examples of superb photojournalism

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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Examples of superb photojournalism I am going to be analysing four examples of superb

photojournalism so that I can understand what I will need to do to take an impressive picture for my


• (Rick Ross for XXL magazine)• This photograph of Rick Ross for

XXL magazine is eye catching because of the contrasting colours, Rick Ross' white suit against the black and gold writing makes him stand out. This paired with what appears to be an intense gaze through his sunglasses makes him appear to be powerful yet quite intimidating additionally, it feels as if he is directing his gaze at the person looking at the photograph. The smoke coming from his mouth draws the reader in also, his watch and expensive sunglasses promote the hip hop lifestyle and would probably attract the magazines target audience.

• (Florence Welch for NME magazine)• This photograph of Florence Welch for NME magazine is simple yet

effective. Her blue patterned dress complements the colour of the water, the blue used in the photo creates the mood of unhappiness. This image could be illustrating one of Florence and the Machine's tracks, Never let me go since it has lyrics such as: "And the arms of the ocean are carrying me" , "A thousand miles down to the sea bed" and "I'm going under". The melancholy photo is a contrast to Florence Welch's usual vibrant photographs, additionally, this photo could be seen as a positive representation of a woman since she isn't seen in a sexual way.

• (Adele for Rolling Stone)• This photograph of Adele captures her genuine happiness, her rosy cheeks and her laughter shows a

different side to the singer given that her music is quite depressing. The photograph was featured alongside an interview with the singer called "The Heartbreak Kid", the title and picture act as a juxtaposition since "Heartbreak" has the connotations of sadness whereas, the picture shows that she is full of joy due to her recent success. The magazine probably used this image because it shows Adele laughing rather than doing the usual intimidating modelesque glare that singers do, this makes her appear warm, approachable and not intimidating because of her superstar status. Her clothes are simple and black which emphasises the idea that she is an approachable and normal person just like the reader because of this Adele could appear to be more likeable to the reader.

• (Azealia Banks for Spin Magazine)• This vibrant image by Spin

Magazine captures Azealiza Banks' fun and free spirited nature. The colours from her outfit and hair complements the colours on the wall and curtains which creates an eye catching picture that accentuates her animated pose. Banks' open mouthed pose could be seen as irony to some readers since she is seen as an outspoken rapper whose mouth gets her into a lot of trouble since it is never closed. This image could be seen as quite negative to some since she is wearing a Madonna type cone bra which could appear to be quite sexual to some, this could support some people's claims that women in the media are portrayed in a sexual manner.

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