everyday english: european football & countries

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Football vocabulary /Nationalities*special lesson for Ms. Vinh & Ms. Linh

Football Vocabulary

In most countries, we call this a “Football P_________________”

Football Pitch (US = “Soccer Field”)

This can be called a “Football A____________”

* It’s a “Stadium” if it has no roof.

Football Arena

The white lines that are along the side of the football pitch arecalled the T____________ Line.

(This is usually where the footballcoach / manager stands)

“Touch line” (US: Sideline)

What is the name of the linewhere each team has their net?

Goal Line

Where is this located on a football pitch? Can you guessits name?

Center Line & Center Spot

The area near each goal in which the goalkeeper may handle the ball, and a foul is punished by a penalty kick is called the

P____________ A_______________.

Penalty Area

A white mark in the penalty area from which penalty kicks are taken is called the“P___________ S__________”

Penalty Spot

So, to review the locations on a football pitch…

Football People

A player whose role is to stop the ball from entering the goal, and the only player who can handle the ball in general play is called a G__________________.

Goal Keeper (US: Goalie)

A player whose role is to score goals iscalled a F______________.

The “Star player” (or center forward), is called the S___________



A player whose main role is to prevent the opposition from scoring is called a D________________ (*they usually play in front of the Goalkeeper)


These players are the most physically fit players on the field because they are expected to run the most in a game. They are called M_____________

They should be able to go deep in the opposition’s territory on attack and make the transition to defense when the opposition retains possession of the ball.


To replace one player with another player; also a player used to replace another is called a S___________________.

Substitute (n & v)

The person in charge of presiding over the Football game. They make official decisions related to player actions

Referee aka: “Ref”

* There are also “Assistant Referees” who advise the Ref

Football Actions

This is a method of re-starting the game; It’s always taken in a corner….

Corner Kick

To finish a game with an even score is called a D_______________ or T___________

Draw ; Tie

Two periods of 15 minutes each played when a game ends in a draw after normal time is called E_________ T_____________

Extra Time (US: Overtime)

To kick or head the ball to another player on one's own team is called a P________


An illegal action punishable by a free kick is called a F_______________


The consequence of a foul is called a P_____________


*usually players get a ‘penalty kick’

A rule requiring at least two defenders to be between an attacker and the goal line when the ball is passed to the attacker is called O______________


This is a foul when a player touches the ball with their hand or arm…


A best-of-five penalty kick contest held to find a winner when a game is still tied after extra time is called a Penalty S__________

Penalty Shootout

To challenge a player for the ball is called a T_____________


A form of “cheating” in Football; This is when a player pretends to fall downin order to get a free kick.

Divers or “To Dive”

The most severe punishment given by a referee, in which the player is sent off the pitch is a R_________ C__________

Red Card

A warning issued to a player for a serious foul, two of which result in a red card and sending off is called a Y__________ C_____

Yellow Card

FIFA Structure

• 2 Stages: Group Stage (Round 1) & Knockout Stage (Round 2 & 3)

The group stage begins with 32 teams. The knockout stage is a single-elimination tournament in which teams play each other in one-off matches, with extra time and penalty shootouts used to decide the winner if necessary.

It begins with the round of 16 (or the second round) in which the winner of each group plays against the runner-up of another group.

This is followed by the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, the third-place match (contested by the losing semi-finalists), and the final.

Countries / Nationalities

Asian Countries / People

Vietnam Vietnamese - people - food - language



Cambodia Cambodian

Khmer (largest ethnic group)

Laos Laotian

Singapore Singaporean

Malaysia Malaysian

Philippines Filipino (man)Filipina (woman)

China Chinese

South Korea Korean

Japan Japanese

European Countries

England (UK) British

Germany German

Italy Italian

Spain Spanish

France French

Portugal Portuguese

Greece Greek

Belgium Belgian

Holland Dutch“The Netherlands”

Sweden Swedish “Swedes”

Denmark Danish“Danes”

Switzerland Swiss

South American Countries

Brazil Brazilian

Chile Chilean

Ecuador Equadorian

Colombia Colombian


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