elementary report card - peel district school...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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Elementary Report CardUser Interface Refresh


Login and Destination Menu

Use your p# and computer/email password

The modern UI separates Subjects, Learning Skills, and the full Report Card view into separate menu items

Subjects -Class List

Your available subjects are listed with check marks to show mark and comment completion for each

When a class is selected, the student list is displayed

Students are colour-coded according to withdrawn, not yet release, and incorrect French status

Subjects - List View

The subject, list, and current comment views have been combined in the modern UI

When the student details are collapsed, you can enter student marks

Use the arrow beside to the student name to expand/collapse the student details

Subjects - Subject View

The subject, list, and current comment views have been combined in the modern UI

When the student details are expanded, you can use your comment library, flood your comment to other students, and view other reporting periods for the school year

Subjects - Report Card View

In the modern UI, quickly preview how your comment will appear in the report card section

Note that the on-screen text entry box matches the printed formatting

Subjects - Comment Library

You can use your comment library, the shared library from other school staff members, or the board library

Subjects -Comment Flooding

Comments for one student can be used as a base for other students

Or, you can use floodable comments from your library to apply them to multiple students based on mark level

Learning Skills -Class List

Your available homeforms are listed with check marks to show skill and comment completion for each

When a class is selected, the student list is displayed

Students are colour-coded according to withdrawn, not yet release, and incorrect French status

Learning Skills -Student List

The details, list, and current comment views have been combined in the modern UI

When the student details are collapsed, you can enter student learning skills

Use the arrow beside to the student name to expand/collapse the student details

Learning Skills -Skill View

With the student expanded, you can flood learning skill results, view previous term comments, expand to show the rubric

Learning Skills -Rubric

Use the learning skills rubric to select the skill level for the student

Learning Skills -Report Card View

In the modern UI, quickly preview how your comment will appear in the report card section

Note that the on-screen text entry box matches the printed formatting

Comment Library

Create and edit your comment library

Import shared comments from other users at your school into your library


Your first visit

There are two colour options for the modern UI

The dark theme is battery friendly for mobile devices and easier on the eyes when working in a darker room

The light theme more closely matches the current SIS colour scheme

You can toggle the theme at any time

Your choice is saved in a browser cookie

List Pagination

To help improve performance, no more than 50 items will appear in a list at once (by default)

Use the left and right arrows to navigate between list pages

The Menu

Provides links to the current SIS documentation, security form, etc.

Allows you to toggle the theme

Provides a link to the app help

Allows you log out

Text Entry

The text entry area matches the size of the printed area. When the comments are too long, a red warning message will appear above the comment.

Has built-in, browser based, spell checking and works well with third party plugins (such as Grammarly)

Allows you to use browser scaling to make the font really large

Allows you to copy / paste from other applications (like MS Word)

Please note that printing is currently disabled in the new report card system.

We are investigating an issue that results in high server CPU usage that could lead to instability in the system.

You can print the subject and skill verification reports along with the report card itself

Verification and Printing

Transition Profiles

The student Transition Profiles have not yet been converted to the new UI.

If you require the transition profiles while entering your report card data, you will either need to use the current UI, or use the new UI to enter the data and the current UI to view the profile.

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