final draft house resources document

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DESCRIPTION's memo advocating for immigration reform.


To: Members of Congress; Congressional OfficesFrom: Date: January 30, 2014RE: Summary Background Memo on Broad Support for Immigration Reform

Over the past few months, a broad coalition of groups has shown Congress that - in addition to 73% of Americans - key leaders from the business, tech, conservative, faith and law enforcement communities support immigration reform.

Immigration reform is the right thing to do for our economy, our future, and our families. The time for reform is now.

The House Republicans took a critical step toward fixing our broken immigration system with the draft principles that were discussed at the conference retreat. These draft principles being discussed by the Republican conference represent an important step forward for reform efforts. While some anti-immigrant voices falsely claiming to speak for conservatives may raise concern over the draft principles, they do not represent the majority of the Republican Party: polls have consistently shown that GOP primary voters support fixing our broken immigration system. 

To that end, enclosed you will find a variety of resources including economic studies, polling, and statements from key stakeholders. We have also included a reminder of some of the extremist views driving many of the groups mobilizing against reform. For more information, please email

Statements of Support for Immigration Reform

“These folks have now become part of our congregations – we recognize that they are good people. They are strong, family oriented people. They are hardworking

people. These are folks who are contributing to our society and to our culture. They’re people that we know. They’re our friends and our neighbors now, and we

believe there is a better way to treat them than they are being treated right now. So evangelicals in large measure are now calling for an immigration reform that will

treat them with the dignity that they deserve.” Barrett Duke, Vice President for Public Policy and Research, The Ethics &

Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention – October 29th, 2013

“As pastors, we witness each day the human consequences of a broken immigration system. Families are separated through deportation, migrant workers are exploited

in the workplace, and migrants die in the desert. In their attempts to respond to these human tragedies, our priests, religious, and social service providers in many

cases are unable to help these persons without changes to the law.” Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, President, United States

Conference of Catholic Bishops – November 7th, 2013

“The worst thing we can do is nothing, because the current system will only encourage more illegal immigration. The Senate has passed a big comprehensive bill

that advances the ball down the field – but is a long way from perfect. House Republicans have an opportunity to take that bill as a starting point and build on

that to give the country a first rate immigration system.” Former Governor of Mississippi Haley Barbour – August 19th, 2013

“As you know, the United States has a long history of welcoming talented, hard-working people to our shores, Immigrant entrepreneurs have gone on to found

thousands of companies with household names like eBay, Google, PayPal and Yahoo! to name just a few. These companies provide jobs, drive economic growth and

generate tax revenue at all levels of government.” Technology Companies Letter – March 14th, 2013

“It's the most important thing to focus on if you're concerned about the future of the country both as an economic power and as a serious leader of the world, or simply

as a successful society. It's not only good policy to have more immigrants in the United States -- dramatically more immigrants than we do today, to having a path

forward for those people who are here. It's not only a good idea, but it's good politics … I don't care how tall the fence is as long as the doors are big enough.” Americans for Tax Reform President   Grover Norquist – October 12th, 2012


Immigration Studies

American Action Forum - Study: Immigration Reform, Economic Growth, and the Fiscal Challenge

Regional Economic Models, Inc (REMI) - Immigration Reform Report

REMI examines how the policies will expand the economic pie for individuals and businesses across the nation.

Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA) and Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE): Immigrants Boost U.S. Economic Vitality through the Housing Market

Immigrant workers strengthen the housing market in three ways:

• They directly drive housing demand through their own purchasing power. The 40 million immigrants in the United States represent a powerful purchasing class—reflected by their demand for housing, as well as for other locally produced goods and services—that bolster the value of homes in communities across the country.

• They indirectly generate demand by drawing U.S.-born individuals to opportunities in growing areas. The research shows that for every 1,000 immigrants settling in a county, 250 U.S.-born individuals follow, drawn by increased economic opportunity.

• They shift demand for housing within metro areas toward neighborhoods that had fallen out of favor. The research


finds that immigrants often contribute to the stabilization of less desirable neighborhoods, helping those areas become viable alternatives for middle- and working-class Americans. This opens up new opportunities for those without homes to consider purchases in areas once in decline—an important trend in metro areas.

Center for American Progress - Comprehensive Immigration Reform Will Benefit American Workers

The detrimental effect our current immigration system has on American workers is a problem that is not often talked about, but workers all across America see it each day. Currently, our broken immigration system creates an opportunity for some employers to use the immigration status of workers to undermine their employment protections. This has serious implications for all workers in America. Our employment laws are strongest when all employees protected under them are able to invoke their rights when faced with workplace violations. A broken immigration system that stifles immigrants’ employment rights ultimately undermines the workplace safety of all American workers.

Bipartisan Policy Center: Implications for Growth, Budget and Housing


Partnership for a New American Economy - Open For Business: How Immigrants Are Driving Small Business Creation In The United States

Key findings of the report include:

• Immigrants started 28% of all new U.S. businesses in 2011, despite accounting for just 12.9% of the U.S. population

• Over the last 15 years, immigrants have increased the rate by which they start businesses by more than 50 percent, while the native-born have seen their business generation rate decline by 10 percent

• Immigrants are now more than twice as likely to start a business as the native-born


Immigrants start more than 25% of all businesses in seven of the eight sectors of the economy that the U.S. government expects to grow the fastest over the next decade. These include health care and social assistance (28.7%), construction (31.8%), retail trade (29.1%) and leisure and hospitality (23.9%), among others

Center for American Progress - The Economic Benefits of Passing the DREAM Act


Further Statements of Support for Immigration Reform

“Immigration is not the only issue on which Hispanics or Asians vote. But it is a gateway issue. Republicans have much in common with immigrants — beliefs in

hard work, enterprise, family, education, patriotism and faith. But for their voice to penetrate the gateway, Republicans need to cease being the obstacle to immigration

reform and instead point the way toward the solution.” Former Governor of Florida   Jeb Bush, Wall Street Journal Editorial – June 30th,


“Thought leaders from across the ideological spectrum agree that enacting immigration reform now will accelerate U.S. economic growth at a critical time when it has struggled to recover, and will help to enable sustained growth for

decades to come. Done right, reform will also serve to protect and complement our U.S. workforce, generating greater productivity and economic activity that will lead to new innovations, products, businesses, and jobs in communities across the U.S.”

Multi-Industry Letter – July 31st, 2013

“I got involved in this issue for one simple reason: I ran for office to try and fix things that are hurting this special country of ours. And in the end, that is what this is about

for me – trying to fix a serious problem that faces America.” U.S. Senator Marco Rubio – June 26th, 2013

“Catholic colleges and universities have a proud history of providing opportunities to immigrants who enrich our nation with creativity, hard work and public service.

Together we represent universities that educate more than 290,000 students. Leaders on Catholic campuses advocated for the DREAM Act, and we stand with the

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in urging Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes a road to earned citizenship.”

Catholic College Presidents’ Letter – July 18th, 2013

“At the end of the day, if everybody else in line who came here legally and did everything right is through the system and a person then, after an exhaustive

period, after a probationary period, after a green card, not consuming any government benefits, wants to get in line like everybody else for citizenship, we

should allow that person to do that…That’s earning the right to be a citizen.” Representative Paul Ryan – June 24th, 2013


Broad Coalition of Support

PoliticoHaley Barbour urges immigration reform

FusionConservative Grover Norquist Talks Immigration Reform

GannettConservatives lobby House GOP to pass immigration bill

The HillImmigration lobby targets House GOP

Fox NewsRepublican lobbying groups step up push on House to pass immigration reform

ForbesLargest Corporate Players in Immigration Reform

Financial TimesBusiness groups press Republicans over immigration reform

The Daily BeastGOP Donors for Immigration Reform

The New York TimesBig-Name GOP Donors Urge Members of Congress to Back

Immigration Overhaul

The Washington PostKnow who wants Republicans to pass immigration reform? Major Republican donors

GannettConservatives lobby House for vote on immigration reform

Deseret NewsUtah group in D.C. urges immigration reform - now

The Sacramento BeeBusiness, conservatives push lawmakers on immigration


Polling Shows Strong Conservative Support for Reform

Basswood Research – Jon Lerner

On November 2-3, 2013, Basswood Research conducted a survey of likely general election voters in 20 congressional districts. These districts are widely viewed as the 20 most competitive ones currently held by Republican incumbents. The districts surveyed were: CA-10, CA-21, CO-6, FL-2, FL-10, IA-3, IL-13, IN-2, MI-1, MI-7, MI-11, MN-2, NE-2, NV-3, NY-11, NY-19, NY-23, OH-6, OH-14, and PA-8.

The survey was conducted by live professional interviewers by telephone. The overall sample size was 1000, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1%, at a 95% confidence interval. Each district contributed 50 interviews to the sample; as such, data in individual districts is much less reliable.


General election voters in these districts, including Republicans, support all the key provisions of comprehensive immigration reform by wide margins. Generally, the proposals regarding earned citizenship for undocumented immigrants are no less popular than the provisions regarding enhanced border security and employer sanctions. Action on these widely supported immigration reforms would be welcomed by voters who are highly dissatisfied by the dysfunction in Washington.

Key Findings:

The major elements of the immigration reform proposals being considered in Congress have widespread support in these key Republican districts.

E-Verify: 80% support and 13% oppose; Dream Act: 78% support and 16% oppose; Earned pathway to citizenship for undocumented: 71% support and 21% oppose; Increasing fines for employers who hire 72% support and 23% oppose;undocumented immigrants:  Increasing border patrol and border fencing: 67% support and 24% oppose; Increasing high tech legal immigration: 62% support and 30% oppose.

The combination of enhanced border security and pathway to


citizenship represents a consensus position.

When presented with three options regarding the interconnection between border security to prevent future illegal immigration, and citizenship for those who are presently in the country and undocumented, the following responses were found:

• 17% oppose a pathway to citizenship under all circumstances;

• 26% favor a pathway to citizenship even without any increase in border security;

• 50% favor a pathway to citizenship if it also includes substantially increased border security.

Voters in key Republican districts want action on immigration reform.

Fixing the current immigration system is rated as “very important” by 70% of voters in these districts. An additional 23% rate action on immigration reform as “somewhat important.” Only 5% rate immigration reform as either “not very important” or “not at all important.”

Voters prefer an imperfect immigration solution to no solution.

When given a choice between leaving the current immigration system the way it is, and “passing new laws that are not perfect, but do attempt to fix the serious flaws in the current system,” voters choose imperfect solutions over the status quo by a massive 77% to 15% margin. That includes 67% of voters who consider themselves “very conservative,” and 72% of registered or affiliated Republicans.

The partisan composition of these 20 districts favors Republicans.

By party registration/affiliation, respondents in this survey were 39% Republican, 35% Democratic, and 23% Independent. The generic party preference for Congress was +6.7 points Republican.

Public Religion Research Institute

• 63% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens, provided they meet certain requirements;

• An additional 14% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents but not citizens;


• But only 1-in-5 (18%) favor a policy that would identify and deport all immigrants living in the United States illegally.

• This support for a path to citizenship has remained unchanged from earlier this year, when in both March and August 2013 an identical number (63%) supported a path to citizenship for immigrants currently living in the United States illegally.


National Republican Primary Poll on Immigration Issues

On July 8, 2013, Basswood Research conducted a nationwide survey of voters who have a history of voting in Republican primary elections. The survey was conducted by live professional interviewers by telephone. The sample size was 1000, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1%, at a 95% confidence interval. Interviews were geographically distributed to reflect actual voting patterns by Republicans nationally.


Contrary to some perceptions, it is clear that Republican Members of Congress who support immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship, do not run afoul of the majority opinion of their primary voters.  That is true in every region of the country, and in suburban and rural districts alike.  It is true with Tea Party voters, social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, and moderate Republicans as well.

There are around 20% of GOP primary voters who oppose most forms of immigration reform.  This minority tends to be vocal, but their level of activism should not be confused with the size of their numbers.  The large majority of primary voters see a badly broken immigration system and want it fixed.

Most Republicans are willing to support a pathway to U.S. citizenship, provided that several conditions are met, including criminal background checks, learning English, paying fines, and waiting a period of years. 

Of primary concern to Republicans is securing the border to prevent future illegal immigration.  There is understandable skepticism that neither Congress nor the Obama Administration can be relied on to actually enforce real border security.  If provisions are put in place to satisfy these concerns, then a large majority of Republican primary voters will support reform.

Key Findings:

• Republican primary voters overwhelmingly want the current broken immigration system fixed, not ignored.

A large 79% majority say it is “very important” to fix the current immigration system.  Another 17% say it is “somewhat important” to do so, meaning a near unanimous 96% of Republicans want the issue dealt with.  Just 4% say fixing the immigration system is


“not very important” or “not at all important.”

• Republican primary voters prefer an imperfect immigration solution to no solution.

When given a choice between leaving the current immigration system the way it is, and “passing new laws that are not perfect, but do attempt to fix the serious flaws in the current system,” Republicans choose imperfect solutions over the status quo by a massive 78% to 14% margin.  This includes 75% of primary voters who consider themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement, and 78% of primary voters who are daily Fox News watchers.

• Republican primary voters broadly support the substance of the immigration reform bills presently under consideration.

By 70% to 22%, Republicans support a described proposal that: 1) increases border security; 2) requires employers to verify the legal status of job seekers; and 3) establishes a pathway to U.S. citizenship for the eleven million illegal immigrants presently in the country, as long as they pass a criminal background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and wait at least thirteen years.

Most Republican primary voters support a pathway to citizenship under some conditions.

A solid 65% majority of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants if it is coupled with substantially increased border security.  An additional 8% support a pathway to citizenship even without increased border security, bringing to 73% the total of GOP primary voters who are open to the concept.  A 21% minority of primary voters oppose citizenship under all circumstances. 

• Republican primary voters are concerned that promised border security will not actually happen; but those concerns can be addressed.

Eighty-nine percent of Republicans say they are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” that immigration reform will fail to actually secure the border.  However, large majorities express greater confidence that the border will be secured when they are presented with several policy options that are under consideration, including robust increases in border personnel and equipment (75%), and homeland security certification (68%).


• Republican primary voters support increasing legal immigration.

By 71% to 25%, Republicans support increasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country who have advanced skills in engineering, math, science, and technology.  By 56% to 39%, Republicans also support increasing the number of legal immigrants who come here as guest workers filling lower skill job openings in industries like agriculture and construction.


Stories that Show Why We Need Immigration Reform

A small business owner shares her immigration story

14 reasons to pass immigration reform in 2014

The top 5 myths about immigration reform

DREAMer spotlight: Sarahi


Further Statements of Support for Immigration Reform

“We are a bipartisan group of state attorneys general who recognize that immigration policy is primarily a federal responsibility. We are writing to convey

our support for federal immigration reform that improves our immigration system, keeps our communities safe and protects our borders.”

National Association of Attorneys General Letter – April 15th, 2013

“We believe that immigration reform is a critical issue to our country’s future. That ability to continue to attract these ambitious people to fuel our economic growth

and development is at the core of our strength and we cannot afford to let that strength erode.”

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice – February 2013

"The fact is that our current immigration system is broken. Everybody knows it. It’s not serving the interests of our economy, our businesses, our workers, or our

collective security. America cannot compete and win in a global economy without the world’s best talent, hardest workers, or biggest dreamers...  We can do better

and we must do better. Immigration reform isn’t just a problem to be solved, it’s an opportunity to be seized.”

Tom Donohue, President and CEO, United States Chamber of Commerce – January 10th, 2013

“Having served as the chief law enforcement officer in each of our states, we witnessed the myriad ways in which our broken federal immigration system makes

the most basic law enforcement functions far more difficult.” Former Attorneys General Letter – April 21st, 2013

“We are a nation of immigrants and we must uphold that tradition which has strengthened our company in so many ways. We are also a nation of laws and must

enforce our laws. America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society at the same time. But we have a problem the laws governing our immigration system are

not working. The system is broken…” Former President   George W. Bush – July 10th, 2013

“Immigration has become a wedge issue and a litmus test, a litmus test of respect and caring.  So we need to get immigration reform done to finally get rid of that

wedge issue that’s been afflicting our party for 10 or 15 years.” American Conservative Union Chairman   Al Cardenas – November 8th, 2012

“Republicans can take some solace from the popular vote. But unless they respond to accelerating demographic changes — and Obama, by pressing immigration

reform, can give Republicans a reef on which they can wreck themselves — the 58th presidential election may be like the 57th, only more so.”

George Will, Washington Post – November 7th, 2012


The Shocking Extremism Behind Anti-Immigrant Groups

 In poll after poll, nearly 3 in 4 Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs say they support fixing our broken immigration system, because a majority of Americans recognizes that we need reforms that will work for the American economy and American families. It’s a different story for the small minority of anti-immigrant groups reflexively opposed to any attempt to fix our broken immigration system. Here’s a look at the hateful rhetoric, extreme views, and blatant falsehoods – including ties to white supremacists and an argument that Hispanic families “lack strong family values” – that these organizations spout to argue against critically needed reforms.  

Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR]:

FAIR Founder John Tanton Admitted to Accepting $1.5 Million From The Pioneer Fund, A White Supremacist Group, For FAIR. 

 “By Dr. Tanton's own reckoning, FAIR has received more than $1.5 million from the Pioneer Fund, a white-supremacist outfit devoted to racial purity through eugenics.” Before FAIR’s Connection To The Pioneer Fund Was Discovered Stein, Said His Job Was “To Get Every Dime Of Pioneer's Money." 

“FAIR stopped receiving Pioneer Fund grants in 1994 due to bad publicity it received when the grants were made public. At the time, FAIR was backing California's punishing anti-immigrant Proposition 187, which would have denied education and health care to the children of undocumented immigrants in that state if it had not died as the result of court challenges. Stein and Tanton had led FAIR's efforts to win funding from Pioneer, and Stein said in 1993, before Pioneer's extremism was made public, that his "job [was] to get every dime of Pioneer's money."


The Wall Street Journal Editorialized On NumbersUSA And Affiliated Groups Posing As Conservatives

“In addition to trying to stop immigration to the U.S., appropriate population-control measures for Dr. Tanton and his network include promoting China's one-child policy, sterilizing Third World women…”



Center for Immigration Studies [CIS]:

Anti-immigration group says Hispanics lack ‘strong family values’ and will ‘unmake’ America

“A spokesman for the right-wing think tank the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) said in a pair of interviews with the Washington Times that immigration reform will cause “the unmaking of America.” According to senior CIS policy analyst Stephen Steinlight, Hispanic immigrants are bad for the U.S. because they lack “strong family values.”… In addition, he said, Hispanics aren’t “natural conservatives,” as some say they are, because they don’t exemplify “family values.”

Mark Krikorian Wrote That Haiti’s Lack Of Progress And Development Stems From The Fact That Haiti Was Not “Colonized Long Enough”.

“My guess is that Haiti’s so screwed up because it wasn’t colonized long enough. The ancestors of today’s Haitians, like elsewhere in the Caribbean, experienced the dislocation of de-tribalization, which disrupted the natural ties of family and clan and ethnicity. They also suffered the brutality of sugar-plantation slavery, which was so deadly that the majority of slaves at the time of independence were African-born, because their predecessors hadn’t lived long enough to reproduce. But, unlike Jamaicans and Bajans and Guadeloupeans, et al., after experiencing the worst of tropical colonial slavery, the Haitians didn’t stick around long enough to benefit from it. (Haiti became independent in 1804.). And by benefit I mean develop a local culture significantly shaped by the more-advanced civilization of the colonizers.”

Krikorian Advocated For A Return Of Colonialism In Haiti.

“But if Haiti’s problem is a stunted, dysfunctional culture caused by an interrupted process of colonial development, then it follows that a solution would be to resume colonialism”.

In The Debate Over So-Called “Anchor Babies”, Krikorian Stated That The Default Position Of The U.S. Government Should Be To Deny Foreign Pregnant Women Access To The United States.

“You just turn people down for being pregnant," said Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies. "That should be the default position and then there'd have to be some very good reason for an exception." Krikorian acknowledged that some people might find a ban


on pregnant visitors "outrageous," but questions the rationality of the alternative. "Do you really think that's right that somebody here visiting Disneyland should have their children be U.S. citizens, which they'll then inevitably use to get access to the U.S.?" he asked. Krikorian and others call the offspring of birth tourists "anchor babies," as they can serve as a foothold for future legal immigration of an entire family.


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