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22-23 JANUARY 2019 22-23 JANUARY 2019



Tuesday 22 January 09.30 - 10.00 Registration Registration desk in Kempenzaal

10.00 - 10.10 Welcome by Arian Steenbruggen, Beneluxzaal

director NWO Domain Science

10.10 - 10.55 Julie Grollier (CNRS/Thales Lab) Beneluxzaal

11.10 - 13.10 Focus sessions FT1 to FT9 See programme focus

13.10 - 14.00 Lunch Kempenzaal

13.20 - 14.00 Grants for junior researchers - NWO info session Room 2

13.20 - 14.00 Communication workshop Room 1

14.00 - 15.00 Communication speed dates Holland Foyer

14.00 - 15.00 Poster session even numbers Kempenzaal

15.15 - 17.50 Parallel sessions PT1 to PT9 See programme parallel

18.15 - 20.00 Dinner Beneluxzaal

20.00 - 20.30 Award ceremony NWO Physics Prizes 2018 Beneluxzaal

20.30 - 21.15 Julia R. Greer (California Institute of Technology) Beneluxzaal

21.15 - 01.00 Bar open Baroniezaal/Brabantzaal

Wednesday 23 January 09.00 - 11.20 Parallel sessions PW1 to PW9 See programme parallel

11.30 - 12.30 Poster session odd numbers Kempenzaal

11.30 - 13.30 Science for Society speed dates Limburg Foyer

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Kempenzaal

13.30 - 15.30 Focus sessions FW1 to FW9 See programme focus

15.45 - 16.30 Erik Verlinde (University of Amsterdam) Beneluxzaal

16.30 - 16.35 Award ceremony Physics@Veldhoven Poster Prizes Beneluxzaal

16.35 Conclusion Beneluxzaal

16.45 Departure buses to Eindhoven Central Station Main entrance NH Koningshof

Download the free NWO Events app for iOS or Android! Search for ‘NWO Events’ in your app store.In the NWO Events app you will find the event Physics@Veldhoven. Once installed, all information of the Physics@Veldhoven event can be accessed offline. Now you can create your personal programme, find all the abstracts, and consult the floorplan.

NWO facilitates excellent, curiosity-driven disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. In this role, NWO focuses on all scientific disciplines and on the entire knowledge chain with an emphasis on fundamental research. NWO connects researchers from various disciplines and across the entire knowledge chain and brings researchers and societal partners together.

The NWO Domain Science promotes, co-ordinates and finances fundamental research in the Netherlands in the exact and natural sciences. If you have any questions concerning the NWO organisation, please come and meet us at the NWO information stand in the Kempenzaal. Junior researchers are invited to attend the NWO info session ‘Grants for junior researchers’, Tuesday 22 January at 13.20 in room 2. More information about this session can be found in the conference app.


NWO and the NNV jointly organise a communication workshop on Tuesday 22 January. Diederik Jekel (science journalist and chairman of the NNV) takes you into the world of science communication and tells you how to get your ‘Physics outside’. After the communication workshop you can go on a speed date with an expert in science communication. During the

speed date you can ask questions about, among other things, writing texts, using social media and dealing with the media. The communication workshop is open for everyone. The speed dates are only for those who have registered for this.

Tuesday 13.20 hrs, Room 1


session Focus session FT1 Focus session FT2 Focus session FT3 Focus session FT4 Focus session FT5 Focus session FT6 Focus session FT7 Focus session FT8 Focus session FT9

title Quantum acoustics NNV: Open science and open data Fluid dynamics of inkjet printing Research software for energy applications: unlocking new energy sources one line of code at a time

Nanoscale sensing Bridging the phases: the often extreme interactions of plasma with liquids and vapours

Neuromorphic engineering: new materials concepts for brain-inspired computing

Emergence at all lengths scales Precision measurements on the table top for fundamental physics

location Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 5 Room 6 (Boszaal) Room 7 Room 8 (Brabantzaal) Room 9 (Baroniezaal)

chair Wolfgang Löffler (LEI) Johan Klootwijk (NNV) Hans Kuerten (TU/e)Harald van Brummelen (TU/e)

Nicolas Renaud (NL eScience Center)Jaap van der Vegt (UT)

Sanli Faez (UU)Peter Zijlstra (TU/e)

Marco de Baar (DIFFER) Yoeri van de Burgt (TU/e)Beatriz Noheda (RUG)

Alix McCollam (RU)Peter Bolhuis (UvA)

Kjeld Eikema (VU)Steven Hoekstra (RUG)

11.10 - 11.40 FT1.1 Yiwen Chu (Yale University) Quantum acoustics with superconducting qubits

FT2.1 Robert-Jan Smits (Open Access Envoy)Open science

FT3.1 Doris Vollmer (Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung) Shear-resistant lubricant infiltrated surfaces

FT4.1 Claudia Filippi (UT) A rigorous ab initio framework to model photo-excitations in quantum Monte Carlo

FT5.1 Sonia García Blanco (UT) Al2O3 integrated microring resonator biosensors

FT6.1 Thomas Morgan (DIFFER)Bubbles and clouds: what happens when plasmas interact with liquids?

FT7.1 Daniele Ielmini (Politenico di Milano) Brain-like computation in neuromorphic nanodevices

FT8.1 Piers Coleman (Rutgers University)Emergence and reductionism: an awkward Baconian alliance

FT9.1 Eric Hessels (York University)A measurement of the Lamb shift in atomic hydrogen and its implication for the proton size puzzle

11.40 - 12.10 FT1.2 Gustav Andersson (Chalmers University of Technology) Nonexponential decay of a giant artificial atom

FT2.2 Dries van Oosten (UU)Open data and its enemies

FT3.2 Jacco Snoeijer (UT) Wetting of liquid drops: when surface tension is not constant

FT4.2 Alexey Lyulin and Björn Baumeier (TU/e)Multiscale and multiphysics models of excitation dynamics in complex molecular systems

FT5.2 Martin Baaske (LEI) Label-free nanoscale sensing with(out) optical microcavities

FT6.2 Oscar Versolato (ARCNL) Smashing and splashing: laser-impact on liquid tin in plasma light sources for nanolithography

FT7.2 Tamalika Banerjee (RUG) Interface driven spin memristive devices for bio inspired computing

FT8.2 Jan de Boer (UvA)The emergence of space and time

FT9.2 Edcel John Salumbides (VU)Molecular hydrogen and isotopes as search system for new physics

12.10 - 12.40 FT1.3 Simon Groeblacher (TUD)Quantum experiments with massive, mechanical oscillators

FT2.3 Bela Mulder (AMOLF)Data management hits the ‘work floor’: opportunities, obstacles and challenges

FT3.3 Christian Diddens (UT) Numerical simulations of inkjet printing processes

FT4.3 Jan van Dijk (TU/e) Trends in computational plasma physics - an e-science perspective

FT5.3 Grégory Schneider (LEI) Nanopores and nanogaps in graphene with chemical approaches

FT6.3 Hanneke Gelderblom (TU/e)How a laser-induced plasma shapes and fragments a liquid drop

FT7.3 Wilfred van der Wiel (UT)Evolving functionality in disordered nanosystems

FT8.3 Klaas Landsman (RU)The emergence of the classical world from quantum theory

FT9.3 Florian Schreck (UvA)Ultracold strontium for clocks, accelerometers and many-body physics

12.40 - 13.10 FT1.4 Thomas Metzger (Qualcomm Germany RFFE)Acoustic technologies for mobile communication

FT2.4 Peter Doorn (DANS) Open if possible, protected if necessary

FT3.4 Tim Segers (UT) Stability of MEMS-based inkjet printing: bubble nucleation, dynamics, and diffusive growth

FT4.4 Stefan Hickel (TUD)High-fidelity simulation of compressible turbulence and multiphase flows

FT5.4 Philipp Kukura (University of Oxford) Weighing single molecules with light

FT6.4 Rob Goldston (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)Taming the plasma boundary with lithium vapor

FT7.4 Yoeri van de Burgt (TU/e)Organic electronics for neuromorphic computing

FT8.4 Marjolein Dijkstra (UU)Machine learning and reverse engineering for soft materials

FT9.4 Dirk Bouwmeester (LEI)The collapse of the quantum wave function: is it real or an illusion?


session Parallel session PT1 Parallel session PT2 Parallel session PT3 Parallel session PT4 Parallel session PT5 Parallel session PT6 Parallel session PT7 Parallel session PT8 Parallel session PT9

title Atomic, molecular and optical physics I Light and matter I Physics of fluids I Surfaces and interfaces I Statistical physics and soft condensed matter I

Strongly correlated systems I & Plasma and fusion physics

Nanoscience and -technology I Nanoscience and -technology II Subatomic physics I

location Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 5 Room 6 (Boszaal) Room 7 Room 8 (Brabantzaal) Room 9 (Baroniezaal)

chair Shirin Faraji (RUG) Said Rodriguez (AMOLF)Elizabeth von Hauff (VU)

Rudie Kunnen (TU/e) Chuan Li (UT)Erik van Heumen (UvA)

Burak Eral (TUD) Vladimir Gritsev (UvA)Josefine Proll (TU/e)

Graeme Blake (RUG)Reinoud Lavrijsen (TU/e)

Sonia Conesa Boj (TUD)Freddy Rabouw (UU)

Tristan du Pree (Nikhef)

15.15 - 15.30 PT1.1 Eliane van Dam (AMOLF, Bakker)Correlation of molecular water dynamics and visco-elastic behavior in a biomolecular hydrogel

PT2.1 Annemarie Berkhout (AMOLF, F. Koenderink)Measuring amplitude and phase response of Salisbury screens using ultrashort pulse interferometry

PT3.1 Siddhartha Mukherjee (TUD, Van den Akker)Turbulent emulsions - dynamics of the dispersed phase and turbulence modification

PT4.1 Jaap Geessinck (UT, Rijnders)Systematic investigation of charge transfer at the LaCoO3-LaTiO3 interface

PT5.1 Harmen Wierenga (AMOLF, Ten Wolde)Friction between microtubules depends superexponentially on the number of crosslinkers

PT6.1 Klaas Giesbertz (VU, Gori-Giorgi)A route towards the description of strongly correlated materials out of equilibrium

PT7.1 Yingfen Wei (RUG, Noheda)A strain-induced new phase in ferroelectric HfO2-ZrO2 thin films

PT8.1 Di Xu (TUD, Kouwenhoven)Selective area growth InSb nanowire networks for scalable Majorana devices

PT9.1 Hannah Arnold (Nikhef, Verkerke)Observation of H->bb at the ATLAS experiment

15.30 - 15.45 PT1.2 Mark Koenis (UvA, Buma)Beyond one-dimensional photoswitches: taming the complexity of DASAs

PT2.2 Pritam Pai (UU, Mosk)Measuring generalized eigenstates of air and a strong scattering medium

PT3.2 Harshil Patel (TU/e, Kuipers)Multiphase direct numerical simulations (DNS) of oil-water flows through digitized porous rocks

PT4.2 Pim Reith (UT, Hilgenkamp)Recent advances in scanning SQUID microscopy

PT5.2 Justin Tauber (WUR, Van der Gucht)Stress management in biopolymer composite networks

PT6.2 Nikolay Gnezdilov (LEI, Beenakker)Tunneling into a black hole on a chip

PT7.2 Lisa Rossi (RU, Hussey)Probing electric polarization induced by very high magnetic fields in a frustrated spinel

PT8.2 Caterina Taballione (UT, Boller)8x8 reconfigurable quantum photonic processor based on silicon nitride waveguides

PT9.2 Andreas Papaefstathiou (Nikhef, Fleischer)The Higgs boson as a tool for discovery

15.45 - 16.00 PT1.3 Vincent Vandalon (TU/e, Bol)Understanding the polarized Raman response of nanocrystalline 2D TMDs to determine film texture

PT2.3 Kevin van As (TUD, Kenjeres)Coupling optics and fluid dynamics: dynamic interferometry from blood flow

PT3.3 Dennis Bakhuis (UT, Lohse)Mayonnaise Taylor-Couette turbulence

PT4.3 Chunhai Yin (LEI, Aarts)Irreversible electrostatic doping at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface

PT5.3 Antonio Carlos Costa (VU, Stephens)Adaptive, locally-linear models of complex dynamics

PT6.3 Maryam Shahrokhvand (RU, Zeitler)Quantum limit thermopower in the metallic semiconductor InSb

PT7.3 Arijit Das (RUG, Banerjee)Electric field tunability of competing magnetoresistance effects in semiconducting SrTiO3

PT8.3 Chung-Ting Ke (TUD, Goswami)Induced superconductivity in InSb 2DEGs

PT9.3 Elena Petreska (VU, Mulders)Before manufacturing a big bang

16.00 - 16.15 PT1.4 Matthias Germann (VU, Ubachs)Probing the proton radius and mass through laser spectroscopy of HD+

PT2.4 Vanessa Verrina (ARCNL, Planken)Optical diffraction by laser induced ultrasound using low duty cycle buried gratings

PT3.4 Sebastian Contreras (TU/e, Clercx)Chaotic advection in 3D unsteady flows: not the tori way

PT4.4 Anirudhan Chandrasekaran (UT, Bijkerk)Metal-on-metal interface formation laws of nanoscale thin films

PT5.4 Guillaume Lajoinie (UT, Versluis)Ultrasound-mediated release from targeted microbubbles driven with non-spherical oscillations

PT6.4 Tycho Sikkenk (UU, Fritz)Interplay of disorder and interactions in tilted Weyl cones

PT7.4 Tao Chen (UT, Van der Wiel)Pattern recognition using disordered networks

PT8.4 Luca Petit (TUD, Veldhorst)Quantum computation with hot spin qubits in silicon quantum dots

PT9.4 Auro Mohanty (UU, Mischke)Heavy-flavour correlations and jet measurements in ALICE

16.15 - 16.35 coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break

16.35 - 16.50 PT1.5 Joris Scheers (ARCNL, Versolato)EUV spectroscopy on highly charged tin ions in an electron beam ion trap

PT2.5 Matthijs Berghuis (TU/e, Gómez Rivas)Manipulating photophysics in tetracene crystals with strong light-matter coupling

PT3.5 Rodrigo Ezeta (UT, Lohse)Vapor bubble drag reduction in Taylor-Couette turbulence

PT4.5 Ida Delac Marion (RUG, Stöhr)Low-dimensional metal-organic coordination structures on graphene

PT5.5 Melissa Rinaldin (LEI, Kraft)Phase separation on anisotropic colloids connected to a reservoir

PT6.5 Daan van Vugt (TU/e, Huijsmans)Simulating heavy impurities in ITER

PT7.5 Anna Gatilova (RU, Rasing)Laser excitation of spin dynamics in InMnAs: from THz to visible light

PT8.5 Andreas Schulz (UT, Vos)Positioning QDs in Si photonic crystals and characterization via X-ray fluorescence tomography

PT9.5 Jeroen Schouwenberg (RU, Caron)A strategy for a general search for new phenomena using data-derived signal regions in ATLAS

16.50 - 17.05 PT1.6 Jasper Smits (UU, Van der Straten)Crystallizing space and time in degenerate Bose gases

PT2.6 Selim Sami (RUG, Hummelen)Computation of the dielectric constant and its importance for organic photovoltaics

PT3.6 Aniruddha Panda (TU/e, Kuipers)Wall-to-liquid heat transfer enhancement in bubbly flows

PT4.6 Tobias de Jong (LEI, Van der Molen)Intrinsic stacking domains in graphene on silicon carbide: a pathway for intercalation

PT5.6 Mariana Oshima Menegon (TU/e, Van der Schoot)Structure and dynamics of liquid crystal dispersions of single end-functionalised elongated colloids

PT6.6 Renato Perillo (DIFFER, Classen)New molecular-assisted recombination in the presence of nitrogen: modelling and experiments

PT7.6 Jing Liu (RUG, Van Wees)Interplay between coherent and incoherent magnon spin dynamics

PT8.6 Daniel Vakulov (TU/e, Bakkers)Ultra long ballistic heat transport in GaP nanowires

PT9.6 Ruben Jaarsma (Nikhef, Fleischer)Searching for new physics at the high-precision frontier with B to pi K decays

17.05 - 17.20 PT1.7 Silvia Musolino (TU/e, Kokkelmans) Dynamical formation of unitary Bose gases

PT2.7 Aart Ligthart (TU/e, Coehoorn)Exciton diffusion and annihilation in phosphorescent organic semiconductor host-guest systems

PT3.7 Ivan Mema (TUD, Padding)Effect of lift and hydrodynamic torque on fluidization of non-spherical particles

PT4.7 Brian Kiraly (RU, Khajetoorians)An orbitally-derived single atom magnetic memory

PT5.7 Qimeng Wu (WUR, Kodger)Exploring physics governing syneresis in colloid polymer mixtures

PT6.7 Matthijs van Berkel (DIFFER, Citrin)Estimating the heat flux and its components from electron temperature measurements

PT7.7 Sanchar Sharma (TUD, Bauer)Magnon manipulation by light

PT8.7 Aditya Kulkarni (TUD, Siebbeles)Motion and interactions of multiple excitons and charges in photoexcited PbSe nanorods

PT9.7 Ekaterina Govorkova (Nikhef, Merk)Measurement of CP-violating phase fs at LHCb

17.20 - 17.35 PT1.8 Sander Wildeman (Institut Langevin, Fort)Imaging with a thin slab of time-reversing material: a demonstration with water waves

PT2.8 Magnus Fridriksson (TUD, Grozema)The orientation of the organic cation in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites

PT3.8 Paolo Lovreglio (TU/e, Buist)Experimental and numerical study of flow and dispersion in packed beds

PT4.8 Michal Ochapski (UT, De Jong)Epitaxial Sn on silicene- and h-BN terminated ZrB2

PT5.8 Tonnishtha Dasgupta (UU, Dijkstra)Laves phases and binary quasicrystals from hard-sphere colloids in bulk and spherical confinement

PT6.8 Ruben Schupp (ARCNL, Versolato)Toward the full potential of Nd:YAG lasers as drive laser in extreme ultraviolet light sources

PT7.8 Camilo Ulloa (UU, Duine)Surfing on viscous magnons

PT8.8 Hans Tholen (TU/e, Silov)Active tuning of the full g-tensor in single InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots via strain

PT9.8 Kyrylo Bondarenko (LEI, Boyarsky)Searching for resolution of the ‘Beyond Standard Model puzzles’ at the Intensity Frontier

17.35 - 17.50 PT1.9 Tim Coopmans (TUD, Elkouss Coronas)NetSquid, a discrete-event simulator for quantum networks

PT2.9 Benjamin Daiber (AMOLF, Ehrler)Unravelling the transfer mechanisms in singlet fission solar cells between organic-inorganic layers

PT3.9 Matteo Madonia (TU/e, Kunnen)TROCONVEX: heat transfer measurements in extreme rapidly rotating convection

PT4.9 Qirong Yao (UT, Zandvliet)Charge puddles in germanene

PT5.9 Anna Nikolaenkova (UU, Van Blaaderen)Arresting colloidal model systems

PT6.9 Mark Damen (TU/e, Engeln)Vibrational quenching by H2O in a pulsed CO2 glow discharge

PT7.9 Marielle Meijer (TU/e, Lavrijsen)Imaging reversal of domain wall chirality in magnetic multilayers

PT8.9 Matteo Parente (DIFFER, Baldi)Equilibration of photogenerated charge carriers in plasmonic core@shell nanoparticles

PT9.9 Mick Mulder (Nikhef, Merk)Hints of new physics in beauty quark decays at the Large Hadron Collider






















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This year we organise the “Science for Society event”, also known as the industry session, where researchers and companies can meet and inspire each other. During this event you will have the opportunity to go on a speed date with a number of companies, pitch your research ideas, or explore career opportunities. Following the Science for Society speed dates there will be a Science for Society focus session, which will focus on how researchers and companies can come together to tackle societal challenges.

The focus session is open for everyone. The speed dates are only for those who have registered for this.

Wednesday from 11.30 hrs, Room 10 (Limburg Foyer) and Room 3 (Auditorium)

NWO PHYSICS PRIZESNWO PHYSICS PRIZESThe following prizes will be awarded on Tuesday evening:• NWO Physics Thesis Award• NWO Physics Valorisation Prize• NWO Physics Valorisation Chapter PrizeAll prize winners will present their prizewinning work on Wednesday in session PW9.

POSTER PRIZESPOSTER PRIZESThe Physics@Veldhoven Poster Prizes will be awarded on Wednesday at 16.30 hours. Please note: to be eligible for a Poster Prize nomination, the presenting author of the poster must be present during their appointed presentation time-frame, as well as during the Poster Prize award ceremony on Wednesday.


This year marks the 10th anniversary of the NWO Physics Valorisation Prizes. Come to the Pop-up Business Incubator to get advice and inspiration from previous award winners.


Tuesday Wednesday

Room Focussession




1 FT1 PT1 FW1 PW1

2 FT2 PT2 FW2 PW2

3 FT3 PT3 FW3 PW3

4 FT4 PT4 FW4 PW4

5 FT5 PT5 FW5 PW5

6 FT6 PT6 FW6 PW6

7 FT7 PT7 FW7 PW7

8 FT8 PT8 FW8 PW8

9 FT9 PT9 FW9 PW9

10 Science for Society speed dates Tuesday

11 Communication speed dates Wednesday

session Focus session FW1 Focus session FW2 Focus session FW3 Focus session FW4 Focus session FW5 Focus session FW6 Focus session FW7 Focus session FW8 Focus session FW9

title Quantum simulation with STM-built lattices

Chirality in light-matter interactions: detection and applications

Science for Society (industry session) Spectroscopic techniques for emerging photovoltaics

Stiffening, yielding, and failure in soft matter

Physics of tissues: from jamming to cancer

Astroparticle physics and cosmology: synergy between physics and astronomy in the Netherlands

New phases of topological matter FemEx@Veldhoven: female excellence in computational science

location Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 5 Room 6 (Boszaal) Room 7 Room 8 (Brabantzaal) Room 9 (Baroniezaal)

chair Ingmar Swart (UU)Sander Otte (TUD)

Martin Caldarola (TUD)Kobus Kuipers (TUD)

Tanja Kulkens (NWO) Bruno Ehrler (AMOLF)Elizabeth von Hauff (VU)

Joshua Dijksman (WUR) Liesbeth Janssen (TU/e)Luca Giomi (LEI)

Koen Kuijken (LEI)Jo van den Brand (Nikhef)

Jasper van Wezel (UvA)Erik van Heumen (UvA)

Shirin Faraji (RUG)

13.30 - 14.00 FW1.1 Jens Wiebe (Universität Hamburg) Emulation of spin systems via artificial arrays of magnetic atoms

FW2.1 Cyriaque Genet (Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires)Chiral twists between light and matter

FW3.1 Johannes de Boer (VU) and Kfir Azoulay (Heidelberg Engineering) From concept to console: spectral domain OCT has revolutionized diagnostics in ophthalmology

FW4.1 Yana Vaynzof (Heidelberg University) Mapping the energetic landscape of solution-processed emerging photovoltaic devicesaw

FW5.1 Brian Tighe (TUD) Negative normal stresses and strain stiffening in elastic networks

FW6.1 M. Cristina Marchetti (UC Santa Barbara)Biological tissues as active materials

FW7.1 Marica Branchesi (Gran Sasso Science Institute) Gravitational wave astronomy

FW8.1 Laurens Molenkamp (Universität Würzburg)Topological physics in HgTe-based quantum devices

FW9.1 Ewine van Dishoeck (LEI)Astrochemistry and quantum chemistry: a happy marriage

14.00 - 14.30 FW1.2 Cristiane Morais Smith (UU) Atom-by-atom engineering of novel quantum states of matter

FW2.2 Filippo Alpeggiani (TUD) Spin and helicity in structured electromagnetic fields

FW3.2 Gerard van Rooij (DIFFER) and Sander van Bavel (Shell) Opportunities for fundamental plasma physics to help the chemical industry in the energy transition

FW4.2 Jan Anton Koster (RUG)Understanding perovskite solar cells: towards a device model

FW5.2 Gijsje Koenderink (AMOLF) Nonlinear elasticity and fracture of biopolymer networks

FW6.2 Jaap den Toonder (TU/e) Microfluidic devices applied to understand physics of cells, tissues, and diseases

FW7.2 Jan Pieter van der Schaar (UvA) The primordial universe: a status update

FW8.2 Jorrit Kruthoff (UvA)Topology in time-reversal symmetric crystals

FW9.2 Lucas Visscher (VU)Multilevel approaches in computational spectroscopy

14.30 - 15.00 FW1.3 Alexander Khajetoorians (RU)Artificial lattices: electronic and magnetic structures on surfaces created atom-by-atom

FW2.3 Alberto Curto (TU/e) Enhancing spin-valley polarization with chiral nano-optics

FW3.3 Rick van de Zedde (WUR) and Bram de Vrught (QING Groep) Automation & robotics: way of working of collaboration between industry and research

FW4.3 Arjan Houtepen (TUD) The devil is in the defects: finding&fixing defects in nanomaterials using spectroelectrochemistry

FW5.3 Jasper van der Gucht (WUR) Microscopic plasticity governs fatigue in heterogeneous colloidal solids

FW6.3 Mirjam Zegers (RU)Cell-cell adhesion and 3D matrix confinement control jamming transitions in breast cancer invasion

FW7.3 Henk Hoekstra (LEI)Study of the large-scale structure in the universe with the Euclid mission

FW8.3 Alexander Brinkman (UT)Probing emergent phenomena in a Dirac semimetal

FW9.3 Fernanda Duarte (University of Oxford)Learning from nature through computation: from fundamental chemistry to biological systems

15.00 - 15.30 FW1.4 Jean-Sébastien Caux (UvA) Nanoscale chains: opportunities in and out of equilibrium

FW2.4 Femius Koenderink (AMOLF) Resolving chiral properties of nanoscale objects by dissecting their far field radiation

FW3.4 Xaveer Leijtens (TU/e) and Luc Augustin (SMART Photonics) Photonic integrated circuits for optical communications, sensing and beyond

FW4.4 Esther Alarcón-Lladó (AMOLF)Semiconductor nanowires for new PV concepts

FW5.4 Eran Bouchbinder (Weizmann Institute of Science) Instabilities in dynamic brittle fracture

FW6.4 Vito Conte (TU/e)From living cells to tissues: opportunities from mesoscale mechanical-biology

FW7.4 Dorothea Samtleben (LEI)The high energy neutrino sky

FW8.4 Jeroen van den Brink (ITF)The axion electromagnetic response of topological insulators

FW9.4 Katharina Doblhoff-Dier (LEI)Modern computational techniques in surface science


session Parallel session PW1 Parallel session PW2 Parallel session PW3 Parallel session PW4 Parallel session PW5 Parallel session PW6 Parallel session PW7 Parallel session PW8 Parallel session PW9

title Light and matter II Atomic, molecular and optical physics II & Light and matter III

Statistical physics and soft condensed matter III & Surfaces and Interfaces II

Subatomic physics II Statistical physics and soft condensed matter II

Strongly correlated systems II Nanoscience and -technology III Physics of fluids II Prize winners & Subatomic Physics III

location Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 (Auditorium) Room 4 (Parkzaal) Room 5 Room 6 (Boszaal) Room 7 Room 8 (Brabantzaal) Room 9 (Baroniezaal)

chair Alix McCollam (RU) Sanli Faez (UU)

Wolfgang Löffler (LEI) Esther Alarcón-Lladó (AMOLF)

Igor Siretanu (UT)Laura Rossi (TUD)

Gideon Koekoek (MU) Bas Overvelde (AMOLF) Jasper van Wezel (UvA) Floris A. Zwanenburg (UT) Srijit Goswami (TUD)

Alvaro Marin (UT) Tristan du Pree (Nikhef)

09.00 - 09.15 PW1.1 Kiran Horabail Prabhakara (RU, Kimel)Controlling magnetic domain wall velocity by photo-induced localization of Bloch lines

PW2.1 Jelmer Renema (UT, Pinkse)The hardness of boson sampling under imperfections

PW3.1 Amirmehdi Saedi (LEI, Groot)Synthesis of 2D materials using liquid metal catalysts: Instrument development for in situ studies

PW4.1 Manuela Vecchi (RUG)Cosmic-ray antimatter as a tool for particle dark matter studies

PW5.1 Anne Meeussen (AMOLF, Van Hecke)Topological defects in mechanical metamaterials

PW6.1 Salvatore Licciardello (RU, Hussey) Electrical resistivity across a nematic quantum critical point

PW7.1 Magdalena Solà Garcia (AMOLF, Polman)Pump-probe cathodoluminescence spectroscopy on diamond NV centers

PW8.1 Maziyar Jalaal (UT, Lohse)Bubble cavitation in a thin film

PW9.1 Davide Iannuzzi (VU)Mission (im)possible: what can we learn from Sheldon Cooper? Part 1

09.15 - 09.30 PW1.2 Erik van der Wurff (UU, Stoof)Dissipationless transport in Weyl semimetals

PW2.2 Liubov Amitonova (VU, De Boer)High-dimensional quantum key distribution through a multimode fiber

PW3.2 Ben Werkhoven (UU, Van Roij)Flow-induced surface charge heterogeneity in electrokinetics due to stern-layer conductance

PW4.2 Fabrizia Canfora (Nikhef, De Jong)Cosmic-ray composition with the Auger engineering radio array

PW5.2 Martin Brandenbourger (UvA, Coulais)Unidirectional transport in robotic mechanical metamaterials

PW6.2 Doohee Cho (LEI, Allan)Scanning noise spectroscopy on a cuprate high temperature superconductor

PW7.2 Tom Bosma (RUG, Van der Wal)Identification and tunable optical coherent control of transition-metal spins in silicon carbide

PW8.2 Myrthe Bruning (UT, Marin)Droplets in elastic media: cavitation through diffusion

PW9.2 Davide Iannuzzi (VU)Mission (im)possible: what can we learn from Sheldon Cooper? Part 2

09.30 - 09.45 PW1.3 Bence Bernáth (RU, Christianen)Magnetic field induced phase transition in KEr(MoO4)2

PW2.3 Maximilian Ruf (TUD, Hanson)An efficient spin-photon interface for a diamond based quantum network

PW3.3 Simone van Lin (UT, Mugele)Ion specific hydration of mica-electrolyte interfaces

PW4.3 Chris Ripken (RU, Loll)Cosmological predictions from the RG flow of gravity

PW5.3 Simon Stuij (UvA, Schall)Critical mechanics of colloidal structures

PW6.3 Jorrit de Boer (UT, Brinkman) Is the superconductivity in PdTe2 unconventional or not? A tunneling spectroscopy study

PW7.3 Uditendu Mukhopadhyay (TUD, Vandersypen)Simulating Nagaoka ferromagnetism in a 2×2 quantum dot array

PW8.3 Yaxing Li (UT, Lohse)Evaporation-triggered segregation of sessile binary droplets

PW9.3 Eric de Vries (RUG)Taking topological insulators for their spin

09.45 - 10.00 PW1.4 Dmytro Afanasiev (TUD, Caviglia)Ultrafast phonon-driven magnetism in DyFeO3

PW2.4 Mohsen Falamarzi Askarani (TUD, Tittel)Entanglement and non-locality between disparate solid-state quantum memories

PW3.4 Mark Aarts (AMOLF, Allarcón-Lladó)Additive electrochemical nanofabrication using close-proximity scanning probes

PW4.4 Lars Aalsma (UvA, Van der Schaar)Do we live in a de Sitter space?

PW5.4 Simone Ciarella (TU/e, Ellenbroek)Defects as a highway to stress relaxation: how to design malleable vitrimers

PW6.4 Sergio Enrique Tapias Arze (UvA, Caux)Floquet resonances and out-of-equilibrium phase transitions in a periodically driven XY spin chain

PW7.4 Marios Kounalakis (TUD, Steele)Engineering tuneable interaction regimes for analog quantum simulation with superconducting qubits

PW8.4 Ahmed Jarray (UT, Luding)A systematic approach for ink formulation using molecular dynamics simulation

PW9.4 Xiaojue Zhu (UT)Taylor-Couette and Rayleigh-Bénard turbulence: the role of boundaries

10.00 - 10.20 coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break coffee/tea break

10.20 - 10.35 PW1.5 Tenzin Kunsel (RUG, Knoester)Novel perspective on structure of tubular aggregates from modeling single- particle spectroscopy

PW2.5 Nikhil Parappurath (AMOLF, Verhagen)Direct observation of topologically protected edge states in Si photonic crystals

PW3.5 Janne-Mieke Meijer (UvA, Keim)2D monolayers of cubic colloids: crystals, dynamics and defects

PW4.5 Vincenzo Scopelliti (LEI, Schalm)The (quantum) butterfly effect and hydrodynamics in holographic and weakly coupled field theories

PW5.5 Stefan Kooij (UvA, Bonn)Fragmentation of Prince Rupert’s drops

PW6.5 Xinmin You (TUD, Brück)Guidance of synthesis (Mn, Fe)2(P, Si) samples

PW7.5 Oleksandr Zheliuk (RUG, Ye)Superconductivity on the limits of field-effect in bilayer MoS2

PW8.5 Rumen Georgiev (TUD, Eral) Universal behavior of mirror-symmetric particles in confined Stokes flow

PW9.5 Milo Vermeulen (Nikhef, De Jong)ProtoDUNE: testing a swimming pool for neutrinos

10.35 - 10.50 PW1.6 Giulio Simone (TU/e, Gelinck)Near-infrared tandem organic photodiodes for future application in artificial retinal implants

PW2.6 Daniele Pellegrino (TU/e, Fiore)Controlling radiative processes via mode field modulation

PW3.6 Zhihong You (LEI, Luca)Mono-multilayer transition in growing bacterial colonies

PW4.6 Valeri Vardanyan (LEI, Silvestri)Quintessential inflation and alpha-attractors

PW5.6 Geert Kapteijns (UvA, Lerner)‘Quick-and-dirty’ ultrastable glasses

PW6.6 Lars J. Bannenberg (TUD, Pappas)New magnetic phase of the chiral skyrmion material Cu2OSeO3

PW7.6 Marcos Guimaraes (TU/e, Koopmans)Spin accumulation and dynamics in layered materials for novel magnetic devices

PW8.6 Kartik Totlani (TUD, Van Steijn)A robust and passive microfluidic droplet on demand generator

PW9.6 Veronica Fabiani (Nikhef, De Groot) Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to bb in ATLAS

10.50 - 11.05 PW1.7 Sebastian Thallmair (RUG, Marrink) The impact of microsecond protein dynamics on natural light-harvesting: a theoretical assessment

PW2.7 Ying Tang (TUD, Urbach)Tunable high-birefringence meta-material probes for optical torque wrench application

PW3.7 Daniël ten Napel (UU, Petukhov)Active colloidal rotators

PW4.7 Wilke van der Schee (UU, Gursoy)(Non-)saturation of the quantum null energy condition

PW5.7 Liz Mensink (UT, Snoeijer)Wetting of polymer brushes by chemically distinct polymeric nanodroplets

PW6.7 Alessio Pozzi (RUG, Mostovoy)Skyrmions in a layered anti-ferromagnet

PW7.7 Yuqiang Gao (UT, Kelly)High temperature itinerant ferromagnetism in p-doped MoS2 monolayers

PW8.7 Maciej Chudak (TU/e, Darhuber)Dewetting of thin liquid films confined between soft elastic solids

PW9.7 Maisam Mohammadi-Dadkan (RUG, Kalantar-Nayestanaki) Study of spin effects in the three-nucleon force at large scattering angles

11.05 - 11.20 PW1.8 Amin Moradi (LEI, Van der Molen)A highly sensitive single-molecule probe for applied electric fields

PW2.8 Thomas Bauer (TUD, Kuipers)Experimental visualization of Hilbert’s hotel paradox in 2D optical fields

PW3.8 Koen Muller (TUD, Tam) Tracking fish inside a large school

PW4.8 Benjamin Knorr (RU, Loll)Is Lorentz symmetry relevant?

PW5.8 Mark Vis (TU/e, Tuinier) Experimental quantification of the broadness of colloidal gas–liquid interfaces

PW6.8 Schelto Crone (UvA, Corboz)An iPEPS study of plaquette phases in an extended Shastery-Sutherland model

PW7.8 Sabina Caneva (TUD, Van der Zant) Mechanically controlled quantum interference in graphene break junctions

PW8.8 Yanshen Li (UT, Lohse)A bouncing oil droplet in a stratified liquid and its sudden death

PW9.8 Bruno Strandberg (Nikhef, De Jong) Neutrino mass ordering measurement at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea with KM3NeT


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