fm budget

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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FM Budget.

• A quick CFO buy in.

• Re enforces the credibility of the FMP.

• A balanced score card for the FM team.

• Conversion of cost to a value account.

• Successful execution of org FM strategy.

Accurate budget estimate!

Here is what we have:

Where to get started?

Re visit your baseline.

• Renewed Organizational Objectives

• Changed policies and focus.

• Variance analysis.

• Changes in Assets.

• Resource utilization analysis.

• Real estate attributes.

• Identified Cost centers.

• Identified Value centers.

• Routines' the routine able.

• Value addition plan.

Scope of FM budget.

• Rentals.

• New projects CAPEX.

• Energy and utilities.

• Safety & Security.

• MRO and renovations.

• Running Miscellaneous.

• Travel & Hospitality

• Communications.

• Training costs.

• Team costs.

• .

• .


• Lease in a correction market.

• Not on actual is negotiable

• Cold /warm shells costs.

• Fit out costs.

• Statutory and property charges .

• Rental escalations.

• Service apartments.

• Company allocated accommodation.

• Restructured workspace.

• Value added services on new deals.

New projects CAPEX.

• Land and development .

• Design Architect.

• Structural engineer costs.

• Electrical & HVAC consultants.

• Glazing contractors.

• Civil work contract.

• Landscaping contract.

• GB & REIA consultant.

• Security , Network & PMC.

• Capital goods.

Energy and utilities.

• Additional created/re structured space.

• New data centre loads.

• Revised Electrical loads.

• Energy audit scope

• MD & PF optimization.

• Depleting water table .

• Additional water requirements.

• Renewable local grid.

• Target low budget for a favorable TBL.

Safety & Security.

• Residual risk mitigation costs.

• HW & SW Upgrade .

• Electronic security equipment.

• Manpower deployments.

• Consultant costs.

• DR costs.

• Equipment replacement costs .

• Phasing out of ODP safety agents.

• Audit OFI implementation costs.

• Local security grid outflow.

MRO & Renovations.

• Saving mode here cannot be sustained .

• Plumbing , mechanical & Carpentry.

• CCTV , Scanners, Chillers and pipes.

• Software and hardware upgrade.

• EOL SS system and OEM upgrades.

• Switches and Communications.

• Varnishing, polishing and painting.

• ODP refrigerant phase out cost.

• Electrical equipment

• RO and STP.

Facility running misc.

• AMC’s.

• cartridges and Stationary.

• Staff welfare costs.

• Petty cash.

• Freight and Labor costs.

• Unanticipated costs.

• Consumable media costs.

• Employee Subsidy expenditure.

• Additional equipment Hire costs.

• Sundry expenditures.

Travel & Hospitality .

• Local transport budget .

• Domestic travel.

• International travel.

• Executive travel budget.

• Owned & provided transport.

• Service apartment & budget hotels .

• Executive apartments & luxury hotels.

• Concierge, lobby and entertainment .

• Food beverage and pantry services .

• Recreational transport arrangements.

Communications .

• Fixed line telecom costs .

• Telecom equipment upgrade.

• Wireless telecom costs.

• Wire line Wireless integration costs.

• Virtual workspace facilitation cost.

• Tele collaboration costs.

• Network upgrades.

• Data communication costs.

• Securing communication costs.

• Mobile services costs.

Team and Training.

• Salary hikes and bonuses.

• Revised minimum wages.

• Team size renewal differential

• In sourced outsourced ratio variance.

• Retire and hire differential.

• Plant and upgrade training .

• New standard and regulation training.

• Revised business focuses training.

• New SS equipment training.

• Client Satisfaction Survey focus.


Stay in the race.

Look back budget

Win the race Innovative budget

Stay ahead of the race Value creation Budget

• Risk Mitigation

• Residual Risk.

• Scalable Solution.

• FM Strategy





Take your Pick

Thank you.

For your time.


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