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Rooted in God’s Word ● Raising up the Cross ● Reaching to the World


in this



page 3

Music News

page 4

Children’s Pages

page 5-6

Student News

page 8

Community & World

page 9

Preschool Update

page 9


page 11

FAITH community

CHURCH An Evangelical Presbyterian Congregation

It’s that time of year again, Christ-

mas in July, when we begin shop-ping for and collecting items for our Christmas Shoeboxes. Last year we sent 221 shoeboxes to

children around the world.

What a joy and blessing it was to see all those shoeboxes loaded into a truck and delivered to the pick up location! This can be such a wonderful hands-on family mission project—filling a shoebox, thinking about and praying for the child who will be receiving it—the true meaning of Christmas!

We will have Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes available under the Tower during the month of July for you to pick up, fill and return. We are using the plastic boxes with lids again this year. Remember to label your box (labels also available under the Tower). Here is a list of some of the items that can be used to fill a box:

� Toys: small cars, dolls, small stuffed animals, kazoos, yo-yos, slinkys,

balls, play dough, jacks, etc. � School Supplies: coloring books, pencils, pens, sharpeners, erasers, small

scissors, crayons, markers, tablets, rulers, etc.

� Hygiene Items: toothbrush, toothpaste,

bar soap, comb, hairbrush, wash cloth, etc.

� Other: hard candy, lollipops, gum,

socks, T-shirt, toy jewelry, hair clips, picture books, etc.

Please DO NOT include:

Used items, war-related items, chocolate, liquids, breakables—anything that will not fit in a shoe box.

Page 2

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disci-ples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be-hold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” - Matthew 28:18-20

Almost 2000 years ago, Jesus com-manded all of His followers to “Go” and fulfill the Great Commission. These were His last words before ascending into Heaven. It is our duty as followers of Christ to make disciples of all nations.

As many of you know, I’m the son of Brian and Chrissy Wyant and our family has been part of the Faith Church family for over 18 years. Faith has been my church since I was two years old.

Two years ago I began my college journey at Florida State University (FSU). Early into my first semester there, I tore my ACL and got very bad family news. In a matter of weeks, I went from a recent high-school graduate to a crippled, angry, and con-fused college student living in a city away from his family with a dad who was diag-nosed with thyroid cancer. I had experi-enced more hardship in this one month than I had in my entire life.

Around this time I discovered Cru, the U.S. ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, which had a movement at FSU. Through this loving and compassionate community, I was greatly encouraged and strength-ened in my walk with the Lord. I now want to help other college students experience that same incredible life-saving grace and love that I've experienced through Jesus Christ.

There is an immense need for everyone to hear the Gospel all around the world, especially on FSU’s campus. With so many things competing for students' hearts and minds, it is easy for them to look for satisfaction and fulfillment in the things of this world.

I am being sent as an intern with Cru to FSU's campus to reach other students for Christ. Our mis-sion and vision is to have every student at FSU know someone who follows Christ, creating the oppor-tunity for all to know Him person-ally. This is a huge task, but one that we're trusting God to fulfill.

I am praying that many of you will join me in what God is doing on a campus that so desperately needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Before I go, I face the challenge of raising my financial support. Like many other mission organizations, Cru interns must raise all of their financial support. I am currently in the support-raising process and must find a team of ministry part-ners to help support me for $100 monthly or some other amount. My goal is to have all of my support raised by August 1st. I’d love to meet with you personally to tell you more about my ministry. I invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with me in fulfilling this huge task as Faith Community Church’s am-bassador at FSU.

Thank you so much for considering my need. I look forward to hearing from you!

In Christ, David Wyant 727.422.2178

Every week as part of the Church Staff’s prayer time, we pray for our Mission partners; the Food Pantry, House of Love, the Hon-duras New Hope Clinic. What an honor it is for Faith Café to be among that group. And also the Café partners with so many oth-ers.

Many of our guests find us through the wonderful Food Pan-try at Aldersgate. They distribute a flyer about Faith Café to the people visiting them.

Each week the Wednesday morn-ing Ladies Bible Study sets our tables and serving area. Every week volunteers come to give of their time helping to prepare serve and help clean up.

Young people from the local schools come to earn their volun-teer hours by helping in so many ways.

But our Faith Family might be the most valuable partner of all. None of this ministry would be possible without your continued loyal and generous support—both physi-cally and financially.

We are so thankful each week that you continue to help the many Mission partners of our church.

Blessed to be a Blessing, Faith Café

Faith Press July 2016

Page 3

During my high school years I played on our school’s basketball team. The good news was that we had a very talented basketball team. The bad news was that I was on the second string. I usually played for about 10 to 15 minutes per game. One of my fondest memories was playing in the semifinal game of the Maryland State Championship at Cole Fieldhouse on the campus of the University of Maryland. We were playing a team that was consid-ered to be the odds on favorite to win the state championship. Un-fortunately for them, the game was over by halftime. For the rest of the game, we were 25 or 35 points ahead. This gave me the opportunity to play for several minutes toward the end of the game. I only scored four points, but they ended up being very sig-nificant.

When I entered the game we had amassed 96 points. The first shot I took went in the basket. In the waning moments of the game, I was fouled by an opposing player as I attempted to make a layup. I went to the free-throw line to shoot two free throws.

It was normal for the announcer to name the player shooting the

free-throw. But at that point something happened that I did not anticipate. The announcer said, “Dave Miller is shooting two free throws.” Then he added something I did not expect and I’ve never forgot-ten. The announcer continued on, “If he makes both free throws, it will be the first time in Maryland high school bas-ketball that a team scored 100 points during the state tour-nament.

Suddenly my meaningless points became significant. Basketball players call these kind of meaningless points at the end of the game “trash time.” Suddenly I went from trash to possibly breaking the record!

I remember several team-mates coming up to me say-ing, “Okay Dave you can do it.” Another said, “Let’s set the record!” I was just an okay free-throw shooter. Now I really had to concentrate. I released the first shot—swish. So now I only needed to make one final shot to set the all-time record. The suspense was killing me. But somehow by the grace of God, once again—swish the ball went in the basket. The record was broken!

Now, of course, my story will never have a whole lot of sig-nificance in the annals of high school basketball. But a take

away for me was that eve-rybody on

the team

plays an im-

portant role.

I'm so glad to be part of the team at Faith Church. In many churches, there are many people who are not in the limelight. They serve in ways that many people would not even notice. Like my basketball story, every person’s contribution, great or small, can help us to live out our call to serve together for Christ.

Let’s let God’s word be the last word. “…In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all others. We have different gifts, accord-ing to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is in serving, let him serve; if it is a teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contribut-ing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern dili-gently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully…All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he de-termines. (Romans 12:5-8; 1 Corinthians 12:11)

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Dave



July 2016 Faith Press

Page 4

The choir sings an arrangement of “Lord, Make Me An Instru-ment Of Thy Peace” that is one of my favorites. The text is well known as the Prayer of St. Fran-cis or Francis of Assisi. The ori-gin has been questioned but re-gardless of who wrote it, the prayer has lasting meaning for those who want to be used by God to bring about His purposes.

It begins, Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace…

There are many definitions for the word instrument. In this case, an instrument could be any tool or device that supports or helps one to accomplish a goal. Could I be a tool in God’s hands to ac-complish peace?

…an instrument of Your peace. There are some examples of in-struments listed right in the song: love, pardon, faith, hope, light and joy. An instrument could be many different things, but what makes an instrument most effec-tive is its usefulness to the Mas-ter.

Lord, make me an

instrument of Your peace.

In this sentence the emphasis is not on the instrument, what it is made of or how beautiful it is. If we were talking about musical instruments it wouldn’t matter if you were a Stradivarius or a Conn or any other brand of instrument. But rather, the emphasis is on the Lord and His peace. The instrument is only the tool. We should all pray, Lord, make me pliable, useable, and an effective tool in your hands. Our effectiveness is measured by our ability to realize the desires of the Master, the Lord. We may have talent, education, money or anything else of value, but if it is not yielded to the desires of the Master it is not as effective. God equips with the right amount of talent, but it is about the dedica-tion of the heart. As instruments of peace, let’s serve each other as tools in God’s hands.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sad-ness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be un-derstood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.


Faith Press July 2016


This last winter the Church leadership chal-lenged us all to find a way to put a new perma-nent roof over our valu-able Faith Center. We now have that beautiful new roof protecting all of us from the Florida ele-ments. We want to thank the many generous mem-bers of our church family who gave graciously so that we all can continue enjoy our “Great Room.” In order to complete the roof, we borrowed al-most $50,000. Please consider your continued giving to the Faith Fixing Faith cam-paign so that the funds borrowed can quickly and easily be paid in full. We still have so much “Fixing” to do.

Page 5

Nursery On Sunday mornings, the nurs-ery is available for our infants and toddlers, up to age two dur-ing our 9:20 contemporary ser-vice and up to age five during our 11:00 a.m. traditional ser-vice. Our nursery nurturers pro-vide a wonderful, loving, safe environment.

God’s Special Friends

God’s Special Friends under the leadership of Linda Duart and her team continue to offer a wonderful ministry throughout the summer. Tell your family, friends and neighbors. Events and activities will be posted on the church website. Come join us!

Serving Opportunities

There are many opportuni-ties within Children’s Min-istry for YOU to serve our Lord. We are looking for additional volunteers to strengthen our Summer Sunday School teaching team along with volunteers for our Fall teams. We also have a specific need in our Nursery on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month during our 11:00 a.m. ser-vice. Please pray about how you are being called to serve. You will be blessed!

If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding our Children’s Ministry, please contact me at 391.0596 or 560.9681.

“Miss Kim”

Director of Christian Education

July 2016 Faith Press

Summer Sunday Morning


9:20 a.m.

Children age two, three and Pre-K will begin Sunday School at 9:20 a.m. in their classroom. Our preschool children will continue to DISCOVER GOD through the New Testament learning how “Jesus Teaches Us.”

Children in Kindergarten through 5

th grade will at-

tend with their family the “Praising God in Song” time in worship and then be dis-missed to Summer Sunday School. Through Child

Evangelism Fellowship cur-riculum called “One Way,” children will learn to know God better through the lives of Naaman, Nicodemus and the Prodigal Son.

11:00 a.m.

Children in Kindergarten through 5

th grade, attend

Children’s Church during the 11:00 a.m. service.

There is a place for every child at Faith Community Church. Listed here are the many opportunities for children.

Page 6

Faith Press July 2016

continues during the SUMMER

Join us July 16!

This great opportunity continues for dads to take the kids out on a Saturday morning, play on our pre-school playground and hang out. It’s also a great way to give the moms a little free-time too!

We will supply some “goodies” for everyone. It’s FREE & FUN! This is geared mainly to the preschool kids and their dads/male guardians.

SaturDADs is the THIRD SAT-URDAY of each month from 9 to 11 a.m. Come join the fun right on the playground on July 16.

Join the Facebook page at www.

Feel free to invite other family and friends too. We welcome friends, family and neighbors to our play date!

Hope to see you there!

Call or text Todd Runkle at 727.269.8147

or email

What a wonderful week! We were blessed with well over two hundred pre-school and elementary children at Cave Quest

We thank the congregation for their prayers and sup-port.

We thank the over one hundred volunteers who made Cave Quest a huge success; for giving of their time and sharing their end-less God-given talents.

We thank the Church Staff for their awesome support, prayers and assistance.

Most of all we thank the Lord for entrusting us with His children and giving us the opportunity to reach out and share His Word and

love with His children.

We are having another in-credible, high-energy week with our Sports Ministry Camp. The children are spending the week with Un-charted Waters staff and our volunteers developing and learning new skills in bas-ketball, cheerleading and soccer, while enjoying high-energy music, Gospel illu-sions, Bible time and fun.

They are reliving some of the greatest comebacks not only in American sports his-tory, but in the Bible as well. They are learning that God is the master of great come-backs. The highlight of the week is when children, for the first time, accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you to our host homes, the Burke & Hodupp families—you made our Un-charted Water coaches feel at home.

Again, thank you to the con-gregation for your prayers

and support!

Page 7

The 2016 Christian Vocation Scholarship Fund and the 2016 Jean K. Barnard Memorial Scholarship have been awarded to two well deserving high school graduates, Sarah Huskey and Lindsey Kuruc.

The Christian Vocation Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund was established in the early 60’s. It is available to students who are contemplating a full-time Christian Vocation.

The Jean K. Barnard Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established in 2000 in memory of Jean K. Barnard who faithfully served six-teen years as the Assistant Treasurer of Faith Church.

Sarah, daughter of Mike and Roberta Huskey, will be attending Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. She will be leading worship during her re-quired chapel services at this private Christian institu-tion. After completing her education, Sarah is contem-plating leading a worship team.

Lindsey, daughter of Mike and Kim Stoessel, will be attending the University of North Florida in Jackson-ville, Florida. Lindsey’s ultimate goal is to graduate college with a bachelor’s degree in mental health and become a licensed as a Christian counselor in Florida.

Congratulations Sarah & Lindsey!

A Prayer for Independence Day

On this Independence Day, we are reminded of all those who have sacrificed for our freedom, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let us not take our freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. May we always re-member that a very high price was paid for our freedom—a freedom that cost others their very lives.

Dear Faith Church, How we’ve appreciated the many tokens of your love and concern (prayers, cards, flowers, calls, visits) for Phyllis and for my recent knee surgery. We are blessed to have such a loving church.

Thanks, so much! Ernie & Phyllis Ross

Dear Members, Thank you for your love and prayers for Linda and my son Pen. It was a miracle for Linda; and sad to say not for Pen who died June 8. We know God saved him from more cancer pain.

God bless all of you, Stella Moore,

Thank you to all who participated in the Walk for Life event this year. We had four walkers representing Faith Community Church and raised $2,176 for New Life So-

lutions. Denise Wisse

Walk for Life Team Leader

July 2016 Faith Press

Page 8

This upcoming month of July, as summer continues, we have a handful of activities for your students to do. So I invite every student to come join us in these activities for good fun and fellowship.

� Wednesday, July 6 - Foot-Golf Outing

� Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15 -

High School Camp

� Monday, July 18- Middle (School)

Moe’s Monday

� Tuesday, July 19 - Beach Outing

� Thursday, July 21 - High School Ox-

ford Exchange Outing

� Wednesday, July 27 - Weeki Wachee


Our Sunday Morning Bible Study has con-tinued to do an in-depth study of the book of James and will continue to do so throughout the month of July. We have been discussing what a working faith looks like. We will be in James chapter 5 this whole month going through topics such as: Oppressor/Laborer, Suffering/Comfort, Faithful/Faithless, and Wanderer/Restorer. Come out and enjoy dig-ging into God’s Word, fellowship, friends, games, and DONUTS.


Assistant Director of Student Ministries/ Interim Contemporary Worship Leader

Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m.

We have just started a young adult/college age Bible study on Tues-day nights at 8:30 p.m. We are starting to go through the book Forgotten God by Francis Chan and dis-cussing the many topics within the group, as well as looking at the Word of God for insight through it all. We enjoy a time of Bible study, fellow-ship, games and food. If you are college age or a young adult or know of someone in this age group that might be interested, please check out our group or invite that someone to our group. We would love to have you with us! If you would like more information, please call, text or email me.

Drew 727.391.0596 or 561.568.2916

Faith Press July 2016

Page 9

Christmas Cards

As we kick off Christmas in

July, we’ll begin to sign Christ-mas Cards for the troops. You may pick them up under the Tower beginning Sunday, July 3. We will need lots of new Christmas Cards to sign, so as you clean out things for the Flea Market, look for unused Christmas Cards—the troops will appreciate the effort!

Blood Drive

Mark your calen-dar so you re-member to donate blood on Sunday, July 10 be-tween 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Fall Flea Market

Our garage and shipping crate need to be filled in order to have a successful Fall Flea Market. So…..clean your ga-rage and closets (NO broken or dirty items), bring to church or call for a pick up (391.0596). Share your un-needed treasures with others. The bin outside Faith Center is waiting for your goods! (NO

TV’s or computers).

“Helping Hands”

Helping Hands is a ministry that gives financial assistance to people within our church who are facing a crisis. Feel free to contribute at any time as there are ongoing needs. Special envelopes are in pew


Food Pantry Always Needs Your Help!

We need nonperishable food! When you shop, think of those who come to the Food Pantry for help. Let’s fill the food barrel under the Tower every Sunday!


� New & Used Greeting Cards � Used cell phones and eye glasses – Elderly

� Medical equipment – Free Clinic

� Bibles and Christian books – Military

� Travel-size toiletries – Many groups

� Large brown paper bags – Flea Market

� Plastic grocery and newspa-per bags – Flea Market

� Clothing (children’s, men’s women’s) – Many groups

� Blankets, sleeping bags – Homeless


Fall registration for Preschool is go-ing well. We still have openings in some of our classes (3’s and VPK - 4’s). If interested, please call the school office at 392.5113 or stop in to register. VPK is a state funded program paid for by the state without regard to income level. It is a Mon-day – Friday program from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. What a great opportunity for a preschool child!

Please pass this information on to anyone you know with young chil-dren. School starts on August 10.

We still have openings in our Sum-

mer Camp.

Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon

Days: Monday – Thursday (no classes on Fridays)

Cost: $65 per week

Dates: July 5 – 8 July 11 – 14

The hours are 9:00 a.m. – noon, Monday through Thursday. The ages are 2-years-old (at the beginning of camp) through 5-years-old (entering kindergarten in the fall). The cost is $65 per week. Each week a different theme will be explored. Your pre-schooler will have lots of fun! Stop by or call the Preschool Office to register.

As we gear up to get ready for the beginning of the 2016/2017 school year, please keep our school in your prayers.

In Christ’s love,

Patricia MitchellPatricia MitchellPatricia MitchellPatricia Mitchell Preschool Director

July 2016 Faith Press

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Faith Press July 2016

Praying for Mission Trip

As we prepare for our trip July 11-18, we ask for your prayers. First pray for the team and their families. The members of the Faith Church’s 2016 Honduras Team are: Eric & Linda Butler, Dr. Normand Couture, Rex, Rexee & Yvette Gaugh, Kim Gunthner, Patti Hare, Yvonne Hughes, Claudia Hunter, Michael, Roberta & Sarah Huskey, Kay Kessler, Jim Kulig, Gail Miller, Geraldine Smith, Dawn Ward, Carson & Tristan Waters, Diana Wollam & Rebekah Wyant.

We ask for these specific prayers during our journey:

For Kim and Gail (who leave early)…

July 8 � Safe travel � Easy transition from one plane to another plane in Atlanta

� Smooth arrival into Tegucigalpa and through customs

� Shopping for necessary food and supplies

July 9 � Continued shopping � Safe travel as we head up over the mountain to set up house for the team and then back over the mountain to Tegucigalpa

July 10 � Last minute shopping � Finalizing our outreach plans for the week

For the entire team…

July 11 � Safe travel � Acceptance of all supplies dur-ing check-in

� Easy transition from one plane to another plane in Miami

� Smooth arrival into Teguci-galpa and through customs

� Unity of the team as we meet our team members from Hon-duras

� Safe travel from Tegucigalpa to New Hope Clinic in San Francisco

� Setting up house � Preparation and organization of supplies, materials and team for outreach

July 12-15 As we enter the villages, pray that we hear God’s direction as we plan to outreach to the people of Hondu-ras in the following ways:

� Sharing God’s Word and offer-ings of prayer

� Building relationships � Providing medical and dental clinics daily and health fairs

� Providing women’s exams with lab work

� Providing food to the neediest villages

� Planting trees in each village � Installing water filters in each village

� Providing Christian activities, and Sports Ministry Camp in each village as we share the Gospel

� Distribution of personal care and school kits along with the flip-flops

� Worship in Pierda Gorda � Wednesday evening worship in San Francisco

July 16 � Close up the Guest House until the next team arrives

� Safe travel back to Teguci-galpa and settling into our ac-commodations at Hotel Mac-Arthur

July 17 � Worship at Lucia’s church and providing a health fair for the congregation

� Outreach to the children and families at the Children’s Hospital delivering receiving blankets, caps, onesies and stuffed animals while spend-ing time with the children and their families at the bedside

� Fellowship time and dinner in honor of team members from Honduras…a time to say thank you and good bye

Coming Home!

July 18 � Safe travel � Smooth arrival back into the United States

� Making our connecting flight in Atlanta

THANK YOU again for your in-credible support and going the ex-tra mile… to date we have raised $17500.99—only $1499.01 away from reaching our goal of $19,000! YOU make the difference touching lives around the world!

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Serving in His Name, Kim Gunthner

Team Coordinator

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July FAITH CHURCH CALENDAR 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

5:00 – 6:30 PM FAITH CAFÉ

1 9:00 AM – 12:15 PM SPORTS MINISTRY










9:15 AM






5:00 – 6:30 PM FAITH CAFÉ


9 7:00 AM





8:30 A.M. – 1:00 PM BLOODMOBILE






9:15 AM




5:00 – 6:30 PM FAITH CAFÉ


16 9:00 am







19 2:00 PM MS/HS




20 9:15 AM



21 1:00 PM


5:00 – 6:30 PM FAITH CAFÉ


23 10:00 AM ART CLASS







27 9:15 AM




5:00 – 6:30 PM FAITH CAFÉ


30 10:00 AM ART CLASS




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Faith Community Church 11501 Walker Avenue Seminole, FL 33772

Dr. David A. Miller Pastor

Andrew Larsen Assistant to the Pastor/ Director of Student Ministries

Dr. Paul R. Aughinbaugh Parish Associate

Phone: 727.391.0596 Fax: 727.398.3803

Editor: Sally Otten

JULY 9, 2016 7:00 AM The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is on the second Saturday of the month from 7:00–9:00 a.m. in the Faith Center for breakfast, fel-lowship, and Bible study.

We are in a study entitled:

The Cure: What if God isn't who you think He is and neither are you?

by Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, John Lynch

All men are invited to join us in Faith Center on the second Satur-day of each month—you will be blessed!

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