facing image project book

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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My project book


Table of Content Introduction Introduction

Introduction 4 - 5

Design Elements 6 - 11

Advertising 12 - 19

Applications 20 - 24

Background 4 - 5

2 3



Net10 is the branch company of TracFone, the cell phone carrier that provides prepaid mobile wireless service in Ameri-ca, Puerto Rico and other regions. Net10’s original tagline is “No Bills. No Contracts. No Evil.” It requires no activation fees, termination fees, or signing a long term contract.

Net10 wireless phones sell for as low as 20 dollars each and include free voice mail, free caller ID and free call waiting.

Pay as you go plansprovide customerswith wireless servicethrough the purchaseof Airtime cards.

The main problem of Net10 is lack of recognition from the customers and the public. The use of cell phone service is increasing every year with brand new technology, but the level of development of Net10 seems to have halted and has been unable to continue improving.


Customers are un-aware of the existence of Net10, and the main reason is that Net10 doesn’t have up-to-date technology with high-speed wireless signals. Customers tend to think that Net10’s service is unreliable and cannot be trusted.

Therefore, the purpose of this campaign is to bring recognition to the company and reshape the image of the company in order to succeed in the cell phone market.

Some of Net10’s mod-els offer camera, hands free device, wireless web surfing, and Blue-tooth. The number “10” in Net10 signifies that each talking minutes

costs only ten cents with no additional fees. Both airtime cards and auto-pay plans are available.


The original Net10 logo isvery forgiven and lack of designing aspects. The newlogo focuses on the combination of colors, clean-ness, and styles.

The new logo has blue and red colors with white back-ground. The red ring with the cell phone banner indicates the constant con-nection between Net10 and the customers.

A minimum clear space (0.3x) must be maintained around the logo at all time. The uppercase “N” followedby lowercase “et” must be used and cannot be replaced in any situation. Both “Net” and “10” letters should be in the same size.

Original logo


Logo Standard

Design Elements

Logo Standard 7 - 10

Typography 11


DOs :* Maintain the required clearspace around the logo. * Use the logo as one com-plete image. * Font Yiggivoo Unicode must be used for the logo. * Enlarge or shrink the logoas needed.

DON’Ts :* Redesign or recreate the logo.* Use special effects with the logo.* Distort the proportions of the logo.* Separate the banner from the logo.

The tag line “Talk more, pay less!” focus on the core essence of the brand. Thetag line must be used asYiggivoo Unicode font with the same line up as the letter “10”. The first letter “T” mustbe capital at all time.

The tag line must stay within the minimum clear space (0.3x) while its own size (0.2x) is visible to the audience.

Logo Standard Logo Standard

8 9

-> More logo details -> More logo variety

The logo must be displayedin red with blue text on a white background.

The white background can-not be compromised in any type of printing elements or mix with other colors unless it is impossible to use white background.

CMYK 0/100/95/5Pantone 1797 C/1797 URGB 225/26/39HEX #E11A27

CMYK 0/0/0/0Pantone white C/URGB 255/255/255HEX #FFFFFF

CMYK 100/91/3/2Pantone 072CRGB 0/28/168HEX #001ca8

Yiggivoo Unicode ; Regular size:18-24ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Arial : Regular size:18-24ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Arial : Italic size:18-24ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Arial : Bold size:18-24ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Arial : Bold Italic size:18-24ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CMYK 0/0/0/100Pantone Black C/URGB 0/0/0 HEX #000000

CMYK 0/100/95/5Pantone 1797 C/1797 URGB 225/26/39HEX #E11A27

Logo Standard Typography

10 11


14 13

Print Ads

These print ads can be usedon magazine, newspapers,or sepcial TV announcementand commercials.

The print ad has minimum height of 3 inches and mini-mum width 1.5 inches. The minimium size of net10 logoon every print ad is 0.5 x 0.5square inches.

Every print ad must have certain amount of white space where the logo is located. The text, imagesand background should notinterfere with logo at any time or any situation.

The official company’s web-ste and phone number should be visible on the bottom of every print ad. The red color text usage forboth of them is not neces-sary but recommended.

Print Ads 13 - 15

Web Pages 16 - 18

Photography 19


16 15

Print Ads Print Ads: Color Palette

The usage of real imagesshould match the storiesof the customers’ experi-ence with Net10. The sizeof the image should be closed to half of the size ofwhole print ad, yet the sizeis adjustable due to the situation. THe image cannot be placed without the usage of texture as the background.

A short description of the stories or testimonies is mandatory following with the headline of the ad. Thecolor of the headline should be different than the description. For example,in this ad the headline uses color of green while the text of the story uses black.

CMYK: 22/97/89/13Pantone: 1805CRGB: 175/41/46HEX: #af292e

CMYK: 5/5/100/0Pantone: Yellow CRGB: 251/226/0HEX: #be200

CMYK: 95/0/100/0Pantone: GreenCRGB: 0/175/77HEX: #00af4d

CMYK: 100/91/3/2Pantone: 072 CRGB: 0/28/168HEX: #001ca8

CMYK: 0/0/0/100Pantone: Black C/URGB: 0/0/0HEX: #000000

CMYK: 21/67/69/17Pantone: 2701 CRGB: 149/39/27HEX: #sg331e

CMYK: 5/5/100/0Pantone: Yellow CRGB: 251/226/0HEX: #be200

CMYK: 95/0/100/0Pantone: GreenCRGB: 0/175/77HEX: #00af4d

CMYK: 21/67/69/17Pantone: 2701 CRGB: 149/39/27HEX: #sg331e


Web Pages Web Pages

The Net10 logo should always be on top left corner of the webpage with the home button. The red ring around the logo plays as the menu bar and it would spin as the mouse moves.

The four categories on this menu bar will help the audience navigate into different pages. Each blue phone icon will be magnified when the mouse clicks.

The black background should always be applied on every webpage.

The contact links of Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube should always beplaced on bottom right corner.

The search enigine bar need to be located at topright corner at all time. The option of viewing thepage with Spanish language should be on top with search engine along with store locationand log in buttons.

The minimum size allowed to be viewed online is a height of 58 pixels. The copyright sentence should always appear on buttom left corner with white textagainst black back-ground.

-> More web pages -> More web pages


Web Pages: Color Palette

CMYK: 100/91/3/2Pantone: 072 CRGB: 0/28/168HEX: #001ca8

CMYK: 0/0/0/100Pantone: Black C/URGB: 0/0/0HEX: #000000

CMYK: 22/97/89/13Pantone: 1805CRGB: 175/41/46HEX: #af292e

CMYK: 70/92/27/26Pantone: 652 CRGB: 240/80/32HEX: #303e

CMYK: 56/97/30/13Pantone: 256 CRGB: 0/45/184HEX: #005cc8

Talk more, pay less !


-> More photography -> More photography


22 21

This motion graphic can beused on TV commercial,public presentation, movietheatre or any form of motion video and media.

The purppose of this motion graphic is to catchthe audience by asking questions of their cell phone experience. The advertisement of Net10 products will follow through the whole video.

The video will be 20 seconds long with narrator asking questions and telling stories.

Interactive Media:

Motion Graphic 21 - 23

Other Applications 24- 25

Motion Graphic


24 23Net10 Style Guide Net10 Style Guide

CMYK: 22/97/89/13Pantone: 1805CRGB: 175/41/46HEX: #af292e

CMYK: 100/91/3/2Pantone: 072 CRGB: 0/28/168HEX: #001ca8

CMYK: 44/59/10/2 Pantone: 340 CRGB: 23/70/51HEX: #e3051

CMYK: 20/49/113/97Pantone: 237CRGB: 72/17/90HEX: #002e5

CMYK: 96/44/27/37Pantone: 468CRGB: 29/45/109 HEX: # 00223THe format of the video

uses Adobe Flash player.It can be placed on the official website as a shortintroduction of the company.

The Net10 logo has to be placed in the end of videowith contact information.

Motion Graphic Motion Graphic: Color Palette

Logo can be applied wellon white color surface. Under the situation when it’s impossible to print on a white background, it can also be applied on different materials or colorsas long as the minimum clear space is maintained.

2Net10 Style Guide

Logo Application

-> More application

Other Applications

-> More application -> More application

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