evualtion q6

Post on 26-Sep-2015






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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Evualtion Q6

Evualtion Q6 -What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?Camera Camera- you need to especially careful as what you can see in the frame. There may sometimes be things in the Mise-en-scene that you do not spot at the time but when it comes to editing you realise and have to re-shoot .The camera is also very sensitive to lighting and you can adjust this by experimenting with the exposure setting on the camera.

TripodTripod- A tripod is essential for filming and is extremely hard to film one without this. When re-shooting I had film without a tripod but i was lucky as I had many things that I could rest my camera on such as tables and chairs. Because of this I only had one or two shots where i had to film using my hands which were particularly hard when it came to composition of the frame. To overcome this i did each of these shots man y times trying to make the camera as steady as possible.

LightLight- We had a light that attached to the camera that we used the majority of the time when filming inside once we had controlled external light. This was especially useful when shooting the female protagonist getting ready. However, there was also sometimes when we should of used the cameras but we didn't such us shooting the male protagonists part.

Other Items Phone- I needed my phone to contact my actors and production team enabling us to decide a certain time to start shooting.

Final Cut Pro- This is the editing software that we used for our opening sequence .Whilst editing I developed my skills within final cut but also how the setting on my camera had effected the footage.

Blogger- this is site where my blog page is I had to use a range of technologies such as a computer and a memory stick to be able to get this on my blogger web page.

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