fundamentalism and the scopes trial

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Fundamentalism and the Scopes Trial. Fundamentalism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Fundamentalism involved a broad movement in Protestantism in the U.S. which tried to preserve what it considered the basic ideas of Christianity against criticism by liberal theologies. It stressed the literal truths of the Bible and creation.

The fundamentalists believed in the meanings they got from when they individually read the Bible.

1925 Prosecution of Dayton, Tennessee school teacher,

John Scopes, for violation of the Butler Act, a Tennessee law forbidding public schools from teaching about evolution.

William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow were the two representing lawyers.

1.Who was the pastor of Riverside Church in New York and the most influential spokesman for liberal Protestantism in the 1920s?

A)Harry Emerson Fosdick B)Billy Sunday C)Robert Lynd D)H.L. Mencken

2.What was the outcome of the 1925 Scopes Trial in Dayton, Ohio?

A)John Scopes was found innocent. B)John Scopes was found guilty. C)The judge threw out the case. D)John Scopes was found guilty, but the

judge overturned the verdict.

1. A 2. B

The roaring 20’s (a time of great wealth and success) led to the Great Depression

"Black Tuesday", October 29, 1929, when share prices on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed.

Stock prices continued to plummet after the month of the crash

October 1929 crash came during a period of declining real estate values in the United States

A period of economic decline in industrialized nations

The time around Black Tuesday was a time in unstable in the stock market

“Brain trusters” shared a faith in the power of experts to set the economy right and a basic belief in government-business cooperation

The Second New Deal also consisted of many acts. Roosevelt was losing his popularity to workers, farmers, the aged, and the unemployed so it was a way for him to gain his popularity back.

Franklin D. Roosevelt- broadcasted his “fireside chat” to explain the steps he had taken to meet the financial emergency

Was from March to June of 1933 in which FDR pushed a number of acts designed to combat various aspects of the depression. These included the: Emergency Banking Relief Act, Civilian Conservation Corps, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Industrial Recovery Act, & the Public Works Administration.

• 1933 - Agricultural Adjustment Act    Put limits on farm production to keep prices up    1936 - declared unconstitutional

• 1933 - Federal Emergency Relief Administration    Provided money to local relief agencies    Was ineffective

• 1933 - Civil Works Administration    Put people to work building roads, parks, bridges, etc.    Civilian Conservation Corp. - gave people jobs in National Parks

• 1936 - Soil Conservation Act    Replaced Agricultural Adjustment Act    Farmers were paid not to grow certain cropsResettlement Association - modernized and consolidated farms

1. During the New Deal, federal programs to help unemployed writers, artists, and teachers  

  A. stalled in Congress over claims that other spending priorities had to come first.

B. never got beyond the planning stages.   C. got involved in many controversial projects that led

Congress to withdraw funding in less than two years.   D. left a substantial legacy of artistic and cultural production.

2. FDR's fireside chats and Father Charles Coughlin's speeches shared what in common?  A. A demonstration of the political power of radio.  B. Liberal reform ideas.   C. Attacks on politicians as tools of special interests.   D. A desire for increased federal involvement in people's lives.

1. D

2. A

3. Huey Long's possible candidacy for president     A. fizzled out during the 1936 election campaign when FDR's

election appeared certain.   B. attracted millions of voters and could have proven disastrous

to FDR.   C. ended when he was elected to the U.S. Senate.   D. was supported by FDR as a way to split the Republican vote.

4. When FDR became president, the first thing he did to re-establish confidence in the economy was    

A. declare a four-day bank holiday to shore up the banking system.

 B. have Congress create the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.  

C. set up the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration.   D. establish the President's Emergency Committee for


3. B

4. A

Compare the first and second New Deals. What distinguished the second reform surge from the

first? Explain


Outline and explain Roosevelt’s plan for dealing with the depression and the "common problems" of the American people. In what ways did it change the lives of Citizens?

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