friends of humanity international human rights organization menschenfreunde international...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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“Disguised Humanity”A report that monitors the health

conditions of the Palestinian Prisoners

(Diseases resulting from torture and absence of adequate medical care)


Statistical Synopsis

*Since its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in June 1967 until November 2005, the Israeli Occupation Forces detained more than 650 thousand Palestinians, a number equivalent to 20% of the *Palestinian residents (in Palestine).The total of 9600 prisoners are currently imprisoned in the Israeli jails, custodies and detention centers.

*A total of 578 prisoners have been imprisoned in Israeli jails since before the Aqsa uprising.*Over 400 woman prisoners were detained during Aqsa uprising , 11 of them are still under arrest.*The total number of children imprisoned since the break-out of the Aqsa uprising is 4000, out of which 297 are still in jails.*99% of the imprisoned children are subjected to torture particularly by way of beating, straining and head wrapping.

* 181 prisoners were martyred due to torture, killing after detention or as a result of intentional medical negligence

Torture killing during interrogation

Jails, Detention Camps and Interrogation Centers

Central Jails Belonging to the Israeli General

Jails Authority

Detention Camps Belonging to the Israeli


Interrogation Centres Associated with the Israeli

Intelligence System/ Shabak

Nafha Desert Jail

Al Majdal/ Asqalan




Central Jail of Beer Al Sabe’e

Beer AL Sabe’e/ Eshtil

Beer Al Sabe’e/ Isolation Centre

The New Ramla Jail

Ramla Jail Hospital

Nafi Tritsa

Al Damoun



Naqab Desert Jail


Haware / Nablus

Kdomeen/ Qalqilya

Salem / Jenin

Atsyoun / Bethlehem

Beet Eil / Ramalla


Al Jalma

Al Majdal / Asqalan

Betah Tekfa

AL Maskobiya / Jerusalem

Secret Jail No. 139


The Occupation Authorities apply torture methods that are internationally prohibited. The Occupation Authority is the only “state” that permits and legalizes torture as official tactics endorsed by political support and legal justification from the Higher Court of the Israeli Security system in 1996 when this court granted Shabak the right to use torture, tactics of shaking and pressing on parts of the body against the Palestinian prisoners.

Rates of methods of torture:99% were subjected to beating68 prisoners subjected to various % were placed into fridges88% were subjected to straining and dangling92% were compelled to stand for long hours93% were deprived from sleep

Killing Diseases Caused by Negligence and Torture

First: Diseases of the respiratory system

1- Dyspnea breathing (difficulty) It is caused by smothering the prisoner by covering his

head with a dirty dark bag and pressing on the neck and the respiratory tract.

Suffocation by pressing the neck on the table edge

It results from the naked search policy, placing the prisoner in a fridge, pouring iced water on him or forcing him to have very cold showers.

2. Infections associated with recurrent cold, flue and coryza

Very cold water or very hot waterCramming prisoners in fridges

3 .Lungs infection and asthmaThis is caused by recurrent breathing of toxic tear gases splashed into the prisoners’ tents

Gas splash

2 .Malnutrition: This case is caused by the lack of good nutritiously balanced meals .

Third: Diseases of the circulatory system

1. Sunstroke and dehydration specially during the summer at Naqab jails located in the desert, where the highest temperatures are recorded, drinking water is rare and prisoners are exposed to the burning sunshine.

3. Severe Enteritis: It is caused by the filth and insects that spread all over the cells and toilets, and the presence of uncovered sewerage and emanating bad smells.

2. Anemia: It results from malnutrition, particularly from food lacking in the essential nutritious elements, which build the blood red cells such as iron and vitamin B12.

3 .Sudden fainting: Results from torture and beating.

4 .High blood pressure and diabetes They result from the intensive psychological pressure to which the prisoners are subjected, and its side effects which lead in some cases to heart and brain

thrombus .

Four: Skin diseases

1. Skin burns They result from burning the prisoners with cigarette stumps and charging them with electric shocks during interrogation and torture.

Foot hanging and bastinado

2. Allergy and severe skin infections These are attributed to stings of insects, flies mosquitoes, scorpions, snakes and cockroaches, and bites of rats especially during the summer nights.

3 .Fungus

4. Tumefaction and blue skin blood agglomeration It is caused by whipping and beating the prisoners with the gun ends and batons.

5. Scabies

6. Bug stings Bugs become widespread during the summer. Prisoners in Naqab and Majedo detention camps suffer from bug stings.

7. Lice

8. Dogs bites: Interrogators set free wild and frenzied dogs to attack the prisoners.

Five: Bone Diseases

1 .Severe fractures

Threatening with dogs and cramming dogs with prisoners in the same cell

2. Cartilaginous ruptures: They result from torturing the prisoners by dangling and straining their bodies and forcing them to take certain tough body positions, such as squatting or frog pose, for long hours.

Tied to the chair with cuffed hands and feet

Dangling and straining

3 .Rheumatism and joint infections

4 .Spine and back pain

5. Osteopsathyrosis (Bones fragility)

Cell Isolation Violent Shaking

Six: Diseases of the urinary system

.11 .Recurrent infections of the kidney and urinary tracts2 .Severe urinary continence: Caused by preventing prisoners from

using the toilets for long periods of time as a sort of punishment.3. Sterility and sexual impotence: As a result of pressing on the prisoner’s virilia.

Pressing on the Virilia

Seven: Eye diseases

1 .Vision weakness : Results from depriving the prisoner from sunlight2. Loss of vision: Due to intentional medical negligence 3. Severe conjunctivitis: Caused by exposure to toxic tear gases.

Eight: Ear diseases

1. Hearing debility: Result from tuning loud clamorous music close to prisoners’ ears.

2. Cardrum puncture: Resulting from slapping the faces and beating on the ears of the prisoners.

3. Hearing loss: Caused by medical negligence as prisoners are not provided with proper care and medication.

Nine: Mental Diseases

They are considered the most drastic diseases among the Palestinian prisoners. The Israeli security and military teams attempt to undermine the prisoner’s will and spirits and humiliate him in order to subjugate him.

1 .Severe hysteric mental shocks2. Severe fits of depression and autism3. Anxiety and Insomnia.

A position where the prisoner is hand cuffed to a tube set at a low level and is forbidden to sleep

The medical teams at the Israeli jails perform tasks contradicting with the profession’s globally established ethics. The Israeli doctorsextend considerable cooperation to the Israeli security and military groups in a way that serves their aims in torturing the prisoners and forcing out their confessions.

Ten: Nerves Diseases

The Israeli Doctor is a Tool in Service of the JailerViolation of the Profession’s Ethics

1. Brain thrombus and paraplegia2. Severe chronic headache3. Epilepsy and spasms.

The most immoral practices by the Israeli doctors in the jails and detention camps are summarized as follows:

* Preparing the prisoner’s condition form, called physical fitness form in which the doctor states the prisoner’s body weaknesses after conducting the initial checkup.* The jail doctors are affiliated to the authority of jails and military not to a civilian medical institution.* The jail doctor performs a shameful job as he eliminates the traces of torture from the body of the prisoner before he is taken to the court.* The jail doctor treats the prisoner as a terrorist and ravager not as a sick person.* The jail doctor perpetrates inhuman actions which are inconsistent with the rules of his profession.* The jail doctor blackmails the detainee and uses the jail clinic to connect the agents with the jail administration.* The jail doctor performs a dual role of the jailer and interrogator by beating, rebuking and pressuring the prisoner.

The suffering of the prisoners’ families

The prisoner’s family is not informed of his location at the beginning of his arrest. The family’s concern over the torture operations The prisoner’s family members are arrested as a method of pressuring the prisoner into confession. Houses owned by prisoners and their families are demolished. The financial and psychic suffering of the prisoners’ families. Barring family visits to the prisoner under security pretexts. Unfasten prisoners’ cuffs in front of their families in the rooms allocated for visits. Bad treatment of the visiting family members by subjecting them to naked search. The disappointment of families who get ready to welcome back their freed prisoners on a specific day, and get informed later of the extension of the detention period. This deepens their suffering.

1… Come over Mohammad, It’s iftar time (time of breaking the fasting)

2… I want to watch for my dad’s return, you told me he would be freed from his imprisonment before Ramadan

Jerusalem, pardon …

Would you come closer sweet homeland…

The chains would inevitably break off…..

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