facebook ads case study email list building for businesses part 3

Post on 14-Jul-2015



Social Media



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Facebook Ads Case Study

Lead Generation for Businesses Part 3


Today in this video

I am going to show you

Part 3 of my 4 part series

Where I show you

My first facebook ads campaign for list building

What I did right

...and What I did wrong

To review:

My goal is simple

Get an email subscriber for $1 or less

for buildingsocialproof.com

In Part 1 I showed you how I selected my audiences

They were

Smart passive income with Pat Flynn


Social Media Examiner

In Part 2 I showed you how I started to optimize my audience

and got my conversion cost down to

$10.35 per subscriber

In this video I will show you how I started

to get my cost per subscriber much lower

so let's get started

First I looked at the high cost per click from weeks 1 and 2

First I looked at the high cost per click from weeks 1 and 2

The average cost per click was way too high at $1.97

I looked at changing the campaign over to

optimize for website conversions

optimize for website conversions

this became a huge win

Facebook will optimize your campaign

in ways you can not to do yourself

to find people more likely to convert for you

so the first tip is to use optimize for conversions

Next I have a friend

with lots of Facebook ads experience

look at my ads

He said they all sucked

..and suggested I change them

Here are the ads and some changes I made

Before & After Ads

Since I was moving away from women in the ads

I included females back into the campaign

Here are the conversion differences

of the new and old ads

Before & After Ads


So for week #3

I changed the campaign type to Optimize for conversions

I added women into the campaigns and changed around the ads

This lowered my cost per subscriber to

$2.38 per sign up

This was a huge win

I am starting to think that Facebook might work for me

I cut my cost per lead from $10 each

to $2 each with a few simple changes

I feel like I can get it below $1 per email subscriber now

Here are some other take aways to help me do this

and things I will be looking at going forward

Social Media Examiner is cheaper than

Smart Passive Income

International people are cheaper than


Women are cheaper than


Lets see what other changes I can make

to my campaign next week

to get closer to my $1 per email goal


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