engarde: protecting the mobile phone from malicious nfc...

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EnGarde: Protecting the Mobile Phone from Malicious NFCInteractions

Jeremy Gummeson1, Bodhi Priyantha2,Deepak Ganesan1, Derek Thrasher1, Pengyu Zhang1

1University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2Microsoft Research{gummeson, dganesan, thrasher, pyzhang}@cs.umass.edu, bodhip@microsoft.com

ABSTRACTNear Field Communication (NFC) on mobile phones presentsnew opportunities and threats. While NFC is radically chang-ing how we pay for merchandise, it opens a pandora’s boxof ways in which it may be misused by unscrupulous indi-viduals. This could include malicious NFC tags that seek tocompromise a mobile phone, malicious readers that try togenerate fake mobile payment transactions or steal valuablefinancial information, and others. In this work, we look athow to protect mobile phones from these threats while notbeing vulnerable to them. We design a small form-factor“patch”, EnGarde, that can be stuck on the back of a phoneto provide the capability to jam malicious interactions. En-Garde is entirely passive and harvests power through thesame NFC source that it guards, which makes our hardwaredesign minimalist, and facilitates eventual integration witha phone. We tackle key technical challenges in this designincluding operating across a range of NFC protocols, jam-ming at extremely low power, harvesting sufficient powerfor perpetual operation while having minimal impact on thephone’s battery, designing an intelligent jammer that blocksonly when specific blacklisted behavior is detected, and im-portantly, the ability to do all this without compromisinguser experience when the phone interacts with a legitimateexternal NFC device.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.3 [Special-purpose and Application-based Systems]:[Real-time and Embedded Systems]

General TermsSecurity, Design, Algorithms, Experimentation, Measure-ment

KeywordsNear Field Communications, Passive Systems

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.MobiSys’13, June 25-28, 2013, Taipei, TaiwanCopyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-1672-9/13/06 ...$15.00.

1. INTRODUCTIONNear Field Communication (NFC) has begun to make its

way into major mobile phones, with several Android, Black-berry, and Nokia phones already providing such function-ality. The proliferation of NFC on phones can open up arange of applications, from being able to interact with NFC-tagged smart posters to revolutionizing the payment indus-try, where phones are expected to replace credit cards as themost convenient way to pay for products at the point-of-sale.

These benefits of NFC come at a price — security becomesparticularly challenging since phones are general-purposecomputing devices that expose a relatively large attack sur-face that can be exploited by unscrupulous individuals. Theseissues were exposed in a recent security breach that lever-aged the fact that NFC tags can be registered to open ap-plications on a phone such as images, contacts, or web pageswithout requiring user consent. In this attack, a mobilephone was directed to a URL that hosted code that exploiteda vulnerability in Android 4.1’s web browser [16].

In addition to technical issues, there are also non-technicalchallenges at play — NFC mobile payments involve interac-tion between mobile phone manufacturers and OS vendors(Blackberry, Google), mobile phone operators (ATT, Veri-zon, etc), and banking organizations (VISA), leading to acomplex and intertwined web of control. For example, vi-aForensics [21] announced a Google Wallet vulnerability al-most a year ago, but it has yet to be patched because the fixwould require a “change of agency” rather than a quick OSpatch. Thus, the outcome of business interests and complexbusiness dealings are likely to provide more opportunitiesfor attacks that target the fuzzy boundaries between theseentities.

Existing efforts attempt to address these security concernsin several ways. First, many mobile operating systems turnoff the NFC interface when the screen is locked. But if theOS is compromised, a malicious rootkit can keep the NFC in-terface turned on when the screen is locked, thereby thwart-ing this defense. Second, mobile payments ask the user toprovide a four digit pin before an NFC-initiated payment.However, this is also vulnerable to attacks such as the onedemonstrated in [5], where the pin code was inferred by look-ing at data stored by an NFC payment application. Oncethe pin-code is cracked, a rootkit can potentially bypass userinput entirely and make a mobile payment that the user iscompletely unaware of. Third, phones can use hardware (se-cure elements) that provides security guarantees for mobilepayments ([14, 20]), but such hardware is not available for

phones acting as readers. Thus, none of the mechanismsfully address the scope of security issues presented by NFC.

We argue that there is a need for a hardware-based “NFCguardian”, EnGarde, that is perpetually attached to thephone, and acts as an NFC firewall that allows legitimateinteractions to occur as normal, while blocking unwantedNFC interactions through jamming. While the idea of jam-ming unwanted interactions is reminiscent of RFID blockers[17], practical instantiations of such ideas are bulky systemswith large power draw, and consequently not in wide use.In contrast, our design is small, passively powered, and canbe fully integrated on a mobile phone, thereby making itentirely practical.

In addition to jamming, one of our goals is to design atool that can be invaluable to security concerned individu-als that seek more insight into the low-level behavior of theirphone’s NFC interface. For example, unexpected data usageby an official NFC application, Google Wallet, has been re-ported in several forums [1] but the lack of visibility makesit difficult to determine whether this is the result of interac-tions with external NFC devices. Creating a tool that putsthe user in control of the interface, rather than the operat-ing system, could satiate some of these concerns until thesecurity implications of NFC on mobile phones are betterunderstood.

Our design contributions are four-fold. First, EnGardehas the form-factor of a self-contained and self-powered thinpad that attaches to the back of the phone, and is agnostic ofmobile operating system differences as well as idiosyncrasiesof different dock connectors. Second, EnGarde is easy touse since it operates entirely through power scavenged fromthe NFC reader on mobile phones (or external readers ac-cessing the phone). Thus, it requires zero effort on the partof user to change batteries, and only has a small effect onthe phone in terms of overall harvesting needs. Third, En-Garde defends against a wide range of passive tag and activereader based attacks that cover the spectrum of NFC proto-cols and operational modes including those that target thephone a) in reader mode interacting with a malicious tag, b)in tag mode interacting with a malicious reader, and c) in ac-tive peer-to-peer mode interacting with a malicious phone.Fourth, EnGarde can be programmed to trigger upon de-tecting specific types of messages, protocols, or transactionsthat are indicative of security violations, and disrupt theseinteractions through jamming.

Our design presents a range of technical challenges thatwe address in this work. First, we dramatically reduce powerconsumption during jamming by requiring no active trans-mission in most cases; rather we leverage the NFC carrierwave to generate an interfering subcarrier while scavengingenergy. Second, we design algorithms that maximize the en-ergy scavenging efficiency from the phone while simultane-ously minimizing the power footprint on the phone. Third,we design an early warning mechanism that detects pres-ence or absence of an NFC device in the vicinity withoutany communication occurring between the phone and thedevice, thereby enabling EnGarde to stay out of the waywhen there is a legitimate transaction as well as to primeitself to thwart an illegitimate one. Fourth, we prototypethe complete system and hardware, and demonstrate thatall of the outlined capabilities can fit in a flat form-factor ofroughly five square inches, demonstrating its practicality.

Our results show that:

I We can jam tag responses with 100% success rate whileconsuming only 6.4 µW of power, which is considerablymore efficient than prior approaches that have usedactive jamming.

I We can accurately detect tag presence with an accu-racy of 95% under a wide range of conditions, whilehaving negligible impact on legitimate communications.

I We can continuously power EnGarde solely throughNFC-based power scavenging, while being 4× more ef-ficient than a naive harvesting approach that does notconsider the host phone’s power consumption.

I We can defend successfully against attacks similar toa known URL attack scenario, and show that we candetect and block a particular NDEF URL type with100% accuracy, while allowing other NDEF messagesto reach the phone unimpeded.

2. DESIGN REQUIREMENTSIn this section, we discuss some of the requirements that

we used as the rationale for our design choices in EnGarde.

Protect all NFC Modes: A central design goal isprotecting all NFC modes implemented on a mobile phone.This means that EnGarde should be able to block NFC mes-sages between the phone and external entity whether thephone is acting as a reader or in tag emulation mode. Thespecific types of attacks EnGarde should protect against are:

I Malicious tags deployed in infrastructure (such as tagswith URLs). When the phone discovers and interpretsthe tag’s information, it is instructed to take some ac-tion that compromises the phone’s security; this couldbe the phone being directed to a malicious web site.In this attack, we need to protect the phone while itacts as a reader and block communication before thephone receives the malicious data. This type of attackis well known in the security community as “fuzzing”.

I A Phone encounters a malicious device in peer-to-peermode. Since this type of interaction can support arbi-trary file transfer, the phone is vulnerable to whatevercontent is transferred from its peer. EnGarde wouldneed to detect and block these malicious data trans-fers.

I An external reader reads and discovers the ID used bythe phone while in tag emulation mode. This wouldmean that an external entity would be able to trackthe location of a particular phone user each time theID is read, compromising their privacy. Additionally, asimilar attack could result in the user’s financial infor-mation being compromised if it were sent in the clear.EnGarde should block the release of this information.This type of attack is well known in the security com-munity as “identity theft”.

I A user inadvertently installs an application on theirmobile phone that uses the NFC interface for maliciouspurposes. The user’s phone may then subsequentlybe used by an attacker to perform any of the attacksabove.

Transparently Powered: EnGarde should inte-grate with a mobile phone in the most transparent way pos-sible. For example, one way to power EnGarde would be toconnect it via the phone’s dock connector which could then

be used to supply power. However, this would leave En-Garde completely unpowered if a user connects a differentperipheral to the dock or charges the phone and forgets toplug in EnGarde; instead, we advocate a passively poweredmechanism where EnGarde harvests power from the NFC in-terface while the phone is actively being used. We also notethat powering the phone in this way would allow EnGardeto function independently from a potentially compromisedoperating system. Thus, EnGarde should be a physicallyseparate piece of hardware that does not rely on a wiredinterface for power.

No impact on usability: We wanted EnGardeto be almost invisible, both in terms of physical form factoras well as in its effect on the usability of the phone for legit-imate NFC transactions. This meant that EnGarde shouldbe small enough that it can be a patch stuck on a phone (oreventually integrated with a phone’s battery). Additionally,EnGarde should not diminish user experience for NFC trans-actions that a user wishes to make. In other words, thereshould be negligible effect in terms of packet loss rates or dis-tance at which NFC transactions are possible if a legitimateNFC device is communicating with the phone.

Programmable Rules: Given that the types ofNFC vulnerabilities will almost certainly evolve as new at-tacks are discovered and known attacks are patched, we wantto have a fully programmable platform where the rules uponwhich to jam can be specified. These rules can range fromblocking all exchanges of a certain type (e.g. payments),blocking exchanges with tags that contain a URL and usethe browser, blocking when certain sensitive information istransmitted in clear text, and so on. Thus, EnGarde shouldbe programmable, and block only those interactions thatare known to be vulnerable, while allowing other messagesto get through to the phone.

Fail Safe: Since EnGarde relies on energy scavenging,one question is what happens if it runs out of power; thismay occur after a long period after the phone is idle. Inparticular, since EnGarde decodes messages and jams onlywhen malicious interactions were detected, what would hap-pen if the microcontroller that makes this decision is unableto operate? The duration when EnGarde is charging pro-vides a window of opportunity to an attacker. Thus, a keyrequirement is that EnGarde should fail safely, i.e. when theMCU does not have sufficient power to make intelligent jam-ming decisions, it should default to a mode where it jamsNFC interactions as soon as the phone initiates NFC dis-covery until the MCU is able to operate and make a morejudicious decision. In this manner, the phone is protectedwhether or not EnGarde has charge.

3. AN OVERVIEW OF NFCNFC is a relatively new technology. In this section, we

give an overview of NFC by examining the underlying com-munication standards, protocols, and physical layer charac-teristics. The design of EnGarde is heavily influenced bythese details.

3.1 NFC Communication LayerNFC uses High Frequency (HF) RFID as its communi-

cation layer. The NFC standard requires that a compliant

Filter + amplifierDemodulator





Rx Data

Reader Tag

Tx Data

Figure 1: Functional block diagram of HF RFIDreader and tag.

device be compatible with all existing HF RFID communi-cation layer standards. HF RFID is used to communicatebetween a tag and a reader. The tag contains a globallyunique ID and some data which is optionally writable bya reader. The tag is a passive electronic device which ispowered by the reader during communication.

The reader powers tags in its vicinity using a magneticfield. Before communicating with a tag, the reader runsa discovery protocol to discover the tags in its vicinity. Ifmultiple tags are found, a collision avoidance protocol isused to identify individual tags. Once a tag is discovered,the reader uses the tag ID to uniquely address the tag forreading and writing tag data.

Since the reader generates the magnetic field to power thetag, the communication is always reader initiated. Duringeach interaction, the reader generates the field and sends amessage addressed to a specific tag; the tag, after interpret-ing the reader message, sends a reply.

Figure 1 shows the basic components of the HF reader andtag. The reader generates a magnetic field at 13.56MHz us-ing a tuned reader coil; the tag has a coil tuned to the samefrequency. Due to the magnetic coupling between these coils,similar to the operation of an electrical transformer, thereader coil induces a voltage in the tag coil. This AC voltageis converted to a DC voltage to power the tag electronics.Since magnetic field strength decays rapidly with distance,NFC systems have a typical range of a few centimeters (withlarger reader antennas and high-power readers, the commu-nication range can go up to 1 meter).

Reader to tag communication: Reader to tag commu-nications use Amplitude Modulation (AM) of the 13.56MHzcarrier. The carrier amplitude variation causes a corre-sponding variation of the voltage induced at the tag’s coil.

The tag decodes this signal variation using a simple cir-cuit. Different communication protocol standards use AM asa primitive to encode data using different coding techniques.Table 1 shows various protocol standards and modulationformats.

Tag to reader communication: Tag to reader commu-nications use load modulation, where the load across the tagcoil is varied by switching on and off a parallel resistor (ora capacitor). Since the tag coil receives its power from thereader coil, the varying load causes a varying current and avoltage at the reader coil.

The load modulation is used to generate a 847.5kHz subcarrier which is encoded using different coding techniques(Table 1).








Type Payload (n bytes)




0x01 0x55 0x03



Figure 2: An NDEF message has a regular structureand holds an NDEF record. This one contains aURL that uses a prefix of “http://”

3.2 NFC Device-Level InteractionsAlthough NFC is based on HF RFID technology, NFC

has more capabilities than discovery, reading, and writingof RFID tags by a reader.

Communication modes. Unlike a traditional reader or atag, an an NFC-enabled phone can take on multiple roles:

Phone as a reader: In this mode, the NFC enabled mo-bile phone behaves as an RFID reader. The phone periodi-cally runs a tag discovery loop to identify compatible tags inits vicinity, and establishes communication with them. Thismode is typically used to scan QR-code like tags that con-tain a short piece of information such as phone numbers andURLs.

Phone as an emulated tag: In this mode, called tagemulation mode, the mobile phone behaves like an RFIDtag – an external reader can discover and interact with thephone. Since the NFC-related circuitry is powered by thereader’s magnetic field, this mode can be active even whenthe phone has no power. This mode is typically used formobile payments in transit card-like applications.

Phone as a peer: Here the phone communicates in apeer to peer mode with another NFC enabled device suchas a phone. In this mode, which is typically entered afterone device discovers the other, both parties take turns gen-erating the carrier. This communication mode supports thehighest rate of communication and is used to share smallfiles between mobile phones.

NDEF standard. The NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF)provides a common language that enables HF RFID tags,which could be based on different HF standards, to exchangedata. The well known NDEF message has a regular struc-ture – In Figure 2, we show an example of one such NDEFmessage. This particular message contains a record thatconforms to a well-defined type, as indicated by the TNFfield being set to 0x01. The ID field of the message in-creases the degree of specificity – the particular well definedtype is a URI, as indicated by the Record Type field beingset to 0x55. The last field in an NDEF message containsthe NDEF record; in a URI record, the first byte contains aprefix that is applied to the message. This particular URIuses an identifier code of 0x03 to apply the prefix http://;other options could have been 0x00 or 0x04 for example,which correspond to no prefix and https:// respectively.

Platform support. In addition to the various protocols andmessaging formats available, there are also differences in howNFC is supported across platforms. We summarize some ofthese differences in Table 2. All platforms we looked atdisallow use of the phone as a reader while the screen islocked. A couple of key differences are that Blackberry 7

Coding Coding Bit RateForward Reverse kbps

ISO 15693 1 out of 4/256Manchester 1.65,

6.62, 26.48ISO 14443-A Mod. Miller Manchester 106, 212, 424ISO 14443-B NRZ-L BPSK 106, 212, 424Sony FeliCa ASK Manchester 212, 424

ISO 18092Mod. Miller

Manchester 106, 212,424Manchester

Table 1: Summary of NFC Forum Supported Pro-tocols

Platform Card Emulation Support

Android 4.1While screen unlocked;only Google Wallet

Windows Phone 8While screen unlocked/locked;Restricted applications

Blackberry 7While screen unlocked/locked/off;Any user application supported

Table 2: The management of tag emulation modevaries across platforms.

and Windows Phone 8 allow card emulation mode to workwhile the screen is locked. In fact, Blackberry 7 allows anyuser application to access card emulation mode; however,only core applications have access to the secure element.EnGarde is designed to operate across all these platformsand operating systems.

4. IDENTIFYING NFC PROTOCOLSOne of our design requirements is that EnGarde sup-

ports programmable blacklisting rules, which implies thatit should be able to both listen to, and interpret all possibleNFC message exchanges in real time, and decide which onesto block and which ones to allow. However, this requiresthat EnGarde be able to decode a wide range of NFC mod-ulation formats to determine which of the NFC protocols isbeing used so that it can determine the information contentin them.

While this may seem similar to what an NFC reader doesto read tags that support different NFC formats, there isa key difference. When an NFC reader establishes commu-nication with another NFC device, it first goes through a dis-covery phase composed of multiple RFID protocol-dependentdiscovery messages. Hence, when a reader discovers a tag,the reader identifies and agrees upon the modulation pro-tocol to be used with that tag. In contrast, EnGarde doesnot know what protocol is currently being used, and needsto search through all possible protocols to determine whichone is correct.

One option to perform such a search might be to use asoftware radio, but this has significant limitations. The firstcolumn in Table 3 shows the modulation pulse width for dif-ferent protocols varies by more than an order of magnitude;this implies that a software radio would need to sample thecarrier at the highest rate required to decode all these pro-tocols, and then search through the signal to identify thecurrent protocol. However, this would result in consider-able energy overhead, both because of the high rate of car-


Envelope Detector

Peak Detector







+ Edge Capture

- Edge Capture


- Edge Interrupt

Comp A

Comp B

Figure 3: EnGardeclassifies different NFC protocolsby examing a signal’s carrier pulse characteristics.

rier sampling (e.g. detecting NFC 15693 requires 31× lowersampling rate than for NFC 14443-A), and because of thesubstantial processing overhead of performing the search.Thus, it is critical to find a cheaper option for identifyingthe protocol.

Leverage reader-to-tag messages. Our key idea is to lever-age the reader to tag portion of the each communicationround. During each reader and tag interaction, the readerinitiates the communication with an ASK modulated signal,while tags respond back with a subcarrier modulated signal.The ASK modulated carrier signal requires very limited en-ergy resources to decode. We can simply examine the firstpulse of the amplitude modulated carrier at the start of anNFC message to group the protocol into several categories.Table 3 shows how different pulse characteristics map to dif-ferent protocols.

Low-power protocol detector. Figure 3 shows the HWimplementation of such a detector that does the first levelof protocol classification. EnGarde uses a small “samplingcoil”, consisting of a couple of turns, to sample the RF signal.Two comparators are used to detect the pulse edges and themodulation depth of the envelope of the modulated carriersignal. A HW timer-based capture units of a microcontrollerenable the measuring of this pulse width with an accuracy of0.5 µs; an interrupt pin captures the ASK modulation type.The power consumption of the analog portion of this circuitis only 34 µW.

Once the protocol is assigned to one of the subgroups, alightweight software solution can uniquely identify the spe-cific protocol by examining the first few starting bytes. Oncethe RFID protocol is identified, we use an off-the-shelf NFCreader chip for decoding the data.

5. JAMMING NFC COMMUNICATIONOnce malicious activity is suspected by examining ongo-

ing message exchanges, EnGarde should disrupt the com-munication by jamming. While past work on protectingRFID transactions has used active jamming techniques, thisrequires several 100 mWs of power, which is much higherthan what we can afford on EnGarde. Our goal is to de-sign a cheaper jamming mechanism, that operates withinthe constraints of the energy that we can scavenge.

Since NFC communication has two distinct phases — readercommunication and tag response–we look at these cases sep-arately, and design jamming primitives for each of them. We

Pulse (µs) OOKISO Protocoland speed (kbps)

0.29 N 14443A-8480.59 N 14443A-424

1.18 N18092-424, 14443A-212,Felica-424

2.36 N18092-212, 14443B-424,Felica-212

2.36 Y 18092-106, 14443A-1064.72 N 14443B-2129.44 N 14443B-106, 156939.44 Y 15693

Table 3: Different protocols that map to given char-acteristics of the 1st carrier modulation pulse of aNFC data packet.

13.56 MHz Tuned Coil

Load Modulator

Filter Clock


Binary Counter

Clock÷ 16

÷ 128

Enable (active by default)

Figure 4: EnGarde harvests energy and blocks ma-licious tags using a load modulation-based tag jam-ming circuit.

then show how these primitives can be used to effectivelyjam the different NFC protocols.

5.1 Jamming PrimitivesThere are two jamming primitives, which we call reflective

jamming and pulse jamming based on what communicationmodality is being jammed.

Reflective jamming. Tag-to-reader communication uses loadmodulation of the tag antenna using a subcarrier frequency.Our key observation is that all NFC protocols use a com-mon 847.5kHz subcarrier, irrespective of the communicationdata rate used. Hence, to jam ongoing tag response com-munications, EnGarde only needs to generate a 847.5kHzsubcarrier using load modulation of the tuned coil. Such aload-based modulation is particularly attractive since this isexactly what a typical NFC tag needs to perform, and hencecan be easily done using energy scavenged from the ongoingcommunication that is being jammed.

A hardware implementation of such a subcarrier-basedjammer is shown in Figure 4 (based on an NFC tag refer-ence design in [9]). This circuit is similar to an NFC tag inthat the jamming electronics are completely powered by theenergy scavenged from the reader. The circuit has minimalcomponents and therefore consumes little power. Our mea-surements show that subcarrier generation only consumes6.4 µW of power.

Pulse jamming. Unlike jamming a tag response, jamminga reader (or a peer device) requires EnGarde to generatean active magnetic field transmission that interferes withan ongoing reader transmission. However, as we describedearlier, generating active transmissions that are capable ofswamping the signal from the reader would require 100s ofmW of power (e.g. the TI TRF7970A RFID reader con-sumes as much as 250 mW). This would be almost an orderof magnitude more power than what can be scavenged onEnGarde, making it infeasible for our purposes.

Our approach to address this problem is to generate a tar-geted pulse that disrupts an ongoing communication. Sincedifferent ASK-based carrier modulation schemes require car-rier modulations at bit-time durations, a carrier pulse onlyneeds to be ' 20 µs (2 bit durations at the lowest datarate) long in-order to corrupt the message. Such a pulse-based jamming mechanism is orders of magnitude shorterthan the duration of the shortest valid NFC message, whichmeans that it can easily be supported via scavenged energy.

Our pulse-based jamming approach has one drawback —it is possible that a high-powered NFC reader generates astrong enough signal that our attempts at corrupting thesignal does not result in a sufficiently high signal-strengthdifference, and is therefore unsuccessful. While this is aweakness of the technique, we think that we would block alarge fraction of reader transmissions, particularly becauseEnGarde would be much closer to the phone than an exter-nal NFC device that is initiating such a signal.

5.2 Jamming During NFC CommunicationGiven the two primitives, we now look at how to use them

to jam different NFC communication modes.

I Tag Reader Mode: In this mode, the phone acts as anRFID reader and reads passive tag content. A possibleattack could be a malicious tag that directs the mobilephone to a malicious website. In this mode, EnGardeuses subcarrier-based jamming to disrupt the data ex-change with the tag.

I Tag Emulation Mode: Here, the phone acts as a tagand responds to queries from another NFC device (aphone or an infrastructure reader). In this mode, En-Garde can use the subcarrier-based jamming to pre-vent leakage of sensitive information from the phone.

I Peer-to-Peer Mode: During this mode, the phone andan external NFC device exchanges information by bothactively transmitting signals. EnGarde needs to trans-mit a jamming pulse signal to block malicious interac-tions in this instance. While EnGarde may not beable to block malicious high power transmitters, wenote that peer-to-peer interaction starts with a discov-ery step during which nearby devices are discovered.Hence, subcarrier-based jamming can be used at thisstage to disrupt the establishment of a peer-to-peercommunication thereby nipping such a transaction inthe bud.

6. ENERGY SCAVENGINGEnergy scavenging is central to the design of EnGarde

since it allows the device to operate perpetually despite hav-ing a small energy buffer. Our approach is to leverage thesame inductive coupling based harvesting mechanism thatNFC tags use when communicating with the phone. This

Phone Power EnergyHarvesting Phone’s NFC Consumption TransferStrategy Duty Cycle Overhead Efficiency

Opportunistic 10.1% 0 mW 17.30%Tag-Spoofing 33.3% 27.2 mW 19.16%Subcarrier 86.6% 154.1 mW 12.49%Full NFC 100% 287.4 mW 8.04%

Table 4: Several different harvesting strategies offera tradeoff between harvesting rate and transfer effi-ciency between a phone and EnGarde. A completelyopportunistic strategy harvests small amounts ofpower, but with no additional power consumptionon the phone. In contrast, a strategy that keeps thephone’s NFC interface active 100% of the time har-vests the most power, but with significantly morepower consumption on the mobile phone.

gives EnGarde the unique ability to jam communicationswhile at the same time scavenging energy from the source.

While NFC enables energy transfer, one question is howmuch power can be harvested by EnGarde from the phone,and how much power is expended by the phone for thistransfer. To understand this, we measure the power drawof the phone using a Monsoon power meter on a SamsungGalaxy Nexus phone running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) whenan NFC tag is in front of the phone vs when NFC is com-pletely turned off. We also measure the peak AC powerharvested on EnGarde during NFC activity. Our resultsshow that the phone’s carrier is continuously switched on,hence we are able to harvest 30 mW of power at EnGarde.This means that EnGarde can potentially have a fairly sig-nificant power profile. However, we also see that the phoneconsumes 301.5 mW of power during this process, i.e. thetransfer efficiency is only 9.95%. In this section, we ask howto balance the need to buffer sufficient energy in EnGarde’senergy buffer while maximizing transfer efficiency so thatEnGarde has only a small impact on the phone’s battery.

6.1 Scavenging mechanismsWe now outline three scavenging alternatives that have

better power transfer efficiency than the full-NFC mode forscavenging power from the phone.

Opportunistic. The first harvesting mode, which we referto as opportunistic, is essentially for the tag to do nothingspecial, and just opportunistically harvest energy comingfrom discovery messages that are transmitted by the phone.When a phone is unlocked, the phone sends out discoverymessages periodically (10% duty-cycle) to check for the pres-ence of nearby devices. The advantage of this mode is thatthe phone incurs no additional overhead beyond what it isalready incurring.

The transfer efficiency in this mode reveals a surprisingresult — the average power consumed by the phone in-creases only by 14.1 mW for transmitting discovery mes-sages, which gives us a transfer efficiency of 17.3%, whichis almost twice the transfer efficiency when the phone is infull NFC active mode. The likely cause for the differencein efficiency seems to be that the bulk of the NFC proto-col is implemented on a dedicated NFC reader chip. Only

valid responses from an NFC tag results in interrupts thatare handled by the phone’s operating system. Thus, whenan NFC tag is transmitting valid responses, additional CPUcycles must be spent handling the read events, resulting inthe extra power consumption. In summary, opportunisticharvesting is efficient but EnGarde only gets 10% of thepower that it would have received were the phone’s carrieris continually active.

Tag-Spoofing. The second harvesting mode, which we re-fer to as tag-spoofing, tries to trick the dedicated NFC chipinto delivering more power without interrupting the AndroidOS as frequently as in full NFC mode. To implement thisstrategy, we look at how an NFC reader performs initial de-tection of tag presence. After sending energy to a potentialtag, the first hint that a tag may actually be present is look-ing for a change in the voltage of the carrier it sent to atag. A transponder influences this voltage by modulating itstransponder coil. If a reader observes this change in volt-age, it may decide to send additional energy for subsequentcommunications.

We test this theory by modulating the harvesting coil viaa resistor using a short pulse that is 10 µs in length. Indeed,we found that this did result in the phone providing morepower for a short period, after which it times out and revertsto discovery mode. The process can be repeated to ensurethat the reader continues to provide additional power.

This harvesting strategy results in the phone’s subcarrierbeing active for 33.3% of the time, so EnGarde gets aboutthree times the power that was harvested in opportunisticmode, but it also incurs 41 mW of overhead on the phone(i.e. 27 mW more than for discovery messages). However,the transfer efficiency is high at about 19%, which is evenhigher than what was obtained in opportunistic mode.

Subcarrier. Our third harvesting mode, subcarrier, closesthe gap between tag-spoofing and full-NFC in terms of amountof harvested power at EnGarde. As discussed in §5.1, jam-ming is performed by generating an 848 kHz subcarrier. Ourmeasurements show that subcarrier is able to increase theamount of time the phone’s transmitted carrier is active to86.6%, and results in 168.2 mW of harvesting overhead onthe phone. This yields a transfer efficiency of 12.49%, which,while not as good as the opportunistic and tag-spoofingmodes, is about 50% better in efficiency than the full-NFCmode while giving EnGarde close to the maximum averagepower.

6.2 Demand Harvesting AlgorithmWe now have three harvesting schemes that are more ef-

ficient than full NFC mode — opportunistic, tag spoofing,and subcarrier — that give us different options in terms ofthe amount of energy scavenged by EnGarde, as well as theefficiency of energy transfer.

We now describe a demand-based harvesting algorithmthat runs on EnGarde and ensures that sufficient power isharvested from the phone to maintain its energy buffer atclose to its maximum capacity, while minimizing the energycost incurred by the mobile phone to transfer power. Thealgorithm works in two steps: First, it estimates the lengthof the next unlock interval by observing history of phoneuse. We use a simple EWMA filter over the history of un-lock durations in our implementation. Second, it uses the

estimated unlock duration to determine the fraction of timeto use each harvesting mode. Intuitively, if the buffer canbe filled up just using opportunistic harvesting, then this isthe cheapest approach since discovery messages are trans-mitted by the phone whether or not EnGarde is harvestingthis power. If this is not sufficient to replenish energy inthe buffer, then the algorithm needs to decide how to usea combination of the other two harvesting modes to ensurethat the buffer is filled while maximizing transfer efficiency.

We formally define the parameters described in the modelas: a) T is the current estimate of unlock duration from anEWMA-based estimator, b) B is the current energy bufferlevel, andBmax is the desired energy level, c) {Eopp, Eso, Esub}are the Energy harvested from {opportunistic, tag-spoofing,subcarrier} modes if they were exclusively used for the timeT, d) {Cso, Csub} represents the phone energy overhead fortag spoofing and subcarrier modes; note that the overheadin opportunistic mode, Copp = 0, since the phone is expend-ing this energy whether or not EnGarde is present, and e){fopp, fso, fsub} are the fraction of time opportunistic, tag-spoofing and subcarrier modes are used within the intervalT, where fopp + fso + fsub = 1.

Our optimization problem can now be formulated as mini-mizing the overhead on the phone, where overhead is definedas the additional energy that the phone needs to use aboveand beyond what it is expended in opportunistic harvestingmode, given the constraints that the total energy harvestedin time T should be sufficient to get the buffer to Bmax.

min: Tfso(Cso − Copp) + Tfsub(Csub − Copp))

subject to: Eoppfopp + Esofso + Esubfsub +B = Bmax

fopp + fso + fsub = 1

fopp > 0, fso > 0, fsub > 0

This linear optimization can be simplified using well-knownapproximation methods to run in real-time on EnGarde.The intuition behind the approximation is that fi, i = {so, sub}should be chosen to maximize the harvested energy Ei whileminimizing the cost Ci. Thus, the ratio of Ei


the selection between tag-spoofing and subcarrier modes –since opportunistic mode has zero overhead, it will be usedwhenever possible.

7. NFC DEVICE DETECTIONThe ability to detect the presence or absence of an NFC

device in the vicinity of the phone is important in two ways:a) EnGarde can avoid disrupting legitimate interactions be-tween the phone and an NFC device (smart tag, paymentstation, etc), and b) EnGarde can stop jamming when itdetects that the offending device is no longer in the phone’svicinity, and is thus no longer a threat.

One approach to solving this problem would be to look atthe message interactions to determine whether or not thereis another NFC device present. The phone switches fromdiscovery mode to active mode (or software tag emulationmode) once it starts communicating with another device inthe vicinity. Since EnGarde has the capability to decodemessages, it can detect a message that indicates the start ofan interaction with another device.

However, this solution has a problem. If EnGarde is har-vesting energy in any of the three modes, even if just har-vesting opportunistically, it hampers the coupling betweenthe phone and the external device. This means that we need

to detect devices prior to communication occurring betweenthem. Similarly, while we are jamming, we cannot decodemessages to detect when the NFC device leaves the vicinityof the phone, and therefore when we should stop jamming.

Our solution to this problem has two key contributions:a) a reliable and fast NFC device detector that leverageschanges in mutual coupling, and b) a dual-coil hardwaredesign that includes a harvesting coil and a sampling coilthat are tailored to different needs.

7.1 Mutual Coupling-based NFC DetectionOur key idea to detect the presence of an NFC device

leverages the manner in which inductive coupling works whenseveral coils are present. NFC coils operate using the prop-erty of electromagnetic induction i.e. one coil induces a volt-age in the other coil (mutual inductance). If multiple coilsare present in the vicinity of an inductor, then the mutualinductance is split across these two coils. Therefore, thevoltage induced in each of the coils reduces. Our idea is todetect this change in voltage at the output of the rectifier,and use it as an indicator of the presence of another NFCdevice.

One drawback of such a detector is that nearby metallicmaterials that couple, may have the same effect on voltage.When a coil generating a magnetic field is brought near aconductive material such as aluminum, it induces eddy cur-rents that reduce the amount of flux detected in EnGarde.However, we argue that false positives are not a significantconcern since if EnGarde detects no NFC interaction for atime period, it can revert to harvesting mode.

To test this theory we attach a tuned coil and voltageregulator circuit to a Galaxy Nexus phone and bring tags ofvarious technologies in proximity of the phone / harvesterpair. In Figure 5, we plot the voltage across the rectifier.The plot shows two interesting observations. First, we seethat the decrease in voltage is proportional to the amount ofpower the tag draws. A simple tag, such as an ISO 14443-ACharlie card transportation transponder, has a small im-pact, while a more complex tag, such as an ISO 14443-BEEPROM tag, has a much more noticeable impact. Second,we see that, as expected, other metallic objects (in this casea large aluminum plane) also causes large voltage changes.

To ensure reliable NFC device detection, we tune the de-tection threshold such that even a slight dip in the voltagecompared to no tag being present causes EnGarde to backoff.To test our detector, we placed a set of tags (same as thoseused in Figure 5) in and out of the proximity of the phoneand turned the phone’s screen on and off. The results areover 100 such tag presence events, and we observe a detec-tion accuracy of 95%, which shows that we only miss a smallfraction of the cases. Note that even in these cases where atag is not detected, EnGarde is still securing the phone sinceit is continuously listening for any message interaction thatcould be indicative of malicious behavior. The only down-side of missed detection is a diminished user experience sincethe phone might need to be moved closer to the tag to en-sure that EnGarde backs off and enables communication tooccur.

7.2 Dual-coil DesignWhat should EnGarde do when an NFC device is detected

in the vicinity? One option is to have a switch and detachthe load from the coil, but in doing so, EnGarde loses the









0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5








e (V



Distance (mm)

ISO 14443-BISO 15693 Transponder

ISO 14443-AAluminum Plane

Figure 5: The presence of NFC transponders canbe identified by observing a change in the output ofa voltage rectifier; tag technologies that draw morepower see a larger change in voltage. The presenceof metal causes a huge change in voltage over a shortrange.

ability to listen to messages and decide when to jam basedon message content.

Our key insight is that we can decode communications byusing a small “sampling” coil that has fewer turns and isdetuned to the carrier, and use a “harvesting” coil solely forharvesting and jamming purposes. The sampling coil wouldreduce the level of interference to be small enough not toimpact communication between the tag and external devicewhile still retaining the ability to decode messages.

To understand how well our dual-coil design works, welook at the cases when the coil is connected and discon-nected from our harvesting circuit. With the harvesting coildisconnected, we measured an average communication la-tency of 20 ms across a set of ISO 14443-A, ISO 14443-B,and ISO 15693 tags. In all test cases, we found that thephone was able to read the tags even though EnGarde wasphysically present. We then connect it to our harvesting coiland repeat the previous experiment. We found that whileharvesting power, tags had an increase in communicationlatency of 3 ms. We also found that in a handful of testcases (15% of the cases we tested), ISO 14443-B EEPROMbased tags could not successfully read. This emphasizes theimportance of the tag detection as described above.

8. ENGARDE IMPLEMENTATIONFigure 7 shows a prototype version of EnGarde; our cur-

rent hardware implements all the design elements, exceptfor pulse jamming, described in §5.1. The current prototypemeasures 2.0 by 2.6 inches, and is well within the form-factor of a typical smartphone. We believe that future revi-sions can shrink this even further. We now briefly describethe key hardware sub-components used in the prototype anddescribe its operation using a state machine abstraction thatuses the hardware primitives to enable selective jamming.

8.1 HardwareThe goal of our EnGarde implementation was to build a

form-factor prototype that can actually be attached to the


NFC Decoder


Sense Coil

Scavenge + Jam Coil

NFC ProtocolDetector


Tag Jammer


Power Manager


Figure 6: EnGarde is implemented across severalsubsystems that provide power, jam, and enforce aset of programmable blocking rules.

Figure 7: EnGarde is implemented as a low-profileprinted circuit board with small form factor.

back of a mobile phone. We show how hardware subcompo-nents are interconnected in Figure 6.

The first key hardware element is a small “sensing” coilthat is used to sense the magnetic field in vicinity of thephone. The NFC protocol detector module uses this coil’soutput to detect the active NFC protocol type. The NFCdecoder block uses the sense coil’s output and the Rx chainof a TI TRF7970A NFC reader; the reader is configuredin software by the microcontroller to decode a particularRFID protocol. The sense coil’s output is also used by themicrocontroller for tag presence detection.

The next key design element is a tuned coil and a capac-itor arranged in parallel; this coil is used for both jammingand energy scavenging. The jamming module is controlledby the onboard microcontroller and may be enabled or dis-abled depending on security or harvesting needs. One im-portant characteristic of this circuit is that it fails safe ifEnGarde’s energy buffer is depleted – this enables protec-tion against malicious transactions and also improves theenergy available via scavenging (Section 6).

A critical element of our hardware design is the energyscavenging module used to harvest energy from active readertransmissions. This module can be disabled to reduce theimpact on the phone’s NFC communications (Section 7).Since the microcontroller needs energy to boot, the scav-enging module, much like the jamming module, defaultsto active mode in the event that the energy buffer is de-pleted. Since jamming is based on load modulation, jam-

System Idle







With Harvesting Coil







e D



d //





t Co



Unlock Detected //

Connect Harvesting Coil



e A



t //




t H




g C


NFC Off Detected //

Disconnect Harvesting Coil







/ Pro


l Det


d //


t Har


ing C


Device Absent //

Disconnect Harvesting Coil

Device D


Figure 8: EnGarde switches between several differ-ent operational states to harvest energy, detect NFCdevices, decode messages, and jam malicious NFCdevices.

ming is automatically disabled when the scavenging moduleis disabled.

To condition harvested energy for storage, a MAX17710battery manager chip manages the charging of the on-boardThinergy MEC201 1 mAH thinfilm battery. The use of adiminutive thin-film battery is particularly compelling, sinceEnGarde needs to minimize thickness in addition to lengthand width.

Finally, an MSP430F2274 16-bit low power microcontrollermanages the various sub-components of EnGarde. This par-ticular microcontroller was chosen because it has an ADCthat enables tag detection, has low power operating modesand can transition between power states quickly.

8.2 State MachineEnGarde follows the state machine shown in Figure 8.

When EnGarde is drained of power or when its energy re-serve is depleted, the device is in the state no power wherethe microcontroller is not active. However, our device failssafe, so the jamming module is used in conjunction with thetuned coil in this mode of operation. Whenever an NFC sig-nal is seen either from the phone, or an external device, thiscircuit simultaneously jams the signal while increasing powertransfer from the reader. After accumulating sufficient en-ergy, control is relinquished to EnGarde’s microcontroller.

After the microcontroller boots, it enters a low power statereferred to as System Idle; while in this mode, the micro-controller listens for interrupts from the sensing coil / tagpresence detector. If an NFC device is found to be present,it uses the protocol detector module to decode reader-sidemessages.

If an external device has entered the vicinity of the mo-bile phone, EnGarde also switches on the decoder and entersits highest power state, NFC Decoder Active, where it de-codes NFC transactions; before entering this state EnGardedetaches its harvesting coil and listens with the sensing coil.

After activating its NFC decoder, EnGarde decodes mes-sages sent by the phone, as well as messages coming fromthe external device. It goes through its list of blacklisting

rules, and if there is a match, it enters state Jam. If nosuch blacklist entry is matched, EnGarde will continue tolisten to message exchanges until the external device exitsthe vicinity of the mobile phone at which point it reverts todemand-based harvesting using its tuned coil.

While in state Jam, EnGarde continuously generates asubcarrier that makes communication with external passivedevices impossible for the phone to decode. If EnGarde de-tects a message from an active external device, as in peer-to-peer mode, it can generate an active subcarrier pulse for twobit durations per frame to disrupt active communications.As in the previous case, EnGarde continues to jam until itdetects the external device has left the vicinity and returnsto state Demand Driven Harvesting.

8.3 Blocking RulesIn addition to harvesting sufficient power and jamming

effectively, EnGarde also needs to know when to block andwhen not to block particular NFC message exchanges. SinceNFC is an emerging technology rather than a well estab-lished one, our work should be viewed as a preemptive mech-anism that addresses potential threats rather than a reactiveone that addresses existing attacks (NFC is one of the threatpredictions for 2013 released by McAfee Labs [15]). Thus,instead of focusing on particular attacks, we provide a frame-work under which a rich sets of rules may be constructed.

Block protocol: The first level of rule-based filtering oc-curs in hardware – tag responses are sorted according totheir respective protocols by using information provided bythe protocol detection circuit presented in Figure 3 and sub-sequently handled by protocol-specific code. The highestgranularity control a user has over EnGarde is to block allmessages belonging to an entire protocol. An example wherethis might be used is where a more concerned user would liketo prevent their phone’s unique NFC ID from being read, soit blocks the entire ISO 14443-A protocol.

Block tag IDs: The next level of rule-based filtering oc-curs during the anti-collision phase of a particular protocol’santi-collision message exchange. During each of the proto-cols, a tag responds with a unique or pseudo-unique identi-fier that belongs to a particular tag. Thus, a user can blocksome subset of tag IDs that could correspond to a particularmanufacturer or set of compromised tags.

Message content: The finest granularity of rule-basedfiltering occurs based on the content of the messages them-selves. These rules are specified in a software graph structureusing Aho and Corasick’s keyword tree [2]. This structurehas been used widely in pattern search algorithms and isalso used in a popular packet tracing program, Snort [7].We illustrate an example using this approach in Figure 9– this rule definition logs all NDEF messages and proac-tively blocks those that correspond to well-known NDEFmessages of the type URI that start with the substring“http://www.malware.”

In our current implementation, these rule sets are decidedat software compile time and programmed into the Micro-controller using a wired JTAG interface. In principle, theserules can be updated via NFC from a secure application,however we have not yet implemented this functionality onour current hardware.


Start of NDEF Record

Other Type

... (Log)



... (Log)

... (Log)

http:// www. malware. (block)

... (log)

Figure 9: EnGarde implements a set of flexible rulesbased on a keyword tree structure specified in soft-ware. In this example, all well-understood NDEFmessages corresponding to a URI type with prefix“http://www.malware.*” are blocked. Other sniffedtag responses are logged.

9. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATIONOur evaluation covers three major aspects of our system:

a) how effective is our jamming scheme in blocking interac-tion between the phone and other NFC devices, and b) ademonstration of EnGarde’s capability to perform targetedjamming of malicious tags while allowing benign ones to in-teract with the phone, and c) how well does our scavengingscheme perform over a long-term phone usage dataset,

9.1 Jamming Effectiveness

Figure 10: Our EnGarde prototype meets the formfactor needs required for semi-permanent attach-ment to a mobile phone. Here, we show it on theback of a Galaxy Nexus

An understanding of how effectively EnGarde is capableof jamming NFC devices is critical towards showing thatit sufficiently protects a mobile phone from external NFCthreats. In particular, we want to understand what typesof tags can circumvent our jamming signal and which typesof tags the phone might be more vulnerable to. Figure 10shows an image of our jamming effectiveness test setup.

Jamming malicious tags: We installed EnGarde on theback of a Galaxy Nexus phone and moved several differenttags towards the phone, such that they were in direct con-tact with the back of the phone. The types of tags thatwe looked at were: ISO 14443-A. ISO 14443-B, ISO 15693,and a TI TRF7970 operating in ISO 14443-B tag emulationmode. We found that none of these tags could successfullycommunicate with the phone while the subcarrier was active.While we don’t want to make any claims that communica-

tion with the phone is impossible, we haven’t been able tofind a tag that can get past our jamming signal.

Jamming malicious readers: Another important jam-ming on EnGarde is when an NFC reader, such as a mobilepayment station, tries to read the mobile phone while incard emulation mode. We program a TRF7970 as a generalpurpose NFC reader, sending queries at its highest powerlevel (200 mW). We found that when EnGarde is installedon the back of the phone, we effectively block 100% of thephone’s ISO 14443-A response.

EnGarde Versus RFID Guardian [17]: While a di-rect comparison against active jamming approaches, such asthe RFID Guardian, would require designing another hard-ware platform, we briefly discuss the key differences. NFCGuardian actively generates two 424 KHz sub bands aroundthe 13.56 MHz, which can block NFC tags within a halfmeter radius. Since we are only interested in protecting themobile phone, we are able to passively generate a similar sig-nal at negligible energy cost. For example, in the above ex-periments, if we change the setup by moving EnGarde somedistance away from the phone, and place a tag directly onthe back of the phone where EnGarde would normally beinstalled, we find that EnGarde blocks all communicationprovided that it is within 1.0 mm of the phone, but haslimited effect after that distance. Thus, our jamming is ex-tremely targeted, which improves our efficiency.

9.2 Targeted blocking of malicious interactions



0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1time(seconds)

Demodulated Tag DataJamming Enable








ib A









d C




d C




c St



d C








d C








d C



Figure 11: EnGarde monitors the messages sentfrom an emulated ISO14443-B tag, detects a ma-licious URL type and jams all subsequent communi-cations

We now look at a case where there is a malicious tagand other non-malicious ones, and show that EnGarde canbe programmed with blacklisting rules that allows real-timedecoding of NFC interactions and targeted jamming of ma-licious ones. Specifically, we look at a case study whereEnGarde is programmed to block a particular set of URLson an ISO 14443-B NDEF tag.

In our study, we program a TRF7970A evaluation moduleto behave as an emulated ISO-14443-B NDEF tag. This em-ulated tag approaches a Galaxy Nexus phone; in a scenariowhen EnGarde is not present, the phone uses the discoveryphase to identify a tag is present. The phone then sends aseries of messages that select the NDEF message stored onthe emulated tag, leading up to where the tag sends its replythat contains the requested NDEF message.

After successfully decoding the NDEF response, the phonetakes action according to the contents of the NDEF mes-sage. In this case, the NDEF message has its TNF field setto 0x01, which means that it is a well understood type. Af-ter checking the ID type field, it finds that this message isa URI type message that contains a URL, Phone Number,or other address from a variety of different protocols. Inthe first byte of the NDEF record, the phone finds the value0x01, which corresponds to the string “http://www.” Thesubsequent characters correspond to the rest of the URL“malware.com”. The phone automatically loads this web-page in its web browser.

Next let’s look at the case where EnGarde is installed onthe back of the phone. EnGarde decodes all of the bits cor-responding to the emulated tag’s reply; we show the bitsactually decoded by EnGarde the time series shown in Fig-ure 11. We can see that the tag first responds to the phone’sREQB discovery message with an ATQB that contains thetags pseudo unique ID. After identifying the emulated tag,the phone sends an Atrrib message that indicates this partic-ular tag has been selected for further communication, afterwhich the tag replies with a standard Attrib answer message.

EnGarde next observes the sequence of messages corre-sponding to the NDEF message selection. After observingthat the tag has sent its capability container (NDEF CC)and subsequent NDEF record length value, EnGarde knowswhere to find the NDEF message. It looks in the byte loca-tion that contains the URI identifier code 0x01, which cor-responds to “http://www/” and immediately activates itssubcarrier jamming circuit to block the rest of the message.It is also important to note that EnGarde will parse individ-ual characters if the URI identifier code contains 0x00, whichmeans that no compressed prefix is applied to the URI. Ifthe characters correspond to “http://”, again the rest of themessage is blocked. We tried to get the phone to read thetag 20 times and the phone was never successful.

Finally, we show that EnGarde allows transactions thatdon’t satisfy our blocking rules. To prove this, we use an-other emulated tag, but program it with the URL“https://www.cs.umass.edu”. In this case, the URL is notblocked and the page opens in the phone’s web browser.Again, we found that this was robust to various placementsof the tag. While we did not quantify the impact EnGardehad on the benign tag’s read range, it wasn’t noticeably dif-ferent than during a typical NFC interaction.

9.3 Scavenging performanceOur final evaluation looks at the performance of the scav-

enging subsystem. Since this evaluation depends on the ac-tual time for which the phone is unlocked, and the durationbetween unlock events, we look at what impact these dy-namics have on EnGarde. To accomplish this, we look at aset of traces provide by the LiveLab project at Rice Univer-sity[18]. These traces were collected from 35 users over thespan of a year and contain the screen unlock data needed tounderstand variability in available harvested energy.

Harvesting Study: Before looking at the behaviorof the adaptive algorithm presented in §6.2, we first seek anunderstanding of the performance tradeoffs given the screenunlock interval dynamics present in the Livelab traces. Inparticular we ask the question: What performance can En-Garde achieve despite variability in the amount of energy

Simulation Parameter Value

Quiescent Power Consumption 38.8 µWReader Power Consumption 32.7 mW

Opportunistic Power Harvesting 3.03 mWSemi-Opp Power Harvesting 10.0 mWSubcarrier Power Harvesting 26.0 mWThin-film battery capacity 14.4 J

Duration of NDEF exchange 0.56 seconds

Table 5: A summary of the parameters used in oursimulation study

harvested from the mobile phone and what impact does thisharvesting have on the mobile phone’s battery lifetime? Toanswer this question, we look at how many messages En-Garde can sniff on a given day, as well as the impact En-Garde has on a mobile phone’s battery irrespective of energystorage limitations on EnGarde. The CDFs we plot in Fig-ures 12 and 13 are computed across all days and all users.

In Figure 12, we show EnGarde’s harvesting potential interms of the number of NDEF interactions we sniff. Toget a sense of how much each of these individual messagescost in terms of energy, we looked at the amount of timesuch an NDEF interaction takes to complete by measur-ing such an interaction between an Android Galaxy Nexusand an ISO 14443-A MiFare DESFire transponder card. Wefound that these interactions take 0.56 seconds, averagedacross 20 trials; given the power consumption of EnGarde’sreader hardware, each interaction consumes 18.3 mJ of en-ergy. Our three naive harvesting strategies – Opportunistic,Tag-Spoofing, and Subcarrier – are each capable of sniff-ing large numbers of these interactions. For example, theopportunistic harvesting strategy is capable of sniffing 100such interactions for 86% of the days across all traces and2413 interactions for 50% of the days; performance vastlyimproves when using the other two naive strategies.

Although EnGarde is capable of harvesting sufficient en-ergy to sniff a substantial number of NDEF interactions,this comes at a cost. In Figure 13 we show the impactof NDEF sniffing on the phone’s battery consumption foreach naive harvesting strategy (We note that the x-axis %battery consumed is truncated to 100% because of the im-pact of several outlying data points; our goal is to show theimpact on a single battery given no recharging). We notethat the opportunistic-only strategy consumes 8.3% of thephone’s battery in half the cases, while the more aggressivesubcarrier-only strategy uses 95.7% of the phone’s batteryin half the cases. While we have shown that sufficient en-ergy may be harvested to sniff substantial numbers of NFCtransactions using all of the strategies, these naive strate-gies have a large impact on the phone’s battery life. Thus,we need to show how this energy may be used for realisticworkloads while also taking into account EnGarde’s energybuffer constraints.

Adaptive Harvesting Simulation: As a con-sequence of the issues raised in the prior study, we askthe question: Does our demand driven harvesting algorithmachieve low NFC sniffing miss rates with a limited energybuffer, while simultaneously having minimal impact on itshost phone’s battery lifetime? We answer this question througha trace-driven simulation of our adaptive harvesting algo-

Harvesting % Missed NDEF % Phone batteryStrategy interactions / day consumed / day

Opportunistic 1.76 0.096Tag-spoofing 0.68 0.281Subcarrier 0.37 1.29Adaptive 0.42 0.145

Table 6: Given a daily workload of 100 interactionswith an NDEF tag, EnGarde is able to sniff most ofthese transactions with negligible miss-rate and withlittle impact on the host phone’s battery across allusers and all days by using an adaptive harvestingstrategy.







100 10000




ve P




Sniffed NDEF interactions per day



Figure 12: EnGarde harvests sufficient energy tosniff a large number of NDEF interactions betweena mobile phone and passive transponder card.

rithm; our simulator implements a complete EnGarde statemachine, shown in Figure 8, and uses the measured valuesshown in Table 5. We compare the demand-driven harvest-ing algorithm against exclusively using one of the other threestrategies. In the previous results, we showed EnGarde’spotential by removing restrictions on energy storage; how-ever, in our simulation study, we simulate the behavior of athin film battery with 14.4 Joules of energy storage capacity(same battery as used on EnGarde implementation). Welook at EnGarde’s performance for a single workload thatcorresponds to 100 simulated NDEF interactions whose en-ergy consumption is spread uniformly throughout the day;we do not simulate these interactions as discrete events, asno traces are currently available that show NFC user behav-ior. This workload is designed to be a reasonable approxi-mation for a user that frequently interacts with NFC devicesthroughout the day.

We summarize the results of this study in Table 6 andshow performance results in terms of the average % of sim-ulated NFC interactions that EnGarde could not sniff giventrace dynamics across all days and users; we also show thecorresponding impact on the phone’s daily % battery capac-ity. We note that the demand driven harvesting algorithmachieves a miss rate of only 0.42%, which is very close to the0.37% miss rate achieved by the most aggressive, subcarrier-only strategy. We also note that the demand driven harvest-







0 20 40 60 80 100




ve P




Galaxy Nexus battery % per day



Figure 13: The energy harvesting strategies avail-able on EnGarde use considerably different amountsof a phone’s battery. The opportunistic harvestingmode consumes an average of 10% of the phone’sbattery, tag-spoofing consumes an average of 24%,while subcarrier mode would consume the phone’sentire battery.

ing algorithm uses only 0.145% of the host phone’s battery,which nearly matches the 0.096% consumed by the mostefficient, opportunistic only strategy. These two metrics to-gether show that our adaptive harvesting algorithm is effec-tive at achieving low miss-rates while having minimal impacton a mobile phone’s battery for a reasonably approximateworkload.

10. DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORKForensics: While this paper focuses on jamming unwantedNFC interactions, EnGarde can also be used to performforensic analysis of mobile phone NFC interactions duringnormal use of a phone. Since little is currently known aboutNFC security in real-world settings, we think that this wouldbe a valuable tool that will allow security researchers to havea better understanding of potential security threats and pro-vide a means to bootstrap EnGarde’s blacklisting rules. Oneexample of such forensic analysis is NFC malware — McAfeeLabs’ threat predictions for 2013 [15] highlights the risk ofmalware that spreads through peer-to-peer file transfer onmobile phones. Another forensic analysis may look at whatdata is sent over the phone’s NFC interface encrypted ver-sus plaintext. In particular, this would help in understand-ing whether or not information related to mobile payments(e.g. name, address, credit card number) is secured whensent over the NFC link.

Tighter phone integration: EnGarde makes the de-sign choice that it needs to be physically decoupled fromthe phone, and therefore relies solely on harvested energy.However, an argument could be made that another approachmight be to replace the back panel of a mobile phone witha replacement that contains elements of EnGarde. Whilethis approach would achieve the objective of being decou-pled from the mobile OS and therefore not vulnerable tomalware running on the device, our solution is still far sim-

pler for the average phone user who does not want to modifythe device.

Long term evaluation: EnGarde’s power harvesting,detection, and jamming primitives all work together to pro-tect a host phone’s NFC interface. While our trace-drivenstudies have certainly made our approach towards powerharvesting look promising, a longer-term real-world studywould go a long way towards better understanding EnGarde’seffectiveness. We leave this evaluation as our future work.

11. RELATED WORKMost similar to our work is the RFID Guardian [17]. The

RFID Guardian monitors and jams specific NFC commu-nication sessions in its vicinity. This longer range perfor-mance comes at a cost in form factor and power consump-tion. While useful for monitoring and protecting arbitrarysets of readers and tags, EnGarde is considerably more tar-geted and is designed to protect an individual mobile phone.

The Proxmark RFID tool [6] has been used extensivelyin NFC security research. It has the capability of decodingarbitrary protocols with an FPGA and additionally, it canemulate a tag. Since it uses an FPGA to decode and em-ulate tag responses, it can be programmed to decode anypotential protocol. Two major drawbacks are its size andpower consumption – while a valuable tool for debuggingand security analysis, it is not suitable for continuous useon a mobile phone.

Another way to harvest energy from a mobile phone isthrough the audio interface [12]. Much like our NFC en-ergy scavenger, the audio jack is universal across differentphones. While a wired connection can harvest energy moreefficiently, we instead opt to power EnGarde from the samepower source as the attack surface.

Selective jamming devices are of particular interest in thearea of implanted medical devices (IMD). One applicationis the implementation of zero power defenses [11]. EnGardebehaves much like a zero-power defense in that it generates ajamming signal completely passively. More recently, a non-invasive approach towards IMDs was proposed [10]. Whilethe proposed IMDShield has parallels to our approach to-wards non-invasive jamming, they use a power-hungry soft-ware radio while ours operates entirely passively.

Other hardware and software systems that perform thetask of packet filtering share much in common with our ap-proach towards selective blocking of malicious NFC mes-sages [4, 8]. While our approach towards filtering messagesbased on their contents is similar, we can relax our hardwarerequirements, since current NFC data rates are significantlyslower than Gigabit Ethernet.

Security is also of critical importance to mobile health.One approach towards providing security for on-body sen-sors is to provide a security proxy with which they com-municate through [19]. While not currently implemented assuch, EnGarde could potentially be used as a similar secu-rity proxy.

Since NFC is a relatively new technology, new vulnera-bilities are constantly being exposed [13, 16, 15]. EnGardeaddresses these issues by providing a flexible set of secu-rity features that protect a mobile phone while remainingdecoupled from platform vulnerabilities.

Finally, there have been significant efforts in securing RFIDtechnology at the software level [3], and to place secure hard-

ware elements in mobile phones [20]. We view our work ascomplementary. EnGarde serves as a hardware firewall thatcan augment software protection mechanisms to protect amobile phone from potentially devastating attacks via NFC.

12. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have outlined a practical, fully functional

hardware shield, EnGarde, for phones that can intelligentlyprotect phones from malicious NFC interactions while let-ting benign ones pass through. Our design is entirely passivethereby making our form-factor small enough to be placedas a patch on a phone or even integrated within a phonescase. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of EnGarde is thatit is widely deployable as-is on NFC mobile phones that areemerging in the market, thereby making our system market-ready.

While this paper focuses on jamming, EnGarde has im-mense potential in forensic analysis of NFC interactions.There is currently limited understanding of how NFC in-teractions work in practice — what information is sent inthe clear? how do different phones implement mobile pay-ments? and so on. EnGarde is a powerful tool that can logany NFC interaction that it decodes (including those in thevicinity of the phone), which can be used to perform suchanalysis. We defer such analysis to future work.

More information regarding EnGarde is available at: http://sensors.cs.umass.edu/projects/engarde

13. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis research was partially funded by NSF grants CNS-

0916577, CNS-1217606, and CNS-0855128. We thank ourshepherd Justin Manweiler for providing guidance in prepar-ing our final draft and the anonymous reviewers for theirinsightful comments.

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