fall & winter 2009 catholic ottawa · 2019. 9. 19. · best of all, we can look for ways to...

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In October, I began a program to visit all the parishes in a planned way.

This fall, I will visit a dozen francophone parishes in the eastern region. In the spring I will visit about the same number of Eng-lish-speaking and ethnic parishes in the western part of the Archdiocese.

Over the next five years, I hope to come to understand better the successes and chal-lenges of our life as disciples of Jesus. By visiting twenty parishes each year, I will be able to get to know well the one hundred plus faith communities that make up our diocesan family.

Of course, I will still come to parishes for significant anniversaries, to celebrate Con-firmations and so on. But the Episcopal Visi-

(Continued on page 2)

Arc hbishop Launc hes Episcopal V is i t at ion

Pr iests — Gif ts for Our L ives of Fai th

On June 19, Pope Benedict inaugu-rated a special year dedicated to the priesthood.

Marking the 150th anniversary of the death of the holy Curé d'Ars, St. John Mary Vianney, patron of parish priests, this commemoration invites us to consider the gift that priests are for our lives of faith.

The purpose of The Year of Priests is to promote an interior commitment on the part of priests to a more pow-erful and incisive evangelical witness in the world today. You see, for priests to call their parishioners to holiness of life, they must attend to the measures needed to become holy themselves.

The Holy Father said, “The priest must belong totally to Christ and totally to the Church; to the latter he is called to dedicate himself with an undivided love, like a faithful husband to

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I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

A R C H B I S H O P 2





S O C I A L J U S T I C E 5



C H A N C E R Y & T R I B U N A L

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S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T E R E S T :

• Youth Summit is coming to Ottawa

• St. Jude’s marks Golden Anniversary

• Pilgrimage to Ste-Anne-de- Beaupré

• Archbishop starts blogging

Archbishop Prendergast chats with a resident at the Résidence Champlain during his pastoral visit in L’Orignal.

tation recommended in Canon Law will also allow me to meet with parish committees and visit other venues such as schools, nursing homes, retreat centres and even prisons.

Occasionally during the Visitation, besides presiding at the Lord’s Day Mass, I will officiate at Baptisms and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

My hope is that—as a result of this hands-on experience—my coun-selors and I will have a solid knowledge of the people and issues involved when we need to take decisions regarding the future of our parishes communities.

I have placed the Visitation under the patronage of Our Lady, the Canadian Martyrs and St. John Mary Vianney. Please pray that, through their intercession, the Lord may grant us many abundant blessings especially numerous new vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Reconciliation

- Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J.

(Continued from page 1) - Archbishop Launches Episcopal Visitation

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his bride”. How shall we celebrate this special year? Each parish or Catholic organization can

make their own plans. In several places, dinners and receptions for priests have already been held. Our

archdiocesan website features a monthly reflection on one priest’s experience of priest-hood. Each month another will be posted. Priests are encouraged to share their own vocational journey when appropriate.

Best of all, we can look for ways to show priests our support and pray for them often. We can make regular use of the Archdiocesan Prayer for Priestly Vocations, begging God for worthy priests to follow in their paths.

Let us invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary and St. John Mary Vianney to obtain from the Lord abundant blessings for our pastors during this Year for Priests, which will conclude on the feast of the Sacred Heart, June 11, 2010.

(Continued from page 1) - Priests — Gifts for our Lives of Faith

Best of all, we can

look for ways to show

priests our support

and pray for them


Archb ishop Ter rence Prendergas t , S . J . co rd ia l l y inv i t es a l l the f a i th fu l

to h is Adven t Chr is tmas Recep t ion

S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 0 , 2 p .m . to 4 p .m . a t h is res idence

143 S t . Pa t r i ck S t ree t , O t tawa

Ch i ld ren a re inv i t e d to come dressed as Shepherds and Ange ls

St. Paul’s Church, Plantagenet

On Friday October 9th at the Catholic Community Day Celebration of the Ot-tawa Catholic School Board, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J., presented the Benemerenti Medal, awarded by Pope Benedict XVI, to James McCracken, Director of Education, for his distinguished service to Catholic Education. More than 3, 000 teachers, administrators and support staff were present.

The Benemerenti Medal was instituted by Pope Gregory XVI in 1832 and is conferred on those who have exhibited long and exceptional service to the Catholic Church, their families and community. The medal has the word Benemerenti from the Latin word meaning “to a well deserving person” on its face, surrounded by a crown of oak leaves; the ribbon is made of papal colors.

Mr. McCracken has been with the Ottawa Catholic School Board for 20 years in several capacities: Vice-Principal, Principal, Supervisory Officer and Deputy Director. In 2003, he was appointed Director of Education and Secretary-Treasurer. He is an active member of the Ottawa community and education sector with the following organizations: Chairperson, Campaign Cabinet United Way for 2009; Chairperson, Success By 6; President, Catholic Education Foundation of Ot-tawa; President, Nectar Foundation; Member of the Board of Directors, Shepherds of Good Hope; Member of the Board of Directors, OCRI.

Mr. McCracken is married to Colleen and the father of 3 children.

James McCrac ken awarded Benemerent i Medal

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Thanks to our sponsors and those who attended the 2009 Archbishop’s Charity Dinner, Archbishop Pren-dergast was able to send $30,000 to each of the two beneficiaries of this year’s event: the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Shepherds of Good Hope. Please plan to attend the 2010 Charity Dinner which will be held in

October 2010

Hampton Inn & Conference Centre Ottawa, Ontario

Further details will be available in 2010 and will be available on our diocesan website … www.archottawa.ca under Archbishop/Archbishop’s Charity Dinner.

Arc hbishop’s Char i ty Dinner

Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests — June 2009-2010

In late August, the priests of the Archdiocese gathered at Notre-Dame-du-Cap (Quebec) for our retreat with Archbishop Prendergast as our preacher. He based his reflections on the Gospel of St. Mark and helped us to reflect on the life of St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests as he shared personal experiences of his faith journey with us as priest and bishop.

Each day, we were offered a meditation from Pope Benedict's letter to priests for the beginning of the Year for Priests. It was a fraternal time of prayer and celebra-tion of our unity in Christ. Our retreat was enhanced by the hospitable staff of the Shrine and the beautiful Basilica and Chapels.

Year for Pr iests — Retreat

Spir i tual Apostolate in suppor t of pr iests

A parish priest of our Archdiocese, who had been compared in eulogies to the Curé of Ars, once wrote: “no sooner had I arrived (at my new parish), seeing all the work I had to do, that I realized that if I were not helped by the prayers of many people, it would be difficult to obtain all the graces necessary to sanctify these souls”.

“One thought came to me incessantly in my meditation, especially before the Blessed Sacrament: in our times, more than ever, it is necessary to obtain for priests more numerous graces, in keeping with the more serious circumstances in which we are living. In my instructions and homilies, I often asked for the prayers of my parish-ioners and explained to them that it is a duty imposed on them by the Fourth Com-mandment of God, to pray for the priests, who are the spiritual fathers of the faithful.”

These words were written in the 1890’s by Fr. Alexis-Louis Mangin, pastor of Mas-son, Quebec (then part of the Archdiocese of Ottawa), and co-founder, with Eleonore Potvin, of the Servants of Jesus-Mary (1895). This congregation of contemplative and cloistered nuns dedicated to perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer for priests continue their apostolate to this day at their Motherhouse in Hull.

When John Paul II visited their convent 25 years ago, on September 19th, 1984, he praised them for their “spiritual apostolate” that “supports the ministry of priests.” He added that without their prayer of praise and intercession, there would be in the Church “neither conversion, nor progress in the faith, nor vocations of apostolic la-bourers.”

As many contemplative orders decline in the Church, who will keep vigil with our Lord in adoration, to keep the flame of charity burning in the heart of the Church, to pray for conversions and vocations, for priests in their ministry? Perhaps it is time once again, during this Year of Priesthood, to call upon the lay people, as Fr. Alexis-Louis did with his parishioners back in the 1890’s, reminding them of the necessity of their prayers and hours of adoration for their spiritual fathers, the priests.

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Fr. Alexis-Louis Mangin

Adult Fa i th enters per iod of d iscernment

Socia l Just ice encouraging us to share

need both in and outside our circle of family mem-bers and friends.

What is the Social Jus-tice team at the Archdio-cese encouraging our readers to share? To en-gage with the hungry in your parish neighbour-hood by bringing food items, toiletries, money and your free time to local food centres and soup kitchens; to provide qual-ity used clothing and household goods to the Saint Vincent de Paul and other centres which sup-port those in need of

these goods; to reduce our contributions to waste and pollution of the earth, wa-ter and air; to invest money and time in afford-able housing for the work-ing poor and the chroni-cally homeless; to invite seniors at risk to enjoy your company at local so-cial events; to spend time with the marginalised. To participate with us, please contact P. Marsden-Dole pmdole@archottawa.ca; or jdorner@archottawa.ca (Environmental Steward-ship).

Rather than expecting life to give us meaning, we are the ones who give meaning to life as Viktor Frankel expressed so viv-idly in his remembrance of surviving the dehumanisa-tion of his life in a wartime concentration camp. That advice goes a long way to explaining why good peo-ple have found their meaning in Christ’s teach-ing to extend God’s love for them and with Him to others. That love for each other is expressed in the goods and services we willingly offer to those in

… we will continue

to form people in

their faith as

baptized disciples

of the Lord and

help them to grow

in their

understanding of

the Community of

the Church ...

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After several years of fruitful dialogue, the Adult Faith process in the Arch-diocese of Ottawa has entered into a period of discernment and a time of transition. It is the hope that during this moment we will have the opportu-nity for reflection on our past and a vision of the way ahead in days to come.

At this time there is no Director for Adult Faith. I have been asked by Archbishop Prendergast to undertake this role.

Some of the members of the Committee are very committed in other areas and have indicated their intention to move on. It is

indeed a time of change for everyone. The question is asked: Will the Adult Faith sessions continue? The short answer is 'yes'. It may take on a different form, yet it will continue to form people in their faith as baptized disciples of the Lord and help them to grow in their under-standing of the Commu-nity of the Church and what it means to live as Catholics today. We can take advantage of the many opportunities of-fered in Ottawa for ongo-ing faith formation such as sessions in parishes and at other institutions.

To this end, I would ask persons and groups in

parishes and the commu-nity to notify the Diocesan Office of formation oppor-tunities that you may be aware of so that all may benefit from these initia-tives. In this way the re-sources of the whole com-munity can be utilized in effective ways. You can send these details to the Diocesan Centre and they can be posted in our weekly Friday Fax that reaches all the par-ishes as well as many individuals and groups.

May the Spirit of Christ's presence sustain us in these days and assist us to move forward in grati-tude and in hope. - Fr. Joe Muldoon, E.V.

Psssst…have you heard the news? THE YOUTH SUMMIT/ Montée Jeunesse is coming to Ottawa!!!!!!!

Montée Jeunesse/Youth Summit began in 2005 as a yearly event to build interest in the Eucharistic Congress. The week-end gathering had a Eucharistic and a Missionary focus; components included Keynote Speakers, Adoration, a Christian Music Concert, Workshops and a Eucha-ristic Procession. The Ark of the New Covenant was developed from this event.

After the Eucharistic Congress, Cardinal Ouellet responded to the request of many young adults to continue the event. Montée Jeunesse/Youth Summit 2009 was held in Quebec City. Montée Jeunesse/Youth Summit 2010 will be in Ottawa at the invitation of Archbishop Prendergast.

Montée Jeunesse at a glimpse: Who: For all youth/young adults gradu-

ating from grade 12 up to 35 years old. What: Montée Jeunesse is a bilingual

gathering of youth/young adults from across Canada that focuses upon the Eucharist and on living as a Missionary.

When: May 21st – May 24th, 2010 (Victoria Day Weekend).

Where: At various locations across Ot-tawa.

So now you have heard a little about Montée Jeunesse/Youth Summit. You have heard the good news but here is the great news! This event is not just for the Youth. It is for the Church in Ottawa. Here are different ways that you might be able to be involved:

Pray for the event!!!!! Without prayer, Montée Jeunesse/Youth Summit will not succeed.

Volunteer to host 2 pilgrims for the weekend. We are expecting around 1000 youth (600 from Ottawa and 400 from other places in Canada). We will need 200 host homes willing to billet 2 young adults. You will be hearing more about this from your parishes.

Volunteer to help for the event. If inter-

ested, please contact Ted at 613 738-5025 ext 231.

Join us for some of the open events. Although the schedule is still being looked at, we are hoping to have a Eu-charistic Pilgrimage on the Saturday night and a Christian Music Concert on the Sunday night. Come on out and join in the fun!

Make a donation to help offset our costs.

Once again, Pray! Thanks for all your support and I look

forward to this awesome event! - Ted Hurley, Youth Director

Youth Summit is coming to Ott awa! ! !

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May 21 to 24 , 2010

Around the city, there are masses directed at youth! Check out the ones in your area!

• Annunciation of the Lord Parish - 2414 Ogilvie Road, Gloucester Life Teen Mass Sundays at 6 p.m.

• Blessed Sacrament - 194 Fourth Avenue, Ottawa Youth Mass Sundays at 8 p.m. • Divine Infant - 6658 Bilberry Drive, Orleans Life Teen Mass Sundays at 6:30 p.m. • Holy Redeemer - 44 Rothesay Drive, Kanata Youth Mass Sundays at 7 p.m.

Youth Masses around the Ci ty

Ott awa Cathol ic Youth — U pcoming Events

• Rise Up Conference in Winnipeg - Monday Dec. 28 to Friday Jan. 1 • Canadian Catholic Youth Ministry Conference in PEI - Friday Jan. 22 to Sunday Jan. 24 • Don Bosco Youth Ministry Gala and Awards - Saturday Jan. 30 • Diocesan World Youth Day Celebration - Saturday March 27 • Montée Jeunesse/Youth Summit - Friday May 21 to Monday May 24 • Under the Son Youth Rally - Friday June 25 to Sunday June 27 • Franciscan University Conference (Steubenville) - Friday July 9 to Sunday July 11

For more information, please check the Youth Website at www.ottawacatholicyouth.com or

contact Youth Director, Ted Hurley, at thurley@archottawa.ca, or 613 738-5025 ext 231

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Cathol ic Youth web l inks

• Catholic Christian Outreach Ottawa - http://www.ccocanada.ca/ CCO Ottawa provides a friendly environment for university students and young adults seeking to deepen their relationship with Jesus.

• The Ottawa Challenge Movement - http://www.ottawachallenge.ca/ Challenge is a Catholic retreat movement for youth, coordinated by youth. • NET Canada - http://www.netcanada.ca/

NET (National Evangelization Teams) Ministries of Canada is a Catholic non-profit youth ministry committed to challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church.

Gratitude is at the heart of the celebra-tions surrounding the 50th anniversary of Paroisse Saint-Sébastien. Such was our eagerness to celebrate this fiftieth anni-versary, that we even had it coincide with the pastoral year, from September 2008 to July 9, 2009, exact date when the par-ish was established.

First, in September, a mouth-watering méchoui; in October, a Wine and cheese; in December, a Christmas banquet with Club Entrami.

After these social gatherings, we pur-sued a more spiritual journey. The group Solidarité-Jeunesse came to proclaim and sing its faith with enthusiasm at our January Sunday celebrations. For three evenings during Lent, Father Yvan Mathieu, S.M., led our reflection using texts from the Word of God on “the year of Jubilee”. A Chinese dinner brought us back to the family table in April. In May,

Saint -Sébast ien Par ish celebrates 50 years

Notre Dame — An Histor ical Cemeter y

Petites Filles de Saint-Joseph. Among priests, we find the graves of Msgr. Joseph-Onésime Routhier, long-time Vicar General of the Archdio-cese of Ottawa, of Canon Fran-çois-Xavier Barrette, one of the founding fathers of l’Ordre de Jacques Cartier, and of Father Armand Fournier, founder of Camp de l’Amitié. Furthermore, the author highlights the sec-tion reserved for priests of the Archdiocese of Ottawa, and the sections, containing many lots, owned by sixteen Religious Con-gregations, among them, Sisters of Char-ity of Ottawa, Daughters of Wisdom and Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

The book is for sale in Ottawa book-stores and at the Administration Office of Notre Dame Cemetery (455 Montreal Road, Ottawa).

Ottawa Notre Dame Cemetery: An His-toric Cemetery of National Importance Established in 1872 (Québec, Les Édi-tions GID, 2009), written by Jean Yves Pelletier, is now available in both English and French. Created in 1872 by Most Reverend Joseph-Eugène-Bruno Guigues, first Bishop of Bytown, and designed ac-cording to plans made by Father Georges Bouillon, this cemetery is the most impor-tant Catholic cemetery in the National Capital Region. Almost 123,000 people are buried there.

The work contains an historical over-view of the cemetery and paints a portrait of almost 200 men and women who, for the most part, played an important role. The graves of many well known personali-ties are found in this cemetery, for in-stance, the one of Lydia Branda (Mother Mary Thomas Aquinas), founder of Sœurs de l’Institut Jeanne d’Arc, and of Rose-de-Lima Dauth (Mother Julie), founder of

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two parish choirs joined the vocal talents of our own for a magnificent con-cert. All these social and religious monthly celebra-tions led us to a very spe-cial Sunday Eucharist on June 21, 2009 presided by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J.

We thought our Jubilee Year over, until the par-ishes of Vanier Overbrook and Sainte-Anne, in the process of regrouping, agreed to lead and cele-brate, in our church, the filming of six Sunday masses for the French TV program “Le Jour du Sei-gneur”.

Fifty years ago, on the 7th May 1959 - Feast of the Ascension a Solemn Bless-ing of St. Jude’s Church took place in Hawkesbury. The first mass was cele-brated on December 13, 1959. Seven months later, St. Jude’s Mission became a parish with Father Peter Bernard Gar-land as its first pastor.

Fifty years later, this past September 13, 2009, St. Jude Catholic Parish wel-comed Archbishop Prendergast who pre-sided at a Eucharistic Celebration with Father Titus Egbueh our Pastor and, for-mer pastor Father Brian Martin, as Con-celebrants. The Sunday Eucharist hon-oured past and present members of St. Jude’s Parish. Archbishop Prendergast blessed the new Chalice donated to the Church by the St. Jude’s Ladies Associa-tion, a new alb offered to our pastor Fa-ther Titus Egbueh by the Ladies Associa-tion and the new set of vestments, stoles & chasubles, donated to the Church by the Knights of Columbus #8359.

An honour guard of Fourth Degree Hawkesbury Assembly Knights of Colum-bus led the entrance procession. Parish-ioners participating in the Celebration were present as well as past or founding members, married and/or baptized at St. Jude’s or who had roles on various parish committees throughout the years. Chil-dren from St. Jude’s Elementary School in Vankleek Hill offered a song. Mass was well attended and followed by an Anniver-

sary Luncheon hosted by the Ladies Association with invitation to all pa-rishioners and former parishioners.

Anniversary year events to come include the Ladies Association Communion Brunch, the Parish Harvest Dinner at the end of October, the Knights of Columbus Dinner & Dance in No-vember and the Ladies Association Christmas Tea and Bazaar in No-vember.

Fifty years after that first Mass cele-brated in the year 1959, St. Jude’s Catholic Church and Parish in Hawkes-bury will commemorate the memorable event at a Celebration of the Eucharist on December 13, 2009 with a fellowship gathering afterward in the Church Hall.

Saint Jude Catholic Church, Hawkes-bury, honours and lives its mission state-ment . . . “that firmly committed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we do our part in fulfilling the mission given by Je-sus to His Church to go to people every-where and make them His disciples. We want to proclaim the ‘Good News’ to all with due consideration for children and young people.”

St . Jude Par ish Marks Golden Anniversar y

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We were very honoured to have Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J., preside for the first time since his arri-val as Archbishop of Ottawa at what is now known as the Interdiocesan An-nual Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré on August 8th and 9th.

The respective bishops of the partici-pating Archdioceses of Ottawa and Gatineau and the dioceses of Alexan-dria-Cornwall, Mont-Laurier and Pem-broke rotate yearly in leading the pil-grims to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.

This pilgrimage is unique in that it started 135 years ago, on July 30, 1874 and was held by the Diocese of Ottawa. At that time, the territory of the diocese included the present dioceses of Gatineau, Pembroke and Mont-Laurier and the faithful of these dio-ceses have since joined in the annual pilgrimage, along with the faithful of the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall (then part of the Kingston diocese).

Most Reverend Joseph-Eugène Bruno Guigues, the first bishop of Ot-tawa, who had a great devotion to Saint Anne, died several months prior to the first pilgrimage. Bishop Thomas Duhamel, who had taken part in the first pilgrimage, asked that it be organ-ized annually and, as Archbishop, he

personally led the journeys of 1902, 1904, 1905 and 1906.

Over time, thousands upon thou-sands of pilgrims have made the jour-ney. Many who make the pilgrimage today have been doing so for the past 50 to 60 years.

Archbishop Prendergast not only presided at this pilgrimage, but he participated in every sense of the word. He got on bus # 1 with the pil-grims departing from the Ottawa Bus Terminal.

Many pilgrims were impressed by Archbishop Prendergast’s charisma, his care, his interest in hearing their story and the history of their participa-

Pi lgr image to Sainte - Anne-de-Beaupré

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C o m e Ce l e b r a t e t he Cu l tu ra l R ichness o f our Church !

A l l the Fa i th fu l a re i nv i t ed to a t t end the

Homelands Mass

Sunday January 10 , 2010 2 : 3 0 p . m .

No t re Dame Ca thedra l Bas i l i ca

Sussex Dr ive & S t . Pa t r i ck S t ree t

tion every year on this annual pil-grimage.

We thank Archbishop Prender-gast for his presence that weekend and look forward to his leading us once more on this journey to the Shrine of Sainte-Anne.

Next year’s 136th Annual Pilgrim-age will be presided by the Most Reverend Roger Ébacher, Archbishop of Gatineau and will be held on August 7-8, 2010. - Mike Budge

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) is a Canadian university student movement dedicated to evangelization and building leaders in the renewal of the world. CCO has full-time missionaries present in Ot-tawa at Carleton University and the Uni-versity of Ottawa. Their national head-quarters are also stationed in Ottawa at the Diocesan Centre.

Within the Archdiocese of Ottawa, CCO provides a vibrant Catholic community for students. Pat Hoffman, a second year student at University of Ottawa, was deeply impacted by becoming involved in CCO: “Through CCO events and studies, I was able to uncover and deepen a per-sonal relationship with God I didn’t think was possible, all the while surrounded by a strong network of other young Catho-lics, who were both passionate and will-ing to listen.”

CCO’s goal is to “proclaim, equip and commission.” Essentially, this involves introducing people to Jesus, equipping them with the skills to tell others, and commissioning them to go forth and spread the gospel wherever their life may take them. This is achieved through weekly small-group faith studies on cam-

pus as well as large group events. For example, once a month, students from Ottawa and Carleton gather for a citywide event called “The Summit.” This event is an opportunity to experience Eucharistic adoration, confession and worship. These powerful times of prayer are changing the lives of young Catholics by bringing them closer to the heart of Jesus.

Every year, CCO hosts an event in Ot-tawa called “Meet the Movement” where all are welcome to come and learn more about what the movement does in our region. This year, it will be held in March. For more information on CCO, visit their website at www.cco.ca.

Evangel iz ing Univers ity Students

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Our former Chancellor, Fr. Doris Laplante, C.Ss.R., left us in June in order to take up similar duties as well as parish ministry in the Diocese of Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière (Quebec). The move will permit Fr. Doris to be closer to his family and his religious community in the region of Quebec City. His departure necessarily entailed changes in the Chancery. Msgr Kevin Beach, our Vicar General, has assumed the duties of Chancellor.

The Chancellor relies on the able assistance of Deacon Eugene Margeson, our Vice-Chancellor, who holds a licentiate in Canon Law, and of Gisèle Soulodre-Keshwah, the Secretary-Notary of the Chancery. Our recent experi-ence indicates that Chancery work has continued in the normal course, although some items – such as the Dioce-san Directory – have been delayed due to a decision to review and update some procedures. As Deacon Eugene is in the Chancery three days per week – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – pastors and pastoral workers are encouraged to come those days to the Chancery for marriage and other files.

In the Archives, which are under the jurisdiction of the Chancery, we have started a review and cataloguing of our holdings. Providentially, the Sisters of Charity have appointed one of their members, Sr. Yvette Lalonde who is well known to us from her years at the Cathedral, to assist us in this work. Sr. Yvette worked for a number of years in the Archives of the Mother House. We are delighted to have her with us.

Changes at the Chancer y Of f ice

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The Ottawa Regional Tribunal has gone through another change this year: In June, Fr. Doris Laplante, C.Ss.R., resigned as Judicial Vicar to take up new responsibilities in the Diocese of Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière. Rev. Vincent Pereira, JCD, was appointed the Judicial Vicar, bringing his more than 20 years experience in marriage cases to the Tribunal which also handles cases from the dioceses of Hearst, Moosonee, Pembroke and Timmins. Currently, the staff of the Tribunal completes approximately 80 cases of nullity annually.

Married persons have a right to have their marriage reviewed by our Tribunals after obtaining a decree of civil divorce. The procedure normally includes the following steps: completion of a preliminary questionnaire; submis-sion of a petition based on the information provided by the petitioner; once the petition is accepted, evidence is gathered by testimonies of the parties and the witnesses before an auditor appointed by the Judicial Vicar; the case is then forwarded to the Ottawa Regional Tribunal for examination of the procedural norms and the testimo-nies; a judge follows suit to probe all the evidence and argue the case in written statements to render a decision; and, finally, the judgment is reviewed by the Canadian Appeal Tribunal for the final decision. The parties can ap-peal this final decision to the Vatican’s Roman Rota. Parties are asked to make a donation to help defray the costs of the Tribunal’s work. For more information, please contact the Marriage Tribunal at 613 738-5025.

Marr iage Tr ibunal - An U pdate

CATHOLIC CEMETERIES OF OTTAWA “Sacred places for sacred memories in the tradition of faith”

Notre Dame Cemetery

455 Montreal Rd. (at St. Laurent Blvd.) 613 746-4175

Hope Cemetery

4660 Bank St. (south of Leitrim Rd.) 613 822-1212

D i d y o u k now t h a t y o u ca n s u p p or t th e C h ur c h by m a k i n g a d o n a t i o n o n l i n e ?

G o t o t h e d io c e s a n w e b s i t e - a r c ho t t a w a .c a - a n d c l i c k on t h e d o n a t e i c o n o n o u r H o me P a g e . W e u s e t he Ca na d a H e l p s w eb s i te f o r e le c t r o n i c d o na t i o n s . T a x Re c e i p ts a r e i ss u e d i m m e di a t e ly o n l i ne .

Arc hbishop star ts B logging!

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Archbishop Terrence Prendergast has been blogging since April 2009. The title of his blog is The Journey of a Bishop and it began on April 12 with the posting of "The Way of the Cross".

Although he keeps a very tight schedule, Archbishop Prendergast has managed to post al-most daily on a wide range of subjects: descriptions of his busy days, his travels, his reflec-tions, information on saints’ days. His own digital photos, pictures of religious art and icons are also displayed to match the various subjects.

You can locate his blog at http://archbishopterry.blogspot.com, or Google “The Journey of a Bishop”.

A New Catholic Press Friday, November 06, 2009, 6:20:00 AM | noreply@blogger.com (Archbishop Terry)

On Tuesday evening, I joined a goodly number of folks at the launch of a new Catho-lic publishing house in Ottawa, Justin Press. The brainchild of John Gay and Richard Bastien, their website self-description (www.justinpress.ca) includes the following: "Justin Press, a Catholic publishing house, was founded in 2009. It is dedicated to the publication of works of Catholic culture and apologetics that reflect the teaching of the Magisterium.

"Justin Press will provide the Canadian public with access to the best thought and writing in the Canadian Catholic world. Among the outstanding initial group of con-tributors are Michael O'Brien, Douglas Farrow, David Warren, Lars Troide and Fr. Jona-than Robinson; we will maintain the highest standard of quality in our future publica-tions."

Their Board of Directors consists of the following: John Gay, president; Richard Bastien, vice-president; Bill Craig, chief financial officer; Patrick Meagher, secretary. Advisory Board: Paul Tomory. Their initial offerings include three works: Canadian Converts is the first collection of conversion stories in Canadian literature. Eleven contemporary Canadians relate the stories of their conversion to the Roman Catholic Church in brief, yet intimate and vivid self-portraits.

From very diverse religious and social backgrounds those men and women trace their paths to Rome through a secu-lar environment of indifference or hostility. Their courage is a testimony to the liberating power and unchanging attrac-tion of the truth.

Authors include: David Warren, columnist; Fr. Richard Neuhaus, founding editor of First Things; Conrad Black, former media baron....

The other two books are: A Matter of Conscience, collected papers from the presentations made at last year's inaugu-ral convention of the Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians Societies; Remembrance of the Future: Reflections on Our Times, a collection of essays by the novelist Michael D. O'Brien.

The new publishing house is also distributing a second edition of Perhaps I Love You More, a collection of stories about Pope John Paul II edited by Patrick Meagher.

All Saints Day

Sunday, November 01, 2009, 6:32:00 AM | noreply@blogger.com (Archbishop Terry) All Saints Day is a surprisingly old feast. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints on

the anniversary of their martyrdom. When martyrdoms increased during the persecutions of the late Roman Empire, local dioceses instituted a common

feast day in order to ensure that all martyrs, known and unknown, were properly honoured. By the late fourth century, this common feast was celebrated in Antioch, and Saint Ephrem the Syrian mentioned it in

a sermon in 373. To read more go to: http://archbishopterry.blogspot.com

… recent post ings found on The Journey of a Bishop

Statement of Revenue and Expenses Year ended December 31st, 2008 Revenue Diocesan Administration Tax Properties and parking Investments English Pastoral Sector French Pastoral Sector Donations and Bequests Diocesan and Regional Tribunals Episcopal Conferences Chancery Other Campaign for the Priests' Pension Plan & Compensation Fund Expenses Archbishop's Office Chancery and Archives Administration Properties Episcopal Conferences Communications English Pastoral Sector French Pastoral Sector Donations Diocesan and Regional Tribunals Education of Priests Professional Fees Interest Special Payment to the Priests' Pension (1) Development Office Excess of revenue over expenses before the undernoted items Amortization of deferred contributions - capital assets Amortization of capital assets EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES

Audited Statements by Deloitte & Touche are available at the Diocesan Centre.


Page 14 F A L L & W I N T E R 2 0 0 9

Complementary Notes to the General Administration Fund Statement

(1) Special Payment to Priests' Pension Plan - Represents the 1% incre-ment of Diocesan Administration Tax contributed by parishes. (2) Advances to Funds of the Corporation - The balance at the end of 2008 were as follows: $5,766,834 to Hope Cemetery, $1,417,370 to Loan Fund for Parishes, $455,807 to Notre-Dame Cemetery, (3) Trust Funds Assets and Liabilities - Amount held in Trust as required by the Province of Ontario for the assurance of the perpetual care of the cemeteries under our jurisdiction. The interest serves to provide for the maintenance and care of our cemeteries. The amount held in Trust is listed as both an asset and a liability. (4) Transfers to Funds of the Corporation - Amounts transferred in 2008 were as follows: $56,986 to Compensation Fund ($61,405 in 2007), $NIL to Parish Real Estate Fund ($485,400 in 2007) and $NIL to Par-ticular Works Fund ($500,000 in 2007).


$2,460,668 915,290 225,274 249,759 179,317 673,820

47,040 62,857

4,761 15,657



274,956 113,471 420,745

1,447,180 145,603

52,030 637,996 378,578

91,312 247,486

97,164 136,984

4,704 175,762 141,181






2007 (restated)

$2,403,793 951,003 298,050 261,253 144,788

1,653,494 47,479 60,800

4,443 32,467



333,439 120,610 389,921

1,394,164 141,545

61,498 586,137 322,284

40,975 245,127 216,262 124,764

3,245 171,699







Balance Sheet as at December 31st, 2008 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Interest receivable Prepaid expenses INVESTMENTS CAPITAL ASSETS ADVANCES TO FUNDS OF THE CORPORATION (2) LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES TRUST FUNDS ASSETS (3) LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities DEFERRED REVENUE DEFERRED CONTRIBUTIONS - CAPITAL ASSETS LONG-TERM PAYABLE TRUST FUNDS LIABILITIES (3) FUND BALANCES Invested in capital assets Accumulated unrealized losses on financial assets Internally restricted Unrestricted Statement of Changes in Fund Balances year ended December 31st, 2008 RESTATED BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR Excess of revenue over expenses Land contribution from donation of property Changes in unrealized gains & losses on available-for-sale financial assets Transfers to Funds of the Corporation (4) BALANCE, END OF YEAR


$842,481 1,334,203

9,911 48,883


2,337,536 3,284,819 7,640,011

675,558 8,928,086


$1,425,831 723,528 746,718 308,442



2,538,101 -93,223

6,222,641 4,301,364










2007 (restated)

$1,158,692 891,966

20,570 56,198


2,148,887 3,193,520 7,796,527

698,545 8,890,359


$1,492,478 693,508 793,698 387,260



2,399,822 -30,541

6,222,641 4,006,039



2007 (Restated)






A will is a legal document that contains directions regarding the distribution of one’s estate among the persons and charities that you may want to benefit. It names a repre-sentative chosen by you who will be responsible for carrying out the terms of your Will.

Many people postpone thoughts of making a Will until faced with an overseas trip or an unexpected illness. While the preparation of a Will under these circumstances is beneficial, one should have a Will at all times, review it on a regular basis and update it where necessary. Changes could be necessary due to, for example, changes in Income Tax legislation, changes in the assets bequeathed or gifted under the Will, in the event that your named representative is no longer able to carry out the task of administering your will or in the event that one wishes to change a beneficiary.

If you die without a Will and you are a resident of Ontario, the current law of Ontario will determine who will receive your assets, generally family members, and the amount of the inheritance. It should be noted that institutions such as your church would not be eligible to receive a gift if you die without a Will. The Court would appoint an admin-istrator to carry out the executor’s duties but this appointed administrator may not be a person you would have chosen. By making a Will, you choose your executor who will follow your wishes and instructions as to whom you bequeath your estate, including to Catholic institutions that have always been important to you.

Too many individuals do not have an updated Will or even a Will and may die without this important document and, while a “Will Kit” could be used to draw up the docu-ment, it is suggested that the Will be drawn up by a lawyer practicing in this area of the law. Once your Will is prepared, it is suggested that your wishes be reviewed with your executor and the location of the original copy be made known to your executor.

You may consider the following clauses… ... for your parish ... “To pay to St. (Name of Parish) Roman Catholic Parish for its own use absolutely, the sum of $XX. I declare that the receipt of the person professing to be the Pastor or Pa-rochial Administrator of the parish shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee who need not see to the application thereof. I further direct that if the (Name of Parish) does not exist at the time of my death, this bequest shall be paid to the Parish’s successor, and if no such successor exists, then to an institution with similar objectives and goals.” ... for the Archdiocese ... “To pay to the Archdiocese of Ottawa, legally known as the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Ottawa (“RCECO”), for its own use absolutely, $XX. I declare that the receipt of the person professing to be the Vicar General shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee who need not see to the application thereof. I further direct that if the RCECO does not exist at the time of my death, this bequest shall be paid to the RCECO’s successor, and if no such successor exists, then to an institution with similar objectives and goals”. Should you wish to benefit your parish or the Archdiocese in your will, we encourage you to consult with your lawyer or financial planner for professional assistance in doing so.

Why make a Wi l l?

… consider these c lauses for your wi l l

… your executor

will follow your

instructions as

to whom you

bequeath your

estate, including


institutions …

Page 15 F A L L & W I N T E R 2 0 0 9

The Archdiocese of Ottawa gratefully acknowledges the professional advice and assistance of Ted Prowse in the ongoing development of its “Planned Giving Program for Catholics”.

Archdiocese of Ottawa 1247 Kilborn Place Ottawa ON K1H 6K9

Scenes f rom Diocesan L i fe . . .

Top: NET Commissioning Mass at Cathedral; Visit to General Hospital Middle: Installation of St. Paul U. Rector Chantal Beauvais; Visit of Famille Marie-Jeunesse; Hope Ceme-tery Celebration Bottom: Seminari-ans’ Gathering; School Visit; Archbishop’s Charity Dinner 2009

This newsletter is published by the Communications Office of the Archdiocese of Ottawa, 1247 Kilborn Place, Ottawa K1H 6K9, Tel: 613 738-5025; Fax: 613 738-0130 Photo Credits: Mike Budge, Ginette Chaumont, Mardi de Kemp, Don Doll, S.J., Brent Pierce Une copie en français peut être obtenue au site Internet www.archottawa.ca

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