entrepreneurial thinking

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Entrepreneurial Thinking

Nicos Paschali@nicospaschali

Nicos PaschaliMind Alchemist & Presenter

Experience30+ Years of Training, Coaching and Mentoring

Over 65 Different Seminar Titles13000 Training Hours

Education TechnologyAccelerated Learning and Teaching

SuggestopediaNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Preconscious Processing Learning and Teaching4MAT Learning Model


an individual who organizes and operates a business..taking on financial

risk in doing so!

Irish-French economist Richard Cantillon

My Definition!

An entrepreneur is an inventor...creates business opportunities for managers to run...The passion comes from basking other people gladly experiencing her or his invention...the business is measured by fast growth...


and the 4 dimensions are...


What....vision...the passion

and the 4 dimensions are...


How.....formulation...the intellect

and the 4 dimensions are...


Test with people...the joy

and the 4 dimensions are...


Moves the dream forward,

...skills of concentration, discrimination, organisation, innovation and communication

Zambia-Italian tomatoes!

Listen, Listen, Listen

New Industries

Because of Internet and New Media technologiesGas...New plants...

New Business Opportunities

Profitable Niche for New Business?

Becoming an Entrepreneur...

1. Mindset = Mind-Body-Spirit

2. TIME...to train yourself to use your talents and experience to see opportunities

Start with the WHY!

A way of thinking, feeling, acting and communicating...

inspire others to help you advance your ideas and your vision!!!

become a servant of passion to people who want to grow...to transform their passion into a living

Generating significant value for your customer...

A Brand Promise...creating an experience for your customer

Starting a Business...

... is not something that happens overnight... and is not a sure thing,

However, it is probably not as difficult as you might imagine.

Entrepreneurial thinking...

is a skill relatively easy to learn

The difference?

Samuel Langley and his team-resources and attention....

Wilbur and Orville brothers-passion inspired enthusiasm and commitment...no funding

Beatles story...

Apple starts with the WHY! Jobs wanted to do something significant in the world

We are making assumptions...

sometimes incomplete, or false information

Our behaviour is affected by our assumptions or our perceived truths...

Decisions on what we think we know

Readiness to succeed as a startup?

by undertaking five basic steps:1. Clarify your reasons and your goals.Why are you doing

this? What do you hope to achieve?2. Understand your entrepreneurial personality. Who are

you? What makes you tick?3. Map your skills and experience. What can you do?

What do you know?4. Leverage your relationships and resources.Who can

help you? What assets are available for your use?5. Position yourself for high performance. Are you

optimally positioned to bring your “A” game—your best effort, energy, and performance?

2 ways to influence human behaviour

● Manipulate● Inspire


drop the pricerun a promotionpeer pressurefear

When individuals or companies do not have a clear sense of why their customers are their customers, they tend to rely on a disproportionate number of manipulations to get what they want

Manipulation Vs Leadership

Leadership rally people not for a single event, but for years

Manipulation is for a single purchase decision

Single transaction or loyal customer?

Short term decisionsare killing us all!

ulcersdepressionhigh blood pressureanxietycancer

The Golden Circle

Starts with the WHY!

What do you do?How do you do what you do?Why do you do what you do?

Why I train and I coach people?

Because I get a 'kick'...my heart pulse increases when I see people smiling and be able to do things they thought it was impossible to do before...creating new experience for people

Breaking the Impossibility!


WHYEverything we do we challenge the status quo! We believe in thinking differently.HOWThe way we do it.... is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendlyWHATWe make great computers and telephones and iPads etc.

Leads to

● Clarity of Why

● Discipline of How

● Consistency of What


The Why is the BeliefThe How is the ActionsThe What is the Result or Outcome of those actions

Entrepreneur wants...

● Confidentiality

● Dedication

● Truth

Success of the entrepreneur?

● Creating products● Marketing● Financial management!


Can do all these ALONE!

Companies are not created by one person.

Branson biography..

no I's

only we's

Go Out.....

Create a community to capture...

● Passion● Energy● Imagination

Activate communities to find resources!!!

A Big Thank YOU!!!

Nicos Paschalinicospas@gmail.com@nicospaschali

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