 6/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule presentation

Advertise Not Begun Due 6/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Advertise PD

NEU Network Not Begun Due 6/1/2014

Denise Williams (LEA)- Apply for NEU Network

Persons Responsible


#5 Provide PD on Turnaround Schools.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

07/15/2012 - 11/15/2012Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Supplemental Educational Services

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

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CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL


ACTION STEP Supplemental Educational Services

TASKS 3 of 8 Complete

Research Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Research SES providers. SES opportunities are still available for schools if needed

Plan SES Faire Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Plan SES Providers Faire

Invite Parents Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Invite DSLT/DAC and other parents to the fair

Parents Select Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Parents select provider

Identify students Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Identify students

Initial Assessment Not Begun Due 11/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Implement initial assessment

Schedule Not Begun Due 11/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule students

Begin classes Not Begun Due 11/11/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)Begin classes

Persons Responsible


#6 Implement Supplemental Educational Services(Knowledge Quest)

Filing Cabinet Count 0

10/15/2012 - 06/01/2013Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Intervention Services

Persons Responsible


#7 Provide intervention services for students performing below proficient in English language arts and/or math: Study Island.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 05/30/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 77 of 102

CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL


ACTION STEP Intervention Services

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Identify students Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Assess and identify students for intervention

Montgomery InterventionSTRATEGY

Montgomery students will receive intervention

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Supplemental Educational Services

Persons Responsible


#1 Implement Supplemental Educational Services Knowledge Quest

Filing Cabinet Count 0

10/15/2012 - 06/15/2013Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

LEA PLANEvergreen Elementary - 43694350000000

Generated by CAIS | September 3, 2015 9:02 AM 78 of 102

CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL

Montgomery InterventionSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Supplemental Educational Services

TASKS 1 of 8 Complete

Research Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Research SES providers

Plan Faire Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Plan SES Providers Faire

Invite Parents Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Invite DSLT/DAC and other parents to the fair

Select Provider Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Parents select provider

Identify Students Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Identify students

Initial Assessment Not Begun Due 11/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Implement initial assessment

Schedule Not Begun Due 11/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule students

Begin Classes Not Begun Due 11/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Begin classes

ACTION STEP Intervention Services

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Identify Students Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Assess and identify students for intervention

Persons Responsible


#2 Provide intervention services for students performing below proficient in English language arts and/or math: Study Island, Fast Forward, and Leveled Literacy Intervention

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 05/20/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL

Dove Hill InterventionSTRATEGY

Dove Hill students will receive intervention

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Supplemental Educational Services

TASKS 8 of 8 Complete

Research Completed Due 5/13/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Research SES providers

Plan Completed Due 5/13/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Plan SES Providers Faire

Invite Parents Completed Due 5/13/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Invite DSLT/DAC and other parents to the fair

Select Provider Completed Due 5/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Parents select provider

Identify Students Completed Due 5/12/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Identify students

Initial Assessment Completed Due 5/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Implement initial assessment

Schedule Completed Due 5/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule students

Begin Classes Completed Due 5/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Begin classes

Persons Responsible


1 Implement Supplemental Educational Services (Knowledge Quest)

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 05/31/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Intervention Services

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CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL

Dove Hill InterventionSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Intervention Services

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Identify Students Completed Due 10/1/2012

- Assess and identify students for intervention

Persons Responsible


#2 Provide intervention services for students performing below proficient in English language arts and/or math: Study Island, Fast Forward, Leveled Literacy Intervention and Reading Assistance

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 05/30/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Dr. Sharokky Hollie Completed Due 9/10/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule Dr. Sharokky Hollie to come to ESD for September inservice day

Professional Development Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule additional professional development on CLR and equity

Persons Responsible


#3 Provide PD for teachers on Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive TeachingRefer to Goal 1C Strategy 3EIATitle 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/21/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL

O.B. Whaley InterventionSTRATEGY

O.B.Whaley students will receive intervention.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Intervention Services

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Identify Students Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Assess and identify students for intervention

Identify Students Not Begun Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Assess and identify students for intervention

Persons Responsible


#1 Provide intervention services for students performing below proficient in English language arts and/or math: Study Island, Fast Forward, Leveled Literacy Intervention and Reading Assistance

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 05/30/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3


Persons Responsible


# 2 Provide PD for teachers on Equity and Culturally and Linguistically Responsive TeachingRefer to Goal 1C Strategy 3EIATitle 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

09/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

In Progress 09/21/2014

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CA6 Goal 1F: Support Schools in Corrective ActionGOAL

O.B. Whaley InterventionSTRATEGY


TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 10/1/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule additional professional development on CLR and equity

Dr. Sharokky Hollie Completed Due 9/10/2012

Denise Williams (LEA)- Schedule Dr. Sharokky Hollie to come to ESD for September inservice day

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CA6 Goal 3: Highly-Qualified TeachersGOAL

SMART Goal:A recent analysis of teacher assignments found that 1 out of 610 teachers is not highly qualified under NCLB regulations. By 2017, 100% of teachers will be highly qualified under NCLB regulations.

Results from our analysis of the distribution of highly qualified teachers indicate that poor and minority children are not taught by inexperienced, under-qualified, or out-of-field teachers at higher rates than are other children in the district. The district will work to ensure that this continues.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Distribution of Highly Qualified TeachersSTRATEGY

Ensure that all students, specifically poor and minority students, are taught by highly qualified teachers.

0Filing Cabinet Count

Teacher CredentialsSTRATEGY

Monitor teacher credentials when making school and class placements.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Highly Qualified


#1 Ensure all teachers meet highly qualified requirements by providing professional development resources, monitoring progress and providing funding support.

No Funding Required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/15/2012 - 06/15/2017Start-End Dates

Completed 09/22/2014

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CA6 Goal 3: Highly-Qualified TeachersGOAL

Teacher CredentialsSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Highly Qualified

TASKS 2 of 2 Complete

Monitor Progress Completed Due 4/13/2014

- The Director of Human Resources and the Associate Superintendent will regularly meet to monitor progress of program completion

No Funding Required

Progress Toward Completion Completed Due 8/21/2013

-The Director of Human Resources will meet regularly with teachers who are not NCLB compliant to ensure that progress toward completion of all requirements is being made.

Recruiting TeachersSTRATEGY

Continue the practice of recruiting and/or hiring only teachers who are NCLB compliant.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Placement of Teachers


#1 Review placement of teachers assigned to schools with high populations of poor and/or minority students.

No Funding Required

Filing Cabinet Count 0

04/01/2013 - 09/30/2013Start-End Dates

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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Goal 2C AMAO 3 - AYP for MathematicsGOAL

By June 2014, the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in Mathematics will increase from 70% to 75 %, as measured by the CST, CMA, CAPA in order to move toward state defined expectations for proficiency in Mathematics.

By June 2014, the LEA will meet the 95% participation rate for English learners assessed in Mathematics.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 51.9% of our Black students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 49.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 54% in 2013 until reaching at least 70% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 51.7% of our Hispanic students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 43.3% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 56% in 2013 until reaching at least 72% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 51.7% of our Hispanic students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 43.3% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 56% in 2013 until reaching at least 72% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 50.3% of our Hispanic students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 46.2% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 54% in 2013 until reaching at least 70% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 57.2% of our Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 45.4% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 61% in 2013 until reaching at least 77% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 58.7% of our Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 49.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 62% in 2013 until reaching at least 78% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 64.4% of our English Learners students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 52.9% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 67% in 2013 until reaching at least 83% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 69.9% of our English Learners students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 62.4% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 72% in 2013 until reaching at least 88% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 44.7% of our Students with Disabilities students score proficient or advanced on the ELA CST, a growth from 34.5% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 49% in 2013 until reaching at least 65% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

In 2012, our district had 42.2% of our Students with Disabilities students score proficient or advanced on the math CST, a growth from 36.7% in 2009. For the next five years, students will meet the criteria for safe harbor each year and grow to 51% in 2013 until reaching at least 67% by 2017.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

As recommended by WestEd. Adopt a multi-tiered system of support, inclusive of robust, differentiated core classroom instruction, and customized interventions and enrichment opportunities, to ensure students are fluidly moving between and across academic programs based on unique needs.

0Filing Cabinet Count

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

TASKS 2 of 3 Complete

Date/Location Completed Due 8/25/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Set date/location for meeting(s)

Stakeholders Completed Due 8/25/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Determine stakeholders

Agenda Not Begun Due 8/25/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Karen Wevers (LEA)

- Determine the agenda

Persons Responsible


#1 Use convening sessions with a broad stakeholder group to discuss current multi-tiered system of support practices that exist at individual schools and collectively redefine the meaning of intervention and enrichment.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/15/2013 - 12/31/2013Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

Completed 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Convening Sessions

TASKS 1 of 5 Complete

Evaluate the Findings Suspended Due 2/9/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Evaluate the findings from the convening session, including the best practices identified districtwide

Compare Completed Due 2/17/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Compare districtwide best practices with national results on multi-tiered system of support best practices

Compare Results Not Begun Due 2/18/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Document a unique multi-tiered system of support model based on the findings from district and national best practices.

Document of System Not Begun Due 3/17/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Document a unique multi-tiered system of support model based on the findings from district and national best practices.

Shares Model Districtwide Not Begun Due 4/22/2013

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Convening group shares the newly documented model districtwide

Persons Responsible


#2 Use the results of the convening session to drive the development of a multi-tiered system of support model that meets the needs of diverse learners, to be adopted for district-wide implementation.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/01/2014 - 06/30/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

Suspended 09/15/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Assessment

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Assessment

TASKS 0 of 2 Complete

Train Leaders and Teachers In Progress Due 6/20/2015

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Dan Deguara (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA)

- Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to use data from CCSS aligned assessments to make changes to instructional practices in order to meet the needs of diverse learners, SWD and ELs..

Ongoing Training Suspended Due 5/12/2014

- Provide ongoing training for teachers on the use of data to ensure the success of the multi-tiered system of support model

Persons Responsible


#3 Use assessments to determine student learning needs, including students with disabilities and English learners, and determine intervention or enrichment in a multi-tiered system of support.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/01/2013 - 06/01/2015Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Lesson-Embedded Assessments

Persons Responsible


#4 Teachers create short and medium cycle lesson-embedded assessments to inform instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners, including the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.

See 2CStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

01/01/2014 - 06/01/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Lesson-Embedded Assessments

TASKS 1 of 1 Complete

Professional Development Completed Due 1/1/2014

Carol MacLean (LEA) , Denise Williams (LEA) , Gary Kishimoto (LEA) , Lyn Vijayendran (LEA)

- Provide professional development on creating lesson-embedded and differentiated assessmentsfor SWD, EL and other students not meeting AYP.

ACTION STEP Units of Study

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Train Leaders and Teachers Not Begun Due 10/1/2013

Denise Williams (LEA)- Train leaders and teachers across the district on how to develop CCSS units of study that meet the needs of all students, specifically diverse learners and students not meeting AYP

Persons Responsible


#5 Develop CCSS units of study that address the needs of all learners, including the unique needs of students with disabilities and subgroups that missed AYP.

See 2CStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/08/2013 - 06/10/2017Start-End Dates

Gary Kishimoto, Carol MacLean, Denise Williams

In Progress 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

ACTION STEP Implement Coaching

Persons Responsible


#6 Implement a system of coaching support at school sites.

See 2CStrategy 1

Filing Cabinet Count 0

08/07/2013 - 06/14/2014Start-End Dates

Denise Williams

Completed 09/19/2014

Tags PI_Yr3

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Proficiency of High Priority StudentsGOAL

Multi-Tiered SystemSTRATEGY

ACTION STEP Implement Coaching

TASKS 0 of 1 Complete

Train Coaches In Progress Due 6/20/2015

Denise Williams (LEA)- Train and build coaches’ expertise on coaching methods, differentiated instruction, multi-tiered system of support and ELD standards.

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Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - Reading/Language ArtsGOAL

An increasing percentage of English learners will attain proficiency in Reading/Language Arts annually. · By (monthly/year), the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in Reading/Language Arts will increase from __% to __%, as measured by the local assessments and/or benchmarks, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for proficiency in Reading/Language Arts. · Optional: By (month/year), the percentage of teachers of English learners implementing the ELD Standards in tandem with the California Common Core Standards will increase from __% to __% as measured by locally developed observation tools. [Required per Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Sections 3116(a) & (b) and 3122(a)(3)(A)(iii)]

Filing Cabinet Count 0

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Goal 2C: AMAO 3 - MathematicsGOAL

· By (month/year), the percentage of English learners attaining proficiency in Mathematics will increase from __% to __%, as measured by the local assessments and/or benchmarks, in order to move toward state-defined expectations for proficiency in Mathematics. · Optional: By (month/year), the percentage of teacher s of English learners implementing the ELD Standards in tandem with the California Common Core Standards will increase from __% to __% as measured by locally developed observation tools. [Required per Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Sections 3116(a) & (b) and 3122(a)(3)(A)(iii)]

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Budgeted $316,450.05


$306,411.00TOTAL PLAN FUNDS:

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