f riend or f oe? using facebook and other social networking sites safely. (and to do good stuff!)...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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friend or foe?Using Facebook and other social

networking sites safely.(And to do good stuff!)

Facebook logos from http://www.yourlogoresources.com/

Tracy Dawson 2012 2

What are social networking sites?Social networks let people stay in touch with social groups. Before the internet, social networks

were groups of friends or those with common interests. Now the term almost exclusively means internet-based networks. Some net works have been set up to share files, especially music files.

(from Classmate, Daily Telegraph, 23 August 2011 pp28-29)

Facebook Twitter




Tracy Dawson 2012 3

Read the Fine PrintBefore signing up to anything online, including social media, we should always ‘read the fine print’ and make sure we know what we’re getting into.

Facebook Principleshttps://www.facebook.com/principles.php

Facebook Principles are a statement of what Facebook is all about.

These 10 Principles encompass freedom, sharing of information, equality and transparency.

Facebook Principles directly reflect the personal philosophy of its founder.

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Mark Zuckerbergis the founder of Facebook.


He and three others created Facebook as a social study tool at Harvard University in 2004.

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In the information section of his own

Facebook page, he says “I'm trying to make the world a more open place by helping people connect and share.”

Zuckerberg was Time Magazine

“Person of the Year” in 2010.

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One of the conference rooms at Facebook HQ is called “The Aquarium” because the walls are made of glass. Conference rooms are the most private rooms at Facebook – there are no cubicles, no walls, no doors.

Privacy is not part of his philosophy. You have to decide if you agree with him or not...

Martin Schoeller for TIME

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2036683_2037183_2037185,00.html #ixzz1Ub7LHI3M

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If have, or are setting up a Facebook account, remember to check these 3 things to maximise your online safety.

1. Minimise the information you put on your Profile page (click on your name), and set it all to Me Only or Friends Only.

2. Go to your Account settings next to the Home tab and set everything to the highest possible security.

3. Go to your Privacy settings next to the Home tab and make everything as private as possible by choosing Me Only, Friends or Custom (choose specific people) Remember, Friends of Friends could add up to 10s of thousands of people.)


You will need to check these regularly, because with any change Facebook makes to the site, many setting go back to the default which is PUBLIC!

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Section 4. Registration and Account Security#5. “You will not use Face Book if you are under 13.”

Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to have a Face

Book account. In Facebook’s Safety Centre, found through Account, then

Help Centre, security for teens (13-17 years) is discussed in the Parents section.

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A survey done by Consumer Reports .org in June 2011 found that:

• Of the 20 million minors who actively used Facebook in the past year, 7.5 million—or more than one-third—were younger than 13 and not supposed to be able to use the site.

• Among young users, more than 5 million were 10 and under, and their accounts were largely unsupervised by their parents.

• One million children were harassed, threatened, or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on the site in the previous year.

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If you know a person who is too young to have a Facebook account, you can report them by filling in the Report Underage Users Form. It looks

like this:

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The concept of Privacy

Think about how well a child under the age of thirteen understands

the concept of privacy.

Does a child over the age of thirteen have a good understanding of what privacy means?

Photos from Flickrcc

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Facial Recognition Technology

Last year, Facebook began using Facial Recognition technology called ‘Tag Suggestions’.

It allows users to tag other people in photographs without their permission.

‘Tag Suggestions’ is enabled by default. You can disable it by going to ‘Privacy Settings’ in your account.

Other sites, including photo sharing software like iPhoto and Picasa also use Facial Recognition technology.www.acnews.go.com/technology/facebook-facial-recognition-feature-raises-eyebrows/t/story/id=13792666

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Face Book Privacy Policy https://www.facebook.com/policy.php.#!/policy.php

• No information from children under age 13. If you are under age 13, please do not attempt to register for Facebook or provide any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from a child under age 13, please contact us through this help page.

Parental participation. We strongly recommend that minors 13 years of age or older ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet and we encourage parents to teach their children about safe internet use practices. Materials to help parents talk to their children about safe internet use can be found on this help page.

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Once you have set up a Facebook page using your email address, you can choose whether or not to fill in

the information.

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Your profile picture does not need to be one of yourself. It can be any image you


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The more information you put here, or indeed

on any social networking site, the more open you

are to identity theft.

Identity Theft

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Also, the information you give is used to target you by advertisers, hence the ads and promotions that appear on the right hand side of your screen on Facebook.


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ListsFacebook have recently changed the way we can communicate with friends by adding the ‘List’ option, which allows you to delegate friends to different lists based on their relationship to you. You can then communicate with people on a certain list only, eg your family.

So if you don’t want Granny to see your last night out with friends, post to the ‘Close Friends’ list but NOT to ‘Family’.

There is now a ‘Restricted List’, for those you don’t want to block but don’t want to share stuff with either.

The lists do not appear on your ‘Home’ page, so others cannot see who’s on which list..

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Google+Facebook Lists were added after the launch of Google+. Google+ uses ‘Circles’ to manage relationships and set security options. Google defines the circles, for example, Friends are “Your real friends, the ones you feel comfortable sharing private details with”. Note it has a circle for “Acquaintances”, defined as “people you've met but aren't particularly close to”.


Family Safety CentreTips about how to use Facebook securely and safely can be found here, in the

Account section under Help Centre.

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Statement of Rights and Responsibilities https://www.facebook.com/terms.php

It is important to read this statement carefully.Points of interest are:Section 2. Sharing your Content & Information:#4: “When you publish content or information using the

everyone setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off Face Book, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you.”

Section 3. Safety#6: “You will not bully intimidate or harass any user.”

Tracy Dawson 2012 23

Social networking can be used for evil...

Remember the Corey Worthington affair? Back in 2008, he organised a party using MySpace. Hundreds of people saw the invitation and gatecrashed at his family home, causing expensive damage, because he hadn’t used privacy settings correctly.

The August 2011 London riots spiralled out of control when people encouraged each other to participate using Facebook and other social media.

Recent cyber bullying in our own Parkes community, as well as other regional towns, has spilled over into the schoolyard causing hard-to-deal-with incidents.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/the-social-networker-20110827-1jf9q.html#ixzz1Wf1ymGQm

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...however, remember the responsibilities we all have...

Ben Self was responsible for Barack Obama’s 2008 online presidential campaign. He says ''Politicians have said things when they thought a microphone was turned off. Everything you say can be heard or recorded. It's about changing what you're actually thinking or saying, not hiding it.'‘

Self does not think social media should be blamed for the London riots, even though others have blamed websites such as Spiff TV.He says social media is merely a tool that can be used for good or bad. ''It wasn't social media causing the riots but a bunch of irresponsible people. It's about personal responsibility not just pointing the finger at a tool. Do we get rid of cars because road accidents are one of the leading causes of death among youngsters?'‘

See the article at http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/the-social-networker-20110827-1jf9q.html 28 August 2011

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What goes on the web, stays on the webMia Freedman writes for Sunday Life magazine and on her blog mamamia.com.au . In a column about recruiting staff, she talks about the role of social media in career success:“...Have I mentioned I find CVs useless? Mostly because they’re the work equivalent of the profiles on dating sites. Utter spin.Without even consciously thinking about it, the first thing I did before meeting each candidate was to look them up on Facebook and Twitter. Interesting…

...I didn’t even need to glance at a single CV to eliminate three girls based on their social media profiles alone. One had a constant stream of Facebook updates bitching indiscreetly about her current job. Another evidently spent much of her time getting drunk and a third had some very strident views I disagreed with. Stridently.Is this fair? Sensible? Justified? Who knows but I did it. Yes, I made judgements on the character of job applicants based on social media profiles. And why wouldn’t I? It’s absurd to believe that how you behave on social media sites can be quarantined from your ‘proper’ work life. It can’t. What you say online and what you choose to post on Twitter or Facebook ...is like your shop window. It’s not your bedroom. It’s not private. And it’s a better indication of character than any written reference.”

http://www.mamamia.com.au/news/wanted-magic/ 30 May 2010

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Checking what others can see on your Facebook

Use the ‘View As’ tab on your wall shows you what other people see if they search for you on Facebook.

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Because I have set all my content to ‘Me Only’ or ‘Friends Only’, nobody can see any of my information except this:

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Checking information about your & yours on the web.

You can check what information is out there about yourself, or your children, by using the following sites:

PIPL http://www.pipl.com/. By typing in your name and location, you can see the references to yourself, including photos, that appear on the internet. It can also show you how to keep your information private.

Google – Me on the Web. If you create a Google account, you can access Me on the Web and set up for an alert to be emailed to you whenever your private information, such as phones numbers or addresses are published online. You can then remove unwanted content.

Me on the Web is accessed through your Dashboard when you sign in.

Social Mentions http://www.socialmention.com/alerts/ will alert you whenever your name (or anyone’s name, or company name etc) is mentioned in a variety of digital media forms.

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When I type my name into PIPL, these are the results. I can see that the only matches are on the deep web, which is the ‘hidden’ part of the web that holds amazing amounts of information that most people can’t access.

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Because I have set my privacy settings carefully on all my blogs and on Facebook, they do not show up here, they are invisible to anyone searching the name ‘Tracy Dawson’.

I can tell straight away this isn’t me!

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Social networking can also be used for good!

Keep in mind that social networking sites are TOOLS, and therefore can be used to achieve some really good stuff.


•To inspire and organise grass roots political movements like those that occurred in the Arab Spring of 2011•To allow ordinary people to have a say.•To take part in political campaigns.

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•To communicate with friends all over the world easily and quickly•To be part of a social group or movement even when it is physically impossible. •To provide information, support and coordination in emergencies & natural disasters.

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‘Ready QLD’New app launched by QLD Premier Anna Bligh after the floods of 2011.

From SMH January 16 2012

Black Saturday BushfiresFacebook support page.

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•To allow access to (often free) resources and ideas from other schools, teachers, students and communities all over the world.•To collaborate on projects and assignments.•To get up-to-the-minute information.•To inform parents and the community about what’s happening at school.

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Students of History, Economics, Legal Studies, etc may get words ‘from the horse’s mouth’ from people like Barack Obama.

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The only constant is change.All websites, including social networking sites, constantly change their appearance and the way they work.

We have to teach our kids to be aware of the changes, and teach them skills to keep on top of the changes all the time.

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Personal ResponsibilityWe need to be responsible for how we use all social networking sites.

We must all (students, parents, teachers, community members) learn about social media (it’s not going away!) so we can teach each other how to use it responsibly.

Remember, social networking is a tool, and what we build with it, whether good or bad, is up to us.

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