facts & figures · past, present and future moraine valley community college 9000 w. college...

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Moraine Valley Community College 9000 W. College Parkway, Palos Hills, IL 60465

Office of Institutional Research and Planning, 2017



Students line up for the 1970 commencement ceremony. See more historic photos at morainevalley.edu/rocksolid.





Population Data

Profile of Moraine Valley District Demographics .................................................................... I-1

Moraine Valley District Map ..................................................................................................... I-2

Northeastern Illinois Regional Population Census and Forecast Data ...................................... I-3

Moraine Valley District Municipalities, 2000 and 2010 Census, and 2015 Estimates .............. I-4

Moraine Valley District Households 2010 Census and 2013 – 2015 Estimates ........................ I-5

Community Participation Rates

Fall 2013 to Fall 2016 ............................................................................................................ I-6

District Map: Participation Rate by Community, Fall 2016 ................................................. I-7

Moraine Valley District by Age – 2015 Estimates .................................................................... I-8

Moraine Valley District by Race and Hispanic Origin – 2015 Estimates ................................. I-9

2015 Population Estimates By County - By Ethnicity and Race, By Age,

and By Gender ............................................................................................... …………….I-10

Percent of Total Population by Race/Ethnicity – 2015 Estimates by Community

College District ................................................................................................................... I-11

Percent of Population Age 16 and Over by Race/Ethnicity – 2015 Estimates by

Community College District ............................................................................................... I-12

Moraine Valley District by Minority Population Change - 2000 and 2010 Census ................ I-13

Moraine Valley District by Ancestry – 2015 Estimates .......................................................... I-14

Moraine Valley District Foreign Born Population – 2000 and 2010 Census,

and 2015 Estimates .............................................................................................................. I-15

Percent of Total Population in Households in Which English is not the

Primary Language – 2015 Estimates by Community College District ............................... I-16

Moraine Valley District by Veterans - 2013 – 2015 Estimates ............................................... I-17

Moraine Valley District Housing Unit Data – 2015 Estimates................................................ I-18






Population Data

Moraine Valley District by Median Household and Per Capita Income –

2010 Census, 2014 - 2015 Estimates ................................................................................... I-19

Moraine Valley District Poverty Rate – 2010 Census, 2013 - 2015 Estimates ....................... I-20

Percent of Population Age 16 and Over in Poverty – 2015 Estimates by Community

College District .................................................................................................................... I-21

Education and Employment

Projections of Education Statistics to 2024 ............................................................................. I-22

National Projections of High School Graduates 2011-12 to 2023-24 (Chart) ......................... I-23

National College Enrollment 2000 – 2013 and Projections 2014 – 2024 (Graph) .................. I-24

Demographics/Colleges and Universities

National .............................................................................................................................. I-25

Illinois .............................................................................................................................. I-26

Moraine Valley District Educational Attainment – 2015 Estimates…. ................................... I-27

Average Family Income (National) by Educational Attainment of Householder –

2015 (Chart) ......................................................................................................................... I-28

Average Individual Earnings (National) by Educational Attainment – 2015 (Chart) ............. I-29

Average Individual Earnings (National) by Highest Level of Educational Attainment –

2005 – 2015 (Graph) ............................................................................................................ I-30

Annual Unemployment Rate by Highest Level of Educational Attainment –

2005 – 2015 (Graph) ............................................................................................................ I-31

National Earnings & Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment – 2014 and 2015 ..... I-32

Illinois, Cook County, and Moraine Valley District, Unemployment at a Glance .................. I-33

Northeastern Illinois Regional Employment Census (1970- 2010) and Forecasts (2040) …..I-34






Education and Employment, cont.

Moraine Valley District Employment – 2010 Estimates and 2040 Forecasts Data ................. I-35

Growth by Occupational Group, Illinois – 2014 – 2024 ......................................................... I-36

Growth by Occupational Group, Cook County – 2012 – 2022 ............................................... I-37

Cook County Occupations by Annual Openings (with Related Moraine Valley Program Areas)

Jobs Requiring an Associate’s Degree 2012 – 2022 ............................................................ I-38

Jobs Requiring Postsecondary Vocational Education 2012 – 2022 ..................................... I-40

Jobs Requiring Work Experience in a Related Occupation 2012 – 2022 ............................ I-42

Jobs Requiring Long-Term On-The-Job Training 2012 – 2022 .......................................... I-43

Jobs Requiring Moderate-Term On-The-Job Training 2012 – 2022 ................................... I-44


High School Enrollments and Graduates

2016 Enrollment for High Schools in Moraine Valley’s District

and Graduation Projections through 2020 ............................................................................II-1

Number of High School Graduates in Moraine Valley's District – 2005 – 2016 .....................II-2

Number of In-District June Graduates 1996 to 2016 and

Projections 2017 to 2020 ...........................................................................................…....…II-3

Number of Graduates from In-District High Schools

Public versus Private High Schools 2000 – 2016 .................................................................II-4

Participation Rates by High School of June Graduates Attending Moraine Valley

in the Fall 2013 – 2016 .........................................................................................................II-5

Number of Graduates from In-District High Schools Enrolled at Moraine Valley

Public versus Private 2000 – 2016 ........................................................................................ II-6

Participation Rates for 2016 In-District Public High Schools ..................................................II-7

Trend in Number of Graduates from In-District and Out-of-District High Schools Enrolled

at Moraine Valley – 2000 – 2016 ...........................................................................................II-8






High School Profiles

MVCC Area Public High School Profile – 2016 ......................................................................II-9

MVCC Area Public High School Profile – 2016 PSAE and ACT Assessment Scores ......... II-10

MVCC District Public High School College Enrollment and Remedial Courses ..................II-11

MVCC District Public High School Course Offerings – 2016 ...............................................II-12

Limited English Proficient Students by Public High School District and by

Language Spoken – SY2014 – 2016 .................................................................................. II-13

Number and Percent of Recent High School Graduates Taking Remedial Courses

at MVCC – 2000 – 2015 ....................................................................................................II-14

Across-Year Retention Rates for Recent High School Graduates –

Fall 2012-13 to Fall 2015-16 ..............................................................................................II-15

High School Dual Credit

Dual Credit Career & Technical Education (CTE) Students by High School for FY 2016 ...II-16

Dual Credit CTE Students Graduating in 2016 and Attending MVCC in Fall 2016 and

Students by CTE Courses Taken ........................................................................................II-17

Unduplicated Dual Credit CTE Students – FY 2007 - FY 2016 ............................................II-18

Moraine Valley CTE Dual Enrollment Students by High School – FY 2007 - FY 2016.......II-19

Dual Credit General Education Students by High School and Courses Taken –

FY 2016 .............................................................................................................................II-20


College Enrollments

Annual Census Day Enrollment Headcount for Credit Courses – FY 1976 – FY 2016 ........ III-1

Census Day Enrollment – Fall 1988 – Fall 2016 .................................................................... III-2





SECTION III: MORAINE VALLEY ENROLLMENT (cont.) College Enrollments Moraine Valley Students by Ethnicity – Fall 1996 – Fall 2016 ............................................. III-3

Moraine Valley Minority Population by Gender – Fall 1995 – Fall 2016.............................. III-4

Moraine Valley Students Receiving Financial Aid – 1996 – 2015 ........................................ III-5

Moraine Valley Students Receiving Financial Aid by Ethnicity – 1996 – 2015 .................... III-6

Full-Time/Part-Time Enrollment at Census Day – Fall 1976 – Fall 2016 ............................. III-7

Headcount and FTE Census Day Enrollment by Day, Night, Saturday/Sunday, and On-line –

Fall 1981 - Fall 2016 .......................................................................................................... .III-8

Enrollment by Program Division at Census Day – Fall 1981 – Fall 2016 ............................. III-9

Census Day Enrollment (Credit, Non-Credit, Total Headcount, and Total Credit Hours)

Spring 1990 – Spring 2016 ............................................................................................... III-10

Summer 1990 – Summer 2016 .......................................................................................... III-11

Duplicated Credit and Non-Credit Enrollment, Census Day Headcount and Credit Hours

for FY 1989 – FY 2016 ..................................................................................................... III-12

Duplicated Non-Credit Enrollment, Census Day vs End-of-Term Headcount for

FY 1995 – FY 2016 .......................................................................................................... III-13

Annual Unduplicated Credit and Non-Credit Enrollment Headcount for

FY 1997 – FY 2016 .......................................................................................................... III-14

Proportion of District Served in Instructional Credit Programs by Headcount for Suburban

Community Colleges – Fall 2008 – Fall 2015 .................................................................. III-15

Median Age of Moraine Valley and Other Suburban Community College Students –

Fall 2009 – Fall 2015 ........................................................................................................ III-16

Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio for Suburban Community Colleges –

Fall 2009 – Fall 2015 ........................................................................................................ III-17

Number and Percent of New Transfer and Occupational Students Taking

One or More Remedial Courses – Fall 1990 – Fall 2016 ................................................. III-18






Program and Course Enrollment

MVCC Enrollment by Program, Census Day Enrollments –

Fall 2012 – Fall 2016 ........................................................................................................ III-19

Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix

at Census Day – Fall 2012 – Fall 2016 ............................................................................. III-25

Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix

at Census Day – Spring 2012 – Spring 2016 .................................................................... III-29


Retention and Cohort Analyses

Across-Year Retention Rates – Fall 12-13 through Fall 15-16

All Students ......................................................................................................................... IV-1

Full-Time Students .............................................................................................................. IV-2

Part-Time Students .............................................................................................................. IV-3

First-Time Students ............................................................................................................. IV-4

First-Time, Full-Time Students ........................................................................................... IV-5

First-Time, Part-Time Students ........................................................................................... IV-6

Across-Term Retention Rates – Fall 12-Spring 13 through Fall 15-Spring 16

All Students ......................................................................................................................... IV-7

Full-Time Students .............................................................................................................. IV-8

Part-Time Students .............................................................................................................. IV-9

First-Time Students ........................................................................................................... IV-10

First-Time, Full-Time Students ......................................................................................... IV-11

First-Time, Part-Time Students ......................................................................................... IV-12

Four Year Analysis – Fall 2011 Cohort ................................................................................ IV-13

Three Year Analysis – Fall 2012 Cohort .............................................................................. IV-14






Retention and Cohort Analyses

Four Year Analysis – Fall 2012 Cohort ................................................................................ IV-15

Three Year Analysis – Fall 2013 Cohort .............................................................................. IV-16

Grade Distribution

Percent Distribution of Student Grades by Type of Instruction Delivery for Fall 2016

Baccalaureate, Occupational, and Remedial-Developmental Courses ............................. IV-17

Moraine Valley GPA – Fall 2000-2016 and Spring 2000-2016 ........................................... IV-18

Grade Distribution for All Developmental Courses by Race/Ethnicity –

Summer 2010 – Summer 2016 .......................................................................................... IV-19

Degree and Certificate Completions

Degrees and Certificates Awarded – FY 2012 – FY 2016 ................................................... IV-20

Number of Career and Technical Degrees and Certificates Awarded for Suburban Community

Colleges in FY 2015 and FY 2016 ................................................................................... IV-24

Number of Transfer and General Studies Degrees Awarded for Suburban Community

Colleges – FY 2015 and FY 2016 ..................................................................................... IV-25

Student Surveys

Occupational Graduate Survey, FY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... IV-26

Occupational Graduate Placement Information – FY 2015 Graduates

Surveyed in Spring 2016 ................................................................................................... IV-28

Transfer Graduate Survey, FY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016 ........................... IV-31

Destinations of Moraine Valley Transfer Graduates, FY 2015 ............................................ IV-34


Moraine Valley Community College – Fall 2016

American Association of Community Colleges – Released February 2016

Profile of District Demographics

• 26 communities

• Total population in 2010 was 388,606, a 3 percent increase from 2000• Total population estimate for 2015 is 391,765

• 52 percent of estimated 2015 population is between the ages of 15 and 5468 percent are 25 years of age or older29 percent are 55 years of age or older

• Median age of the estimated 2015 population is 39.6 years

• 16 percent of 2010 population is Hispanic (of any race) 14 percent are Non-Hispanic minority (10 percent African American)

• The Hispanic population has increased 8 percent from 2010 census to 2015 estimates

• Among specific communities:Hispanics have a sizable population in Summit (65%) and Blue Island (48%)African-Americans predominate in Robbins (95%) and Calumet Park (86%)

• Median household estimated income in 2014 was $61,544• Per Capita estimated income in 2014 was $28,728

• 88 percent of the population aged 25 and older have high school diplomas or higher (2015 estimates)

• 34 percent of adult population aged 25 and older have an Associate Degree or higher (2015 estimates)

• Four percent of district residents aged 18+ attended Moraine Valley in 2016

• Unemployment rates, in September 2016, for large in-district communities were between 4.3 and 5.4 percent

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Data

Illinois Department of Employment Security




2 3 SWECSouthwest Education Center

12940 S. Western Ave., Blue Island17900 S. 94th Ave., Tinley Park9000 W. College Pkwy.

Palos Hills, Illinois 60465-2478

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text


Northeastern Illinois Regional* Population Census and Forecast Data 1970 to 2040

Northeastern Illinois Population 1970-2010 Census, 2040 Forecasts Between 2000 and 2010, the region’s population grew by 2 percent. By the year 2040 the region will have nearly 10.7 million people, a 29 percent increase. Over the 30-year span, population in the seven-county area will increase by 2.4 million. Population Forecasts by Region, County, and City of Chicago

2010 Census 2040 Forecast Growth Chicago 2,654,078 3,054,653 15.1% Suburban Cook 2,450,315 2,905,589 18.6% DuPage County 904,784 1,104,089 22.0% Kane County 508,482 789,295 55.2% Kendall 114,528 228,530 99.5% Lake County 682,753 896,341 31.3% McHenry County 307,113 508,918 65.7% Will County 669,013 1,175,218 75.7% NE Illinois Total 8,291,066 10,662,633 28.6%

Source: Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), formerly Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC), Revised October 2014.

*The region consists of 290 municipalities among the seven counties (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will) included in Northeastern Illinois.














1970 1990 2000 2010 2040


Municipality/ 2015 CensusRegion Estimates** Number Percent

Chicago Ridge 14,127 14,305 14,407 178 1.3%Hickory Hills 13,926 14,049 13,933 123 0.9%Palos Heights 11,260 12,515 12,566 1,255 11.1%Palos Hills 17,665 17,484 17,596 (181) -1.0%Palos Park 4,689 4,847 4,944 158 3.4%Willow Springs (80%) 4,022 4,419 4,541 398 9.9%Worth 11,047 10,789 10,829 (258) -2.3%Central 76,736 78,408 78,816 1,673 2.2%

Evergreen Park 20,821 19,852 19,934 (969) -4.7%Hometown 4,467 4,349 4,356 (118) -2.6%Oak Lawn 55,245 56,690 56,980 1,445 2.6%Northeast 80,533 80,891 81,270 358 0.4%

Bedford Park 574 580 646 6 1.0%Bridgeview 15,335 16,446 16,359 1,111 7.2%Burbank 27,902 28,925 29,157 1,023 3.7%Forest View 778 698 703 (80) -10.3%Justice 12,193 12,926 13,015 733 6.0%Summit 10,637 11,054 11,447 417 3.9%Northwest 67,419 70,629 71,327 3,210 4.8%

Alsip 19,725 19,277 19,396 (448) -2.3%Blue Island 23,463 23,706 23,096 243 1.0%Calumet Park 8,516 7,835 8,367 (681) -8.0%Crestwood 11,251 10,950 11,027 (301) -2.7%Merrionette Park 1,999 1,900 1,812 (99) -5.0%Robbins 6,635 5,337 5,157 (1,298) -19.6%Southeast 71,589 69,005 68,855 (2,584) -3.6%

Oak Forest (11%) 3,086 3,076 3,095 (10) -0.3%Orland Hills 6,779 7,149 7,259 370 5.5%Orland Park 51,077 56,767 58,273 5,690 11.1%Tinley Park (40%) 19,360 22,681 22,870 3,321 17.2%Southwest 80,302 89,673 91,497 9,371 11.7%

MVCC District 376,579 388,606 391,765 12,028 3.2%

**U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate

Change 2000-2010Population

*2010 Census PL94-171 Redistricting File- Created February 15, 2011

Moraine Valley District Municipalities2000 and 2010 Census Population and 2015 Estimates

Census Population2010 CensusPopulation*

2000 Census


Municipality/ 2010

Region Census Number Percent

Chicago Ridge 5,560 5,698 5,504 5,303 -257 -4.6%

Hickory Hills 6,187 4,999 4,965 4,857 -1,330 -21.5%

Palos Heights 5,310 4,874 4,779 4,775 -535 -10.1%

Palos Hills 7,213 7,203 7,093 6,896 -317 -4.4%

Palos Park 3,042 2,080 2,057 1,953 -1,089 -35.8%

Willow Springs (80%) 2,204 1,829 1,900 1,818 -386 -17.5%

Worth 3,830 4,222 4,171 4,083 253 6.6%

Central 33,346 30,905 30,469 29,685 -3,661 -11.0%

Evergreen Park 7,285 7,046 7,260 7,253 -32 -0.4%

Hometown 1,995 1,780 1,910 1,925 -70 -3.5%

Oak Lawn 23,020 21,786 21,701 21,527 -1,493 -6.5%

Northeast 32,300 30,612 30,871 30,705 -1,595 -4.9%

Bedford Park 210 204 219 235 25 11.9%

Bridgeview 5,287 5,601 5,530 5,459 172 3.3%

Burbank 8,695 8,646 8,795 8,985 290 3.3%

Forest View 268 284 304 274 6 2.2%

Justice 4,124 4,614 4,362 4,421 297 7.2%

Summit 2,951 3,107 3,136 3,260 309 10.5%

Northwest 21,535 22,456 22,346 22,634 1,099 5.1%

Alsip 8,394 7,262 7,003 7,032 -1,362 -16.2%

Blue Island 7,768 8,187 8,208 8,471 703 9.0%

Calumet Park 2,485 2,958 3,025 2,968 483 19.4%

Crestwood 5,042 4,785 4,772 4,789 -253 -5.0%

Merrionette Park 960 820 782 805 -155 -16.1%

Robbins 1,887 1,743 1,823 1,800 -87 -4.6%

Southeast 26,536 25,755 25,613 25,865 -671 -2.5%

Oak Forest (11%) 1,112 1,061 1,116 1,123 11 1.0%

Orland Hills 2,876 2,388 2,324 2,278 -598 -20.8%

Orland Park 22,858 21,421 21,678 22,048 -810 -3.5%

Tinley Park (40%) 8,975 8,290 8,423 8,416 -559 -6.2%

Southwest 35,821 33,160 33,541 33,865 -1,955 -5.5%

MVCC District -6,783 -4.5%


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates





Moraine Valley District Households

2010 Census and 2013 - 2015 Estimates


Estimated Households

Change 2010-201520152014


Municipality/Region N % N % N % N %

Chicago Ridge 10,971 533 4.9 544 5.0 497 4.5 535 4.9Hickory Hills 10,919 556 5.1 528 4.8 535 4.9 525 4.8Palos Heights 10,383 350 3.4 318 3.1 297 2.9 276 2.7Palos Hills 14,153 822 5.8 745 5.3 755 5.3 679 4.8Palos Park 3,986 246 6.2 205 5.1 184 4.6 201 5.0Willow Springs (80%) 3,539 66 1.9 63 1.8 51 1.4 65 1.8Worth 8,416 429 5.1 395 4.7 408 4.8 425 5.0Central 62,367 3,002 4.8 2,798 4.5 2,727 4.4 2,706 4.3

Evergreen Park 14,830 651 4.4 544 3.7 487 3.3 478 3.2Hometown 3,397 118 3.5 112 3.3 112 3.3 108 3.2Oak Lawn 44,318 1,818 4.1 1,829 4.1 1,740 3.9 1,725 3.9Northeast 62,545 2,587 4.1 2,485 4.0 2,339 3.7 2,311 3.7

Bedford Park 447 17 3.8 20 4.5 18 4.0 14 3.1Bridgeview 12,320 601 4.9 565 4.6 589 4.8 568 4.6Burbank 21,845 1,092 5.0 1,066 4.9 1,025 4.7 1,044 4.8Justice 9,524 438 4.6 377 4.0 400 4.2 369 3.9Summit 7,757 293 3.8 305 3.9 284 3.7 287 3.7Northwest 52,434 2,441 4.7 2,333 4.4 2,316 4.4 2,282 4.4

Alsip 14,566 673 4.6 601 4.1 601 4.1 625 4.3Blue Island 16,637 748 4.5 746 4.5 716 4.3 755 4.5Calumet Park 5,768 170 2.9 138 2.4 148 2.6 159 2.8Crestwood 9,098 266 2.9 254 2.8 262 2.9 280 3.1Merrionette Park 1,532 39 2.5 41 2.7 48 3.1 36 2.3Robbins 3,844 125 3.3 126 3.3 98 2.5 96 2.5Southeast 51,445 2,021 3.9 1,906 3.7 1,873 3.6 1,951 3.8

Oak Forest (11%) 2,328 280 12.0 272 11.7 319 13.7 286 12.3Orland Park and Orland Hills 49,613 2,050 4.1 1,969 4.0 1,828 3.7 1,823 3.7Tinley Park (40%) 17,384 1,081 6.2 998 5.7 970 5.6 916 5.3Southwest 69,326 3,411 4.9 3,239 4.7 3,117 4.5 3,025 4.4

MVCC District 298,117 13,462 4.5 12,761 4.3 12,372 4.2 12,275 4.1

Out-of-District 2,636 2,525 2,644 2,746

*2010 Adult Population based on 2010 U.S. Census Data - Adult population age 18 or olderSource: ICCB E1 File


Fall 2013 - Fall 2016

Fall 20132010 Fall 2015

Community Participation Rates

Note: Community Participation Rates are the percentage of MVCC adult district population that is enrolled at Moraine Valley Community College.

AdultFall 2014


Fall 2016





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. (24

00 W





ARCHER (171)


86th AVE.

107th ST.

















. (45





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79th ST.

95th ST. (12-20)

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127th ST.


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183rd ST.

Community Participation Rates - Fall 2016

District Map


































Less than 3.2% Moderate 3.7% - 4.6% High 4.8% and higher17-0660A


Municipality/ Median

Region Age 0-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Chicago Ridge 14,407 32.6 10.0% 15.0% 11.7% 16.9% 13.2% 13.5% 9.3% 10.6%

Hickory Hills 13,933 38.6 6.6% 12.5% 10.4% 15.1% 13.6% 14.0% 13.2% 14.8%

Palos Heights 12,566 50.9 3.6% 10.1% 11.5% 7.9% 9.3% 14.3% 14.8% 28.4%

Palos Hills 17,596 41.8 6.2% 8.6% 13.9% 12.8% 12.6% 14.7% 13.4% 17.9%

Palos Park 4,944 53.1 5.0% 11.2% 6.7% 8.1% 10.5% 11.9% 18.0% 28.5%

Willow Springs (80%) 4,541 46.1 5.4% 10.6% 10.4% 10.5% 12.4% 15.6% 18.4% 16.8%

Worth 10,829 36.1 6.3% 11.1% 15.4% 16.0% 9.8% 16.4% 12.9% 12.1%

Central Region 78,816 41.2 6.4% 11.3% 12.0% 13.2% 11.8% 14.4% 13.3% 17.5%

Evergreen Park 19,934 39.6 6.5% 12.7% 14.4% 10.9% 11.6% 17.0% 13.8% 12.9%

Hometown 4,356 41.0 9.8% 7.6% 8.4% 17.5% 10.2% 18.1% 12.8% 15.6%

Oak Lawn 56,980 41.0 6.5% 11.7% 11.5% 14.1% 10.4% 14.9% 13.0% 17.9%

Northeast Region 81,270 40.7 6.7% 11.7% 12.0% 13.5% 10.7% 15.6% 13.2% 16.6%

Bedford Park 646 36.0 5.0% 14.2% 14.2% 11.6% 21.0% 7.6% 14.6% 11.7%

Bridgeview 16,359 38.1 7.0% 14.4% 12.1% 12.0% 12.9% 13.4% 14.5% 13.6%

Burbank 29,157 36.5 6.0% 14.0% 15.3% 12.8% 12.1% 14.0% 12.3% 13.6%

Forest View 703 43.6 5.0% 12.1% 11.9% 14.1% 8.1% 13.0% 14.7% 21.1%

Justice 13,015 31.6 8.3% 16.9% 13.5% 19.3% 14.2% 10.8% 10.5% 6.7%

Summit 11,447 31.6 7.9% 16.9% 14.1% 17.7% 13.6% 9.9% 11.5% 8.5%

Northwest Region 71,327 35.3 6.9% 15.1% 14.0% 14.6% 12.9% 12.6% 12.4% 11.6%

Alsip 19,396 33.8 7.4% 12.2% 15.6% 16.0% 11.3% 13.7% 10.9% 12.9%

Blue Island 23,096 35.4 6.6% 16.2% 13.6% 13.0% 14.9% 12.1% 12.0% 11.6%

Calumet Park 8,367 35.7 3.8% 12.8% 16.5% 15.7% 12.0% 11.3% 14.0% 13.8%

Crestwood 11,027 43.6 4.9% 10.7% 8.9% 15.6% 11.9% 13.0% 14.7% 20.5%

Merrionette Park 1,812 42.5 6.7% 6.6% 12.4% 18.5% 10.4% 16.3% 19.2% 9.7%

Robbins 5,157 38.8 5.0% 11.6% 18.0% 10.7% 11.2% 11.0% 16.5% 15.9%

Southeast Region 68,855 36.7 6.1% 13.2% 14.0% 14.6% 12.7% 12.6% 12.9% 13.9%

Oak Forest (11%) 3,095 38.1 5.7% 10.8% 15.3% 14.8% 11.7% 15.0% 15.0% 11.7%

Orland Hills 7,259 34.4 5.1% 15.1% 17.8% 13.5% 13.1% 15.4% 13.0% 7.1%

Orland Park 58,273 45.6 4.6% 11.1% 11.9% 9.4% 11.9% 15.8% 15.2% 20.0%

Tinley Park (40%) 22,870 39.6 6.2% 12.8% 11.7% 14.1% 11.3% 15.4% 14.2% 14.3%

Southwest Region 91,497 43.0 5.1% 11.8% 12.4% 11.1% 11.8% 15.6% 14.8% 17.3%

MVCC District 391,765 39.6 6.2% 12.5% 12.8% 13.3% 11.9% 14.3% 13.4% 15.5%


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Projections

*Percent distribution of total population by age group.

Moraine Valley District by Age

2015 Estimates

2015 Est Census Age Group*

Pop. Total

Moraine Valley District by Race and Hispanic Origin, 2015 Estimates

Non-Hispanic HispanicMunicipality/ Origin

Region Total* N % N % N % N % N % N % N %

Chicago Ridge 14,407 10,290 71.4% 1,500 10.4% 0 0.0% 536 3.3% 0 0.0% 279 1.9% 1,802 12.5%

Hickory Hills 13,933 11,338 81.4% 423 3.0% 35 0.3% 146 1.0% 0 0.0% 163 1.2% 1,828 13.1%

Palos Heights 12,566 11,380 90.6% 245 1.9% 6 0.0% 261 2.1% 6 0.0% 187 1.5% 481 3.8%

Palos Hills 17,596 14,264 81.1% 993 5.6% 0 0.0% 475 2.7% 148 0.8% 246 1.4% 1,470 8.4%

Palos Park 4,944 4,346 87.9% 42 0.8% 0 0.0% 132 2.7% 0 0.0% 70 1.4% 354 7.2%

Willow Springs (80%) 5,676 4,833 85.1% 99 1.7% 0 0.0% 292 5.1% 0 0.0% 77 1.4% 375 6.6%

Worth 10,829 9,036 83.4% 373 3.4% 0 0.0% 151 1.4% 0 0.0% 69 0.6% 1,200 11.1%

Central 79,951 65,487 81.9% 3,675 4.6% 41 0.1% 1,993 2.5% 154 0.2% 1,091 1.4% 7,510 9.4%

Evergreen Park 19,934 13,196 66.2% 4,085 20.5% 0 0.0% 117 0.6% 0 0.0% 274 1.4% 2,262 11.3%

Hometown 4,356 3,237 74.3% 28 0.6% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 42 1.0% 29 0.7% 1,019 23.4%

Oak Lawn 56,980 41,384 72.6% 3,371 5.9% 1 0.0% 1005 1.8% 66 0.1% 905 1.6% 10,248 18.0%

Northeast 81,270 57,817 71.1% 7,484 9.2% 1 0.0% 1,123 1.4% 108 0.1% 1,208 1.5% 13,529 16.6%

Bedford Park 646 432 66.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 210 32.5%

Bridgeview 16,359 12,204 74.6% 323 2.0% 0 0.0% 739 4.5% 15 0.1% 341 2.1% 2,737 16.7%

Burbank 29,157 19,098 65.5% 505 1.7% 0 0.0% 710 2.4% 108 0.4% 250 0.9% 8,486 29.1%

Forest View 703 397 56.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 7 1.0% 0 0.0% 2 0.3% 297 42.2%

Justice 13,015 7,834 60.2% 2,351 18.1% 0 0.0% 283 2.2% 0 0.0% 224 1.7% 2,323 17.8%

Summit 11,447 2,411 21.1% 1,183 10.3% 0 0.0% 329 2.9% 0 0.0% 57 0.5% 7,467 65.2%

Northwest 71,327 42,376 59.4% 4,362 6.1% 0 0.0% 2,072 2.9% 123 0.2% 874 1.2% 21,520 30.2%

Alsip 19,396 10,736 55.4% 2,969 15.3% 8 0.0% 76 0.4% 0 0.0% 225 1.2% 5,382 27.7%

Blue Island 23,096 4,752 20.6% 6,483 28.1% 43 0.2% 132 0.6% 137 0.6% 391 1.7% 11,158 48.3%

Calumet Park 8,367 394 4.7% 7,232 86.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 119 1.4% 622 7.4%

Crestwood 11,027 9,301 84.3% 802 7.3% 16 0.1% 45 0.4% 0 0.0% 73 0.7% 790 7.2%

Merrionette Park 1,812 1,400 77.3% 88 4.9% 6 0.3% 36 2.0% 0 0.0% 34 1.9% 248 13.7%

Robbins 5,157 136 2.6% 4,879 94.6% 13 0.3% 11 0.2% 0 0.0% 11 0.2% 107 2.1%

Southeast 68,855 26,719 38.8% 22,453 32.6% 86 0.1% 300 0.4% 137 0.2% 853 1.2% 18,307 26.6%

Oak Forest (11%) 28,134 22,170 78.8% 1,383 4.9% 109 0.4% 578 2.1% 147 0.5% 423 1.5% 3,324 11.8%

Orland Hills 7,259 5,495 75.7% 526 7.2% 32 0.4% 264 3.6% 0 0.0% 220 3.0% 722 9.9%

Orland Park 58,273 48,483 83.2% 1,471 2.5% 12 0.0% 3,495 6.0% 33 0.1% 921 1.6% 3,858 6.6%

Tinley Park (40%) 57,176 46,574 81.5% 2,182 3.8% 31 0.1% 2,162 3.8% 58 0.1% 691 1.2% 5,478 9.6%

Southwest 150,842 122,722 81.4% 5,562 3.7% 184 0.1% 6,499 4.3% 238 0.2% 2,255 1.5% 13,382 8.9%

MVCC District 452,245 315,121 69.7% 43,536 9.6% 312 0.1% 11,987 2.7% 760 0.2% 6,281 1.4% 74,248 16.4%

Cook County 5,236,393 2,256,002 43.1% 1,239,171 23.7% 5,366 0.1% 352,995 6.7% 8,437 0.2% 79,396 1.5% 1,295,026 24.7%

Illinois 12,873,761 8,041,878 62.5% 1,818,938 14.1% 14,228 0.1% 643,635 5.0% 17,388 0.1% 214,853 1.7% 2,122,841 16.5%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 5-Year American Community Survey I-9

*Total = White + Black + American Indian + Asian (incl. Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) + Other (One Race) + Multiracial (2 or More Races) + Hispanic.

2015 Population Estimates

White Black Am. Ind. Asian Other 2+ Races


By Ethnicity and Race

Ethnicity/Race Cook DuPage Kane Lake McHenry

County Totals 5,236.39 930.41 524.87 702.90 307.36 684.00

Hispanic 1,295.03 129.55 163.76 145.48 37.21 111.71

White 720.50 100.99 76.27 117.55 27.38 62.71

African American 16.65 1.27 1.43 1.62 0.29 0.89

Amer Ind/ Alaskan 7.86 1.45 1.22 0.48 0.20 0.87

Asian 2.53 0.58 0.07 0.54 0.09 0.23

Native Hawaiian 0.44 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.02

Two or More Races 39.82 4.58 4.07 5.15 1.43 4.68

Other 507.23 20.66 80.68 20.10 7.77 42.31

Non-Hispanic 3,941.37 800.86 361.13 557.42 270.15 572.29

White 2,256.00 638.01 305.35 448.12 253.74 448.96

African American 1,239.17 42.53 27.67 47.25 3.84 74.94

Amer Ind/ Alaskan 5.37 0.57 0.66 0.62 0.08 0.60

Asian 352.12 100.18 19.32 47.14 8.00 33.99

Native Hawaiian 0.87 0.32 0.08 0.31 0.03 0.04

Two or More Races 79.40 17.73 7.20 13.23 4.11 13.10

Other, Non-Hispanic 8.44 1.53 0.85 0.75 0.35 0.65

Age Cook DuPage Kane Lake McHenry

0 - 9 years old 667.52 117.77 77.92 93.02 39.61 96.38

10 - 19 years old 664.85 128.13 80.31 111.66 46.95 108.56

20 - 29 years old 801.40 115.63 63.11 84.08 33.37 78.91

30 - 39 years old 776.76 118.23 70.67 84.39 36.55 90.94

40 - 49 years old 691.99 132.89 76.36 102.63 49.49 107.87

50 - 59 years old 686.76 140.99 69.36 105.03 48.28 93.84

60 - 74 years old 647.81 125.28 62.97 87.20 39.43 78.41

75 - 84 years old 204.35 34.26 17.21 23.59 9.70 20.43

85 years or older 94.95 17.24 6.93 11.30 3.99 8.67

Median Age 35.9 38.8 35.9 37.6 39.3 36.6

Gender Cook DuPage Kane Lake McHenry

Male 2,537.25 456.27 261.19 350.66 153.09 339.61Female 2,699.15 474.14 263.70 352.24 154.27 344.39

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 5-Year American Community Survey

By Gender



2015 Population Estimates by County (in thousands)



By Age



COMMUNITY African Native Asian/ Two or Hispanic

COLLEGE Total Caucasian American American Pac Islander Other More Races Origin

DuPage 1,059,100 74.9% 6.3% 0.4% 11.3% 5.2% 1.9% 14.9%

Elgin 473,394 72.0% 4.5% 1.7% 10.0% 10.1% 1.8% 26.8%

Harper 516,194 73.1% 2.6% 1.1% 15.1% 6.9% 1.2% 15.3%

Joliet 634,024 81.2% 8.1% 0.4% 3.4% 5.2% 1.6% 15.8%

Lake County 679,132 72.8% 7.7% 0.9% 7.7% 8.8% 2.1% 21.9%

Morton 158,193 47.1% 4.9% 2.8% 2.0% 41.4% 1.9% 80.0%

Oakton 474,641 70.3% 5.1% 0.9% 18.6% 3.8% 1.4% 9.6%

Prairie State 213,188 38.0% 52.5% 0.9% 1.4% 5.7% 1.5% 11.8%

South Suburban 271,667 32.2% 56.8% 1.2% 1.4% 7.4% 1.1% 13.7%

Triton 327,156 59.0% 21.6% 1.2% 4.1% 12.7% 1.4% 26.8%

Moraine Valley 410,248 76.6% 10.6% 1.0% 3.3% 7.4% 1.1% 16.4%

State Total 12,859,988 70.5% 14.7% 0.6% 5.6% 6.7% 1.9% 16.9%

Source: ICCB 2016 Index of Need Tables

Percent of Total Population by Race/Ethnicity


2015 Estimates by Community College District


Percent of Population Age 16 and Over by Race/Ethnicity2015 Estimates by Community College District

COMMUNITY African Native Asian/ Two or HispanicCOLLEGE Total Caucasian American American Pac Islander Other More Races Origin

DuPage 837,174 76.7% 5.9% 0.4% 10.9% 5.0% 1.2% 12.7%

Elgin 368,256 72.3% 4.3% 1.6% 10.1% 10.5% 1.2% 23.7%

Harper 411,321 72.2% 2.6% 1.0% 15.1% 8.0% 1.0% 13.6%

Joliet 490,103 81.8% 8.1% 0.4% 3.3% 5.4% 1.1% 14.0%

Lake County 530,563 73.9% 7.4% 0.8% 7.6% 8.8% 1.4% 19.0%

Morton 127,461 41.7% 4.8% 2.6% 1.9% 47.5% 1.5% 70.6%

Oakton 376,755 69.7% 5.1% 0.8% 18.8% 4.4% 1.1% 8.6%

Prairie State 169,753 37.7% 52.4% 0.9% 1.4% 6.5% 1.2% 10.5%

South Suburban 218,935 31.9% 56.3% 1.1% 1.4% 8.5% 0.9% 12.1%

Triton 263,970 57.8% 21.4% 1.1% 4.1% 14.5% 1.1% 23.6%

Moraine Valley 326,294 75.6% 10.7% 0.9% 3.3% 8.6% 0.9% 14.7%

State Total 10,247,335 71.5% 14.3% 0.6% 5.6% 6.7% 1.3% 14.9%

Source: ICCB 2016 Index of Need Tables



2010 Population 2015 Population EstimatesNumber Percent Number Percent

Municipality/ Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic Non-HispanicRegion Total Black Other* Hispanic Black Other* Hispanic Total Black Other* Hispanic Black Other* Hispanic Black Other* Hispanic Black Other* Hispanic

Chicago Ridge 14,305 977 600 1,776 6.8% 4.2% 12.4% 14,407 1,500 815 1,802 10.4% 5.7% 12.5% 189.9% -29.8% 101.1% 53.5% 26.4% 1.4%Hickory Hills 14,049 449 582 1,777 3.2% 4.1% 12.6% 13,933 423 344 1,828 3.0% 2.5% 13.1% 178.9% -15.3% 57.4% -5.8% -69.2% 2.8%Palos Heights 12,515 208 377 474 1.7% 3.0% 3.8% 12,566 245 460 481 1.9% 3.7% 3.8% 342.6% 16.0% 194.4% 17.8% 18.0% 1.5%Palos Hills 17,484 926 675 1,292 5.3% 3.9% 7.4% 17,596 993 869 1,470 5.6% 4.9% 8.4% -3.5% -29.2% 51.3% 7.2% 22.3% 12.1%Palos Park 4,847 36 144 199 0.7% 3.0% 4.1% 4,944 42 202 354 0.8% 4.1% 7.2% 200.0% 28.6% 101.0% 16.7% 28.7% 43.8%Willow Springs (80%) 4,419 45 162 377 1.0% 3.7% 8.5% 4,541 79 295 300 1.7% 6.5% 6.6% 60.0% 3.4% 87.5% 76.8% 45.0% -25.6%Worth 10,789 266 351 1,230 2.5% 3.3% 11.4% 10,829 373 220 1,200 3.4% 2.0% 11.1% 52.0% -0.6% 83.9% 40.2% -59.5% -2.5%Central 78,408 2,907 2,891 7,125 3.7% 3.7% 9.1% 78,816 3,655 3,205 7,435 4.6% 4.1% 9.4% 69.0% -16.0% 78.3% 25.7% 9.8% 4.2%Evergreen Park 19,852 3,651 536 2,035 18.4% 2.7% 10.3% 19,934 4,085 391 2,262 20.5% 2.0% 11.3% 124.4% 14.5% 144.9% 11.9% -37.1% 10.0%Hometown 4,349 38 58 588 0.9% 1.3% 13.5% 4,356 28 72 1,019 0.6% 1.7% 23.4% -- -6.5% 243.9% -26.3% 19.4% 42.3%Oak Lawn 56,690 2,893 2,009 8,108 5.1% 3.5% 14.3% 56,980 3,371 1,977 10,248 5.9% 3.5% 18.0% 334.4% 3.1% 175.6% 16.5% -1.6% 20.9%Northeast 80,891 6,582 2,603 10,731 8.1% 3.2% 13.3% 81,270 7,484 2,440 13,529 9.2% 3.0% 16.6% 187.0% 5.0% 172.1% 13.7% -6.7% 20.7%Bedford Park 580 4 7 141 0.7% 1.2% 24.3% 646 0 4 210 0.0% 0.6% 32.5% -33.3% -12.5% 271.1% -100.0% -75.0% 32.9%Bridgeview 16,446 450 844 2,578 2.7% 5.1% 15.7% 16,359 323 1,095 2,737 2.0% 6.7% 16.7% 257.1% -28.2% 78.4% -28.2% 22.9% 5.8%Burbank 28,925 494 1,095 7,680 1.7% 3.8% 26.6% 29,157 505 1,068 8,486 1.7% 3.7% 29.1% 637.3% -10.6% 148.1% 2.2% -2.5% 9.5%Forest View 698 5 23 203 0.7% 3.3% 29.1% 703 0 9 297 0.0% 1.3% 42.2% 66.7% -50.0% 150.6% -100.0% -155.6% 31.6%Justice 12,926 2,863 430 1,595 22.1% 3.3% 12.3% 13,015 2,351 507 2,323 18.1% 3.9% 17.8% 18.3% -40.1% 71.9% -17.9% 15.2% 31.3%Summit 11,054 1,011 339 7,042 9.1% 3.1% 63.7% 11,447 1,183 386 7,467 10.3% 3.4% 65.2% -19.8% 10.1% 36.6% 17.0% 12.2% 5.7%Northwest 70,629 4,827 2,738 19,239 6.8% 3.9% 27.2% 71,327 4,362 3,069 21,520 6.1% 4.3% 30.2% 24.3% -21.3% 79.1% -9.6% 10.8% 10.6%Alsip 19,277 3,451 712 3,842 17.9% 3.7% 19.9% 19,396 2,969 309 5,382 15.3% 1.6% 27.7% 74.1% -20.4% 122.5% -14.0% -130.4% 28.6%Blue Island 23,706 7,173 410 11,133 30.3% 1.7% 47.0% 23,096 6,483 703 11,158 28.1% 3.0% 48.3% 28.1% -12.2% 25.1% -9.6% 41.7% 0.2%Calumet Park 7,835 6,893 84 536 88.0% 1.1% 6.8% 8,367 7,232 119 622 86.4% 1.4% 7.4% -2.0% -16.8% -18.7% 4.9% 29.4% 13.8%Crestwood 10,950 740 245 892 6.8% 2.2% 8.1% 11,027 802 132 790 7.3% 1.2% 7.2% 48.6% 22.5% 115.5% 8.4% -85.6% -12.9%Merrionette Park 1,900 189 47 229 9.9% 2.5% 12.1% 1,812 88 76 248 4.9% 4.2% 13.7% 43.2% 51.6% 175.9% -53.4% 38.2% 7.7%Robbins 5,337 4,990 55 175 93.5% 1.0% 3.3% 5,171 4,879 35 107 94.4% 0.7% 2.1% -20.6% -11.3% 35.7% -2.2% -57.1% -63.6%Southeast 69,005 23,436 1,553 16,807 34.0% 2.3% 24.4% 68,869 22,453 1,374 18,307 32.6% 2.0% 26.6% 8.8% -11.5% 41.1% -4.2% -13.0% 8.2%Oak Forest (11%) 3,076 137 167 413 4.5% 5.4% 13.4% 3,095 152 138 366 4.9% 4.5% 11.8% 23.7% 39.0% 126.8% 10.8% -20.6% -12.9%Orland Hills 7,149 538 459 799 7.5% 6.4% 11.2% 7,259 526 516 722 7.2% 7.1% 9.9% 55.9% 22.1% 95.4% -2.2% 11.0% -10.7%Orland Park 56,767 936 3,452 3,528 1.6% 6.1% 6.2% 58,273 1,471 4,461 3,858 2.5% 7.7% 6.6% 155.0% 46.4% 88.3% 57.2% 22.6% 8.6%Tinley Park (40%) 22,681 825 1,154 1,559 3.6% 5.1% 6.9% 22,870 873 1,177 2,191 3.8% 5.1% 9.6% 129.1% 68.5% 96.4% 5.8% 1.9% 28.8%Southwest 89,673 2,436 5,232 6,299 2.7% 5.8% 7.0% 91,497 3,022 6,292 7,137 3.3% 6.9% 7.8% 105.9% 47.8% 93.3% 24.0% 16.9% 11.7%

MVCC District 388,606 40,188 15,017 60,201 10.3% 3.9% 15.5% 391,779 40,976 16,380 67,928 10.5% 4.2% 17.3% 31.3% 2.2% 77.8% 2.0% 8.3% 11.4%

Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic

* "Other" includes: American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, Other, and 2 or more races.** 2000-2010 is comparing census data; 2010-2015 is comparing census data to 2015 estimates data.Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 and 2010 Census, and 2010-2015 5-Year American Community Survey

Moraine Valley District by Minority Population Change2000 and 2010 Census and 2015 Estimates

5 Year Change** 2010-2015Percent


10 Year Change** 2000-2010Percent

2,196 15% 2,095 15% 1,749 12% 783 5% 2,585 18% 189 1% 3,543 25% 1,850 13%

2,307 17% 3,872 28% 1,916 14% 1,265 9% 1,205 9% 467 3% 2,701 19% 909 7%

3,366 27% 2,317 18% 2,799 22% 1,447 12% 84 1% 380 3% 1,405 11% 1,242 10%

1,929 11% 4,863 28% 1,852 11% 1,491 8% 1,610 9% 382 2% 2,973 17% 1,341 8%

1,007 20% 836 17% 921 19% 460 9% 174 4% 453 9% 685 14% 535 11%

927 16% 1,436 25% 835 15% 575 10% 102 2% 248 4% 804 14% 794 14%

2,383 22% 2,363 22% 1,765 16% 841 8% 1,021 9% 329 3% 1,767 16% 1,419 13%

Central Region 14,115 18% 17,782 22% 11,837 15% 6,862 9% 6,781 8% 2,448 3% 13,878 17% 8,090 10%

6,206 31% 1,901 10% 3,729 19% 1,872 9% 30 0% 666 3% 6,138 31% 1,932 10%

1,269 29% 665 15% 755 17% 695 16% - 0% 393 9% 1,148 26% 336 8%

12,484 22% 9,693 17% 7,945 14% 4,588 8% 4,198 7% 1,370 2% 14,305 25% 5,974 10%

Northeast Region 19,959 25% 12,259 15% 12,429 15% 7,155 9% 4,228 5% 2,429 3% 21,591 27% 8,242 10%

155 24% 129 20% 69 11% 118 18% - 0% 22 3% 254 39% 10 2%

2,132 13% 4,152 25% 2,141 13% 1,001 6% 2,699 16% 271 2% 3,716 23% 1,600 10%

2,886 10% 7,462 26% 2,543 9% 1,531 5% 2,819 10% 418 1% 9,558 33% 2,643 9%

50 7% 143 20% 74 11% 44 6% - 0% 11 2% 286 41% 98 14%

1,005 8% 3,727 29% 1,135 9% 624 5% 716 6% 270 2% 4,861 37% 1,185 9%

386 3% 885 8% 248 2% 241 2% 206 2% 133 1% 8,631 75% 781 7%

Northwest Region 6,614 9% 16,498 23% 6,210 9% 3,559 5% 6,440 9% 1,125 2% 27,306 38% 6,317 9%

3,826 20% 2,675 14% 2,255 12% 1,494 8% 703 4% 644 3% 8,492 44% 1,469 8%

981 4% 696 3% 1,638 7% 1,071 5% 35 0% 390 2% 16,648 72% 2,020 9%

124 1% 149 2% 60 1% 10 0% - 0% 38 0% 7,093 85% 876 10%

2,192 20% 2,058 19% 2,413 22% 1,549 14% 1 0% 312 3% 2,098 19% 1,304 12%

634 35% 183 10% 332 18% 210 12% - 0% 76 4% 418 23% 166 9%

22 0% 4 0% 32 1% 20 0% - 0% 28 1% 4,448 86% 483 9%

Southeast Region 7,779 11% 5,765 8% 6,730 10% 4,354 6% 739 1% 1,488 2% 39,197 57% 6,318 9%

5,999 21% 4,385 16% 6,617 24% 3,045 11% 523 2% 760 3% 6,534 23% 2,766 10%

1,932 27% 1,050 14% 1,140 16% 776 11% 914 13% 151 2% 1,499 21% 607 8%

12,213 21% 10,246 18% 10,468 18% 7,782 13% 3,322 6% 2,505 4% 9,517 16% 5,023 9%

14,805 26% 11,525 20% 11,181 20% 6,691 12% 3,497 6% 2,444 4% 10,693 19% 5,382 9%

Southwest Region 34,949 23% 27,206 18% 29,406 19% 18,294 12% 8,256 5% 5,860 4% 28,243 19% 13,778 9%0

MVCC District 83,416 18% 79,510 18% 66,612 15% 40,224 9% 26,444 6% 13,350 3% 130,215 29% 42,745 9%

Cook County 493,618 9% 449,842 9% 537,302 10% 297,708 6% 63,637 1% 155,371 3% 2,808,047 54% 423,022 8%

Illinois 1,513,351 12% 912,300 7% 2,415,885 19% 784,466 6% 93,344 1% 743,676 6% 4,883,331 38% 3,735,714 29%

* More than one Ancestry may have been reported.Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 5 Year American Community Survey


Moraine Valley District by Ancestry2015 Estimates


Tinley Park (40%)




Blue Island

Calumet Park


Merrionette Park


Oak Forest (11%)

Orland Hills

Orland Park


Ancestry Reported*

Irish Polish German Italian Arab English Not ReportedOther

Chicago Ridge

Hickory Hills

Forest View

Palos Heights

Palos Hills

Palos Park

Willow Springs (80%)


Evergreen Park


Oak Lawn

Bedford Park



Foreign Born (Number)

Foreign Born (Percent)

Foreign Born (Percent)

Chicago Ridge 14,127 1,909 13.5% 14,305 2,974 20.8%Hickory Hills 13,926 2,340 16.8% 14,049 4,162 29.6%Palos Heights 11,260 724 6.4% 12,515 1,131 9.0%Palos Hills 17,665 2,912 16.5% 17,484 4,864 27.8%Palos Park 4,689 391 8.3% 4,847 499 10.3%Willow Springs (80%) 4,022 526 13.1% 4,419 666 15.1%Worth 11,047 1,020 9.2% 10,789 1,788 16.6%Central 76,736 9,822 12.8% 78,408 16,084 20.5%

Evergreen Park 20,821 879 4.2% 19,852 1,236 6.2%Hometown 4,467 128 2.9% 4,349 191 4.4%Oak Lawn 55,245 6,380 11.5% 56,690 8,597 15.2%Northeast 80,533 7,387 9.2% 80,891 10,024 12.4%

Bedford Park 574 26 4.5% 580 94 16.2%Bridgeview 15,335 2,897 18.9% 16,446 4,146 25.2%Burbank 27,902 6,072 21.8% 28,925 9,267 32.0%Forest View 778 40 5.1% 698 74 10.6%Justice 12,193 2,333 19.1% 12,926 2,830 21.9%Summit 10,637 3,626 34.1% 11,054 4,208 38.1%Northwest 67,419 14,994 22.2% 70,629 20,619 29.2%

Alsip 19,725 1,760 8.9% 19,277 2,217 11.5%Blue Island 23,463 5,159 22.0% 23,706 4,762 20.1%Calumet Park 8,516 343 4.0% 7,835 448 5.7%Crestwood 11,251 386 3.4% 10,950 616 5.6%Merrionette Park 1,999 52 2.6% 1,900 110 5.8%Robbins 6,635 42 0.6% 5,337 54 1.0%Southeast 71,589 7,742 10.8% 69,005 8,207 11.9%

Oak Forest (11%) 3,086 179 5.8% 3,076 238 7.7%Orland Hills 6,779 594 8.8% 7,149 1,257 17.6%Orland Park 51,077 4,813 9.4% 56,767 7,754 13.7%Tinley Park (40%) 19,360 1,122 5.8% 22,681 1,868 8.2%Southwest 80,302 6,708 8.4% 89,673 11,117 12.4%

MVCC District 376,579 46,653 12.4% 388,606 66,051 17.0%

Source for 2000 Population: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000Source for 2000 Foreign Population: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000: Table DP-2

Source for 2010 Foreign Population: U.S. Census Bureau, 2007-2011 American Community Survey

Moraine Valley District by Foreign Born Population Change2000 and 2010 Census


Population (Number)

Census Pop (Number)

Source for 2010 Population: 2010 Census PL94-171 Redistricting File- Created February 15, 2011

2000 2010

Foreign Born (Number)

COMMUNITY Other ESLCOLLEGE Spanish Indo Euro Asian Other Total

DuPage 10.2% 8.9% 4.4% 0.9% 24.5%

Elgin 21.4% 6.9% 3.5% 0.4% 32.2%

Harper 12.3% 13.7% 6.4% 0.9% 33.2%

Joliet 10.2% 3.7% 1.8% 0.7% 16.4%

Lake County 16.8% 5.7% 4.1% 0.4% 27.1%

Morton 66.9% 3.0% 1.0% 0.6% 71.5%

Oakton 6.7% 16.2% 7.0% 3.9% 33.8%

Prairie State 7.7% 1.9% 0.4% 0.7% 10.7%

South Suburban 9.8% 2.0% 0.4% 1.4% 13.6%

Triton 22.1% 12.5% 5.1% 1.0% 40.7%

Moraine Valley 11.9% 10.2% 1.3% 4.8% 28.1%

State Total 12.8% 5.2% 2.7% 0.9% 21.6%

Source: ICCB 2016 Index of Need Tables


Origin of Language

2015 Estimates by Community College District

Percent of Total Population in Households in Which English is not the Primary Language


Municipality/Region Percent Percent Percent

Chicago Ridge 628 5.7% 624 5.8% 468 4.5%Hickory Hills 753 7.0% 823 7.6% 806 7.4%Palos Heights 1,063 10.0% 982 9.3% 881 8.5%Palos Hills 1,362 9.5% 1,127 7.8% 1,102 7.8%Palos Park 314 7.8% 349 8.6% 363 9.0%Willow Springs (80%) 171 4.8% 168 4.5% 148 4.0%Worth 814 9.7% 770 9.1% 831 9.8%Central 5,105 8.1% 4,843 7.7% 4,599 7.4%

Evergreen Park 1,300 8.8% 1,184 7.9% 1,148 7.6%Hometown 178 5.3% 188 5.4% 125 3.7%Oak Lawn 3,488 7.8% 3,340 7.4% 3,334 7.5%Northeast 4,966 7.9% 4,712 7.4% 4,607 7.3%

Bedford Park 46 10.2% 37 8.2% 32 6.5%Bridgeview 839 6.9% 843 7.0% 865 7.1%Burbank 961 4.4% 912 4.2% 973 4.4%Forest View 67 10.5% 61 9.6% 40 7.2%Justice 593 6.4% 489 5.2% 341 3.6%Summit 368 4.6% 424 5.2% 400 4.9%Northwest 2,874 5.5% 2,766 5.3% 2,651 5.0%

Alsip 1,327 9.0% 1,314 8.9% 1,229 8.4%Blue Island 1,068 6.3% 910 5.4% 763 4.5%Calumet Park 487 7.7% 491 7.6% 400 6.0%Crestwood 781 8.7% 781 8.8% 646 7.2%Merrionette Park 155 10.0% 101 6.9% 105 7.0%Robbins 404 10.1% 466 11.6% 396 10.0%Southeast 4,222 8.0% 4,063 7.7% 3,539 6.7%

Oak Forest (11%) 158 6.7% 171 7.0% 155 6.3%Orland Park 3,364 7.4% 3,165 6.9% 3,131 6.7%Orland Hills 227 4.2% 214 4.0% 218 4.1%Tinley Park (40%) 1,374 7.9% 1,280 7.3% 1,196 6.8%Southwest 5,123 7.2% 4,830 6.8% 4,699 6.5%MVCC District 22,290 7.4% 21,214 7.0% 20,095 6.6%Cook County 213,855 5.4% 202,886 5.0% 191,302 4.7%Illinois 727,919 7.5% 699,522 7.1% 668,933 6.8%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year EstimatesNote: Percentages based on population 18 years and older.

Veteran Population Estimates

Moraine Valley District by Veterans2013 - 2015 Estimates


2013 2014Number

Moraine Valley District Housing Unit Data, 2015 Estimates

Housing Occupancy Average Average

Municipality/ Housing Occupied Vacant Household Family

Region Units Units Units Households Family Non-Family Size Size

Chicago Ridge 5,608 94.6% 5.4% 5,303 63.6% 36.4% 2.62 3.31

Hickory Hills 5,350 90.8% 9.2% 4,857 75.1% 24.9% 2.85 3.28

Palos Heights 5,063 94.3% 5.7% 4,775 70.0% 30.0% 2.48 3.04

Palos Hills 7,129 96.7% 3.3% 6,896 62.2% 37.8% 2.52 3.21

Palos Park 2,048 95.4% 4.6% 1,953 68.7% 31.3% 2.47 3.07

Willow Springs (80%) 1,896 95.9% 4.1% 1,818 68.7% 31.3% 2.50 2.99

Worth 4,500 90.7% 9.3% 4,083 62.7% 37.3% 2.63 3.36

Central 31,594 94.0% 6.0% 29,685 66.7% 33.3% 2.60 3.21

Evergreen Park 7,503 96.7% 3.3% 7,253 68.7% 31.3% 2.72 3.39

Hometown 2,107 91.4% 8.6% 1,925 49.6% 50.4% 2.26 3.28

Oak Lawn 22,940 93.8% 6.2% 21,527 65.5% 34.5% 2.62 3.31

Northeast 32,550 94.3% 5.7% 30,705 65.2% 34.8% 2.62 3.33

Bedford Park 258 91.1% 8.9% 235 65.5% 34.5% 2.75 3.44

Bridgeview 5,774 94.5% 5.5% 5,459 68.3% 31.7% 2.90 3.63

Burbank 9,359 96.0% 4.0% 8,985 75.1% 24.9% 3.22 3.81

Forest View 290 94.5% 5.5% 274 61.7% 38.3% 2.57 3.38

Justice 5,066 87.3% 12.7% 4,421 72.7% 27.3% 2.94 3.50

Summit 3,732 87.4% 12.6% 3,260 75.6% 24.4% 3.50 3.96

Northwest 24,479 92.5% 7.5% 22,634 72.8% 27.2% 3.12 3.72

Alsip 7,413 94.9% 5.1% 7,032 64.1% 35.9% 2.75 3.51

Blue Island 9,816 86.3% 13.7% 8,471 60.2% 39.8% 2.72 3.66

Calumet Park 3,403 87.2% 12.8% 2,968 69.4% 30.6% 2.82 3.44

Crestwood 5,259 91.1% 8.9% 4,789 50.2% 49.8% 2.17 3.12

Merrionette Park 918 87.7% 12.3% 805 50.2% 49.8% 2.25 3.14

Robbins 2,242 80.3% 19.7% 1,800 52.1% 47.9% 2.57 3.89

Southeast 29,051 89.0% 11.0% 25,865 59.6% 40.4% 2.61 3.50

Oak Forest (11%) 1,170 95.9% 4.1% 1,123 71.4% 28.6% 2.75 3.35

Orland Hills 2,278 100.0% 0.0% 2,278 80.5% 19.5% 3.19 3.62

Orland Park 22,680 97.2% 2.8% 22,048 71.3% 28.7% 2.62 3.18

Tinley Park (40%) 8,804 95.6% 4.4% 8,416 71.4% 28.6% 2.72 3.29

Southwest 34,932 96.9% 3.1% 33,865 72.0% 28.0% 2.69 3.25

MVCC District 152,606 93.5% 6.5% 142,754 67.3% 32.7% 2.71 3.38

Cook County 2,176,549 89.3% 10.7% 1,942,959 61.0% 39.0% 2.65 3.45

Illinois 5,303,675 90.2% 9.8% 4,786,388 65.3% 34.7% 2.63 3.28

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2011-2015 5-Year Estimates


Type of



Municipality/Region 2009 2013 2014 2009 2013 2014

Chicago Ridge $46,426 $46,819 $45,458 $20,437 $21,655 $20,486Hickory Hills $65,344 $57,880 $58,709 $27,228 $25,554 $25,576Palos Heights $85,082 $77,575 $78,727 $42,924 $41,908 $41,864Palos Hills $58,315 $53,892 $55,666 $29,416 $29,140 $28,825Palos Park $95,521 $76,683 $77,546 $51,148 $48,766 $44,951Willow Springs $79,679 $75,038 $77,770 $47,684 $40,571 $41,922Worth $53,464 $51,080 $55,702 $25,945 $23,970 $24,248Central $66,004 $59,451 $61,103 $31,437 $30,338 $30,113Evergreen Park $59,056 $65,744 $64,385 $26,409 $30,051 $30,000Hometown $45,018 $48,750 $45,426 $21,443 $23,917 $24,680Oak Lawn $58,005 $57,567 $56,185 $27,987 $28,514 $27,230Northeast $57,423 $58,944 $57,447 $27,248 $28,644 $27,773Bedford Park $58,523 $54,821 $54,219 $27,235 $23,236 $24,092Bridgeview $48,130 $51,270 $50,615 $21,369 $21,144 $20,865Burbank $54,275 $56,869 $53,105 $20,838 $21,500 $21,131Forest View $56,618 $59,000 $52,500 $24,082 $27,307 $26,201Justice $48,175 $52,203 $50,172 $22,786 $22,492 $21,785Summit $45,984 $47,975 $42,070 $18,279 $16,389 $15,499Northwest $51,269 $53,329 $50,346 $21,002 $20,862 $20,362Alsip $52,475 $53,584 $53,517 $24,508 $23,643 $23,486Blue Island $44,270 $39,023 $37,670 $18,099 $18,867 $18,750Calumet Park $45,875 $47,212 $47,050 $22,092 $22,498 $20,846Crestwood $52,228 $54,330 $53,081 $25,432 $27,945 $27,662Merrionette Park $38,258 $40,556 $46,016 $22,847 $25,396 $25,759Robbins $24,083 $23,099 $23,614 $12,468 $14,801 $14,798Southeast $46,402 $45,747 $45,190 $21,202 $21,945 $21,654Oak Forest $70,671 $71,082 $69,866 $26,226 $30,113 $30,681Orland Hills $72,895 $71,681 $72,500 $27,745 $26,206 $25,010Orland Park $79,554 $79,334 $81,453 $37,139 $40,244 $41,415Tinley Park $74,105 $75,991 $74,215 $31,667 $34,165 $33,684Southwest $77,517 $77,690 $76,217 $34,632 $37,255 $35,693

MVCC District $61,162 $60,192 $61,544 $27,588 $28,387 $28,728

Cook County $53,942 $54,828 $55,251 $29,335 $30,468 $31,013

Illinois $54,992 $57,166 $57,574 $28,432 $30,019 $30,494

Moraine Valley District byMedian Household and Per Capita Income

2010 Census, 2014 and 2015 Estimates*

*2010 census reports 2009 income, 2014 and 2015 figures report estimated income in 2013 and 2014 (respectively) in the current year inflation-adjusted dollars.

MedianHousehold Income

Per CapitaIncome

Source: U.S. Census Bureau; 2009 figures based on Census 2010; 2014 and 2015 figures based on American Community Survey


Municipality/Region 2010 2013 2014 2015

Chicago Ridge 9.4 14.7 20.5 21.1Hickory Hills 12.7 16.6 15.9 15.5Palos Heights 3.5 3.3 3.3 2.7Palos Hills 7.5 9.4 11.2 10.7Palos Park 1.0 2.5 2.3 3.8Willow Springs (80%) 2.5 4.3 6.9 6.5Worth 10.6 12.3 13.4 12.6Central 7.9 10.4 12.0 11.8Evergreen Park 5.7 8.7 8.2 8.2Hometown 14.1 4.6 5.4 6.7Oak Lawn 5.8 9.1 10.1 10.8Northeast 6.2 8.8 9.4 9.9Bedford Park 11.3 12.4 12.4 11.9Bridgeview 15.8 17.8 21.5 20.0Burbank 10.3 11.0 11.9 13.2Forest View 4.4 4.2 2.7 2.8Justice 12.3 15.1 15.1 15.6Summit 15.9 18.1 18.0 20.5Northwest 12.8 14.4 15.6 16.3Alsip 8.8 11.8 11.0 10.2Blue Island 19.2 21.7 21.8 23.3Calumet Park 15.4 16.2 17.9 17.4Crestwood 4.0 6.1 7.9 8.7Merrionette Park 6.0 8.7 7.8 7.1Robbins 37.9 29.7 30.1 32.0Southeast 14.5 16.1 16.4 16.8Oak Forest (11%) 8.3 6.4 5.8 5.7Orland Hills 5.5 7.9 10.2 11.9Orland Park 4.0 5.2 5.3 5.1Tinley Park (40%) 5.8 6.2 7.3 8.3Southwest 4.7 5.7 6.2 6.2

MVCC District 8.9 10.7 11.5 11.8

Cook County 15.3 16.9 17.2 17.1

Illinois 12.6 14.1 14.4 14.3

For the ACS definition of poverty, see https://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/poverty-cal-in-acs.pdf

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Poverty Rate(Individuals)

Moraine Valley District Poverty Rate2010 Census, 2013 - 2015 Estimates


PopulationCOMMUNITY Age 16

COLLEGE and Over Number Percent

DuPage 840,538 53,605 6.4%

Elgin 368,256 26,163 7.1%

Harper 411,321 27,114 6.6%

Joliet 490,103 32,725 6.7%

Lake County 530,563 41,211 7.8%

Morton 127,461 16,863 13.2%

Oakton 376,755 27,525 7.3%

Prairie State 169,753 20,337 12.0%

South Suburban 218,935 36,817 16.8%

Triton 263,970 28,972 11.0%

Moraine Valley 326,294 30,322 9.3%

State Total 10,247,335 1,201,009 11.7%

Source: ICCB 2016 Index of Need Tables

2015 Estimates by Community College District


Percent of Population Age 16 and Over in Poverty


Projections of Education Statistics to 2024

Nationally, public and private elementary and secondary enrollment is projected to increase 5 percent from 55 million in 2012 to 57.9 million in 2024.

Between 2012 and 2024, enrollment in grades PK-8 are projected to increase from 38.9 million to 41.6 million (7%) and grades 9-12 are projected to increase from 16.0 million to 16.3 million (2%).

In the Midwest, public elementary and secondary enrollment is projected to remain flat from 10.57 million to 10.55 million (0%) during the same period.

In Illinois, total public elementary and secondary enrollment is projected to decrease by 2 percent from 2012 to 2024, ranking 46th out of 50 states and the District of Columbia. North Dakota had the highest project increase of 11.8 percent and Michigan had the lowest projection of a 6.6 percent decrease.

Nationally, the total number of high school graduates is projected to increase by 3 percent (from 3.454 million to 3.555 million) between 2011-12 and 2024-25. Public high school graduates are expected to increase by 6 percent while private high school graduates are expected to significantly decrease by 24 percent.

During the same time period, public high school graduates in Illinois are projected to decrease by 2 percent.

Nationally, total college enrollment is expected to increase from 20.4 million in 2013 to 23.1 million in 2024 (14%).

Four-year and two-year college enrollments are expected to increase about the same (13%, and 15%, respectively).

Public and private college enrollment is expected to increase the same (13%, and 14% respectively).

Projected increases in college enrollment between 2013 and 2024 by race are: 28 percent for Black, 25 percent for Hispanic, 10 percent for Asian/Pacific Islander, 7 percent for White students, and about the same for American Indian/Alaskan Native.

College enrollments are projected to increase by 7 percent among traditional age students (under 25), 22 percent for students age 25 to 34, and 10 percent for ages 35 and older.

Part-time and full-time college students are expected to increase about the same (13%, and 14%, respectively).

Female student enrollment is expected to increase by 16 percent while male enrollment is expected to increase by 11 percent.

The number of bachelor’s degrees is expected to increase from 1,840,164 in 2012-2013 to 2,029,000 by 2024-2025 (10%).

The number of associate’s degrees is expected to increase from 1,006,961 in 2012-2013 to 1,150,000 by 2024-2025 (14%).

Source: Hussar, W.J., and Bailey, T.M. (2013). Projections of Education Statistics to 2024, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics; Forty-third Edition.



3,366 3,353 3,340









National Projections of High School Graduates2011-12 to 2023-24

Source: Hussar, W.J., and Bailey, T.M. (2013). Projections of Education Statistics to 2022, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

(In Thousands)



21,019 20,376



7,218 6,625 7,586












National College Enrollment 2000 - 2013and Projections 2014 - 2024

Total Enrollment Two-Year Enrollment

Source: Hussar, W.J., and Bailey, T.M. (2013). Projections of Education Statistics to 2022, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

projections(In Thousands)



Population: 318,857,056 Undergraduate 17,317,267Graduate & Professional 2,925,369

Racial and ethnic distribution:American Indian 0.8% Enrollment highlightsAsian 5.2% American Indian 0.7%Black 12.7% Asian/Pacific Islander 5.7%Pacific Islander 0.2% Black 13.0%White 73.4% Hispanic (may be any race) 15.0%More than one race 3.0% White 52.4%Hispanic (may be any race) 17.3% Two or more races 2.9%Other 4.7% Race Unknown 5.4%Educational attainment of adults (highest level): Women 56.4%8th grade or less 5.6% Full-time 61.6%Some high school, no diploma 7.5% Minority 37.6%High school diploma 27.7% Foreign 4.5%Some college, no degree 21.0%Associate degree 8.2% Degrees Awarded:Bachelor's degree 18.7% Associate 1,003,282Graduate or professional degree 11.3% Bachelor's 1,870,329

Master's 757,070Proportion who speak a language other Doctorate 177,841than English at home 21.1%

Test scores: Per capita income: $28,889

New high-school graduates in: Graduation rate at 4-year institutions:2016-17 (estimate) 3,286,964 All 60.0%Projected 2017-2027 2.1% Men 56.8%

Women 62.6%COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIESHigher Education: MONEYPublic 4-year institutions 704Public 2-year institutions 926 Average tuition and fees:Private 4-year, nonprofit 1,603 At public 4-year institutions $8,259Private 2-year, nonprofit 88 At public 2-year institutions $2,851Private 4-year, for-profit 765 At private 4-year institutions $29,361Private 2-year, for-profit 615

Expenditures:STUDENTS State funds for higherEnrollment: education operating expenses $80,045,465,234At public 4-year institutions 8,260,083At public 2-year institutions 6,397,765At private 4-year, nonprofit 3,998,163 * SAT score only includes Reading and Math score.At private 2-year, nonprofit 30,365At private 4-year, for-profit 1,269,910At private 2-year, for-profit 286,350

Source: Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac , 2016-17


Students averaged 21.0 on the ACT and 1006 on the SAT*.



Population: 12,880,580 (Rank: 5) Undergraduate 676,744Graduate & Professional 148,729

Racial and ethnic distribution:American Indian 0.2% Enrollment highlightsAsian and Pacific Islander 5.2% American Indian 0.2%Black 14.3% Asian/Pacific Islander 6.0%White 72.1% Black 13.4%More than one race 2.3% Hispanic (may be any race) 15.3%Hispanic (may be any race) 16.7% White 53.0%Other 5.9% Two or more races 2.1%

Foreign 4.7%Educational attainment of Race Unknown 5.2%adults (highest level):8th grade or less 5.2% Women 56.5%Some high school, no diploma 6.6% Full-time 57.6%High school diploma 26.7% Minority 37.1%Some college, no degree 20.9% Foreign 4.7%Associate degree 7.8%Bachelor's degree 20.1% Percentage of new students who attendGraduate or professional degree 12.8% college in home state: 67.0%

Proportion who speak a language otherthan English at home: 22.6% Degrees Awarded:

Associate 40,516Per capita income: $30,417 Bachelor's 75,064

(Rank: 17) Master's 41,677New high-school graduates in: Doctorate 8,4462016-17 (estimate) 140,459Projected 2017-2027 (-6.6%)


Public 4-year institutions 12 Graduation rate at 4-year institutions:Public 2-year institutions 48 All 62.2%Private 4-year, nonprofit 82 Men 60.2%Private 2-year, nonprofit 3 Women 63.9%Private 4-year, for-profit 25Private 2-year, for-profit 13 MONEY

STUDENTS Average tuition and fees:At public 4-year institutions $12,597

Enrollment At public 2-year institutions $3,299At public 4-year institutions 193,360 At private 4-year institutions $30,698At public 2-year institutions 336,102At private 4-year, nonprofit 222,409 State funds for higher-education operating At private 2-year, nonprofit 735 expenses: N/A (No Budget)At private 4-year, for-profit 67,409At private 2-year, for-profit 5,458

Source: Chronicle of Higher Education, Almanac 2016-17


Test scores: Students averaged 20.7 on the ACT which was taken by an estimated 100% of Illinois high school seniors.

Graduate or High SchoolIn-District Age 25 Years Professional Graduates

Municipality/ Degree or Higher HigherN N % N % N % N % %

Chicago Ridge 9,114 1,011 11.1% 5,531 60.7% 2,149 23.6% 423 4.6% 88.9% 28.2%

Hickory Hills 9,834 1,185 12.1% 5,515 56.1% 2,343 23.8% 791 8.0% 87.9% 31.9%

Palos Heights 9,392 714 7.6% 3,738 39.8% 3,188 33.9% 1,752 18.7% 92.4% 52.6%

Palos Hills 12,549 1,058 8.4% 7,021 55.9% 3,235 25.8% 1,235 9.8% 91.6% 35.6%

Palos Park 3,809 157 4.1% 1,650 43.3% 1,353 35.5% 649 17.0% 95.9% 52.6%

Willow Springs (80%) 3,345 146 4.4% 1,566 46.8% 970 29.0% 663 19.8% 95.6% 48.8%

Worth 7,271 1,012 13.9% 4,534 62.4% 1,462 20.1% 263 3.6% 86.1% 23.7%

Central 55,314 5,283 9.6% 29,555 53.4% 14,700 26.6% 5,776 10.4% 90.4% 37.0%

Evergreen Park 13,225 945 7.1% 6,490 49.1% 3,939 29.8% 1,851 14.0% 92.9% 43.8%

Hometown 3,232 345 10.7% 2,161 66.9% 565 17.5% 161 5.0% 89.3% 22.5%

Oak Lawn 40,112 4,049 10.1% 21,994 54.8% 10,283 25.6% 3,786 9.4% 89.9% 35.1%

Northeast 56,569 5,339 9.4% 30,645 54.2% 14,787 26.1% 5,798 10.2% 90.6% 36.4%

Bedford Park 430 54 12.6% 223 51.9% 123 28.6% 30 7.0% 87.4% 35.6%

Bridgeview 10,864 2,358 21.7% 6,089 56.0% 1,957 18.0% 460 4.2% 78.3% 22.2%

Burbank 18,840 4,028 21.4% 11,331 60.1% 2,945 15.6% 536 2.8% 78.6% 18.5%

Forest View 499 58 11.6% 327 65.5% 99 19.8% 15 3.0% 88.4% 22.8%

Justice 7,971 1,429 17.9% 4,909 61.6% 1,273 16.0% 360 4.5% 82.1% 20.5%

Summit 6,996 2,131 30.5% 3,673 52.5% 989 14.1% 203 2.9% 69.5% 17.0%

Northwest 45,600 10,058 22.1% 26,552 58.2% 7,386 16.2% 1,604 3.5% 77.9% 19.7%

Alsip 12,568 2,008 16.0% 7,262 57.8% 2,714 21.6% 584 4.6% 84.0% 26.2%

Blue Island 14,698 2,999 20.4% 8,154 55.5% 2,729 18.6% 816 5.6% 79.6% 24.1%

Calumet Park 5,590 658 11.8% 3,633 65.0% 1,014 18.1% 285 5.1% 88.2% 23.2%

Crestwood 8,332 745 8.9% 4,908 58.9% 2,078 24.9% 601 7.2% 91.1% 32.2%

Merrionette Park 1,345 144 10.7% 821 61.0% 303 22.5% 77 5.7% 89.3% 28.3%

Robbins 3,369 568 16.9% 2,119 62.9% 565 16.8% 117 3.5% 83.1% 20.2%

Southeast 45,902 7,122 15.5% 26,897 58.6% 9,403 20.5% 2,480 5.4% 84.5% 25.9%

Oak Forest (11%) 2,111 178 8.4% 1,178 55.8% 585 27.7% 170 8.0% 91.6% 35.8%

Orland Hills 4,500 364 8.1% 2,341 52.0% 1,359 30.2% 436 9.7% 91.9% 39.9%

Orland Park 42,163 2,567 6.1% 18,715 44.4% 14,038 33.3% 6,843 16.2% 93.9% 49.5%

Tinley Park (40%) 15,836 997 6.3% 8,091 51.1% 4,973 31.4% 1,776 11.2% 93.7% 42.6%

Southwest 64,610 4,105 6.4% 30,325 46.9% 20,956 32.4% 9,224 14.3% 93.6% 46.7%

MVCC District 267,995 31,907 11.9% 143,974 53.7% 67,232 25.1% 24,882 9.3% 88.1% 34.4%

Cook County 3,537,179 520,304 14.7% 1,525,526 43.1% 985,804 27.9% 505,545 14.3% 85.3% 42.2%

Illinois 8,600,178 1,038,317 12.1% 4,125,086 48.0% 2,370,691 27.6% 1,066,084 12.4% 87.9% 40.0%

*Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 5-Year American Community Survey

Moraine Valley District Educational Attainment- 2015 EstimatesHigh School & College Graduates as a Percent of Adult Population

Regionand Older


AssociateDegree or

Some College DegreeNot Earned

High SchoolDiploma

High SchoolGraduate/

I-27Population Associate or



$39,853 $38,678












Less than 9thgrade

HS dropout HS graduate Some college, nodegree

Associate's Bachelor's

Average Family Income (National)by Educational Attainment of Householder, 2015

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, 2016 Annual Social and Economic SupplementNote: Population 25 years old and over


$27,131 $28,894


$42,659 $46,149











Less than 9thgrade

HS dropout HS graduate Some college, nodegree

Associate's Bachelor's

Average Individual Earnings (National)by Educational Attainment, 2015

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2016 Annual Social and Economic Supplement Note: Population 25 years old and over.

Note: Average annual income, population 25 years and olderSource: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey - 2016 Annual Social and Economic Supplement


$80,043 $81,150


$90,321 $89,386

$56,740 $59,365 $58,762

$61,691 $62,048


$39,662 $41,447 $41,529 $43,097 $43,063


$31,664 $33,609


$35,028 $35,309 $38,626

$20,308 $22,662

$19,806 $21,804 $24,281













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Average Individual Earnings (National)by Highest Level of Educational Attainment, 2005 ‐ 2015

Master's degree or above

Bachelor's degree

Associate's degree

High school graduate

Less than 9th grade

Note: Population 25 years and older.Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey



6.8 7.1
















3.33.0 3.0


6.8 7.06.8





2.32.0 2.0


4.6 4.74.3


3.2 2.8










2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015





Annual Unemployment Rate by Highest Level of Educational Attainment, 2005 - 2015

Less than high school diploma

High school graduate

Associate's degree

Bachelor's degree or above


National Earnings and Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment





Illinois, Cook County, and Moraine Valley District Unemployment at a Glance

The total number of unemployed statewide increased from year-ago levels (September

2015 to September 2016) from 329,099 to 360,500. Illinois saw the highest number of unemployed workers during this time frame in May 2016 (426,764).

About 31,313 more people in Illinois were unemployed in September 2016 compared to

September 2015.

In Cook County, the unemployment rate increased from 5.2% in September 2015 to 5.5% in September 2016. The highest unemployment rate for Cook County during this time period was in February (6.9%).

All of the surrounding counties had an unemployment rate that increased between .2 and

1.2 percentage points from last year’s rates. DuPage and McHenry both had an increase of .2 percentage points (from 4.0% to 4.2%, and 4.2% to 4.4%, respectively), Kane had an increase of 0.3% (from 4.9% to 5.2%) followed by Lake (+0.4%, from 4.6% to 5.0%), and Will (+1.2%, from 4.9% to 6.1%).

Evergreen Park had the highest unemployment rate (5.4%) for this time period

compared to the surrounding communities.

The unemployment rate in Oak Lawn increased from 4.7% to 5.1% (an increase of 0.4 percentage points). And the unemployment rates of other surrounding communities were Orland Park (4.1% to 4.3%), Oak Forest (4.6% to 4.8%), Tinley Park (4.1% to 4.3%), and Evergreen Park (5.3% to 5.4%).

From September 2015 to September 2016, the Chicago area’s unemployment rate decreased from 5.6% to 5.2%.

Statewide, the unemployment rate increased from 5.1% to 5.5%.

Nationally, the unemployment rate increased from 4.9% to 5.0%.

Note: Figures are not seasonally adjusted. Source: Illinois Department of Employment Security


Northeastern Illinois Regional* Employment Census and Forecast Data 1970 to 2040

Between 2000 and 2010, the region’s employment decreased by 11.5 percent. By the year 2040 the region will grow to nearly 5 million jobs, a 31 percent increase. Over the 30-year span, employment in the seven-county area will increase by 1.2 million.

The employment forecasts assume that Northeastern Illinois will maintain its share of nationwide

economic growth. Employment Forecasts by Region, County, and City of Chicago

2010 Census 2040 Forecast Growth Chicago 1,221,758 1,458,527 19.4% Suburban Cook 1,158,165 1,356,445 17.1% DuPage County 608,709 768,282 26.2% Kane County 186,768 340,510 82.3% Kendall County 22,066 71,830 225.5% Lake County 314,717 401,747 27.7% McHenry County 88,947 153,389 72.4% Will County 201,854 437,110 116.5% NE Illinois Total 3,802,984 4,987,840 31.2%

Source: Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), formerly Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC), Revised October 2014.

*The region consists of 290 municipalities among the seven counties (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will) included in Northern Illinois.











1970 1990 2000 2010 2040

Northeastern Illinois Employment1970-2010 Census, 2040 Forecast

I-35Moraine Valley District Employment2010 Estimates and 2040 Forecast

2010 2040

Estimate* Forecast* Number

Chicago Ridge 4,073 4,519 446 11.0%

Hickory Hills 3,362 3,810 448 13.3%

Palos Heights 9,871 11,356 1,485 15.0%

Palos Hills 7,721 8,156 435 5.6%

Palos Park 1,414 1,612 198 14.0%

Willow Springs 1,395 2,233 838 60.1%

Worth 2,142 2,394 252 11.8%

Central 29,978 34,080 4,102 13.7%

Evergreen Park 8,244 8,848 604 7.3%

Hometown 390 412 22 5.6%

Oak Lawn 21,004 21,821 817 3.9%

Northeast 29,638 31,081 1,443 4.9%

Bedford Park 13,479 16,003 2,524 18.7%

Bridgeview 8,654 9,363 709 8.2%

Burbank 5,188 5,406 218 4.2%

Forest View 2,380 2,434 54 2.3%

Justice 1,368 1,859 491 35.9%

Summit 4,814 4,894 80 1.7%Northwest 35,883 39,959 4,076 11.4%

Alsip 17,679 20,033 2,354 13.3%

Blue Island 8,046 9,635 1,589 19.7%

Calumet Park 1,202 2,491 1,289 107.2%

Crestwood 5,727 5,859 132 2.3%

Merrionette Park 593 604 11 1.9%

Robbins 1,621 2,447 826 51.0%Southeast 34,868 41,069 6,201 17.8%

Oak Forest 8,479 10,291 1,812 21.4%

Orland Hills 1,743 2,385 642 36.8%

Orland Park 23,605 33,780 10,175 43.1%

Tinley Park 22,154 35,160 13,006 58.7%Southwest 55,981 81,616 25,635 45.8%

MVCC District 186,348 227,805 41,457 22.2%

*Source: Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), formerly Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Revision Date: October 10, 2014.

Note: 2010 estimates are not based on 2010 Census data. These figures were internally derived by CMAP. 2040 forecasts were based on the 2010 estimates.


Number of Jobs


EstimatedEmployment Change

2010 - 2040



Source: Illinois Department of Employment Security- Economic Information & Analysis Division

The Illinois economy will require an average of 190,185 workers per year between 2014 and 2024 with 42,732 workers filling new jobs and 147,453 workers filling replacement jobs. Average annual job growth between 2014 and 2024 is shown below by occupational group.

Between 2014 and 2024, the largest growth will occur within the Office & Administrative Support occupational group followed by Sales and Related, Food Preparation and Serving, Transportation and Material Moving, and Management Occupations. The Office and Administrative Support occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisors, Office & Admin Support Workers •Financial Clerks •Communications Equipment Operators •Information & Record Clerks •Secretaries & Administrative Assistants •Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching & Distributing Occupations The Sales and Related occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisor of Sales Workers •Real Estate Brokers/Agents •Retail Sales Workers •Telemarketers •Sales Representatives •Demonstrators and Product Promoters The Food Preparation and Serving occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving •Cooks and Food Preparation Workers •Food and Beverage Serving Workers •Hosts and Dishwashers










0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

  Office & Administrative Support Occupations  Sales & Related Occupations

  Food Preparation & Serving Occupations  Transportation & Material Moving Occupations

  Management Occupations  Production Occupations

  Healthcare Practitioners & Technical Occs  Education, Training & Library Occupations

  Business & Financial Operations Occupations  Personal Care & Service Occupations

  Installation, Maintenance & Repair Occs  Healthcare Support Occupations

  Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maint. Occs  Computer & Mathematical Occupations  Construction & Extraction Occupations

  Protective Service Occupations  Community & Social Services Occupations

  Arts/Design/Entertainment, Sports/Media Occs  Architecture & Engineering Occupations

  Legal Occupations  Life, Physical & Social Science Occupations  Farming, Fishing & Forestry Occupations

Number of Job Replacements per Year

Growth by Occupational Group Average Annual Job Openings for Illinois 2014‐2024

I-37 The Cook County economy will require an average of 79,062 workers per year between 2012 and 2022 with 17,260 workers filling new jobs and 61,802 workers filling replacement jobs. Average annual job growth between 2012 – 2022 is shown below by occupational group.


Between 2012 and 2022, the largest growth will occur within the Office & Administrative Support occupational group followed by Sales and Related, Food Preparation and Serving, and Transportation and Material Moving Occupations.

The Office and Administrative Support occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisors, Office & Admin Support Workers •Financial Clerks •Communications Equipment Operators •Information & Record Clerks •Secretaries & Administrative Assistants •Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching & Distributing Occupations

The Sales and Related occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisor of Sales Workers •Real Estate Brokers/Agents •Retail Sales Workers •Telemarketers •Sales Representatives •Demonstrators and Product Promoters

The Food Preparation and Servicing occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving •Cooks and Food Preparation Workers

•Food and Beverage Serving Workers •Hosts and Dishwashers

The Transportation and Material Moving occupational group consists of a variety of occupations including: •Supervisor of Transportation and Moving Workers •Air Transportation Workers •Motor Vehicle Operators •Rail Transportation Workers •Water Transportation Workers •Material Moving Workers

Source: Illinois Department of Employment Security- Economic Information & Analysis Division






0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000

  Farming, Fishing & Forestry Occupations  Life, Physical & Social Science Occupations

  Legal Occupations  Architecture & Engineering Occupations

  Community & Social Services Occupations  Arts/Design/Entertainment, Sports/Media Occs

  Construction & Extraction Occupations  Protective Service Occupations

  Computer & Mathematical Occupations  Installation, Maintenance & Repair Occs

  Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maint. Occs  Personal Care & Service Occupations

  Healthcare Support Occupations  Production Occupations

  Education, Training & Library Occupations  Business & Financial Operations Occupations

  Management Occupations  Healthcare Practitioners & Technical Occs

  Transportation & Material Moving Occupations  Food Preparation & Serving Occupations

  Sales & Related Occupations  Office & Administrative Support Occupations

Growth by Occupational GroupAverage Annual Job Openings for Cook County


Number of New & Replacement Jobs Per Year


Avg AnnualOpenings

Registered Nurses 1,650 Nursing AAS

Elementary School Teachers 759 Paraprofessional Educator AASexcluding Special Ed** Paraprofessional Educator Cert

Secondary School Teachers 513 Paraprofessional Educator AASexcluding Spec/Voc Ed** Paraprofessional Educator Cert

Software Developer, Applications** 400 Android Developer CertiOS Developer CertSoftware Developer CertMobile Applications Developer CertMultimedia Designer Cert

Teacher Assistants 375 Paraprofessional Educator AAS & Cert

Computer User Support Specialist 248 Help Desk Specialist Cert

Computer Programmers** 340 Android Programmer CertC# Programmer CertiOS Programmer CertJava Programmer CertPHP Programmer CertProgramming Skills CertVisual Basic .NET Programmer CertVoice & Data Specialist AAS

Paralegal & Legal Assistants 266 Legal Office Assistant Cert

Graphic Designers** 208 Digital Art/Design AASComputer Graphics Imagery AASComputer Graphics AssociateComputer Graphics Designer CertComputer Graphics Professional CertComputer Graphics Master Cert

Network & Computer Systems 147 Network Administrator CertAdministrators**

Marketing Managers** 134 E-Commerce Assistant CertMarketing and Management AAS

Medical & Clinical Lab Technicians 106 Sleep Technology AASMammography Technology Cert

Dental Hygienist 98

73 Homeland Security CertEmergency Preparedness & Continuity Cert

Web Developers 72 Website Developer CertWebsite Designer Cert

Radiologic Technologist/Technicians 70 Radiologic Technology AAS

Physical Therapy Assistants 66

63 Addiction Studies AASAddiction Studies Cert

Database Administrators** 62 Associate Database Administrator CertDatabase Administration Skills CertSmall Database Administrator Cert

Training & Development Specialist** 62 Employee Training and Development Cert

Human Resources Assistant 56 Human Resources Management AAS




Related Moraine Valley Program Areas


Cook County Occupations by Annual Openings

Jobs Requiring An Associate's Degree* 2012 - 2022

Hourly Wages



Degree or Certificate






Occupational Title




First-Line Supervisors of Police/Det









$28,532 (annual)

Sub Abuse/Behav Disorder Soc Worker** $16.94


Avg. AnnualOpenings

Computer Network Support Specialist 47 Computer & Local Area Network Tech AASComputer Support Associate CertComputer Technician CertLAN Technician CertCisco Network Associate CertCisco Network Professional Cert

IT Security Specialist AASNetwork Security Associate CertNetwork Security Specialist Cert

Management Information Systems AAS

Respiratory Therapists 45 Respiratory Therapy Technology AAS

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers 42

42 Sign Language Interpretation Cert

Electrical & Electronic Engineering 39 Electronic/ Computer Controls Technician AASTechnicians Electronic Controls Technician Cert

Electronics Technician CertIntegrated Systems Tech AASMechatronics Technology AAS

Chemical Technicians 36

Occupational Therapist Asst 33

Veterinarian Techs 33

Life, Physical, Social Sci Techs, 30 Addiction Studies AASOther Addiction Studies Cert

Medical Equipment Repairers 27

Cardiovascular Technologists 23

Environmental Sci & Protection Tech 20

Architectural & Civil Drafters 19 Architectural CAD CertCAD Programming/Management Cert

Civil Engineering Technicians 19

Broadcast Technicians 18

Mechanical Engineering Technicians 17 Mechatronics Technology AASMechanical Design Technology AAS

AutoCAD Specialist CertAutodesk Inventor Specialist Cert3-D CAD Specialist CertMechanical Design Associate CertMechanical CAD Specialist CertMechanical Drafting Associate Cert

Agric. & Food Science Technicians 12

Funeral Mgrs/Directors/Morticians 10

Industrial Engineering Technician 10

Avionics Technician 9

Radiation Therapist 9

Desktop Publishers 8 Graphics & Desktop Publishing Cert

Mechanical Drafters 8

MRI Technician 8

Degree or CertificateHourly Wages



** Jobs Requiring a Bachelor's Degree- Occupations that require the completion of at least 4 but not more than 5 years of full-time academic study beyond high school resulting in a Bachelor’s degree.








Interpreters & Translators**



Jobs Requiring An Associate's Degree* 2012 - 2022, Continued


Occupational Title



Sources: IDES- Economic Information & Analysis Division & 2014 Annual Wage Data; Occupational Outlook Handbook











*Jobs Requiring an Associate Degree- Occupations that require the completion of at least two years of full-time academic study beyond high school



Avg AnnualOpenings

Nursing Assistants 985


Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses 439 Licensed Practical Nurse Cert

Bookkeeping, Accounting, and 405 Accounting Assistant/ Clerk CertAuditing Clerks Receptionist/ Office Assistant Cert-move

Hairdressers/Stylists/Cosmetologists 388

Automotive Service Technicians 327 Automotive Technology AASand Mechanics Automotive Climate Control Tech Cert

Automotive Service Technician CertBrake and Chassis Technician CertDrivetrain Technician CertEngine Drivability Technician Cert



Medical Assistants 232 Medical Assistant Cert


Library Technicians 141

Emergency Medical Techs/Paramedics 131 Emergency Medical Services AASEmergency Medical Services Cert

Medical Records & Health 126 Health Information Technology AASInformation Technicians Coding Specialist Cert


Healthcare Practitioners and 99Technical Workers


Heating, Air Conditioning, and 93 HAC Stationary Engineer CertRefrigeration Mechanics & Installers Heating and Air Conditioning Cert

Advanced Air Conditioning Technician CertBasic Air Conditioning Technician CertCommercial Systems Service Tech CertElectrical Troubleshooting Cert

Stationary Engineer AAS

Actors 80

Massage Therapist 80 Therapeutic Massage Cert

Aircraft Mechanics & Service Techs 74

61Repairers (Excl Line Installers) Audio/Video Equip Technicians 55 Computer, Automated Teller, & Office 46Machine Repairers

Sheet Metal Workers 43

Structural Iron & Steel Workers 41

Degree or Certificate

Related Moraine Valley

Jobs Requiring Postsecondary Vocational Education* 2012 - 2022


Truck Driver, Heavy/Tractor Trailer





$11.71Hourly Wages





Dental Assistants

Program AreasCook County Occupations by Annual Openings

Occupational Title











Telecommunication Eqpt Installers/ $27.36


Fire Fighters


Plumbers, Pipefitters, & Steamfitters







Avg AnnualOpenings

Barbers 36


Surgical Technologists 33

Manicurist & Pedicurist 30

Phlebotomist 32 Phlebotomy Cert

Medical Transcriptionist 25 Medical Transcription Cert

Prepress Technicians & Workers 24

Insulation Workers, Mechanical 22

Capts/Mates/Pilots of Water Vessels 20

Boilermakers 12

12 Electrical/Electronics Equip 11 Industrial Controls Technician CertRepairers (Commercial/Industrial) Mechanical & Fluid Power Maintenance Cert

Electronic Home Entertainment Equip 11 PLC Technician CertInstallers & Repairers

Electrical/Electronics Installers 11& Repairers (for Trans Equip)

Psychiatric Technicians 11

Millwrights 9

Sound Engineering Technicians 8

Elevators Installers & Repairers 6

Electric Motor/Power Tool & 4Related Repairers

Fire Inspectors & Investigators 4

Reinforcing Iron & Rebar Workers 4

Court Reporters 3

Elec/Electronics Repairers 3(for Powerhouse)

*Post-Secondary Vocational Education- Occupations that require completion of vocational school training.





Glaziers $26.27






Jobs Requiring Postsecondary Vocational Education* 2012 - 2022, Continued

Occupational Title



Hourly Wages





Brickmasons $39.15






Median Degree or Certificate

Sources: IDES- Economic Information & Analysis Division & 2014 Annual Wage Data; Occupational Outlook Handbook



Avg AnnualOpenings

886 Small Business Management AAS

601 Business Administration Associate AASSupport Workers Business Skills Cert Mgrs of Food Preparation 530 Culinary Arts Management AAS& Serving Workers Culinary Arts Management Cert

524 Marketing and Management AAS




107 Food Service Managers 98 Restaurant/ Hotel Management AAS

Beverage Management CertRestaurant/ Hotel Management Cert

71and Extraction Workers Mgrs of Protective Service Workers 69

63 Supply Chain Management CertDistribution Managers Mgrs of Non-Retail Sales Workers 61

49& Groundskeeping Chefs and Head Cooks 38 Culinary Arts Management AAS

Culinary Arts Management Cert

15 Restaurant/ Hotel Management AASRestaurant/ Hotel Management Cert



Cook County Occupations by Annual Openings

Mgrs of Office and Administrative

Hourly Wages




Sources: IDES- Economic Information & Analysis Division & 2014 Annual Wage Data; Occupational Outlook Handbook

Lodging Managers $21.88

Managers, All Other

Mgrs of Mechanics/Installers/Repairers


Jobs Requiring Work Experience in a Related Occupation* 2012 - 2022

Occupational Title Degree or Certificate








$18.07Mgrs of Housekeeping & Janitorial

Mgrs of Construction Trades

Self-Enrichment Education Teachers

Mgrs of Landscaping, Lawn Service,

Farmers, Ranchers, & Other Ag Mgmt

Transportation, Storage, and



Mgrs of Retail Sales Workers



*Jobs Requiring Work Experience in a Related Occupation- Occupations requiring experience in lower-level related jobs prior to promotion into these occupations

Property/Real Est/CommAssn Mgrs

Related Moraine Valley Program Areas


Avg AnnualOpenings

Maint & Repair Workers, General 500


195 Fluid Power Technician CertIndustrial Maintenance Technician CertMechanical Drive Technician Cert


Bus/Truck Mechanics and 102Diesel Engine Specialist


85 Baking and Pastry AASBaking/Pastry Arts Cert


Opticians, Dispensing 71


Telecomm Line Installers & Repairers 42

Stationary Engineers & Boiler Oper 36


Farm Equipment Mechanics 33

Photographers 32

Rail Car Repairers 30

Mobile Heavy Equip Mech, excpt engines 27

24 Multimedia Designer Cert

Computer Num Cont Mach Tool Prog 20






Cook County Occupations by Annual Openings

Degree or Certificate

Electric Power-line Installers/Repairers $22.70



Butchers and Meat Cutters $12.96


Water/Waste Treat Plant/Syst Operator

Industrial Machinery Mechanics


Hourly Wages

*Jobs Requiring Long-Term On-The-Job Training- Require more than one year of on-the-job training or a combination of classroom instruction and work experience


Occupational Title

Program AreasRelated Moraine Valley

Sources: IDES- Economic Information & Analysis Division & 2014 Annual Wage Data; Occupational Outlook Handbook

Claims Adjusters/Examnrs/Invstgatrs



Media & Communication Workers



Jobs Requiring Long-Term On-The-Job Training* 2012 - 2022

Automotive Body & Rel Repairers





Avg AnnualOpenings

Home Health Aides** 1,446 Gerontology Certificate

Security Guards** 790 Security Services Cert


514 Child Care AAS,Infant/Toddler Level 2 & 3 CertBefore and After School Care Cert


498 Marketing and Management AAS

481 Receptionist/ Office Assistant Cert

450 Criminal Justice AAS


Production Workers 284

Executive Secretaries & Admin Asst** 275 Microsoft Office Specialist CertOffice Systems & Applications AASAdministrative Assistant Cert

Bill & Account Collectors 273


Insurance Sales Agents 250

217 Fire Service Management AASFire Service Operations AAS

Pharmacy Technicians 184


Medical Secretaries 148 Medical Secretary Cert & Medical Billing Cert

Healthcare Support Workers, All Other** 142 Recreation Therapy AAS

Recreation Workers** 134 Sport and Recreation Management AAS

Fitness Trainers/ Aerobics Instructors** 129 Fitness Trainer Cert

124 Individualized Welding Certand Brazers Multi-Process Welding Cert

Pipe Welding CertShielded Metal Arc Welding CertWelding, Advanced & Combination Cert



Legal Secretaries 88 Legal Office Assistant Cert

Real Estate Sales Agents 83

Travel Agents 50 Travel Business Management AASMeeting Planner CertTravel-Tourism Cert

48 Data Entry Cert

17 Geographical Information Systems AASGIS Technician CertGIS Specialist CertGIS Professional Cert

Jobs Requiring Moderate-Term On-The-Job Training* 2012 - 2022Degree or Certificate


Sales Representative (Service) $27.50

Occupational Title Median


Police & Sheriff's Patrol Officers

*Jobs Requiring Moderate-Term On-The-Job Training- Require one to twelve months of combined on-the-job training and informal classroom activities.


Restaurant Cooks


Data Entry Keyers

**Jobs Requiring Short-Term On-The-Job Training- Occupations in which workers can develop skills needed after a short demonstration or up to one month of on-the-job experience and instruction.


Hourly Wages

Cook County Occupations by Annual Openings









Welders, Cutters, Solderers,



Bus Drivers, Transit & Intercity $31.55

Sources: IDES- Economic Information & Analysis Division & 2014 Annual Wage Data; Occupational Outlook Handbook

Insurance Claims & Policy Clerks $18.67

Team Assemblers $11.86


$37,717 (annual)



Flight Attendants

Program AreasRelated Moraine Valley

Advertising Sales Agent

Payroll & Timekeeping Clerks $21.38


Receptionist and Info Clerks** $13.28

Surveying and Mapping Techs $22.70

Supervisors/ Managers of $50.63Fire Fighting & Prevention Workers

Child Care Workers**



2016 Enrollment for High Schools in

Moraine Valley's District

and Graduation Projections through 2020

Public Enrollment Projected Number

High Fall 2016 of Graduates

Schools Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors 2017 2018 2019 2020

Andrew 566 529 501 584 561 471 492 515

Argo 520 490 435 452 434 409 456 473

Eisenhower 438 439 436 496 476 410 408 399

Evergreen Park 207 230 203 212 204 191 214 188

Oak Lawn 436 441 388 420 403 365 410 397

Reavis 422 439 446 441 423 419 408 384

Richards 396 446 409 459 441 384 415 360

Sandburg 731 715 821 817 784 772 665 665

Shepard 439 447 431 467 448 405 416 399

Stagg 542 610 601 636 611 565 567 493

Total 4,697 4,786 4,671 4,984 4,785 4,391 4,451 4,274

% Change -- -- -- -- -- -8% 1% -4%

2% 1% -1% 0% -- -- -- --

Private Enrollment Projected Number

High Fall 2016 of Graduates

Schools Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors 2017 2018 2019 2020

Aqsa 27 21 25 26 25 24 20 25

Brother Rice 166 200 187 200 192 176 186 151

Chicago Christian 80 94 94 76 73 88 87 73

Marist 445 409 391 401 385 368 380 405

Mother McAuley 231 241 232 271 260 218 224 210

Queen Of Peace 81 60 75 78 75 71 56 74

St. Laurence 156 103 124 129 124 117 96 142

Universal 62 66 45 44 42 42 61 56

Total 1,248 1,194 1,173 1,225 1,176 1,103 1,110 1,136

Percent Change -- -- -- -- -- -6% 1% 2%

-2% 0% -6% 1% -- -- -- --

Public and Enrollment Projected Number

Private Fall 2016 of Graduates

High Schools Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors 2017 2018 2019 2020

Total 5,945 5,980 5,844 6,209 5,961 5,493 5,561 5,410

Percent Change -- -- -- -- -- -8% 1% -3%

1% 1% -2% 0% -- -- -- --

Source: Numbers were reported by the individual high schools

Note: Projections based on averages of recent enrollment trends

% Change from fall2015

% Change from fall2015

% Change from fall2015



High Schools 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Andrew 575 536 592 591 593 603 611 522 554 509 511 456

Argo 329 314 369 373 353 368 374 391 378 418 432 412

Eisenhower 299 338 335 350 348 423 427 436 459 407 418 415

Evergreen Park 206 197 200 214 214 185 203 211 196 181 173 198

Oak Lawn 326 382 422 377 404 444 374 437 428 435 416 443

Reavis 321 301 416 376 396 407 427 435 413 380 391 465

Richards 365 358 373 416 304 334 380 294 398 377 368 424

Sandburg 823 869 855 917 942 902 932 953 911 848 770 808

Shepard 374 399 411 444 413 494 448 495 548 488 471 448

Stagg 519 592 600 600 591 561 641 585 605 629 638 581

Total 4,137 4,286 4,573 4,658 4,558 4,721 4,817 4,759 4,890 4,672 4,588 4,650

Percent Change -4.0% 3.6% 6.7% 1.9% -2.1% 3.6% 2.0% -1.2% 2.8% -4.5% -1.8% 1.4%


High Schools 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 20162008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

Aqsa 20 29 27 34 20 23 18 19 24 22 19 20

Brother Rice 246 254 259 289 278 302 241 217 209 181 206 210

Chicago Christian 137 122 101 104 94 96 102 88 95 89 90 91

Marist 451 447 423 434 431 420 425 448 435 427 383 414

Mother McAuley 410 421 358 367 361 334 369 317 331 279 278 264

Queen Of Peace 245 177 170 168 175 122 120 108 90 71 87 71

St. Laurence 147 148 132 160 154 177 153 150 132 123 122 88

Universal 24 26 30 37 38 43 42 43 32 49 54 5438 38 38 38 38 38

Total 1,680 1,624 1,500 1,593 1,551 1,517 1,470 1,390 1,348 1,241 1,239 1,212

Percent Change 4.9% -3.3% -7.6% 6.2% -2.6% -2.2% -3.1% -5.4% -3.0% -7.9% -0.2% -2.2%

Public & Private

High Schools 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Total Graduates 5,817 5,910 6,073 6,251 6,109 6,238 6,287 6,149 6,238 5,913 5,827 5,862

Percent Change -1.6% 1.6% 2.8% 2.9% -2.3% 2.1% 0.8% -2.2% 1.4% -5.2% -1.5% 0.6%

Source: Figures reported by the high schools

Number of Graduates from Public and Private High Schoolsin Moraine Valley's District

2005 - 2016





5,911 5,910

6,251 6,238 6,1495,913 5,862 5,961










1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020





Number of In-District June Graduates1996 to 2016 and Projections 2017 to 2020


3,703 3,627


4,328 4,3094,137

4,2864,573 4,658 4,558

4,721 4,817 4,7594,890

4,672 4,558 4,650



1,632 1,602 1,680 1,6241,500


1,517 1,4581,390 1,348

1,241 1,239 1,212









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016



Number of Graduates from In‐District High SchoolsPublic Versus Private

Public In‐District High Schools Private In‐District High Schools



High School 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016

Andrew 188 170 163 131 554 509 511 456 34% 33% 32% 29%

Argo 142 164 151 151 378 418 432 412 38% 39% 35% 37%

Eisenhower 128 116 120 122 459 407 418 415 28% 29% 29% 29%

Evergreen Park 70 56 45 55 196 181 173 198 36% 31% 26% 28%

Oak Lawn 183 169 149 175 428 435 416 443 43% 39% 36% 40%

Reavis 174 181 189 222 413 380 391 465 42% 48% 48% 48%

Richards 139 136 125 158 398 377 368 424 35% 36% 34% 37%

Sandburg 281 255 264 262 911 848 770 808 31% 30% 34% 32%

Shepard 141 129 118 134 548 488 471 448 26% 26% 25% 30%

Stagg 263 224 195 203 605 629 638 581 43% 36% 31% 35%

Total Public 35% 34% 33% 35%


High School 2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016

Aqsa 9 5 1 8 24 22 19 20 38% 23% 5% 40%

Brother Rice 23 26 22 20 209 181 206 210 11% 14% 11% 10%

Chicago Christian 10 8 18 14 95 89 90 91 11% 9% 20% 15%

Marist 58 55 42 42 435 427 383 414 13% 13% 11% 10%

Mother McAuley 36 34 25 25 331 279 278 264 11% 12% 9% 9%

Queen of Peace 22 13 14 15 90 71 87 71 24% 18% 16% 21%

St. Laurence 33 23 21 19 132 123 122 88 25% 19% 17% 22%

Universal 6 5 6 9 32 49 54 54 19% 10% 11% 17%

Total Private 149 152 15% 14% 12% 13%

Total 31% 30% 29% 30%


1,600 4,672







5,913 5,827


5,8621,668 1,765




2015 2016



2014 2015 2016

Percent of June Graduates

Attending Moraine Valley


Moraine Valley Freshmen

Enrolled Fall Semester


Percent of June Graduates

Attending Moraine Valley

4,588 4,6501,519 1,613

Participation Rates by High School of June GraduatesAttending Moraine Valley in the Fall

2013 - 2016

Number of

June Graduates

Number of

June Graduates

Enrolled Fall Semester

Moraine Valley Freshmen

1,006 988


1,396 1,384 1,365 1,397

1,598 1,593 1,630 1,645 1,6121,651






287 285 270 260

241 251 241 240 238 218 197















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Enrolled at M


Number of Graduates from In‐District High Schools Enrolled at Moraine ValleyPublic Versus Private

Public In‐District High Schools Private In‐District High Schools



47th ST.






VE. (







ARCHER (171)



86th AVE.




107th ST.



















. (45






VE. (


























79th ST.

95th ST. (12-20)EVERGREEN PARK

111th ST.














183rd ST.

District Map


Participation Rates - Fall 2016 In-District Public High Schools


Reavis 48%

Oak Lawn40%

Evergreen Park 28%

Richards 37%CHICAGO

Stagg 35%


Eisenhower 29%

Sandburg 32%

Andrew 29%


Typewritten Text








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


ber o

f Stude

nts E

nrolled at M


Trend in Number of Graduates from In‐District and Out‐of‐District High SchoolsEnrolled at Moraine Valley

Total In‐District Out‐of‐District

School % % % % H.S. Asian/ Mulit-

In-District/Feeder District Low Limited Disabilities Graduation Pacific Native Racial/

High School Number Enrollment Income English (IEP) Rate White Black Hispanic Islander American Ethnic

Andrew 230 2,062 21.2 1.5 14.4 92.0 79.4 4.1 11.2 4.5 0.0 0.7

Argo 217 1,816 60.6 6.3 14.1 90.0 36.6 15.4 43.0 1.8 0.1 3.1

Bremen 228 1,430 41.9 5.0 15.2 85.0 23.2 25.2 47.9 0.5 0.0 3.1

Eisenhower 218 1,817 99.6 6.4 17.6 82.0 8.4 33.2 56.5 0.5 0.2 1.3

Evergreen Park 231 868 26.0 1.8 14.4 94.0 48.3 34.1 13.8 1.4 0.5 2.0

John F Kennedy 299 1,672 78.7 5.9 16.9 71.0 25.9 3.6 69.0 0.9 0.3 0.3

Lockport East 205 3,670 21.8 1.3 15.3 90.0 73.4 6.2 16.5 1.5 0.3 2.0

Oak Forest 228 1,354 26.0 2.8 13.7 96.0 65.4 8.5 17.7 3.3 0.2 4.8

Oak Lawn 229 1,837 39.8 4.1 14.5 90.0 66.3 6.7 24.9 1.6 0.3 0.3

Reavis 220 1,866 51.2 8.1 13.3 89.0 59.8 2.0 31.7 2.9 2.9 0.6

Richards 218 1,714 99.6 5.8 15.2 85.0 48.1 29.3 18.1 2.2 0.4 1.9

Sandburg 230 3,176 16.6 1.7 11.6 93.0 78.2 4.1 10.2 5.2 0.1 2.0

Shepard 218 1,852 99.5 4.3 15.7 83.0 50.6 26.3 19.9 1.3 0.2 1.7

Stagg 230 2,383 38.2 5.8 13.6 91.0 75.6 5.0 15.1 2.8 0.2 1.3

Tinley Park 228 1,263 31.1 2.3 15.0 86.0 48.9 25.5 17.1 2.7 0.2 5.7

State Average n/a 2,041,779 49.9 10.5 14.3 86.0 48.8 17.3 25.5 4.8 0.3 3.2

Source: 2015-16 Illinois State Report Cards; ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education)


Percent of Students by Ethnicity

MVCC Area* Public High School Profile - 2016

* Though they are not in-district high schools, Bremen, John F Kennedy, Lockport East, Oak Forest, Tinley Park were included

because they send 25 or more new students to MVCC each fall.



In-District/Feeder on

High School Meets Exceeds English Math Reading Science Overall All Subjects Track

Andrew 41% 6% 73% 50% 51% 42% 60% 33% 92.2%

Argo 20% 1% 42% 28% 23% 20% 28% 12% 75.2%

Bremen 17% 0% 40% 20% 22% 14% 23% 8% 89.0%

Eisenhower 19% 2% 37% 12% 16% 13% 19% 5% 81.6%

Evergreen Park 25% 2% 69% 41% 35% 27% 46% 20% 79.6%

Lockport East 38% 6% 76% 47% 51% 42% 59% 31% 90.1%

Oak Forest 29% 2% 59% 34% 37% 32% 43% 20% 89.7%

Oak Lawn 30% 2% 53% 29% 27% 24% 34% 13% 89.7%

Reavis 26% 2% 47% 27% 27% 20% 32% 12% 92.0%

Richards 26% 4% 48% 23% 25% 19% 30% 12% 83.3%

Sandburg 40% 5% 77% 52% 53% 44% 60% 35% 92.5%

Shepard 23% 1% 54% 27% 32% 29% 37% 18% 77.5%

Stagg 44% 7% 66% 48% 42% 38% 53% 25% 91.8%

Tinley Park 25% 1% 58% 29% 30% 28% 39% 15% 83.2%

State Average 29% 5% 62% 40% 40% 34% 46% 25% 82.4%


Source: 2015-16 Illinois State Report Cards; ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education),


* Though they are not in-district high schools, Bremen, Lockport East, Oak Forest, and Tinley Park were included

because they send 25 or more new students to MVCC each fall.

** English is defined by the percentage of students receiving a score of 18 or higher in English on the ACT. Math

and Reading are both defined by the percentage of students receiving a score of 22 or higher in the subject area

on the ACT. Science is defined as a percentage of students receiving a score of 23 or higher in science on the

ACT. "All Subjects" is defined as percentage of students who meet the Benchmarks for all four subjects. An ACT

score of 21 classifies a student as 'ready for college course work overall'.

MVCC Area* Public High School Profile - 2016

PSAE and ACT Assessment Scores


PARCC Percentage of Students Classified as

Ready for College Course Work**

SchoolIn-District/Feeder District

High School Number 2015 2016 Any Reading Math Communications

Andrew 230 83 78 49 11 46 12

Argo 217 66 72 57 22 50 18

Eisenhower 218 60 58 67 24 60 29

Evergreen Park 231 81 78 40 19 36 21

Oak Lawn 229 79 72 57 22 53 18

Reavis 220 72 73 48 17 42 16

Richards 218 72 71 61 19 56 22

Sandburg 230 78 73 43 12 38 14

Shepard 218 65 66 52 16 51 16

Stagg 230 84 79 50 14 47 15

State Averages n/a 73 71 49 17 41 22

Source: 2015-16 Illinois State Report Cards; ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education)


**A student is considered to be taking remedial courses if they have taken a remedial course anytime within two years of graduating high school (fall 2014) and attending a two-year college (remediation course information is not available for four-year colleges). This includes all community colleges not just Moraine Valley.

MVCC District Public High School College Enrollment & Remedial Courses

Percent of College Enrollment*

PercentageTaking Remedial Courses**

*College Enrollment is based on whether a student enrolled in a two-year or four-year college within 16 months of graduation.

SchoolIn-District/Feeder District Dual Advanced Foreign Total

High School Number Enrollment Credit Placement Language Electives Academic

Andrew 230 2,062 11 22 20 46 130

Argo 217 1,816 21 14 6 54 139

Eisenhower 218 1,817 16 14 6 10 62

Evergreen Park 231 868 2 12 8 44 87

Oak Lawn 229 1,837 7 9 9 6 47

Reavis 220 1,866 14 10 9 6 53

Richards 218 1,714 17 12 13 15 73

Sandburg 230 3,176 10 23 20 45 129

Shepard 218 1,852 17 14 16 16 85

Stagg 230 2,383 10 23 20 45 131


MVCC District Public High School Course Offerings - 2016

Source: 2016 Illinois State Report Cards; ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education)

TotalNumber of Courses Offered


Spanish 62 53% 173 62% 36 31% 15 19% 29 13% 315 39% 165,411 80%Polish 13 11% * ‐‐ 19 17% * ‐‐ 14 6% 46 6% 6,043 3%Arabic 35 30% 91 33% 54 47% 58 73% 148 69% 386 48% 6,463 3%Other 8 7% 13 5% 6 5% 6 8% 25 12% 58 7% 29,834 14%LEP Total 118 100% 277 100% 115 100% 79 100% 216 100% 805 100% 207,751 100%


Spanish 61 52% 172 60% 67 45% 18 19% 34 14% 352 40% 174,649 78%Polish 14 12% * ‐‐ 24 16% * ‐‐ 11 5% 49 6% 6,774 3%Arabic 35 30% 101 35% 53 36% 70 74% 175 73% 434 49% 7,323 3%Other 7 6% 14 5% 5 3% 6 6% 20 8% 52 6% 33,759 15%LEP Total 117 100% 287 100% 149 100% 94 100% 240 100% 887 100% 222,505 100%


Spanish 55 53% 179 58% 61 45% 24 26% 39 17% 358 41% 166,939 78%Polish 12 12% * ‐‐ 17 12% * ‐‐ * ‐‐ 29 3% 5,883 3%Arabic 32 31% 112 36% 52 38% 64 70% 158 68% 418 48% 7,341 3%Other 5 5% 19 6% 7 5% 3 3% 36 15% 70 8% 33,520 16%LEP Total 104 100% 310 100% 137 100% 91 100% 233 100% 875 100% 213,683 100%

* indicates n<10**CHSD 218 includes Eisenhower, Richards, and Shepard high schools, Cons HSD 230 includes Andrew, Sandburg, and Stagg high schools.Note: Evergreen Park CHSD 231 was not included because the total number of EL students is less than 20.Source: Illinois State Board of Education

MVCC DistrictTotal



MVCC DistrictTotal


MVCC DistrictTotal


CHSD 218**Reavis TwpHSD 220

Oak LawnCHSD 229

Cons HSD 230

Public School District ‐ SY 2014Argo

CHSD 217CHSD 218**

Reavis TwpHSD 220

Oak LawnCHSD 229

Cons HSD 230

Public School District ‐ SY 2015Argo

CHSD 217

Limited English Proficient Studentsby Public High School District and by Language Spoken

SY 2014 - 2016

Public School District ‐ SY 2016Argo

CHSD 217CHSD 218**

Reavis TwpHSD 220

Oak LawnCHSD 229

Cons HSD 230

Year of H.S.Graduation Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

2000 1,787 345 19% 783 44% 309 17% 902 50%

2001 1,609 310 19% 879 55% 314 20% 954 59%

2002 1,906 347 18% 1,031 54% 319 17% 1,114 58%

2003 2,207 420 19% 1,192 54% 396 18% 1,304 59%

2004 2,189 403 18% 1,174 54% 374 17% 1,284 59%

2005 2,161 426 20% 1,145 53% 371 17% 1,242 57%

2006 2,211 447 20% 1,078 49% 379 17% 1,190 54%

2007 2,356 474 20% 1,158 49% 408 17% 1,283 54%

2008 2,402 477 20% 1,215 51% 405 17% 1,329 55%

2009 2,394 484 20% 1,192 50% 423 18% 1,305 55%

2010 2,267 428 19% 1,069 47% 395 17% 1,162 51%

2010 2,369 442 19% 1,110 47% 410 17% 1,208 51%

2011 2,314 440 19% 1,100 48% 401 17% 1,204 52%

2012 2,377 416 18% 1,064 45% 382 16% 1,163 49%

2013 2,186 353 16% 1,015 46% 330 15% 1,106 51%

2014 2,198 322 15% 1,023 47% 321 15% 1,107 50%

2015 2,083 323 16% 983 47% 367 18% 1,053 51%


*If a student graduated from high school in 2015, for example, they are counted in this table if they attended MVCC in spring, summer or fall 2015, or spring 2016. Totals include public and private in-district high schools.

Remedial reading includes all 3 reading courses (RDG-041, 071, 091).Remedial communications includes 2 remedial COM courses: sentence and paragraph writing (COM-085), and paragraph and theme writing (COM-090).Remedial mathematics includes 3 remedial MTH courses: developmental math (MTH-090), beginning algebra (MTH-095) and intermediate algebra(MTH-098/101).


at MVCC*Communications Remedial Courses

Number and Percent of Recent High School Graduates Taking Remedial Courses at MVCC

StudentsTotal Remedial Remedial Remedial


2000 - 2015

MathematicsTotal Taking One or More

Fall 12 to Fall 13 Fall 13 to Fall 14 Fall 14 to Fall 15 Fall 15 to Fall 16Public N Percent N Percent N Percent N PercentHigh Schools N Ret. Ret. N Ret. Ret. N Ret. Ret. N Ret. Ret.

Andrew 185 157 84.9% 188 142 75.5% 171 135 78.9% 162 117 72.2%Argo 142 98 69.0% 141 104 73.8% 162 129 79.6% 153 107 69.9%Eisenhower 131 77 58.8% 126 88 69.8% 116 68 58.6% 132 77 58.3%Evergreen Park 66 38 57.6% 68 42 61.8% 57 34 59.6% 46 31 67.4%Oak Lawn 179 135 75.4% 182 133 73.1% 168 127 75.6% 146 104 71.2%Reavis 170 126 74.1% 174 130 74.7% 179 139 77.7% 182 135 74.2%Richards 115 80 69.6% 137 93 67.9% 135 86 63.7% 122 91 74.6%Sandburg 286 210 73.4% 278 218 78.4% 258 202 78.3% 263 198 75.3%Shepard 152 104 68.4% 142 84 59.2% 130 80 61.5% 118 80 67.8%Stagg 244 192 78.7% 260 192 73.8% 223 170 76.2% 194 148 76.3%

Total Public 1,670 1,217 72.9% 1,696 1,226 72.3% 1,599 1,170 73.2% 1,518 1,088 71.7%

Fall 12 to Fall 13 Fall 13 to Fall 14 Fall 14 to Fall 15 Fall 15 to Fall 16Private N Percent N Percent N Percent N PercentHigh Schools N Ret. Ret. N Ret. Ret. N Ret. Ret. N Ret. Ret.

Aqsa 3 3 100.0% 9 8 88.9% 4 3 75.0% 1 1 100.0%Brother Rice 35 26 74.3% 23 21 91.3% 26 16 61.5% 22 13 59.1%Chicago Christian 4 2 50.0% 10 6 60.0% 8 6 75.0% 17 11 64.7%Marist 66 41 62.1% 58 44 75.9% 55 41 74.5% 43 28 65.1%Mother McAuley 39 29 74.4% 36 27 75.0% 34 17 50.0% 25 20 80.0%Queen Of Peace 23 15 65.2% 22 17 77.3% 13 13 100.0% 14 12 85.7%St. Laurence 36 24 66.7% 33 25 75.8% 23 17 73.9% 21 14 66.7%Universal 12 9 75.0% 6 4 66.7% 5 4 80.0% 6 5 83.3%

Total Private 218 149 68.3% 197 152 77.2% 168 117 69.6% 149 104 69.8%

MVCC District 1,888 1,366 72.4% 1,893 1,378 72.8% 1,767 1,287 72.8% 1,667 1,192 71.5%Total - All* 2,577 1,760 68.3% 2,657 1,800 67.7% 2,314 1,593 68.8% 2,212 1,531 69.2%

Note: Initial semester totals includes students who graduated from high school in 2015, for example, and were attending MVCC in fall 2016.Initial semester totals are census day; however enrollments may be higher than originally reported because high school information was updated or added.

* Includes out-of-district, unknown high schools, and GED graduatesSource: E1 ICCB file

II-15Across-Year Retention Rates for Recent High School Graduates

Fall 12-13 to Fall 15-16


Dual Credit Career & Technical Education (CTE) Studentsby High School for FY 2016


Stagg, 1%




Evergreen Pk1%


Oak Lawn3%




4% Out‐of‐District, 26%

Percentage of Dual Credit CTE Students (n=1,713)







0 100 200 300 400 500



EisenhowerPrivate In‐District

Oak LawnArgo

AndrewEvergreen Pk

StaggUnduplicated Number of Dual Credit CTE Students






0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Sandburg (n=3,084)Stagg (2,389)

Andrew (n=2,180)Argo (n=1,897)

Eisenhower (n=1,809)Shepard (n=1,784)Reavis (n=1,748)

Richards (n=1,710)Oak Lawn (n=1,685)

Evergreen Park (n=852)

Percentage of High School Students Participating in Dual Credit CTE Courses

Note: Average participation for all in‐district schools was 6.3 percent


Dual Credit Career & Technical Education (CTE) Students - FY 2016



Eisenhower32% Evergreen Pk


Oak Lawn42%













Percentage of In-District CTE Students Graduating in 2016 &Attending Moraine Valley in Fall 2016 by High School

Average 39.6%












0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350













Number of High School Students Enrolled in Dual Credit CTE Courses - FY 2016 (n=2,299)



2,433 2,422

2,1052,220 2,191











2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


ber o

f Dua

l Credit S



Fiscal Year

Unduplicated CTE Dual Credit StudentsFY 2007 ‐ FY 2016


II-19Moraine Valley CTE Dual Enrollment Student by High SchoolFY 2007 ‐ FY 2016




144 152 160 141 12657 500






2007 2010 2013 2016




247 246 248299

270 275








2007 2010 2013 2016


73 80 62 52 43 43 41 64 35 100






2007 2010 2013 2016




243 264

144 145 146106








2007 2010 2013 2016



450 463


407 412 364

228 194 207







2007 2010 2013 2016




146 177 147178


102 1450






2007 2010 2013 2016




164 162 159 143 119 9229 240






2007 2010 2013 2016

Evergreen Park



238 220 209


219 189127







2007 2010 2013 2016




239 218 224 256

127 79 590






2007 2010 2013 2016

Oak Lawn



310 304 287 284292 331268 267







2007 2010 2013 2016




Dual Credit General Education Students by High School and Courses Taken

FY 2016

Evergreen Pk, 3%

Lyons, 29%

Oak Lawn, 12%

Queen of Peace, 1%

Reavis, 5%

Sandburg, 13%

Stagg, 5%

Marist, 24%

Universal, 8%

Percentage of Dual Credit AP Students (n=252)










0 20 40 60 80




Oak Lawn




Evergreen Pk

Queen of Peace

Unduplicated Number of Dual Credit Gen Ed Students














0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80














Number of Students Enrolled

Number of High School Students Enrolled inDual Credit AP Courses - FY 2016 (N=334)

III-1Annual Census Day (Opening) Enrollment Headcount

for Credit Courses

Fiscal Semester Yearly Yearly PercentYear Summer Fall Spring Total* Change

1975-76 4,486 9,668 10,338 24,492 4,024 19.7%

1976-77 4,758 10,516 10,062 25,336 844 3.4%

1977-78 5,092 10,216 9,902 25,210 (126) -0.5%

1978-79 4,615 10,483 9,416 24,514 (696) -2.8%

1979-80 4,840 9,973 9,759 24,572 58 0.2%

1980-81 5,242 10,917 10,969 27,128 2,556 10.4%

1981-82 5,483 11,474 11,267 28,224 1,096 4.0%

1982-83 6,283 13,267 13,605 33,155 4,931 17.5%

1983-84 7,387 13,890 13,176 34,453 1,298 3.9%

1984-85 7,183 13,990 12,373 33,546 (907) -2.6%

1985-86 7,019 13,719 12,377 33,115 (431) -1.3%

1986-87 7,122 12,776 12,695 32,593 (522) -1.6%

1987-88 7,102 12,422 11,673 31,197 (1,396) -4.3%

1988-89 6,279 12,914 13,348 32,541 1,344 4.3%

1989-90 7,350 13,590 12,522 33,462 921 2.8%

1990-91 6,686 13,601 13,456 33,743 281 0.8%

1991-92 7,337 13,938 13,554 34,829 1,086 3.2%

1992-93 7,710 14,074 13,874 35,658 829 2.4%

1993-94 7,261 13,826 12,710 33,797 (1,861) -5.2%

1994-95 7,035 13,273 12,467 32,775 (1,022) -3.0%

1995-96 7,013 12,813 12,405 32,231 (544) -1.7%

1996-97 7,038 13,234 12,443 32,715 484 1.5%

1997-98 7,115 13,347 12,422 32,884 169 0.5%

1998-99 7,311 13,417 12,752 33,480 596 1.8%

1999-00 7,302 14,414 13,051 34,767 1,287 3.8%

2000-01 7,732 12,972 13,287 33,991 (776) -2.2%

2001-02 8,072 14,033 14,131 36,236 2,245 6.6%

2002-03 8,970 14,480 14,750 38,200 1,964 5.4%

2003-04 9,516 15,780 15,853 41,149 2,949 7.7%

2004-05 9,908 16,077 15,979 41,964 815 2.0%

2005-06 10,021 15,929 15,715 41,665 (299) -0.7%

2006-07 9,856 15,693 16,559 42,108 443 1.1%

2007-08 9,629 15,859 16,815 42,303 195 0.5%

2008-09 10,022 17,477 18,130 45,629 3,326 7.9%

2009-10 10,320 17,774 18,772 46,866 1,237 2.7%

2010-11 10,034 17,387 18,628 46,049 (817) -1.7%

2011-12 9,638 18,169 17,992 45,799 (250) -0.5%

2012-13 8,841 16,650 18,171 43,662 (2,137) -4.7%

2013-14 9,092 16,106 16,787 41,985 (1,677) -3.8%

2014-15 8,791 15,286 15,293 39,370 (2,615) -6.2%

2015-16 8,011 15,016 15,645 38,672 (698) -1.8%

Source (fall 2010 and after): ICCB E1 File* Yearly totals are duplicated due to some students attending Moraine Valley multiple semesters.


Source (prior to fall 2010): Semester opening reports, ER001

FY1976 - FY2016

Census Day (Opening) Enrollment

Credit Headcount Non-Credit Headcount Total Headcount Total Credit HoursFall Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Credit Percent

Semester Students Change Students Change Students Change Hours Change

1988 12,914 4.0% 4,250 14.5% 17,164 6.4% 101,626 8.0%1989 13,590 5.2% 3,456 -18.7% 17,046 -0.7% 105,030 3.3%1990 13,601 0.1% 4,079 18.0% 17,680 3.7% 108,659 3.5%1991 13,938 2.5% 3,953 -3.1% 17,891 1.2% 113,153 4.1%1992 14,074 1.0% 3,659 -7.4% 17,733 -0.9% 113,642 0.4%1993 13,826 -1.8% 3,586 -2.0% 17,412 -1.8% 110,559 -2.7%1994 13,273 -4.0% 3,245 -9.5% 16,518 -5.1% 107,795 -2.5%1995 12,813 -3.5% 3,517 8.4% 16,330 -1.1% 106,168 -1.5%1996 13,234 3.3% 3,325 -5.5% 16,559 1.4% 107,919 1.6%1997 13,347 0.9% 2,499 -24.8% 15,846 -4.3% 112,046 3.8%1998 13,417 0.5% 2,104 -15.8% 15,521 -2.1% 113,941 1.7%1999 14,414 7.4% 1,877 -10.8% 16,291 5.0% 114,970 0.9%2000 12,972 -10.0% 1,614 -14.0% 14,586 -10.5% 109,402 -4.8%2001 14,033 8.2% 1,747 8.2% 15,780 8.2% 117,402 7.3%2002 14,480 3.2% 1,817 4.0% 16,297 3.3% 124,289 5.9%2003 15,780 9.0% 1,460 -19.6% 17,240 5.8% 137,180 10.4%2004 16,077 1.9% 1,309 -10.3% 17,386 0.8% 142,727 4.0%2005 15,929 -0.9% 1,445 10.4% 17,374 -0.1% 142,986 0.2%2006 15,693 -1.5% 1,460 1.0% 17,153 -1.3% 141,702 -0.9%2007 15,859 1.1% 1,286 -11.9% 17,145 0.0% 145,173 2.4%2008 17,477 10.2% 1,259 -2.1% 18,736 9.3% 155,404 7.0%2009 17,774 1.7% 1,297 3.0% 19,071 1.8% 162,766 4.7%2010 17,387 -2.2% 1,200 -7.5% 18,587 -2.5% 162,691 0.0%2011 18,169 4.5% 1,593 32.8% 19,762 6.3% 160,199 -1.5%2012 16,650 -8.4% 1,640 3.0% 18,290 -7.4% 153,386 -4.3%2013 16,106 -3.3% 1,498 -8.7% 17,604 -3.8% 149,481 -2.5%2014 15,286 -5.1% 1,880 25.5% 17,166 -2.5% 144,764 -3.2%2015 15,016 -1.8% 1,589 -15.5% 16,605 -3.3% 140,169 -3.2%2016 15,021 0.0% 1,096 -31.0% 16,117 -2.9% 137,274 -2.1%

Source: Prior to 2010- Fall semester opening reports, SC017; 2010 and after- ICCB E1 File

III-2Fall 1988 - Fall 2016

American Asian/Pac. Total

Fall Foreign Indian American Islander Students

Semester # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # % #

1996 542 4.1% 73 0.6% 481 3.6% 165 1.2% 691 5.2% 1,952 14.7% 11,282 85.3% 13,234

1997 749 5.6% 75 0.6% 534 4.0% 157 1.2% 673 5.0% 2,188 16.4% 11,159 83.6% 13,347

1998 841 6.3% 73 0.5% 645 4.8% 178 1.3% 748 5.6% 2,485 18.5% 10,932 81.5% 13,417

1999 800 5.6% 68 0.5% 630 4.4% 195 1.4% 820 5.7% 2,513 17.4% 11,901 82.6% 14,414

2000 653 5.0% 48 0.4% 714 5.5% 198 1.5% 907 7.0% 2,520 19.4% 10,452 80.6% 12,972

2001 718 5.1% 42 0.3% 942 6.7% 238 1.7% 1,019 7.3% 2,959 21.1% 11,074 78.9% 14,033

2002 808 5.6% 34 0.2% 1,117 7.7% 235 1.6% 1,103 7.6% 3,297 22.8% 11,183 77.2% 14,480

2003 557 3.5% 38 0.2% 1,135 7.2% 294 1.9% 1,470 9.3% 3,494 22.1% 12,286 77.9% 15,780

2004 271 1.7% 40 0.2% 1,269 7.9% 353 2.2% 1,564 9.7% 3,497 21.8% 12,580 78.2% 16,077

2005 234 1.5% 37 0.2% 1,414 8.9% 370 2.3% 1,716 10.8% 3,771 23.7% 12,158 76.3% 15,929

2006 243 1.5% 34 0.2% 1,424 9.1% 407 2.6% 2,018 12.9% 4,126 26.3% 11,567 73.7% 15,693

2007 280 1.8% 36 0.2% 1,459 9.2% 404 2.5% 2,169 13.7% 4,348 27.4% 11,511 72.6% 15,859

2008 325 1.9% 39 0.2% 1,479 8.5% 447 2.6% 2,453 14.0% 4,743 27.1% 12,734 72.9% 17,477

2009 275 1.5% 35 0.2% 1,626 9.1% 455 2.6% 2,642 14.9% 5,033 28.3% 12,741 71.7% 17,774

2010* 279 1.6% 39 0.2% 1,526 8.8% 382 2.2% 2,253 13.0% 41 0.2% 4,520 26.0% 11,075 63.7% 1,792 10.3% 17,387

2011 242 1.3% 45 0.2% 2,054 11.3% 414 2.3% 3,008 16.6% 177 1.0% 5,940 32.7% 10,589 58.3% 1,640 9.0% 18,169

2012 264 1.6% 38 0.2% 1,686 10.1% 370 2.2% 2,908 17.5% 193 1.2% 5,459 32.8% 9,638 57.9% 1,553 9.3% 16,650

2013 232 1.4% 45 0.3% 1,588 9.9% 372 2.3% 3,154 19.6% 236 1.5% 5,627 34.9% 9,065 56.3% 1,414 8.8% 16,106

2014 243 1.6% 39 0.3% 1,382 9.0% 373 2.4% 3,348 21.9% 251 1.6% 5,636 36.9% 8,342 54.6% 1,308 8.6% 15,286

2015 281 1.9% 48 0.3% 1,341 8.9% 389 2.6% 3,448 23.0% 268 1.8% 5,775 38.5% 7,904 52.6% 1,337 8.9% 15,016

2016 313 2.1% 39 0.3% 1,440 9.6% 375 2.5% 3,493 23.3% 350 2.3% 6,010 40.0% 7,710 51.3% 1,301 8.7% 15,021

Source: ICCB E1 file

*Race/Ethnicity reporting changed in fall 2010 and after to include "more than one race" and "unknown"; Hawaiian is included in Asian/ Pacific Islander. Before 2010, "unknown"

was reported as "white".

Note: Percentages are based on total students.


Moraine Valley Students by Ethnicity


More Than

One Race Minority White

African Total Total Total


Fall 1996 - Fall 2016

Moraine Valley Minority Population by Gender

American African Asian or Pacific

Fall Foreign Indian American Islander Hispanic

Semester Female % Male % Female % Male % Female % Male % Female % Male % Female % Male % Female % Male %

1996 285 52.6 257 47.4 44 60.3 29 39.7 303 63.0 178 37.0 91 55.2 74 44.8 357 51.7 334 48.3

1997 385 51.4 364 48.6 40 53.3 35 46.7 355 66.5 179 33.5 87 55.4 70 44.6 336 49.9 337 50.1

1998 483 57.4 358 42.6 35 47.9 38 52.1 427 66.2 218 33.8 87 48.9 91 51.1 407 54.4 341 45.6

1999 465 58.1 335 41.9 31 45.6 37 54.4 386 61.3 244 38.7 98 50.3 97 49.7 417 50.9 403 49.1

2000 366 56.0 287 44.0 25 52.1 23 47.9 439 61.5 275 38.5 112 56.6 86 43.4 471 51.9 436 48.1

2001 381 53.1 337 46.9 21 50.0 21 50.0 591 62.7 351 37.3 127 53.4 111 46.6 538 52.8 481 47.2

2002 479 59.3 329 40.7 19 55.9 15 44.1 704 63.0 413 37.0 119 50.6 116 49.4 601 54.5 502 45.5

2003 337 60.5 220 39.5 18 47.4 20 52.6 700 61.7 435 38.3 147 50.0 147 50.0 868 59.0 602 41.0

2004 160 59.0 111 41.0 22 55.0 18 45.0 820 64.6 449 35.4 188 53.3 165 46.7 891 57.0 673 43.0

2005 106 45.3 128 54.7 18 48.6 19 51.4 903 63.9 511 36.1 191 51.6 179 48.4 924 53.8 792 46.2

2006 122 50.2 121 49.8 23 67.6 11 32.4 916 64.3 508 35.7 203 49.9 204 50.1 1,102 54.6 916 45.4

2007 135 48.2 145 51.8 23 63.9 13 36.1 944 64.7 515 35.3 210 52.0 194 48.0 1,200 55.3 969 44.7

2008 135 41.5 190 58.5 26 66.7 13 33.3 922 62.3 557 37.7 221 49.4 226 50.6 1,337 54.5 1,116 45.5

2009 121 44.0 154 56.0 19 54.3 16 45.7 1,016 62.5 610 37.5 206 45.3 249 54.7 1,390 52.6 1,252 47.4

2010 97 34.8 182 65.2 23 59.0 16 41.0 945 61.9 581 38.1 186 48.7 196 51.3 1,262 56.0 991 44.0 22 53.7 19 46.3

2011 95 39.3 147 60.7 21 46.7 24 53.3 1,198 58.3 856 41.7 188 45.4 226 54.6 1,556 51.7 1,452 48.3 87 49.2 90 50.8

2012 105 39.8 159 60.2 19 50.0 19 50.0 1,046 62.0 640 38.0 173 46.8 197 53.2 1,580 54.3 1,328 45.7 101 52.3 92 47.7

2013 103 44.4 129 55.6 17 37.8 28 62.2 920 57.9 668 42.1 184 49.5 188 50.5 1,694 53.7 1,460 46.3 116 49.2 120 50.8

2014 103 42.4 140 57.6 18 46.2 21 53.8 857 62.0 525 38.0 187 50.1 186 49.9 1,820 54.4 1,528 45.6 135 53.8 116 46.2

2015 108 38.4 173 61.6 18 37.5 30 62.5 791 59.0 550 41.0 175 45.9 206 54.1 1,856 53.8 1,592 46.2 130 48.5 138 51.5

2016 107 34.2 206 65.8 20 51.3 19 48.7 820 56.9 620 43.1 192 51.2 183 48.8 1,895 54.3 1,598 45.7 159 45.4 191 54.6

Source (Prior to 2010): ER050

Source (2010 and after): ICCB E1 Data

Note: Minority reporting changed in fall 2010 to include "more than one race". Hawaiian is included in Asian/ Pacific Islander

More Than One Race

III-4Fall 1996 - Fall 2016

# % # % # %

1996 8,283 1,705 20.6% 2,403 453 18.9% 1,434 305 21.3%1997 8,700 1,843 21.2% 2,552 535 21.0% 1,677 400 23.9%1998 9,168 2,073 22.6% 2,807 662 23.6% 1,872 501 26.8%1999 8,627 1,845 21.4% 2,411 554 23.0% 1,603 390 24.3%2000 6,719 1,573 23.4% 1,737 495 28.5% 1,195 340 28.5%2001 6,772 1,872 27.6% 2,132 719 33.7% 1,404 445 31.7%2002 7,459 2,095 28.1% 2,337 727 31.1% 1,620 481 29.7%2003 8,935 2,946 33.0% 2,828 1,069 37.8% 1,945 715 36.8%2004 9,821 3,192 32.5% 3,113 1,244 40.0% 2,191 830 37.9%2005 10,239 3,328 32.5% 2,982 1,160 38.9% 2,062 765 37.1%2006 10,108 3,438 34.0% 2,768 1,059 38.3% 1,967 723 36.8%2007 10,267 3,307 32.2% 2,773 1,071 38.6% 1,928 707 36.7%2008 10,578 3,641 34.4% 2,644 1,115 42.2% 1,872 790 42.2%2009 11,335 4,410 38.9% 2,792 1,371 49.1% 1,767 886 50.1%2010 10,997 3,657 33.3% 1,836 662 36.1% 1,262 501 39.7%2011 10,085 3,746 37.1% 1,123 508 45.2% 806 374 46.4%2012 10,205 4,145 40.6% 2,072 1,002 48.4% 1,590 832 52.3%2013ⱡ 10,349 4,445 43.0% 2,116 1,046 49.4% 1,610 866 53.8%

2014 10,796 4,596 42.6% 2,124 1,054 49.6% 1,633 855 52.4%2015 10,576 4,477 42.3% 2,187 1,092 49.9% 1,724 924 53.6%

ⱡ 2013 figures have been adjusted to reflect new financial aid codes added to Colleague

Eligible Students**First-time Students First-time, Full-time Students

Moraine Valley Students Receiving Financial Aid*1996 - 2015

All Students

Total # ofStudents

*Students receiving financial aid anytime during the academic year are counted. For example, fall 2015 students are counted as receiving financial aid if they received aid in fall 2015, spring 2016, or summer 2016.**Students eligible for financial aid includes: non-foreign students, enrolled in at least one non-remedial course, enrolled in degree programs requiring at least 16 credit hours.

Receiving Financial AidReceiving Financial Aid Total # ofStudents

Receiving Financial Aid Total # ofStudents

Source: ICCB E1 file and Colleague dataNote: Fall semester Census Day enrollment.



Moraine Valley Students Receiving Financial Aid* by Ethnicity1996 - 2015

Total Total Total Total Total# of # of # of # of # of

Students # % Students # % Students # % Students # % Students # %

1996 838 323 38.5% 307 158 51.5% 103 42 40.8% 379 107 28.2% 7,445 1,382 18.6%1997 893 344 38.5% 326 170 52.1% 102 37 36.3% 421 122 29.0% 7,807 1,499 19.2%1998 1,117 474 42.4% 414 234 56.5% 121 43 35.5% 531 182 34.3% 8,051 1,599 19.9%1999 1,078 409 37.9% 376 201 53.5% 123 39 31.7% 535 160 29.9% 7,549 1,436 19.0%2000 942 380 40.3% 350 205 58.6% 120 42 35.0% 447 128 28.6% 5,777 1,193 20.7%2001 1,120 555 49.6% 494 338 68.4% 112 37 33.0% 495 176 35.6% 5,652 1,317 23.3%2002 1,286 635 49.4% 583 408 70.0% 127 40 31.5% 553 179 32.4% 6,173 1,460 23.7%2003 1,697 912 53.7% 748 558 74.6% 159 58 36.5% 770 286 37.1% 7,238 2,034 28.1%2004 2,024 1,054 52.1% 887 629 70.9% 206 76 36.9% 903 338 37.4% 7,797 2,138 27.4%2005 2,240 1,118 49.9% 976 695 71.2% 239 73 30.5% 1,001 339 33.9% 7,999 2,210 27.6%2006 2,358 1,121 47.5% 938 653 69.6% 277 83 30.0% 1,121 373 33.3% 7,750 2,317 29.9%2007 2,487 1,153 46.4% 944 620 65.7% 263 84 31.9% 1,254 440 35.1% 7,780 2,154 27.7%2008 2,641 1,249 47.3% 973 647 66.5% 291 106 36.4% 1,351 481 35.6% 7,937 2,392 30.1%2009 3,045 1,698 55.8% 1,119 854 76.3% 289 116 40.1% 1,615 718 44.5% 8,290 2,712 32.7%2010 2,894 1,399 48.3% 1,106 700 63.3% 248 92 37.1% 1,495 589 39.4% 8,103 2,258 27.9%2011 3,054 1,547 50.7% 1,084 703 64.9% 248 100 40.3% 1,660 713 43.0% 7,031 2,199 31.3%2012 3,266 1,755 53.7% 1,098 769 70.0% 270 114 42.2% 1,832 842 46.0% 6,939 2,390 34.4%2013ⱡ 3,494 1,897 54.3% 1,061 744 70.1% 280 127 45.4% 2,057 983 47.8% 6,855 2,548 37.2%

2014 3,923 2,037 51.9% 1,099 735 66.9% 304 134 44.1% 2,410 1,119 46.4% 6,873 2,559 37.2%2015 3,917 1,937 49.5% 975 643 65.9% 316 140 44.3% 2,512 1,109 44.1% 5,833 2,160 37.0%

Financial Aid

WhiteAll Minority*** African American

Receiving Receiving

Asian/ Pac. Island

Source: ICCB E1 file and Colleague dataNote: Fall semester Census Day enrollment.

*Students receiving financial aid anytime during the academic year are counted. For example, fall 2015 students are counted as receiving financial aid if they receive aid in fall 2015, spring 2016, or summer 2016.**Students eligible for financial aid includes: non-foreign students, enrolled in at least one non-remedial course, enrolled in degree programs requiring at least 16 credit hours.***All minority students include African American, Asian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and American Indian.ⱡ 2013 figures have been adjusted to reflect new financial aid codes added to Colleague



Eligible Students**

Financial Aid Financial Aid Financial Aid Financial AidReceiving Receiving Receiving


III-7Full-Time/Part-Time Enrollment atCensus Day

Fall Full-time Part-time Total RatioSemester Students Students Students Full-time : Part-time

1976 3,123 7,393 10,516 1 : 2.41977 3,018 7,198 10,216 1 : 2.41978 3,148 7,335 10,483 1 : 2.31979 2,972 7,001 9,973 1 : 2.41980 3,178 7,729 10,907 1 : 2.41981 3,602 7,872 11,474 1 : 2.21982 3,935 9,332 13,267 1 : 2.41983 4,045 9,845 13,890 1 : 2.41984 4,028 9,962 13,990 1 : 2.51985 3,975 9,744 13,719 1 : 2.51986 3,858 8,918 12,776 1 : 2.31987 3,883 8,539 12,422 1 : 2.21988 4,336 8,578 12,914 1 : 2.01989 4,439 9,151 13,590 1 : 2.11990 4,595 9,006 13,601 1 : 2.01991 4,763 9,175 13,938 1 : 1.91992 4,776 9,298 14,074 1 : 1.91993 4,608 9,218 13,826 1 : 2.01994 4,518 8,755 13,273 1 : 1.91995 4,684 8,129 12,813 1 : 1.71996 4,647 8,587 13,234 1 : 1.81997 5,027 8,320 13,347 1 : 1.71998 5,162 8,255 13,417 1 : 1.61999 5,065 9,349 14,414 1 : 1.82000 4,900 8,072 12,972 1 : 1.62001 5,304 8,729 14,033 1 : 1.62002 5,674 8,806 14,480 1 : 1.62003 6,230 9,550 15,780 1 : 1.52004 6,527 9,550 16,077 1 : 1.52005 6,654 9,275 15,929 1 : 1.42006 6,660 9,033 15,693 1 : 1.42007 6,896 8,963 15,859 1 : 1.32008 7,368 10,109 17,477 1 : 1.42009 7,761 10,013 17,774 1 : 1.32010 7,736 9,651 17,387 1 : 1.22011 7,307 10,862 18,169 1 : 1.52012 6,983 9,667 16,650 1 : 1.42013 6,764 9,342 16,106 1 : 1.42014 6,624 8,662 15,286 1 : 1.32015 6,393 8,623 15,016 1 : 1.32016 6,329 8,692 15,021 1 : 1.4

SOURCE (prior to fall 2010): Fall semester opening reports, ER001SOURCE (fall 2010 and after): ICCB E1 file

Fall 1976 - Fall 2016


FallSemester Total Day Night Sat/Sun On-line Total Day Night Sat/Sun On-line

1981 11,474 6,622 4,701 151 -- 5,969 4,209 1,685 75 --1982 13,267 7,578 5,378 311 -- 6,723 4,649 1,938 136 --1983 13,890 8,332 5,351 207 -- 7,035 4,993 1,939 103 --1984 13,990 8,527 5,291 172 -- 6,947 4,994 1,864 90 --1985 13,719 8,313 5,237 169 -- 6,762 4,836 1,829 97 --1986 12,776 7,524 5,095 157 -- 6,480 4,539 1,869 72 --1987 12,422 6,820 5,383 219 -- 6,270 4,312 1,874 85 --1988 12,914 7,212 5,514 188 -- 6,775 4,841 1,861 73 --1989 13,590 7,341 6,001 248 -- 7,002 4,941 1,969 93 --1990 13,601 7,707 5,700 194 -- 7,244 5,138 2,017 89 --1991 13,938 8,284 5,508 146 -- 7,544 5,443 2,014 87 --1992 14,074 8,474 5,380 220 -- 7,576 5,429 2,042 104 --1993 13,826 8,254 5,354 218 -- 7,371 5,164 2,085 121 --1994 13,273 8,015 5,020 238 -- 7,186 5,041 2,028 118 --1995 12,813 7,919 4,667 227 -- 7,078 5,060 1,889 129 --1996 13,234 7,917 5,066 251 -- 7,195 5,064 1,996 135 --1997 13,347 8,098 5,025 224 -- 7,470 5,288 2,062 120 --1998 13,417 8,183 4,984 250 -- 7,596 5,387 2,053 156 --1999 14,414 9,435 4,665 314 -- 7,665 5,547 1,943 174 --2000 12,972 8,072 4,525 375 -- 7,293 5,258 1,856 180 --2001 14,033 8,594 5,070 369 -- 7,827 5,594 2,050 184 --2002 14,480 9,386 4,834 260 -- 8,286 6,024 2,112 150 --2003 15,780 10,300 5,106 374 -- 9,145 6,631 2,317 198 --2004 16,077 10,670 5,050 357 -- 9,515 6,949 2,365 201 --2005 15,929 10,872 4,739 318 -- 9,532 7,046 2,294 192 --2006 15,693 10,974 4,436 283 -- 9,447 7,091 2,189 167 --2007 15,859 11,526 4,057 276 -- 9,678 7,387 2,122 169 --2008 17,477 13,046 4,086 345 -- 10,360 7,977 2,196 187 --2009 17,774 13,332 4,096 346 -- 10,851 8,247 2,373 231 --2010 17,387 14,152 2,928 307 -- 10,846 9,555 1,212 80 --2011 18,169 15,121 2,756 292 -- 10,680 9,480 1,132 69 --2012 16,650 13,945 2,394 311 -- 10,226 9,184 958 84 --2013 16,106 13,584 2,236 286 -- 9,965 9,016 874 76 --2014 15,286 13,042 1,999 245 -- 9,651 8,816 774 61 --2015 15,016 13,122 1,638 256 -- 9,345 8,637 645 62 --2016* 15,021 11,758 2,186 194 883 9,152 7,768 893 48 443

SOURCE (Prior to 2010): Fall semester opening reports, ER001SOURCE (2010 and after): ICCB E1 File*In 2016, ICCB began including "on-line" as a time of attendance.

Headcount and FTE Census Day Enrollmentby Day, Night, Saturday/Sunday, and On-line

Fall 1981 - Fall 2016

Headcount FTE

Baccalaureate Occupational General StudiesFall Head Credit Head Credit Head Credit Head Credit

Semester Count Hours FTE Count Hours FTE Count Hours FTE Count Hours FTE

1981 5,631 49,894 3,326 4,961 37,083 2,472 406 762 51 476 1,792 1191982 7,036 59,640 3,976 5,426 39,006 2,600 3 8 1 802 2,188 1451983 7,481 63,863 4,257 5,650 39,641 2,642 3 9 1 756 2,014 1341984 8,147 68,287 4,552 4,611 32,641 2,176 0 0 0 1,232 3,281 2181985 7,484 62,969 4,197 4,829 34,780 2,318 0 0 0 1,406 3,678 2451986 4,382 39,019 2,601 6,997 54,095 3,606 1 3 0 1,396 4,075 2711987 4,861 44,566 2,971 5,884 44,943 2,996 1 3 0 1,676 4,543 3021988 5,508 51,136 3,409 5,323 40,488 2,699 40 43 3 2,043 9,959 6641989 5,820 55,244 3,683 5,207 43,116 2,874 211 230 15 2,352 6,441 4291990 5,882 54,453 3,630 6,134 48,868 3,258 136 133 9 1,449 5,206 3471991 6,261 57,173 3,812 6,374 51,301 3,420 13 13 1 1,290 4,666 3111992 6,624 60,555 4,037 6,036 48,231 3,215 0 0 0 1,414 4,857 3241993 6,829 63,054 4,204 5,614 42,762 2,851 0 0 0 1,383 4,744 3161994 6,583 61,769 4,118 5,496 41,838 2,789 0 0 0 1,194 4,188 2791995 6,309 59,662 3,977 5,107 39,815 2,654 0 0 0 1,397 6,691 4461996 5,930 57,163 3,811 5,588 43,659 2,911 0 0 0 1,716 7,098 4731997 5,901 58,140 3,876 5,714 46,124 3,075 0 0 0 1,732 7,783 5191998 6,300 63,010 4,201 5,281 42,009 2,801 0 0 0 1,836 8,923 5951999 5,712 56,898 3,793 6,952 49,060 3,270 0 0 0 1,750 9,012 6012000 4,840 49,860 3,324 6,329 51,311 3,421 0 0 0 1,803 8,231 5492001 5,443 56,828 3,788 6,564 51,600 3,440 0 0 0 2,026 8,974 5982002 6,372 66,877 4,458 6,449 51,635 3,442 0 0 0 1,659 5,778 3852003 7,574 79,424 5,295 6,306 51,204 3,414 0 0 0 1,900 6,552 4372004 8,123 85,691 5,713 6,059 50,646 3,376 0 0 0 1,895 6,390 4262005 8,300 88,290 5,886 5,850 48,546 3,236 0 0 0 1,779 6,150 4102006 8,653 91,465 6,098 5,314 44,405 2,960 0 0 0 1,726 5,833 3892007 9,173 97,366 6,491 5,062 41,528 2,769 0 0 0 1,624 6,280 4192008 10,065 104,848 6,990 5,841 45,168 3,011 0 0 0 1,571 5,388 3592009 10,627 112,190 7,479 5,775 45,954 3,063 0 0 0 1,372 4,623 3082010 11,859 114,397 7,626 4,581 44,019 2,935 0 0 0 947 4,275 2852011 11,224 105,076 7,005 6,125 50,885 3,392 0 0 0 820 4,239 2832012 10,741 103,885 6,926 4,953 45,205 3,014 0 0 0 956 4,296 2862013 10,927 107,300 7,153 4,193 38,084 2,539 0 0 0 986 4,098 2732014 10,218 101,860 6,791 3,952 38,467 2,564 0 0 0 1,116 4,438 2962015 10,260 101,585 6,772 3,540 33,751 2,250 0 0 0 1,216 4,834 3222016 11,076 106,976 7,132 2,976 26,250 1,750 0 0 0 969 4,048 270

Source (prior to 2010): Opening Reports, Composite Summary - ER001; Source (2010 & after): ICCB E1 File


Fall 1981 - Fall 2016Enrollment By Program Division at Census Day

Census Day (Opening) Enrollment

Credit Headcount Non-Credit Headcount Total Headcount Total Credit HoursSpring Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Credit Percent

Semester Students Change Students Change Students Change Hours Change

1990 12,522 -6.2% 4,007 30.3% 16,529 0.6% 95,396 0.5%1991 13,456 7.5% 4,150 3.6% 17,606 6.5% 106,434 11.6%1992 13,554 0.7% 4,256 2.6% 17,810 1.2% 108,191 1.7%1993 13,874 2.4% 3,434 -19.3% 17,308 -2.8% 108,335 0.1%1994 12,710 -8.4% 2,929 -14.7% 15,639 -9.6% 100,824 -6.9%1995 12,467 -1.9% 3,323 13.5% 15,790 1.0% 98,701 -2.1%1996 12,405 -0.5% 3,616 8.8% 16,021 1.5% 98,505 -0.2%1997 12,443 0.3% 2,973 -17.8% 15,416 -3.8% 99,930 1.4%1998 12,422 -0.2% 2,673 -10.1% 15,095 -2.1% 102,427 2.5%1999 12,874 0.4% 2,695 0.8% 15,569 3.1% 102,260 -0.2%2000 13,051 0.2% 1,911 -3.0% 14,962 -4.1% 105,305 3.7%2001 13,287 0.2% 1,838 -0.4% 15,125 1.1% 106,507 1.1%2002 14,131 6.4% 1,884 2.5% 16,015 5.9% 113,173 6.3%2003 14,750 4.4% 1,919 1.9% 16,669 4.1% 122,262 8.0%2004 15,853 7.5% 1,615 -15.8% 17,468 4.8% 132,867 8.7%2005 15,979 0.8% 1,450 -10.2% 17,429 -0.2% 138,566 4.3%2006 15,715 -1.7% 1,508 4.0% 17,223 -1.2% 134,992 -2.6%2007 16,559 5.4% 1,481 -1.8% 18,040 4.7% 138,778 2.8%2008 16,815 1.5% 1,250 -15.6% 18,065 0.1% 142,546 2.7%2009 18,130 7.8% 906 -27.5% 19,036 5.4% 151,009 5.9%2010 18,772 3.5% 1,041 14.9% 19,813 4.1% 161,126 6.7%2011 18,628 -0.8% 1,472 41.4% 20,100 1.4% 160,139 -0.6%2012 17,992 -3.4% 1,622 10.2% 19,614 -2.4% 155,051 -3.2%2013 18,171 1.0% 1,194 -26.4% 19,365 -1.3% 150,817 -2.7%2014 16,787 -7.6% 1,257 5.3% 18,044 -6.8% 143,888 -4.6%2015 15,293 -8.9% 1,623 29.1% 16,916 -6.3% 135,997 -5.5%2016 15,645 2.3% 983 -39.4% 16,628 -1.7% 135,841 -0.1%

Source: Prior to 2011- Spring semester opening reports, SCO17; 2011 - ICCB E1 File

III-10Spring 1990 - Spring 2016

Census Day (Opening) Enrollment

Credit Headcount Non-Credit Headcount Total Headcount Total Credit HoursSummer Number Of Percent Number Of Percent Number Of Percent Credit Percent

Semester Students Change Students Change Students Change Hours Change

1990 6,686 -9.0% 3,416 40.8% 10,102 3.3% 30,494 0.0%1991 7,337 9.7% 3,335 -2.4% 10,672 5.6% 33,734 10.6%1992 7,710 5.1% 3,636 9.0% 11,346 6.3% 34,932 3.5%1993 7,261 -5.8% 3,394 -6.7% 10,655 -6.1% 30,587 -12.4%1994 7,035 -3.1% 3,423 0.9% 10,458 -1.8% 29,563 -3.3%1995 7,013 -0.3% 3,664 7.0% 10,677 2.1% 29,888 1.1%1996 7,038 0.4% 3,516 -4.0% 10,554 -1.2% 29,855 -0.1%1997 7,115 1.1% 2,842 -19.2% 9,957 -5.7% 30,651 2.7%1998 7,311 2.8% 3,023 6.4% 10,334 3.8% 31,729 3.5%1999 7,302 0.1% 2,724 -9.9% 10,026 -3.0% 31,653 -0.2%2000 7,732 5.9% 2,462 -9.6% 10,194 1.7% 33,377 5.4%2001 8,072 4.4% 2,486 1.0% 10,558 3.6% 37,908 13.6%2002 8,970 11.1% 2,414 -2.9% 11,384 7.8% 39,547 4.3%2003 9,516 6.1% 1,929 -20.1% 11,445 0.5% 43,865 10.9%2004 9,908 4.1% 1,544 -20.0% 11,452 0.1% 44,836 2.2%2005 10,021 1.1% 1,470 -4.8% 11,491 0.3% 45,201 0.8%2006 9,856 -1.6% 1,698 15.5% 11,554 0.5% 45,974 1.7%2007 9,629 -2.3% 1,619 -4.7% 11,248 -2.6% 46,057 0.2%2008 10,022 4.1% 1,643 1.5% 11,665 3.7% 45,617 -1.0%2009 10,320 3.0% 1,479 -10.0% 11,799 1.1% 47,751 4.7%2010 10,034 -2.8% 1,409 -4.7% 11,443 -3.0% 47,905 0.3%2011 9,676 -3.6% 1,503 6.7% 11,179 -2.3% 46,341 -3.3%2012 8,841 -8.6% 1,346 -10.4% 10,187 -8.9% 42,350 -8.6%2013 9,092 2.8% 1,464 8.8% 10,556 3.6% 42,720 0.9%2014 8,791 -3.3% 1,500 2.5% 10,291 -2.5% 43,384 1.6%2015 8,011 -8.9% 1,532 2.1% 9,543 -7.3% 38,979 -10.2%2016 7,518 -6.2% 1,205 -21.3% 8,723 -8.6% 36,306 -6.9%

Source: Prior to 2011- Spring semester opening reports, SCO17; 2011 and after - ICCB E1 File

III-11Summer 1990 - Summer 2016

Duplicated Credit and Non-Credit Enrollment

Credit Headcount Non-Credit Headcount Total Headcount(Duplicate) (Duplicate) (Duplicate)

Fiscal Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of

Year Students Change Students Change Students Change Credit Hours Change

1988-1989 32,541 4.3% 9,994 -4.9% 42,535 2.0% 223,631 6.2% 7,454.41989-1990 33,462 2.8% 9,889 -1.1% 43,351 1.9% 230,930 3.3% 7,697.71990-1991 33,743 0.8% 11,645 17.8% 45,388 4.7% 245,587 6.3% 8,186.21991-1992 34,829 3.2% 11,544 -0.9% 46,373 2.2% 255,078 3.9% 8,502.61992-1993 35,658 2.4% 10,729 -7.1% 46,387 0.0% 256,909 0.7% 8,563.61993-1994 33,797 -5.2% 9,909 -7.6% 43,706 -5.8% 241,970 -5.8% 8,065.71994-1995 32,775 -3.0% 9,991 0.8% 42,766 -2.2% 236,059 -2.4% 7,868.61995-1996 32,231 -1.7% 10,797 8.1% 43,028 0.6% 234,560 -0.6% 7,818.71996-1997 32,715 1.5% 9,814 -9.1% 42,529 -1.2% 237,704 1.3% 7,923.51997-1998 32,884 0.5% 8,014 -18.3% 40,898 -3.8% 245,124 3.1% 8,170.81998-1999 33,480 1.8% 7,183 -10.4% 40,663 -0.6% 250,985 2.4% 8,366.21999-2000 34,767 3.8% 6,512 -9.3% 41,279 1.5% 251,927 0.4% 8,397.62000-2001 33,991 -2.2% 5,914 -9.2% 39,905 -3.3% 249,285 -1.0% 8,309.52001-2002 36,236 6.6% 6,117 3.4% 42,353 6.1% 268,482 7.7% 8,949.42002-2003 38,200 5.4% 6,150 0.5% 44,350 4.7% 286,098 6.6% 9,536.62003-2004 41,149 7.7% 5,004 -18.6% 46,153 4.1% 313,912 9.7% 10,463.72004-2005 41,964 2.0% 4,303 -14.0% 46,267 0.2% 326,128 3.9% 10,870.92005-2006 41,665 -0.7% 4,423 2.8% 46,088 -0.4% 323,179 -0.9% 10,772.62006-2007 42,108 1.1% 4,639 4.9% 46,747 1.4% 326,454 1.0% 10,881.82007-2008 42,303 0.5% 4,155 -10.4% 46,458 -0.6% 333,776 2.2% 11,125.92008-2009 45,629 7.9% 3,808 -8.4% 49,437 6.4% 352,029 5.5% 11,734.32009-2010 46,866 2.7% 3,817 0.2% 50,683 2.5% 371,643 5.6% 12,388.12010-2011 46,049 -1.7% 4,081 6.9% 50,130 -1.1% 370,735 -0.2% 12,357.82011-2012 45,799 -0.5% 4,718 15.6% 50,517 0.8% 361,591 -2.5% 12,053.02012-2013 43,662 -4.7% 4,180 -11.4% 47,842 -5.3% 347,553 -3.9% 11,585.12013-2014 41,985 -3.8% 4,219 0.9% 46,204 -3.4% 336,089 -3.3% 11,203.02014-2015 39,370 -6.2% 5,003 18.6% 44,373 -4.0% 324,145 -3.6% 10,804.82015-2016 38,672 -1.8% 4,104 -18.0% 42,776 -3.6% 314,989 -2.8% 10,499.6

Source: Prior to FY 2011- Fall semester opening reports, SC017; FY 2011 and after - ICCB E1 File

TotalCredit Hours



III-12Census Day Headcount and Credit Hours for FY 1989 - FY 2016


1994-1995 9,991 0.8% 15,700 11.0%1995-1996 10,797 8.1% 16,234 3.4%1996-1997 9,814 -9.1% 14,216 -12.4%1997-1998 8,014 -18.3% 11,428 -19.6%1998-1999 7,183 -10.4% 9,299 -18.6%1999-2000 6,512 -9.3% 8,163 -12.2%2000-2001 5,914 -9.2% 7,824 -4.2%2001-2002 6,117 3.4% 8,123 3.8%2002-2003 6,150 0.5% 8,318 2.4%2003-2004 5,004 -18.6% 6,817 -18.0%2004-2005 4,303 -14.0% 5,888 -13.6%2005-2006 4,423 2.8% 6,303 7.0%2006-2007 4,639 4.9% 6,637 5.3%2007-2008 4,155 -10.4% 5,865 -11.6%2008-2009 3,808 -8.4% 5,433 -7.4%2009-2010 3,817 0.2% 5,354 -1.5%2010-2011 4,081 6.9% 7,371 37.7%2011-2012 4,718 15.6% 7,129 -3.3%2012-2013 4,180 -11.4% 6,168 -13.5%2013-2014 4,219 0.9% 7,116 15.4%2014-2015 5,003 18.6% 7,502 5.4%2015-2016 4,104 -18.0% 6,715 -10.5%

*Duplicated Fiscal Year figures = summer (unduplicated) + fall (unduplicated) + spring (unduplicated)Source through FY 2010: SC017, starting FY 2011: Colleague database

Duplicated* Non-Credit EnrollmentCensus Day vs End-of-Term Headcount for FY 1995 - FY 2016

Number ofStudents

End-of-TermCensus Day


Number ofStudents




Number ofStudents

Number ofStudents

Number ofStudents

1996-1997 22,348 1.1% 14,255 -10.6% 36,603 -3.8%1997-1998 21,922 -1.9% 10,441 -26.8% 32,363 -11.6%1998-1999 22,226 1.4% 8,352 -20.0% 30,578 -5.5%1999-2000 25,585 15.1% 7,482 -10.4% 33,067 8.1%2000-2001 25,233 -1.4% 7,048 -5.8% 32,281 -2.4%2001-2002 26,918 6.7% 7,161 1.6% 34,079 5.6%2002-2003 27,051 0.5% 7,439 3.9% 34,490 1.2%2003-2004 27,984 3.4% 5,876 -21.0% 33,860 -1.8%2004-2005 28,886 3.2% 5,173 -12.0% 34,059 0.6%2005-2006 30,326 5.0% 5,602 8.3% 35,928 5.5%2006-2007 30,925 2.0% 5,811 3.7% 36,736 2.2%2007-2008 30,522 -1.3% 5,119 -11.9% 35,641 -3.0%2008-2009 30,174 -1.1% 4,806 -6.1% 34,980 -1.9%2009-2010 31,444 4.2% 5,514 14.7% 36,958 5.7%2010-2011 31,301 -0.5% 5,509 -0.1% 36,810 -0.4%2011-2012 33,209 6.1% 6,068 10.1% 39,277 6.7%2012-2013 29,869 -10.1% 5,438 -10.4% 35,307 -10.1%2013-2014 27,929 -6.5% 6,132 12.8% 34,061 -3.5%2014-2015 26,307 -5.8% 6,355 3.6% 32,662 -4.1%2015-2016 26,598 1.1% 5,684 -10.6% 32,282 -1.2%

*There may be some duplication due to some students taking both credit and non-credit coursesNote: Credit students includes students enrolled at any time during the fiscal year.

Sources: Credit Students - ICCB A1 File; Non-Credit Students - ICCB N1 File III-14

Total Students*


Unduplicated Headcount

Annual Unduplicated Credit and Non-Credit EnrollmentHeadcount for FY 1997 - FY 2016


Credit Students


Non-Credit Students



COLLEGE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

DuPage 24.50 25.80 25.41 25.21 24.99 27.21 27.89 27.11

Elgin 21.73 25.63 26.60 25.50 24.77 24.10 23.29 21.93

Harper 29.76 30.76 31.57 31.26 28.59 28.75 28.93 28.08

Joliet 22.95 24.61 25.08 24.55 24.84 26.81 25.06 23.64

Lake County 23.89 26.34 26.33 25.62 25.80 26.11 22.72 21.99

Morton 33.53 36.03 37.35 33.58 31.97 30.74 29.38 28.87

Oakton 23.03 25.86 25.38 23.86 24.24 23.01 22.36 20.81

Prairie State 25.04 27.32 27.08 26.85 25.41 23.73 21.42 21.97

South Suburban 29.32 26.84 23.70 24.68 22.11 19.11 15.86 15.39

Triton 48.86 49.64 47.90 43.89 42.29 34.14 35.27 35.57

Moraine Valley 43.68 44.59 43.79 44.80 40.87 39.28 37.12 36.44

State Average 27.79 29.76 29.41 29.04 27.86 27.31 26.09 24.55

Source: ICCB 2016 Data and Characteristics

Headcount per 1000 Population for Fall Semester

Proportion of District Served inInstructional Credit Programs by

Headcount for Suburban Community CollegesFall 2008 - Fall 2015


COMMUNITYCOLLEGE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

DuPage 23.0 23.1 22.8 22.7 22.2 22.0 21.6

Elgin 23.3 23.3 23.1 22.9 22.4 22.1 21.9

Harper 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.4 22.3 22.0 21.8

Joliet 21.9 22.0 21.9 21.8 20.8 20.7 20.6

Lake County 24.2 24.0 23.6 23.3 23.4 22.7 22.6

Morton 23.0 22.8 22.5 22.2 22.4 22.4 22.1

Oakton 23.9 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.1 23.0 22.8

Prairie State 23.6 23.8 23.9 23.7 22.9 22.8 22.8

South Suburban 25.8 24.6 24.4 24.3 23.3 23.1 22.9

Triton 25.1 24.9 24.4 24.1 24.0 23.3 23.2

Moraine Valley 21.5 21.4 21.7 21.5 21.3 21.3 21.1

State Average 23.4 23.3 23.1 22.9 22.6 22.3 21.9

Source: ICCB 2016 Data and Characteristics

Median Age of Moraine Valley andOther Suburban Community College Students

Fall 2009 - Fall 2015

Median Age for Fall Semester


COMMUNITYCOLLEGE 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

DuPage 0.64 0.63 0.57 0.58 0.53 0.52 0.52

Elgin 0.57 0.54 0.53 0.51 0.50 0.48 0.48

Harper 0.80 0.77 0.67 0.61 0.60 0.56 0.53

Joliet 0.77 0.78 0.72 0.63 0.53 0.54 0.55

Lake County 0.47 0.46 0.43 0.39 0.37 0.39 0.40

Morton 0.43 0.42 0.45 0.37 0.47 0.45 0.46

Oakton 0.44 0.44 0.40 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.39

Prairie State 0.63 0.70 0.64 0.62 0.65 0.63 0.51

South Suburban 0.54 0.38 0.57 0.62 0.67 0.66 0.61

Triton 0.46 0.45 0.41 0.41 0.46 0.42 0.39

Moraine Valley 0.78 0.80 0.67 0.72 0.72 0.76 0.74

State Average 0.64 0.66 0.62 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.57

Source: ICCB 2016 Data & CharacteristicsRatio = Full-time headcount divided by part-time headcount

Full-Time/Part-Time Ratiofor Suburban Community Colleges

Fall 2009 - Fall 2015

Full-time/Part-time Ratio for Fall Semester


Semester Number Percent

Fall 1990 3,469 900 25.9%Fall 1991 3,572 936 26.2%Fall 1992 3,409 852 25.0%Fall 1993 3,259 913 28.0%

Fall 1994** 3,289 1,115 33.9% Fall 1995** 3,211 1,190 37.1%

Fall 1996 3,158 1,120 35.5%Fall 1997 3,211 1,160 36.1%Fall 1998 3,321 1,180 35.5%Fall 1999 3,185 1,090 34.2%Fall 2000 3,011 1,072 35.6%Fall 2001 3,343 1,259 37.7%Fall 2002 3,637 1,348 37.1%Fall 2003 3,931 1,667 42.4%Fall 2004 3,942 1,754 44.5%Fall 2005 4,067 1,649 40.5%Fall 2006 3,927 1,457 37.1%Fall 2007 3,869 1,413 36.5%Fall 2008 4,087 1,387 33.9%Fall 2009 3,884 1,401 36.1%

Fall 2010*** 3,609 1,407 39.0%Fall 2011 3,357 1,585 47.2%Fall 2012 4,391 1,895 43.2%Fall 2013 4,217 1,791 42.5%Fall 2014 3,957 1,654 41.8%Fall 2015 3,553 1,627 45.8%Fall 2016 3,532 1,735 49.1%

Note: Totals are end-of-semesterSource: ICCB E1 file

Number and Percent of New Transfer and Occupational StudentsTaking One or More Remedial Courses

Fall 1990 to Fall 2016

**Intermediate Algebra (MTH-098/ MTH-101) became a remedial class in fall 1994. RDG-091 became mandatory in fall 1995.

***In fall 2010, ICCB changed the definition of new students to exclude highschool dual credit students and students with a Bachelor's degree or highe

*Remedial courses are: communications courses below 100 level, all reading courses, mathematics courses below 100 level, and MTH-098/ MTH-101.

Students Taking Remedial

New Students

ProgramFall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

AAT in Secondary Mathematics 1480 13 7 7 3 0 -100% -100% -100%

AAT in Secondary Science 1481 4 2 4 1 2 100% -50% -50%

AAT in Special Education 1482 22 11 11 7 3 -57% -73% -86%

ABE Beginning 1710 25 30 106 71 173 144% 63% 592%

ABE/Intermediate 1720 130 96 79 144 38 -74% -52% -71%

Addictions Studies - AAS 1314 45 54 49 42 42 0% -14% -7%

• Addictions Studies - Cert. 1321 43 34 31 16 14 -13% -55% -67%

Associate of General Studies 1427 + + + + 33 100% 100% 100%

ASE/Advanced 1830 225 259 186 232 80 -66% -57% -64%

Associate in Fine Arts -- Art 1425 124 137 167 126 171 36% 2% 38%

Associate in Fine Arts -- Art Education 1430 43 40 38 24 37 54% -3% -14%

Associate in Fine Arts -- Music 1426 + 0 12 21 38 81% 217% 100%

Automotive Technology - AAS 1277 83 100 82 94 100 6% 22% 20%

• Automotive Climate Control Tech. - Cert. 1462 2 3 3 1 0 -100% -100% -100%

• Automotive Service Advisor - Cert. 1477 + + + + 2 100% 100% 100%

• Automotive Service Technician - Cert. 1237 42 45 32 31 33 6% 3% -21%

• Brake & Chassis Technician - Cert. 1461 3 7 8 4 9 125% 13% 200%

• Drivetrain Technician - Cert. 1464 3 0 2 2 3 50% 50% 0%

• Engine Driveability Technician - Cert. 1463 1 4 4 4 0 -100% -100% -100%

Bakery and Pastry- AAS 1359 + 10 16 26 29 12% 81% 100%

• Baking/Pastry Arts - Cert. 1323 17 12 15 12 10 -17% -33% -41%

• Culinary Arts Management - Cert. 1322 12 9 14 15 11 -27% -21% -8%

Business Administration Associate - AAS 1202 274 294 326 274 187 -32% -43% -32%

• Accounting Assistant/Clerk - Cert. 1328 44 35 52 46 34 -26% -35% -23%

• Business Skills - Cert. 1423 43 30 34 22 20 -9% -41% -53%

Business Transfer 1300 321 380 392 286 371 30% -5% 16%

Child Care - AAS 1264 170 134 102 80 94 18% -8% -45%

• Before and After School Care - Cert 1474 + + + + 3 100% 100% 100%

• Infant/Toddler Level 2 - Cert. 1472 + + + + 3 100% 100% 100%

Computer Graphics Imagery - AAS 1374 + 0 11 15 22 47% 100% 100%

• Computer Graphics Associate - Cert. 1375 + + 1 0 1 100% 0% 100%

• Computer Graphics Designer - Cert. 1376 + + 12 6 5 -17% -58% 100%

ICCB Curriculum

Code1 Year

2015-162 Years2014-16

4 Years2012-16

MVCC Enrollment by ProgramFall 2012 - Fall 2016 Census Day Enrollments

% Change over:


ProgramFall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

ICCB Curriculum

Code1 Year

2015-162 Years2014-16

4 Years2012-16

MVCC Enrollment by ProgramFall 2012 - Fall 2016 Census Day Enrollments

% Change over:

• Computer Graphics Professional - Cert. 1377 + + 1 0 1 100% 0% 100%

• Computer Graphics Master - Cert. 1378 + + 1 3 2 -33% 100% 100%

• Digital Design - Cert. 1429 + + + + 3 100% 100% 100%

Computer & Local Area Network Tech - AAS 1416 42 43 53 42 52 24% -2% 24%

• Computer Support Associate - Cert 1348 -- 6 9 9 21 133% 133% 100%

• Computer Technician - Cert. 1418 38 30 36 24 24 0% -33% -37%

• LAN Technician - Cert. 1419 20 14 19 10 9 -10% -53% -55%

• Network Administrator - Cert. 1422 4 1 9 10 6 -40% -33% 50%

Criminal Justice - AAS 1260 551 442 389 298 247 -17% -37% -55%

Culinary Arts Management - AAS 1324 73 87 71 78 58 -26% -18% -21%

Digital Art/Design - AAS 1428 77 76 77 50 45 -10% -42% -42%

Electronic/Computer Controls Tech - AAS 1281 19 0 0 0 0 --- --- -100%

• Electronic Controls Technician - Cert. 1417 5 9 4 5 4 -20% 0% -20%

• Electronics Technician - Cert. 1282 27 15 15 13 9 -31% -40% -67%

Emergency Medical Services - AAS 1332 64 55 59 60 53 -12% -10% -17%

• Emergency Medical Services - Cert. 1320 115 79 70 69 56 -19% -20% -51%

ESL/Advanced 1960 16 31 47 13 27 108% -43% 69%

ESL/Beginning 1940 169 228 266 260 378 45% 42% 124%

ESL/Intermediate 1950 292 278 382 470 220 -53% -42% -25%

Fire Service Management - AAS 1262 63 30 16 22 15 -32% -6% -76%

• Fire Officer I - Cert. 1286 0 0 0 0 0 --- --- ---

Fire Service Operations - AAS 1331 54 65 54 70 64 -9% 19% 19%

Fitness Trainer - Cert. 1279 43 39 38 34 23 -32% -39% -47%

Geographic Information Systems - AAS 1371 + 0 1 1 4 300% 300% 100%

• GIS Specialist - Cert. 1372 + + 1 0 0 --- -100% ---

• GIS Technician - Cert. 1373 + + 1 0 0 --- -100% ---

• GIS Professional- Cert 1379 + + + 2 1 -50% 100% 100%

Gerontology - Cert. 1336 5 4 3 2 0 -100% -100% -100%

Health Vocations Course Enrollees 1799 671 492 568 255 9 -96% -98% -99%

Health Information Technology - AAS 1244 67 50 52 35 40 14% -23% -40%

• Coding Specialist Cert. 1431 75 72 73 59 77 31% 5% 3%

• Medical Billing - Cert. 1440 54 48 44 39 22 -44% -50% -59%

• Medical Transcription - Cert. 1432 16 13 5 4 2 -50% -60% -88%


ProgramFall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

ICCB Curriculum

Code1 Year

2015-162 Years2014-16

4 Years2012-16

MVCC Enrollment by ProgramFall 2012 - Fall 2016 Census Day Enrollments

% Change over:

Heating & Air Conditioning - Cert. 1215 75 68 62 43 33 -23% -47% -56%

• Advanced Air Conditioning Technician Cert. 1454 6 4 8 8 3 -63% -63% -50%

• Basic Air Conditioning Technician - Cert. 1453 10 11 14 9 13 44% -7% 30%

• Commercial Systems Service Tech - Cert. 1337 1 0 0 0 1 100% 100% 0%

• Electrical Troubleshooting Cert. 1452 5 6 6 8 5 -38% -17% 0%

• HAC Stationary Engineer - Cert. 1326 37 33 42 30 28 -7% -33% -24%

Homeland Security - Cert 1361 -- 13 7 6 4 -33% -43% 100%

Human Resources Management - AAS 1412 19 22 18 14 17 21% -6% -11%

• Employee Training & Development - Cert. 1413 1 2 3 2 3 50% 0% 200%

Individualized Welding - Cert. 1530 2 4 6 5 8 60% 33% 300%

Integrated Systems Technology - AAS 1403 8 9 25 24 16 -33% -36% 100%

• Industrial Controls Technician = Cert 1364 + 0 4 1 0 -100% -100% ---

• Industrial Maintenance Technician - Cert. 1368 + 1 4 5 3 -40% -25% 100%

• Plant Engineering Mechanic - Cert 1405 + + + 4 17 325% 100% 100%

• PLC Technician - Cert 1365 + 2 0 3 2 -33% 100% 100%

IT Security Specialist - AAS 1420 28 28 46 62 64 3% 39% 129%

• Network Security Associate - Cert 1360 -- 6 2 7 3 -57% 50% 100%

• Network Security Specialist - Cert. 1424 6 7 6 6 8 33% 33% 33%

Liberal Arts Transfer 1280 4,044 3,949 4,396 4,041 3,778 -7% -14% -7%

Low Adult Secondary Education ASE 1825 3 3 0 0 0 --- --- -100%

Mammography Technology - Cert 1346 -- 1 0 0 0 --- --- ---

Management Information Systems - AAS 1206 66 54 29 31 38 23% 31% -42%

• Android Developer - Cert. 1347 -- 1 0 0 1 100% 100% 100%

• Associate Database Administrator - Cert 1345 + 1 4 2 5 150% 25% 100%

• C++ Programmer - Cert. 1459 0 0 0 0 0 --- --- ---

• C# Programmer - Cert. 1466 7 4 4 6 2 -67% -50% -71%

• Database Administrator Skills - Cert. 1381 + 0 1 2 2 0% 100% 100%

• E-Commerce Assistant Cert. 1460 0 0 1 0 0 --- -100% ---

• iOS Developer - Cert. 1343 + 1 0 1 0 -100% --- ---

• iOS Programmer - Cert. 1383 + 0 0 0 0 --- --- ---

• Java Programmer - Cert. 1458 1 4 5 7 5 -29% 0% 400%

• Microsoft Application Developer - Cert. 1313 0 0 0 0 0 --- --- ---

• Mobile Application Developer - Cert. 1385 + 0 2 3 2 -33% 0% 100%

• Multimedia Designer - Cert. 1342 4 5 3 1 2 100% -33% -50%


ProgramFall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

ICCB Curriculum

Code1 Year

2015-162 Years2014-16

4 Years2012-16

MVCC Enrollment by ProgramFall 2012 - Fall 2016 Census Day Enrollments

% Change over:

• PHP Programmer - Cert. 1344 + 0 1 0 0 --- -100% ---

• Programming Skills - Cert. 1382 + 0 1 2 6 200% 500% 100%

• RPG Programmer - Cert. 1233 0 0 0 0 0 --- --- ---

• Small Database Administrator - Cert. 1380 + 0 1 0 2 100% 100% 100%

• Software Developer Cert. 1305 16 13 11 10 10 0% -9% -38%

• Visual Basic.NET Prog.- Cert. 1457 1 1 2 1 2 100% 0% 100%

• Website Designer - Cert. 1434 8 11 9 4 6 50% -33% -25%

• Website Developer - Cert. 1433 14 9 5 4 4 0% -20% -71%

Marketing & Management - AAS 1238 41 36 55 33 26 -21% -53% -37%

Massage Therapy - Cert. 1249 68 57 50 35 30 -14% -40% -56%

Mechanical Design Technology - AAS 1221 32 15 13 13 21 62% 62% -34%

• 3-D CAD Specialist - Cert. 1439 7 8 7 4 4 0% -43% -43%

• 3D Parametric Modeling - Cert. 1339 0 0 0 1 2 100% 100% 100%

• Architectural CAD - Cert. 1436 21 19 25 10 11 10% -56% -48%

• AutoCAD Specialist - Cert 1363 + 1 4 6 2 -67% -50% 100%

• CAD Programming/Management - Cert. 1437 8 6 6 7 2 -71% -67% -75%

• Computer Animation - Cert. 1438 25 15 13 9 5 -44% -62% -80%

• Fluid Power Technician - Cert. 1367 + + + + 1 100% 100% 100%

• Mechanical CAD Specialist - Cert. 2102 7 5 3 3 1 -67% -67% -86%

• Mechanical Design Associate - Cert 1362 + 2 4 0 2 -100% -50% 100%

• Mechanical Driver Technician - Cert. 1366 + + + + 2 100% 100% 100%

• Mechanical Drafting Associate - Cert. 1220 9 4 4 2 2 0% -50% -78%

Mechanical & Fluid Power Maintenance - Cert. 1275 9 9 9 4 7 75% -22% -22%

Mechatronics Technology - AAS 1338 3 7 7 8 9 13% 29% 200%

Medical Assistant - Cert. 1455 142 150 140 126 110 -13% -21% -23%

Multi-Process Welding - Cert. 1532 3 8 4 3 3 0% -25% 0%

Nursing - AAS 1246 173 157 134 162 182 12% 36% 5%

• Licensed Practical Nurse - Cert. 1335 12 9 3 1 0 -100% -100% -100%

Office Systems & Applications - AAS 1257 31 29 24 18 24 33% 0% -23%

• Administrative Assistant - Cert. 1315 12 19 14 10 7 -30% -50% -42%

• Data Entry - Cert. 1317 3 8 4 2 2 0% -50% -33%

• Graphics & Desktop Publishing - Cert. 1312 2 3 3 3 1 -67% -67% -50%

• Help Desk Specialist - Cert. 1311 1 0 0 1 0 -100% --- -100%

• Legal Office Assistant - Cert. 1316 18 11 11 7 6 -14% -45% -67%


ProgramFall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

ICCB Curriculum

Code1 Year

2015-162 Years2014-16

4 Years2012-16

MVCC Enrollment by ProgramFall 2012 - Fall 2016 Census Day Enrollments

% Change over:

• Medical Secretary - Cert. 1318 9 11 8 9 6 -33% -25% -33%

• Microsoft Office Specialist - Cert. 1456 6 7 6 4 6 50% 0% 0%

• Receptionist/Office Assistant - Cert. 1214 8 7 7 5 8 60% 14% 0%

Paraprofessional Educator - AAS 1470 21 21 17 13 12 -8% -29% -43%

• Paraprofessional Educator - Cert. 1270 31 16 12 12 5 -58% -58% -84%

Phlebotomy - Cert. 1306 60 41 59 38 46 21% -22% -23%

Pipe Welding - Cert. 1531 4 6 3 3 5 67% 67% 25%

Polysomnography Technologist - Cert. 1441 23 16 3 0 1 100% -67% -96%

Radiologic Technology - AAS 1240 79 56 59 68 39 -43% -34% -51%

Recreation Management - AAS 1261 9 11 13 15 13 -13% 0% 44%

Recreation Therapy - AAS 1259 19 9 13 16 13 -19% 0% -32%

Respiratory Therapy Technology - AAS 1241 54 51 56 50 50 0% -11% -7%

Restaurant/Hotel Management - AAS 1256 26 24 19 22 22 0% 16% -15%

• Beverage Management - Cert. 1414 1 1 1 0 3 -100% 200% 200%

• Restaurant/Hotel Management - Cert. 1254 11 7 2 1 2 100% 0% -82%

Science Transfer 1330 2,589 3,061 3,113 3,766 4,423 17% 42% 71%

Security Services - Cert. 1307 17 19 6 5 2 -60% -67% -88%

Service Vocations Course Enrollees 4499 345 218 25 310 241 -22% 864% -30%

Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Cert. 1529 7 2 2 7 4 -43% 100% -43%

Sign Language Interpretation 1369 + 4 34 39 35 -10% 3% 100%

Sleep Technology - AAS 1370 + + 18 24 22 -8% 22% 100%

Small Business Management - AAS 1411 11 17 11 23 13 -43% 18% 18%

Stationary Engineer - AAS 1329 55 81 74 83 68 -18% -8% 24%

Supply Chain Management - Cert. 1319 9 11 6 5 3 -40% -50% -67%

Transfer Course Enrollee10101 3,581 3,340 2,078 1,985 2,253 14% 8% -37%

Travel Business Management- AAS 1288 19 18 15 22 26 18% 73% 37%

• Meeting Planner - Cert. 1465 10 13 14 6 4 -33% -71% -60%

• Travel-Tourism - Cert. 1289 14 15 9 8 6 -25% -33% -57%

Voc Agricultural Course Enrollees 0199 1 0 0 0 0 --- --- -100%

Voc Business Course Enrollees 0201 113 28 12 6 3 -50% -75% -97%

Voc Business and Office Course Enrollees 0799 0 0 3 1 1 0% -67% 100%

Voc Constr Trades Course Enrollees 0207 0 1 3 1 0 -100% -100% ---

Voc Eng. Tech Course Enrollees 0203 68 33 12 5 5 0% -58% -93%

Voc Marketing Course Enrollees 0899 -- 1 0 0 0 --- --- ---


ProgramFall 2012

Fall 2013

Fall 2014

Fall 2015

Fall 2016

ICCB Curriculum

Code1 Year

2015-162 Years2014-16

4 Years2012-16

MVCC Enrollment by ProgramFall 2012 - Fall 2016 Census Day Enrollments

% Change over:

Voc Media Course Enrollees 0202 24 8 5 2 1 -50% -80% -96%

0206 1 0 2 0 0 --- -100% -100%

Voc Science Tech Course Enrollees 0205 -- -- -- -- 1 100% 100% 100%

Voc Skills in Business Occ 1614 + + 1 0 0 --- -100% ---

Voc Skills in Tech Occ 1616 2 1 5 0 0 --- -100% -100%

Voc Skills in Trade & Industrl Occ 1617 12 9 16 4 0 -100% -100% -100%

Vocational Skills General 1600 26 30 19 16 11 -31% -42% -58%

Vocational Skills Health Occ 1607 56 21 9 6 9 50% 0% -84%

Voice and Data Specialist - AAS 1435 2 4 7 5 4 -20% -43% 100%

• Cisco Network Associate Cert. 1447 9 17 14 11 8 -27% -43% -11%

• Cisco Network Professional Cert. 1448 6 8 6 2 3 50% -50% -50%

• Microsoft Professional - Cert. 1446 2 0 0 2 1 -50% 100% -50%

Welding, Advanced - Cert. 1229 26 24 22 28 21 -25% -5% -19%

Welding, Combination - Cert. 1230 46 47 42 26 27 4% -36% -41%

Total 16,650 16,106 15,286 15,016 15,021 0% -2% -10%

+Curriculum was added after this semester

Source: Annual PASS reports

Voc Protective Ser Course Enrollees

1Due to several factors related to the Colleague implementation, more students were assigned the Transfer Course enrollee curriculum (major/program) than in previous years.



Liberal Arts

Fall 2012 Fall 2013

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Sections Hours Sections Hours

ANT 6 288 7 363 8 342 5 240 8 282

ARB 6 496 6 472 6 424 6 452 6 508

ART 63 2,833 56 2,430 48 2,142 42 1,923 42 1,851

ASL -- -- 2 129 15 498 16 549 17 513

COL 143 3,056 139 2,974 132 2,741 121 2,608 130 2,684

COM 139 11,388 133 11,216 133 10,907 136 10,146 131 10,147

COM-speech 62 4,017 57 3,927 57 3,882 56 3,885 55 3,924

ECO 30 2,427 30 2,421 30 2,475 30 2,448 30 2,481

ECE -- -- -- -- -- -- 14 412 13 411

EDU-College 16 493 15 633 13 513 15 522 13 487

FRE 5 304 5 252 5 228 5 212 5 188

GEO 10 789 11 807 11 642 10 666 10 654

GER 4 92 2 32 0 0 0 0 -- --

HDV 17 450 17 524 17 542 17 562 16 502

HIS 45 2,496 42 2,472 38 2,301 35 2,112 34 2,085

HUM 60 4,875 64 5,121 65 5,154 63 5,163 61 4,800

JRN 3 159 2 96 2 138 3 171 2 144

LIT 20 1,125 24 1,122 22 1,077 19 990 20 942

MUS 89 1,645 101 1,690 89 1,612 93 1,464 90 1,555

PHI 53 3,516 48 3,318 44 3,222 46 3,582 47 3,354

PSC 22 1,197 21 1,083 20 1,134 19 1,059 22 1,290

PSY-College 117 9,213 111 8,625 110 8,121 103 7,917 101 7,929

PSY-Sheriffs/IDOC 1 132 1 87 2 297 2 330 1 114

SOC-College 45 3,645 48 3,744 51 3,864 48 3,720 50 3,783

SPA 21 1,399 19 1,219 17 1,140 17 953 14 898

SWK 1 51 2 87 1 60 1 69 1 60

THE 20 1,212 18 1,179 19 1,167 18 1,092 18 1,233

Total 998 57,298 981 56,023 955 54,623 940 53,247 937 52,819

Note: COM is split into communications courses and speech; PSY are split into sheriff's/IDOC sections and non-sheriff's (college) and

psychology counseling (PSY-100 and PSY-111). Beginning fall 2011, PSY-counseling became HDV.

Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DayFall 2012 - Fall 2016

Fall 2014

Credit Hours

Fall 2015 Fall 2016


Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DayFall 2012 - Fall 2016

Science & Business

Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours

BIO 98 11,572 104 11,581 100 10,960 91 9,962 96 10,541

BUS 78 4,462 81 5,112 67 4,638 67 4,610 60 4,073

CGI -- -- -- -- 7 200 11 287 12 336

CHM 47 5,362 47 5,165 46 4,823 43 4,522 43 4,787

CSC 3 204 3 186 4 258 5 345 5 345

EAS 19 2,140 18 1,844 18 1,940 17 1,704 17 1,800

EGN 1 33 1 51 1 54 1 54 1 54

ELT 10 405 12 405 15 413 12 323 12 455

GEL 4 320 4 264 3 216 3 204 3 272

GIS -- -- -- -- 4 63 4 43 -- --

IMM 4 183 6 186 5 225 7 239 7 250

IMS 35 1,409 33 1,554 39 1,829 42 2,220 48 3,072

IST 1 54 1 36 2 57 1 21 2 39

LAN 48 2,204 55 2,430 64 2,906 61 2,622 62 2,720

LSC 10 323 9 353 8 189 9 236 6 159

MDT 24 623 17 491 17 541 22 703 20 606

MIS 19 882 23 942 22 926 22 852 20 879

MTH 114 10,818 113 11,110 116 10,927 111 10,865 109 10,390

NAT 16 1,720 16 1,532 15 1,400 15 1,400 12 1,396

OSA 41 1,057 31 936 31 916 29 866 26 1,023

PHS 7 672 8 824 8 836 8 592 7 632

PHY 15 1,317 15 1,380 13 1,219 13 1,173 13 1,180

RTM 22 1,167 28 1,234 23 955 23 1,260 27 1,602

Total 616 46,927 625 47,616 628 46,491 617 45,103 608 46,611

Science & Business-Combinations

ELT, LAN 58 2,609 67 2,835 79 3,319 73 2,945 74 3,175

IMS, MIS, OSA 95 3,348 87 3,432 92 3,671 93 3,938 94 4,974

Total 153 5,957 154 6,267 171 6,990 166 6,883 168 8,149


Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DayFall 2012 - Fall 2016

Public Service

Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours

ADC-College 20 783 20 758 20 622 14 430 14 467

ADC-Sheriffs/IDOC 3 355 2 280 2 297 2 330 -- --

CCA 16 801 16 687 16 618 0 0 -- --

CRJ-College 49 2,890 54 3,061 48 2,845 42 2,591 39 2,335

CRJ-Sheriffs/IDOC 4 487 3 367 4 594 8 840 13 430

EMS 14 2,324 12 1,820 11 1,692 11 1,474 11 1,130

FIS 22 589 11 461 11 350 11 347 10 316

PEH-College 51 1,915 51 1,810 45 1,710 34 1,395 35 1,304

PEH-Sheriffs/IDOC 1 132 1 87 2 297 2 327 2 156

REC 7 246 7 178 8 201 5 228 5 183

SLP-College 7 166 6 146 4 41 6 55 5 62

SLP-Sheriffs/IDOC 8 863 6 646 8 1,089 8 1,210 4 418

THR 5 39 2 4 4 94 3 60 4 64

Total 207 11,590 191 10,305 183 10,450 146 9,287 142 6,865

Note: ADC, CRJ, PEH and SLP prefixes are split into sheriff's/IDOC sections and non-sheriff's (college).

Allied Health

GRN 2 121 2 71 2 44 0 0 -- --

MAS 9 273 9 257 9 210 8 243 8 135

MOA 11 476 12 404 8 366 9 430 8 170

MRT 50 3,051 48 2,587 40 2,245 32 2,071 33 2,040

PHB 8 472 8 436 8 465 8 444 8 352

PSG 3 180 3 168 3 162 5 176 5 164

RAD 18 796 13 537 13 552 17 461 15 450

RES 7 472 7 439 7 447 7 437 7 426

Total 108 5,841 102 4,899 90 4,491 86 4,262 84 3,737


HS8/HSC 13 1,245 13 1,246 12 1,043 9 890 9 757

NUR 72 1,996 69 1,684 72 1,555 67 1,710 69 1,773

Total 85 3,241 82 2,930 84 2,598 76 2,600 78 2,530


Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DayFall 2012 - Fall 2016


Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours Sections Hours

AUT 28 1,313 29 1,423 25 1,260 26 1,244 26 1,336

EGN 1 42 1 45 1 42 1 42 1 39

HAC 19 1,601 21 1,814 26 1,774 27 1,618 24 1,201

WLD 33 975 36 1,010 26 671 36 701 29 756

Total 81 3,931 87 4,292 78 3,747 90 3,605 80 3,332


AB1 22 1,272 20 915 15 957 14 1,185 15 837

EN1 49 1,539 53 1,992 50 2,466 49 2,355 47 1,944

GE1 16 798 24 981 15 735 12 891 11 573

Total 87 3,609 97 3,888 80 4,158 75 4,431 73 3,354

Developmental Education

COM-College 42 3,066 41 2,734 40 2,439 45 2,683 49 3,010

COS 3 66 4 171 3 123 3 106 3 90

MTH* 123 11,865 121 11,737 115 10,839 110 10,242 112 10,626

RDG 52 3,372 49 2,711 42 2,306 39 2,109 38 2,070

Total 220 18,369 215 17,353 200 15,707 197 15,140 202 15,796

Note: COM prefixes are split into sheriff's/IDOC sections (COM-105) and non-sheriff's (college).

IELP - Intensive English Language Program

IEL 45 1,972 42 1,839 45 2,210 44 2,155 42 2,038

Total 45 1,972 42 1,839 45 2,210 44 2,155 42 2,038


TDL 6 109 5 83 4 46 6 80 5 47

Total 6 109 5 83 4 46 6 80 5 47

Source: Annual PASS reports


Liberal Arts

Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours

ANT 8 411 8 399 8 321 6 303 7 285

ARB 6 448 6 496 6 472 6 504 6 472

ART 70 3,042 66 2,881 67 2,744 47 2,134 49 2,016

ASL -- -- -- -- 7 372 17 513 20 531

COL 52 1,031 51 1,010 48 848 47 844 48 842

COM 141 10,398 137 10,199 137 9,771 124 8,909 132 9,041

COM-speech 58 3,609 57 3,639 54 3,441 55 3,423 55 3,504

ECE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12 428

ECO 33 2,472 32 2,349 29 2,166 28 2,298 29 2,400

EDU-College 21 845 17 675 14 669 13 616 15 603

FRE 5 352 5 356 5 292 5 216 6 280

GEO 9 804 10 708 10 723 10 570 12 834

GER 3 80 2 56 1 24 0 0 0 0

HDV 18 436 16 378 17 372 14 350 13 328

HIS 54 3,036 44 2,505 43 2,262 37 2,067 33 1,824

HUM 64 5,088 59 4,728 56 4,740 61 5,004 62 4,743

JRN 3 174 3 192 3 147 2 147 2 162

LIT 25 1,440 23 1,323 21 1,287 22 1,182 23 1,098

MUS 94 1,493 98 1,521 99 1,394 100 1,484 105 1,440

PHI 53 3,912 49 3,516 47 3,012 44 2,940 48 3,366

PSC 24 1,269 22 1,365 22 1,239 19 1,128 16 1,131

PSY-College 122 9,231 123 9,000 121 8,784 112 8,016 100 7,449

PSY-Sheriffs/IDOC 3 306 1 150 2 210 1 141 2 285

SOC-College 53 4,122 49 3,849 52 4,062 50 3,921 49 3,690

SPA 25 1,917 23 1,390 20 1,163 17 1,164 16 914

SWK 2 105 2 96 1 72 1 69 1 63

THE 17 1,140 20 1,150 18 1,086 19 1,023 20 1,185

Total 963 57,161 923 53,931 908 51,673 857 48,966 881 48,914

Note:COM is split into communications courses and speech; PSY are split into sheriff's/IDOC sections and non-sheriff's

(college) and psychology-counseling (PSY-100 and PSY-111). Beginning spring 2012, PSY-counseling became HDV.

Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DaySpring 2012 - Spring 2016


Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DaySpring 2012 - Spring 2016

Science & Business

Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours

BIO 91 10,206 91 10,351 91 10,349 93 9,600 88 9,526

BUS 98 5,376 90 5,374 79 5,059 66 4,677 62 4,448

CGI -- -- -- -- 6 151 14 355 16 438

CHM 48 5,403 47 5,175 45 4,978 43 4,549 42 4,738

CSC 3 174 4 231 4 246 4 255 6 372

EAS 21 2,040 21 2,000 19 1,764 18 1,768 16 1,672

EGN 1 36 1 45 1 90 1 57 1 69

ELT 22 928 28 1,209 32 1,043 21 902 16 786

GEL 5 472 5 332 4 316 3 216 4 448

GIS -- -- -- -- 3 19 3 21 2 27

IMM 2 84 4 149 8 160 9 299 8 303

IMS 49 1,944 45 1,822 41 1,930 40 2,041 40 2,231

IST 7 126 1 24 2 54 1 18 1 30

LAN 77 3,182 81 3,386 81 3,632 90 4,348 80 3,722

LSC 14 362 11 279 11 318 8 145 12 252

MDT 50 1,456 46 1,317 43 1,300 43 1,617 37 1,578

MIS 28 1,060 27 1,133 26 1,115 31 1,126 25 828

MTH 121 10,236 111 10,232 114 10,006 108 9,845 110 10,112

NAT 15 1,520 14 1,412 14 1,360 16 1,400 15 1,492

OSA 52 1,937 52 2,018 49 1,764 38 1,312 40 1,513

PHS 9 830 10 887 9 840 11 936 9 940

PHY 16 1,356 16 1,328 15 1,361 16 1,397 15 1,485

RTM 58 2,405 50 2,506 50 2,281 21 854 25 1,545

Total 787 51,133 755 51,210 747 50,136 698 47,738 670 48,555

Science & Business-Combinations

ELT, LAN 99 4,110 109 4,595 113 4,675 111 5,250 96 4,508

IMS, MIS, OSA 129 4,941 124 4,973 116 4,809 109 4,479 105 4,572

Total 228 9,051 233 9,568 229 9,484 220 9,729 201 9,080


Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DaySpring 2012 - Spring 2016

Public Service

Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours

ADC-College 17 750 17 788 16 650 16 614 14 544

ADC-Sherriffs 4 345 2 762 3 500 1 147 2 288

CCA 34 1,394 33 1,481 34 1,492 16 673 0 0

CRJ-College 44 3,012 49 2,896 49 2,749 59 3,259 45 2,608

CRJ-Sherriffs 7 648 3 912 5 710 2 282 14 914

EMS 11 1,718 11 1,201 9 1,264 12 1,672 12 1,286

FIS-College 15 334 12 243 11 251 8 169 14 229

PEH-College 51 1,994 52 1,957 45 1,732 43 1,847 34 1,382

PEH-Sherriffs 3 306 1 150 2 210 1 138 3 338

REC 11 321 9 218 11 266 11 302 9 313

SLP-College 5 85 5 59 5 91 9 255 4 39

SLP-Sherriffs 14 1,217 6 1,434 10 1,304 4 517 8 1,045

THR 2 4 3 29 0 0 0 0 3 63

Total 218 12,128 203 12,130 200 11,219 182 9,875 162 9,049

Note: ADC, CRJ, PEH and SLP prefixes are split into sheriff's/IDOC sections and non-sheriff's (college).

Allied Health

GRN -- -- 2 135 2 48 2 30 1 3

MAS 8 261 9 281 9 239 8 222 7 116

MOA 13 628 14 542 14 531 13 422 14 420

MRT 50 2,935 47 2,711 39 2,398 37 2,303 30 1,951

PHB 11 468 11 447 9 454 10 404 9 429

PSG 2 136 2 112 2 136 2 120 4 156

RAD 16 726 16 644 18 517 16 513 18 477

RES 9 502 9 480 10 462 9 380 9 353

Total 109 5,656 110 5,352 103 4,785 97 4,394 92 3,905


HS8/HSC 13 1,346 13 1,315 13 1,273 10 1,034 10 1,063

NUR 73 2,028 71 1,959 73 1,715 70 1,677 67 1,654

Total 86 3,374 84 3,274 86 2,988 80 2,711 77 2,717


Number of Sections Offered and Credit Hours per Course Prefix at Census DaySpring 2012 - Spring 2016


Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016

Course Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit

Prefix Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours Sects Hours

AUT 40 1,662 41 1,676 35 1,538 35 1,732 35 1,786

EGN 1 45 1 51 1 45 1 45 1 48

HAC 21 1,500 20 1,719 23 1,935 25 1,692 29 1,525

WLD 34 1,042 36 1,060 35 1,003 31 822 36 852

Total 96 4,249 98 4,506 94 4,521 92 4,291 101 4,211


AB1 21 1,101 26 1,140 20 906 13 1,020 14 1,014

EN1 56 2,244 51 2,235 53 2,205 53 2,385 47 2,475

GE1 21 822 21 1,035 17 603 13 870 13 963

Total 98 4,167 98 4,410 90 3,714 79 4,275 74 4,452

Developmental Education

COM-College 38 2,263 36 2,038 31 1,691 29 1,499 36 1,757

COS 2 36 3 45 4 114 3 85 2 45

MTH 105 9,921 105 9,567 103 8,986 99 8,409 96 8,349

RDG 41 1,955 43 2,115 37 1,660 37 1,403 33 1,351

Total 186 14,175 187 13,765 175 12,451 168 11,396 167 11,502

IELP - Intensive English Language Program

IEL 47 2,091 45 1,898 44 1,944 41 2,020 43 2,286

Total 47 2,091 45 1,898 44 1,944 41 2,020 43 2,286


TDL 6 82 2 12 6 99 6 64 6 73

Total 6 82 2 12 6 99 6 64 6 73

Source: Annual PASS reports



Fall 12to

Fall 13

Fall 13to

Fall 14

Fall 14to

Fall 15

Fall 15to

Fall 16

All students 61% 62% 62% 64%

By enrollment statusFull-time 69% 70% 70% 72%Part-time 53% 55% 54% 55%

By genderFemale 62% 64% 63% 66%Male 60% 61% 61% 62%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 58% 57% 59% 65%Asian 66% 67% 68% 66%Black/African American 48% 51% 50% 54%Hispanic 65% 67% 64% 66%White 62% 63% 63% 64%

Foreign residence 69% 66% 76% 69%

By ageRecent high school graduate 73% 74% 74% 74%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 64% 65% 64% 66%25+ 54% 57% 57% 58%

Students taking any developmental course 63% 65% 64% 67%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month beforeclasses began 68% 70% 69% 70%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 58% 59% 58% 59%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 50% 55% 48% 55%Registered first week of classes or later 37% 47% 36% 37%

Enrollment typeFirst-time college freshmen 65% 67% 65% 67%First-time at MVCC, attended another college 47% 47% 52% 51%All other (e.g. not first-time, not college-level) 61% 62% 62% 64%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 58% 59% 56% 58%Planning to pursue a certificate 59% 60% 65% 60%Planning to pursue a degree 63% 65% 65% 67%

Students using Disability Services 68% 70% 66% 70%

* Note: these across-year retention rates count graduates as "retained."

Across-Year Retention* Rates for All Students



Fall 12 to

Fall 13

Fall 13 to

Fall 14

Fall 14to

Fall 15

Fall 15to

Fall 16

All full-time students 69% 70% 70% 72%

By genderFemale 71% 72% 72% 75%Male 68% 68% 68% 68%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 61% 62% 63% 74%Asian 73% 79% 84% 73%Black/African American 49% 54% 51% 61%Hispanic 70% 74% 70% 73%White 72% 71% 73% 73%

Foreign residence 68% 66% 75% 69%

By ageRecent high school graduate 76% 77% 77% 76%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 70% 71% 70% 72%25+ 64% 65% 69% 69%

F-t students taking any developmental course 66% 69% 68% 70%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month beforeclasses began 73% 75% 74% 76%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 66% 68% 66% 64%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 55% 63% 53% 63%Registered first week of classes or later 42% 54% 48% 38%

Enrollment typeFirst-time college freshmen 72% 73% 72% 74%First-time at MVCC, attended another college 54% 59% 63% 61%All other (e.g. not first-time, not college-level) 69% 69% 70% 71%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 70% 70% 69% 70%Planning to pursue a certificate 66% 66% 74% 70%Planning to pursue a degree 70% 70% 71% 72%

F-t students using Disability Services 72% 72% 58% 69%

* Note: these across-year retention rates count graduates as "retained."

Across-Year Retention* Rates for Full-Time Students



Fall 12to

Fall 13

Fall 13to

Fall 14

Fall 14to

Fall 15

Fall 15to

Fall 16

All part-time students 53% 55% 54% 55%

By genderFemale 55% 57% 54% 57%Male 51% 52% 54% 54%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 52% 49% 50% 54%Asian 57% 50% 53% 58%Black/African American 46% 48% 47% 47%Hispanic 58% 58% 57% 59%White 53% 56% 54% 55%

Foreign residence 77% 69% 92% NR

By ageRecent high school graduate 59% 61% 56% 61%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 54% 54% 53% 55%25+ 52% 55% 54% 55%

P-t students taking any developmental course 58% 60% 59% 60%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month beforeclasses began 59% 62% 61% 61%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 52% 52% 51% 55%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 48% 50% 46% 50%Registered first week of classes or later 37% 43% 34% 36%

Enrollment typeFirst-time college freshmen 47% 50% 44% 46%First-time at MVCC, attended another college 41% 37% 42% 43%All other (e.g. not first-time, not college-level) 55% 57% 56% 58%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 47% 48% 45% 47%Planning to pursue a certificate 56% 58% 61% 55%Planning to pursue a degree 57% 59% 58% 60%

P-t students using Disability Services 64% 69% 64% 71%

*Note: these across-year retention rates count graduates as "retained."

*NR = n<10

Across-Year Retention* Rates for Part-Time Students



Fall 12to

Fall 13

Fall 13to

Fall 14

Fall 14to

Fall 15

Fall 15to

Fall 16

First-time students 65% 67% 65% 67%

By enrollment statusFull-time 72% 73% 72% 74%Part-time 47% 50% 44% 46%

By genderFemale 66% 69% 66% 69%Male 65% 65% 64% 65%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 50% 62% 58% 66%Asian 66% 72% 84% 69%Black/African American 38% 44% 39% 50%Hispanic 68% 69% 63% 64%White 69% 70% 70% 70%

Foreign residence 72% 83% 67% 77%

By ageRecent high school graduate 74% 74% 74% 74%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 67% 68% 67% 69%25+ 47% 51% 47% 44%

Students taking any developmental course 65% 68% 67% 69%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month beforeclasses began 71% 74% 71% 72%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 58% 63% 58% 57%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 48% 58% 45% 55%Registered first week of classes or later 37% 56% 27% 35%

Students' degree objectiveNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 65% 65% 60% 63%Planning to pursue a certificate 55% 54% 61% 54%Planning to pursue a degree 67% 69% 68% 70%

Students using Disability Services 71% NR NR NR

* Note: these across-year retention rates count graduates as "retained."** First-time is defined as new to higher education and a high school graduateNR=Not Reported (n<10)

Across-Year Retention* Rates for First-Time** Students



Fall 12to

Fall 13

Fall 13to

Fall 14

Fall 14to

Fall 15

Fall 15to

Fall 16

First-time full-time students 72% 73% 72% 74%

By genderFemale 73% 75% 74% 77%Male 71% 72% 71% 71%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 52% 68% 59% 69%Asian 77% 80% 93% 77%Black/African American 41% 49% 42% 59%Hispanic 70% 76% 68% 69%White 78% 77% 79% 77%

Foreign residence 72% 83% 68% 77%

By ageRecent high school graduate 76% 77% 77% 76%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 72% 74% 73% 75%25+ 57% 58% 59% 52%

F-t students taking any developmental course 68% 71% 69% 72%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 76% 79% 75% 80%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 62% 69% 69% 62%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 53% 64% 54% 66%Registered first week of classes or later 37% 64% 67% 38%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 75% 74% 73% 75%Planning to pursue a certificate 65% 60% 78% 63%Planning to pursue a degree 70% 74% 72% 74%

F-t students using Disability Services 71% NR NR NR

* Note: these across-year retention rates count graduates as "retained."

** First-time is defined as new to higher education and a high school graduate

NR= Not reported (n<10)

Across-Year Retention* Rates for First-Time** Full-Time Students



Fall 12to

Fall 13

Fall 13to

Fall 14

Fall 14to

Fall 15

Fall 15to

Fall 16

First-time part-time students 47% 50% 44% 46%

By genderFemale 47% 53% 44% 47%Male 48% 47% 44% 46%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian NR NR NR NRAsian 33% 41% 62% 39%Black/African American 32% 35% 32% 35%Hispanic 61% 50% 48% 50%White 46% 54% 45% 49%

Foreign residence NR NR NR NR

By ageRecent high school graduate 59% 61% 57% 61%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 49% 50% 45% 47%25+ 43% 49% 43% 41%

P-t students taking any developmental course 55% 58% 56% 56%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month beforeclasses began 48% 54% 52% 47%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 51% 48% 44% 47%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 45% 49% 37% 45%Registered first week of classes or later 37% 43% 20% 33%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 41% 44% 34% 37%Planning to pursue a certificate 47% 49% 45% 44%Planning to pursue a degree 53% 55% 52% 54%

P-t students using Disability Services 71% NR NR NR

*Note: These across-year retention rates count graduates as "retained."** First-time is defined as new to higher education and a high school graduateNR= Not reported (n<10)

Across-Year Retention* Rates for First-Time** Part-Time Students



Fall 12to

Sprg 13

Fall 13to

Sprg 14

Fall 14to

Sprg 15

Fall 15to

Sprg 16

All students 77% 77% 78% 79%

By enrollment statusFull-time 87% 86% 87% 87%Part-time 68% 68% 68% 69%

By genderFemale 78% 78% 78% 79%Male 77% 76% 77% 78%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 83% 84% 72% 81%Asian 81% 80% 79% 81%Black/African American 72% 72% 74% 74%Hispanic 78% 77% 79% 79%White 78% 78% 78% 79%

Foreign residence 85% 90% 90% 82%

By ageRecent high school graduate 89% 87% 88% 88%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 81% 80% 80% 81%25+ 70% 72% 71% 70%

Students taking any developmental course 83% 82% 83% 84%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 83% 84% 84% 84%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 74% 75% 74% 76%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 69% 71% 64% 68%Registered first week of classes or later 51% 63% 54% 56%

Enrollment typeFirst-time college freshmen 84% 83% 83% 83%First-time at MVCC, attended another college 71% 70% 74% 73%All other (e.g. not first-time, not college-level) 76% 76% 76% 77%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 76% 74% 74% 74%Planning to pursue a certificate 74% 73% 77% 75%Planning to pursue a degree 79% 80% 80% 82%

Students using Disability Services 83% 83% 75% 80%* Note: these across-term retention rates count graduates as "retained."

Across-Term Retention* Rates for All Students



Fall 12to

Sprg 13

Fall 13to

Sprg 14

Fall 14to

Sprg 15

Fall 15to

Sprg 16

All full-time students 87% 86% 87% 87%

By genderFemale 87% 88% 88% 88%Male 86% 85% 86% 86%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 90% 89% 76% 91%Asian 89% 91% 90% 89%Black/African American 77% 78% 80% 81%Hispanic 86% 83% 87% 87%White 88% 88% 88% 88%

Foreign residence 85% 91% 89% 82%

By ageRecent high school graduate 91% 89% 90% 90%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 87% 87% 87% 88%25+ 83% 82% 83% 83%

F-t students taking any developmental course 87% 85% 86% 87%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 90% 90% 89% 90%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 84% 83% 83% 84%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 78% 83% 76% 78%Registered first week of classes or later 61% 69% 73% 71%

Enrollment typeFirst-time college 89% 88% 88% 89%First-time at MVCC, attended another college 82% 84% 85% 83%All other (e.g. not first-time, not college-level) 86% 86% 87% 86%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 88% 86% 87% 87%Planning to pursue a certificate 83% 83% 88% 87%Planning to pursue a degree 87% 87% 87% 87%

F-t students using Disability Services 91% 92% 78% 72%

* Note: These across-term retention rates count graduates as "retained."

Across-Term Retention* Rates for Full-Time Students



Fall 12to

Sprg 13

Fall 13to

Sprg 14

Fall 14to

Sprg 15

Fall 15to

Sprg 16

All part-time students 68% 68% 69% 69%

By genderFemale 69% 70% 70% 71%Male 67% 66% 68% 68%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 67% 74% 68% 70%Asian 71% 67% 70% 72%Black/African American 67% 66% 68% 68%Hispanic 67% 69% 69% 70%White 68% 69% 69% 69%

Foreign residence 77% 77% 100% 75%

By ageRecent high school graduate 75% 78% 78% 75%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 69% 68% 69% 71%25+ 67% 69% 69% 67%

P-t students taking any developmental course 76% 77% 78% 79%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 74% 74% 76% 75%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 66% 67% 68% 70%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 65% 63% 60% 64%Registered first week of classes or later 50% 59% 52% 53%

Enrollment typeFirst-time college freshmen 69% 70% 70% 68%First-time at MVCC, attended another 62% 59% 64% 63%All other (e.g. not first-time, not college-level) 69% 68% 69% 70%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 65% 63% 64% 62%Planning to pursue a certificate 71% 70% 73% 70%Planning to pursue a degree 70% 72% 72% 74%

P-t students using Disability Services 75% 78% 75% 82%

* Note: these across-term retention rates count graduates as "retained."

Across-Term Retention* Rates for Part-Time Students



Fall 12to

Sprg 13

Fall 13to

Sprg 14

Fall 14to

Sprg 15

Fall 15to

Sprg 16

First-time students 84% 83% 83% 83%

By enrollment statusFull-time 89% 88% 88% 89%Part-time 69% 70% 70% 68%

By genderFemale 84% 84% 84% 85%Male 84% 82% 82% 83%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 77% 87% 63% 88%Asian 86% 97% 88% 84%Black/African American 72% 72% 74% 77%Hispanic 84% 80% 81% 81%White 86% 85% 86% 85%

Foreign residence 86% 93% 88% 92%

By ageRecent high school graduate 89% 88% 88% 88%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 90% 84% 84% 84%25+ 71% 68% 68% 71%

Students taking any developmental course 86% 84% 86% 85%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 88% 89% 88% 87%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 79% 77% 76% 79%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 71% 77% 68% 70%

Registered first week of classes or later 55% 73% 45% 55%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 83% 84% 81% 80%Planning to pursue a certificate 76% 69% 74% 73%Planning to pursue a degree 85% 84% 85% 86%

F-t students using Disability Services 90% NR NR NR

* Note: these across-term retention rates count graduates as "retained."NR= Not reported (n<10)

Across-Term Retention* Rates for First-Time Students



Fall 12to

Sprg 13

Fall 13to

Sprg 14

Fall 14to

Sprg 15

Fall 15to

Sprg 16

First-time full-time students 89% 88% 88% 89%

By genderFemale 89% 89% 89% 91%Male 89% 87% 86% 87%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian 87% 86% 66% 92%Asian 94% 97% 93% 86%Black/African American 77% 74% 78% 80%Hispanic 88% 84% 85% 87%White 92% 90% 90% 91%

Foreign residence 86% 93% 87% 92%

By ageRecent high school graduate 91% 89% 90% 90%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 89% 88% 88% 89%25+ 84% 72% 82% 82%

F-t students taking any developmental course 88% 86% 87% 88%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 91% 92% 90% 90%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 84% 81% 81% 84%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 79% 84% 77% 79%Registered first week of classes or later 73% 83% 78% 81%

Students' degree objectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 91% 89% 88% 89%Planning to pursue a certificate 89% 77% 89% 79%Planning to pursue a degree 88% 87% 88% 89%

F-t students using Disability Services 92% NR NR NR

* Note: these across-term retention rates count graduates as "retained."** First-time is defined as new to higher education and a high school graduateNR= Not reported (n<10)

Across-Term Retention* Rates for First-Time** Full-Time Students



Fall 12to

Sprg 13

Fall 13to

Sprg 14

Fall 14to

Sprg 15

Fall 15to

Sprg 16

First-time part-time students 69% 70% 70% 68%

By genderFemale 70% 72% 71% 69%Male 69% 69% 69% 68%

By ethnic/raceAmerican Indian NR NR NR NRAsian 61% 94% 77% 78%Black/African American 63% 67% 66% 71%Hispanic 69% 67% 68% 63%White 71% 72% 72% 70%

Foreign residence NR NR NR NR

By ageRecent high school graduate 77% 79% 77% 75%Under 25 (includes recent grads) 70% 71% 72% 68%25+ 66% 67% 63% 67%

P-t students taking any developmental course 80% 79% 82% 77%

By date of registrationRegistered at least one month before classes began 74% 77% 79% 73%Registered between two and four weeks before classes began 70% 68% 69% 71%Registered less than two weeks before classes began 65% 68% 61% 63%Registered first week of classes or later 45% 58% 40% 46%

Students' Degree ObjectivesNot planning to pursue a degree/certificate 66% 70% 67% 61%Planning to pursue a certificate 66% 62% 61% 67%Planning to pursue a degree 73% 73% 75% 75%

P-t students using Disability Services 82% NR NR NR

* Note: these across-term retention rates count graduates as "retained."** First-time is defined as new to higher education and a high school graduateNR= Not reported (n<10)

Across-Term Retention* Rates for First-Time** Part-Time Students

IV-13Four Year Analysis - Fall 2011 Cohort

First Time Average Average Average ReceivedFall 11 Students Percent Cumulative Cumulative Number of MVCC Deg/Cert

Returning Attempted Earned Terms by August 2015Characteristic N % Next Sem. Hours Hours (summer=.5) N %

All First-Time Students 3,738 100% 73% 38.9 30.9 4.0 833 22%

By Initial Curriculum AA 861 23% 82% 43.9 35.1 4.4 210 24% AS 781 21% 81% 46.3 37.2 4.4 210 27% AFA 78 2% 72% 33.9 26.7 3.7 18 23% AAS 608 16% 66% 31.6 24.1 3.5 91 15% AAT 24 1% 79% 42.2 30.2 4.4 5 21% Certificate 410 11% 59% 26.1 20.1 3.2 78 19% Course Enrollee 976 26% 70% 38.9 31.4 4.1 221 23%

By High School Grad Year Recent high school graduate (2011 grad) 2,406 64% 82% 46.6 37.7 4.6 690 29% Not recent grad/unknown 1,332 36% 57% 25.1 18.6 3.0 143 11%

By Age 20 & under 2,975 80% 78% 43.2 34.6 4.3 747 25% 21-25 340 9% 51% 23.1 16.5 2.8 30 9% 26 and older 423 11% 55% 21.2 16.9 3.0 56 13%

By Gender Female 1,734 46% 76% 41.0 33.5 4.2 444 26% Male 2,004 54% 71% 37.1 28.6 3.9 389 19%

By Ethnic Asian 72 2% 79% 52.5 43.8 5.0 26 36% Black/African American 482 13% 57% 23.1 15.1 2.8 38 8% Hispanic 692 19% 73% 39.8 31.1 4.2 160 23% White 2,001 54% 77% 42.5 34.5 4.3 525 26% Foreign 71 2% 93% 47.8 43.6 4.9 19 27% Native American 11 0% 82% 43.1 37.5 3.7 3 27% Multi-racial 78 2% 74% 36.9 25.8 3.7 11 14%

By Reason for Attending Transfer courses 2,311 62% 78% 43.7 34.8 4.3 570 25% New career 409 11% 61% 28.3 21.6 3.4 70 17% Present job skills 123 3% 51% 20.5 15.7 2.7 15 12% Personal interests 140 4% 67% 32.9 26.6 3.9 34 24% GED - Basic Skills 108 3% 65% 30.5 22.8 3.8 18 17% Unknown 647 17% 71% 34.9 28.2 3.8 126 19%

By Status Part-time 1,079 29% 56% 21.6 16.7 3.2 122 11% Full-time 2,659 71% 80% 45.9 36.7 4.4 711 27%

By Degree Intent Plan to earn MVCC degree 2,065 55% 75% 39.7 31.4 4.1 447 22% Plan to earn MVCC cert. 301 8% 60% 27.1 21.2 3.3 54 18% No MVCC degree plans 1,372 37% 73% 40.3 32.3 4.1 332 24%

Full-Time/Degree Seeking 1,694 45% 80% 44.8 35.5 4.3 426 25%

Note: New students include only those taking college-credit courses or those in degree programs. Special populations (e.g. high school students, sheriff's academy, ABE, ASE, ESL) are not included. Former high school dual credit students are counted as new students if they attended MVCC the fall term after high school graduation. Attempted and earned hours include college-credit courses only, through summer 2015. The highest possible number of terms is 10.5. Graduation rates include degrees or certificates earned.

IV-14Three Year Analysis - Fall 2012 Cohort

First Time Average Average Average ReceivedFall 12 Students Percent Cumulative Cumulative Number of MVCC Deg/Cert

Returning Attempted Earned Terms by August 2015Characteristic N % Next Sem. Hours Hours (summer=.5) N %

All First-Time Students 3,656 100% 76% 37.9 30.7 3.8 686 19%

By Initial Curriculum AA 1,275 35% 82% 41.8 34.0 4.1 266 21% AS 857 23% 82% 42.9 35.6 4.1 189 22% AFA 49 1% 69% 31.8 24.0 3.4 7 14% AAS 432 12% 73% 32.3 25.1 3.5 61 14% AAT 8 0% 63% 30.6 24.0 2.6 1 13% Certificate 308 8% 64% 24.6 19.4 3.1 58 19% Course Enrollee 727 20% 68% 34.6 27.7 3.5 104 14%

By High School Grad Year Recent high school graduate (2012 grad) 2,413 66% 85% 45.0 37.2 4.3 587 24% Not recent grad/unknown 1,243 34% 59% 24.1 18.0 2.9 99 8%

By Age 20 & under 2,924 80% 81% 42.3 34.5 4.1 631 22% 21-25 346 9% 55% 23.2 16.9 2.8 16 5% 26 and older 386 11% 57% 17.6 13.8 2.8 39 10%

By Gender Female 1,799 49% 77% 38.5 31.9 3.9 390 22% Male 1,857 51% 76% 37.3 29.6 3.7 296 16%

By Ethnic Asian 54 1% 85% 42.3 35.6 4.2 9 17% Black/African American 457 13% 55% 19.3 12.3 2.5 20 4% Hispanic 763 21% 78% 38.9 31.0 4.0 155 20% White 1,881 51% 80% 41.5 34.4 4.0 404 21% Foreign 58 2% 88% 49.2 44.8 4.6 12 21% Native American 11 0% 73% 46.5 36.0 4.2 0 0% Multi-racial 55 2% 73% 36.8 28.4 3.6 10 18%

By Reason for Attending Transfer courses 2,117 58% 80% 41.9 33.9 4.0 448 21% New career 334 9% 63% 26.8 20.6 3.2 47 14% Present job skills 136 4% 65% 25.2 19.3 3.1 15 11% Personal interests 95 3% 68% 29.7 23.9 3.6 15 16% GED-Basic Skills 98 3% 67% 28.0 22.6 3.4 14 14% Unknown 876 24% 75% 36.4 30.3 3.8 147 17%

By Status Part-time 1,120 31% 57% 20.4 15.3 3.0 81 7% Full-time 2,536 69% 85% 45.6 37.5 4.2 605 24%

By Degree Intent Plan to earn MVCC degree 2,092 57% 77% 38.6 31.3 3.8 375 18% Plan to earn MVCC cert. 280 8% 64% 25.6 20.1 3.1 42 15% No MVCC degree plans 1,284 35% 77% 39.4 32.0 3.9 269 21%

Full-Time/Degree Seeking 1,678 46% 84% 43.8 35.8 4.1 365 22%

Note: New students include only those taking college-credit courses or those in degree programs. Special populations (e.g. high school students, sheriff's academy, ABE, ASE, ESL) are not included. Former high school dual credit students are counted as new students if they attended MVCC the fall term after high school graduation. Attempted and earned hours include college-credit courses only, through summer 2015. The highest possible number of terms is 8.0. Graduation rates include degrees or certificates earned.

IV-15Four Year Analysis - Fall 2012 Cohort

First Time Average Average Average ReceivedFall 12 Students Percent Cumulative Cumulative Number of MVCC Deg/Cert

Returning Attempted Earned Terms by August 2016Characteristic N % Next Sem. Hours Hours (summer=.5) N %

All First-Time Students 3,656 100% 76% 40.9 33.1 4.2 875 24%

By Initial Curriculum AA 1,275 35% 82% 45.2 36.7 4.5 341 27% AS 857 23% 82% 46.1 38.2 4.5 238 28% AFA 49 1% 69% 34.4 25.8 3.7 7 14% AAS 432 12% 73% 35.2 27.4 3.9 80 19% AAT 8 0% 63% 32.5 25.9 2.9 2 25% Certificate 308 8% 64% 26.6 21.0 3.3 65 21% Course Enrollee 727 20% 68% 37.3 29.9 3.9 142 20%

By High School Grad Year Recent high school graduate (2012 grad) 2,413 66% 85% 48.5 40.0 4.7 728 30% Not recent grad/unknown 1,243 34% 59% 26.2 19.6 3.2 147 12%

By Age 20 & under 2,924 80% 81% 45.7 37.2 4.5 796 27% 21-25 346 9% 55% 25.2 18.5 3.0 25 7% 26 and older 386 11% 58% 19.2 15.1 3.0 54 14%

By Gender Female 1,799 49% 77% 41.6 34.3 4.3 487 27% Male 1,857 51% 76% 40.3 32.0 4.1 388 21%

By Ethnic Asian 54 1% 85% 45.7 38.5 4.6 10 19% Black/African American 457 13% 55% 20.8 13.6 2.7 30 7% Hispanic 763 21% 78% 43.0 34.1 4.5 201 26% White 1,881 51% 80% 44.5 36.8 4.4 500 27% Foreign 58 2% 88% 51.7 46.8 4.8 14 24% Native American 11 0% 73% 50.4 39.3 4.6 2 18% Multi-racial 55 2% 73% 39.0 30.3 3.9 13 24%

By Reason for Attending Transfer courses 2,117 58% 80% 45.3 36.5 4.4 558 26% New career 334 9% 63% 29.1 22.4 3.5 62 19% Present job skills 136 4% 65% 27.8 21.5 3.4 19 14% Personal interests 95 3% 68% 33.0 26.6 4.0 20 21% GED - Basic Skills 98 3% 67% 30.2 24.4 3.7 20 20% Unknown 876 24% 75% 39.1 32.5 4.1 196 22%

By Status Part-time 1,120 31% 57% 22.8 17.2 3.3 117 10% Full-time 2,536 69% 85% 48.9 40.2 4.6 758 30%

By Degree Intent Plan to earn MVCC degree 2,092 57% 77% 41.7 33.7 4.2 483 23% Plan to earn MVCC cert. 280 8% 64% 28.1 22.1 3.5 55 20% No MVCC degree plans 1,284 35% 77% 42.5 34.5 4.3 337 26%

Full-Time/Degree Seeking 1,678 46% 84% 47.0 38.5 4.4 464 28%

Note: New students include only those taking college-credit courses or those in degree programs. Special populations (e.g. high school students, sheriff's academy, ABE, ASE, ESL) are not included. Former high school dual credit students are counted as new students if they attended MVCC the fall term after high school graduation. Attempted and earned hours include college-credit courses only, through summer 2016. The highest possible number of terms is 10.5. Graduation rates include degrees or certificates earned.

IV-16Three Year Analysis - Fall 2013 Cohort

First Time Average Average Average ReceivedFall 13 Students Percent Cumulative Cumulative Number of MVCC Deg/Cert

Returning Attempted Earned Terms by August 2016Characteristic N % Next Sem. Hours Hours (summer=.5) N %

All First-Time Students 3,590 100% 76% 38.9 31.7 3.9 739 21%

By Initial Curriculum AA 1,330 37% 80% 42.3 34.8 4.1 294 22% AS 1,120 31% 79% 42.3 34.6 4.0 239 21% AFA 51 1% 75% 33.7 27.4 3.8 7 14% AAS 423 12% 70% 34.2 27.1 3.6 69 16% AAT 6 0% 67% 50.0 45.0 4.3 2 33% Certificate 294 8% 65% 28.1 23.0 3.3 80 27% Course Enrollee 366 10% 65% 31.0 24.5 3.4 48 13%

By High School Grad Year Recent high school graduate (2013 grad) 2,429 68% 82% 45.2 37.3 4.2 606 25% Not recent grad/unknown 1,161 32% 62% 25.8 20.1 3.1 133 11%

By Age 20 & under 2,907 81% 80% 42.7 35.0 4.1 652 22% 21-25 350 10% 59% 24.7 19.3 3.0 39 11% 26 and older 333 9% 58% 20.5 16.5 3.0 48 14%

By Gender Female 1,744 49% 77% 39.2 32.6 3.9 397 23% Male 1,846 51% 74% 38.6 30.9 3.8 342 19%

By Ethnic Asian 68 2% 93% 44.9 37.3 4.6 13 19% Black/African American 404 11% 57% 21.8 14.4 2.6 27 7% Hispanic 836 23% 74% 39.0 30.7 3.9 162 19% White 1,852 52% 80% 42.8 35.9 4.1 451 24% Foreign 59 2% 90% 49.6 45.6 4.6 15 25% Native American 10 0% 90% 33.2 23.7 3.8 1 10% Multi-racial 80 2% 78% 35.9 29.5 3.6 17 21%

By Reason for Attending Transfer courses 2,256 63% 80% 43.0 35.3 4.1 506 22% New career 324 9% 63% 28.5 22.5 3.3 61 19% Present job skills 115 3% 50% 20.2 15.8 2.9 9 8% Personal interests 187 5% 78% 36.0 29.2 3.9 43 23% GED-Basic Skills 88 2% 67% 26.0 19.5 3.5 11 13% Unknown 620 17% 74% 35.5 29.1 3.7 109 18%

By Status Part-time 1,109 31% 60% 21.9 17.0 3.1 96 9% Full-time 2,481 69% 83% 46.5 38.3 4.2 643 26%

By Degree Intent Plan to earn MVCC degree 2,134 59% 77% 40.3 32.9 3.9 437 20% Plan to earn MVCC cert. 246 7% 64% 27.3 22.0 3.2 52 21% No MVCC degree plans 1,210 34% 76% 38.8 31.6 3.9 250 21%

Full-Time/Degree Seeking 1,651 46% 83% 46.3 38.1 4.2 423 26%

Note: New students include only those taking college-credit courses or those in degree programs. Special populations (e.g. high school students, sheriff's academy, ABE, ASE, ESL) are not included. Former high school dual credit students are counted as new students if they attended MVCC the fall term after high school graduation. Attempted and earned hours include college-credit courses only, through summer 2016. The highest possible number of terms is 8.0. Graduation rates include degrees or certificates earned.

All Traditional Alternative Web- One Day Grade Types Delivery* Delivery** Assisted Internet a Week Weekend

A 36.8 34.5 38.8 45.0 32.5 39.7 51.8

B 23.7 24.1 22.3 23.2 22.3 23.3 17.7

C 15.2 16.3 12.3 11.8 11.6 14.9 11.7

D 4.9 5.2 4.1 3.9 4.5 4.2 2.3

C or Better 75.6 74.9 73.4 79.9 66.4 77.9 81.3

D or Better 80.5 80.1 77.5 83.7 70.9 82.1 83.5

W 9.49 9.5 11.94 7.7 16.2 9.3 8.1

(Total Grades) (43,545) (33,390) (8,085) (2,000) (3,712) (1,696) (656)


Percent Distribution of Student Grades by Type of Instruction Delivery for Fall 2016

*Traditional Delivery: excludes dual credit, independent study, sheriff's and alternative delivery courses.**Alternative Delivery: classes identified by section codes for Web-assisted, Internet, One Day a Week, and Weekend courses.Source: Colleague data

Baccalaureate, Occupational, and Remedial-Developmental Courses

IV-18Moraine Valley GPA


Term A B C D F GPA


2000 11,048 10,777 6,654 1,842 3,911 2.68

2001 11,535 10,742 6,950 1,894 4,382 2.65

2002 12,922 10,992 6,950 1,891 4,502 2.70

2003 13,858 10,793 7,306 2,250 5,306 2.65

2004 14,128 11,373 7,530 2,318 5,212 2.66

2005 13,376 11,079 7,664 2,215 6,045 2.58

2006 14,386 11,727 7,568 2,332 5,479 2.66

2007 14,749 11,505 7,619 2,208 5,673 2.66

2008 15,888 11,960 7,779 2,427 5,670 2.69

2009 17,041 12,434 8,151 2,654 5,975 2.69

2009 17,064 12,444 8,155 2,638 5,952 2.69

2010 18,880 12,284 8,055 2,585 5,763 2.76

2011 17,885 12,130 7,882 2,513 5,818 2.73

2012 18,495 12,491 7,624 2,359 5,376 2.78

2013 17,276 11,873 7,578 2,304 4,825 2.79

2014 15,768 11,053 7,442 2,320 4,981 2.73

2015 16,850 10,759 7,004 2,191 4,518 2.80

2016 16,119 10,486 6,794 2,171 4,537 2.78Spring

2000 9,894 9,253 5,525 1,467 3,610 2.68

2001 10,855 9,505 5,988 1,684 3,919 2.68

2002 11,510 10,688 6,302 1,610 3,804 2.72

2003 12,745 9,286 6,116 1,716 4,172 2.73

2004 13,098 10,175 6,789 1,880 4,710 2.68

2005 15,950 11,334 7,111 1,943 4,911 2.76

2006 14,770 12,018 7,086 2,123 5,085 2.71

2007 14,691 11,417 6,862 1,941 4,997 2.72

2008 16,149 11,785 7,061 1,985 4,841 2.78

2009 16,377 11,800 7,011 2,077 5,204 2.76

2010 18,114 12,168 7,590 2,278 5,337 2.78

2011 18,765 12,277 7,073 2,224 5,859 2.78

2012 18,003 12,030 7,540 2,263 5,553 2.76

2013 18,830 12,514 7,190 2,168 4,785 2.84

2014 18,309 11,366 7,014 2,090 4,414 2.86

2015 15,963 10,346 6,372 1,923 4,380 2.81

2016 16,485 10,310 6,594 2,034 4,094 2.84

Note: All N grades were changed to F.Source (prior to fall 2010): EV002 - Grade Distribution Report; Fall 2010 and after: Colleague data


Semester All Asian Black Hispanic White Foreign

Summer 10 742 66% 73% 54% 63% 68% 71%

Fall 10 5,316 53% 67% 42% 54% 55% 87%

Spring 11 4,054 51% 51% 39% 50% 54% 73%

Summer 11 798 66% 100% 57% 65% 68% 100%

Fall 11 5,323 53% 64% 38% 53% 56% 78%

Spring 12 3,962 54% 65% 44% 54% 57% 75%

Summer 12 591 63% 71% 43% 62% 66% 80%

Fall 12 5,175 56% 70% 41% 61% 58% 81%

Spring 13 3,856 53% 65% 44% 53% 56% 81%

Summer 13 636 68% 65% 58% 69% 70% 50%

Fall 13 4,851 53% 60% 46% 52% 55% 73%

Spring 14 3,448 54% 53% 44% 55% 58% 70%

Summer 14 545 66% 100% 43% 66% 69% 75%

Fall 14 4,350 55% 62% 44% 54% 58% 65%

Spring 15 3,157 56% 67% 38% 58% 60% 69%

Summer 15 487 64% 75% 45% 61% 68% 80%

Fall 15 4,186 59% 66% 50% 61% 60% 80%

Spring 16 3,165 58% 69% 49% 59% 60% 85%

Summer 16 472 70% 93% 49% 70% 73% 83%

Total 129,500 53% 62% 41% 54% 55% 77%

Semester All Asian Black Hispanic White Foreign

Summer 10 742 11% 13% 12% 12% 10% 0%

Fall 10 5,316 17% 16% 19% 16% 16% 4%

Spring 11 4,054 18% 21% 21% 17% 17% 13%

Summer 11 798 12% 0% 13% 14% 11% 0%

Fall 11 5,323 18% 12% 20% 16% 18% 6%

Spring 12 3,962 15% 11% 16% 15% 15% 0%

Summer 12 591 17% 0% 23% 18% 16% 0%

Fall 12 5,175 13% 11% 15% 10% 14% 6%

Spring 13 3,856 13% 12% 15% 13% 14% 5%

Summer 13 636 11% 0% 12% 9% 12% 25%

Fall 13 4,851 15% 12% 14% 15% 16% 6%

Spring 14 3,448 15% 10% 18% 14% 15% 0%

Summer 14 545 12% 0% 16% 13% 13% 0%

Fall 14 4,350 14% 16% 15% 14% 14% 6%

Spring 15 3,157 13% 8% 16% 10% 13% 12%

Summer 15 487 14% 13% 23% 15% 11% 7%

Fall 15 4,186 13% 6% 15% 11% 14% 2%

Spring 16 3,165 13% 6% 14% 11% 13% 2%

Summer 16 472 8% 0% 8% 8% 9% 0%

Total 129,500 17% 14% 18% 15% 17% 5%

*Developmental courses include: RDG 041, 071, 091, COM 085, 090, MTH 090, 095, 098/101

Grade Distributions for All Developmental* Courses by Race/EthnicitySummer 2010 Through Summer 2016

Percent Earning a Grade of "C" or Better

of Grades

Total #

of Grades

Percent Earning a Grade of "W"

Total #


FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Degrees & Certificates 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

AA Degrees:

1280 Liberal Arts Transfer 491 442 425 403 464

Total AA Degrees Awarded 491 442 425 403 464

AGS Degrees:

1427 Associate in General Studies -- -- -- -- 112

Total AGS Degrees Awarded 0 0 0 0 112

AFA Degrees:

1425 Associate in Fine Arts-Art 2 0 2 4 1

1426 Associate in Fine Arts-Music -- -- 4 2 4

1430 Associate in Fine Arts-Art Education 0 0 0 0 0

Total AFA Degrees Awarded 2 0 6 6 5

AAT Degrees:

1480 AAT in Secondary Mathematics 0 0 1 0 0

Total AAT Degrees Awarded 0 0 1 0 0

AS Degrees:

1330 Science Transfer 853 876 842 863 920

Total AS Degrees Awarded 853 876 842 863 920

AAS Degrees:

1202 Business Administration Associate 14 23 16 21 18

1206 Management Information Systems 10 4 3 10 6

1221 Mechanical Design Drafting/CAD 10 9 7 9 11

1238 Marketing and Management 5 6 5 11 6

1240 Radiologic Technology 31 42 21 21 21

1241 Respiratory Therapy Technology 20 22 25 18 17

1244 Health Information Technology 15 21 19 15 11

1246 Nursing 77 65 82 66 53

1256 Restaurant, Hotel Management 7 8 6 6 5

1257 Office Systems and Applications 6 8 8 9 9

1259 Recreation Therapy 6 2 4 4 10

1260 Criminal Justice 78 89 68 64 76

1261 Recreation Management 0 0 2 1 3

1262 Fire Service Management 14 24 16 7 6

1264 Child Care 11 11 18 17 16

1277 Automotive Technology 25 19 19 18 20

1281 Electronic/Computer Controls Tech 4 4 2 5 4

1288 Travel Business Management 4 7 6 6 3

1314 Addictions Studies 4 8 13 13 11

1324 Culinary Arts Management 15 8 15 7 4

1329 Stationary Engineer 23 20 26 21 32

1331 Fire Science Operations 1 14 21 20 35

1332 Emergency Medical Services 11 14 19 12 25

1338 Mechatronics Technology -- 1 1 3 2

1359 Baking and Pastry (AAS) -- 0 6 3 9

1370 Sleep Technology -- -- -- -- 13

1403 Integrated Systems Technology 2 3 1 2 4

Degrees and Certificates Awarded

FY 2012 - FY 2016


FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Degrees & Certificates 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Degrees and Certificates Awarded

FY 2012 - FY 2016

AAS Degrees (cont.):

1411 Small Business Management 1 1 2 2 6

1412 Human Resources Management 8 3 6 7 10

1416 Computer & Local Area Network Tech 23 16 17 22 20

1420 IT Security Specialist 12 14 21 18 17

1428 Digital Art/Design 13 6 11 10 10

1435 Voice and Data Specialist 4 3 3 2 1

1470 Paraprofessional Educator 13 6 7 5 11

Total AAS Degrees Awarded 467 481 496 455 505


1214 Receptionist/Office Assistant 4 3 3 3 5

1215 Heating and Air Conditioning 24 22 23 24 26

1220 Mechanical Design Drafting 6 7 1 5 7

1229 Welding, Advanced 5 9 5 2 10

1230 Welding, Combination 6 6 4 5 7

1237 Automotive Service Technician 15 11 14 18 18

1249 Therapeutic Massage 17 24 23 22 17

1254 Restaurant/Hotel Management 6 2 2 2 4

1270 Paraprofessional Educator 11 7 8 3 3

1275 Mechanical & Fluid Power Maintenance 1 1 1 1 3

1279 Fitness Trainer 12 13 7 8 11

1282 Electronics Technician 4 6 5 3 3

1289 Travel-Tourism 12 7 9 8 7

1305 Software Developer 6 3 3 2 5

1306 Phlebotomy 103 101 86 91 87

1307 Security Services 9 5 0 5 3

1311 PC Applications Help Desk 0 1 1 0 0

1312 Graphics & Desktop Publishing 1 3 3 6 3

1313 Microsoft Application Developer 0 0 0 0 0

1315 Administrative Assistant 7 8 6 5 7

1316 Legal Office Assistant 3 4 0 3 0

1317 Data Entry 17 16 26 25 22

1318 Medical Secretary 0 0 0 2 5

1319 Supply Chain Management 17 9 6 9 7

1320 Emergency Medical Services 3 5 3 6 7

1321 Addictions Studies 5 4 6 8 3

1322 Culinary Arts Management 12 4 7 6 7

1323 Baking/Pastry Arts 15 8 12 6 6

1326 HAC Stationary Engineer 16 16 14 21 14

1328 Accounting Assistant/Clerk 8 5 3 5 6

1335 Licensed Practical Nurse 6 23 18 23 10

1336 Gerontology 0 0 14 5 1

1339 3-D Parametric Modeling 2 6 4 2 6

1343 iOS Developer -- -- 2 1 2

1344 PHP Programmer -- 2 1 5 0

1345 Associate Database Administrator -- 2 2 5 2

1346 Mammography Technology -- -- -- -- 12

1347 Android Developer -- -- -- 2 2

1348 Computer Support Associate -- 37 244 121 52

1360 Network Security Associate -- 15 49 51 17

1361 Homeland Security -- 0 6 4 5

1362 Mechanical Design Associate -- -- -- 3 6


FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Degrees & Certificates 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Degrees and Certificates Awarded

FY 2012 - FY 2016

Certificates (cont.):

1363 AutoCAD Specialist -- 2 1 6 1

1364 Industrial Controls Technician -- 0 7 11 18

1365 PLC Technician -- 0 4 6 9

1366 Mechanical Drive Technician -- 0 3 6 7

1367 Fluid Power Technician -- 0 3 7 6

1368 Industrial Maintenance -- 0 3 6 7

1369 Sign Language Interpretation -- -- -- -- 1

1373 GIS Technician -- -- -- 1 3

1375 Computer Graphics Associate -- -- -- -- 1

1376 Computer Graphics Designer -- -- -- -- 2

1377 Computer Graphics Professional -- -- -- -- 2

1378 Computer Graphics Master -- -- -- -- 1

1379 GIS Professional -- -- -- -- 1

1380 Small Database Administrator -- 0 5 15 14

1381 Database Administration Skills -- 0 1 3 5

1382 Programming Skills -- 0 4 36 6

1383 iOS Programmer -- -- -- 2 2

1384 Android Programmer -- -- -- 3 1

1385 Mobile Application Developer -- -- -- 1 2

1405 Plant Engineering Mechanic -- -- -- -- 10

1413 Employee Training and Development 4 2 2 2 1

1414 Beverage Management 11 7 3 5 4

1417 Electronic Controls Technician 6 3 1 2 4

1418 Computer Technician 10 51 155 96 51

1419 LAN Technician 9 10 12 11 10

1422 Network Administrator 10 7 13 40 7

1423 Business Skills 11 18 7 14 12

1424 Network Security Specialist 3 4 2 5 2

1431 Coding Specialist 53 52 25 24 24

1432 Medical Transcription 4 5 2 4 0

1433 Website Developer 7 1 2 1 1

1434 Website Designer 4 3 5 5 2

1436 Architectural CAD 3 4 2 1 1

1438 Computer Animation 4 4 9 0 0

1439 3-D CAD 5 9 3 1 3

1440 Medical Billing 67 53 41 29 24

1441 Polysomnography Technologist 15 14 12 0 0

1445 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Tech 0 0 0 0 0

1446 Microsoft Professional 4 2 2 0 0

1447 CISCO Network Associate 8 29 93 40 22

1448 CISCO Network Professional 2 6 3 1 0

1452 Electrical Troubleshooting 25 27 24 25 37

1453 Basic Air Conditioning Technician 22 28 27 31 41

1454 Advanced Air Conditioning Technician 25 27 26 24 37

1455 Medical Assistant 29 25 25 34 21

1456 Microsoft Office Specialist 5 4 2 6 5

1457 Visual Basic.NET Programmer 5 2 4 1 2

1458 JAVA Programmer 0 1 5 0 5

1459 C++ Programmer 0 0 0 0 0

1460 E-Commerce Assistant 0 0 1 0 2

1461 Brake and Chassis Technician 26 24 28 41 37


FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Degrees & Certificates 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Degrees and Certificates Awarded

FY 2012 - FY 2016

Certificates (cont.):

1462 Automotive Climate Control Tech 15 19 18 31 24

1463 Engine Driveability Technician 13 11 17 20 23

1464 Drivetrain Technician 18 14 14 27 21

1465 Meeting Planner 14 7 10 11 6

1466 C# Programmer 4 9 4 6 2

1472 Infant/Toddler Level 2 -- -- -- -- 2

1529 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 13 16 26 24 34

1530 Individualized Welding 5 5 7 7 18

1531 Pipe Welding 6 4 6 4 8

1532 Multi-Process Welding 13 12 18 21 30

2102 Mechanical Design CAD 0 1 1 2 1

Total Certificates Awarded 831 917 1,309 1,225 1,041

FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

Degree Type 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Associate in Arts (AA) 491 442 425 403 464

Associate in General Studies (AGS) 0 0 0 0 112

Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) 2 0 6 6 5

Associate in Secondary Mathematics (AAT) 0 0 1 0 0

Associate in Science (AS) 853 876 842 863 920

Total Transfer Degrees 1,346 1,318 1,274 1,272 1,501

Associate in Applied Science (AAS) 467 481 496 455 505

Total Degrees Awarded 1,813 1,799 1,770 1,727 2,006

Total Certificates Awarded 831 917 1,309 1,225 1,041

Total Completions 2,644 2,716 3,079 2,952 3,047

Source: Colleague data


AASCert>1 Yr

Cert<1 Yr Total AAS

Cert>1 Yr

Cert<1 Yr Total

DuPage 891 910 1,873 3,674 892 720 1,884 3,496

Elgin 369 299 1,087 1,755 389 354 958 1,701

Harper 485 215 1,822 2,522 417 159 1,686 2,262

Joliet 626 305 296 1,227 656 372 493 1,521

Lake County 409 398 1,943 2,750 434 325 1,575 2,334

Morton 184 64 206 454 152 56 167 375

Oakton 267 150 577 994 248 162 513 923

Prairie State 122 75 694 891 137 88 413 638

South Suburban 112 40 84 236 138 66 232 436

Triton 295 113 247 655 318 97 279 694

Moraine Valley 454 293 932 1,679 504 249 792 1,545

State Total 11,309 7,461 29,248 48,018 11,014 7,305 27,682 46,001

Source: ICCB 2017 Data and CharacteristicsNote: These figures are as of the reported FY.

FY 2016

Number of Career and Technical Degrees and Certificates Awardedfor Suburban Community Colleges in FY 2015 and FY 2016



AA ASAssoc in LS & GE* Other Total AA AS

Assoc in LS & GE* Other Total

DuPage 1,021 378 544 53 1,996 1,034 341 431 48 1,854

Elgin 529 231 42 28 830 522 256 23 31 832

Harper 892 159 68 16 1,135 921 166 86 21 1,194

Joliet 652 98 265 0 1,015 626 116 209 0 951

Lake County 778 178 0 23 979 864 147 10 22 1,043

Morton 138 94 85 3 320 131 122 51 3 307

Oakton 464 12 0 17 493 503 22 0 11 536

Prairie State 211 69 22 0 302 180 93 16 5 294

South Suburban 94 104 3 2 203 136 114 12 4 266

Triton 226 155 110 0 491 261 211 87 1 560

Moraine Valley 403 863 0 6 1,272 463 920 112 5 1,500

State Total 11,756 7,570 3,536 907 23,769 12,009 8,208 3,274 958 24,458

*Associate in Liberal Studies and General EducationNote: These figures are as of August first of the reported FY.Source: ICCB 2017 Data and Characteristics

for Suburban Community CollegesNumber of Transfer and General Studies Degrees Awarded

in FY 2015 and FY 2016




FY 2016


Occupational Graduate Survey FY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016

Executive Summary Background Each year, the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at Moraine Valley Community College conducts a survey among occupational program graduates. For the 2016 survey administration, a list of graduates from August 2014 through May 2015 in any of the approximately 136 occupational programs offered at Moraine Valley was generated. This survey is designed to obtain graduates' present educational status, employment status and salary information, and to obtain an evaluation of Moraine Valley staff, programs, and services. The following report summarizes the results from the survey of FY 2015 occupational graduates for the five major program areas: Business, Computer and Information, Health, Mechanical Technologies, and Public Service. The Career Arts program graduates (n=1) are included in the totals for “All Programs” but are not shown as a separate program area. Although the Supply Chain Management certificate falls under its own category of Corporate, Community, and Continuing Education, this report has categorized this certificate under Business programs. The percentages in this report are based on the number of respondents to each question. All percentages were rounded, which resulted in some total percentages not equaling 100 percent. The number of graduates has decreased slightly from last year (1,032 to 996 graduates). Response Rate There were a total of 996 occupational career graduates in FY2015. Of the 969 delivered surveys (some were undeliverable), 338 surveys (or 35%) were completed. This year’s 35 percent response rate is the first increase in over six years (an increase of five percent from last year). Responses were received by mail, Internet survey via online, or by phone calls conducted either by IR staff or contracted by Comiskey Research. The largest responses came via online (39%) followed by Comiskey Research (27%), IR office (23%), and by mail (11%). Educational Objective

Overall, 75 percent of respondents attended Moraine Valley for job-related reasons: 62 percent to obtain skills needed for entry into a new or different job, nine percent to improve skills needed in their present job, and four percent to explore courses to decide on a career. Consistently over the last several years, 85 percent of respondents have chosen job-related reasons as their primary purpose for attending Moraine Valley. The percent this year citing those reasons has dropped to 75 percent: 62 percent to obtain skills needed for entry into a new or different job, nine percent to improve skills needed in their present job, and four percent to explore courses to decide on a career. The other 25 percent were split between taking coursework to transfer (13%) and personal interest/self-improvement (12%). Graduates in Health-related fields (82%) were more likely than graduates of other areas to attend Moraine Valley primarily to obtain skills for entry to a new or different job.

Educational Status One out of four respondents (26%) were continuing their education at the time the survey was conducted, either in a program related to their Moraine Valley degree (24%) or in an unrelated


program (2%). During the past five years, 25 to 31 percent of occupational graduates were continuing their education at the time the survey was conducted. Employment Status Of the FY 2015 occupational graduates that responded to the survey, 80 percent reported being employed. Sixty-one percent were employed full-time and 19 percent were employed part-time. Twenty percent of graduates were not employed: 12 percent were seeking employment while eight percent were not seeking work. The top reason for not actively seeking a job was being a full-time or part-time student. The percent reporting full-time employment has fluctuated over the last five years ranging from 58 to 70 percent with the current rate at 61 percent. The percentage of graduates who were not employed (including both those who were actively seeking and those who were not looking for a job) also fluctuated over the past five years from 13 to 22 percent with the current rate at 20 percent. Graduates most popular response as to why they were not employed in a job related to their degree was that they were working in temporary job (33%) followed by the graduates could not find a job in their field (27%). Related Employment Sixty-five percent of graduates indicated that their current job is related to their Moraine Valley degree. Prior to this year, there was an increasing trend of graduates finding jobs in related fields (72-75%). This year the number of graduates in related jobs has dropped to 65 percent. Seventy-nine percent of Health program graduates were employed in a related field, followed by Business (71%), Mechanical Technologies (64%), Public Service (61%), and Computer and Information (56%). Employment Location Two out of five (40%) respondents were employed in Moraine Valley's district. Health graduates (54%) were most likely to be working in the district followed by Public Service (48%), Computer and Information (31%), Mechanical Technologies (27%), and Business (23%). Salary The median annual salary for full-time, entry-level graduates who provided salary information and worked in a job related to their field was $48,006. Business professions earned the highest median salary of $59,010, followed by Health ($49,972), Public Service ($46,467), Computer and Information ($41,548), and Mechanical Technologies ($38,480). For the past five years, the median annual salary has fluctuated up and down each year with the lowest salary being $37,440 (2012 graduates) and the highest salary being $43,004 (2013 graduates). This year has seen a significant increase from the past five years to an all-time high median salary of $48,006. Job Placement Helpfulness Occupational graduates of 2015 rated “Program Coordinator or Faculty Member” as the most helpful job placement source (3.4 on a scale of 1-4). This is the first time faculty have received the highest rating in job placement helpfulness.

Evaluation of Moraine Valley All 18 aspects of Moraine Valley were given a mean rating of ‘Very Satisfied’ or ‘Somewhat Satisfied’. Graduates rated the content of courses (3.8 average score on a 4.0 scale) in their major program as the most satisfying aspect of Moraine Valley. Career Planning, Employment Resource Services, and Job Information (in their program) were rated as the least satisfying aspects (all 3.2).


Number of Number of Number in Percent inDegree Curr. Graduates Surveys Related Related

Occupational Program* Type Code Surveyed Returned Work Work

Accounting Assistant Cert. 1328 2 0 -- --

Addiction Studies AAS 1314 13 2 0 0%

Addiction Studies Cert. 1321 1 0 -- --

Administrative Assistant Cert. 1315 4 0 -- --

Android Developer Cert. 1347 2 1 0 0%

Architectural CAD Cert. 1436 1 1 0 0%

Associate Database Administrator Cert. 1345 4 2 1 50%

Auto CAD Specialist Cert. 1363 4 1 1 100%

Autodesk Inventor Specialist Cert. 1339 1 0 -- --

Automotive Climate Control Cert. 1462 14 1 0 0%

Automotive Service Technician Cert. 1237 6 1 1 100%

Automotive Technology AAS 1277 18 1 0 0%

Baking and Pastry AAS 1359 2 0 -- --

Baking/Pastry Arts Cert. 1323 1 0 -- --

Basic Air Conditioning Technician Cert. 1453 9 3 2 67%

Brake and Chassis Technician Cert. 1461 24 3 1 33%

Business Administration Associate AAS 1202 21 3 2 67%

Business Skills Cert. 1423 7 3 1 33%

C# Programming Cert. 1466 1 1 1 100%

Cisco Network Associate Cert. 1447 27 16 9 56%

Coding Specialist Cert. 1431 22 11 3 27%

Computer & Local Area Network Tech AAS 1416 21 11 6 55%

Computer Support Associate Cert. 1348 104 50 8 16%

Computer Technician Cert. 1418 13 8 3 38%

Criminal Justice AAS 1260 42 18 5 28%

Culinary Arts Management Cert. 1322 1 0 -- --

Culinary Arts Management AAS 1324 7 1 0 0%

Data Entry Cert. 1317 10 2 0 0%

Digital Art/Design AAS 1428 9 1 0 0%

Early Childhood Education AAS 1264 14 3 2 67%

Electrical Troubleshooting Cert. 1452 4 1 1 100%

Electronic/Computer Controls Tech AAS 1281 5 3 1 33%

Electronics Technician Cert. 1282 1 1 0 0%

Emergency Medical Services Cert. 1320 2 1 1 100%

Emergency Medical Services AAS 1332 4 1 1 100%

Fire Service Management AAS 1262 6 2 2 100%

Occupational Graduate Placement InformationFY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016


Number of Number of Number in Percent inDegree Curr. Graduates Surveys Related Related

Occupational Program* Type Code Surveyed Returned Work Work

Occupational Graduate Placement InformationFY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016

Fire Service Operations AAS 1331 20 3 3 100%

Fitness Trainer Cert. 1279 8 3 0 0%

Fluid Power Technician Cert. 1367 1 1 0 0%

Gerontology Cert. 1336 5 2 1 50%

GIS Technician Cert. 1373 1 1 1 100%

Graphics & Desktop Publishing Cert. 1312 1 1 1 100%

HAC Stationary Engineer Cert. 1326 3 0 -- --

Health Information Technology AAS 1244 15 13 8 62%

Heating and Air Conditioning Cert. 1215 12 2 2 100%

Homeland Security Cert. 1361 2 0 -- --

Human Resources Management AAS 1412 3 1 0 0%

Industrial Controls Technician Cert. 1364 6 3 1 33%

Integrated Systems Technology AAS 1403 2 2 2 100%

iOS Developer Cert. 1343 1 0 -- --

IT Security Specialist AAS 1420 9 4 4 100%

Legal Office Assistant Cert. 1316 2 1 1 100%

Licensed Practical Nurse Cert. 1335 4 1 0 0%

Management Information Systems AAS 1206 10 6 1 17%

Marketing and Management AAS 1238 2 1 1 100%

Mechanical Design Associate Cert. 1362 1 0 -- --

Mechanical Design Technology AAS 1221 8 0 -- --

Mechanical Drafting Associate Cert. 1220 1 0 -- --

Mechatronics AAS 1338 2 2 1 50%

Medical Assistant Cert. 1455 33 9 4 44%

Medical Billing Cert. 1440 22 13 4 31%

Medical Secretary Cert. 1318 1 1 1 100%

Medical Transcription Cert. 1432 3 2 0 0%

Meeting Planner Cert. 1465 4 2 2 100%

Microsoft Office Specialist Cert. 1456 2 1 1 100%

Multi-Process Welding Cert. 1532 4 0 -- --

Network Administrator Cert. 1422 22 6 2 33%

Network Security Associate Cert. 1360 14 8 1 13%

Network Security Specialist Cert. 1424 2 2 1 50%

Nursing AAS 1246 65 32 23 72%

Office Systems and Applications AAS 1257 9 2 1 50%

Paraprofessional Educator AAS 1470 4 0 -- --

Phlebotomy Cert. 1306 84 11 3 27%


Number of Number of Number in Percent inDegree Curr. Graduates Surveys Related Related

Occupational Program* Type Code Surveyed Returned Work Work

Occupational Graduate Placement InformationFY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016

PHP Programmer Cert. 1344 1 1 1 100%

Pipe Welding Certificate Cert. 1531 1 0 -- --

PLC Technician Cert. 1365 1 1 0 0%

Programming Skills Cert. 1382 25 11 5 45%

Radiologic Technology AAS 1240 19 8 6 75%

Receptionist/Office Assistant Cert. 1214 3 2 0 0%

Recreation Therapy AAS 1259 4 0 -- --

Respiratory Therapy Technology AAS 1241 18 2 2 100%

Restaurant/Hotel Management AAS 1256 2 0 -- --

Security Services Cert. 1307 5 3 1 33%

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Cert. 1529 18 0 -- --

Small Database Administrator Cert. 1380 6 3 1 33%

Software Developer Cert. 1305 1 0 -- --

Sport and Recreation Management AAS 1261 1 0 -- --

Stationary Engineer AAS 1329 20 2 2 100%

Supply Chain Management Cert. 1319 9 1 1 100%

Therapeutic Message Cert. 1249 21 8 1 13%

Travel Business Management AAS 1288 6 0 -- --

Travel-Tourism Cert. 1289 6 3 1 33%

Voice and Data Specialist AAS 1435 1 1 0 0%

Website Designer Cert. 1434 5 2 1 50%

Welding, Advanced Cert. 1229 2 0 -- --

Welding, Combination Cert. 1230 4 1 0 0%

Total 994 338 144 43%

*Note: Programs with no occupational graduate respondents were excluded.


Transfer Graduate Survey FY 2015 Graduates Surveyed in Spring 2016

Background Each year, the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at Moraine Valley Community College conducts a survey among transfer program graduates. This survey was designed to obtain graduates' present educational status, transfer colleges and majors, and to obtain an evaluation of Moraine Valley staff, programs, and services. In addition to data obtained from the survey, the following report also summarizes data obtained from Moraine Valley student records. Unless otherwise noted, percentages in the tables and charts are based on the number responding to the question. Some percentages may not total 100 percent due to rounding. Survey Methodology There were 1,273 transfer program graduates in academic year 2015. Fifty-seven of these graduates also received an occupational degree during this time and received the occupational graduate survey instead. Surveying of graduates began in December 2015 and continued through June 2016. Attempts to reach graduates were made by e-mail, then mail, and lastly by telephone. Response Rate A total of 1,216 transfer graduates were surveyed and 304 surveys (or 25%) were completed. This year’s survey response rate of 25 percent was an increase after a decline over the previous four years. The response rate had been in a steady decline over the previous four years from 28% in 2012, 26% in 2013, 25% in 2014 and 23% in 2015. Of the 304 responses received for the FY 2015 survey, 95 were returned by mail (31%), 131 were completed online (43%) and 78 were competed over the telephone (26%). This was the second year Comiskey Research was used to contact non-respondents over the phone. This service along with in-house phone contacts produced a 4 percentage point increase of phone responses over the past year and a 14 percentage point increase from 2 years prior. Access to more student personal email addresses and the use of a QR code made online access to the survey more accessible. On-line responses increased 8 percentage points from the previous year. Responses returned by mail decreased 12 percentage points to an all-time low of 31 percent. This was the first year that mail was the least used way of submitting responses. Evaluation of Moraine Valley Experiences The survey asked the transfer graduates to evaluate experiences they would have encountered while enrolled at Moraine Valley. Overall, respondents were satisfied with their experience at Moraine Valley as indicated by how they evaluated these experiences. Using a scale of 1 (poor) to 4 (excellent), all experiences were rated between good (3) and excellent (4). Experiences were rated similarly over the past five years. The size of classes (rated at 3.7) and variety of courses (rated 3.6) were rated highest each year. Quality of instruction (rated 3.6), instructor availability (rated 3.5), and scheduling of classes (rated 3.5) have been continuously in the top five experiences. Moraine Valley Programs and Services Transfer graduates were also asked about their use and evaluation of programs and services available at Moraine Valley. These programs and services were grouped under Academic Advising, Counseling and Career Development, Academic Services and Campus Resources. The most used programs and services were the bookstore (98%), computers/computer resources (94%), library resources (91%), and academic advisors (91%). Those least used by respondents were childcare services (9%), Veteran’s advising (15%), and Disability Services (16%).

IV-32 Overall, programs and services in both Academic Services and Campus Resources were rated higher than those in either Academic Advising and Counseling and Career Development. Library services, off-campus classes, and lab equipment and supplies received the highest rating of 3.6. Financial aid services, course planning help, and College 101 were rated lowest at 3.0. Library resources had both high usage and high satisfaction. The bookstore, computers/computer services, and academic advisors had high usage but low evaluations. Additionally, Veterans advising, off-campus facilities, and childcare services were not used overwhelmingly, but were rated highly by those who did use them. Programs and services with the largest rating increases over the past five years included financial aid services (+0.4), College 101 (+0.4), counselor’s help in choosing a major (+0.3) and library services (+0.2). No program or service had a decrease when comparing to the previous five years. All other programs and services increased 0.1 points or stayed the same. Only library services and laboratory equipment and supplies have been in the top five for the past five years. Financial aid services, Col-101, and career planning help have consistently been in the bottom five over the past five years. Educational Status Seventy-nine percent of respondents had continued their education after graduation from Moraine Valley. At the time they were surveyed, 58 percent of respondents were attending school full-time (N=168), 11 percent were attending part-time (N=32) and four percent had already graduated from a four-year college (N=11). Six percent transferred to another school after graduation from Moraine Valley but were not enrolled at the time of the survey (N=17). Twenty-one percent reported that they did not attend college after leaving Moraine Valley (N=60). The percent of students who transferred to another college (79%) dropped 6 percentage points from the previous year’s 85 percent (2013-14 graduates). Over the past five years, transfers have ranged from 79 percent to 88 percent (2009-10 graduates). The percentage still enrolled in their transfer institution at the time they completed the survey has ranged from 69 percent (2014-15 graduates) to 78 percent (2010-11 graduates). Up to 13 percent of responding graduates (2009-10) had graduated at the time they took the survey. The percentage decreased significantly for 2010-11 graduates with only two percent graduated, and has ranged between two and eight percent for the past four years. Transfer Destinations Most graduates transferred within Illinois: 42 percent to an Illinois public four-year college, 47 percent to an Illinois private not-for-profit college, 4 percent to an Illinois private for-profit college, and 3 percent to an Illinois public two-year college. Four percent transferred out of state. The most popular public universities were Governors State University (18%), University of Illinois at Chicago (10%), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (5%), Illinois State University (4%), and Northern Illinois University (3%). The most popular private transfer college was St. Xavier University (15%) followed by DePaul University (6%), Trinity Christian College (5%), Benedictine University (3%), and Lewis University (3%). More respondents transferred to private Illinois four-year colleges other than public Illinois four-year colleges two of the past five years. Over the past five years, private college transfers have ranged between 42 percent (2013-14 graduates) and 51 percent (2014-15 graduates). Public college transfers ranged from a high of 52 percent (2013-14 graduates) to a low of 42 percent (2014-15 graduates). Out-of-state transfers have historically been low, and after a high of 7 percent for both 2011-12 and 2012-13 graduates, it dropped to a low of 3 percent for 2013-14 graduates.

IV-33 Transfer Majors When asked which field of study they planned to pursue, 210 of the graduates surveyed responded. Health Sciences and Medical Professions (25%), Business (17%), Psychology (13%), and Education (11%) were the most popular general transfer program areas. These fields of study were the choice of transfer for at least ten percent of respondents. Community Services (7%), Sciences (7%), and Communications (5%) were also popular choices. Health Sciences and Medical Professions has ranked at the top of transfer majors for four of the past five years. Business has been the second most popular choice for four of the past five years excluding 2011-12 graduates when it was first. Consistently included in the top five have been Health Sciences and Medical Professions, Business, Education, Community Services, and Science. An increase in Psychology put it the top five for 2014-15 graduates. Employment Status Those who did not continue on to a four-year college (N=60) had a higher likelihood of being employed (87%) than unemployed (14%): 52 percent were employed full-time and 35 percent were employed part-time. For students indicating that they were currently enrolled in college (N=198), 74 percent were employed: 55 percent part-time and 19 percent full-time. Transfer Graduate Academics Of the 219 graduates who continued their education, 70 percent (N=153) self-reported their cumulative grade point average (GPA) at their transfer institution. The average self-reported transfer grade point average (GPA) of respondents (3.45) was significantly higher than the previous Moraine Valley GPA of these respondents (3.16). Respondents who transferred to Illinois public colleges had a slightly lower average before-transfer GPA (3.19) in comparison to transfers to Illinois private universities (3.27). The reported after transfer GPA was also just slightly higher for transfers to the private colleges (3.46) than the public colleges (3.43). Adjusting to a Four-Year Institution When asked to rate a number of possible problems in adjusting to a four-year college, areas causing the most difficulty were amount of schoolwork, time management, overall transition to a 4-year college, study habits, final exams, and term paper preparation. These areas caused at least some difficulty for one-third or more respondents. Amount of schoolwork, time management, and study habits were included in the top four adjustment problems (32 to 47 percent) each of the past five years. Final exams were included in the top five four of the past five years. Overall transition to a four-year college moved into the top five in spring 2014, and remained through spring 2016. Rating of the overall transition to a four-year college was included in the survey beginning with the spring 2013 survey. Term paper preparation dropped from the top five adjustment problems in spring 2015 and spring 2016. The largest decreases in reported problems over the past five years were critical thinking (-10 percentage points) writing requirements (-7 percentage points), and term paper preparation (-4 percentage points). Adjustment problems concerning the amount of schoolwork (+8 percentage points), study habits (+7 percentage points), and final exams (+6 percentage points) increased the most over the past five years. Evaluation of Moraine Valley Courses The subject areas with the highest percentage of respondents listing items for improvement were Business (29%), Mathematics (29%), Science (27%), and Foreign Languages (25%). Literature, Psychology, Social Science and Speech were ranked most satisfactory as is.  

Source: Moraine Valley Transfer Graduate Survey conducted in spring 2016 IV-3


52+48 48%increase over projected total average lifetime earnings

$625,000 average lifetime earnings gain

Moraine Valley Makes (Financial) Sense

FALL 20162015-20162,006




80% graduates employed

Fast Facts: Moraine Valley Community College


faverage age

of credit students


Residence 79% in-district

19% out-of-district


53+47 52%Female

48%Male 74





58+42 42%58%part-time students

full-time students


35%Public high schoolgraduates enrolled at MVCC

1,839high school students enrolled in dual credit or dual enrollment courses. Fall 2016

137,274credit hours

9,152full-time equivalent

#1in Associate

in Science degreesNATIONWIDE

2nd largest

community college in illinois based on credit hours (or FTE)

51% White 23% Hispanic

10% Black9% Unknown

2% Asian2% Multi

2% Foreign 2+2+2+9+10+23+51= Race/Ethnicity

5,685 noncredit

26,598 credit

Fall1,096 noncredit

15,021 credit

32,283 total duplicated

count16,117total duplicated








in associate degreesconferred in the country

Most transfer graduates would recommend

MVCC to friends and family



Enrollment by Program


1. AACC membership database, January 2016.2. NCES. (2015). IPEDS Fall 2014 Enrollment Survey [AACC analysis].3. AACC membership database, 2016 [AACC analysis].4. National Student Clearinghouse. (2015). Term Enrollment Estimates Fall 2015.5. NCES. (2015). 2011–12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12) [AACC analysis].6. College Board. (2015). Trends in Student Aid: 2015.7. College Board. (2015). Trends in College Pricing: 2015.8. NCES. (2015). IPEDS 2013-2014 Completion Survey [AACC analysis].9. NCES (2015). IPEDS 2013–14 Finance Survey Files [AACC analysis].10. NCES. (2015). IPEDS 2014 Institutional Characteristics Survey File [AACC analysis].

26%Public community colleges with on campus housing10

Sources Revenue %

Tuition $17,242,025,437 29.5%

Federal $8,264,032,954 14.1%

State $17,442,989,183 29.8%

Local $10,568,296,830 18.1%

Other $4,929,830,599 8.4%

TOTAL $58,447,175,003 100.0%

Full-time students employed full time – 22%Full-time students employed part time – 40%Part-time students employed full time – 41%Part-time students employed part time – 32%

% of students receivingAny aid – 58%Federal grants – 38%Federal loans – 19%State aid – 12%Institutional aid – 13%

% of students applying

Bachelor’s degrees awarded by 88 public and 58 independent colleges 1,8

Associate degrees



Estimated change from Fall 2014–Fall 2015: -2.4%.4

Program Type # % Attendance # %

Credit 7.3M 60% Part-time 4.5M 62%

Noncredit3 5.0M 40% Full-time 2.8M 38%

TOTAL 12.3M 100% TOTAL 7.3M 100%

Ethnicity2 % Age5 % Gender2

White 49% Average 28

Hispanic 22% Median 24

Black 14% <21 37%

Islander6% 22-39 49%

Native American 1% 40+ 14%

Two or more races 3%

Other/Unknown 4%

Nonresident Alien 1%

All U.S. undergraduates – 45%

Hispanic – 57%

Black – 52%

Native American – 62%

First-time freshman – 41%





1,108Total number of community colleges

Federal aid Any aid




First generation to attend college – 36%Single parents – 17%Non-U.S. citizens – 7%Veterans – 4%Students with disabilities – 12%

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