exam one diversity workplace

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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bmgt2700 workplace diversity toledo


Question 15 out of 5 points

When the media mostly presents negative views and occurrences of one race/ethnicity this does not impact the perception that people have of this group.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 25 out of 5 points

Diversity in the workplace should be enforced because it makes good business sense as it does affect the bottom-line profits of a company.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 35 out of 5 points

Believing that Native Americans are savages is a myth that can be created to cover up the harm done to such a great people.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 45 out of 5 points

We all have multiple identities (race, gender, class, etc) but these components of self are never in conflict with each other.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 55 out of 5 points

Women are often seen as less qualified than men due to physical strength differences and abilities.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 65 out of 5 points

Sexual harassment, discrimination against older workers and homosexuals are all components of discrimination that could be forbidden in state and local laws.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 75 out of 5 points

Asian Americans define themselves as the "model minority" because it is a stereotype that is positive. Stereotypes that are positive are acceptable.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals



Answer: False

Question 85 out of 5 points

Africans were brought to this country beaten, killed and enslaved as free labor, resulting in the belief that blacks are inferior which justifies to some people that equal treatment for Blacks is not necessary.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 95 out of 5 points

Classism can occur when those in power create systems of policies and practices that are set up to benefit the lower classes at the expense of the middle classes. Classism is grounded in a hierarchy belief system that ranks people according to socioeconomic status that leads to a drastic wealth inequality.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 105 out of 5 points

When dealing with the history of discrimination in America, people should remember that these mindsets that don't value diversity still impact the workplace today.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 115 out of 5 points

It is relevant to know what Native Americans, women, African-Americans and others have contributed to this society. European (White) male history and culture is also important but should not be the only group whose history and contributions are focused on.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 125 out of 5 points

When it comes to disabled workers, companies need not be careful in hiring them as they do not have high absenteeism and their reasonable accommodations do not cost the company a fortune.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 130 out of 5 points

There is a glass ceiling for Caucasian women and a concrete ceiling for women of color because women deal with stereotypes in the workplace.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 140 out of 5 points

Both generalizations about race and stereotypes limit our thinking about difference.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 155 out of 5 points

Quid Pro Quo is not the form of sexual harassment that is based upon power.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 165 out of 5 points

The Law of Nations is a system of legal norms and standards, ordained by a many of the states and imposed upon most of the worlds people with their consent and input. The technology of guns gave Europeans this power over other parts of the world which is how they were able to then go and conquer other lands.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 175 out of 5 points

Since only some white men are WASPS who belong to the boys club, there are many other White men who are willing to fight against discrimination and fight for diversity.Answer

Selected Answer: Tru


Correct Answer: Tru


Question 185 out of 5 points

Even though there are can be many distinctions between religions, it is not important to know about various religions that exist in the workplace.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 195 out of 5 points

Cultural knowledge helps us to understand important characteristics and contributions by various groups in society but this knowledge does not aid companies in reaching cultural competency.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 205 out of 5 points

When Native American mascots are presented stereotypically, the organization's mean no harm and it is an honor to Native Americans.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals



Answer: False

Question 215 out of 5 points

The term "transitioning" in the workplace as it relates to transsexuals just means a worker is changing jobs.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 225 out of 5 points

Our thinking does not impact our actions therefore it is not necessary for a person who has biases against others to worry about acting these biases out.Answer

Selected Answer: Fals


Correct Answer: Fals


Question 235 out of 5 points

Which of the following could be cited as sexual harassment:Answer

Selected Answer: All of the


Correct Answer: All of the


Question 245 out of 5 points

Which of the following is necessary to having cultural competency:Answer

Selected Answer: More than just awareness that

differences exist

Correct Answer: More than just awareness that

differences exist

Question 255 out of 5 points

Which of the following is/are a reason why White Males should be advocates for diversity:Answer

Selected Answer: Diversity and equality in the workplace benefits everyone

including white males

Correct Answer: Diversity and equality in the workplace benefits everyone

including white males

Question 260 out of 5 points

Handling cross dressers in the workplace:Answer

Selected Answer: Is not protected under any state or federal laws

Correct Answer: Could fall under gender identity which can be a

protected right

Question 275 out of 5 points

If Jill decides to let her supervisor know that she is homosexual, the following act/law protects her from discriminating actions.Answer

Selected Answer: No act or federal law protects her from


Correct Answer: No act or federal law protects her from


Question 285 out of 5 points

Which of the following groups of the Latino ethnicity were discriminated against less due to the light color of their skin, their education and contribution to a U.S. city:Answer

Selected Answer: Cuba


Correct Answer: Cuba


Question 295 out of 5 points

Which of the following were Laws that provided segregation for blacks as well as the Japanese:Answer

Selected Answer: Jim Crow


Correct Answer: Jim Crow


Question 300 out of 5 points

Which of the following is a true statement regarding Filipinos:Answer

Selected Answer: When they came to America they were treated


Correct Answer: They were able to melt into the pot so they were

more accepted

Question 315 out of 5 points

Which of the following is a myth regarding Older Workers/Adult:Answer

Selected Answer: All of the



Answer: All of the above

Question 325 out of 5 points

Willie Lynch's Speech solved what purpose:Answer

Selected Answer: All of the


Correct Answer: All of the


Question 335 out of 5 points

Of the 10,000 laborers who sacrificed their lives building the Central Pacific, 9000 were of what race?Answer

Selected Answer: Chine


Correct Answer: Chine


Question 345 out of 5 points

Most of the things that have happened in this country to immigrants, people of color and women have happened because of economic resources, such as:Answer

Selected Answer: Land, labor and


Correct Answer: Land, labor and


Question 355 out of 5 points

Immigrants often to came to America:Answer

Selected Answer: To escape


Correct Answer: To escape


Question 365 out of 5 points

Which of the following is a true statement regarding blacks in America:Answer

Selected Answer: They are a skilled cunning culture that has provided many

significant contributions to society yet are still not considered (in many cases) equal enough to be a part of American History.*

Correct Answer: They are a skilled cunning culture that has provided many

significant contributions to society yet are still not considered (in many cases) equal enough to be a part of American History.*

Question 375 out of 5 points

The following group(s) of white males have experienced discrimination in America:Answer

Selected Answer: Irish, disabled, Germans and


Correct Answer: Irish, disabled, Germans and


Question 385 out of 5 points

The Islamic faith is characterized by the following:Answer

Selected Answer: Many Muslims who follow the Quran and

believe in peace

Correct Answer: Many Muslims who follow the Quran and

believe in peace

Question 395 out of 5 points

Which of the following company actions respect diversity:Answer

Selected Answer: None of the above are


Correct Answer: None of the above are


Question 405 out of 5 points

Which is a true statement:Answer

Selected Answer: America should act as a

tossed salad

Correct Answer: America should act as a

tossed salad

Question 415 out of 5 points

Which of the following is an example of cultural sensitivity:Answer

Selected Answer: Beaners Coffee changing their name to Biggby because

beaners is an offensive term to some Mexicans.

Correct Answer: Beaners Coffee changing their name to Biggby because

beaners is an offensive term to some Mexicans.

Question 425 out of 5 points

If a person believes all Arabs are terrorists simply because of the biased news media, they are exhibiting what way of thinking:Answer

Selected Answer: How we know what

isn't so

Correct Answer: How we know what

isn't so

Question 435 out of 5 points

Which of the following would be a reason that women are discriminated in the workplace:Answer

Selected Answer: A &


Correct Answer: A &


Question 445 out of 5 points

Which of the following could negatively affect a homosexual workers participation in the workplace due to bias against homosexuals:Answer

Selected Answer: A &


Correct Answer: A &


Question 455 out of 5 points

Asian Americans and Latinos migrated here to the U.S. for similar reasons but what made this migration beneficial to the U.S.?Answer

Selected Answer: Cheap


Correct Answer: Cheap


Question 460 out of 5 points

Why did the migration of Asian Americans and Latinos often get halted in the U.S andAnswer

Selected Answer: When other people of color thought they were taking

"their" jobs.

Correct Answer: When their presence during that time period stop being

beneficial to the White Exclusionist.

Question 475 out of 5 points

The enslavement of Africans, the stealing of Native American's land, Manifest Destiny, the Naturalization Law of 1790 and the elimination of women's rights from the U.S. version of the Iroquois' constitution benefited what group in society?Answer

Selected Answer: Free White Males who had access to the benefits

of capitalism

Correct Answer: Free White Males who had access to the benefits

of capitalism

Question 485 out of 5 points

The acts created in question 47, could have resulted in what imbalance of U.S. Society?Answer

Selected Answer: Wealth


Correct Answer: Wealth


Question 495 out of 5 points

If one group benefited from the acts created in question 47, what then was created by these acts?


Selected Answer: All of the


Correct Answer: All of the


Question 505 out of 5 points

Which of the following is a true statement:Answer

Selected Answer: Valuing diversity is still an issue for America, as America

has still has some "growing" to do as it relates to equality.

Correct Answer: Valuing diversity is still an issue for America, as America

has still has some "growing" to do as it relates to equality.

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