ev question 3

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

An institution that could be considered for publishing my magazine is republic of music they were established in January of 2007, they are currently the publishers of Clash music magazine. This could pose as a problem due to my magazine being very similar to clash and they may not want to work with a competitor. They would put my magazine in an advantageous position as they have the market links to get my magazine in to independents shop, this is where I would see my magazine selling best. The reason why I don’t think it would sell very well in a mainstream shop like Tesco's is due to its alternative look I therefore think going with an ‘alternative’ publisher would be the most logical way to disturbed this magazine.

Republic of music is located in Brighton which is very well know for its alternate scene, they also have strong links to London and other major city's in England however their links to the states are not very good. So my market base would be serval limited if I was to get my magazine published by republic of music.

Bauer is a more mainstream/traditional publishers. They currently have 600 accounts (magazines) one of these 600 is Q magazine a very popular music magazine. This magazine is slightly more alternate compared with magazines such as NME or Kerrang. Bauer could be a possibility to get my magazine published they have very strong market link and would be able to get my magazine into shops like Tesco, Asda and many other superstores this would open my market base right up. However I don’t think Bauer are going to be able to represent my brand as well as an independent more alternate company like republic of music will be able to. Bauer are also the

publishers of Mojo, Planet Rock and Kerrang. These are three very well know music magazine that make a huge amount of money.

Alternatively I could publish the magazine myself, buy raising funds for the cost of printing and distribution as the design of the magazine would be done in house. A way to raise funds is crowd funding to do this you start a campaign on a website like Kickstarterand people pledge money into your idea. In return you give them some

such as a free copy of the magazine after publish.

The cost of printing equipment for printing magazine is very expensive anything for 500 thousand up to 1.6 million pounds. I would therefore need to collaborate with a existent printing company such as brown printing co. I would then need disturbed the magazine into shops or alternatively only sell the magazine online and post it to the customers. Although this idea isn't unrealistic it does involve around 20 thousand pounds of funding. I would immediately be on the back foot in the industry due to not having any links into shops or online retailers and I would therefore not consider publishing the magazine myself to be a good idea.

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