engagement by design - first draft

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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First draft of the notes of a talk I will give at Better Software 2012 http://www.bettersoftware.it/


Engagement by Design Pietro Polsinelli 1

To get to “engaging” (ITA avvincenti) we have to ask about the user. UX design is understanding people – not by example. You won’t go anywhere by just hacking code.

UI and UX are more a theme for psychology & anthropology than software engineering.

the flow

The blurry edge between challenging and too difficoult.

There is the flow. We are tackling the tip of something complex. When we are

kept at the margin of our abilities – it’s the flow graph. So its complex,

there are exceptions everywhere.

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Author)

New user models.

UI design starting from the user - examples

Starting point is an antropological question.

How can I talk about WW2 to today’s hurried reader? [image of Churchill autobiography] Twitter stories

Twitter stories to movies

Social software for story composition.

Gabriele Farina from aLittleb.it (Milan)

Why games can teach about UI?

Classical game design intro

Game “mechanics”?

Crash course in game design.

Gamification of routine work does not make sense because we want surprises, new patterns in games A game is about loops -> mostly primitive ones

Drawing with your figer on the iPad is nice. Racing with small cars is beautiful [polistil?]

Considers shape, speed. Also runtime “turbo” interventions. You don’t drive – which simplifies development, but is a plus here, not a minus.

“This game is engaging”

Engagement can be caused by disparate reasons:

1. Engagement because of s fun base mechanic

2. Engagement by using a virtual world projection mechanics

Engaging design is ambiguous: can mean engaging by using a base mechanic (flipper tower defence, verify the chapter in theory of fun), or by using a virtual world projection mechanics

Koster – Deterding definition of fun.

Learn more on Classical Game Design

Game mechanics is a field of its own, as is the litterature on engagement. Ho selezionato I riferimenti per qualità, non per popolarità. My friend Sebastian Deterding

In the infoberg give references by theme: fun -> fun bookGamification deterding (again takeaway clearing ambiguities), amyUser models: kahnemanVirtual: lehdonGame mechanics: schell, fun, what

Enchant and dispell

[which is the reference? Check licrize?]



Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh how nice it is to work as a slave for this multinational


Monday, August 27, 2012

Conflict of interests

“This Bat Man game feels like busywork” -> bad game. Games’destiny is to be mastered and become boring, surprises ended. [redraw with differences: n surprises iteration]

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