german troops in (a). . .0 jo 0 j 0...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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T I G E R S ( A ) . . . 0 j o 0 j 0 0 0 I 0 0 0—

0 5 0

R E D S ( N ) . . . ._______ , f________________________________ L

2 0 0 0 0 1 0 ' 1 ’■ x ' ! .

4 1 0 2T icc n t'R o w e , Goralea, H otehinstm and Tebbet(s:,Re<l8— W allers and Wilson.

VO L. X X III . N O . 250— 5 C E N T S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O . J lO X n .W . O CT O nK U 7. 1910. Ucnlxr of AuHII F O F F IC IA L C IT Y N E W S P A P E R

GERMAN TROOPS IN RUMANIA* * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ + ★ ★ ★ ★ * ★ * ★


ASm WINS. 4-


C IN N A T I, 0 . , O ct. 7 (U.R) — a lo w e r in g h o m e ru n

o v er th e le f t f ie ld v a i l a n d •p itc h in g a s u p e rb .sh u to u t,

B ucky Walter.*? b ecam e a one- m an ball te a m to d a y to d e fe a t th e D e tro i t T ig e r s <1 to 0 a n d sq u n re th e w o rld s e r ie s fo r th e C in c in n a ti R eds.

T h s big. bow-lcggod pllchor wa« the whole show ou thi.s cool niid cloudy ftftcm oon as lie b ro u g h t th e Reds oul ol Uie shadow of d e fea t ■nd « n t them Into th e .seventh Rnd i lu a l game tom orrow w ith a n even chance Tor th e cham pionsh ip o t bn.ieball.

H it sinker , ba ll dropped an d dart* ed. h ts Alow one was ip tan ta liz in g as a fefither In th e tre c M a n d a i the te v tim es h e g o t in to trouble th e ClncinnaU infie ld rose Up w ith th e .b r i l l ia n t n e td lng ta choice off runs'*

. A lleirf Five t l iU ')';ve :rits

powfrl^pa-^ could collect o ff W alt­ers. w ho has given a to t« l of only e ight h its In 18 Inn ings an d has ■t 'on two gamc8.

I t was a day of rpjolcing here In Uie R hineland, b u t I t w as a n a l te r - tioon of blnclt rtrspalr fo r School­boy Rowe, th e v e teran of th e D e­tro it Tigers, w lio was knockcd o u l o l the box for th e second atrnlRht tUne, F o u r h it" ^^tit t,wn stream ing across tli r p ln ir In Iho first iniiliiR a n d th e ScljoAlboy, r<*- crlvlnu an n llir r b itte r les,»oii In the .■ichool of h a rd knnekn, Was tn k m out when h e Imd only benn nbic to to get one m an oul.

Johnny Q orslca flnlhlird Uio flrnt Inning fo r' th e TlKCrs. a n d p itch ­ed nn tll the c lghtl), but tlie way W allers WHS sweepliiK Ills n tuff across tlie p la te, D rlro ll never hiul chance a fte r th e f irst Inning.

Ilowe 1.4-avri G am em il Wrrl>er, n pa in fu l tlinrij In

tlin {lank of th e T l«ein In th is m tIcs, r iitd rd a rtouula iignlnnl the left Held wall In th e f irst Inning and w fu t down to th ltd o i\ M. McGw* mirk'n nncrlfire, Ival Oooclman Ahol n sUikIb down, tlin flrNt bunc linn scoilng W erber, F rank M i'Connli'k p irkrd oul one of tlie hrliooltmy'n ■llrgrd fast on<-n a n d Miinrkr<l sIhkI" to left, f.endlii« Ooodiniin second. Jim m y lllpp le th en lirouKlit about tUti dw nn of Uowb by alnNlilng n nltiKle to r ig h t th a t scored O o<k1- nmn. and the srlux>lboy llirew his big leather Jacket a round nliouldern iind ncnbled o u l nf the blill game.

ClniAlra. u rookie i Ighl-hftiK lrr, itl<l n rredllnblfl lellcf Job, bu t In the sIxtJi he gave ui> a run when and Jim m y Wlltion singled iui<| Kd- <lle Jt) walked. Clornlra uoi Hilly

lo form Itlpjilo u l th e i)Uito but when W altri* ^mahhl•d ii g roun­der to I'Inky lilgRlDs a t Ih lrd and Wilson b eat th a iluow to the plute for an o th er run.

W alters' hom e run ram e In thi e iuh th Inning wltli I'retUlle llu l rh lnn 'm oti Hie jnound In plnce o Oor/ikia, who had been removed for H plneli h itler. I t ie hall ci

(HHuuls. I t sh o t hig ti a n d slrulKlit for tlie le ft field fence an<l H ank Q reenlieig s t« a l helplewily in t tHill dropped over Into th e street,

I ' L A Y B Y P L A V

Irll> lilK.

llr<li> W nrUI wkjln<iw« u ,' yri.k ^(Ii.|«UiiMi

r. Mrl'miiilrK aUmlisI tn Ird , (|*kh|. - --1\ »l ■••< (111.1 lUpilin |.»|1(1W

llh l. •I'oiliiK (locnhiiKii «||i| nrii>ll(>l

r lollKl

•It.liiuiy (torKk*. icmklr imni huiKlrrrn'licW ll.iw« lt> ll.r Im. i fo. III. 'in .•f». Wl1x.ll swllliclllll Jl««lAitnwl , i „c„iu i, tniiUK u

^r«ro riMU, Iniir hU«. I»1 fiiura |w<:


Times-News Display and Open House Lure More Visitors

M ade e»pec«»ll7 tim ely beeai»e th e w orld aerlea now hold* eyes of a ll baseball fan i. th e T lm e*-N ew t display fe.iturlng a te lr ljp e In th e Idaho Pow er eompany window Is draw ing plen ty of speclators, U ere's an unusual cam era view ‘'f rom ia ild e lookint oul.” T he «nl< licni Hre scann ing Ihe world aeries play-by-play report a« I t com«s over th e teletypo an d la b roadcaft by loudspeaker. (T lm rs Pliulo and E n jravlngJ

ltUU«* mov« l»>an «n iwUex In 11»Ht w t. Ihe Tliiie<-Ne«s ojirn house. In ilru ilm (rlg h li, nlhlnlle dlrerliu',

111 th e 'e K rt rh u m Junior lileli nrlioul sliulenlH Jrd Ihe ll^t (mlny for the Inn cr^ l-d M iu ire v^ll^lr^ I" Ui«\«n >kllh the k lu iln its itre, miilillr, Kay Jefferson , m ii 'lr ,itid a r t liih trix lor, iuid lU ril (iiin lncn

iTIiiirii 1'lintII mill liiiKrii\ IUKI


. .0 0 0 0 1 II

0 D

O K lllO IT lla r lrl l , tm ( 'rouelirr , m , MrCo^hy. el ... ( ieh rln ii-r . 2I> G ree iih rri, If \ o t k . Ih Cam phrll, rf............... 3liTeblK-IU, r Unwe. p .(lo riloa , p x-Averlll sv-H ulllvan . lIu teM m dn, p ..

T 'l ln l. ni 0 R 2< I 'l i a lle il lor (Inrnlca In flth xx-l>i>lleil lor lla rte ll In Hih < IN (JN N A II ; AI) n II 0W rrher. 31. « 1 1 tM .M eC.iriiilrk. r f S o i I(iixKlman, r( 4 1 2 !K M rC iiriii lik , lb . 4 I) | |{Klpple. II t g 2 JWlUoii. e ....... 3 1 1 4Joust, ZliMyers. » W allers, p ......... 4 1 1 0 I 0

lo U h a t 4 10 M 14 ?llelroU . . . OUO BOD OM-O(■liirlniiall tOO Mil O l t - 4

Kuns h a llrd In—<loodm an. lllpple. W allers *. Two basa h lls—W erlirr, lls rle ll. Home ru n —W allers, M»r- r l» r r« - M , MeCormlek. O oedm nnI,et» on liases-D e lroU fl. C lnrlniintlI I . ' Hases oti IihIIi o f f_ O o r» lra 4|

1: W alle n S. HIritekuMtby—<Jnr»lra 3i H u le lilu ion It Wal- le rs 2. n il* o f f_ |l« w e 4 |M i <Jor- ■Ira a-U 8 /J i l lu le h h u s i i | . l . Douliln plays—Joosl-M yers-K M eConnlek)

M oC oh»loh .M |«ra.|r. M aM rm leki (In re lra -T ebbaU i.Y orh i W rriier- Jito st-K MeCormlek, WiniUng pit- ehw —W allers. Loaliig pU olnr— Rowe. U m plrooxO rm aby (AI » laU | U alU nfaiit IN | ( l n ( | U aill (A) see- nnd i K lem (Nl Ih ird , X»u>*-li01. A ilendane*—SOtUl.

FDR Carries Campaign Into Upstate New York

llV U i': I 'A U K . N. V.. (h-i, V (U.ll) U h u t m .H,loiiiiy I'Ki'i'ii'd liis deroiinc-in:i|Mi'ijciti l i i ird t r r n i iu in up.Htuli' N t'w V ufk v'oulvrs svjuvli m ay uiiN u \, (IfOidc w h c tli i ir llii' .sliilc' 17 i-li'flnn il v iilr.s ici iln: N «'\\ D ri ll.

W hil'' h is U i'im lilicini n p p u iim l 1.. Willlvi.' ,m iii-•il in n o r l l i r r n N ew ,)ir.M'V, .Mf. U(hi,s. ' \ r | i

IliniiiK li A llm ny , W 'lile rv lic t,

ARVESTK f t i y i E R W

J liiiv .iliiH of Rugnr beel.i ovn liMli ini' lu ir lh uiitl miuIIi nUlii In u i;, ^.a^ Mi.ctciwiiy tliih uItenio<in with Uir i\M |>ii<in of th e m ri- . .In im ir Kiiil ('ll^tlerorlt hrctliiiiri w hi-tr su ih h.iivc 1 " in M nri •riniii-iliiy. orililul.’i 1,1 Mil' Auiiil«iiniiile<l MUKIII .•omimii)

111 r.iiiiir IniitiiniTn, liiiwevei-, fiiiiii- ci;i \u ii - nu t yet Ihiiiugli w llh linin liMivrslliur bei'uiinr „r wel llrliU I iiiiM il l)v itroloiiKcd rnlii>i itnii will hiilil III! 'Ill Ihe heel liiuvi'i ,L uiilll l)i« liiiiiis im- Piim |i|rlril.

•|'hr I 111 I T A niiilgiimiited Im lorlchI....... ... Idnhii UIO exi)e(;iril to hr-Kill |ii<M'i-»«ing 'h iendn^ o r W rdiii'n- iliiy iiiid o lllc la ls |H)lnt out ihui. Ihry will run rnim iia to UO dAiii A tiilnl loniioge 01 Jtlft.tMKl Is exprrfeil lor ihc llircc p la o u ,

11 w an llclpn i^ ij th a t 400 in in , a l lh a m onllily jm yioll ol imiood ««lll 1)0 em p loy td Bt Uio local p laiu, and aSO m en i t boU> (ho R u p e r t and Uiirley p lan ta . w ith payrool? In each ease am ounlliig lo »n •s llnm ted »6(i,oou la wuih pU iit,

inKriiv , iM ( 'c h a n ii;v ilh ', .Si l iu \ I r r -

S n v u h iH ii t:i l)rii iir • iiiu l t i l l ' h ir ild i 'ie S n i 'i i td K ii )Im'IiI, a ll in t h r i i p n t a l i

I 'K p lM 'll T. l u l l l v , W ln l i '

r iim ys Uintt .i n l l . t tth lrh . III tlie I ini: limt Hriilenihi'i Mir'.l l.(K)0 no ilio il.K' M'i'tlim nlwityo ir l li<i.i> iiiHjoiiiy. II


lidir iiijoill.v In Ni'« lo1 iilven IliK nliiti-' iiir Iti'iiuhllninr.. ir.rlaiit III th e Dri 'Ml Ihe Uri'UhUi j'

II.K>:I began an ai'U vr i k In vi'lt'n thli>l Ii'iiii iliU r. M<i

rriuiiiN 1.) W nshliiglon Tiii'mIi.v vsllt tn ivr T liui'silay n lglii It r.<n\nn viWotnlI,ml (ihlii. Uii tiatiiMlHy iiiuUi - ('iihimhiin diiV —hP Will fl|iciiK by rn<lii> troin hU p riv ate i«lli<m<l tn Ihe nallon a n d tl)« New WoiM Ihe piiigiess of Uie rea rm am e n i gnu* Uiniu 'I’lie addresa will bo ili 'll tnud liom IJaytoH, O,

15,000 Soldiers Sent to “Protect” Oil Fields From

British Destruction PlotBRIIISH D E N S Em F i m m



LO N D O N . Oct. 7 (U.R) — Briti.sli d e f e n s e s severely m iiulcd f le e ts «C Germ an raider.s over London a n d so u th cn st England-, t o d a y , .slashed a t fleeinpr N a z i , bom bers from all dirtetitin's and reportedly sh o t down 19 en eiiiy craft.

Only a few battered raiders • ^ t throus’h to str ik e a t ob­je c t iv e s alonjf th e T ham es and in th e L ondon area during f iv e d a y lig h t a ir raid alarms.

R oar In to B allle Once a few DrItLsh Spitfire IlKhl-

ers, roared w ildly In to battle w ith a luigc G erm an fo rm ation crossing the sou theas t n t a Rreiit a ltl- tiKle, Rhootlns dow n ,'icveii In a v r rr bnttlfl n e a r W eyniniitli.

Succe.vslve wavr.s of ^aUler^. hiK a dvan tage ol Uie btenk lit w i'iither to Nwrep in from llu ' i.outh- rn s t coaat, eam e In Rreater ^l1•^nBlh th a n lo r th e piu.1 10 day;..

n u t they ra n In to «tU( (ipixi.slilon, S jiltflrc and H urricane palio ls lurk- liiK In th e rloiids dived down and drove ba rk a hiKh perren tiu ie o[ Ihe raldrrN w llh in a frw nilniileh attiT they rros.iPd the coa/it,

Poor Nuccess A |)|)roxliiiatrlv I.*)!) Oi iiiiiiii i>Iiiurs

wen- I'liKaKed In five att<'iii|ii<'<l iKi'ks on l.<in<lon, arcoriliiiK *1 o a ir 1 1 1 1 ( 1 luim r se ru rlty iuIuKUIc.n

On only two mTiislom dUl iii-im an |i1«nrh h iic rrrd In pen'-liiillni! tlin l.cmiliiii iirra . aerordhiK In iiiliiii.Iilr.i, w hich rc iin ilrd th a t cmlv n lew biiinlw w rie dio|ii>ed and ncvcral hoiines w rre <lcinollshi'il In siiuUirrn and eafitrrn i lh i i l i l i MnRll mimlwT o{ e a w a in r i wen IHirted.

:AlfKY. Oi l, 7 <; N iw linuili. utHi'il iiilc'il lliiliiiil.iv at 'Ullt.- m n\llin II IHi I 'ln ili'i III til'- l.lltlc puiJiTl hnr

FORMULAnOM K, o n . T UID A Inimiils

lo r niakliiu ^(Nl|l in (h r >>iilliiiili ti«n \ » inUtMiv of W»iMb'iiiii'i' I't n'xlii lUld Allli'iili) of mkIii iml)- llshcd J(U' houncwlve.i In Ih f ,’p1I- sun irlrn .'V Hcvlrw Ai:ni/lii Nu- rloimli- hen- lodiiv. It h i|i-.ii;iiril lo iiiiTi 11 un io n s r<Hip .^imilaKe.

liiary, H ailey, pending fiim') luiiiii'inenlx.

Ni'whmidi cumc lo ih'- liliiliM about Ih ie r .vi' i. ia »i; O erm any,

llln only kiiiiwn irliillv i' U> n er, H einy N rw houili. Iimhk h M li-h.

ny HENRY T.O O IIR E L LBL’C H A R E ST , R um ania, Oct. 1 tU.R>— Germ an troops are

in Rumaiiia^and addiUonal un its arc exp ected by tom orrow by airplim e. u su a lly w ell inform ed .sources said today.

T he troops b rou gh t m otorized equ ipm ent.Infurm anta e stim a ted th a t approxim ately 15,000, or one

d iv is ion , would arrive by to -

Thousands Watch As 2 Polar Bears

Battle to DeathSAN FRA.NC1SCO. O ct. T V i B -

Blg Bill, ft n ine • year - old polar bear, and M in. h is m ate, lought ft Ibottle to th e d e a th ye.stcrday be-' iJorc tljousanda o t • specta tors as San F rancisco 's new, $2,000,0CK) zooloBlcal Bardcus w ere dedicated.

F o r ha lf a n hour. Big Bill m an led h ls m a te w hile a ttendan ta poured stn ;an ia of w ater on th e batU Ing . '< rv ;> -+ m ^un« it f.iSJe& .r Je rry , a n o th e r bear, tried lo Jielp lie r. h u t h e retired a fte r one cuff from Big BlU-s paw. T lie tig h t ended w hen Big Bill go t a death grip on M in ’s neck a n d held h e r u n d e r w a te r for five mlnute.s.

He finally was driven to a cave w llh am m onia guns, while keepers rem oved th e carcass of his m ate.

K E W M W I L S A r t E N l O K ”

W ith 98 s tu ilrn ts and iwo Inst to rs fi'oin llir K etrhum Junior high srhool tak ing lionori. u.i the group com ing th e longc^i distance, II T lnn 's and News oix-n house obser an<-e moved liiio concluding phases today.

'H ie 0|irn ron llnues until 9:;i0 II. m. ■nu'Mliiy.

T ill' K rli-hiiii) youni;Ntrrs made th e li'lp In U na m IiooI dl.strlrfh bus. 'l lipy rllm hi'd m il ot Ihe biK bus nlKirtly aflri- noon, iiinl Invaded all lU'linrtmenl.'. of thi- ■rimc.i-Nrw; tab llshm en t. D lvlilrd into se\ liarlles. they w rie siipitllcd miUtea a n d were sU<»wn a ll ptofe^^e^ In th e p rodurllo ii of a ilally n jiaiicr,

Insirui:torn who lu rom punlrd the K ctrh u m iniiiv w fie IK'fd Oorrlnge, fo in ier s ta r Oiiklry a lh li'te who Is now a th lr tli ' mijm'I vl.'nr and sixth Kiade liiNlrurtor a t K rl< lnun, iinrt liny JrllrvM ni. nt-vrntli and elHhVh irrado lliMlUrtnr,

Hi'Inml im iiirs fioin a w oie o o lh r r coinm m illirn , jilu.i orKanlr. a llons and liidlvliliial' liom many |ia rta of MuiiH' Valley, lirniiKlit the op rn hou»n Kilal lo a]>proslmateIy 3,noO by a |i. 111. l<Klay.

M any of Itir opi'ii himnn vUltoi iiri'orillnK to Iliini- in charge, hiivr been signing s a fn y plrilur.i nml crlvliiK wlnilshlrUl b llrkrrn as |> of thii Magli' V allry lia fH r i.nU p io g iam liiauH uraIrd by a num brr of 'IV In Knlln in n c h a n U In nnijuno . lion w llh the Time* am i News,

m orrow . T h ere w ere uncon­firm ed reports tw o m ore d i­v ision s m ig h t follow .

I t w as repo rted the R um uU ang overnm ent h a d agreed to th e «ntry_____of G erm a n troops, boUi to g u o h l'ttia oil fields a n d to a id In train ing a n d reorganizing the R um atilan arm y, po&slbly w ith th e cooperation o( I ta l ia n un its .

F e a r B rltlsb *Tlot”In fo rm a n ts suggested, however,

th a t th e O erm an troop movementa were a d irec t consequenc* of c b a fg ts by th e R u m an ia n governm ent of * p lo t by Brills)) o il m en wUh

. 11 w as understood th e G erm an troops .w ho had a lready a rr lred h a d been based In th e oil (lelds tn norttt*. e as t R um an ia , and betw een-ploestl (35 m iles n o rtli of Bucliarest) oil fields, a n d th e D anub |an po rt of O lu rg lu from w h k h oil is slilpped.

T h e G e rm a iu were understood to have estubllslied an expeditionaiy corps headquarte ra here and to have e ffec ted c o n tac t wlUi tlie R um an ian Rcnem l sU ff. I t was understood also th a t Aome Bucharest arm y barracks were being evacualcd to make room for G erm a n lroo}is.

May 8end M oti M ilita ry c lrr lrs rejw rled the t« t« l

num ber uf G erm an divisions be sen t to R um an ia would depend on te leg raph ic reporU to Beriin rega rd - hig th e nc>cjl fijr p e rm a n troop* to safeguarct Uie oil Industry ag alM t sabotage.

I ta l ia n sources in B ue lu rest aal4 they did n o t brllove a n y ,I ta l ia n lrooi).s w ere In o r eu route to Ru* m an ia a t iin s rn l . I t woe *mp»xa*,,.j Rizc<l 111 uxIh M)urrc.i th a t tlier< no a 'le s llon of a)ll-i l iw ia "oQCUpyiif'' liiR" U um iinia bu t It was )X)lptcd o u L ' ih iit th e U iim anlan Bovernment h a ft i-r(]iienl<>(l nlil In imritHnUlng tti6 I tum anliin arm y.


—For Ih rrc y c a it Frank O. Chalk liiKl b r rn a inemlM'r (>[ tho JOlM im n iiiry . Mn.■u^achu^elU nalluniil gimrd.

D in ing a rh erk u p In a iitlrl|M - tliin of Induction Into federal iirrv-. I fc ,'liu an l (ifllcers InM week learn ­ed th a t Chalk «».■> onlv 16 y fa ia old—h a d (ol.'.Klcd h h SKr lo enllsi a t 13. Ktlll under Hie lequlred agn i>r 10. C halk wan dUrhaigeO lion- ornbly,

Y erilntliiy white his paren ts were a t chu ixh , F ran k turned ou four J r ts of a k lU iirn Kan nlove. He was tiriid will'll Ihrv rrU irned home.

Ile.ilde hin IhkIv waa a nute to h li iin ither In which he eipiosaed Krlef ovn- th e illsrhaine and iln tl Bi'iiinKriiirni.'' be made fdl!||;< fuU m lllla tv luu riu l

Clergymen Emphasize Vital Need for Free Press To Maintain Democracy; Praise Times and News

Kifii|iha.'-liA niiil

illHTly- iin<l |)iii|i>i' till I h r - ’l'linrn and NrKs m rv jin lin il.i ul Dint lim - diaii w ell' Miln-d In i IIu m Ii iiii1i>lls Zliliiday Ijv ' l » ln I'ull.i i>i\>i-.

M w t ol lln- ilU :i liiiMoii. liiiiiln brief mt'ntliiii <ii llu< <iiim i' hi Nu- llnnal Nruiiiiuiiri w rrk mIi m i \ nncr, >*hl<l» In Ix-iiiK in T w in I’ illn liy Ihe .op rn Iioiimi iioW'iiiidi'l- Wi»v lit th i' 'r illirn iinil Ni'Wn pliilll.

H plillual Iradi'i/i iiD lntnl uni th a t Il'««<l<MH «! lUe « l n|wr<-Hof w orship iir tin ll tll'innmliiitilon ol IliJ* tiu t lis whii'h c illltrn s In a iln n - Jterany m ust know m o rd e r lo |*r»- •erve th a t democratiy.

Uocause alinnst Uie nn lire woild exnept Ihe Unlle<1 Hlntex In blank- • led In proiiagaiH la a n d ha lf-truU ia

US reniilt of miirT.trd iir»!i|iii|’i'r". ihn rli'iK yinrii Uiueil Iheli' imiiiii'i:al1(ilis l<i Klvn Ihftlikn (or A m riirii's iijilrt- If'lrd pirns.

M anv III l lir rluiHVnini |uiii-vnl ihn 'Ilm en am i N«\»b, laiuUun (Ur c iin e n t nlien hcninn oIim-iv iiiu t l>e- • au sr H ieater KnowledKe '>t news- IHiiMix will stim u la te iliiirimlniitloii l<i m aliitJiln Amnilcn’s p irin un- sliarkli-d.

tloine of Ihe pulp it lominciiin li>N low;

Wr». i i . t.. «»V k, ru sv Ian ih u r f h —’" llie freedom ol as- npmlily, o l n|)eeoh, h»id ol prew Is a h e rlta ie itrltMl by America. II Is a laiTod pMHasloii. I t Is a frto - dom w hlrh doe* n o t include nor iw rm it se d lllou i molives or actions, nor aU tndtr n o r llbeL

" I t la frei-doni of an.'.emlily to pVDiiiota th e u e iir in l well being of niMi|ety and lo build up Ihe best In terests of th e n iinm unlly and nlnle. I t Is n o t a llceiisn to destroy th e giKid 1 1 1 aw lely iv*u 1 0 h e ap « > prnacli a n d calum ny on s la te and nation.

" It In a freo(l0l|l o t speech to allow the w idest dUoUulon of the m any problem s lo be M lved th a t all possible ligh t of tru tl) m ay be Ihrow n u|>on these problenu. d m m Brant tA'tiTk tinft o r llronse to vilify, /ie fam e or b*> ■inlrcit ih e good na n ia of ailoUier p e rion , oflmmtmUy o r lU t* , I t ti no t a frted o m to bear falaehood an d m alle lou i rep o r t a i a l i u l u g r . I t la freedom fo r tru th .

" i t u a freedom of prMe to n a k «


In Boise W yom inr VIsUor*K. C nc iicli. .AnioUi KInlaysoii aiitl ‘ Mr. luid Mrh. MnX Cook. W o iln iif


JERSEY CITY, N. J„ O ct. 7 (U.R)- V.Viidrn L. wmtclp came lo D em o- cinilc J f isc y C ity todny and salrt Mavor Friinl! HMiiiP wns "» puny I llticr.-

WlUlcle spoKe !n Jo u n ia l s<junre, hcnrt of Hnduc's imUHcnl stronR - liold, (lenoiiiiclnn ruie" by "Htiy p p r ^ n th a t dcprlvrs you Ol llie ot civil JibtTllos" nn<1 wlio •Miould h r trcfttPd llk^ the enem y h r Is"

"H r (HiiRiiel m iisi liave forgo ttrn 111! nboiJl Amcrlcnn principles.” the lirpubllcnn presidential candkin tc .«.IId.

Some of ilic crowd booed.•■ m nk Hogue—F rank HnKne.

P rnnk Hague on the sh ip of s ta te , why llicre «on’t be any lh lnd lelV on

• the ship nf s tn te w hen he Rctfl th roush . T rank liague. the con tl- dnnt nf Prr.slciciiUs."

•'C irraf Raclie(crrv", 'Wlllklp said the New Deiil sought

"lo r '^ rp o n n tf '(-’’'■It l'> I'ovvci- by the conibliialloii of the g roup ot oorruptlonlr;t.s niul. rftckctocrs." He ItJid the rro « d th a t re.'ildrnt.'i of

, New Jersey griidimlly were losing the ir civil llbertle '. .

"I cnil uixin you lo b iuig civil Iib rrtlrs to lt.<> (uil rutictlonliig In Jersey City." he .‘■aid. " If we do th a t, and llic people do th a t In every city, oiM- Kront eoiwiiuillonftl llbor- tie;: will icm alii. bu t It w r do not, nncJ snip them off plcee by piece, all will fnll."

At Che sUtrl o f the spccch local Republicans exploded aerial botnbs, ninklng It linpos.Hlble for some of the crowd to hear. T lien the c hairm an 0) th e m eeting atked those In charge to "cease firing." Prevloiwly, Jersey City pollccmen. p a ri of a force of GOO m en a.*»lgtied (o p ro tec t th e c a n ­d idate. kept sirens blowing and motorcycle.? running during p a rt of th e Introductory exercises. T lie speakers could no t be heard a t the ouLsklrts of the crowd.

Crowd ApplaudsW hen th e crowd quieted, W lilkle

began ta lking about Hague. The crowd applauded. A few boos were Interm ingled.

Hague, Wlllkle said, trletl to tell Jersey City people who could speak In Jou rnal square and who could not.

Appealing for votes. W lllkle p rom ­ised to rebuild tiorncsUc-iMonomy. establlsi) adequate defense, prom ote na tional unity , con tinue relief u n til all unemployed go t Jobs,

T he Jersey c ity speech firs t of a tour tlirough no rthern New Jersey dlstrtctfl In search of the s ta te ’s H electoral votes.

_ UCKKl Nii'.'T w in v,Aiu were VCRh-lered wcok-tiid iu Jjnise hoifU.

Studies In flaU M li ' Miirv ili'over lb leaving ‘I’ue.i-

riny f6r th e Jullllurd School of Music. Ni'W VdtH CUy, '0 take advftiKfd

. K iiiibeily, If- fsi Nnairi'iif

Uic week­end wiiti h<T iKucm.v .Ml. and Mrs Hplini r

O ff it r Ki.rlirrIdiili'j sta le n iipiojnieiU kfivlcC'

o ltlcp opu i r,ich (lay su 6 u coiivfiilfnce to fanners

iceklni; he lp riurlin! liarvcsi season.

b tud lo >lovctT he Jftcpby photo studio has been

moved Irom 130 RVP5 lt nDiU\ to the C E. Jiu;oby re.'-Weiice a t M35 K im berly load. Complete m odern fiicimie.'- hiivr been .'<‘1 up at the now hfiK iquuilV u ,

O n M ountain O utl» t. 'V cni C. O lA'niy, .Ml.s. Flor- Rho«l(M, Ml^s Fannie Anicy,

Mlhs L ;iura Hoblti'^im. Mls.s flebcrca C iu tin , Mls,s EllralH-th SmlUi .ind R obritn Woods vpfiil th ii week-end

he S io iir rnblii 011 Bilker cici'k In th f Saw tooth niouniAlnj.

Reports CiivrnReport.s received by tlie c ity rlevk

to<lny inrluricd tho.'.e of F. J. Healy, phmiblrig liiJiptctoi. aiiti C . W. Kelly, elec trica l Inspector. T he form er show ed rollecilons of $115 for the m on th of Septem ber while Kelly showed collpeilnn.i of $170.13.

R rpubU cau D inner R epublican cnndl,datcs, prccliiet

com m ltloem eii and p rec inct workcr,s will a tte n d banquet a t the Park h o te l hi Tw in Falls Friday a t 7:30,......... K had been announced ,todayby L. H, V an R iper, co\»»iy een lra l com m lttec chairm an. Van R iper said t h a t approxim ately 100 persons expccted to a ttend .

F a rk e r t ListedT lie police blotter loilny showetl

11 persons had been fined I I each chargc-s of overtime pa rk ing S a t­

u rday and todny. Tlioae listed were S am G am ble, Dick H arbert, M rs. C, V ern Y ales, Fred H urst. R. M. O wens, O, U DoariKg, M is. U K. W right, Rex I.wm. C. K. Crookhnm, H arry Baird and C\'a L. Diinn.

Sunday for v,iih Mv. Cook's- f«.t.hM, l ie n u . Cook, and hJs .-iLsLcr, M rs. CHCnn Eg-

I’lr ilie F ra tern lljrUlll Fol.vom. son of Mr. a n d Mrs.

I, \V, Folsom, a n d O eorge DnvlMsn, !,oii nf ^Jr. nnd M rs, O eorge A. D avl- son, have pledged B e ta i n e t a PI a t Wn.shlnnton Stn to college. 11 lenriied liere loday.

o m HITS 153 " SCHOOL

S ta r lin g w ith an enrollm ent of 115 la sl T liu rsday . regis tra llon a t th e farm cam p grade school had soared to 153 youngsters todnv. '

In structional work "la going nice­ly," S upt, Homer M. Dhvl% sMrt

T lie pupils a l th e cam p school those residing In th e tran s ien t q u a r­ters, High school pupils from the tran s ien t nnd pe rm anen t quarters, ■IS well as grade schooler* irom the p e a n a u e u t cottaget.. Me b iw gh t. Twin Falla each day.

Infant SuccumbsJe rry , Bay Fox, In fan t daugh ter

M r. a ild Mrs. Rlmoii Fox, Filer, d ied a l fl;4S a, m. today a t the Tw in P a lls county general luv,pitnl, foU iowlng tliree weeks’ illness

T lie In fan t wnn born Aug.1840, a t Filer, Puneiul nervlces heW t l 3:30 p,.rn, lo»tnv a l the I V ln Falls ceiiietery. Rev, .Mark C, C fn b rrg e r, C hrl,ni«n pastor, offlcl- iitlng, In trrn ie n t wa« In elinige of the ‘IV ln I'Mlls m ortuary,

'I 'lie im rents nnd g n indpa ien ti, M l. hiul Mrs. E. W, (irln islrv , Fllrr, and Ktioch Fox, Dora, M o, su n iv r

News of RccordI .ice n sc B

OCT. AClarniiee Dale (.’ook, J«, ro i ntello,

and M adellnr Pearl M<'l'lier.ii>ii T w in Falld

Wllbin- K iu.'cr, JO, ..nil l,..ii,»liic Cam eron, 18, bo th ol MurinuKh

Atleti l,lcb.v«rk, J3, and F n ince i P lm hm an . 13. both of Kly, Ncv

l.yle HpinKlic, 30. and K nthryii H hvtt^l, 'iO. lt«ed»|Kirl, Oie.

I l i r lh H

To Mr, and Mrs Virgil Ynuii« T w in KalU, a n h i, Sept. at) nt Ih ’IV ln Falls ccninly general hosintnl.

r u n c r n l d

COIM.IN - K inirrnl neivlcrf. Willltttii 'r . Co|)llii, flo, llu te lton rHtii'hrr, who died Friday, wl he ld ,Tur,M|«v a t a ltd \\. \n,Asi'eiiKlciii KplfU'Djial chu irli Kov. liu ils 1,, Jrn k ln s ofllrlath ig! n u r lu l will lie In Tw in I 'a l^ c t«ry lu ider Ihn diretitlon of W hile iiKuluary,

r> lb t» i\ 'lo u rMra. Slna Lnlrd, g ran d cliu f of the

l'.\th inn Sisters of the Jurisdic tion ol Idaho, left Sunday on an extended tour Ilf lilt; sta te , p lanning to make ofliclul V1.S11.S to tem ples a i B onnerb l\T vy, K.cUoK . Cocuv CnvSg-innnt. (ieiie'.sec, O rnJigevllle, W els- ei- and Boise

Lod{r M eetsMoo'o lodKe will ineei T uefday a t

8 p. m. Al U\c 1 ,0 ,0 .F , luvU. A d c k - Kiktloii from th e Je rom e Moose iQtlge will l)c enterU ilncd. A program of voi-nl iind In s lru n ifn ta l music will l)c ]iMv.«’u tra , A cla^.s ol randldate.s will be In itia ted , R cfieshn icnU willlie •

n lty d u bUnlt> ilu b will n iei't w ith Mr.s.

iMiik H olm an Wcdne.sdny a l J p. m. 1-; W nlter Fender and M rs. Snni Hiiibli.' will be R.sslhtBni Uoiitc.''s

and -Mr.v C. V, Jonc.s wlU be In chaige ol the program . 'Ilitwe Imv- Inn rell''-'' of In d ian s of th e sou th -

,t. or po llery or cacti, a re asked brliiu them . Roll call responses I i«’ "DtKCrt. P laces oJ In terc i.l, ’ .

O its on CoastF rank Riiwcr, membf.r of th e 'IV ln

Fiill-s C anal com pany board for m any 5, nnd a t one lim e pre.sldcni of

ih e boitrd, died SatuK lny a l 9-.30 a .a l Lakeside. Calif., where lie had

operated an avocado grove to r the piLsi 12 years, C u rllf Bower. K im ­berly, and M rs. H ow ard Liirsen, Twin Falls, a sun and d a u g h ­te r o t vhe ploueev Idaho faiTOcr and stockm an, le ft Sundoy for C allfo r-

to a tte n d funera l services, com pauled by W arren L arsen, Tw in Falls , a g ran d io n .

i tr t DamagedFour cars. Involved In two accl

d e n ts Sa lu tday a llem oon, were sllghUj'- dam aged, police reports show today. One Involved opem ted by Ira Brooks nnd Oeorce AiUhls, both of Twin Falls, while th e o th e r. Involved cars driven by C harles L. SmUlv PUer, anti E, B, Moon, Idaho Palls; ' '

l ,u th e ra n ClassesRev, E, W, K astcn. pii.'lor of the

A m erican LuU ieran chiiivli, i.v s ta r l­ing two claises, one lor adults in L 'litheian C hris tian doctrine, ai ch ild ren ’s con firm ation i'liis.s. The advilts will m eel each Monday

1, and the children eiirh Mon­day a t 4;1S p. m. Both Kmup- ii,s,‘.emble a l the p a s to rs Miirty, 250 N in th avenue east, Anyone Interest- Nl Is lnvlt«d to a ttend .



C ha ln n e n of two ma)i>r piojeei of Uie T w in Fiilli nKTcluint.s' bii

I - the an n u al iraclirrH' in.ntltute and the Hallowe'en relebiatlon

e ie ftiinininceil today a.\ retailers iPl i\t ll\e Ro^^^v^ol\ h»\rl Ju d C lark wa i apiKilnIrd a.s cli

lan III charge ol t'ooiwrailim th e Oct. 3S-3S m eeting of the South C en tia l Idaiio F dunitlo ii a.ssiM'inllin J o h n O ard n er was nam ed chnnniit o{ th e H allov ifen tve in . lloUi lie will iinnoinice the li rn inm lltre aldi la ter

AlthouKh littu liie r and Um « .n e la irs will <leleinilne llie ivii* > H allow e'en iib.iervanre planned ■; th e m rvchnnl* th is year, tiie event will jiioliably parallel ia.M >eui’i « liiilow-.soapmii roiiie^t

T he tneri'lianiA votcil Iiuals in ns- .' ui th e leiii-iier Inntlluie diiii.r and l<i (irovlde prl/.en foi ih r Mul- lo>\f i'ii i>l)setvame.

Deoaiisr the bu ieau and ii. wi>ik a re rapidly expanding hi moiio, 'h e m rro h an ls dl.irus.^ed the suhie or setting up a lioaril of dlretdors TIis m n lirr will bn InlkNl liirth ri nt liie 0*-t. 31 nrRMem.

niuo can l syMem imw In rllev;l ■ wiis object r>f dl.M iii>slrm «t Ui- <luy'» luiu'heon.

lE.BL0E,5e, O lE S d llM

)iiui>ld ill a l) Ciranvllle llhie, 59, roloi'm ln rd ili‘‘at(ii nnd foiniei su- p rrin ieiK len l of 'l> ln Falln nrhiKiln. tllril siiiUienly of n h c a i l atlai^k a l hlN room^ near the lIntvr(M ty o{ Clilcilgo. w heie lie « a i aliHlvliig, I>eiith (K-4:uried Friday n lglit a t Chi- eago.

lie wan m aking a nuivey of the Uiilvernity nf Chiirago ediicalloti d«- l>ttfttuet\l pi»(y\rrttU»» f«v 1 1* d»»- lorat*. M rs, Ilhio wan w llli him,

H« Was head nf (lie d tp a rlm e n l ot c o n u in p o ra ry o lv lllu tlo ii a l Oolora-, <lo flta te T eachers ' rollege, ar<«Iey,'

l ie was a u im ln ic n d en t of Ilia lo­cal aftiooU dut»«\« Uw WotM war iw rlod a n d f « n t lo Oreeley from h e rn , ,Ho ■»* > nn u>ba>-ftt-ih« M »-

A Chief re g li tra r will be appoin ted In every T w in F a lls county p rec lncl

d irec t a rm y d ra f l reg is tra tio n In each of th e 26 a reas, according in structions r e c e i v e d today by County C lerk W nlter C, M usgrav

MuMtrave's du ties as g e n c i supervisor of the d rn fl rcg ls trtitlon Oct, 16 were outlined by L leul.-C ol. N orm an B, .Adklson, executive o f­ficer In chnrg# of Uie selective se r­vice 111 IdQ^io,

Boards and U lh e rt T he reg istra tion a sslstnn ts—nil of

whom will serve w ithout pay p e t , 16 — will consist of the regu lar clccUon boards plus other vohiiueer cltU cns, M any of th e «lectlon ofliclnls have n lrendy voh in trrred the ir ,ser\ nnd o thers wishliui to a.vslst may c on tac t Mr. Mu^Krave a t the e o u rl- hoiise.

As DUtlhieil by Colonel AdKl-son, th e county cleik will cariy out the following majQt diitle.t in addition to m any o thers n.s part of the regla- trn tlnn proceduie:

1. ApiMlnl n-Kisiration Uiaril.s ni a c iile f regl.slriir in encli precinct,

2. D istribu te da ta and the regls- (rn tlon blank* to each rh le i n 'gis t r a r ,

RepurU io Ikill3. Report by wire to llov. C. A

Hoitolfsi'ii, a l least th ree dn>', p rior Ui O ct. Ill, ron m n ln H Ihc ',st«ie of readliies.s" In the m iin iy .

4. fiCl In general BU|>ervl,Moii o] th e regkitrulloii,

5. A rrange for letjlM eilng d ra f t ellgibles who iiiav be tick. In ho.s- p lta ls . away nt sciiools and colleges, o r In Aiyltuiin and JnllA.

8, I le iw rl liy wiie to th e gm en io r, Im m ediately a fte r the CV-I ID leg- Is tratlo ii, regiiidlng llie tota l or com ­ple ted cards.

1. Deliver the leglMialicai laId,^ to ihe (-hah innu cii llie I'oiuiiv d ra f t bonrd, iHoiili- roiuitles vnll Inm- NUiie th a n one nueh boaid i'

SI in 3.T he Oi;t, lU riglstiatiD ii will lii-

rliii lr •all m en riinii 21 lo :i,l vems of agn inclusive. 'HiB slfaniip h nie ie- ly jiiellm inary , nnd the d riilt Imaid^ to bn nam ed iiv (he govrinin will a n y o u l Ihe work ol itlvldliin 'I" ' net! In to ellgit>le, evenipi nn<l d e ­te rred flannes.

A lthough Colonel Adklson did n o t m ake th e k ta teiiiriil In his Inimu]

:urlloii* lo Ml. .Mu'KIuvc today, he said In a pie^s Inli-ivlew ai llolne Hiiturilay n ight tliat there will be " a t lea.'^l 30 legh lia ir ," uee.leil In la rger pieclneto and 10 lo 1ft in sm a lle r oiie,<.

T O O K A T E T O ( ' I . A S S i n '


(I>r«i» P m On«)pace. The prin ted word as con­veyed to us by th e p ress w ields an influence of trem endous Itnpor- tiince, penetra ting every fam ily wiUiln the notion,

"The people of the IV in Falls empire are especially blessed by th e Evening Times nnd th e Tw in Falls New.v which brm g to our hom ej a ll the new.', clcan and itnndul- tera ted . The sta ff conducting the .same is courteou-s nnd e ffk le n t; w ith frlend.'hlp and fairness townrd,s all and malice and bias toward.s none.

"We a,sk God 10 blr;vs H in t earnest endenvons and Implore th iit they m ay be pro<lurllve of still more Kood In the fu ture of a g rea ter Twin Fnlls em pire"

Her. .M. H. Z a te l. Inim nnuei L u th ­eran church—"T he b e tter a cqua in t­ed ■ com m unity w ith th e 'inner n«chanW m ot new spaper the c rea te r will be Us In terest In iHls linpo rtan i institu tion , A live public liitere,st In n vita l in stitu tion will 1n,sure both the weKnrn o t th e pub-, lie and the in stitu tion as ■well."

R rx. 1.. n , Sm ith . C hu tcli Ol llie N a^nrene (Rev, S m ith 's nies,snge wa.s rend from tlie pulpit In Ills abscncc>

■|i thc*e diirk dnys of \kar, ag- ■slon and dlrinlor.shlp, we th a n k

(lod for the U nited S la te s of A m rr- We love and honor th e Hag

and the ronstltu tlon . We a re very thank tu l for the ihlngK o u r dem o­cracy guaran tees us, freedom of .speech and pres,s. T herefore very happy to observe N ational New.spnper WteX nnd tr u s t tj in t we shall ever have freedom of pr«M.

"We also ■i4-l5h to th a n k th e Tw in Falls newspapers, th e Tlme.i and News, for their, scrvlce to our churches and th e people of Idaho ,"

Rev. Claud P fa U . C hurch of Ood —•‘My calls m e aw ay from home a good m any tim es a n d I am always glad to r e tu rn anti again take up my read ing of th e Time*, and News. Wc tAko bo th papers. U Just seem-s th a t th e nevs.s l.s go tten up in a com pact fo rm a n d I feel like I can enlighten m yself a s to w h at going on w ithout read ing too m uch unnecew ary bulky rea d in g a n d from an advertising s ta n d p o in t wc don’t le d th a t we could get a long w ithout the T im es and News. T hey a re our g reatest a .uc t In a busincM way. We believe in th e new spaper a d v er­tising over han d b ills »nd c ircu lar letters. They bring us g rea te r r e ­sults.

."The edilorlala a re n o t stole."We feel th a t we have two of the

finest up to da te a n d liveliest papers wc have ever contac ted ."


Apples Cover Road as Farm Truck Upsets

T here woj a fine appie crop to ­day a t the Intersection of Uie eolf road and U, 8 . 30. In fact, tlie crop covered the intersection.

It nil happened Uils way;M, 0 . Holte. osjCTftUng r tavm

truck nt which 80 bvuhcls of ap ­ples were loaded, came down the golf course road. He applied his brakes as he npproached hiRliway 30, Init a steel pin dropped oul of, the btu-kcrod a tu l tt\e brakes wev« nil.

He n ttim p tcd to turn to tin- right ou Uie m ain highway but was iia ’.eling too fa,st to make live rlghi-.m ule tu rn . His truck tipiM'd ovev and th e 60 bushels of rolled out) -

Rolie WM not hurl. Ills truck was damaged consldcrnbly. So were the npple*.

Jurymen Excused Until Next Week.suift court Jurymen were ex­

cused Kvlay u n til ID a. m, next Monriny, Oct. U .

*.il nl th e JurjTiicn came whi n civil irinls scheduled 10 bCKln to ­day were ordered continued. Action now bt>ol<''d on the calendar for next Mond;iv IS th a t of Mr.'. W ith Mort I'le U nion Paclilc ta^liond

li ol R .wii in ft trn lii-ia r sm ash near Tw in Falls.


Im pressive la st rites fo r Mi-. Elolsc M orris S h inn . 02. F iler pio­neer m a tron , were 'conducted a t the F ile r M ethodist church Sunday afte rn o o n . Rev. Z. L. W hite offlcUt- Ing.

CJuaniltles of flo ral tribu tes ex- p re u e d ihe efiieem in w hich she wus regarded , and th e church was th ronged w ith friends of th e Shinn fam ily.

H er th ree surviving sons. Juneau I I . S h inn , Ben Shinn , Spo­k ane, 'Wtvsh.. and Dr. Don Shinn. D llllngs, M ont., a n d m em bers of th e ir fam ilies, w ere 'In attendance,- O fficcns of the O rder o t the Eas­

te rn S ta r officiated n i the graveside rite* In th e Flier O dd Fellows c te ry . and In term en t was In charge of th e W hite m ortuary,

M rs. Ouy H. S hearer. Tw in Falls, a c c o m p an ie d 'b y Mra. E, A. Beem, F iler, sang "T he O ld Rugged Cross."

P a llb e are rs were E arl Rajnsey. H. M unyon, R , K , D illingham , Leonard A, W inkle. W illiam Bunce and H ar­ry H am m erqulst,

COWBOYSLocal, police Sunday tu rned to

cowbov.s for a few m inutes.At 11:35 a. m, Mr». Claud P ra tt

called In to report th a t "a bunch o l boys" w as chasing h e r cow. ,

Police Investliiatrd Tliey lound th e cow b u t no t th e boyj.

Seen TodayClayton S tew art, fro m over

Sho.shone way. stopping acq u a in ­tance' on dow ntow n s tr e e t a n d asking w here h e c an find » m in ­ister. . . Sound c a r ' paaalng h igh school w ith b lare o f pu b lic ity Xor Young D em ocratic luncheon , a n d couple of high school boys exe ­cu ting w ell-know n th u m b a n d nose m ovem ent w ith s h o u t : "Hooray for W lUltle". . . T hree small boy*, m om entarily , lo st d u r ­ing open house In Tlm es-N ew s p lan t, w andering a round on th e ir own hook and hav ing f re a t lim e, . , Arm y rec ru i te r laugh ing uproariously a* h e rea d s le tU r from M. D. Davis, fo rm er navy rec ru iter here . . . 'And k ids tu m ­bling ou t of K etchum school bus for foray in to Tlm e«-N ew i es- ta b lh h m e n l.

m al n u n * of com plaint* a n d a r­ra ignm en t Id p robaU c o u r t

U n n a n d O alhretto wer* a tre sU d by pity police a fte r th e p a ir a w e rt- e d l; did some ahop-lU tlng In a Tw in FU U dep artm e n t t tw e . 'P rosecutor 'B verett M . Sweeley w as draw ing th e second-degree bu rg lary com- ■plaSnti lh l» a llem oon .


A cting to w arn tra n s ie n t shop ' U tters th a t T«Uv F a lls c ity a n d county arc poor spo ts In w hich to ply the ir trade , law en forcem ent au thorities here drew up two second-, degree burglary c o m p la ln u th is aftem ooni

Tvleanwhlle, A rthur U n n , Ely, Nev, and Jack G alb re th . L incoln, Neb, were In county Jail aw aiting th e for'

SCI Kadto Serrtea . D ei H udson-C U rk 'a P h . 529-W.

Yakima Pastor Starts Revival

A revival cam paign will begin a t th e B srrj'm an .C om m unity building, Uiree miles sou th and th re e 'm lle s cas t of Jerom e, T uesday a t 8 p, m. Rev, J , W, C arrel, Y akim a. W ash., will be Uie evangelist. a.sAlstrd by his wife.

Rev, and Mrs. C. W. Severn, Tw in F alls , and tliclr congreiiation. as well as the mlnl.ster-^ nnd churches of sou thern Idaho will b m Im in the camprtlgn, Car.s will leave Uie M rn- no u lle c hu rch ou T h ird iivpiuu’. ecuKt dally III 7:30 p, m , de,ilrlng to a tte n d the revival m ay meet here. T h e public Is lnvlte<l.

D uring th e first .six m im lhs of 1040, ih f . M illn ts ol Ihe U nited ' Stalr.-i iinve flown 4S3,077,17a pas- sehger miles.

U l i iwMlble to hava rad io equip- m e iu in a JIgh tttlan t for aboui •S7.B0.

K r o n W h (( r F{«o o f Sn fl• t^ / F li/ iu i/

S lx lcn n cotm ecuthe dnv* w itnon t a {a ta t t ra tf ic a c c i­den t in o « r M ag ic V nl/e j/.'

If you w anl lo make a "k lllin i" w ith new e a r pe rfnrn ianre at' used c a r rosl, n n Ihe It A O i»rd r a n a l the lltiiiiu M nlnr Cam- pany. The oiilv rom pli-lelj' re- rc iid lilo iu d r a n priced lo l»«.

40 Foi'd »U, Coupe ......... Jin.S30 Ford Dehixe Coupe . ... I.17I' 39 Fn rd DU Fw rto i, h e a te r Riid rad io losnsa Plym outh Ulx Coupe .......}4n,’>37 Ctievrnlct Town Sednn . .. I4JA 30 Pnntlao Coupe, heate r a n d ra ­dio .,. .......................30 N aah U ill Bcdan ........... IJUft30 V-B I.)lK Fiirdor, rndlo nnd heale r tiins37 V-B Ulx Fordor, rad io andhen ter ....... ................... HfiOS’f Ford 00 Oouiw ........ ... »:i7!i34 Dodga Ulx Hedan .......... S'J 'I


Truck Rareaianto P o rd PlrVtup, 4 Bpoed )0 f o r t l r ifk u p , 4 8j)en() ,57 Dodgs Pickup, 4 Speed ..30 podge Pickup, 4 8|>eed37 Fo rd pickup, 3 Bpeed ....Sft V-« BB T ruck ..... :,......31 C hevrolet T iuck .........

C ash » r (ermt,<U alwaya pay* to •M year Ford Dealer flr«i. tot •e«&«Bvlcal U ans9uttaU eu,

Take a BIG look at the BIG new FORD!

T i K 1011 F o r.l in tlip bicfU’st n s r l l i n l i ' m t r o l l e d o(T

liii« ‘ o f i h o Y v o r l i i ' f u t i i o i i s

Ron{<<i IM iuH l

iN o t jiiB t a n r w f r o n t r ii< l —

I m U u H ff ir ^ o t< y f

i J u i l t o n a l o n g e r t e l n ’f l h a a f l .

IN«!w l i o o r n . S c m l- c o i io c i iU M l

r u i n i i n ^ h o a r i l i t ^ ' A s l u i x ' l i iin

« 't i< ‘n ( i t l t l r d K o a t in f f i v i d t h

i i i h i i l i - ! W l i i i l n l i l r l i l a n d w in -

d in v K K o l> r o a d u n < I i l c c p t l i r y f ^ i v n

a s i n t i c l i tin 3 3 % m o r n glnsM a r e a .

W h e n i n i 'v c e c o i l I tn a Ik o a n d

n d i u i n - d il« I i r u n l y — l a k o t h o

ritia in ihU n e w l o r d . S l o p a i f a y f o n t r r ,

M'ilh im p ro v ed n rc o lo rn lio n . A i i e u - l y ( l e n i g n e d $ t a h i l i z e r c n o c a

h tf r r in g . , . h e lp s ih o rid e . . . inidiiloiiin linlancn o n ih n curvRS. IS'ow doft K |irings w ork p io ro f>lo>vlyf gen tly . Im p ro v e d sh o ck nhBni-hrrs nm ooth ih r . ' g o in g l

O nly ihn F o rd way o f dolfig huHUicfls co u ld p ro v u lf m m u ch ro m fo r t, rr lin b ll l ly oiid rnon* oniy a t low F o n l p rirc a . Any I 'o n l d r a i r r w ill h r firoud to allow y on th is b ig cur.

T l i rn see how ll tt io it coats to trad o y o u r p rc ic n t ca r. No mat* ic r how yon lo o k ni It — th e I 9 H F o rd m ea n s a good dealt

Get the facts and you'll get a FORD!

h i faellldei tn lha f>orld. Her* Iba (sdIm and «rpwi«iMa W Utnry Vwd. plui ihaaABUftey »t Ford MllDssn. predtwa quality c an la ku |a voIuom la M il al • low priM wlil« *«all proAi— to (list nhan rM buy a Pord Mr, yM let valaa (ar abova tba p ri» you payl


HmdiiTi Octobwr T, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN PALLS. IDAHO Pag* Threei f

Removing Victim of Mystery Fall Over Canyon Rlni

« series of th ree -d ay recesses beyond election day d u r in g w hich & skeleton crew w ould so th ro u g h tn o m e n u ry noon -tlioe m otions of m eeting and recessing » couple *>f tlm ea » week,

w o rk s u n to B« D one Before t«k lng a va ca tio n , th e

house m u st act' on a con fe rence re ­p o rt on th e R am speck civil scrvlce b ill w hich would allow th e P re sid e n t t o extend clVlI service s ta tu s to sev­e ra l thousand fede ra l w orkers, and th e se n a te a n d house m u st a c t on conference re p o M on a r iv ers and h a rbo rs au th o riza tio n a n d on a to ease In sta llm e n t paym en ts , care fo r th e In surance prem ium s and p rese n t eviction of m en conscrl ' fo r m ilita ry tra in in g .

T his session refused to a d jo u rn la s t spring w hen P re sid e n t Roosevelt

' suggested th a t li t t le rem a ined for It to do. S ince th e n It h a s voted new billions for n a tio n a l de fense, ap- proved new ta x schedules. Imposed peace tim e conscrip tion and a u th ­o r i t y th e m obilization of th e l tlo n a l guard.

G o t W hat H e W an ted M r. Roosevelt go t subston tlally

w h at h e w anted . H e w as ab le to pro­te c t th e no tiona l labor re la tio n s a c t a n d th e w age-hotirs a c t from am endm ents. I t ex tended fo r th ree years Mr. Roosevelt's a u th o ri ty to nego tiate rec iprocal t r a d e a ^ e e - m cnts, required Uie r eg is tra tio n and

• f inger p rin ting of a liens, voted Rep. M artin Dies, D „ T ex ', m ore m oney fo r h is investiga tion o f un -A m erican activities, recodified n a tio n a l ity laws and placed w ater carriers—th e In­land w aterways ba rge lines—u n der th e In ters ta te com m erce com m is­sion.

Sen. W illiam E. B orah . R.. a te dean , a n d Speoker W illiam B. B ankhead . D.. A la., d ied . Sen. E rn est L uhdeen, P a rm er-L abo rlte , M inn., w as killed In a n a irp la n e cra sh .

A pproxim ately ip.OOO.OOO.OOO wai appropria ted o r c om m itted In con ­tra c t a u th o rl ta t lo n s for defense spending. Congress f irs t au tho rized a ti I I pe t c e n t I tw rease In th e navy and th e n a 70 p e r c e n t Increase.



By LYLE C. W ILSON W AflHINOTON. O ct. 7 (U.R>-The

th ird session of th e 76th congress— th e na tio n al defense congress — la ready for Its cam paign la y -o ff and probably will go hom e tom orrow or n e x t day.

DemocraUo leaders p ropose «l re ­cess u n til Nov. 18. ~

O E M 10 S P E A n O N H l

T he general pu b S c ’tod a y w as In ­v ited to a tten d a m ind tra in in g dem ­o nstra tion w hich w in be presen ted a t 7:30 p. m. today a t th e Id ah o Pow er com pony aud ito rium .

T h e dem onstra tion will be given by R. K . Ju d d P o r tla n d , O re., in ­s tru c to r In m ind tra in in g . H e h as traveled extensively in th e U nited S ta te s a n d h as conducted courses w ithpolice d e p ar tm e n t m em bers and b ank stAffs.

T he program Is prc.'icntcd espe- rlnlly for em ployes of thn Id ah o Pow er com pany, m em bers of the

’Staff and pupils a t tlie D eouty Arts Academy. T liere will be no adm is­sion charge.


W A S inN aX O N . O ct. ? W.m—r im d v ll aeronautics boa rd ha.i banned flying Ir.'sonJi n t Alr|>ortji, no «lii- (Irn t pilots will n o t In te rfe re w ltli ttio oiirfftllnii.S of m ilita ry a n d com- n ifrrlu l plim rs.

T lin OAIi mild f lig h t Inn tructlonn munt he rondncted six m iles from thn rirldn (lenlRnnted. T ra in in g p lanes, iiowever. will be p e rm ltte il to uno linnHnrs a t th e alrjMrtfl.

Romo fletils were l)lnced on lis t bem use "n illl ta ry nu tho rltlM have r)»»eil. o r p lan to base In th e near ^ |tll^e. extensive ta c tica l op- e ra llnns on these s ite s .” Tliewi In- cltirte a ttp o rts a t Boise a n d S a lt I-«k« O lty.


W ATA N ArO A council fire a t K lw anls nook a i

Bhoahonn fails w as he ld y rsle rday by m enibera of WatAna|x> group C am p n r e G irls, -n ie scene y "Seek Ileauty,"

A u i k wifl given by M rs. T lie lm a O lbson. M rs. N. O . Jo h n so n , guard ian , w as a ssisted by M iss I>»r- lene P earson . A lfred Pug ilano m ade thn conncll fire fo r tlio g roup.

G uests innluded p a r e n l s ' ■ ranilparents.

lU nk* and honors w ere aw arded to A nn Lotilse a i t» o n . B liirley llo sa, Je an Skidm ore, B a rh a m Jo h n - aon .sM aurlna Q oren, P a tsy O phel- tree . Velma R oberts. T h lrza " " BiUier r a y P o n n o n a n d M urie l i-ug .

■llano, mi lt> ra M a rtin a waa welcom­ed as a new m em ber.

BfUDK'H ATTKNDANTH ^ I f a new to d ress tiie b ridal a tte n - d a n U in aoft, g ray ish sh ad es nf blue,

yivM / a i r foliage colors, a u tu m n ‘" ‘I f by fash ionab le

b ridal aalDiu. O itr io h headd resses for brida a s well u m aJda a re

Uia brlda a n d orldegnK im A m srlcan

a n d a soft roM a hada th e y ••dregi of witi* "

T he body of a m an Identified as Lonis Com m lns. N am pa, was b r ln t rem oved from R ork r r r r k canyon asth is photo was snapped. Investigation found th a t tiie m an died In i th e rim of th e sleep canyon. T he sum of 116.76 was found in tiie i

I apparen tly acciden ta l p lunge from I clothing.

(Times Photo and EDgraTln'c)


By J .W .T . MASON .U nited Press W ar E xpert

Reports from B ucharest of- the a rriva l In R um ania of hcavly arm ed G erm an troops, who m ay be followed by an I ta lian force, a rc th e f irs t revelation o( new action by th e to ta lita r ia n dic tators slncc th e ir m eeting &t B renner p o « i A xis m ili­ta ry . concentra tion in R um ania would be a im ed a t BtrcngUienlng the encirclem ent of Russia, whose s tr a ­tegic' position b m enaced by th e new trip le alliance.

B erlin and Rom e deny troops have gone to R um ania and G erm any brought' p reu u re to bear on the R um an ian legation today to repudl- a l i Its earlie r con firm ation of the B ucharest reports. I t seem s a pparen t from th is confusion t l i a t HUler and Mussolini w an t to conceal a s fa r aa possible th e ir new D anublan action, which Is tan tam oun t to assum ing m li lta o ' control' of R um anlo , while th e Rum anians wish to call world a tten t io n to the sudden move.

R eports' th e G erm ans In tend to take over trnlnlng of th e R um an ian arm y undoubtedly a re tru e . T h e R um anian lighting, force h as been

demobilized and l.s In vcii’ I'oor condition. I ts rcorgnnlzallon by Cicr- m an specialists. In conjunction will; cstab llshraen l of G erm an divisional garrisons In U um anln. woUld streng­th e n considerably th e axis ])Osl- tlon In 'B oulheastem Europe nKiitnst Russia. '

Too. G erm an dom ination of the R um an ian arm y w ith th e In troduc­tion of G erm an m ilita ry dlscl])llne V.'ould check possibilities of an . rising against the recen t pa rtition ­ing of R um ania on G erm an and I ta l ian orders- Rum ors of Impending civil s tr ife In Rum ania have been clrcu la tcd ever slncc tlie te rrito ria l g ra n ts to H ungary a n d Bulgaria.• S ta te m e n ts th a t O ermaix m ilitary ac tion in Rum anlo Is sim ply to pro­tec t oil wells against sabotage show anxiety to cam ouflage th e real axis purpose. T he R um anians, them ­selves. have been able to safeguard th e wells from local Interference. But, Russia’s new m ilita ry bases In Bessarab ia p u t th e Slav a ir bomb* e rs w ith in h a lf an hour's flying tim e of th e R um an ian a ir fields, a n d th a t

L. D. S. Supports Governmental Plans to Aid U. S. Civil RightsBy RICRARD W. JO H NSTO NSALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 7 fU.RV

T lie Church of Jesus C h ris t of L a t­te r Day 8alnl,i waa on record today In support of govornm cntal pro* gram s which would he lp to g u a ra n ­tee American civil r lg iits and D em o­c ra tic procedures.

T he pledge o f loyalty, voiced by Councilor David O. M cKay, h ig h ­lighted Uie closing ses-^ion of tho l l t l i annual conference here , a t- tehded by more th a n 13,000 c hu rch m em bers from all part* of th e world.

M cK ay-secom l cotm cllor to tho f irs t p rrs ld rn c y -sp o k e to tho con­ference n t th e m orning session yes- lertlny. Ills address was b roadcast nationally .

C llet ftondageH(« c itn l tlie bondage of E uropean

na tions wlilah had " tost thn IiiIck* r ity nn<'es.iary to good Kovnrnmcnl," and urged !■. D. tt. in rin b rrs to nb- fltuln from evil and llvn ncrordInK <o UiB lilgh prinrlplps of M ormon doc­trine .

OptMlIn A. c . Hf)wcn m ade a sim i­la r arltlrMs a t tiie aflrrn ix in s r i - slcHi. iloclnrlng th a t Uio sa lvation of A merlco dejw nds on "toll • and sw eat." and Ih a t fa ltli in good and dem ocrntlo principles m iist be Im- plrtncn tw l by a willlngneas to make sarrlflcps,

Hel)er J . G ran t. Uio a s-year-o ld Itrrslden t and propliet of tlm ch iirrh , talkK i briofly a t imtii tlie a ften ioon and m orning sessions. P residen t G ra n t ap|)eBred a t Uie e arlie r m e rt- ings, b u t-b e c a u ie of hU rec en t ill-


vyiA H iim crroN , o c t , 7 tum - WHii a iir len l cerem ony th e suprem o cou rt today oiwned iU l(l«0-41 term , tvhlrh may be no table fo r lU Im prin t on llifl nntlon> preparedness effort.

C hief Justice C harles E v a n i Hughes, 78<ye«r-Dld and begLnnlnu his lOth full te rm a s he ad of thn U ibunal, pr*ced«J th e e igh t b lack- robed MsoclatA Justices to tlie bench.

Tlie ceremony opened a leasion wiilch U)ay produce ru lings on tin eonstltu llonailty of tiie Mew D ra ii wages and hours law a n d pronounce- m e n u affecting civil ll>>f>rtlei. at^ll*tru s t actions, governm ent w ar . . . . . tracU . federal espionage law s ami UU . adm lnlsU atlon 's public jx)wpr prugram .

Tho session was devoted m ainly to Uie adm ission of a tlom eya to tlie bar of tlie suprem e court, TJin Judgea now begin a week of secret conferences during w lilch Utey will exam ine 400 appenti to deter: '

■ ahkll b# accepWd, Action . of UiOM oases will be a n ­

nounced n > it M onday,

F irs t Councilor J . R euben Clark."Jr., presided.

T h e aged leader told m em bers he was gratified a t the re.spcct accorded Uio church , and praL-iotl Uic picture, '.'Brlgljam Young." as n fine tribu te to tho L. D. 0 . fallJi.

le ad e rs h ip Sustained T lie leadersh ip o f Uie church

susta ined w ithout dLuenslon by the thousands a ttend ing th e conference,

OUiflt speakers a t the concluding ses.'ilons were P residen t Rudger Clawson, Joseph Fielding Sm ith , and Churlen A. Calllif of th e council of twi'lve; A ntU ne li. Iv ins o f the f irs t rouiicll of seven ty ; T hom as E, McKny. siipervlsnr ol Euroiw an mis* Aloiu; and S. O. Ueiinlon of Uie sevciilv,

MrKiiy reported tlm t ml.sslonarles In nil (tiiiiitrles of Kuioiw except KniiM'c Imvc carried on tlielr work dc.iiilii' dm war. -


Local police today redoubled their e ffo rts to find rela tives of a m an found d e a d . In Rock crcck canyon Sa turday during th e noon hou r and also enlisted the a id of th e Federal B ureau of Investigation In estab lish­ing positive Iden tification . ■

T he m an, about 45 years old, te n tatively I d e n t i f i e d as Louis A rthu r Cum mins. N nm pa, b u t pollco th e re said they knew n o th ing of the m an . A check a t a n add ress found on h is pcr.son. In w hich h e had w ritten U iat Ho^c C um m ins, Nam pa, be notified in case o f h is Injury or death^ showed no one Uiere by th a t Tume. N clst.bors, likewise, d id c o t know of the woman.

Coroner A. A. N ew berry sa id today th a t th e m an suffered a "terrific" skull fracture w hich would have caused death Im m ediately. He was also Injured In terna lly . H e had fallen or had been pushed from the rim ond the body w as found nearly 100 fee t below a t th e edge of the canyon road.

Local police c losely questioned m any translentfi b u t could learn notlUng of th e m a n . I f he had a bedroll w ith h im som eone h a d taken It, they said.

Coroner N ew berry sa id th a t It would be n r x t to im possible to de­term ine If th e fractiu -e had been caused by a blow on th e head or entirely by th e fa ll . He. said no In­quest would be h e ld un less police Investigation “b rin g s som ctiilng to ligh t along Uio c rim in a l line.’'

Meunwhlle th e body rea ls a t the Reynolds fu n e ra l iiom e. FtnBc-r- p rln ts of the dead m iin ’s hund.s wore taken by police S u n d a y and ruMied to W aU ilngton. D. O., by airm ail.


I-ocal dealers th is afte rnoon ported th a t th e IdJiiio A dvertising com m t.'lon . th rough its c hairm an E. N. -Pettygrove, today re ltero led It.1 purpose of securing w ider d is­tribution and th e b est m e rc h an d is ­ing po^slble for Id ah o ru sse ts In Uie face of adverse p rice conditions.

"The low price now p reva iling for potatoes m eans th a t th e com m ission mu.1t do a ll In Its pow er to bring aboiil a w ider d istrib u tio n o l the spuds to preven t .g lu ts In te rm inal m arkets," Peltygrove w rote locfil dealers. •T h e com m ission’s adver- tLilnR agencies a n d Its dealOT-servlce field m en are w orking to th a t end."

G re a te r R esuU t NowPeltygrove i» In tc d to the

grea ter productive a ie ob ta ined from the adverth lng do llar secured, from t h e o n e -h a lf -c e n u p e r-h u n d re d - w elght tax on pota toes a n d orUons.

"Ground work for a dvertis ing of potatoes and ' onions . In th e best m arkets of th e n a tio n wos la id In 1938 and 1039." P e ltygrove wrote. ■Tliat now mean’s th a t everj- do llar expended today goes fu r th e r tow ard the actual m e rc h a n d ls in j ' of the tw o Idaho products .

"S ta rting from sc ra to h In 1938 •hen the com m ission w as given th e

'go a head ’ signal a f te r m ore th a n a year of lltlRaUon. It was. forced by necf.vilty of expending efforts and cash In studying and assem bling needed d a ta to p u l th e a c tu a l m er­chandising cam paigns on , a auri fooling.

"Now th a t work h as been accom ' pllshcd. It can easily be understood th a t the monies avollable from th e advertising fund a re p u t to w ork for the grea test good.

Fewer M arket! R eached"Reduction by the 103S leg isla tu re

of the advertUilng tax from one cen t to one-half cent, c u t th e budget In half. T h e cu l h a d th e e ffec t of curtailing no t the qua lity a n d e f-'Of the advertis ing , bu t of expaaslon Into new er m arke ts th a t would give potatoes o n d onions a g rea ter d istribution.

"For exam ple, ru ssets will be ad* verlUed th is sea.son In new spapers In 37 kev m arkets of th e eas t and the middle west, T iiere a re 50 to 100 other Im portan t m arke ta In w hich advertising would a id In th e sale and d istribution of Id ah o 's fam ed nis.sets.

" If th e money were dvalloble, we would be adv ertb ln g In some 80 m arkets Instead of In 37," P e tty - grove concluded.

NAMESin the

NEWSBy United P r r n

Bpeaklnc to 10.M0 I ta l ian glrl^ m em bcn of CatiioUc AcUea, Pope r i o i X II bemoaned th e f a c t th a t "modeiity U not In style ^ n y

H erbert Hoover, answ ering crlUcs of his proposals to send re lief to fam ine-threa tened Europe, sa id he d id n o t th ink anyone "desired to In ­ju re th e Drltl.sli cause" b u t th a t A m ericans should (ind a w ay t< feed an estlnintPd 15.000,000 Euro- l>cans who he said face s ta rv a tio n th is w inter, . .

M iusolinl’t spoknm an-ed lto r. Vlrglnln Gayda, wrote th a t P resi­den t Roosevelt U trying to m ake believe the a x h oppose* hU e lec­tion as a eam palm it r a le g y .. . He said actually tiie axl« Is Ind ifferen t to (he outcome of the A m erican election. . .

H einrich van Btahm ers. secret G erm an envoy who negoUated the Tokyo end of the new th ree -pow er pact, le ft Ja p an todav for G erm any by way of Siberia. . .

E arl Browder, C(

In B rlU ln . . . h ttt th e *U U d e­partm en t ta y i It haa receU ed n f , soph word from K ennedy. . .

Lord C roft, unde r-sec re ta ry for w ar In the B ritish coblnet, declared th a t G erm an casuoU les arc far g rea ter lh a n those In B rlto ln . . said th e sink ing of a G erm an troop tran sp o rt by a B ritish subm arine co.1t more G erm an lives th a n the to ta l num ber of B ritons killed In th e monUi August, . . -

H arry Bridfe*. C a litom la d irec­to r of the CIO, to ld delegates a t a s ta ir convention th a t "dnlons will lirrom e outlaw ed, re ta rd less of who wItu Ihe p residen tia l elec­tion" . . ,

I n H ollywood; Bob B u n u U • fa th e r again . . . . An 8 pound, ISH ounce son was b o m to M rs. B u n u yesterday. . . T h e new a rriv a l wa» liamed S tephen Poster B um s. . .

K ay S tew art, who got In the movies because she was th e p re t­tiest cheer leader N orthw estern university had . will be m arried W ednesday (o L angdon Proctor, polo p layer a n d h e ir to a Map fortone. . . T he m arriage o( film cowboy K en M aynard a n d B ertha Rowland, a e ria lls t w ith th e Cole brothers circus M aynard traveled ' w ith this sum m er, waa tevealed to­day. .

dIdate for President, advocates a "strategically powerful" a lliance amonK the United Stales, R tissla an d C hina. . . Wendell W ilikie will addcesf American youth on N a­tional Young Repubiiran day, O ct. BI. . .

Sen. W olter P. George. D .. Ga.. says th e financia l a id to G re a t B r i t ­a in will be 'o n e of the "acu to” questions before congress a f te r th e November elcctlon.s. . . Sen. W illiam H. King. D.^ U tah, ho.-i a lready p ro ­posed au thoriza tion for loan s to B rita in bu t adm lnU trallon leaders say B rita in Is no t In need of im ­m ediate financial aid. . .

L ondon newspapers say U . 8 . A mbassador Joseph P. K ennedy h as asked W ashincton to send a n o th e r U nited Ktates sh ip to B rita in to take home a ll A m eri­cans who have no u rfe n t boalnesa


.WICNOMl.!,. Oct. 7 t S p e d a l ) - U uikiim hiick to Hc|>tcmbor. 1010, WeiidvW lijdne w as ho st tofuliv liN) M(i(ioiirt F riday evening In a I'liiu tri ann iversary observance a t wliii'h lliyiiii U efenbach, Uolse, clilt'f MM'iiker.

Mr. D clrnba rh was g ran d m aster of tho Miilio g rand lodge In 1910, when ninn Id ah o grou [» received Uir'iv chill lers. Of Uin n ine lodges, only itiilili Lake, K an ilah a n d Am- e rlfiiii r iills wore n o t rep resen ted a t Uie here Friday . T h e oUiersam Ituhl, W endell, PUer. Jerm rie. (l.KHlliiK »nd HOIRO O rlen U l lodge.

Aiii'iiiu ilie lenders p rese n t were tlii'.M': Ami A. Vealey, M onliiellnr, grnnil in iistrr; Clyde I. R ush , Boise, HiiiiKl M virtnry; Ailiert S tone. Uolse, Junior Kii'iid w arden; lU y S liiy trr, Tw ill KiiUs, aword bearer; I r ­vin IV lt(*eiBOn, Jerom e, jw st grand niiinUT; Orville Dougloa, M eridian, HiiiiiiiKr Dikvis, Jerom e, and Joe A. C link, iliihl, resjicctively d is tric t dniiui.v Hiiind n ia s te ri fo r th e Uilrd, fuu illi mill flfUi dlsUloU,

Mitchell Hunt toL e a v e O c t 28t i i

lID in .. Del. 7 (apeo ia l> -M llc lie li iiiiiit. Jr., who iioji been called to w nik' In thn easte rn lU te a L. D. a. inlssUin. will leave Oct. 38, and un til tlin l tlinn Is a t Uie hom e of h is par- enii<, Mr. and M n . M itchell W, Munt. iieiir lUlhl.

'I'h rough n m isunderataru llng ot dales. It had l>een annotm ced Uiat h e le ft flsp t. aa. H li appo ln u n en l docs n u t eali fo r liim to leave un til O ct. I 28.

Ke<i aaU U ieana aa lew aa 4U<«, Hwlm invM tatan t 0» , . •~Adv.

Lost H unter Beats Searcli P arty Home

CASCADR. Idn.. O ct, .7 (UP) ~ Elrne.1t B uchla, C aacnde h u n te r who

Irut (or m ore Uinn 30 hours, tiikliig life en.iy today nfirr

h is sefirclilnH p a rly iwiiie,U uehta iK-came sep iiru led Irnm a

jinriv of tour h u n te rs In the upiirr neiicln'ood river a re a S a turday , lie witlkrd 30 miles, |>nrl of II Iliriiiii:li

w ltlioul sleep ing , finally m ni- iiill to a riiinp n e a r G iirdeii Vullcy y^^t.•r(lrlv. lln h ltc lililked a rlili- liiio Cinciiiic 10 Ifiirn t h a t slierltCn nlll- r in u rre fltlll h u n tin g for liliii.

I t 1.1 : cjiorted th a t Uie smi.m nlJitlons In th e linin

HIhIc.n nrll alm iit MOOO wnilU t giirioliiKi I'very m in u te .


CHICAGO. O ct. 7 (UW — Illinois m ourned today th e d e a th of Oov. H enry ' H orne r a fte r a long and m ysterious lllne.v;.

T lie body will be ta k en to th e 122nd naU onai gua rd arm ory to lie In fiiate u n til m ilita ry services ond burial tom orrow a t M oun t M ayriv cemetery, beside th e grave of his m other. R abbi Loula L. M ann will conduct th e services, a g is te d by a C atholic p ries t and a P ro testan t mlnl-iter.

T lie deo th of th e 61-year-o ld gov­ernor early yesterday a t th e subu r­ban W lnnetka 'm ansion w here he had been secluded four m on ths gave the pow ers of th e office to Llpiii. Oov. Jo h n H. Steile w ho had a t tem pted e a rlie r' th is year to seUi the governorship on th e ground tlin l H om er w as Incapac ita ted and th a t s ta te a ffa irs w ere being adm in­istered by a so-ca lled bedside net.

Leads M anufacturesO nta rio Is th e lead ing nianufne-

iMTlng pTovhice In Ihe Dom^nton of Canada, p roducing app rox im ate ­ly o ne -ha lf o f th e Kros.i vnliie of m anufactures for Uie Dom inion.

Help KidneysU TOO luOtr lr«m Duckiichi. o<iiidi

Op MlihU, Nit*ouitnM, !,<« A>ollriiAnklu tnil /Ml »orn oui. dui to iion-o>>k.u* ■nd non-«r>«mln Klitntr >i>d tlUddn Irnu- bl>i, TDU IhnuM Irr <'>••«< vlilrh l< (lilni jnroui txlp In nioiilitiKti. !'tiiit«<1 lutrnhl'a. Hftlitr birk uiiliM rci'nliltUIr tkllitirl.iir.- a<k rogt d ru iiu i lor i4>d>r. Onir i)<.

'Ihe LUde Hermits say:IT HITS THE MARK

for Quality, Flavor and Value!"

OLDH ERl^TllGEM M T U C X r tT IU I« N T lO W liM a


for F-A-S-T perfect

CLEANING SERVICE!R nnitone cleftninp w ill m ake th ose fa ll and w inter

c loth es look and fee l new aftain. R em em ber, too,

you g e t a 2 0 % discount on cash and carry Hervice.


TH IK KFor Those W ho They Can't Afford The Very Best

In Automatic Stokers-----

D E T W E I L E R ' S /N o w O i f e r T h e S t o k - A - F u r n a c ePriced Complete |

W itli A ll Controls


Completely Installed Ready to Go!


Check These Specifications With Other Low Priced Stokers!

i . In te rm it ten t lyj>e transmlAslon, hull ijciirliiR for feed screw th n iironre a n d tmll iM-arlnga on a ll slniCtA, solid one -p lrre steel w orm , alloy w oini wheel. All p a rta ope ra te In oil t>iitli.

I , O ne-pleiT h eal trea te d east steel feed screw 13(1,000 p innids ten ill a lreng th .

B. Chrom e alloy tuyere head.

8. 300-iH)und capacity coal hopper built o f e lec trlr welilrrl d trrl, Ireiited nn thn Inside w ith sound proofing m a teria l and IlnM ird In gii-on wjlnkle baked enamel.

1. F u ll floaU ng w titm In hop jw t base.

\ iMMltlvSiprrshure devire t0 . nto li-A -P lie smoke baeir m nn e ctln n _ rven t back gas.

10. Heavy V n e lt d r lr e a n d c u t iron pulley*.

11. Com plete se t o t Ix)w V oltage e lectric controls for controlling stoicer and

Page Four IDAHO EVENING (TIMES, TWIN FAI^L8> IDAHO, Mond«y» Oeteber 7» 1040


•7«U Lm m 4 WIm 8*nr)e. UaHH Fr. I A»iocl»tlon- ran I I TMtuft 8«rTle*.


*1' rollc** r»<;ulr«4 bj ti» er b» «4«f ot court liihfl -frk lr will b« pgblljb«4 In lb* Thnnd*? U IS'IOI 1. C A. IfS:. u lh«r*(» bj Ch«Dl


Towtr. »0 au(b S tm l. S>n rr>tieli», C*Ht.

Whose Fault Will It Bo?H dw close the U n ited S ta tu s inay be today to an

ac tu a l declaration o f w a r w ill be much bettei' deter m ined by h isto rians 2D y e a rs hence.

The people in th is c o u n tiy do not w ant'w ai-. T hey will no t have it if i t can be avoided w ith honor. B u t i f congress is forced to m eet some black day and de­clare w a r ag a in st an a g g resso r nation , i t w ill be n e ith e r the people nor the g overnm ent who will have forced us into the conflict. Sole responsib ility w ill I'est upon the closed co rpora tion of N apoleons who have found the rest of the w orld too sm all fo r th e ir p illag in g operations.. W a r in th is coun try can never begin over any one

" in c id e n t.” R a th e r i t w ill come a f te r an accum ulation of in d ig n itie s, of a tro c ities , of g e s tu re s calcu lated to ind ica te a complete lack of respec t fo r the sovereignty of a dem ocratic people. I t w ill come, if i t comes, only a f te r the h o rro r t h a t is be ing in flic ted on the innocent becomes too g re a t to be e n d u red even vicariously

H is to r ian s today a re well a w a re th a t the L u s ita n ia d isa s te r ju s t before o u r e n tra n c e in to W orld w a r I w as n o t in i ts e lf responsible fo r th e U n ited S ta te s ’ decision to ^ e t in to the f ig h t. I t helped to c rysta llize feeling a g a in s t G erm any, of course. B u t fu n d am en ta lly , th a t an tag o n ism a lready existed b efo re the boat w as to r pedoed.

I t b eg an in the f ir s t y e a r o f the w ar, w hen G erm an tro o p s c u t th rough B elgium an d H olland in com plete d is re g a rd o f in te rn a tio n a l law . T h is enm ity tow ard G erm an y w as fan n ed d l ir in g the n ex t th re e y e a rs by hu m ilia tio n s A m erican c ra f t experienced .on the h ig h 4}eas, b y ren o r ts of su b m arin es lu rk in g in A m erican w a te rs , by the brazen o p e ra tio n s o f G erm an ag en ts on th e A m erican continent. d ragged the U n ited S ta te s in to th a t w a r b u t th e K a iser . A t the m om ent o f i ts beg inn ing , A m eri­can s w e re resigned to n e u tra lity , w ere n o t even ce rta in .■which side they favored.

If the m oral su p p o rt of v ir tu a lly the whole of the A m erican people m eans a n y th in g , we a re a lready in W orld W a r II. As new even ts unfo ld ,..^s the d ic ta ­to r ia l n a tio n s become bolder an d sign new trea tie s to em phasize th e ir r ig h t to d es tru c tio n , h a tre d for the methods of to ta lita rian ism becom es m ore intense among A m ericans.

T h e to ta l defense we have a t la s t u n d e rtak en m ay be th e in s tru m e n t needed to keep u s o u t of \vai-— to keep w a r aw ay from us. A m erican s hope it is. B ut i f i t becomes necessary to em))haflize o u r devotion to dem ocracy in any o th er,w ay , w e sha ll bo ready.

I f t h a t tim e ever comoa, rem em b er— the aggressor n a tio n s will have a.skcd fo r it.

Pot Sh o tsThe Gentleman in

the Third Row

Memo, Gratis, to Politicians

Pot Sho ts th lnka these county polltlrnl rnces don 't h ave e n o v ^

• To provide thU cl(i*s we've had thp Pot Shota a ta ff a rtis t clt^w up a fins .c o a l or a rm s for political cnnflidntcs. We hove purposclj' re* frnlnwi Iroiii copyrighting th is coat o l th a t ir ty a ll poViil-cal cnnd ldatc j c an Eccure It free of chnrge for th e ir s ta tionery , banners, cards, etc.

C andldat«s w ith coata of arm *, we feel, will pu t th e cam paign on a moiR cu ltu red bftsla. We WQuWn‘1 expect a conl of nrm s, of course, to ellm m a te ' tnud-throw lng en tirely su we'vc h a d our a rtis t Include on his suggested sh ield a ham m er. As you know, ham m ers a re fine for luioclc-ln«- i

H erew ith our con tribu tion to etC' r a te politics (candidates. In m a il­ing }'our request for usage please enclose th e top off one P o t Shots colyum).

SpauiHh Gains in PopiilarilyT h ere seom.s to be a considerab le su rg e in tlie po))

u la r i ty of Spanish in the n a tio n ’n schools this y ea r R ep o rts from widely sep a ra te d sections indieliti; (h a t s tu d e n ts a re tu rn in g from the lan g u ag es of Doethe and do M aupassan t to the lan g u ag e of C«ervantes.

N a tio n a l ties and aninlositic.s a lw ay s havt- a g rea t in fluence on language s tu d y , iu s t as they influence o th e r aspects of nu r n a tio n a l l if r . D u rin g the I'irsl W orld w ar, the (lorm an lan g u ag e fell in to (lisrcpute in th is coun try , ju s t as did the non-o ffend ing dachs­hund and the word siuu T k rau t.

A lthough these likcft and difiUkea o ften bccomo Im­m o d era te and indicate an u n h ea lth y a ttitu d e , the .spread of Spaninh ir en co u rag in g . I t has bet-n too long neglected fo r I'Vc^ncii, jx ipu larly bolic'vofl to ho inor'o c u ltu ra l , and Q prm an, w ith It.s w ea lth of scien tific w ritin g s .

P o p u la rity of Spanish can h a rd ly be a ttr ib u te d to a g ro a t love fo r S nain , so it ilujnt ind ica te an increased consciousm 'ss of ou r lies w ith L a tin A int'rlca, I t should do m uch to fosti'i- frien d ly rela tions, fo r no th ­in g 80 quickly lends to am ity w ith an o th e r people as An u n d e rs ta n d in g of th e ir language.


D e a r T h ird Row:1 notlee a v e rr valuable ea l has

^ iM ppeartO {rom » H oU ;wdixS m orle se t. thereby m akinc eostir re .U k e s necessary If ta ld k itty doesn 't retu rn .

Such a kIdD apini U cerU in iy a fcllny.

—PttM lee

P o t's n o te -O u r contrllw are go­in g In fo r Ingenuity In nditresslnc U ielr c a rd s to uv Came one from Diek S h u n a ry , ' pller, con t« ln lng n o th in g b u t the clipping of th e UltlB m a n from the top of the rolyum. A nd one from A niu i. Buhl, c o n ta in ­ing th e most a rth i lf effort we've Rotten ^o fnr. Anmis liiid d ip ijed colored Individual Iritcr^ fiom kosI)- knowR-where, to spell out I'oi Shots. C onten t* ol Mitrt n iuK asUiusly;

A’fT EN T IO N , i*OST O U H 'K ! P o l S h o ts:

slig h t con-.viloii .sliniilci I)T rniKle. NotiihiK 'waa w ritten by u irk S h u n ­a ry on th e ftrtdre.M slrtr of Him cn id . I 'm KOUlK to li'V iiiiulli niicl It r th in g iJi w iltlen beolrtr yom i n ian , liold tlie |w?,l ofdt-r rrriKifis

Ttlnn>t^. Polv fnr tlir hc.iKiuet abo« l mv oilKlnnlily,

— Dirk Sliui I lirr

IT SEEMS \VK ML'NT Ditor Tiir DiiArTt

D ear PoU .I saw In Uip ^:v^llnlr^ tiin<- w

an accKlriil u iiich Inrolvi'.l omi u m en drlverx. IV ilm i'i mui'II iIiIiIllKt l.'>irt UlUIMIlll. I’OI.V It IMII t f le t jn e to ililiililiin Nmv « |n ,t th e nlrn iirr iliiiftrO? W ill, iv, tlio iej,iilt.i will br (ll^cl^IIOll^ Wi driven liubbv's cm nil ilir im'H ilnk of llir n.-rUlriil>. liniifr for tlir iir<le»injiin I' hOApltal^ win be lli>n<l''il. UiuMi Ralore W lint nhn)



D r a f t ovaderH a re likely to fin d t lia t tho pen Ia also m ore co n fin in g than tlie uword.

M llliona o f youths o f m ilita ry age a re sa id to have b |id tee th . ThcHe a re the latls who will ge t m ore d r ill­ing than they b arg a in ed for.

U. S. govemmflnt is seeking harnoHB cntt«rs for tHo army, priforably tho«B who nave experience'on red

___ inedsmftl! nation in Europe,doesn’t evenU lttil heartv b reakfaat these days, no one «at-

p thw e any more.


r u L r r ic A i. w i.s itm i, n i m ORADK Kin IS II?|

D ear Mr, Pol HIihIa.I 'm only a lii i l t ixi' lo w'htn ol

a n d In (he tin i i mh> a lread y w h at i wniii

My te ac h e is tell me (Imi ir BDod boy. and noiK IihhI | ■

Iw Prenldent «omr dnv i>ik i i th e p ap ers—I don t u a iu to PreaUtenV.

'l liey cun «av mniliiiiK ni lU o r throw anyllilUK ni ym

you 're Preilrtant.I Ju st w an t lo iiinke loU of mr

a n d ru n for Piiv.iili'iii. Vun«f> t ll»« viujwrsk Mii" t»i«‘

' '* peojilP tIllll'^ nt your I ra in oven they uat tliu m n in Jail

id It nn is t tu»kr vwi fi'pl ft»fnlly

A ll e)uiTaeteTi, organixa tion t otui inc iden ts o f (his (c rlo i a rc c n tir tlu /icfiHotu.

\t:<lTERUAY> K U tr i i a * Vfr«-« s u r r >■ lb« bal y« r« «z-plal«« l«a law •■■Hr- Mr- C lark la Mary raalU«« lka(k« caa’I kelp k tr . Ibat aka a « a t aolT« O a p r a b l ta k«racU. W ha(If Xlek aa4 Var» kave ■ ■ tk lva tt* a u r« « ( r7 t la «ka( <-a«t. I s a H a rr

*« Ma«« * taal.

* ^ B T ME H E R K -T O N IO H T '’

CH A PT E R X X III rU N C H T lM E cam e and Sue

M ary p u t oa th e w id e - b rim m ed straw h a t th a t m a d e h e r looic lik e a U tU e.g irl. deepened th e golden s lln ta In h e r b ro w n eyes. H er ta n Jlnen d ress f lared Iro m th e h ip s ia the tam o w ay i t h a d d e llfh tcd he r, w hen ahe b a d w o rn it fo r th e first tim e w eeka ago. T he bangles on h e r w ris t sUU Jingled m errily , b u t ahe w u too .ibsorbed in h e r d is tra u g h t though ts to fee l th e confidence • w cU rgioom cd g ir l u su a lly pos­sesses.

She w as so absorbed th a t ah« lite ra l ly r a n in to Nick be fo re she sa w h im in th e lobby o f th e ofHce bu ild ing .

"So b lind y o u _ M n t ie « m e?' h e dem anded , taklfag h e r by th e e lbow s 'SEira shoviiig h e r ba ck owny from th e crow d com ing fro m th e e levators. “ I 'm n o t su re th a t p leases m e ." .

She (kew a tr lg h te o e d brea th , b u t m anaged to h ide h e r fe a rs a n d sm ile. “A fter a ll, one doesn’t ex. p tc t to see you h e re ."

•■But h e re I am , a n d fUesa w h y ? ” H is d a rk face w as close to h e rs and h is eyes looked deep in to h e r s ta r tled b row n ones.

‘T o te a y o u ,-m y de a r . W hen a m an 's in love h a w an ts to h is girJ. A nd th e re seem to b e less and less chances these days. Sue M ary , you itnow t h a t A t th e h a ll th e re a re a lw ays people; people w an tin g rae to do th is a n d th a t; ask in g quesUoits, w on tin g to ta lk . A nd a t (he a p a r tm e n t s ” H e shrugged h is shoulders. "W ell, th e re ’s e ith e r V era o r N aU lie— ”

" n u t N ick—" S h e d id n 't know w h a t w as eocniog, b u t in - stinc tive ty p r e p t r a d herse lf. “W hat e lse — t "

" I h av e to to lk to you, da rlin g .

m ust. I— I • though t, pe rhaps, ton igh t."

S he fe lt h e r m ind w h irling . T o - n ig h t—b u t to n ig h t N ick and V era m ean t to com e to th e office fo r those p apers . “ T onight." ahe r e ­p eated stupidly.

Yes, dear. N ata lie sa id y o u had to w ork la ts la s t n igh t. I though t m ay be w e could ta lk h e re . I cou ld ro e t t y o u a n d U k e you homfr—"

'B ut N ick— '* she g /oped lo r w ords try in g to un d e rsU n d how th is new n \ove fitted th e p ic tu re . "But— I— I d o n 't w o rk every n igh t. Las^ n ig h t w as a n e xcep ­tion."

Y ou could do i t again . If i t m ean t w e cou ld te e each o ther. T alk toge ther. O lve m e a chance to te ll you w h a t 's In m * heart,

‘•But he re— " • th e repeated,', “ W hy h e re l"

“ Because w e could b e alone, and th a t 's w h a t 1 w an t ,-d a rl in g . A lone w ith y o u fo r Ju st a UtUs w hile .

“You could ‘p re te n d you had som e •work l e t t ove r Iro m la st n igh t. "You co uld b e h e re fo r Just a lit tle w hile ,’* h e rep e a te d . “And I could ta k e you hom e. Say 10 o ’clock, Sue M ary . W e could m eet he re , and th e n in a n hou r—le a^ I t you w an ted —w e 'could leave.

“Prom ise m e, da rling . T here ’s so m uch I w a n t to te ll you . So m uch— " H e lean ed to w a rd her, k issed h e r lip s a n d a b ru p tly v a n ­ished in to th e crow d on th e stree t.

'T ’HE food be fo re h e r o .tnrr» COUntCr

th e drug tasteless.

She a te h e r sandw ich and d rnnk h e r m ilk, b u t she w o sn 't conscious o f the ta ste o f e ither.

I t N ick m e a n t to c a rry th rough h is p lan w ith V era , w hy d id he w a n t h e r p resen t? A nd surely, a fte r th e c a re fu l groundW ork b id by V era, h e w ou ldn ’t toss the w hole th in g aside ev en If—* s h e so a rd e n tly insisted—h e w as in love .ind d id w an t to

But th a t w as rid icu lous, she told herse lf. S h e kn e w rea l love w ith Joe , and she knew N ick w asn 't In love: no t rc'ally. T h is w as a m ove in h is gam e, b u t she s till couldn’t M e hftw sh e w ou ld flt in . U nless

m ean t to invo lve lic r so deep­ly th a t she co u ld n 't d isclose w h at w as going on.

H er h ands g rew co ld a n d she could feel th e b reeze from th e d ru g s to re fa n d iy th e p e rsp ira ­tion th a t b roke o u t on h e r brow. W h a t if V era kn e w she h a d been In the olHce la s t n ig h t In tim e to w itness h e r ic en * w ith young Ro.=s C lark?

W hat If Uiey w ere bo th a fra id of how m uch sh e knew T P erhaps they p lanned to m a k e h e r se rve .

X accom plice U udght and Y k e ep h e r from disclosing

th e i r plans?S h e had ‘ • fee ling th a t they

d id n 't t r u s t h e r . SHe knew they l l d n ' t t«»5* c t n o r le w h e r InleU l- gence . T o them , ahe w as aUU th « n a iv e , lonely lit t le g ir l w ho, s tra n g e a n d bew ildered , w ith n o th in g to do a n d n o w h fr t to go, h a d fa llen in to th e ir ' g roup . She h a d rM allow e^ th e ir phU ow phy, fo llow ed th e ir course, allow ed h e n e t t to b e used to th e ir ad - v a n U g e .'

I f she cou ld on ly th ink . I f th e c ou ld on ly te e w h a t to do.

S h e -knew th e e o u ld a i s tand Id ly b y a n d p e rm it them to carry o u t th e ir p la n . E very in s t in c t o f decency , e v e ry in s t in c t 'o f A m er­ican ism w ith in h e r 're b e lle d . T hey d id n t kn o w th e m ean ing of p a - tr loU sra. S h e sm iled t lit tle . I 'm th in k in g lik e a C lr! Scout, th e sa id td h e rse lf . -n >.•;

O nly , in th e se days, pa trio tism h a d su d d e n ly becom e e o m th ln g v i ta l a n d te r r ib ly im portan t. W ith a w o rld c ra ck in g ab o u t you, w ith y o u r c o u n try — th e coun try la w h ic h y o u r p a re n ts a n d g rand­p a re n ts h a d w o rk ed a n d tolled a n d ' liv e d to m ake I t fre e and k»fe— now fac ed w ith a tark d a n ­ger— p a trio tism w as m uc(i m ore th a n a w o fd , o r a ve rse , o r a song, o r a lin e f ro m a poertL

T T w o u lto ’t h av e been so bad,th e th o u g h t, U I co u ld stop

a n d th in k th is th in g ou t c learly , s a n e ly , b u t th e re 's Joe , too. W hat w as h a p p en in g to him ?

SKe c losed h e r eyes and plc^ tu rc d h im in th e hosp ital; qu ie t, m o tion less o n th e w h ite b e d , h is b lo n d h e a d sw a th ed In bandages, do c to rs a n d nu rses m oving abo u t h im ; c onsu lta tions. X -ra y s, dlog- n oses, ope ra tions.

L ife w ith o u t Jo<>— She gripped th « m a tb lc to p o l th e countm a t she fe l t h e r he ad sw im In dizzy c irc le s a n d a p a ll o f blackness be­g a n t9 descend . T he coolness of th e m a rb le , th e breeze from the fa n g av e h e r s tre n g th . Som ehow sh e go t b a c k lo th e off\c*.

T h e re w as o no te on h e r desk. C a ll M ercy H osplU I. S h e h a d le f t h e r n u m b e r and begged she b e no tif ied of a n y change. Now som e th in g h a d happened.

S h e t i l e d to d ia l th e n u m b e r, b u t h e r fingers shook so th a t th e n u m b e rs a l i r a e d b y .a im lessly . T ea rs d lm m M h e r eyes so th a t she cou ld b a re ly see.

I f • h e w a s w orse— B u t she d id n ’t d a re th in k o l th a t. H « c o u ld n 't d ie . Couldn 't, leave h e r.

S h e d ia le d th e num ber again a n d w a ited fo r th e answ er.

' (T o B « C onU aued)

^ O U R COUNTRYU s I e l M a rtto le* e a 'O u r

C e o n try ,'' w ritten exclusively lo r N SA Bervtee a n d l ^ e I r e n in i

B T K A TU A SIN S BRUSH A u th o r of n re v n g M an e f M anhst-

• -O th e r -T h is Uon M e," ate.H ot » Tery long ago, a few

in th ia coHntry of ours h av e a rero lu tion . F o r one th in s , they w ere fed u p w lth .aom e thlnKS th a t ft d e m tn U d o ld m an a t the h e ad o f aoma la w *nd aelf-lm por- t i n t m ln ls te n w an ted to do to th e ir pocketbodka, a n d th e y were also w re a t th e w ay b e w as going abou t It. T h e policy follQved w as th a t th e IS coloniea In th e New W orM were Just thaV -co ton les: a n d should b e de- lig h ted to t«ke o i le r s .from th e U o th n - C ountry . ,

I t d id n 't ta k e th e king a n d h li m ln b te n long te f ind e a t, e rm a t th ia early s tage e f A n crican h ts tw T . th a t A m ertean i don 't Uke U take M ^ ra . A nd th e . k i i i r a n eeaaso ra teaU sed th a t th e A m erieaaa w e n r ig h t, and

Europe—a ne g ativ e , one—« n d th e outcom e w ill m e an e ith e r ft reversal to feudaUsm o r a con tinuance of ou r way of life. A merica la fo r th e s ta tu s QUO of dem ocratic principles;

T h a t is th e A m erican case. The»e a re th e te n ets by whleh we tlv t . T h e w a ra th e th a t we re fu te te h a re polled out from u n d e r bs.




e f th e ir ew a ftad m ade th e ir coMBtry every M» fta d e a w e ra t le . aa th e ir la te ee len lef w ere.B u t tn o t l e f th e -------

o th e r co u n trie i In t h e O ld W orM w e r e n t a s d e te r .F euda lism w a s sUll th e o rder. w> those w ho were b e i n g o p p re s s^ t u r n e d to th e w est. T hey cross­ed th e ocean by ta l l a n d by steam a n d they cam e to A merica — where" o ppo rtun ity a n d th e r ig h t to work existed, a n d were recognized. And A m eric* grew — founded on a belief In freedom .

Now A m erfcans arc . w ithout d o ub t, th e m ost g e n e re u and Idealistic people l/> th e world. W e h e a r o t an earthquake, a fam ine, a flood som ew here, and im m ediate ly we Jum p to th e re s ­cue. I t Isn 't l>ecas»« w e're so d a m w ealthy : I t’s beea«ue w«

. p ride o a r i e lm on being hum an- lU ria n .So th k t’a w hy Ofur backs gel up

w hen we see w h at Is hnppenlng a broad . W e firm ly believe th a t such su ffe ring Is needles-i. W e firm ly be­lieve th a t we have basleally th e r ig h t form of governm ent. We ftrm ly bellexe it . a n d w e ll Just firm ly defend ou r belief.

T h e re ’a a revo lu tion going

H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County

15 Y E A R S AGOOCT. 7, i m

T h e T^v-entleth C entury club in reg u la r session Tv»e&dtiv ^{^tTnoon a t th e Justnm ere Inn decided to agnln be responsible for « Hallowe’en c a r ­n iva l in T «'in ITalls w ith th e co­op e ra tio n of o the r organ isations In th e town,

I t w as voted to pu l on a film du rin g a o o d Rook week, Je.t‘ e lfr -F rfu ie r-to -f tr t ns chfllrmun ol com m ittees to select plctllrp^.

N am es of s tand ing comniltleed a n d special committee* were rn id by M rs, Rose M urray N orth, necretarj.

6even hu n te rs retu rned yenterday w ith big gam e, li. F. P ra ter and Roy D avis brouRht lionie a <lrer and ii bear. B tephan Ilooi, CienrRp T. 6Ri\rtlAftltf, Ueu Rej\a«i\l. lUyou R e n d a h l and J, Pmil Johnmin rnn - sU tu ted ano ther party U iat broiiglU back a r tr rr aplci-e,

27 Y K A R S AGOOct. 7. ISIS

ArcordlnR to n . M. IViiloii, * ra n c h e r UvIuk n rn r tUb n ty . (h r blHge.1t ^ iiilicv i>rr m r r for nny p roduct on tli'" trn r t romru to lilm fro m a ti\iRrtrv «cvti ol rrUvy w h lrli (irodurrd DB imund.i. 'I'tiP need reia lU kt th ree dollors |>er |>Ound, n rltln ti the produntorn |3 n t At thlx ra le llie arreag* yield wnulri be t i n s or nipre Ihiin hna b rm ir - e.orde<t for any ao ta tuoductlon otv th e trac t.

hn p o r ta i it ami o ■rytlilnK' Z \

th e fine wnrdK i>ii<l lu vn K«vr to bo b lam ed lur nil tlir UiiniiR tim i ham w ned all ovn the wmlil.

T tisn yoil ra il live Iiit|)|ii1v ever a f te r on your ohii iiKHirv liei'uiixe o th e r jieojile put mi nil the money for you til nre ilie rnuiiiiv.


O U R B tll.U T IN BOARD r . I). K. Ilarker.U pper, 'l-win ^ .IU

- W e d o n ’t m ind political t>l*iu Imt H i If ycni can get us on i in w hlfh th e la rm e r 't go t a d irreren i cargo in th a t wagon. Y(>iir ynn i i t okay for lAlking $ u l no t h r p rinting.

FAMOUS L A IT LINK. I wouMh'I aiing m ud In IhU

ta m p a l in , bu t—i . .TIIR nitNTMCMAN IN

T U I T H IR D n o w

to do th e ir p a rt In m aking th e «t*i o le an -u p day se t (or next iiiurM l«v w ertU w htU to r Twin, fn lU , t« tUU end (he c ltU ent arc urKed to rnke old leaves, weeds and o ther rulitjiMi ly ing on th e ir property o r In the a tree ts a n d allays adjolnliiu, an th a t th e c ity m ay p res tn t a clean npiwitr. an ce In every section, TIia ilty nf. riolitls lliroiigh the street i|p |m it m c n t, will cooperate with the xood e tttse n i in ge tting rid o t the Ac­cum ulation of c leaning day. D im 't overlook th e elaan*up day.

Bcpt Harvest in Casfiia Underway

B U nL E Y , O ct. 'l (Bpea'lalt—Deet h a iv e s t In Oasala and Mlnlduki counUee ita r le d today, and th< twi fae torloa will begin allclng 'I'ueMlay.

R, O . H a trh . m anager ol iha iiu r- ley p la n t of Ihe A malgated a im sr coniiw iiy, stataa th a t a yield ahotit Uie aiae or th a t of la t t year It ex­pected a a d H w V y Moeek haa pst>« m a te d a t « « t tonnage o l Mft,ooo to u t. .

B o th iM torlaa, ■uriejp and Paul, w iii n in abou t U to M dayt, 0even h u n d re d m en are employed in U)o Burley and Paul factories w llh i t« i of • 100,000 niontiliy payroll.

* Answering Your'Questions About CONSCRIPTIONBy MILTON BROKNF.R

M anager, NEA-Tlmes Selective Serviee In ferm stion Bureau

W ASHINGTON - H e r e Is a chance to save a lo t o t readers o t th e Id ah o Evening Tim es tim e and pottA ge In the ir senrrh for In fo r­m a tion concerning one phase of service under the selective lervlce act.

T h e ' MEA-E%’cnViK T im es selec­tive service Inform ation bu reau tins received literally hundreds of ques­tions o f . th is tenor:

W h a t p rotection as a d raftee will I h av e I f -

1. I mvnWe^i In a civil c o iu l action?

2. I f inv deiirndriiM live dw elling for w hirh th e agreed re n t does n o t exceed IBO per m onth?

S. I f I have contraotetl to p u r­chase re a l or personal property upon th e in sta llm en t hnMs?

i . I f I have fihllgtitlnns rela tive <(> I R m ortgage on real or personal

p ro p erty ?8, I f 1 am obllRfttrd to pay

m ium s on llfp Itm irane" policies whose to ta l fare v«l\ie does not reed lf),00fl?

I f I have luxes falling mtmi re« l |iro()ritv?

Law U nder C ontlitrrallon T h e answ er to ell thej

th a t th e re nm Uw on th e auh|e< t

in th e Wnilri wn It lik\v whU'h Kiivi relief lo lolM lm r.nil M.llorn In the >ctlve aerv irr o( the tln lled n ta tea .

A tjlH contre.M U a l p ieoet\l eon- Mderlng Is dm w n verv much along tho lin e s o{ the m t j>«i> i*rl In the la st g re a t war.

T lie bill hiis )jr,-u f«vom l)Orted by the nm iiir roiinni m ilita ry affa irs iin<i in now c a le n d a r o t ih* firmiir.

I t la no t ot mill'll vnliie to go In te th e d e ta ils or tjir hill •* It li p re se n t w ritten, hei'Ausa It m ay he

I *ny le d e ta l

'o n s re s i passed


a u l l le y i’nit th e p*al y rur am ployod tiiei b ro u g h t hU yi»niii budi Mlae M arga re t iirndnhi llton , Calif., t.i vl«n I.IS Old W ill and >n»illy ov end, T lin ro iiplr wnn l>ovelock. N e v , n id i w hile en rou te hei to 0«>lff>riil<

M ilton B ronner will an sw .r questions of Idaho Evening Timea read ers regard inc conscription ruUnga a n d In terpreta tloas. Ad- dreaa qaeatlens te M ilton B ren­ne r, .m anager, NEA*!daho Eve­n in g Tim es fielective (k rric e I n ­fo rm ation B ureau, Twin Peila, Idaho . BE SURE TO ENCLOSE postage prepaid P««tcart

». Mir a

house of representattvaa.l> ralt B oards W ill K new

T he- m ain th ing for p rotpectlve d raftees u n der the selevtlce serv­ice. act i t to remember th a t th e law m akers a re trying to devise a way to p ro tec t Uiem. so they will no t be tinanctaUjf m p p le d by giving servlre to th e ir country.

T liev .ihould w atch the T im es to re u lu 'ih r r th e hill hecomen taw

.jnd w'liat ita provisions ere . Also, the sel>-rllve service local tx>erds will

■ Riven lu ll Inform ation on th e i l i jm 1111(1 «'lll he able lo give the Iiiv (>r(i<ui» Wi.o will take ih a rg e the liien Inducted Into aervlce,

A nother moot jxiliit, w hich de . l>endB iiiK in'the form th e law takes, is w liPihrr m en whn do not whit lo b? d ia lir il , b u t e n lu i in the arm y, will a l'o rnnie under th e scope nf this Iriial protection,


I GOODING M^ J u n io r W W a g lrh o f th e B a * tla t c h u rc h m e t e f tc r school T u es­day a t th e church w llh 12 girls an d th e ir sponsor, M rs. lU lp h H orton, p resen t. M ary R u th J e n ld tu ted th e de ro tlonals . T w o c h ap te rs of th e new m issionary study track, "T he F ru ited P lain .” were read , a n d the rem a in d e r of th e booic will be read a t succeeding m eetings. R efresh ­m e n ts were s e n e d w ith A da Olbson a s h o s te u .

M rs. H arry Edholm , presiden t; M rs. M, F . R jaD , treasttre r; -Mrs, R a lph H orton ’ a n d Mrs. L ida Tay> lor rep resen ted th o G oodins P n ren t- T ta c h e r aasoclation a l th e dlsU lct m eeting he ld In Je rom e la s t S a t­urday . Mrs. Edholm gave th e re ­po rt of th e local association.

C osm o |» lllan c h ap te r of Uie OES held a regu la r m eeting T uesday evening following d in n e r s e n e d by a c o m m llte t w ith M rs. K ihy l HeHer as chairm an . In itia tio n cerem onies were conducted for Mrs, E lla Wal- brechU Mrs. C ora M ae E vans and Mra^ R. M, Jacobaon. A nnounce- m en t w at m ade by W orthy M atron R oena E vans th%t th e W orthy g ran d m a lro n . Mrs. NOra J . Blake, C a ld ­well would pay he r official visit lo th is c h ap te r a t a tpecla l meeting T uesday . Nov. 19,

___ h o u r w hen A m erica Is s trug ­g ling to keep o u t of w ar, yen can im agine no m ore tim ely, im p o rta n t book th a n A rth u r D Howden Smith** b iography, "M r. H ouse of Texas'* IFnnk A W agnalls: SR50I. H ere Ia th e w hote am aslng s t i ry o( Colonel Rouse, m an oloeest to P re sid e n t W itaon In th e la t t w ar. h is Influenee in A merica ami Europe In w ar a n d peace. Ju s t a Jot o r h b p e n e tra tin g book U e s - cerp ted here ;T he on ly m a jo r change w hich Mr.

House m ade w ith th e passing years.In th is con tem pora ry estim a te , was a s tre n g th en in g of h is convleUon th a t th e ch ief e lem ent In tb e fa il­u re o f A m erican policy In P aris ■ as th e pre.sence of M r. W ilson.

"You m u stn ’t b lam e h im ." h e tn ld again , a n d again . "He Ixlleved he w as doing rig h t. B u t i t w as th e sort o f itftttatlon h e w asn 't used to or f itte d to h and le . .Dp to th e n I. had ' gw ie o u t a n d w restled w ith th e trouble-m akers, th e kind of m en he d id n 't like or know how to h a n ­dle, p c d id n 't know how to handle m en like Clem enceau a n d Llo>d George. D am ned good m en, my frien d , good p o litician s, w h s h a d spen t th e ir lives sm uggling for powel". . ,

" I t h u r t him to do th a t so r t ,of th ing . I t h u r t som eth ing in h im deep down, som eth ing very fine. And w hen th a t was h u r t, h e w asn 't a t h is best. H e got m ad . Arid h e could get m od fa ster a n d b e tter th a n any m an I know . W hy. I rem em ber th a t Just before h e w as to leave Parl.t, a f te r th e tr e a ty w as signed, one o( th e F renchm en who w as friendly To US cam e to m e and sa id th a t h e h a d given no a n .w c r to an inv ita ­tion from Poincare to s u t e d in ­ner. . .

" I w en t to ask h im ab o u t It. He said. 'No. I 'm no t go ing.. I l l be dam ned I t I do. I 'd choke If I h a d lo s it bc.side Po inca re ag a in .' ‘B ut you c a n 't refuse. Q ovem tn’.* I told h im , 'I t isn 't you. alone, w ho are InTOlved. T ills Is a com plim ent from th e pf® ^dent o f th e F re n ch rep u b ­lic to IQH a.s P re sid e n t o f th a U nited S ta te s , as th e rep resen ta tive of th e A m erican people. You would be In­su lting th e F re n ch people In th e nam e of th e A m erican people,*

“W ell, h e w ent, b u t h a s a t be­side P o incare glow ering, and he hardU ' ^^Id a w ord a ll evening, and le ft fti early as h e could,"

T C A S T L E F O R D *• — — -------------------------------- — •

M n . C hris H eeselhoit w a t hostess to Bid or Bye club W ednesday. Mrs. F red .R in g e rt a n d Mra, W alter T schannen cap tu red th e awards.

Mrs. A, E. H eller en terta ined- a t bridge T uesday In honor of; M n . Ben Heller, ionnerly o t Hoojjer, Neb. P rltea w ere aw arded Mrs. T . A. Reed and th e guest of honor.

Rev. R, T . Douglas, exeoutlve sec­re ta ry of th e church , S a lt lA ke City, was In Castleford th is week on bnslneM in connection w ith th e locnl church,

M rs. C. E Hlckok. and her moUt- er. M rs. EUia M errill. R upert. I tf l week for S a n Francisco, Calif., to vlsli Miss M elissa M errill, who Is Ul. \

Gene Sm ith , teivrn year old ton of I Mr. a n d Mrs. F r ii l S m ith , w ho had Ju.1t recuporated from a broken arm , (ell and rebroke th e i

.lohn Verm Ml. Vernnn. \ dav w ith Ur. »on.

n and son. Chester, 'sM i. visited W ednet- >n>1 Mrs. I. A A ndtr-

rr » lio han spent Viilin (Uty. Calif,1 n fru it concern,

the form er I, of H am - lother, Mra, ' th e week- m arried a t

Hept, aa They ii'Un'ned

M l. P a r .yalhm ,

■M'hfMil while ills h r ld i ft a tu d en t of a collrne In Callfor-

Miaa feva HchwlUer, 'iV ln Falla ro tm ty liealtit n u n e , will rnnduct • hom e nursing cIbm in I'onjiini'ilun

id Ml.' ciiDilea Aexlon and Mr. Hvln nrum ei. Hllvee Paak. Nav.. were week-end gueiU of th e ir mo­th e r, M rv HUnclie Brumet.

Mr*. Kunlce nudbury and d a u ih - te r, I.enni, Portland, Ore., and E d­win Clark, Dnise. were gueita th is week at the home of Mr, end M n.

M. Hmuh.Rev. and M u a . W. B arbete t

raiurtied M nndiv from » two woeks tr ip through CallCnenla w hich took (hem aa fa r as T ijuana, Max.. go­ing the roaei route, and ra tu m in i

th e Inland highway, w here they vlslied Yiiiietiilte and M ount Laaten na tions] |>aik«.

Ted Helrr and John F. O onrad of B tlllngtnn, Wanh., en route to Mit* eourl aiul Ohio, were guetU W ed' ne»(lay m iiie honii o t D r. ftnd M rt. I, A. Andn.vm.

>111 i(c»ervcs lield a mem- l>ni>hln (irun leceiitly will) e ll l l r l t

In Joining Invited to gfl anil Mrs. 1/ II Brawn retu rned

hom e last werk from a b u tln e tt tr ip • niHnn, Mnnl.

W ith lh « ftdult education course held a t th * aohool house. i>oglnnlng onW edneeday, Oot, D, T b it u a tu re . th e ........ffrs t of ita k ind to be held In H an - J tU u

.... ..........n l l r l tco n tin u e one h o u r each W edneeday th m u g h November,

M l* R y th Reed, lu p e rr tte r of th e a r t elftM reporU an en ro llm ent of •om e 40 m em bert, w ith an everage a tten d a p o e of 30 during arie rnoon a n d e re n i i i i mssIoiu .

k hike > r*<lsrplaysd la u ia t im lll a fte r auper w h in haiiihuraers end doughnuU were served. C ahln tt membera told (if lh a Work of the ir ci


Mra, R onald Flanm , M n . Ohftriae O relgliton and Barbara J t« n Flitr* w eather, wlm h»va bean gue iU ft» th e home of Mr, and M ra.V vM .Fud* t m tor lha past (aw w tek i. ,U T e retu rned lo tlielr hom i in lU tU , M ont,

D O B IZO N T A L1 P ic tu re d b e a t i8 I t b e longs to

th e h ighest o rd e r of m em - m a lt , t h e — - .

1 2 F ls b eggs.13 V en tila ted .1ft S e r ra te d tooLIQ Soon.17 Com monplecA

discourse.IB B a rra cu d a .SO H nitened,91 A la rg e r fo rm

o t th ia b e a it. 4 0 P o itg c r lp t

A nsw er ift F re v leu a Fusale — o ri in ' tre e i. |

l a S m all child. l4 T r» eln,10 A d am 'e m ate.18 L ion.SO O palo tcenL91 S o u n d o t • \ l r a n o i loov

d ra w n c o rk . M a lle t 34 O ne w ho rac«« B4 W ing.3» E xcuse . 99 B ackstitch .3d B u ilds. SS N otchcd .19 P e r ta in in g to AT Consum ad-

ap p le acid . I t is kn a x c c l

CO 11 hiis A ------dIspoM tlnn.

m o u ld e d .44 D octor 3 M ,d d iy ,.4B Thorny tree. < intlghL

a n a rk e d .a For.7 To sU imber. a P e rfe c t type, y O nager.

10 W oven airing . . . 11 P itch e r .

IS I t is .found in ' t r e n .

10 I t liv e s In > cllm nte.i.

21 P re v en ted .23 Ahscondji,25 T o choose.27 Ju ra .20 N om ina l va lue 30 K x p ert fly«-32 G rease,33 G ird le,37 W oolen c lo lh

(P i.) .- 43 T o ile t box. .49 D orm itory .4fl InU fiid n , 401CnBi;-l» title. 4aDlijllcD l p i l e a 00 M easure of

a re a .B1 Prom ie*. ft) Corptft.63 I.lm b.04 B ariey

splkelet. fin A lte rn o o n

(a b b r .l.

:MmdayrOctol»r 7, IMO IDAHO EVENING TIMES„_TWIN. FAI.T.S, IDAHO '1 . .-iff

Page Five '

Here’s Why Times-News Commercial Printing Is TopsC M C

H t n (he ty p e setter “locks" tne form to r % Job. m ak inc It ready for p ro o d n c t o d prin t-

A passing to u ris t eagerly reads nn a ttrac tiv e p a m p h l e t describing polnta of In tere st In sou the rn Idaho . . . a bookkeeper w orks diligently a t hi* records and files . . . a group of s tudents fills ou t d ance proBrnms before a ll th e dances a re gone . . . o ff in In d ian a a w om an opens her m all and finds a clever announce­m e n t oI h e r d a u g h te r 's l l r s t born . . . the w om an '■next door" makes a form al call on a n e w ’r e s ld e n t . . . .

But very few sto p to w onder how th e pam phlet, th e ru led form s, the dance program s, th e announce ­ments, th e ca lling card s, th e s ta tio n ­ery, or any of hun d red s of sim ilar Item s were m ade.

A tr ip th rough th e jo b d e p ar ts ie n t o f the T lm es-New s, one of th e best In th e s ta te , m akes m ost people m ore a p p re c ia tiv e -o l a fin e piece of p rin ting th e n e x t tim e they see

Here, in th e d e p a r tm e n t seldom associated w ith th e new spapers, the T lm e s-N e w s m a in ta in a s ta ff of expert p rin te rs , ty p e « tt« r s and

While th e appren tice cots the paper the desired tlxe o a the electric pow er c u tte r . . .

pressm en, a scrle.t o f . h and and mechanical presses, a variety o( type fonts a n d a la rge supply of "Job" paper a n d Inks on hand to complete a Job In th e sho rte st tim e possible a t th e le as t cost possible.

T lierc 's g lam or in th e Job d e ­partm en t .., . even If the f irs t glance a t the type cases, paper cutters, presses, b inders , m e ta l saws, paper. Inks, punchers, p e rfo ra to r , round- corner cutters, .stapling m achines and stones Isn’t especially beau ti­ful o r alluring.

Jenny Jones h as been nam ed by the BoM tcrs' club n t th e City school to see th a t p rogram s a re ready fot the annua! spring form al. Tlie club w ants them p rin te d In th e tr colors, r e d 'a n d blue, on a sn llny white background w ith ft particu la r kind ol w hite cover. L et 's go w ith Jenny to th e Job dep artm e n t a n d see how she goes about ge itlng th e Job done.

F irs t, she ta lk s w ith th e job m an. telling him approxim ate ly w hat !>hc w ants and th e quan tity her club wants. He brings ou t sam ples w hich

T he pressm an receives the form a f te r It ha* been properly proofed and s ta r ts th e M iehle vcrliral aato m a tic pres*, r r l in d rr tjp * . which will p r in t th e p lacards a t tne ra te o f 3,600 to 4.R00 copies an hour.

And for booklets and folders, the d e p a rtm riit a ittls tan t “feeds” Ihe »heel» of p a p e r Ih ro u fh Ibe nrw B aum speetl au lom alJc /o lder a t the r a te of 2.W0 copies p e t hour.

an.swer lie r description of paper d e ­sired, Tliey determ ine the ilie finished program s will be, iiow many pages they 11 con tain , the kind of type w ith w hich bhe w ants them p r in t­ed . . . th e re are IGO d ifferent fonts for her to choose from, bu t only a certain portion would be sultnbtc fur the type of work she wishes done . . , and when she w ants them delivered, ■

If she wanLs them the iipxl day, chances a rc tlie Job mart will go to work a t oncc so she iiiiiy have a proof tlia t evening a n d the Job may be finished th e nex t niornlnK,

Jenny leaves the d e p artn irn t, and the Job m an goe,s (o work. He m arks cach line w hich will niipear on the completed program In the «lze and style of type w liich it i,s to be prin ted . . . selccts th e pni>er which Jenny chose and h w the prin te r's devil c u t it to th e d is lrcd sl::c . . . tu rn s the copy over to tlie ty j^ se tte r who "m akes up" the form for eoch page of the program . , , makes a copy for Jenn>' to “proof" . , , gets

th e fina l O.K, from h e r a n d p roceeds, to p rin t th e de.sired num ber of pro­gram s.

I f there',^ more tiian one pagtf to th e piogram , the p rin ted paEc,s go to a binder>’ ){lrl who assem bles them In tlie proi>cr order a n d staples or tle.s them toKcther . . . a fte r the Ink has dried , . . a n d they are a l­ready for the Bockslcr c lub 's dance.

A nd Ihere'.s your "glam or" . . ,paper,

cans or Ink combined w ith skilled fingers, excellent press, fine type and careful "fintsliers" to fonn an a ttrac tive dance program tlia t will be saved by m any who a tten d the dance as suiiieiiirs o f a good time.

I n kcrping w ith th e ir policy of doing a ll they can tow ard th e p ro ­gress of ncw.spaijers and work asso­ciated with newspapers, th e Tlme.s- News has an excellent equipped Job sliop.

Included In th e equ ipm ent are two C handler and P rice h a n d - feed presses, one w ith a 10-lnch by 15-

Inch bed and a n o th e r 12-lnch by 18-inch bed <a bed de term ines the sl?.e of paper w lilch m ay be printed on th a t ])artlcu lar p ress i ; a Miller M aster Speed au to m atic prew with on n by 17 Inch bod. which will p rin t a t the ra te o f 2,800 copies per hoiir.

A Miehle Vcrticle press, cylinder type, which n lll p r in t a t th e rate of 3,000 to 4.SOO copies per hour, w ith a 13 by 10 inch bed; a Baum electric folder, w hiclj will fold one .sheet of paper In to a th irty -tw o page booklet In one opera tion a t the rate of 4,000 copies per hour. I t will carry sheets as large as 19 by. 28 Inches.

T lie th irty -tw o Inch electric power paper c u lle r m akes th e Job of c u l­ling thoitsand.s of sheets the same size a sim ple m a tte r.

"G randdad of them nil" am ong Uie ' presses In th e Tlm es-N ew s job d e ­p a rtm en t Is th e .Miehle tw o-revolu­tion cvllnder press w ith a bed 28 by 42 Inches in size, w hich will feed

copy a t th e r a t r of 2.000 p e r hoiu-.O n th is pre.v'i It is pof>sible to p rin t

sl.-ctecn 0 by 9 In ili- pages a t one opera tion . , , w hlrh w ould mean a lo ta l of th ir ty -tw o th o u sa n d copies of a pnge th a t sUc in one hour.

T lie d e p a r tn iti i t c arries $^,000 worth of Job sfovk on h a n d a t all tim es . . . which m eans an ex­ceptionally wlile va rie ty of kinds, colors, tex tu re and g rade of pajKr,

And Koon to be oddcd—It is ex­pected th a t It will a rrive th e f ir tl of the week—is mi offse t sp ray gun, which will cnablo th e Job m en to cover th e pajicr w ilii a chem ical to p revent th e type Irom b lu rring as one .shcot touclic.s a u b lh e r Im m edi­ately a l te r comhiK off th e press.

So (nr as Is know n, th e re i only two or tlu e e such sp ray guns in use in Idaho, As Im proved m eth­ods o fp r ln t ln g are m ade available, th e Tlm es-N ew s secure these to enable th em to .- prvc tlie public In the fastc.-it and m ost economical m anner poMible.

Term ed one of th e world' slaiKllng sacred m usicians, R obert

! s s , A ustra lian composcr- pUiiilst, will a p p ea r a t 7:30 p. m. W ednesday, O ct. 9, In a program of siu-red music a t tlie F irs t B ap tis t cliuicli, Ttt’ln Palls,

llev. Hoy E, B a rn e tt, pasto r of the Bii|)tlsi cliurch, announced tlie rc- cliiil today and said th e p rogram "prej.eiit;! th e gospel them e in a re- filled nuislra l se tting ."

Rev, B arnett added;"It offers m any fea tu res o f un-

u.' uiil liiieri'st. H ym ns, old a n d new lake on a new m eaning as th is Aus- traliiin p ian ist In terp re ts Uicm w ltli tlnboriile vartalio 'ns. 'W ord reach ing here Indicates th a t Mr, H arkne-.s’ rendition of m any of ills own Instru - m i'iital comixxsltlons m arks him a Kroal artiste ’

Mr, H arkness Is th e compo;.er of over 2.000 hym ns and goiipci songs. In addition h e iias com po.«d jjian y an them s and p iano num bers. lie Is the composer and d irec tor of a home study correspondence course In eviuigelistlc p iano p laying. H e Is the au tho r of a popu\ar b ^ r a p h y o l the late Dr. B. A. T orrey , w ith w hom he e lid ed tile world In g rea t conipalgr.t.

His record of s ix com plete round- tiic world tours In th e work of sacrcd unisir gives him an in te rnational stundlng of note. His specialty Is i>inno accom panim ent.

; M URTAUGH '*I --------- ------------------------ «,Mr«, H , Cowley, N ovelly, Mo„

■ iio lias been v isiting h e r sons Ver- gni Cowley, Burley, a n d Alva Cow­ley. Eden, 1.1 v isiting h e r m any M is­sourian friends In M u rtaugh before she leaves fo r h e r hom e.

Miss Je n n Boyle, w ho le ft here two weeks ago w ith h e r s is te r and hu-sband, Mr. a n d M rs. M itchell, for Salem. Ore.. to a t te n d school. Is 111 and her m o the r. M rs. Jamc.s Boyle, k i t iM t week to b e w ith h e r.

Mr. and M rs. G . E. S a rg en t and two ch ild ren . M ontrose , Neb., have arrived to v b l t M r. a n d M rs. R , L. Van Sant, sisters, a n d will m ake the ir hom e here .

Parley P e rk in s, th e newly a p ­pointed postm aste r, took over the post office he re la s t week.

A com m ittee appo in ted by the Relief society o ffice rs Is spoasorlne an o ld-tim e d a n ce a t th e L I3.S . hall ton igh t. P roceeds w ill he u se d to finl-sh th e new R elief soclcty room s th a t a re being built.

O F F lC l l l lS P I l I l : !A C C K N I O E A i

EMMETT. Ida,. Oct. 7 ( ll.« -O em county sh e rlffs.o ffieers today Inves- tigated an automobile acc iden t four miles no rtlicast of he re in w hich 16- year-old G eorgia Sltopley 'of ESn- m e lt was killed and th re e o th e r persons were Injured.

Lawrence W illiams, th e driver, told Sheriff BoLse Riggs th a t th e automobile le ft the B lack canyon highway when he failed to m ake ft tu rn and rolled 235 feet. Miss .shnpley was crushed.

In the m anufacture of glove.'?, th e le.-vllier u.scd first Is c u t Into •■tranks," o r oblong.-, of le a th e r largo enough to fit th e glove p a tte rn .

Ifldestructible Bob Hope Busiest Actor in World

By PAUL H A RBISO N NCA Service S ta f f C orrespondent H O LL Y W O O I>-I hope Bob* Hope

Is still bobbins a ro u n d w hen you rea d th is , because I w an t to write a lit tle tribu te to th e saddle-nosed, lean , am iable I ro n M ao of tlie Movies.

U s t tim e I saw h im w aa a t Uio end of th e a e ria l 'excu rsion for "Tlie W esten ie r" preni!.-rc In T exas, As about 30 of us le ft ou r p lanes to go home and do a R ip V an W inkle for a week, Mr. H ope breezed aw ay amid gay quips to keep a golf d a te and th e n to w ork on a new script. Of course, h e m ay have fallen to pieces as soon as he got a round th e first com er.

U nqucstionahly, Dob H ope Is tlio busiest m astcv-o j-cctcm onlcs, pcr- aonal-appearance m aker, scrccn ac ­to r, rad io p e rfo rm er and benefit p layer w ho ever lived. H is Itnuiedlalc schedule Incliulc.s a week a t the Hun Fraiiclhco Auto Show and five iliiy* wiUi the W arner U ro thcrs ' expedi­tion to S ou th B end . Ind., for the "K nute Rockne" p rem iere. Tiiose chores will b righ ten h im up for his role, "with U lng Crosby. In "Tlie Hoad Road to Z anilbar,*

Tlie com edian does a ll rucIi th ings efioitleasly, a n d love.-i to <lo 'em. If nobody would pay h im tliousuiid.s of dollars a week, h e ’d do (lin ii lor dunes. He now han lo tu rn down lots of big o ffers , b u t h e ’ll htlll play a I'Imrlty benefit a t tlie d io p of a hint.

No llru sh -O ff fo r KansOn tills " W e s te rn e r ' tr ip to | ‘\)r t

W ortii and D allas, Hnpo liindHi a fte r a sleeplewi n ig h t a n d for two (lays and n igh ta maAlcred vvety ceremony In an e ven t-filled m a ra ­thon. Ho played four th e a tr ra . pro- ceding shuwlngn of th e p ic ture, of- flclated a t five broiidcusU , t<M)k over til* m lcrophonn a t twu lunciieons, onn d inner, five aaAorted p a rties and balls, a tid a big charity show.

He au tographoil evrry h a t, pro- g ra in ,s^ e n u a n d lu 'tnp of paper he could rPach, a n d evnn a few th a t were handed Into h is bathrtHiin one of th e ho tels. C ornered by crowd In a lobby or on a nlreet, lie'd trad e w isecracks w ith adu ilrers u n til rescued by police; lie iib v it tr lrd lo brush off th e fans.

If he had anyU ilng lo e a t, It wm on the second inu rn lng . w h it h rrak ' fa s t In hla room. I have never heard Bob Hope u tte r one com plalnin lll-l» im or« l word, even to those of iis ha doesn’t need lo Impress,

Of course, h e ’a a m erciless rlbberand a ru th le ss s te a le r of not.......A fter some Joking IntroductJon liy Charley U uggles, IIoim sa id , "Well, now th a t the tryou ta a re over, I ’d like to te ll you , .

A t one of th e th e a tr rn , h e delib­erately ignored—iintU th e la s t inln- u te —a n anxious E'tlward A rnold who could be seen w aving from th e wings. In roltillatlon, A rnold persuaded flam Q oldw yn and liruce C abot lo walk w ith him aoroua tiie stage be-

‘hlnrt Hope, c h a ttin g to g e tlirr and never glueing u t th e aud ience. Hope d id n 't even look a round to eoe who waa try ing to break up hln act, l ie m tr tiy le a tu re d a n d told h is audl- eu fic ..“t l w l 'a n new u n it b reaking In (or th e ahow n e x t weeV,."

a e l4 w » n H eurried |}urlng th e U i t ahow, In D allas,

th e co tned ltn aa lu a lly h a d Qoldwyn rn llin f ueun<I oii th a floor of tlie stage. T h e bM in lnc producer had been i t« n d in | a l aide a w a it­ing Kh tn iro a u o tto n .. H opa k e p t on

challliig , 50 th e flu stered Goldwyn gestured for th e m icrophone, Hope leaned ta rth e r aw ay, a n d Goldwyn reached for IL H ope lay down on Ihe stage a n d sa id , "All right. If you’re BO anxious, come on down and g e y t ! " So th e big m ovle-niakcr lay f la t on h is dignity and scuffled for the mike.

Tlicfll^mous producer finally made his speech. B u t H ope h a d the la st w ord; "Mr. Ooldw’yn hna been wi derful on th is tr ip . And, os you <

^ th e trip h as been wonderful Mr, Goldwyn,"

In .^pltr of h is activities, Bob and Dolores H oi« m a in ta in u sort, of home life. T hey have a one-year- old adopted d a u g h te r nam ed Lliidu, and d ining a pcriional appcaraiiec tour about th ree m on ths ago they stojiped a t 'ITie Cradle In Chicogo oud saw a tiaby boy they liked, llie y 'll (.top again a n d get him a fte r the big movie doings a t Bouth Detid In October,


P rank W atson. 58. of R ochester. N. H,. and h is sister, Mr.s. E lm er W lll- ou tt. 60, of N orthham pton , were r e ­united a fte r being separated f>7 years. As In fan ts Uiey were o r­phaned and adoptcil by differen t families, W atson learned of his sister's ' whcreabout,s recently , while checking a b irth record.

RIDA 10 GEMIAMI, Fla, (U .P)-Florldn w liilrr

seii^rm will he Inteihix-i.Md \^U|| iho m tIou-s droiii- of alrpliiiH'S and llic irriid ol muK'liliig fre t,

Ileeiuise of nlm<«t perfec t flving rondllions lie r r during the whilr Ihn stiUr will bc^comii tlin liiilnUiK ground for a large iium lier of ]>llols for llii) 90.000 a irp lanes nviknl by PiTfildrnt lloosev rit for Ihii imlltdi- al defense program .

A jiart of tlio iialloiinl guiiiil unit, called up by th n 'P res id en t will Irnin a t n i r t liaraiicn.n and C ani|i Hliind- ing and reeru lla o l lim arm y nnd navy land force.s will be in il ihNumii their puces a t o th e r cami>s In tin s tate. Piinds havn been approprlnt rd to iirovlde facllltle.i for 40,0(10 troops a t C am p liland lng .

(V>iistructlon of hotels, upurlm ent hou,ies and hom es vlelng wilit iKKim-tlme building was in evldenm IhrciiiKhout th e ntate. Iti the ( Ir ra le Miami urea alone, building peim lts for tlio flrnt n ine m oiitlin of tiin year loUilnl aluuk.1t 130,000,000. ’I1iis in- cludetl coim tructlon of 34 iiolrls nt M iami bench.

Al.'o a t M iami heucli. a |2IH).00n l>ermlt was iMued for constructlou of a Jal-itlal fron ton , w hich will Im Ihe MTriiid eourt In thn nlatn . . playing Ihe Hpanlnh gome. T lir o ili­er fronton in In Miami.

A nother horsn race track jilans to ope ra te a t 'I^tmjHi. bring ing to three Uie niimlier In th e s ta te . 'I lie re will bn dog racing a t <0 tracks, lour of which are In thn M iam i area. P a r i­m utuel wagering In offe led a t .. hornn anil dog trackn aiHl a t Ihe ja l- alftl frdnlonn.

l l i e winter sen;<on will foliuw year on one of llie m ost gBiirnilly siiccemlii) sum m ers Plorldn han m Joyed In yeain. 'l lic ro wan a sub sta n tla l Increase In sum m er tourists nnd favorublo reiHirta cam e fr liiiiny busliiesi and Indiiatrlal con- csins.

D uring tli^ te rm of years Hint O erm any was no t perm lllH l lo have niiliU ry pU iie i a n d h m n o t per' initte<t to tra in m ilita ry piloU. oo,- 000 pilots wera tra ined in glldoii I t t l i f cost of l i a yearly per pilot.

NATURE SHOW CLIMACTIC BOISE, (U.P) — sp e c ta to rs here

WRtchcrt s<nilrrcl!i gnaw & 'ho le In th e hollow b ranch of a tr e e where a sw arm of bees h a d ta k en up w in­te r quarters. O nce th e ho le was gnawed th rough, th e speed of the get-aw ny of nil p a rties concerned was first for th e bee.s. second for th e squirrels, a h d th ird fo r the on ' lookers-

Far AwayD U tance from th e e a r th to the

m ost dl.stant know n nebula Is 900,-


'J ills ta ilo red baMo frock, w iin Us a .uonipaiiylng nhawl In a rin.tlon by our own noted designer. J4a rlan M arlin , anil you can s titch it ii|i In ih^iuiiic-tjuiok tim e from It4 ainiDic pu ti'-n i anil im tru c iiv o Htiw i n n r t . Tlio Jaunty, yoked rirens is altracllVB "ail on lU o w n ,' w ith Uiose iui« uniirrased sk jr t p le a u th M are so easy lo do. H ave th e Inplftld ccm uaat, a n d m ake Ita frhiKP border youriieir. 'm achine a ltM h ln c n ia aim pllfy all iiie finlshlnii touotiM i i f t i^ T a t to rn , MBJ. U • W llr t l* In la lo 30. and Is tmly * ' "e o f th e M ariu)M artin s ty lea I w tn re d on ou r ffom en’s page.

Bend PIPTB E N .OBNTB In coins for th is M a rian M arU n P a t ln n U Idaho Svfcnlni T im es. P a tU rn l5»parlm rnt.

Catde G iti Coal comes to you frrihly mined from U u h 'i lineit roll mine*, w uhed, KT««n«l to •iic. and dcijprufcd in ooe oC America'! fineM coal preparation planti. I l 't dried, of couTM. I t’s a t (Iran ai coal ran be made. Order your wpply NOW I


S c rc tf lfd • M etered • M ixed

Giui l aiB(hid

Lumber & Coal Co.301 2nd S t . South , P h . 34

G tiy Rym an. M anager






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" V ia O R Y " tNOINt

*o m o iN U VACUUM-


iuaT A ioN iyc* i»w »o t»uu iio»n


h y d r a u u c brakes

it's the longest, targatt, most luxurious cor

the leader has ever built. . . with 3" more

wheelbase and "ihree-couple roominess"

In oil ledan models. . . wjth dashing new

“Ariitostyle" design and a new beauty-

leading Body by Fisher, found only on

Oievrolet and highir-priced carsi

1‘a ra d e Nlonft Ih e nveniie In ih ia ap ark jln tl b e a u ty , n n d y o u 'l l a l t r a c t every ey« . . . fo r Ihe new 1941 C heT roIot Is th a e m arie s ( c a r t h a t ever

«olof$ on mil Sp^cM D» (m i

w ore a r a d ia to r o c n a m e n t . . . (h< C ar o / the Un llt il Soiiesl

P e rfo rm a n c e ? —even m ore p o n e rfn l a n d even m o re e co n o m ic a l th a n C hev ro le t'a record^ , lireakltiA m a d a c tio n of la s t y carl K ldlnft com* r o r ( f ~ " t h e a m o o th e s i, s lr a d lc s t r id e o f a l l ." w ith l>« l .u ie K nee-A cilon a n d ba lan c ed ap rin itin ft f ro n t a n d re a r on a ll m otlela l

H ut, coniB, yon b* th e Jiidae of th e new m i C h e v r iila tl Kye I t —T ry I t—lluy U tK ee h o w finely a n d f a ith fu lly I t la dealSned lo b e ftn t a<<i/rt In p o p u la r favor a n d p o p u la r d e m a n d !



Twin Falls


• S o c ia i^ C ^ iu L d ^ c jC o c l^ e d

Committees for 20-30 Festivity

Receive PraiseC om m llttex wlio nrroiigffd clctfill* r UiP 20-30 rlub'.s cllniifr-dfinpr

Sntiirtiay evniniK In rotiiifcllon 111* fh n rl^ r m slil pro«ram , totlnv rrrnv liiB foinimtiilB-

lor Ihr Mirrr,>.s of tlic OCCR- slot). G liosis Mi'll' )l•l■ fnI from

Nrvnrift anri U'nl'i.

Hav McFiirl^mil rlin ln iin )) of Hrinnci'inriii'-, iiiul nl^o prPMclfd fts tonstm nsirr. D irk H ur- bc rt heaclpd llie c iU erlftlnm fiit com ­m it tee : Dick Mnxwpll, riccorfitlniw;

pvpv Cook, flnnucp; Pftul HnrclM- . dftics iintl rrrcp tlo ii; Jn rk Slelb,

rrtrp sliin n it.''; C lm rlri Ronk, b*ni q u r l. am i D irk H tjip lfr , corrw - ponripnce.

D in n e r wns served rnbn re t Rtyle, a t Inb les Brouped, nboul th e dance pav ilion . T iny ypllow chrysftnthe- m um s (Icckeri IaWw . and Uie sp e ak e rs ' tab le was centered w ltn a fan -sh ap e d var.c o f wlilte po ttery. hoIdlnB pink carnaUon.v

T h e llRhla w ere softly shaded Jor th e occn.'^lon. and clever m odern

of coUimti* nnd flow-

Talbot Jennings Will Address Gem Scribes

T a l lw t J c i i i i in j ; s , a ju i t iv c s o n o f I i ia h o . a t id now a n o te d ,«coiK irio w r i t e r , w ill c o m e f r o m B e v e r ly H il l s , ( . 'u li f ., f o r t h r a n n u a l f a i l c o n f e r e n c e o f l l i o I d a l io W r i t e r s ’ L c a p u e in B, O c t . 19, a n d w ill b e t h e f e a t u r e d s p e a k e r . A n n o u n c e - m c n l w a s m a d e to T w in F a l l s a n d U iir lo y c h a p t e r s o f t h e le a g u e I n d a y b y J l r s . F a i t h T u r n e r , B o i s r . s t a t e p r e .s id e n t .

.T fiin iiiK s liiis w r i t to i i s u c h w e l l - k n o w n s c e n a r i o s n s “ M u t in y o n t l i c B o u n t y ” a n d “ R o m e o a n d J u l i e t . " H is f i r s t m a j o r r c c o K i i i t io n w a s t h e p a j r e a n t , “ L i p h l o n t l i e M o u n ln in a ," w h ic h W as ^ iv e n th e in i t i a l f i r e s c n t a l i o n a l tl i e U n iv c r s - i ly o f I d a h o . M o sc o w , a n d i a i e r w a s p r e y e n l f 'd in a foot-* h ilt a iu ) > h i th c a le r n e a r B o ise .

Mpmbrri,' H crrption All n ilo n iw l rccopilon lor mpi'ii-

l):;rs finlv, nnd rpcls tra il'n i. will tnke place Frld:iy evrnlnK. O rt. 18, at the liotPl Bol'c . rniijprptipp lirndfjlinr- Irr r . and tlip •P.'.'.lnn' will get llll- (Irrwnv W'liU a birnklai-t S;il-iiiday norn liiR . Oct. 19.

.MaiUHiciie Finll, L)lcli;on. I'oPt,IniuPalP ol Mliiiiprota, niul e<llt<ir of ' C oiinirv m r<t." will fic tlie honor piip.'.t. w ith I1PS.V ro.'lci- .Smith, pip.'-lilhii; W lunlns poenir. In tiip rcccnc sM ic n jll be rend anoiiymoii«.ly a t tlip bipnkfuxl program, nntl Idaho poetj will re ­spond to ton.tts.

Tw in Tnil.s c linp trr of th r league, under the cilreciloii of Mr.s. M arilna Y elter, Bulit. will c^ id iic t a pro.-;e pniiPl a t Uip aJternooft .'•ps.'-iou. le a - turlnR article wrltliiR hi Its sevpral form!>. T lie wlnnluR arllcle will be rfnd anonym ously a t thl.i EPctlon. •

A w r l tm ' rniiml liible Is sch rd - uled for th e nfternoon nf th e poii- Jprence. In w lilrh spvpral well- knowTi author,^ will take part.

Conclude* W ith Banquet Closing session will be Uie banquet

Sa tu rd ay evening, w ith Roy Clvllle presiding a s toastjnaster. W inners In th e s ta te content in short storv. a rtic le s aftd poelry will be a n ­nounced a n d aw ards made.

An elec tion »1II b« held (or a taU offlcera o f th e league for the com ­ing year. AH' sessions except th e prellmlntbry reccption are open to n il p e r s m i Interested , providing Diey pay th e no m in a l regis tra tion fee.

¥ ¥ *

Rural and UrbanCouncil to Honor

Youthfiil.VotersR tira l-U rb sn Council, m eeting

S a tu rd ay a fternoon , continued plana for th e “Induction to Citizenship" celebra tion . t«ntatlvely »et for f)ov.9. v h e n tU young m en and young women o f Tw in F a lls count;’, e a s t 'In g rth a lr t i n t T o t« a t tbe election th is year, will be honored.

T hd g roup also h n r d an aadres: by Rev. M a rk O. Cronenberger, paS' to r o f th e C h ris tian ch u rth . on T h e S p iritu a l So lu tion to A m erican Problem s.” M rs. K tv J . l>rans, e h a in n a n . presided.

*nie induc tion ceremony will in ­clude a specia l speaker, m usical se ­lections a n d th e presen ta tion o( cer­tif ic a te s to th e eligible participants.T hose w ho will vote for th e first tim e th is year a re asked to register fo r th e Induction event a t the office of M rs. D oris S tradley or the office of th e C ham ber o f Commerce,

Rev, C ronenberger, in h is addrewi, aald , " I t is our business to make ou r governm ent be tter, n o t to con­dem n it,"

H e con tinued , ‘T reedom Is poss'Ible on ly w hen individual reiponsl- bllltles a re assum ed. Wa a re b«' com ing too soft, too willing to let some one else do our fighting US."

R e p rw e n ta tlv es from practically a lt su rro u n d in g communltUs and a num ber of o rg a n lu t lo n i a ttended S a tu rd a y s m eeting,

¥ ¥ *

Parties Continue For Bride-Elect

M ore th a n 100 frlriids and n e l |h l>ori of M iss W ilma Esiluger h o n ­ored h e r w l(h a beautiful ahower Friday afte rnoon a t the Com munity I'hurch,

A u tum n flowers In profusion dppo ra te d Ihe church parlors, A tra>’ luncheon a lto cjiriled out the tum n colors.

P lan o n u n ib f is w n e iilvm by Mrs, r.d lth B ales and Mrs, Hlcliard DavIs.

M iss Icsllniisi', whose mAnlage to Iro K uykendall will take place th is we»k. received m any lovely g lfn , w hich w err nrrniiHPil nu a loiiK Isliln fliinkecl hy txiwln of phIpikIhi.i

tih e Was assltted In unwrapplnK hri' Hlfis by lirr luotlipi, M is J. O,I'lsllngpl-, mill the niotlipr of lir r fl anue. M rs. 1{. O, Kiiykrinlnll,

w ere placed a t In tervals a s floor borders.

T h e even t w as sem l-form al, and R ay J e n n in g s and h is o rchestra p ro ­vided th e m usic. T here were rose- bud corsages for th e women guests,

M illard D aw son Is presiden t; O en e Shirley , vice-presiden t; Dick K epp ler. sccretrtrj-; T^Hnk O I«e , trea.«mrer: W ilbur M c k ra y , serge'Snt- a t- a n n a . a n d Ray M cFarland , Fred D ra k e , D on R yan and Ed U oyd a r t th e d irec tors.

T h e progTfttn Inchided "Qod BIpss A m erica," a.'wembly; Invocation, F a th e r Ja m es G rady ; " rin es , F im a n d P ro llc ”; dances, p resented by B ay Je n n in g s ; welcome address. M ayor Joe K oeh ler; principal a d - drPss, R , S. T offlpm lrc ; pre.'ontntlon a dd ress . Bob R odm an, Bovornor of th e c e n tra l In term oun ta ln distric t, B alt L ake C ity ; accep tance nddrew , M illard D aw son; p resen ta tion of c h a r te r . ^

¥ * ¥

Grand Matron ofIdaho to Visit

Chapter Oct. 22M rs. N ora B lake, Caldwell, woi thy

grftnd m a tro n of Uic Idtiho chapter. O rd j r of th e E asW rji S ta r , will be p rese n te d w ith a g if t from the Pnst M atro n s ' c lub w hen she makes her o ffic ia l vW l to th e Tw in Fiilh chap. te r . O .E S ;, T uesday . Oct. 7i.

P la n s for th e courtcsy were ills- c u u e d la s t week a t th e home ol Mra. Rev* Pence, R e s A rm s, presiden t of th e P a s t M a tro n s ' club. Tlie ch ap ­te r w ill e n te r ta in a t a dinner In her hono r.

P a s t m a tro n s will give tlie pro­g ram a t th e Novem ber m eeting ol th e c h a p te r. I t w as also decided. M rs. O race Joh n so n gave a re|>ort on th e general g ran d chapter s t t , slons held recen tly In Bsn F ra n ­cisco, ^ n d disp layed souvenirs.

M rs. Pence served refveshm eiits in tile H allow e’en them e, Mrs. R. K. M brehoiise will e n te r ta in tlip club Nov. 1.

Filer Club-Holds Annual Card Party

FIU C R . O ct. 7 (8|>ei;lall—Annual B ^ n e m H om e F iu id card purly Wai heu i W ednesday evening lim uM l' a te ly follow ing th e rm u la r chupiei Jiieetlng of Die O rder of KaMern H lnr In tlie M asonic IikIrb hall

Thlrl<<en tab les were a t play, tiuth pinochle a n d bridge. Prlf4“s wrro ow uideil III brldgo to Mrs C It fu x and M rs. A. A. I 'lin m , tw ih ol T » ln Falls , and In phiix-lile to Mrn l,u tltn r P ierce a n d O lenn P.ivin.

O om m lttef In charge of the itililes itiMl <-nidA WI.S M is. Oiovpi l)i.vh, M rs. J . 11, n in in u u . Ml.^ K. Klop- penbiirg and Mrs. Clifford Jnhimon,

R e treslu n en ts cununliie* ponshied of M rs. R a lph Ce^lailiolm, Mrs. Uu- p e r t W llllainsixi. Mr*, ( ileiin Havln. M rs. K. O. Mi.v CMtldictJD hnson , Mt». lle rb e ii Htroud. Mrs. c . n . Fox

Logan Girl Weds Harold K. Dibble

At Coast RitesM rs Fred W, H odgson. L ogan,

U tah, iiniiounces th e m arriage of ciaushter. Miss V irginia Hodg-

. iQ Harold K . D ibble, son of M r. and Mrs. R. K. D ibble, T w in PalU .

Mr. and Mrs. Dibble are a t hom e ... 441 South R a m p a rt boulevard. Los Angeles.

They were m arried Aug. 33 a t the home ol Rex K. Dibble, b ro th e r o f the bridegroom. A rcadia, Calif, Bishop Harold H olm an, of th e L a t te r Day S ain ts ch u rc h , o fficia ted In th e prc.<;pncp of Uie Im m ediate fam ilies. T lie bride wore a black afte rn o o n frock with an orch id corsa«e.

Both are fo rm er studen t* of U tah S ta te A gricu ltu ra l college. M rs. Dibble was a ff ilia te d w ith C hi Omega ,'ororlty th e re a n d Mr. Dibble

'1th Sigma C hi f ra te rn ity .¥ * ¥

Contest WinnerEntertains a tSchool Assembly

I>cinoiiMrfttmg songs and dances viJiicn helped h e r to win over 70 miiloiu.l iiiKl .itiite conte.'t.s. Ml.« Murli'l G(KKl;,i)teU wa.s presen ted to ■I'wiii Fulls hlKh school stydcnt.s In

I a.-..M'!iibly tlil.s m w hich MIS.S Q oodspccd i s won uicludc na tio n al a n d s tn t«

aw ards hi benuty, th in lc. dancing , Rlnnli'K, w riting, o ra to ry a n d d ra - mnllc.s. She told of several In te re s t­ing experiences inc lud ing th e sto ry

f w hining th e se contests. P r lie - Innlifg se lections In pleno, donc-

in s . OTU-ilc nnd readUjg were given.M 1.V1 O oodspecd was accom panied

and a.^slsted In h e r m usical rec ita l bv Paul K ing. Jr.. Los Angeles. Catlf,

¥ ¥ ¥

CalendarSt. lidw ard 'a P a ren t-T ea ch e r

association will m eet T uesday a t g p. m^ a t th e p a rish hall.

Bride—In Step With Style Low Tem perature Ideal for Meat,

Declares Expert"H igh te m p era tu re s have no place

In m e a t "cookery,” says M iss Jes.sle Alice C line, one of A m erica's fore, m ost hom e econom ist* w ho Is sched­uled to give a cooking dem onstration a t th e A m erican Legion Memorial h a ll W ednesday a fte rn o o n ' * o'c lock.

T h e T w in F a lls C ounty Livestock M arke ting a ssociation Is furnishing th e h a ll fo r th e ‘

Ki^UlI MLs&lon circ le will m eat T lm rndsy afte rn o o n a t th e home of Mra. W. S . H arrison .

¥ ¥ ¥Kinill G rftnge will m eet W cd-

ne.sdny ovenln* a t th e s c h o o l house. Special i)olUlcal speakers will address th e group.

¥ ¥ ¥Mnr>’-M arth n of th e B ap - chu rch will m e et T uesday a t 3 p. m, a t th e hom e of M rs. P . G. Snllsbury, l i t E igh th avenue east.

¥ ¥ ¥M. S. a n d B. club n-llf no t m ee(

W ednesday so tlia t m em bers m ay a tte n d th e m eal dcm on itra tlon a t the A m erican Legion m em orial hall.

¥ ¥ ¥Sunsh ine Circle club will m eet

a t th e hom e of Mrs. E. P , L aub- enhelm , B uchanan street, W ednes­day a t 2 p . m. Roll call res|X)iiscs will be th e niinif.s ol "Seciol 31s- terii."

¥ ¥ ¥- G ood W ill clut) will meet W ed­nesday a t 3 p. m. a t the liome of M rs. Janieh Pei.w iie ttt, "11 'I'lihd avpiiue n o rth . Roll Cfjll rpsponsps will bp favorite books. The p ro ­g ram will be on Internatlimikl ic - latlons,

¥ ¥ ¥Blue L akes Boulevard club will

m eet W ednesday a t the home of Mr*. R . O . M cDonald, 3S5 Elm s tre e t n o r th . E a c h ‘m em ber li re ­quested to b ring her wedding p ic­tu re . o r a p ic ture taken about U ist time.

¥ ¥ ¥Tw in F a lls clm pier. O rder of the

E as te rn S ta r , will a n t tr ls ln a t the a n n u a l benefit card p s ity for t|ie hom e fund , Ttir.'iday evening a t Ute M asonic tem ple following a brief business se.ulon a t g p. m. C ard gam es will begin ^tl0ltly a fte r S p. m. and refreshm ents will be served,


A clrem a ch ih m e n itx n K ir iv td new year books a t the dessert lun rli- eon la st week a t the home of Mri, W illiam Flsliar, Kimberly road.

Mrs, Mlnnlfi IlKVlrr was a «upsi Yellow and gold au tu inn tluw pu cen te red th e tab ir, cnvcred w ith a lace I'loih over yellow

M is . E vere tt lllce pichldcd. In lh< absence of M rs. O, Ivim Price, p resi­de n t. M rs, P . 1.. Con»wp|l, In charge of the proKriim, dcM iilin i « r«'<'eni <il|i to lloiKiliihi, la k n i hy oi h e r nieces, a n d dlspU yrd a inunber of pic tures t«keii din ing the iilp .

A to ta l nf in&.(3S m otor vriilrli wccn puxJiK'Pd In i lu i liif103B; 108.SSS of th is nuiulier a-ere pa.sspngrr pars, valuril a t 171,101,101.

Sm art fo r th e O ctober b r id e Is th is off-white aatln gown w ith appllqued scrolls ontlln fng th e d ropped waWlIn^. Notice th e heart- shaped decolletage. th e c luster of tin y white ostrich p lum es on the headdress, th a long po in ted sleeves.

The Story of Your NewspaperI Am Your Social Editor . . .

I a m you r Evening Times so iia l (d llo r. b iia n t n o r Imply.

I a m th e chran lcler of llie th ings th a t a re nearest, m ost h^tlmat* In your lives, even tliough m any of th e m will n o t apiMar on th e wo- mkn*! page ^ births, m arriages, d e g ttii, * i)d those evenU tn-belw een.

I «m th e w riter of those looa) h ip p tn ln g a th a t find Uielr way in lo you r H T ftpbooka-U i* m inu te v iU l •U U cttM u inounoM a babx 's

, b l i th i th e M ooim l of th e ohildren 'a W rttwUv pa rtlaa ; the

r u u i ,trw R tion :Mid gr*ndf»ther'a toldr

r. the (rultlM It t r lB t Um A n k lo i a U * .

Willi Its l^|lllnpl>^ mid lU shadow s.'I record II)p lil*h jiolnis of yuiir

goiiil llin rn llim iigh itu l th« yrnr, nnil k r r p vim In loiiuh w ith Uie m njor eyenln of yimi cliurch.

I am th e oiir) who loll* )ou r frien d s and nelghlHirs wh«n lh a t m ig h ty v is i to r has sii>pi>ed a t y<mr household a n d h a s taken a laved one . I am th e one who vnlrrs the tr il iu le of lh a com m untly when the tim e to r m em orial has come.

I am th e niie who shares your p r id e v h e n th a a tu d en t a t hom e or a w a y a t nohnol h a s eseelled In hin (> trtjau lar ta le n t o r profession.

1 Bm lh a one w ho keepa you irl lotM h w ith fo rm er rasldsn ts who m *y no longer be on ym ir lis t o f n o rre sp n n d en ta .'b u t w ith whoni you lik e to be in tou c h oocaslonilly. '

I t m th e pe rson who U lls you or

niiAemeiil, Ihe ru ltu ia l a llta c

who tells, you th a t

so." n r U tat you ra n li o f flo ral a n a n g e m rn ts

1 try 10 « le lerm lne-for you w h at m akes a no tab le "clink." w hen she a|>j>ears In m ir com m unity.

1 am th e one to whom you phone lo ask w hether a h a t ahould

woin to a oe ita ln lune llo tt | whioh aiinlversaiV In a "wooden'

m ost in ls re ste d In w tia t p e rso n a llr concerns you. T d o n 't exiHcl you to com m it a . ..m u rd e r to ba ’’news worUiy."

Utah and Idaho Demo Leaders Speak Here

Mrs. J a m es H. W olfe , D em ocratic' national com ih ittee- w om an from U ta h , and Mr.s. R alph Duvi.<, B oise, s ta te vice-

I’m an o f th e D em ocratic p a rty in Idaho, tv i)l'speak here F riday, Oct. 11,

T hey w ill conduct a precinct, cam paign school a t th e Idaho Power com pany a iid itoriiim a t 2 o'clock th a t a fternoon , under

th e sponsorship o f th e Twin F alls county D em ocratic W o­m en’s Study club.

Special hu itfltlons hiive been tended to th e Jerom e mid Shashonc D em ocratic Women'a clubs to a t ­tend . Mrs, Corn Stevens, local Demo- rrn tlc women's chiilrm un, nn nounced today,

Mrs. W. A. ilnbi'oi'k, p ie slilen i of le local club. wl|l prp.sUle. l-'olluw-

mg th e progrum , rclrc%hmenta will be served.

Mrs, R, C, Work, Mrs R, E. More­house and Mrs. Cora Hlpks a re mem- bern of the refreshm ent com m ittee,

Mrs, W olfe will also condtict p re ­c inct cam paign schools a t Boise, Oct. 13; Coeur d'Alene, Oct. 14, and Lewiston. Oct. 18.

has 3ust teiiiinpd lo S a lt Uike City from a tour ol th e Piiclflc nortliw eit-

¥ ¥ ¥

‘Buddy’ Milligan Feted at P arty

Mrs. C. E. MIUIhmi e iiteitalnecl g roup of boys and gh is Sa tu rday

In honor of th e liin h d sy ann lver- i i r y of her son. Hiiiiay.

A Hallow e'en theiiip whs fea tured , the ch ild ren enjoying jold-fashloned gnm es and contesi.' N ancy L atham and Bobby R lchsrds were contest w inners.

Hallow e'en ie lir ijn n e n l.^ w e r e nerved a t a snuile tab le centered w ith a chocolate h irihday cake top- l>ed'wllh orange ciiiidles. E ach guest

velved a Hsilawc’rn favor.O ueats were Loyal i’erry , Bobby

M illigan, Jerry and Sklppy Jen ien . Freddie Leoinld. Mmv and Nancy l-atham , Dick ruen ileling . San d ra Halmon, Jack ie H olland. Bobby Itlohards. Bill W aiiv D annv and Hay MoBrlde. Lee and C lark W hlte- he»d.

Otto Johnsons Will Celebrate

Golden WeddingMr. niul Mr.i. O tto Johnson , well-

Icnnwn pioneers of T w in Fnll.s. will cc lpbn itr l lu i r KOlden wedding a n ­n ive rsary WedneMli»y a fternoon , O ct. 0 , betw een ihe hours of 2 and * o 'c lock. F rien d s are Invited to a tten d Ihe "^ 'open 'house" a t th e ir country home.

All ch ild ren of the fam ily a re here to p a rtic ip a te In the festivities. Mr, a n d M rs. Johnson w ere m arried bO years ago In M onm outh, 111. T hey cam e to T w in Falls In 1010.

Mrs, Pcrcy J , U ltc, Jerom e; Mrs. E sth e r Johnson , D enver. Colo ; Mrs. J . 0 . M shnken , Bomls. Calif.; Arvid Jo hnson , Filer; MUs L illian JcHm- son, P o rtland , Ore.; Mrs. Riiby Large, R iverside, Calif., and OcoiKe Jo hnson . Lodi. Calif., a re th e sons and da u g h ters of th e .lohnsons who will be am ong th e guenta.

Delegate Named To WSCS MeetingMrs. W lllliim Buker h a s been

flee ted a lte rn a te lo a meelliiK of hll rep resen ta tives of W omen's Hi>clelV of C hrln tlan flervlce of the M etho- dls l chu rch es tn fdaho, a t Uulse Oct. 11. M rs, Roy J , ICvHn.', pre.^ldl■nt of tlie local ovBiinlratlnu, wiis elected delpgsle lo the m eeting, a t the RnnUntlon meeting her^

Mrs, U akrr wn.' seleried a t Ihe exeh itlve board m ealing last week a t th e home of Mrs. H. O. M rCallls-

a ish o p Bruce Haxler, I 'o rtland , O re., will be th e principal spnaker a t (ha Boise event.

T h e group al»n p lann rd (he an H arves t Home hV.Mival, (o be held th is m on th , and d ltc tu sfd p lans for th e gen era l m eeting of (h« society th is week,

M rs, M fC alllster served le a from a lace-covered labia cen tered w ith a low bowl filled w ith a u tum n b|oa< aonis a n d appoin ted In sliver. Mrs. Roy B lack and Mrs. H anley Payne presided a t th e service. A utinnn flowers In p iofuslon decked I rimms.

¥ ¥ ¥O C T O B IR W BlMtlNU VKII.K

llie ra 'a a 1940 shnphclty about even Ihe m ost e laborate wedding roedm ies, aciionfhig in Tlierese M oigan, direc tress a t a fumous brid al salon. T lie sm a rt O clolier b ilde w on 't hide Ihe good lines of tha w edding dresa w ith surplus y ird sg a ol veiling, t^hnit and halfO englli veils via w ith fu ll-leng th , trailing ones. A beautifu l gown wlUi a m a tch ing lace m an lllla In ite td of th e trad itiona l veil,


S heer wool and wool jersey d re s su In nubihled, ra th e r llih le r shades, black ooatume aulU w ith a sp lash of color In th e acceesorles a n d fur h a ts w alked off w ith Ihe atyle honor* a t tha opening of tha fall races « t Long Is lan d 's fashionable B elm ont P a rk recently .

M a rg a re t Hill, hom e dem onstraU on a g e n t o f th U d is tric t, wlU Introduce M iss C line, w ho conducted a slm lUr ev en t h e re l u t year.

H er ^ p e a r a n c e in T w in Palls is sponsored by th e U niversity of Idaho ex tension service, th e T w in Palls county L ivestock M arke ting assocl- aUon, th e N allonal Live Stock and M eat b o a rd . Chicago, a n d th e Idaho Pow er com pany.

Miss C line is on th e s ta ff of the N ational Live S tock a n d M eat board. She w as form erly p rofessor of fooda a t th e U niversity of M issouri, and 1* c o -a u th o r w ith D r. Louise Stanley, ch ief of th e U. S . b u rea u of home econom ics, of tlie college t«xtbook, "F'ood: I t* Selection a n d P rep ar­a tion.

B u t Ml&s C line Is n o t asking her audience to Uikc h e r word for Uie effec ts Of h igh tem pera tu res m eat. H er p rog ram will Include the a c tu a l ro astin g of tw o Identical cuts Of m eal, equal in size, w eight and shape, c u t from opposite sides of the sam e anim al.

O ne ro as t will be placed In a hot oven, th e o th e r In a slow oven. By w eighing th e tw o roasts a fU r they have been cooked, a lso m easuring Diem n n d m e asu r ln s th e drippings, th e a m o u n t of cooking losses of each roust will be gnuRed, T lie general e ffec t of th e cooking a t each tem ­p e ra tu re will also be Judged.

YWCASchedules Fall Conference

P lan s for th e a n n u a l fa ll confer­ence of th e G irl Reserves, w hich will be held In T w in P a lls th e last of O ctobcr o r th e f irs t of November, were dLscussed Rt a m eeting S a tu r­day of m em bers of M agic Valley a d u lt council a t th e Y . W . C. A. room s. T h e group w as addressed by M rs. R eed Moody, N am pa, p m U d r n t of th e w om en's executive coun­cil of S ou th ea ste rn Y. W. C. A. di.strlct.

T h e m eeting , w hich was repre­sen ted by m em bers from F iler, Eden, H azelton, B uhl. K im berly a n d T w in Palls, •was presided over by M rs, Bnllls, E den, p residen t of th e MiiRlc Volley dU trlct.

R esignation of M rs. H elen Lowell, P a rm a, w ho h a s been active *sso- c ln tlon secre tary for bo th th e South-

a n d M agic V alley dlsU lcts, was a nnounced a n d possible successors of M rs. Lowell were dlscusscd. bu t no d e c is io n 'w a s reached. South­eas t d is tric t board will m ake final se lection. It wns decided.

M rs. H elen H enderson will be In chargc o( a rrangem ent* for fall fcrcnce slncc there Is no secretary fo r th e com bined distric ts,

A dlscu.ulon was also held hav ing two sum m er cam ps next sum m er because oT the large a tten dance- Jasc year.

A p lann ing conference, which will be held In T w in Palls Saturday, Oct. la , a t the Y. W. C. A. rooms, will bo presided over by Mlsa Lll- llijn L aubenhelm , d is tric t O lrl Ra- serve presiden t. T h e conference will be a tten d e d by the p residen t o f yach Y, W. C. A. club In thtf distric t, e f- flclal represen ta tives and advisors of th e clubs.

¥ ¥ ¥

Bicycle Club to Meet Tuesday

T lie Bli'3’cle chib will m eet T ues­day iiflernoon a t 3:30 o'clock, wltl^ Mrs. Lee C arney serving a* road cap ta in .

Dorothy Fowler and Edgar Eslinger Wed

Sim p licity m arked th e m arriage Sunday o f M iss D orothy F ow ler and E dgar E alinger, both o f F iler . T h e vow s w ere e x ­changed a t 8 :30 o’clock yesterd a y m orn ing a t th e p arsonage o f th e T w in Falla C hristian ch urch , Rev, M ark C. Cronen­berger o ffic ia tin g .

R ev. and Mra. L yle G iven, T w in F a lls , a tten d ed th e couple. T he bride is tb e dau gh ter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. E . F ow ­

ler and th e bridegroom is tho son o f Mr. and M rs. W . F. E slin g er . a ll o f F iler.

Now on a w edding tr ip to S a lt L ake C ity, th e couple will be a t hom e in F iler a fte r O ct. 13. where th e bridegroom Is engaged In busi-

Pollow lng th e cerem ony, a w ed­d ing break fast was served a t W ray's cafe.

T h e bride wore a sm a r t a f te r ­noon dress of soldier blue crepe, w ith m a tch ing accessories, and a corsage of ta lism an roses.

Mrs. G iven wore a navy blue en ­sem ble. and a carnation corsage.

M rs. E slinger Is a g radua te of the F iler h ig h school, and M r. lis llngcr recclvcd h is h igh -school education a t E ldorodo Sprm gs. Mo,

Ohio and Wyoming PTA Conventions Draw Mrs. HayesM rs. Jo h n C. Hayes, na tio n al pub>

llelty ch a irm a n of th e N ational C on . gresa of Pa ren t* a n d T eachers, has gone to C incinna ti, w here she will be one of th e p rincipal speakers a t the Ohio P .-T . A. s ta te convention, w hich opens today a n d continue* through T hursday .

She will a lso speak in Columbus, O., th is (week, and will spend nex t week-end In Cleveland w ith h e r son, Jofm Hayes-

A fter conferring w ith offlclaU a t the P .-T . A, headquarters In C hl- cBffo, sh e .B ill leave for. th e wc.ii. where she has a speaking engage- m ent«at the W yoming sta te P,-T.A, convention a t Casper.


M lu L o rra ine Cam eron and W il­bur K ruser, M urtaugh . exchanged m arriage vows here S a tu rd ay eve­ning, Rev, Mackey J . Brow n. N a i- ■rene m in iste r, officia ting a t his home In tb e Sims apartm ent* .

Miss G race Rhodes and Orvol C am eron a ttended th e couple. T he bride Is th e daugh ter of M r. and Mrs. C harles B. C am eron, M urtaugh, and a ttended th e h igh school there . The bridegroom Is Uie son of Mr. and Mrs. I4 ’le R. K ruser. Arnold, Web.

Mr. and M rs, K ruser will live in M urtaugh,


Blckel P a rcn t-T ea ch e r association s tudy group resum ed activities lost wxek, assem bly n t th e .school a u d i­to rium for a lunchcon a n d program , M rs, A lbert In am a , g roup chairm an , presided, and also was c h a irm a n of luncheon a rrangem ents.

M rs. Roy J . E vans led in th e d ls- cu.'Mlon of child discipline. M rs. George Erwin gave a synopsis o f the P .-T . A. m agarlne and review ed the topic on citizenship.

M rs. M esrlll a n d M rs. Maxwell were nam ed m em bers of th e m em ­bersh ip com m ittee. T h ir ty -e ig h t a t ­tended . T he group will m eet regu ­larly during tlie season o n the firs t F riday of each m onth .


Bodales Pinochle chib m et Usi week At Ihe home of Mr*. L 0 W lldm an, SU 'f li lrd avenue north M rs M oll Sclim ldt wa* elK led to serve as presiden t for the coming year.

•Mrs. r)ule W llilinan was a iiiest. Al pinociiie, Mrs, F rank Hicks, Mrs 0 , K. Moillln and Mr*. J . M. U ln e n won honor*. 'H u h o tte s t served » tw o-courie luncheon following Uie gam es, a t tables decked w ith au tum n flowers. Next m reiing will be O ct n a t Ihe home of M n , Rlehard DImond,


STA-PMSSN o oxti'H charge for th is iild ed ser ­

vice pltift ftur , . ,

Rpyal Re-LusterCle a n in g Procew i

20% DlicountF o r Ciu»h and C n r r y !


rh.n. m rh.n. TU

* i ‘. i / M

PresentingThe Little Giant

o f th e

iron Fireman FamilyWn call I t tt|* "L ittle O la n t" bccuusc I t Is sm all and com peet . . . ye t It la one of th e m ost effic ien t heating p lant* on the m arke t. I t Is a furnace and stoker com bined In one un it. Can be Installed In the basem ent or on Uie f lrs i floor. W here bose- m in t InitallaU oii l i n o t i>osslb1e its beauty and small sl?e will fit In w ith .an y living room. I t hents, eirfliilaies and hum idifies a- contio lled volume of weim H r. and It au lom atlca lly fired.

T his Iron F irem an U nit

HEATMAKERIs i ideal For:

• H O M E S


• G A R A G E S



• W A R E H O U S K S




peTiu^ieRsAnd T he Follow ing AtHwclule Dealer*

RTKWART LUMBCA 0 0 - . Fairfield F R IO POVBY. Hailey

KKTOIIUM LUMBER C Q. .K cklium A N niR BO N * D P *N , Olenn* Perry

WQObrOUP MILb R a m i BORDKN'I U IM R IR . Ihealwne

r A O m w i'V L I O T R lO , »«hl

b lm dtr. Oetelm T, U M IDAHO e v e n in g t im e s , TWIN FALLS, IDAHO _ Page 8«y*fl

moiMHnN I W Z E «

AUCKLAND. New Z ealand OJ-P- T h e tin y dom inion of New Z ealand U produclnc a w ar « ((o r t surpaaslns Its record of 1914-1018.

In th e W orld w ar. New Z ealand gave up 89.000 voluntecr.s In Uie f irs t 15 m onths of conflict. W ith tlie p resen t E u ropean b a ttle barely a year old th is dom inion In the deep S outh Pacific h a s produced 80,000 volunteers. A to u l o f ap­proxim ately 100,000 w ent overseas In the four years o f (he W orld waf. A ^pw weeks ago th e T h ird Echelon of New Z ealand 's m odem expedi­tionary force, th e la s t con tingen t o f a 20,000-man divis ion, sailed for du ty abroad.

'New contingent* a re being miis- tprcd dally, vo lun teer service re* cflvlng im petus by a new conscrip­tion law. New Z ea la n d ’s record of w ar e ffo rt seem s m ore alBnlflcant In view of th e fac t th a t lt« hom e defense problem Is m ore acu te th a n In 19M-18. In th e la s t w ar when Ilie Anzacs w en t a b road to f ig h t

■ they h a d little fe a r fo r th e im m e­d ia te safe ty of th e ir hom es. T oday Ihelr plcturesfjue. up -b rlm m ed ’’dlg- (ter" h a ts th e re la th e e ver-p resen t th w ijh l th a t Invftsiow "(rom tiie n o r th " Is n o t an Im pavlb lllty ,

A lert to H om e T h rea t New Z ealanders a re a le r t to the

tji re a t of lnva.sion. O ne veteran a rm y cap ta in exp lained the a ltu a-

I tlon like IhLs:"At p re.'ent we -are doing every­

th ing in o r r pow er to give G reat • B ilU ln m en and m a te r ia l n ld .'O u r

Im m ediate fa te lies in th e B a ttle of Brita in . G erm any a n d Ita ly send raiders he re b u t we fear nin.« a ttac k from them . O ur chief roncen i Is th e pos.slblllty of a war In th e Pacific. I n U ia t event New Zealand would be a n Invaluable base lo r any power. O u r huge h n r -

a f lo a f‘F o r Ita hom e de fense New Z ea­

land hopes to have a t least th ree dlvblonfi. A pproxim ately h a lf th is num ber h a s been equipped ihus far. T h eir equipm ent, how ever. coaMsts on ly of rifles, sm all field guns and som e a n U -alrc ra ft

, -pieces. At A uckland a n d W ellington there are coasta l ba tterie s .

P lan e i Second C lawIn Ita a ir force. New Z ealand has

Air.^pcetl O xford reconnalsaance bom bers. T hey a re f a r from w hat m ight be de.slrcd, b u t officers be­lieve tliey would be a m a tch for f igh ter p lanes a n enem y force could bring; to these shores.

T hus far th e re h a w been m ore th a n 15,000 rec ru its fo r th e a ir force. N early 800 pilo ts h av e gone to B rita in . W hen th e w a r began New Z ealand undertook to provide 1.000 pilots a year fo r th e em pire. T h a t figure subesquently w as increased to 1,300 and now h a s been raised lo 3.000. Some of- th e m will receive th e ir final t ra in in g in C anada un ­d e r the em pire o lr tra in in g scheme.

In addition to p lanes now on hand . New Z ea land h a s an order w ith delivery expected shorUy for 140 m ore A irspeed O xfords. 105 A m erkan ships, probaBly •H odsons' and 00 T ige r m oths.

New Z ealand h a s m ore coastline th a n E ngland , b u t its navy has e r been developed beyond a p redau- tionary stage. B efore th e w ar Uie navy personnel .w as on ly B2 officers and 1.257 m en. T ills h w now been Increased to 211 o ffice rs and 2.439 m en. I t h as only tw o llRht cruLiers— th e AcliUIea, wliici) pa rtic ipa ted In th e G ra f Six-e b a ttle , a n d Uie L ean-

•flfr. The.'«e .a re .supplem ented by some mine 8wec)>crs a n d auxiliary c iaJt,

Thinking of Y^>u

P r f u agents being netorioua practltlonera of th e old arm y game, i t 'i no th a t beau ­teous .Margfe H art, burlesque queen. wa» "w orried" th a t n a tio n ­al guardsm en m ig h t get lonely d u r ln j year’s a e tlw du ly . She sen t MaJ. Oen. W illiam H askell. New York com m andant. 9,000 a u to ­g raphed copies of he r photo, above, asked him to d is tribu te them t« h is troops. She specified “baebelort only."

Caiuli(Ialc8 Visit CaHsia.Democrats

B u m .E Y . O ct. 7 (B p e c U D -P lr it rally for Uie C assia county D em o- craln -was held W ednesday evening a t the h igh school aud ito rium , w ith Ben r M ahonoy, coun ty chairm an , prpaidlng.

Speakers were M rs. M yrtle Enklng, s ta te tr e a su re r and can d i­date for re-elec tion , a n d B ert M iller,

, form er a tto rney g en era l and candl da te for th a t position,

' Tuesday evening Uie c en tral com m ll te ts o t C a u ta a n d M inidoka couh^les met. H enry D aven was ele<;ted C a u ia coun ty se c re u ry , ta k ­ing Uie place of J a c k H enderson, who has gone to S a n I 'ranc lico .

[ HAGERMAN• ----------------:----------------- •

M lu M ary B ardon l and Jam ea Moorn, Mt, f lhastn . Cnllf., have Just nnnoun rrd IhPir m iu rlagn on May t;i. Mr,i. Moorr was a n ic inbrr o f the lti:iD M t. f lh a i ta g rad u a tin g class. Ja jiies M oorr Is (h r son of Mr*, R, A. O ould. He w as a m em ber of the lOlQ iraduatU vg v lass o ( th e H ager niiin high nrliool. ’llie y will m ake tiirlr hiiine a t Nt, Hhnntn,

T im H arm ony r lrc lr , which Ia nompoaed ol th e niiialc pupils oC Mrs, Hoy P a rsons m e t (Saturday a t

I (he hom e of Mr*. Vorn l ^ t l , w ith Mrs, Jack W oodnead assisting hos­tess. All in te rea tin g rllpp tng on miiniR wuH read by each m em ber. DHiilel L o tt read a pa p er on "M o­zart" a n d M iss R u th Resd gave an in te resting ta lk on h a r t r ip to Keotuoky,

Mrs, Don Utone a n d Mr*, M aryon (lill)bl* w ere h(wte**e* to MeUiodl*t rad io s ' Aid W ednr^day , ReV. and Mrs, D allas M cNfli, W eniiell, were prspeiit. ITev, McNeil spoke on tha r liin g ln g of th e society w hich will now know n a s " T l« BOclety of ChrU U an Service,” a n d Ute dutle* of (he soclely, T h e re were S3 ir h irs p resent.

C apta in H arold 0 . Parsons, wlio is w ith the Arm y Reserves, has been called to F iir t K no i, K e n , where h e will te ac h In Uie m eclm n- lr.od division: M r. a n d Mrs. Par* *••111 and M ary Jo e , wiio have been H> Hnli. Lake C ity, sp e n t th e week< riKl With h is pa ren lii, Mr. a n d Mrs, Roy Par*ons. be fo re leaving for

m K entucky on T uesday ,▼ llugn A ru rb u rn le ft T lju rsday .. .

h u m \ , Nttv: w h t n h e «IU vUil N orben A rU rb u m a n d M r, a n d M n . Uonvsr A rterb u m , B y .• Mias Bssaie S and* o* U v a J lo t Bprlngs Is vlfllUni a t t h i R alph K | . l ln home.


CHICAGO (U-W-A uniform regu ­lation for taxation of sales m ade across s ta te lines has been recom ­m ended l^y Uic NaUoiial A ssociation of T ax A dm lniitralo rs as a so lu­tion to loss of revenue Uirough saJea avoidance on In te rsU te sale.--.

T he propijsed uniform regulation would define as taxab le m a tte r goods produced by out-pf-.state com ­panies engaghig In b u s ln e u and m aking delivery in th e ta x in g s ta te . T he tax would be collccted from the seller.

I n sta te s adopting Uie ruling, sales of goods m ade by o u t-o f-s l« te com ­panies engaging In business and m aking delivery In Uic taxmK .slnte. ’The ta x would be collected from th e seller.

In statlee adopting th e ruling, of goods made by o u t-o f-s tn tc panies having local offlcc.s, lo r sh ip ­m ent in to th e -8 t» tt, would be able.

Door-to'-Door Salesm anLikewise nierchandLse •ordered

from door-to-door sa leiu icn for slilpm ent lo th e puVchascr from o u t­side th e stole would be subject to tax. This, the association ixilnLs out, would remove an un fa ir advantage out-of-.-itatc merchiinl-s now hiive.

T he prOjwstxi regulation d iffers from th e use tii.s In e ff tr l In 17 sta tes In thiit the r r l t r r lo n .lo r ta x ­a tion woiil<l 1)0 Mile atAl (icliveiy, r a lh r r (Iinn con.MUnpUon, In the tfcxinii

Under Ihe u,sr (ax con.sunied witliln th e s ta te Is ta x ­able even thounh Uie sale and d e ­livery of the inercluiiKllae muy have been completed out.side th e ta x in g state,

I>rfl.slnn W idens Keop«Need for Ihe juoiw sed renulaUon

arose from a re ren t decision of the U, 8, Aiiprrmr cou rt In th e Berw ind- W hite T he cou rt held th a t th e New York City sa les Ukx could be applied on Pennsylvan ia coal sh ip ­ped Into the oily on order from a New York b ranch office of the Pennsylvania firm. T ills decision widened the scope of s ta te tax atio n of in te rstate sales.

T he propoised regula tion wii.s adopted a fte r an extejisivp niudy liy a com m ittee nuuin uj> of repi;eBenln- tives of Iowa, Arkaiman, Ind iana , I l ­linois and M issouri sales tax deiMtrl- m e n ls ,,I t ha* been recom m ended to th e lU te s fo r leglsIaUvs acU on l>y Uie NaUonal A ssociation of T ax Ad- m lnU U aton .

The. com m ittee la s tudying oU irr instances w licie un lfnrm ity of tux reKulations would slmplUy th e arl- minlsU'iitlon of sales U x law,s and reduce the taxpayer's cost in coni- lilylng wlUi ihem .


AMARli-LO. Tex. (U P '-T lie ro ­m a n tic era nn tlie Pan liand lc PlaUis c«mo closer to its pa^^lng w ith Uie closing ol th e c ity 's Uii:.liiess in-sututlon—tile blacksm ith itiop.

jo ltn Ridings, pioneer A m aii resident. clOk'.ed liLs shop und sold h is buildings nnd equipment auction,

T lie W ga of UklUiHs and hL'. 50 years o f MnlUilii;:; parullcls Uu' ';o iy of th e developnipiii nf th e caiilc i w hea t country ol llu ' Piinliuim ir.Ls a story forged indelibly into h is to ry o! U \t s W f m the- m urks of Uie irons he iminmered lo brand th e -w h itcfaces•• of ihe cnttlitry .

Kbop O pened In lg!MIRidings cam e a.', n small ixiy to

Amarillo w ith hl.s failier, A L. R id­ings. In 1800 hl.s fa the r (iiioiird a

■blacksmUh shop and it h as con tin ­ued in opera tion by the family th rough th e years Uiat saw Uie horse, th e boots, th e b randing irons dom inan t In Uie hfe of the range.

T he sm ith 's shop moved several Umes. T he firs t building. Ridings sa id , was an ex trem ely fragile struc- turis.

“W hen th e w ind blew rig h t ha rd ,I never knew w hich side of Uie s tre e t th a t building wu.s going to end up on. T lie root would whip up a n d down a n d th e side boards would p u sh in a n d out."

Jo h n R id ings en tered Uie black- sm ith ing business ag a in s t th e wishes of h ls father.

" F a th e r never w anted m e .to get s ta r te d In sm ith ing ," he sa id , "and a s a young fellow I Uied by hand at being a cowboy. W orked for the old •X rr in 1891 a p d th e n e x t year moved o u t to New M exico a n d work­ed on th e old Circle 8 ran c h ,’’

G ave U p Range RidingH e soon “got. hLs flU ' of th a t and

re lu m ed to A m arillo to e n te r p a r t­ne rsh ip w ith h is la th e r , l l i e father a n d son worked tofcether unU l about 18 years ago w hen Uie elderly dropped ou t of business afla irs.

R id ings’ forges created m any of th e famous b rands of Uie cattle country.

"O ut of th e shopv" h e relsied, •'have come th e b ran d s w likli nuuk- cd tlie flanks o f cows belonging to th e X IT , th e T -A nehor, th e LX. the, Bivins, th e Jam es nrother.s. a n d - the C urtis B ro thers and a lot of o th e rs . '

Now RidlnK.s will rcilre . H e will keep h l i h and In iron work, how ­ever. by se ttln a up a portable foij;e a t h is hom e and niakm'g lancy non grill wotk.

Speaker Discusses O pium Problem

F IL E R , O ct. 7 (Sj>ecial) — FUer K iw anis club wa.s addressed a t theiv T uesday lunchcon tiicetlng by Henry

H all, executive seercinr>- of th e A n ti-N arco tic leauiic of C allfom la; he .addressed , m cm bcis on Uie -ub- Jeci of opium proilvicilon.

He also spoke In the N azarene c h u rc li M onday n igh t and a t an a s ­sembly of th e ru ra l high school stu d en ts Tue.sday luonilnx.

Q uoting ch ief O -M an J . Edgar Hoover, H all said more 10 year olds were finger p rin ted In 1339 tlian any oilier age group nnd 18 years was th e n e x t Amuns tiie 16 ycor nnd 24 year grouii. 200,000 w’cre f inger prVn'ted in IMD for th e first tim e.

At a recen t interiiaticim l con ler- cnce on opium . reiU ial of na tions to

: roopen ite in control of the d rug wa: m ade becatue of liuuc tlixes on Its p roduction proved a stum bling block.

C aliforn ia. Texa.'.. Illinois. Iowa, and N orth Carolina, in respective o rder, a re th e five leading a g ri­c u ltu ra l s ta te s of the Union,

Siiape of Things to Come'?

la k e a good look a t th is A m erlran a ir raid ^firltrr u h ie h A. C. Shire, techn ica l d ire r to r o f th e I). S, housing au tlinrlty I* peeking Inlo In W ashlncton . V ou're likely to see It again, for f rd rra l r.nchieers a re itudy lng It w ith view tow ard* Inclusion in low-r»tii housing p ro jec ts and w ar d e p ar tm e n t will soon ls.'<ue pam phlets clvlnc r iiiirits advice on shelter p repa ra tion .

By M wmiCA M nniD O E. M ass. (U.R)—U v e -

blrds, bewsrel The m ach ine ago is catching up with you.

Dr. K. I). Sliapple. H arvard thropnloiU-i, Uiis inven ted a n d p e r­fected a mechnnlcai device for meastirltii; iniinan- relations.

Biiiijecii'd to Us analysts, you m ight be tuld tha t, as a couple, you were onintioimlly Inconnutib le nnd th a t vdiir marrliige m ore likely th a n not wiMild etui on th e locks.

IVluiiUv IIS likely, thi.s innocuous- aiii>eflniu: miirhln* m luht repo rt th a t a icniple fairly hum m ed w ith harm oiu a i anj-'rftte, it Is designed a.-- a iiiiu'-savlng in s tru m e n t th a t will dl'cnvn- In » few mlniite.s w liai It tnkr-: rnme people years — nnd tcai.s—1(1 cll:,rover. Nam ely, U ia t they Just rnn 't get along. •

Here Is n way of Mcientiflciillv mcM.'.iii Dii: th e n n o tlo n a l tntcruc-tlons of peniile In oilier words, n ynrd - .stUK IIRS been w hittled ou t of ex ­actly iipiilled science w hich m ay be

one person adjustx hlm seU t . __othe r In harmony, o r d iscord. H m c lash of perscn tlitle# te lls t h e 'story.

Tillsm easuring the’ i . . .. . . ___viduals Is based on th e reco rd in ss of an apparatu s wtdoh be a rs a strong resemblance to a n a d d io fm achine,

T he couple subm itting to th e a h - nlysu placed In n sm a ll room w here they sit and converM . H id ­den by n one-w ay screen. D r. 6 h a p - plc records Uielr physical reactJon i by pre.sslng the keys of h is in s tn t- m eni, crystallizing them In Jagfed ink -lin rs on a .slowly m oving tape. W hen the test is over these m ark - l:n:'< can be analyzed w ith m a th e ­m atical precision, and w ith sim ple form ulas are in te rp re ted In term s of luiMiaii and foclal behavior.

CO.M. THIKVKS ,'IETHODIOAL, CHA(U,I-:.STpN, W. V a- (U.Rl — Knotmh coal to fill two rallrood earn lA htolen every m on th from ihc Nctv York C en tra l's eng ine re ­fueling Mdlng along Slack s tree t here. The ,coal dl.sappcars Into bn.shel i);\:,v;eu, wck.s, push carts, or wiuitevcr th e thieves bring along to carry th e ir loot home.

Musgravc O utlines Registerin': Plans

F a E R , O ct. 7 .S p c c liiD -R ea lily of m ilita ry conscrip tion for Filer m en was brought dober to home, w hen W alter C. Mu-sgravc. county clerk, announced th a t p ic ie n t elec- Uon boards would be asked to vol- im tce r th e ir seivlces tree In reg is­tering a ll m en betw een 21 a n d . 35. Uie eligible a^ie rnngc. on O ct. 16.

M usgiave a lso s ta te d U ial if any election board m em ber cunnoi .serve, he should noUfy .Mr. M usRrave in order th a t .•.uli-.tliutloiLs c an be made.

H ours of regl.stcrlng 1 a rc to be from 7 h. m . to B p. m . a t the regu lar prec liK t election places. C ounty com m issioners were asked to have Uie polling places available.

M embers of th e local election boauls, apiMiUiItd for the A ugust 13 p rim ary Include the following;

Filer prec inct, C. P. O liver. H arry U. ila m n in q u ls l. Hoy H am ilton. Cl.'orKe A nthony, O ia M unyon. \V. T, HIggcnIiothum.

Clover, R. L. 'IVnilikiced. Ed Ul- r lrh , H erm an lim ik c r , E. A. Ueinke. E. H. Perhlglll, R. L. Jagels.

M aroa, E. E. Hoag, Irene M. C hil­ders. Dort.s b lerer, B lanche Brown, J . O. Winkle. Lucille Jamer.son.


Mr. snd Mr*. M ark M onciir a r riveil Tuef.d«y evening from C all' en ie, Nev , iiud will make th e if home here duiing th e sugar fac tory c palun.

Mr, nnd Mrn. A, J , M endenhall and <lillili<n, RUhmoncl, U tah , a rc vUltluii liti p4iriiti>. Mr. an ti M rs R K

Mr. anti Mt.^. J . M. T oone and d a iig litri, Itiiiiioiia. left T lin rsday fur tiiOt I jik r Oily w here they will visll reliitUc.s aiKl a tte n d th e L. I). 8. confeicnce,

Mr;,. A I* D enning and M rs, D . C. W hidden were hontesse* to th e I.«- dle.',' Aid Miclety a t llje ' D e n n in i home iWeilnesduy a ftf 'rnooh .

A niiKc<'lli<neoun *|iownr w ith Mr* R. K M is. I.ens H u n t, MissVliiln Htc«k1ng iind M rs. J . F, M or­gan as lll^Me^ses, w as given Frlilav evrnitiK St tlie e h n rrh fo r M r, and Mr^ (ii.I.ien H lgley, Declo.

All-Sehool Plav .Selected at HJee

r iL E R , a t, 7 f S p w U D - "Clmi Bchool." a comedy, h a s been nleot«id for the all-school play to be held In th e n ira l high nohool aud ito rium November Bth. T ry -o u u for p a rts in Uie pUy wern held la*t Week.

Mr*, K arlron Davis, d ram a tic eo teh . h i s rhosen (he cast, T liry are . C larence aim w ers as Aiisth) llnvaim au lo salesm an. wlUi ideas w hich Dill Davis as Davis M aoK enile, s tudent, c o n a l d e r s hnpracH ual, though Jay N lrholsou a s U eoinc Boyd, an expert aerou idafil. la w ill­ing to cooperata as a re M urray M un­yon as Jlin <jlmpklns and Ju ry Maag a* 11m ainipkins, who toll n o t and havA never conslderetl sninnlng,

Jim B rennan as llfim er Johns g ua rd ian of Doris R slcha rt, as Eloulse Bnnedotte, prealdeiK. of tlie seillor class a t a school presided over by Mai-y Ellen N sala as Miss Knves who Is ioved and feared by a ll who know h e r Inoliidlna M argie W o(mI as Mil* Curtis, who In alw ays try ing (o th ink welt of (he »enlor c lass, con- sIsUhg of a e t ty Johnson m Bally Boyd, wtlO ll Q to r if l 'i AlaUr, Oblrley M oreland as M uriel, f --------aa KUie), Bealrio* T iinm aa as U illan , JoH D htn* JoHM aa M M ga and HiylVl* Allison as Allx,

' SOI K adla Bcrviee, D ew n sla in nwlMn.aaitV rh,'M|.W.

I iilti.'li Colum bia leads a ll o the r Can/Mlimi provinpes in fi.sheries in.Klu.iion, w ith Nova Scotia ta n k ­ing second.


D RIVEI at Magel's

% e ^ ' e n c e

PRINTINGWH A T E F F E C T y o u r p rin teiJ m a te ria l will h av e always

depends on th e care an d skill used in its p rep a ra tio n . . . fo r an e.xperienced c ra ftsm a n w ith an eye fo r e f­

fective p re sen ta tio n an d a knaclc fo r judicious ty p o g rap h y can m ake all printing- d istinctive .

As in ev e ry th in g else, h it-an d -m iss p r in t in g no lo n g e r m eas­u res up to m odern s tan d a rd s . R eproduction m u s t he . perfect, il­lu s tra tions m ust ra d ia te every (Jetail, colors m u s t be carefully blended and re g is te re d exactly.

' W orkm en in th e T im es and N ew s com niercial iir in tin p de­p a rtm en t p ride th em selv es in th e ir a r t is try a n d perfection . They realize b e tte r th a n anyone else th a t th e re ’s a d iffe ren ce in p r in t­ing, and th ey a re sa tis f ied w ith-producing n o th in g b u t th e best, They'll welcom e th e opp o rtu n ity lo su b m it ,Vou sam ples and prices of th e ir w ork if you a re intci csted in any k ind oT prin ting .

T I M E S - N E W SCommercial Printing Departm ent

T h « public e » r d i« I t y I n v i U d to v is it o u r C o m m c tc ia l P r l n t i n f D o p a rt i^ c n l

D u r in g " O p « n H o u m " W * «k



■ k ' i r ' k i r i e ' k - k ' k - k


B y H A RRY FEIIGDSONC I N C I N N A T I . 0 . . O c t . 7 (U.R)— A n 'K h t h a iu l

p i t c h o r s tn lK ]ill^ : in I h e b r c a c l i f o r I h e (,’in c iiK in li K e i ls , is t h u o n ly o h .s tiic lc l)li)ckin> ; t h e p a t l i o f l-lu' D i 't r o i t 'I'iKorH to c la y to t h e i r f i r s t u 'o r ld c h a tn i) io n .'< lii ii o f b a s e l i a l l s in u f t h e g r e a t e r a o f M ic k o y C o d i r a n c .

L ea c i in j; t l i r e o K a m o s to tw o a n d n o i 'd i i i^ o tily ntit> m o r e v i c to r y to w in t h e s c r i e s , t h o D e t r o i t T i« e r s .sw afJK C i'cd i n to to w n w i th t h e i r bi>r b a t s l a s t H u r l s S h l l l O U l

Tnlk oil iraliis t l ia t rn ltlc d till n ig lit belwecii D ciroll a n d C ln clii ' n a il was about Buck Newsom and (he courageous. gllUcrliiK ennic ho pllchcU yesterday to win (in B to 0 \lclor>' and ycnd D etroit o u t In I ro n t .Buck noi only 'threw n t h r e e - h i t game ancl tlie sliu tou t of th e series, b u t he did I t a t a tim e w hen h is h e a r t was 1icb\->’ w ith g rief a n d h is usually loquacious tongue wns stilled by sorrow. His f a th e r died In C incinnati on T lnirsdny mornlnK a d e r watchltitt Duck w in (he flr:>t world series game a n d one of th e la st wishes expressed on h is d e a th bed was th a t his boy should go o u t and win ano ther one.

Falls to Smile O rlm Iftced. and for Ihe f lr it- tlm e

in Ills IKc, .IndU feren l to Uie r e ­quest of photographers for a sm ile,Buck w ent oQt and m ade good on th a t promise.

T aking a w indup like a D u tch w indmill, and kicking hU leg h ig h In th e a ir. Newsom assum ed com ­m and of th e ball' gam e from Uis tim e he faced th e f irs t h itte r . M ean ­while. the bats of tho T igers volleyed a n d thundered and In th e th ird In ­n ing H ank G reenberg 's tow ering hom e n m high up In th e le ft field

. .s ta n d scored B arney McCosky a n d C harley Q ehrlnger a head of h im for enough runs to win th e gam e.

O lve ol‘ Buck a lead like a ^ d th e Insplm tlon of th a t prom ise to h ts fa the r, and h e Is unbeatab le.T h a t 's tlie way h e was In B riggs s tad ium yesterday and tow ard th e end o t tlie gam e he waa toying wlUi th e Reds, feeding them slow balls a n d Uien driving them back w ith h is high . li» rd one w hen Uiey got

■ recklesa and crow ded the plate.Power SU rt*

Ju n io r TljomlJSon. a r ig h t iw inder wlvo U completUig h is second sew on It) th e m aJorr.fjM s U w .victim of th e T igers ' wratJj. ’A fter G reenberg h it h is hom er and th ree run# poured a crav i In the th ird , n io m p s o n th o u g h t Ihe w orst h a d hnpi>ene<l to him . U itle did ho know of the m isery sUll ahead. In th e foiirUi T iger power exploded again w hen Dick B artell wham med a double down th e le lt field foul line scoring Billy Sullivan who had w ulkcd.W lien Tlioinpsoii yot m illed and valkcrt McCoAky. he vinn throiiK h and W hltey Moore camo In to try to kteni (he tide for (he Itcds.

l ie d idn 't Iniprovu iiio slitia llon and by wnlklnx O ehrlnger iiiid lUuly York and allowlug ilru re Ciun|t1>ril to shigle. Ue(ote tUe li\uU\« v>us over, four more runs had noored iincl the fled.t were out o( ilir k»» ip .

AII)ioii Normal Griddcrs Work On Defenses

M .inO N , Of\ 1 iH|>.-c:litll ('o ix l O n ’llle Mull und h h I'.in thoi' k iuI

' d r rs of Albion Noriiuil t 'd llriir «« down to the llu ln<■ .‘l ot ili 'trn siv play toilny a l l r r Ih r ho iur iciini til) Korbed n 33-::n hnillfiit fioiii Ih r C.'ol- lf(te ot U!nU<» C'«v«lr% yn fjn\ adernnoii.

N ext K»ine oti llir Allilon w h n li i l r lA agn lin t th« biiilt'U)) llnlM' Juiilo r rolleite and 1C h r r a n l>(l^^HJly ilo It, Coach ilu lt pinnn cm a l i r i t r r <1<'- fcnse,

'H ir Kmlnl in i'n lor A loinl In-rou H iilliiduj-ii unm r itiiit h b ilr lp iisr was wfuit and th r onlv Albion rhim co Win tn ouU i l i r In ia d n a . H ia l |irr<tl<'llnn |iii iv ii| to l>n ('orifS't.

T lio two clulw luiltlpil i<> n 7-7 drnd iiirk In ih r llra t iiim iH 'i, w ith (he CoyotC!! IioUIIiih ■ M-7 rilHe n t (he half. T he vlniiorx m cukI twUo III (he (h in t fliim e, lo Diirr liv llio PaiK heis, and n ir li rlu li wiil a to iirh - dnw n In (he Jlnal fraiui*,

Htandout, vw rtanim R w cit B herm an frw (he InvadKin and Oon K equa, r a n lh r r ( iiia rlriln u k . wlici a id aums (III* pawlMg nnil k lrk - Ing.

U iie tip i;ALBION r o t . m I.Prie# ..................lU anhIrrA lbertM n ...........I .T ..... I l a n h b a r i r rM r lla rg H ........ I,<1............. H (a rn rtte w li ...................C’ ................ MiM>rBW rixh l ...............U « .......... .............H ayrram w cU ..... K T ...... ....... H riim idlw n i u m .......... H R ....... ....... Ilogeralle p w o rlh ____ L l l______ R herm anrra M lM t* _____A l l . . .

Vandals Take 21-0 Beating From Huskies ;

SEATTLE. O ct. 7 lU.PJ—Idaho Vaiidnl.1 today h a d re tu rn e d to Moscow a fte r ' escaping fro m th e local field w ith a 21-0 d e fe a t p las- trred on them by th e iJn lv m U y a t Wd.slilngton H uskies.

Coach Jim m y P he lan used th re* full team s and m any o th e r eubsil- tiitrs again th e Id ah o agg regation and the home t«am piled up a 31-0 advantage In th e f irs t ha lf a n d then coasted th rough th e la s t tw o fram es.

I-'iMt score cam e on th e f i f th play of the gam e w hen Jack SU ckpool w ent th rough c en te r for 32 yards rtfjcl s touchdow n. T k-o m ore counC-

,<i came In th e sccond period and e ie s c o itd by th e reserves.Only Idaho th ru .it wa.s a g a in s t the

Hu,iky f irs t str in g team ,In th e op en ­ing quarte r—Just a f te r th e W ash ­ington score. Led by G eorge N ix­on, (he Vondala ploughed a h ea d to the Husky fivc-ya rd s tr ip e . onl>' lo be held fo r do»Tis a n d lose th e ball

1 the fou r-yard line.Lineups;

Pos.IdahoRyan ............ ......... . ..B. p iedm ont .... L T ...........ZenkovKeh ....... L G ........Kolinsky ........ .C..._...........W orkm an ........R G ........R athbun _____ R T ....... ..Berllus ------- ----R E . . . .....Beall .......... ........ Q B -------

N lion ............L l l .......


• The Box ScoreC IN Cir^N A Tl AH R I IP O AW erher. 3b ; 4 0 ( 0 0M. M cCormlek, ef 4 0 ( 5 tG oodm an, rf 4 0 n 1 0r . MeCormlek, Ib . . 4 I) 1 S 0n ip p le . I t ................... t 0 4 0W ilson, 0 ..................... 1 0 0 3 In a k er , e ! .................... .. 2 0 0 2 0J{K>S(, 2I» .................. 1 0 0 i IM yers, is J 0 0 2 0

1 n 0 0 1M oore, p ........ .. 0 Q (1 0 <tx t'r rr . 1 0 0 0 0V uiider Meer, p n n fl 0 0X X ltid f 1 (I 0 0 0H u(ehliii> , p . n 0 0 1

Tot«U :ii n 1 24 SxH a((ed for Mnnre III fliiii.x x lU tte d for Vniider M rer In

elfhO i.

D K T Itd lT All It H IM) AH ur(ell, M 4 1 : 0 1

v( ; S 0< irlirlli||er. 2I> 4 i 2 4(iree iitie ri. If % z 1 0York. Ih 4 n ft 7 0Camiihell, rf 4 0 s 2 0lllxKliM, 3li 2 . I) n 1 .1Kiilllvun, e 4 1 1 11 0Netvndiii. p 4 f 0 0 0

Ti.(alR 14 It 11 27 SKeiire (ly liiiiliixii:C ln i'lnnatl (MX) nrto 000—4■>e(rnlt 001 0 O il—R

ItiiiM ba lled til '- ( t iee iilie rc 4,lU rlell, <-ani|il>el( 3. h it—Ilarie ll. Home r U ll--<Jreenl>erf.H aerlllrr—New»i>nil Ooulilr play—

Dnglckloff - .C H ..

W ashinctonAlacDowcll

...... ConleyFrankow^ki

. . M ucha G r«en»ood

.... B. Nixon.......... M arx

.... M eans. . UteeleMcAdaiStackpoolFrank lin .....

Score by q u a rte rs : .. .Idaho . ................... 0 lOW ashlnclon ......... 7 U

W ashington tco rlng : T ouchdow ns, Slackpool. W alter* (sub for S tre le ); Y ounflovo (tub for M a rz ). Po in ts from try a f te r toucbdow o—Steele. Berg 2 (sub for M ean t) .' O rflc la lt: Referee, D oug Lowell (M ount A ngel); U m pire II. II. I lub- te l (M ich igan); head hnesm an . G eorge N. V arnell (ChleaK ol: field judge. Jim m y M itchell (G on iig :

By United P r e ^M t. S t. Mary’s 7. S(. F rancis 0. N iagara 28. C anltius 7.

• X avier l!i, St. Joseph 6.I,. I. U. 6, rro v ld rn re 0. b(. M ary’s iT rs.l 100 ( ru r r rc tt .

23rd lnfan(ry 0.

O regon S(a(e 0, I'. S. C. 0. W aih lng tou 2(, Idaho 0.S tanford 13, Orecon 0.C alifornia 0. S(. .Mary’s 6. W aih lng(on S ta ir (1. .M ontana 0. College of Idaho 33. Albion N or-

Here Are Deer Shot in Open Hunt

Tw » T a in F k ih t o w tm . »h»vn w en t h n n U n g fo r bucks a n d go t ]ost th a t, a s ih e p ic ture shows. O nth e le ft U Bus M onta««« who b reagh t do»n a 250 pound bock while a t th e r ig h t I t Ben Dolbow w ith his 200- pound back In tr« » t o f h im . Rifles nw d ar« resting In th e horns. The an im als.w ere sho t Sa tu rday m orn in g ' n ear A rt« a n d th e h « n t* n r t tu m e d lo Twin F a lls la st n igh t. Both anim al* were loo heavy to carry and as a resu lt M on tagm dragged h i t one and on r-h a lt m iles to cam p and Dolbow tn iD tported hla in th e tam e m a n ­n e r a d b ta a e * of Ih rte Bailee • (Times Photo and K ngravlng)

Reds in Favored Position With Walters, Derringer Ready to HurlPitching Edge (ioes to Ohio


____ ___MirtelUeee, A U w . F m la h , K nM ,

» w H k i* e « 8 e e , 9m m , MnlllfMs.

I la r lr ll , O rh rh u e r and York. K arn- rd run*—C liirlnnntl 0. l) r (ro lt 8. I,e ft nw (vKMk—<'iitr(nnat( l ) t ' (ri'K IS. nil h a lU -O rf Thninp-son 4 (IIIikIiii, ( ’amiitirll. Sullivan Mr(-<»ky). V aiidrr M frr i (>Ur(cll. t l l lf ln * . MrCiinkyl. l lu ( r h l i i |i <lll(K lnsl, Mnnre Z, ( i r h r ln i r r , Y ork), NewMiin 2 Itlpple).H lrurh oii(—Ity Thiim|>oin> t iC am p- brli, l l l i i l i i i ) , V aiidrr M rrr 2 (Sul- llvaii, V orhl, N rw iom 7 ri'hciinpioii, W rrh rr , Itaher, Jiin«(, tlnndm an, HIkis. F. M rCnrm lcki, I 'K rh ln i num . n ia ry : T honip ton fl ru n t H hl(a hi a li in ln iii 'M n iirr ] run 1 h i t In 2/1 Iniiiiii*) V andrr M rer o runs, t h ld .ln S In n liit ii llii(< liliig* I run 2 hl(» III I Inning, W ild |il(<-he»— llu(<'liliiga. p M x d (lali—W iUun, plren—Klein iN l.) |iU (r. O rnutiy (A l.l ((r>l (late, tU lt» n (n n t (N U second liaie. lU ill (AI,| th ird base>. A ltrndaiirfl paid: BA.II9. T im e tl2 e .

Ociitli Sciitc'iu'c»nU«v« Wnre hangTil (or n \« -

liny a t Ocraciike Isliind, N. C., In 17D3, when (im first- aentericp of de a th hniK’seil by a federa l ro iir t 'In the> llnK rtl Htnten Was pasned no rn , N. o .

Tem i>eia(ura of Ui» e a r th oieaaoa one d tg r te l^ l i r tn h e l t for every (K) fee t of dep th , accord ing to H lliu a le t.

lal 20.M ontana S tate 7, N orth Dakoti

H ta te 0.U tah 12, It. Y, U. fi.Colorado 7. K ainas St^te (I. Colorado S(a(e 0, Wyoming 0. Colorado ('o l)eie 37. New .Mestco

N orm al 7.T rnnektee 13. Duke 0.Cornell 34, ( 'o t|« (e 0.M lnnetu(a IS, N ebraska 7.No(re llam e 2&, t'o lle ie ol I 'aclfle 7. O klahonia 20, O kU hum a A iglea Z7. M ichigan 21, M lrh lia n .Stale I t . Columbia IS. M aine 0,Penn S(a(e 0, lliifknell 0.O hio 7, HiKlrr U. 7,Fon lhain :o. W. Vlrglnl* 7. N orth« r» (en i 40. S)ra<u>r 0. . Navy 14, ('liirlni>a(( 0.PK t (0. MNvuirl 13.W est Po in t :tO, W llllain« in. Virginia ill, Vair 14. lio ito n S, U|i»aU e.|j if a y r( (e U, New York (' 7. Peiinsylvaiila ftl, M urjU iiil o, K u (g en 33. S iirlm fleld n.PrIncetiMi 7. V andrrb lll tt.H arvard 13. A m tirm i 6.Brow n 20. Itlioitx lulauti 17.W aka I'o rrs t (B. Furm an 0.N orth t'aroU na 17, I)a«hl>on 7. T exas 13, liid laxa Q.Iow a H(ale 7, Kaunas 0.Iow a 4ti, Hoiiih l)ako(a 0.O hio 7, Ohio W ealryan IV F rank lin A M arshall Z3. D a r t­

m ou th 21.NfW llam iiO ilrf 27. I ta l r . «. K entucky 4), W«>l>. A |.re 12. Clemsoii ZU, North ( 'n in llna S la ta

7.Bowdoin ID, W esleyan 7.T rsaa Chrl«(lan 2U. Aikan>aa 0. W isconsin 33. M arqurK e 19.U». Tech. 27. Ilo ita rd 0.A uburn 20. T ulan* 14.O w g la 20. Tulane 14.Cleorg(a 33, Koudi C aro lina I. niippory Itork 27. W ea ln iln iter A. A tabam a 20. M etrer 6.M lsalstlppl 27. H outhw etlern •. Texas A. A M. 41. Tulsa •.Illinois 31, Bradley 0.W est Texas Hlala 4R. W estern

H tale IS,Kicks Collete 14. t 'a r o U C«M*(«

(H elena. MAnt.i, 0.W hitm an BA. W hl(«or(h 0. Hwacthmorr 14, W a>hliiflun t ’el

lege 7.

IIMIII KCIIOOI. Nt’OKKH noise 10, nu iley II.O lenna I 'e r r j 6. W endell •.

WINN M IIIO K 'r KA< R LANUIlUUNk;, W iitl , O et T

—Jo e CaiMiii (i( ( lie n l N erk. I< L. ha t\ked th e tl.bOO Itrs l p t M today a f te r winning Dm Kw-mlle n a tio n a l A. A A. midget aulninntilte cb«m - plnnshlp rni'fl a t Ijtiig liin iie apeed- way in 7ax)3;ei

In Last TiltsBy G bO RG K K IR K >i:V

CIN CIN NA TI. CKt. - TheN ational U';isue chanipio;'.'. im alli' h.-ive arrived a t th e r te.viti cour>e. It s th e I lrs t tune h i ' lort;r world series thovA e go tten d o a n to Uie si.xtli gam e.

Anrt m th e o ilie r n v.iJn t do th em «rv>' -sood b\v;iu.-o U'.cv pl4>-eU a ll Uieir a cfs se:;ii\g thiil far. I n 1936 th e Giant,'< had to gi' w ith F’rttUiy Fiti-Nimmoiu in me sLxth Joust a n d he w as licki-d by m e Y anks. T lie j.c;»r bcl-jte ih e CaUs cam e dow n to ih e s ix th ta.nic a;id h a d to go w iih U>rr> F’Jrii.-h Tiie 'n g e r s t>eat him lor Hie 1535 w w ld's (itle.

B u t In 1934 ilie C.n>ii;i«U c.ime down to th e siMli Kaiiie w iili m e b r o th f is Dc.vii irad y to to lo l!ie f iring line, T lu i ^erle^ Mi>,xl cMi. Uy as til ls one doc.% ivKltv,'. itie Timers leading by th ree K.»mc lo (wo. Pie D ean tToys D u a |u l Pau l, tooled oil (he Timers in the 1«M two l:ame,^ nii<t th e Carvls 'oon t;\e li t l f - i .- .c la^\ annexed bv itie NAiuuial Uagiir.

Two Ares AvalbM eT h e Uedb. like (he c .iu u of IWt.

a re t-omlng in to Uie .M inch with th e ir tw « tti’c j. IhuWy W .ilirrs »iul P au l DorrliiKiT, rr.utv lor . lu i^ it .- iu th e worvt go ttie im utM lohave (0 will w uh W .iiiri. rtinf, ringer a n d now m a t i wimi have 10 do •

C0lt^UlenllK r \ c:\tl\U \i; iJmlhBj>i>rne<t 111 Ihc sein> the «e\lv coiiMder lhem .M hc ' to iiu iiau have com e llil\ Ini llicv .ir Itlivyli^ 'a ithuu t ihe .'« i\i.c» reg iila ri — K r ii I e Uyuh.uili, hobbled th iin i^ ti |';mI ol »n r k a n d L onnie F re \ a int ih r \ im

Somebody Mixed up on Hunting Season; 4 Elk Killed Saturday

Winners Crowned In Pacific Coast Net Championships

BERKELEY. Cnllf.. O ct. 7 (U.R)— V lm liila W oltendni. San t'ranclsco , a n d Bobby HlgK', Chlcngo. he ld tho Pacific women’.i a n d m rii’nMnglrs crow ns today by v irtue of iil->sei MctorlCN OMT H elen Jacob.i, U eikelcy. lo n w r \V im bl« \on chn in - plon.iond Friiiilc Kovacs of O akliind.

Mls-s W olfeiicirn Imd little d lf ll- cully In sutiduliiH Mls.s Jacobs, 0-4, 6-a, while KIkks p la jed a tlg h l Komo to beat Kovncs, (1-4, a*0. <3-2. 0-J.

Burley Loses To Hoise Clul), 19-13

I Ki o 111

(a d <h a s iK'eii .Ml

O nce iwvt No i III (lie Cinclnii.iil D etro it IUiiKei> liit\e h.\>t lillli w orry atxm i Jiiiinu WMmni I. -J«H»l, Hilly MyrM »>lu> ihr \.u C lncliinall :iul>N||iulr> .muI |'|i h ltte l^ . h a \e aiv»Miiite\l l.>i ju .i mn>.

I lr a iy I tlU r itP inky H igiinn. No 7 l il i in u\

T igers lineup, ha« l<>|>)>r\l lh.<l hh lucU . M'oinig (« u and t lu i in six r n iu O r add U nii« I 'aiitpN It, D etro it'a No S hlK er. to lllKKni- they 've acrouiKe^t (iv inoie th a n th e c«iinl>lne\l ettoi(> ol esUlie C l iic au ia d l (eam C.\m ha» » c w d tnur ( i« \e \ m r t rtus' five o th e r lalllr^

B u t Inx ii l in e In th e l i k n going (a h a \e (n •wUvk Reds' t o o (0|I lll iig eu . \Vallei.> and D erringer l l i e i e a re n 't hi Iuk in i) any m ore ^^llnel» . 'n io u n i,.!! ' Moores. Uecg>c.^ e tce te ia n i* | i Ultleaa Die ' luckv t>u< k \ ( a m i,ol th e lo t i hxlay or ’ Hill Paul tni.l up tomorrow

White Sox Co|) Chicago Title

CM lCA tlO . O il 7 m e ' iiie r t i l - vagQ W hHe Wox \ th e elljr c liam nlw uJdp t« i«v KHrr de fe a tin g Ihe Cuba. & In <Inning gam e (h a t <ii>lr>t itie : i i d }n lra -rl(y s^ile«

TK lily cm Uie uu»ii»ito r th e and all.>«eil oniv m- lilla, one ni U irm a iuMne mid iir la s t o( Ihe lOlh bv ;:rke ll.Mmi

-m e Hnx (le^l (he Mme lii n in th In iiln i on a siiiKle hv T u li W rtgh t w h irti hnrnght JulU u JUlif in (n u n •e<;«inO tn e \ ii<ok tliM . W U Oil V ein O U h», th e Cuba' Maiih- |w w . In Ihe o ie rtim e |>eihxt and K o w l (* o ru n i nu Jin inn Wri.b-a single. Joe K iih tla (Vxible am i l.uke A p ^ ln g 'e tingle.

liAII.KY. O et. 7 ( tspecla l) — Srmcltody U m ixed up in th e (errl- locy covered by open wahon on elk hunting in Id ah o —and w hen th a t ^nmrbcHly U c augh t it U going to Sn l..ird w ith h im —o r them .

I'nur elk were killed Saturday up (iree n h o m gulch and (oday a

headed by Sheriff I). J. Hoaev. Tom M iser, conservndon ofticer, and D eputy Sheriff W ard Retk, were scouring th e country

fo r th e k s they d id a ll dayS un d ay and p a rt o f Saturday .

It, was announced here th a t th e so-called "sp o rtsm en ' had been identified by a local pa rly a n d will face severe penalties wlien a p p re ­hended by local authoritle.'>.

I t was believed th a t th e killers of th e elk were still h id ing (n G reenhorn gulch area.

T here I Is no open season on elk In th is te rritory.

USG Eliminated With Tie Against Oregon State; Stanford Wins

By JA M ES A. SULLIVAN ^S A N FR A N C ISC O . O ct. 7 ^U.R>— A rccapiluValion o f p T C -“ I

sea so n nom inees fo r th e R ose b o w seem s in order today. W ash in gton and S ou th ern C a liforn ia— rem em ber?' W ash in gton , d esp ite it s d e fe a t by M innesota, s ti l l seem s th e b est b et but S ou th ern C aliforn ia , w ith tw o tie gam es w ith in th e conference ra n k s, can a lm o st b e counted o u t. B u t co m in g up on th e o u tsid e is S ta n fo rd u n iversity , th e team th a t fa iled to w in a co n fer ­en ce gam e la st season .

Conch C lark Shaughnc.'ay l^n 't d rea m in g R w c bowl dream.s yet. He know s th e Ind ians hnve tilany tough h u rd les to top, and h e figures he m ig h t 'lo se a couple of them . B u t th e 13 to 0 drubbing S tan fo rd gave O regon S a turday was Just w h a t th e doc to r ordered to p u l th e w ell- know n vim. vigor and v lia lliy Into Uic In d ian atUick,

S ou th ern C alifornia found Itself w U h only a scorele&s tie to show for I ts e ffo rts again st O regon S la te , a n d C oach H ow aid Jo n e s no d o u b t Is w U hlng today for some plnyers like Ambrose Sch indler and Doyle N nve w hen lie contem plates nex t S a tu rd ay 's game w ith Ilhnols.

UCLA's Bruin-'., highly regarded In prc-sea.son forecasLs, took its second- b eating of the 'season a t th e h ands o f S a n ta C lara, by a score of 9 lo 6- I t wa.s a h c art-b reaker for (he B ru in s to lose, and It was by th e sa m e m argin th a t Sou thern M etho ­d is ts won (he previous week.

CftlHornlft, soundly thu m p e d by T om m y H arm on and Co, of A nn A rbor, bounced back w ith a 9 lo (! u p se t th a t spoiled (he coaching d e b u t o f Red S t r td e r a t S t. M b it ’s .

W ashington S ta te h a d conit>arn- tlvc ly little trouble Iti b eating M on­ta n a 13 to 0 and W ashington loaf' ed 21 to 0 to ivin over Idaho .

BO^SK, o ntXTl pii'-vink- ■ ihaxe hiillliii Itie lUSnvtVUK hlHh M'l.ihitSatiuiloi Kl(

rlllll Hriiiiv ilo d an (>oui's Ul-, od ie r III

T lie im .il HmiI.-v rou iile r ra ine Ihe Inst iiiinii(r of phiy w hen I. V enic Nel'tin iM-' rd tit IjCMer On n e r hi th e n iri 7,m e (o m ake (lie fina l coiiiit lt<-]:i.

7 i.siierln li—Home e>r- iiitk liv l)ob llarlKiiii', k, s|>rlleil d e ten t t(i (\>ivl>'v h i ntcxiiluill gimie here

i<-iiu>cin. 'P ie flniil ■-n

M'.llciis from , Cii;.\lii l>ili cl ii|i It 7-U a tlviin-

tl l - l hiilf, th e l^ol^e lo loun 111 th e th iu l loiiiiied iwlco on Hiir

mill th ru a dded nil r- tiniO d a m n via tli<

lU tAD THI-; T lM r a W ANT ADR.

Ferry Edges Wendell in Close Battle

Or.ENNS FERRY , 0 :1 . 7 iSpccliil) —G lenns Ferry , klng-p ltj of ttie ClBi,^ D ranks In houth c eu ira l Idaho for the past th ree years, •■ihowoil the rni.son here on B a lu r- day a lten ioon by di'fcatlng a good W endell eleven by a coun t of 6-0.

T he gam e wa.-i lhe h igh ligh t ot (be Kccond a nnual U nion Pacific and festlvul and was play­ed b rto ie a big crowd on th e liigh M'liiKil Held,

After the tu n tennis fiad battle il on even te rm s for the ( lis t ha lf, the PVrry club n c n t to work In th e lliln l (nim e and u inie nice blocking *hiiok Hpilford. IVtry ha ltback . loose Mid he KaUnpnl AH ynuta on e n d - atoiiiid pla>h. 'riieii, w ith th e hall on the heven yiiiil line, R cdlord f i r ­ed a paw to Cnine, end. In the end /tine thiit wAh tfood for (ho lone More of tlie ’ntni'.

You Will I'Mnd the Anmvfr to an

Important ({uc.stionOn imce 1(1 III Ihe O ct. Bth b'J'iin of till- Hniiiriliiy KvenliiK I’nst.

H U A I ) i n n A l ) T O D A YAnil Mull the Couixni

No OWlKadon

1.0U IIKLLKKOrpbeiim Hulidlng Twin l-'alU, Idaho


D R lV lN d

with thr

BALANCE-MASTERTill* n iiln iu S '-M a n te r halm ii'fn y m ir fn m t w Ih ' c Ih tu r n n d v r riuid Hhock. )vi'iivc niiil n liim m v. i t in (lio ni(Mli'i'ii n u 'd iiid o f a ddiiiK lll<i lo y im r c a r and c.nmfi'Vl in iJr iv ln g .

MAGEL A U TO GO.I>.KlBe IM y m «u th

A n k A b o u t fltcH m C lo u n in g fn r M o ln r nnrl Chaflfd"

Godoy Favorite to D efeat Dorazio

PHILADELPHIA. O ci. 7 (U.R) S o u th American heavyw eight c h a m ­pion* A rturo Godoy. a 8 -5 -b e tt in g favorite , was expected lo carry a 20- pound weight advantage In to Die r in g ton igh t w hen he m eets O us D orazio of Ph iladelph ia I n . s bout sc lw h iled fnr 10 rounds.

Godoy. who.v chief claim to pu- glll.«illr fame Is two de feats by

Tennessee and Minnesota Take Victories

NEW YO RK . O ct. 7 (U.R>—T ennes-!« .’M inneso ta . M ichigan and C or­

nell de fin itely cslab lb h ed th e m se lv n a s form idable con tenders for n a tio n ­a l football honors over th e w eek-end.

T lie lr rested s tre n g th s ta n d s ou t, a long w ith th a t of W lsilsslppl, l a til ls topsy-tu rvy young season w hich a lre ad y h a s 's e e n an alm ost u n p r t- cedented num ber of m a jo r eleven*, de feated , deadlocked o r m e n a c ln g iw ly pressed.

T o them will be added th e w inner o f Saliirdny '.i collision betw een O hio S ta le and N orthw estern, S tan fo rd a n d S a n ta -C ln ra , N otre D am e a n d Georgia Tech.

Tenne.ssee b eat D uke. 13-0. S a tu r ­day. M innesota downed N ebraska 13-1. M ichigan. Iresh from Us 41-0 c onnoest of Califo rn ia, tu rn ed back M ichigan S ta te . 21-M. Cornell opened Its season w ith a 34-0 vlc< lo ry ove r Colgate.

Y ale. D artm ou th , New Y ork U. a n d Holy Cross were vic tim s o t u jk sets, a n d Arm y escaped by a n eye* la sh w ith a 30-19 w in over lltU* W illiam s.

N orlhw estern Issued storm W arn­ings by .starting the season w ith a ■10-0 victory over Syracuse, while O hio S ta te w on a 17-14 a truggla from Purdue. N otre D am e m ade Ita deb u t, bea ting College of th e PacUio team , 35-7.

heavyw eigh t ch am pion Joe LouU tills yeai;. Is expected to weigh BlKiutM 307 pounds and D orazio n o t m o r a " th o n 188 w hen they, open P h lla - de lp h la ’.s Indoor boxing season at th e a re n a .






i f


I y. 1 MMV lEGIIITlia SEIViCE★ C it y H a ll . T w In '.F a l lR . Id a h o

Exceptional Opportunities r o R r o u TO l E / m i i » h d t o c a k m

T o d a y ’s Regular A r m y trtlna m «n In ■ variety o f c ra fu , tradea and (cchnlquei. I n m any ficlda It olTera greater chance* fo r

B H H . advancement than ever befor«.Ta ke fncdlcal Kience» fo r Itutance. T h a Medical Dc*

partment of the Rcgtdar A r tn y haa a long and glorloua liiK ory in the c o n q u u t o f diaeaae. l u lab rn toriea , libra>, rica and h o tplu la a r« world-fam oua. I t wdcornea, today, men iniereated In X*ray, laboratory, dcfntal, hoepltat, and veterinary work. A * y o u q u a lify in thcsa fialda, you a i «

1 ihe way to prom otion and Increased jpay.

yo u can p k k iKa U n d o f — N M ic a l D t p u n m a ,

I f yo u cnliat rig ht , , aervipe that Inteteata y o u moat- Infantrv, Field A rtil le ry , S ignal C o rpa, QM rtannaM a* Corp*, Including m otor mechanlcti radlcH M a p h o o yi « t c . .

T h e Regular A n ^ offer* to m en betwaan 18 and 3J • romantic career. T h e ra a ra chancaa fo ras well as vigorous w ork. I n a rm y posC your health will be guarded. Gei I t in com e*are provklad if yo u tam ain In (faa R a g u U t A m y .

U a r n tha whole s to rf fo r youraalf— b y laiephooe»mail, b y | M ^ n a l in q u iry fro m the sn iio tu lUted M o w .A ct

H m d tjr . O v taM rT , M 4« IDAHO EVENING TIMES,-TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P » f e ; N l n »

Red# Hot Here—But They Wilted

(NEA Tei«photo]W hen th U p k lu r t v u u u p p c d a t n e tro l t . i t looked a s th o u (h Cln-

elniukti m l ih l lU r t In th ird W orld srrlei (Ati)t:— th e n came th e seventh iDQinc a n d Ut* T l f t r t ««r« Im m . I n th is lecond Inn in g ihow . E rn ie Lom> b v d l . C Incr e a teh cr, t l ld e i In to teoond a fte r h l t t ln i a double. Lom bardi U tn a r d l n t h h lnJor«d ankl*. DKk B artell, T l je r sho rts top , s lre tchf* a» h a U k t« (h« th row from O eh rin fer. T he T l(er« won, 6-3.

You Gan’t Convince Mac: He Still Picks Cincinnati

Three Bowlers Average Over Mark of 180

Relcat.6 of oIJicUl.uvorHiiea lii the Tw in P a lls bowUiiB leagues today showed three p layers over ih e 180 m ark , according to F red btoiie, see* reU ry of th e local assoclaiioiv

B est m ark for league pUy today U held by Ray Frcla of 'Oic f iresto n e club In th e Com m ercial Icugue. with a n average o( 201- N ext high Is WatWtT B eitech of Vhc K im b lc t M arke t club In Hie C ity league, while Corky Carlson hit.i a 181 « i th Coca c o l* 111 th e Com mercial,

Leading 10 bowlors In cnch Ipugtie follow;

C ity: aert.scli 184, Jones 176, Me- Couley 174. Hof |7 J , w , I. Johnsuu 1« , W agner n o , S tone J70. D. Soga

38, J . Ford J69, 11. lloone 168, C om m erelal; Frcl; 'JOl, CiirUnn

181, Vo6lka 171. A llan 110, Rosa m . Tim m ons 1C9, A dkins 168. Child* IG6, W endllnK 161. W ells 16t.

M erchant!: 6hlrle_>' I5fl, NJuilon IW. W tU o ii U6, H ayes U6, Schu­m acher US, W arner U3, Bathcne 143. C rane M3, W alker M2, J . S iulih 1«.

XiOdles: M. Oeo M&. B. A llan 140. L Slebcr 139, C, Voslka 136, L. B uh- ler 136, D. Anctre*'.i 131. D, Beri.sch 139. M. Gllkey H 9, M. B u chanan i'iS. H. W eller 137.

Bow ling Schedule

M EJtC llA N TS' L E A G L t M onday. O ct. 7—Alleys 1 and 2:

In te rm o n n ta ln Seed vs. C. t;. An- d e rto n ; alleys 3 a n d 4 ; Safew ay ts . 20?s0 c lub; alleys 5 a n d 6: Tlme»> N e m n . Gam ble s ; alleys 7, and 8: Id ah o EfK vs. T w in Falls Bank and T rust. (Ilan d lc ap i to be an* nouncad la ter) .

t 'lT V L E A U l'E T uesuay, O ct. 8—Alleys 1

K im ble's vs. N ew s-Tlm cs (331: 'a lleys 3-4; N ational L aund ry vs. Z ip* W ay: alleys S-S: Elks vs. Id ah o Pow er \S5); aU e js 7 -J ; L. k . N. vs. Time Den (5).

COMMERCIAL L E A G tE W edensday, Oct. & -A lle)» M :

H alle's Conoco vs. F lou r Mill (57): alleys 3*4; Tw in F a lls Lum ber vs. Coca Cola (271; alleys 5-6: D«t- w eller's vs. Fre<l D odds; alleys 7-1: F irestone r». C o sjrlff <80i.

Ay IIB N R Y MeLEMOREC IN CIN N A TI. O ct. 7 (U R'—D ar-

wltj' m ua l h a « b*«n righ t inaofar a s m y o v n b ran c h of th e hum an (am llj' v a j concerned , else how couM I b e so a t hom e ou t on a

' UmbTI U p-tocd H sh tb ' ou t on a lim b

w hen I p icked C incinna ti to win th e w orld series d ^ -s before the th in g s ta r ted . T tia t w m monkey

■business of th e f irs t order, be- , cause Uie N a tio n a l league h a sn 't

m n a a e r tts slDce th e Red CoaU b u rn ed th e W hite H ousa In 1814. (Note to pu rls ta : 1 know. I know, i t w asn ’t know n as th e W hile H ouM u n tu a few years a fte r th a t bu rn ing ).

Now. wU h Cvncvnnau behind tw o gam es to th ree . T am going to scam per f a r th e r ou t th e .■'nme lim b and re-pIck th e Reds to b eat th e D etro it T igers. In seven games. D etro ll h a s done all th e w inning th a t II Is Rolnif to do.

7 am not en tirely alone In this c onfidence In th e Reds, tl i r bookm akers have m nde the Ur(U even m oney favo rltm lo take th e series If you w an t to know w hy tills s ta te of affalrx exists. I ll (ell you.

T o s ta r t w ith, Bueky W alters gor.% today for th e Reds. Biicky, th e handsom e boy who turned from th lrd -b as tn g to become one of th e g rea tes t pitcher* In the gam e, H a dom esticated th e TlRera tn th e a« ;ond gam e of th e afrle*. giving th em J iu t th ree hll.t. No* bodv h i t th * h a ll w ry h a rd M\at day. T he G reenbergs. Uie MfiCoa- kys and th e O ehrlnR rr* don ’t n in wild Ihen they have to look a t p ltrh lng .

6o,‘ wa give th e Rrdii tMliiV’A gam e. I n oU>er wnrd*. we allow as how W alte rs ho lds th e 'Ili irrs w hile th e Keris work on Schoolboy

. Rowe. T lio SrhooiUoy la n o t tlie P ilche r h e vn i • few years ago K« m ada a rmnbaok. a ll rlRht. and m ore pow er to h im , bu t hU fast one 'a gone

Now, a lv in f today 's game lo ihn R etts. w hich eveiw ih c .%eiles,.wlvo m u il yo»» ride « l th tn the pnyoff ^^venlhT D etro it will h ave no <»ie 10 p ilch No fre-Mi hn rler , th a i 's •u re . Nawsom h as dona h is Job,

Bridges h a s reached th e brp wlicre h e needs a week of re s t lo reslore tlin i rift.sllclty to ills nn n . .ThiU leaves only th e likes of Tro iii. O or- slca, M cK aln. and a g roup o l d e ­lig h tfu l hvmiply-dum pUos.

C incinna ti w llf have Derrlnjier to go. Big P au l can g e l by with one day of rest. G iven two day.s a n d h e can reach peak efficiency. A nd D crrlnncr. now th a t he haa w on a world scries gam e, proved lo hlm .'olf th a t he has the &tiiff of w hich world scries w inners nre m ade, will be a loos^ tough , hard , ornery K».'’ to lioe.

So I give ,voii C incinna ti ns the w orld series w inner.

U sing i)ii' prcdlcU ons of th e past a s a yan lsh lck . I d o n 't see hnw ClnclnnaU cnn pos.slbl3i—win.

LADIES' LEAGUE T hursday , Oct. 10—Alleys 1-2:

F a rm er's A uto vs. Balsch M otor (11); alleys 3-4; .Sterling Jewelry vs. Blue Arrow (83); alleys S-6: Town T avern w . M ajestic P h s r- maey (171,


Tlmea-News ....................... 11 I .917Gam ble's .......... ................... 7 & .M32(>-3t Club ......................... - 7 5 .583In term onn ta ln Seed .... . 6 6 JOOT. F. Bank and T r o s t ..... eSafew ay ............................... fiIdaho E « .......................... 4C. C. A n d erso n ..................... 1 11 .830


1 T i m ‘l 1

Redskins Keep Perfcet Grid Record

( ■ 7 United rresti T h* on ly p e rfec t record In the

........... .............. llleagib«)ant*4 to the W uh ln gton Red* akina today, Waahtngton, nm n«r* iip to the New Y ork Qlanta for the east« e tn divis ion lUlo la« i year, .wallop* ed ih e rutatiurgli S tea lan . 40*10 be> fo re a trow d ttt U .||]< fa n i f lunday In rem ain at the head of (h e ir dU vlaltMi w ith U»ree vleiorle* in th i t e • ta r t s .

W llh 'B nm m y Baugh aa trigger' lu Uwlr (otw anl passing at«

U ck and Jim m y Johnston, former­ly o f lh « U n lW illy of W M hlhglon, ahowtng Ih* way along Ihe grmind, th e Redakini puahed over slit touch- downa to haivd th« aieeUr* ihelr Moond loaa o( th« aeason,

Ohioato‘« burly Beaars defeated U it O U veltnd llam t, I M 4 In U it only o th w ttunday «u n « , O tU olt d e .

kUng t h f o h ic a to OardlRaU. i iA i................... ... la ft M ina pualu ‘

t th« world aerlaa.

It la rtportad th a t 41 Mroent of al) nwMV m u m « i U ton (anna v d tn towns undar SMC po M U tio n . t m t K0.000 w im U on hkve II p tr o«nl t M motor

19U7 I’lyniniiUi Dcliixn 'I’ow ii Sc(i;»)i — M o lo i rccoiid i-tioiKHl, now f ii ih li , h ciili'f ................................... , « 4 5 01036 CliPVi-olet Coiipu — Motor, hndy, fini,sh...Kooii .....................................................................................> 3 6 9lO'IO C!liovi'oU'l lly lu x r ft I’lu s , — N oav tlvcR.i%(lio, lu u tto r ........................................................................ > 7 5 011)^7 I'licvi'o let Dcliixt^ ruwii Srdim — Good con d ition ,rndio ............................................... ...........................^ 6 Sin-lO llb evrolftt pnliixft Town Si iliiii — N ow Uri'H,lu-«U‘i', m.DOO miloH ..................................................... $ 7 8 01M 4 V ord Koi-dof HiKiun........................... .................. 9 1 9 81080 Ffird Coupo — Motor, bnilv, fiiilhh ffood,

liontor .............. r.............................. .................................. > 8 Uin n o D o d se 4 D oor S ftd a n .................................................9 9 8

- 10;K) Ford Foiidor S tu ia ii ..................11)2',) Kord Uojidm .T .........................

■ lO.’JT l'\)i-d CoupR — M otor rocoDilitioned, r a d i o ,h.m lor .......................................................................................9 3 7 8lo a ? Korrl Tudor flffdnn ~ I'lxci^llnii con d ition .. . . 9 * 7 8 lOJlO r iy n io iit li Doluxd Coiip'* (io nl (’.oin lltiim 9 3 8 0

^'Virynlor ftoyul <i pnor Si'iluti — M otor, flnlfth, i ip lio h to iy good, Blt'crliiB poul unn' ih i f l , nport lig h, h fiilo r ........................ ............................................ 9 7 S 8IflHf) ( ’)iyvrolot 4 D oor Sctlnii • ■ Motor rccoiid i- .

....................... ......................................................... 9 2 7 9i m Clj«vrol(jt C im p o '................................................... $ a u1082 F ord I'g ton Pickup. 4 cyl. niolor .............. 9 & 2 9108B C h evro let ton Truck - Long W . B„ 1940 lie. UKlfi C liovrolot Va ton Plrkiip, 1 ''ix't'd trnnHmla.

•io n ....................................... ............................................9 9 9 0lOJJO C h evro let li/.j ton Triicit — Bo«A body,

llfonne ..... ...................................1087 F ord H ton Pickup” ..,.

Glen G. JenkinsS A L K H & S E R V I C E

P»g% Ten II3AH0 EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Monday, October 7, 1940



Young Husban^j^ets Jail Tertn at . Hard Work; County Must Pay Wife,


N .Y . S T O C K SNI’:W YORK. O cl.' 7 (U.R>—t l i e

h iarkct closMi lQ«cr.Air UcducUnn .. ................AlnsKft Jiincnu ................... .AUlrtl ClipmVal ..................Alllrrt Stores ......................Alll.% Clinlmcrs ........................Amrrlc-nn Cnn . .........Am. Com. Al ..........Am. . t Fori'iKii r o u r r .........

Mining Stocks Salt Lake

Alin T um ifl ...... ..UliiKliiiiJi MelAls ......Ciirillff .................Clilrf Con......................C ln jio ii Sllvpr ........CuUifAilo Coil..............Comlimcd Mel&U ___Criiff .....

si .suindtird ...........Till Coal ........... ..M Uiiih .. ...ickn Hulllon - ..... .

tu r - kn Lily Con.........•krt Mines ..........1 Silver ...............

K iniiirbrc . ................Krvsvoiit .....................Lrhl ’n n i lc ................M iininioth ..................Mom-ow .................... ;..MUi. City Copper .....N niltlrlvcr ....... ........

Pa rk ......New Qvilncy ...............

W nlker M tnlng .........W llberl .......................Ziimn .... .02’,

i.n;«noN r a r hilvek l.ONIHlN-SpQt b4r •llTtr hrU unrhitnii I at 21 ; / l ( Mnr* an uun< • Uxli}, bi

n,.e l/l« Dentir IH'rx'Ik llirik n( KtiiUntl m*ln(«lnr<] lli uul

buying pno» «l UK •hlUln«» J>«r «ln» uunciMKTAL8

VORR--7o.Uy'i cu.Ium imcHci ,I»llv»rKl m»Ul», criiu I'tf 1 1 1 Kl«lrt,l,llc 12 ( «ilK.rl t. m.

. r u t ln i r. o. b, rrflncry U S

Aluminum, 'rlrtint U.I'Ulinuni. ilolUr* v«r ounc#: S« Mul.'L>ll»r. dolUra i>«r (luk o( i

S E K S ffiE IS lE R E H I C Dj

IKW YOKK. f)f<- ... I rm iilir ilKllnr IUlhl»h»m .StKl »hi Velum- w u lliht.

•hum wci. lit tlli<i>rW imitll rl»n (lrn>«n'' *

pnund f

U infl bjr »ppro*chp*nl«-l hr airtnii rfw mo.Irli U r<Aurllim la runni^ n .l’lrnla 't.TuI

flmlnK I.»fl,. I ntfllr ■e UirtiU'tUhlih. N>il il> (iiln< l


BOISE, O ct. 7 (U.PJ—Oov. C . Dottolf.^en t« la y re jected a proposal to declare O ct. 16—th e day w hen Idftho m en will reg is ter fo r Bclec- live d ra tt—ns a legal holldny.

Tlie governor's decision -yAs m ade In necordnnce w ith declara tlona the d rn ri should no t be allowed to d is­ru p t com m unity life w ithout ne- ccioiUy. I t was po in ted ou t t h a t reg- l.itratlon a t elec tion preclnct.i will continue (or H h o u rs and should provltie su friclen t tim e for a ll m en to rcKl.^ter,

Employers have been asked to grm it leave for w orkers to regU ter.

M eanwhile, Increased w ork of the s ta te .selccUve l« rv lc c board brought a call from Brig. O en. M. O . Me- Connc) for 18 m ore ofClcers to be added to the s ta f f. M cConnel said the .state' d e tac h m en t of Ifl m en would be Inductcd In to federa l serv­ice tomorrow to a id In d irec ting reg ­istra tion work.

'Jtrrd, flolltn [. ................... I! K. I.JON.Wolfr«mll<-. ChlBM*, 6ull»r» . . . - ....

>nl M U llk roflUM, •luU' aiK.

Local M arkets


McNary Terms Demo Program

As ‘Synthetic’

g i i i P S s tir»al Norlhrtn


«i.i»i.. .<u.,l.,l|

lKr>rn <l'alri al.1al.

r. „unlHi „nrI'lnu- ^

■''"jTio"’.l« lrr. .....I^ll.'1.1

r..l«r».l h«n». ••<'*>Uir«0 h in t.. i I.«-aliurn hr»i.

VR VrnJl'rilT

mul.r i II..."z .

(?.>l.‘l'*<l fT.xlit,V i” » *

I'olorwl fl>»n. r..lor.J

lu t lu.

l.^linrn to'lian idiiiU K

Mi>n<Ur>U , . . Mr<llum * il i » M^ilum lUniUr.l

Hl-rk fud . »0a


Co«rl««7 Fred C. F«rm rr. Union raoU io f r r til i l ■ irn l.

T w ln r a t l i

NO RTH W O O D, la .. Oct. ff OJ.R) — R epublican V lcc-Preslden tlja N om ­inee C harle.i L. McNar>- denounced tJie New D eal’s far^n program today as a • 'syntlictlc p roduct" and accused h is D em ocratic opponent. H enry W allace, of seeking to" defend It thcQUgtx ‘'sweeping generaU iatlo ia ."

In v ad in g W allace 's home sU te a f te r a to u r tlirough w estern MUi' nesb ta . M cNory told a n oudlence in tills no rtJ ie m Iowa ham let of 1,000 persona U ia t "we do n o t believe th a t A m erica Is runn ing down."

“ Wo believe A merica h as a fu ture ond th a t th e fa rm e r L<i a cornerstone of th a t fu tu re ," he said. "We believe th a t, u n d e r th e In.iplrlng Irndershlp of W endell L. Wlllkn;, we .^llnll buoi be engaged In working out the bliiC' prlnt.n of th a t fu ture,"

T lie O regon ffniiitor said ■'indiistry a n d ag ricu ltu re nro In the same boot: they survlvo or perl.ih to ­g e ther." lie prom ised. If eU fted, to m nkn ku're th a t bo th survive.

M cN ary rtm ln ilcd hl.i li.iteners tl\ftt WMlftcc’n {ftVliCT. th e ^alr lienry C. W allace, had iKeii a supjinrter o( ttie M cN ary -lInugm plan w hen he was a Ilepubllenn accretary of agrf- r iiltu re .

T lin randU lnte fjiiotcd the e ltlrr W allacc'.i views on the McNary- H augen bill, «nUl they were e<iually valid today, niiit th ru opened up i s h a rp a ttac k on hl.i New Di'nl op p onent’, fo r elulmliiH r rr ill t for fed e ra l benefltA paid to fiirmcrit.

" I su sp e rt,” he (ial<l, " ih n t the fa rm e rs wiilild fa th e r Umi Hwne (bene tlt) rlie rk s hail ronie n;i n re­su lt of hiK lirr pVlcen, paid l>y tlir c onsum er and a t on re a b w l ird . than o u t oT th e accimnilatlnK ilrlil bur den of th e country,"

Dale P u llenw iderv ldaho F a lls , w m elected sub -d is tr ic t governor o f th e newly o i^ o l i e d d lf o lo t tw o. 30-30 clubs, as delegatea lcbncluded th e ir Initial convention he re a t th e Rog-

son hotel Sunday.Iclnlio Is now conaldered o sub-

dlslTlct of No. 1 w h lth U\cludcn Wyoming and U fah. W hen enough clubs are form ed In Id ah o i t Is the plan to consider th e s ta te as a aep*

rule district.Vrsierday'fl closing session s ta r ted

wlUi a b reak fast a t 10 a. m . and cnnduded by 1 p . m . P rinc ipa l

speaker was R obert R odm an. Balt Lake City, d is tr ic t governor, wht» lUo presided.

T o tir liU VIUI Durink his ta lk R odm an called for

'fa ir play" fo r tourU ta In th is Bec- tlon. ]K>lntlng o u t th a t they m ean as much money to th is a re a ■'as m any of the larger Industries .”

He touched on ro ad conditions In Idaho and U tah and .flayed condi­tion of d e to u n a n d * k o general road f.(atU5 du rlt\* tim e of co nstruc­tion. tn c on traa t to th e condition of detours In Id ah o a n d U ta h , he pointed to N evada, decla ring th a t detours there "a re a lm ost as good'as th e m ain roads."

He iirped a tten d a n ce a t th e na- Uonnl convention ol ^0-30 c u>>» which will be he ld In S a lt L ake City in 1941.

Also speaking du rin g th e clw lng se.vsloi" yesterday w as George Soiithworth, na tio n al tru stee from Reno, Nev.

Conscription U ••Duty”He declared th a t conscrip tion will

probiibly h i t th e ran k s of 20-30 club members m ore th a n any o the r organlM tlon a n d fo r thl.s reason urged an Intensive iQ em benhlp to "fill the tan k e u they a re dep let­ed.''

•'ConS’crlptlon.” h e sa id , "should be looked upon a s a d u ty and as personal .w crlflee for o u r country, Southwortli sftid.

Tlie nex t su b -d is tr ic t convention w m be held a t Boise, probably ntxV March.

A pproximately 25 ou t-o f-tow n del­egates were p rese n t fo r th e two- day .lesslon* w hich go t imderway Satvirdny n ig h t w ith * banquet 'and dancc a t th e A m erican Legion hall.

P rincipal speaker - a t S a turday 's c harter n igh t banquet wa.s Tofflcmlrc, local publisher, stre.iied th e Im portance of strong Amerlc^ in th is coun try today a n d .viid th a t fo re ign ag en ts spread the ir \irapaganda p a rticu la rly am ong th e youth.

" I t will be th e p rese n t day Amer­ican youth th a t will play a vital p a rt In determ in ing w h eth er our American trad itio n s ahall bo pre­served." Tofflem tro sa id .

Ray McPskiland w as toastm aster a t the banquet a n d tlie a d d re » of welcome was g iv e n . by M ayor Joe Koehler.

M illard D awson, p residen t o f the local club, received th e c h a r te r from M r. Rodman.

C alled th e f irs t sen tence of Ita k ind In T w in PalU . a d is tr ic t c o u rt o rder today se n t a 20-year-o ld h u sb a n d to la tt a t h a jd labo r a n d In­stru c ted th e county to pay th e m a n ’s fam ily n o t m ore th a n tl-M) for each day h e w « k a.

T h e husband Is K enne th D uncan , found guilty by a Jury la s t week c harge th a t he wilfully faUed to provide for h is wife.

Ju dge J . W. P o rte r sen tenced D uncan to 90 days In c oun ty Ja il "o t h a rd labor" on some .public work. T h e ju r is t th e n o rd e ird th e boord of com m issioners to pay D uncan 's wife fo r each day b e labors—a provision pe rm itted u nder Id ah p s ta tu te s . .

D uncan , w hen appearing for sen tence th is m o m in ;. told Ju d g e S o r te r He h a s tried fruitlessly to find work.

Now pending In d is tric t co u rt Is th e young husband 's s u i t ask ing an n u lm en t of h is m arriage to M rs. L orena D uncan on ground th a t she h a d n o t been divorced s ix m o n th s from h e r preyloua h usban d .


R M tE Y , O ct. 1 (BpeclaD—Johfl a. Amcstoy, believed to be a n s ld e n t o f K im berly, su sta ined head In juries w hen th e c a r he was driving tu rned over S a tu rd ay n ig h t seven mlleJ n o r th of Hailey,, A dm itted to th e H attey Cbnlco ' h o sp ita l a fte r th e accident, ho was s till uncoLsclous early th is m o rn in g -..

Police officers, InvestlgaUng the acciden t, said th a t h e a pparen tly dozed o ff a t th e wheel.

FOOD P U N COSi s n .000W A raiN G lfO N , Oct. 7 (U.R)-The

governm ent haa sp e n t app roxim ate­ly M5.000.000 du ring th e f irs t m o n th s for opera tion of th e agricu l­tu re d e p ar tm e n t's food stom p pro-, g ram , th e surp lus m arke ting odm ln- Is tra tlon announced today.

D uring A ugust th e program cost 14,501,000. T h e f irs t su rp lus food pro­g ram to opera te on the s ta m p plan began in R ochester. N, V.. In May, 1939.

D esigned to give relief fam ilies h a lf again as m uch food for th e ir monoy and to increase th e m arke t fo r su rp lu s fa rm products , th e p ro ­g ram now Is In ope ra tion In 140 c itie s and counties. I t will begin soon In 54 o the rs a lready desig n at­ed. W w t V irginia Is th e only s ta te w here the p lan Is n o t ope ra ting in a t le as t one c ity .

PLAY BY PLAY(Frvia Pfts* On*)

Urer« fktincd (vltiElnK. Wkl* t«f» roundN l out, Oorilc« to York. Wfrber *lngle<l to center. M. McCor­mick h it In front ot th« plkCt and w u out, Tebbttta to York.

No run*. on« tilt, no erroti, one left.



FLASHESLONDON, G et. 7 (U.fO—Ilemd-

q iu u te n Qt G en. C harles de OaoUe sa id ton igh t tt ia t "a la rg e fo rce” of F rcncb pU n ta b a d flow n fro m n o r th A frica t« G ib n ilU r to jo in F m F rench foreea th e re . T h e com m unique d id n o t specify w hen th e F rench planes w en t to G ib ra l­ta r o r w hether a ll l u d e d a t th e tam e tim e.

The com m tinlqae aajd th a t e igh t of the F ree FVeneh f l l o t i were th a t down b u t d id n o t say whom.

NEW YORK. O ct. 7 (U.PJ—G eorge Scallse. form er p residen t of Uic building service em ployes in to r jja - tiona l union, was sen tenced to d a y to serve from 10 to 20 year^ In prison upon h is conviction of s te a lin g fro m th e un ion trea iu ry by m e an s of forged s ta tem ents.

ROME, Oct. 7 (UJO—A B ritish snbm arlnc. pe n etra tin g to I ta ly 's R iviera coast, shelled th * c i ty 'o f Savona, a high com m and com* m unique diaelosed today.

I t was a sserted th a t p riva te houses w ere struck by th e shelU a n d th a t one person wa.i killed

v * S " „ ' f , X “ S S r , ‘ “S


W ASHINGTON, O ct. 7i(U.R>—Acf- m lra l J . O. R ichardson, com m ander In ch ief of th e fleet, reported today to SecreUiO' of Nnv7 P ra n k Knox o n " th e slluaU on in th e P a c m c and pitigrcss of expansion of the na tion 's sea-figh ting forces.

R ichardson arrived In W ashing ton from th e . west coast th is m orn ing a n d conferred im m ediately w ith Ad­m ira l H arold R. Stork , ch ief o f n a ­val operations. L ater h e m e t K nox, S tark . • U ndersecretary Jam es V. F o rrcsta l, and A&sistant Secr'^tary Lewis Com pton.

K nox announced th a t “ro u tine re­po rts of the flee t w ere received, the s itu a tio n In th e Pacific discussed a n d m a tle ra pprlnjnjjjg to fx p a n tlo n to d a te of the navaJ estobllslim cnt discussed."


buildings adm in istra tion today a sk ­ed landOATiers in fhe Boise a re a t? subm it bids T liursday for sales of

I acres or m ore of land to be used )r a m ajor defense housing pro jec t. T lie land will be purchased a s a

site fo r con.itrucllon o f single and m ultip le -un lt qua rte rs fo r betw een 350 a n d 400 commbMimed a n d non - commlMlone.d oftlcer* and, th e tr fam ­ilies who wlU be s ta tioned w ith an arm y bom bardm ent group.

Real e.itate m en estim a ted th e federa l governm ent would upend one m illion dollar* on th e proposed lioiiS' Ing project.

B ids will Include th e p rice per nro and a separnie quo ta tion for

he p roperly . J . L.M urphy, represeiilatlve of th e p u b ­lic building adm lu ln tra tlon , will be in Boise th is week to apprnvn the selected location and com plete the sale.

Idaho r a i l s dlntrlrt I’ot^Uiea IQO.T w in F a lls d lit r l r l iMUloea as,

onlnns 3, apple* 3 (for relief).O aldwcll dUUlct~.A|>plr« «o (SO

for relief), leltuen S, onlnni • , oar- ro ts I.

Nyaoa dliU lcl- -Onlnns ] . potaUi^s

B hipinenia for Humlny, Oct. fl:Id ah o r a lU dlnlrlct i'nt«ii>M 40.T w in r a i l s d U lr k t- P n ta to e i i .

oarro ta a.

An IcabAX was sotK to a t\ Baklnto (C harlie Paitollli, of HI. M ichael U lam ll -by Jam e* M oran, a sa la i- m an . a t Ju n e au , Alaska.


BER LIN , Oot. 7 HJ.m-An au thor- ice«t a ir fon-n A|>»kr.Mnun nnld t i- n ig h t th e LufLwitfle U no t conduct* mil ft "bliU krIeu" aualiw l llrlth in b u t h a s liivoke<l lunieiul wiint lie ra iled "ham m er blow BtnilvKy."

'I'lio a ir force n|H>krMnini, t4ilkliig w itii foreign prcn.i rnpreiientatlvei, sal<l i li ls ahowt^l th e nblllty of O er- m an a rm rtl force.i to changn the ir pure.

Htiwover, lie dt^'Uued to nmy v,iiy th e "h an u u e r blf.w" »ln»tenv Inul i)een aulM tltuled for Uie "blllrki lrn" theory.

Ho sa id U iat th e "flrnl pha'ie " ot tiie h am m er blow tet-linliiue hud Iwrn com plelwl and th a t llm n u n - pa lgn was presenlly h i llin ne< r)nil, or m iddle phanc. He liKllc«te<l th a t mie m ore |tlia*e Was yet Ui come

As th e spokesm an explained the new Q em ian s tra tegy , aulliDrlieil sources reporled th a t Clermnii ImhiUi- era du rin g Uie day a ttacked lou th - ran t IlrltaiiA (he Induatrlnl mlillniKls a n d tlia *l7ianien a rea w ith "iirnvlest h o m ^ ."


W ard, 73. was wotklng tii h u h a rness shop wii«n a huilv yixilli a n tared a n d announced he was g o ln i U) iiold up th e store,

"I d o n 't tiilhk you 'ie m an enough ,” W ard answ ered and flung lilnueU a l Uta arm ed w ould-ba band it. A few m inutes scuffle ron - vIncMt th a band it th a t W ard was r i f h t . H e fled.


Tw^n Fnltn law enforcem eiit un its will be reiirenentrct a l the one-day coord ination m erttng of local a n d treasury depn rtm en t Ageneles T u es­day a t Butte, Mnnt.

D eputy n iie iifr C laude W iley will rep resen t th e eouuty and C hief How ard O lllette the c tty . T hey left by a u to today for iliitte .

M eeting w ith i-ounty. m unic ipal and FB I repieAenlativea o f th e northw est will be the U eaaury de- [w rtm ent's various enfo rcem en t b ra n c h e s-sc c re t service, narr.otlrJi, custom s, liitelllgenrn. ro ast guard a n d alcohol tu*. T lie session will open *1 10 a. in. T uesday a n d Jo h n A. Carver, United H iates d is tric t atto rn ey for Iilaho. will be m a jo r speaker.

C om petlllvr p u io l m a tches are p lanned a l the n u tte U u n club 'I 'ueaday atierutm n.

Death Taken Dabe Of I'Mlcr Couple

M ary Ann Hwnnnon, I n f a n t d a u g h te r of Mr. and M rs. M . H. Hwanson, Filer, died H unday a l 11:00 p. m, a t (h eT w ill i^ l ls county gen ­e ra l iioapKal following a week'a Ill­ness. f lhe was born April 19, I9S9. In •I'wln ra ils .

ru n e r a l services will ha held W ednesday a t 4 p. in. a t th e T w in ra l l a m ortuary tiiap e l. I.. D. B c h u rc h offlc lah conducting th e serv- leee. In te rm e n t will 1m h i 'IV ln r a i l s cem elery.

T he p a rrn la , Uirea sisters, A rleen, Nanoy t<ee and U ’raliie Hwaiison, a n d th e g ran d p a in ils , Mr. an<l Mrs, B, O . Uwanson and W illiam Kelly auntlvo.

O allfom la h a s a |)opuUUon of 97 poTMiW par passmtgar ««r, wUUa Ar* kanaa* haa I t l i^eysnna pe r paasan*g er c a r T tie averageUi« U n ll« l S U tes Is 4.0 |>eisotu par p a a H n ia r car.

Kl on Io\ir ■truljihl pIlcliNi, tUlllic >iuf» Jo«*t rulinl out, Oelitlniierniii*. f>n<r hit, BO m of", le ft

KKillTII INMNOTxblwiu r>niiii<-Ml «>it, Werlwr

MrCiprinlrK. Axrill, batting ten CA. «riiuiii1*<l to McOoniiKk ano tiilNl when Uie n«a«' hral ii*n <1>c>pi><<d th* i«i| M li» col-

wllti IJmiilia llalliinlant. Aiilllvan IIS lor lUrlMI fii~. in U Uc. ilrli, A.rilll li

h u n d red tim es too fast. I ta lk a line.

m cr." T here 's e ig h t r ig h t oround w ith in 15 fee t o f me. Tlierft's trucks and cars a ll over Ihc yard. I t looks.

* llfh t- i« l»i< mill Crourlicr

, ......... ............... Ill* TIS»r». Mirrr*ii»iiir<l nwiiiHliii. Wkltera )>U a liniii*

' left fiflcl wall. Werlier ■»ini.l)«li. M. UcC..nnlck >'m»ii lliMt U> (IreeilliM*.

I mil. •iiin hit, no rtron. ooe lali.MNTII INNrN<J

PI* (I'hiliiirr KiiiiiiKtKt to Uyfra. lliicw wiiiK u> f|r«l, til* l>«ll aet-

. •<*•» IiKiii r. UfOiitiiilck. (leli- • Ins r I.iillisi un .1 ..e n d aiKl M)rers * u rUirKNl «|(h 1,11 rrrur. (Ire«iil>ete wilkM. Vitk hit Into k c1oiil>1* i>l>T, WfrlicT 1.1 Jr*-i 1,1 f, Mi(;orml<-k. Oth-

■iM>\liii( i<i 1,11 Ilia play.'II (llwl Ui, UcOiHmlck.

Murtau)?h Co-ed I)ie.s in Oregon

M D Jn 'M ld ll, O ct. 7 (H|)eclal> — Fuiiara l servlrm for Miss J e a n Boyle, 19. daiiKliiei <if Mr, and Mr*. J , I t. Hovie, will be h rld We«1ne»day a t 3:30 p. III. iiinirnd of 'fuesday . a t • he Twin I'alln m ortua ry chapel, Uev. j(»P|iii lu ii C oulter. H ansen , offklniliiK Inleriiien t will be in 'rw in F a lls reiiii-lery.

Miss Hoyle dleil H nlurday m orn ing a t th e Hftinn, O ie,. general hosp ital. H er m otlirr, wliu called to fia- leni by h rr llln rsi, nroom panled th e iKKly t<\ > .hrte i t w as m e lv eAMoiiclnV liy Ilir Twin P a l ls 'm o r tu ­ary,

Misa Hoyle Imd enrolled a l "Wlf' lam ella univeri.ity, Balcm, a few weeks ago. Hhe was bo rn J a n . 7, l»93 Hlie was grndualed from th a M iirta u ih h igh srliooi J u t spring .

H er |>ar(nta and iwo sU U n , Mra, B ertha MItehsI, n , |,m , a n d MU* Joseiihlna Boyle, M urtaugt), ■ tm lvfc


■ No. 10034 NEn« N Pm ir.ItL A N l)8 AMRUICAN

MOUTCIAOK HANK, LIM ITK U , a cariMratlon.

P la ln llH ,

flILAB O AfXKN, A IXDUISSI m a Y A L I.K N , husband and wife; CAKHAIt WUNNEU, a ninxlc m an ; O . A. WOOE. a bachelor; M. O. C U M M IN nu an d OKOliCiE E. PUCiH.

D efendnnta. U nder and by v irtue o f an o rd e r of

sa le and decree of forrclosuro is­sued ou t ot the DlflUlct C o u rt of th e E lrveiiih Jud ic ia l D is tr ic t of U\e H tale ot Ulnlw, In a rtd for 'IVlcx F a lls County, on th e I3t]i day of Soplem ber, 1040, In the ulxive nr.llnn, w herein New N etherlands A m erican MortKage llniik. L im ited, ob ta ined a decree against sa id de fe n d an ta on th e I3th day of H eptem ber, 1040, w nlch said d rctee was du ly recorded In th e Knrords of Judgm enla o f aald TWIn Falls County, I am co m m an d ­ed to sell all those c e r ta in Iota a n d l>arrela of Innd bounded a n d d e ­scribed as follows:

N E 'i and N^i N EU. Heo. 33;NW ‘*, Heo. 37; W 'i N W 'k

Bee. 33; NH N E U , Sec. 38; NW U HW H, Hec. 31, kll In Tw p. 11 fl., R', 17 E. B. M., Tw in P a lls Cm uity, Idaho , w ith 7B3i) sh a re s o f aUxtk In th a Balmon lllver C a n a l C om ­pany . LImJted, a coriM iratlon, a p - p iirtenan t.N O -nO * IB IIERED Y G IV EN ,

T h a t on Uie lOlh day of O ctober, 1940, a t 10:00 a, m . of U ia t da y . In frn n t of tlio C ourt H ouse In th e City a n d C ounty of Tw in Foils, I will in obedlenea to said order o f sa le a n d decree of foreclosure a ril th e above dcKrll^ed prrmLies, o r so m uch th e re ­o f a s m ay be n e c e a sa rf - to f a l i a ^ p la ln tK fa ludgm ent w ith Ulterefit a n d costs tliereon. In one pa rcel a t •no tio n to the n ig h n t titdiler.

1„ W . H A W K IN S, S h e riff,

p ub . Times, Bept. Ifl, M , W , OoU 1. 1B«0

of people clear down lo tlielr sock,'.

A Hpccial on ncHolulc ICehyl

D rive up nnd holler:■ “ E l h y n

T h ro u K h o H t Ih c e n llre m o n th o f O c lo b c r.

W e'ro uiilontllng a c iylond of p ly­wood tills H aturday anil th e (lint cnrload of A rkansas moUir o il will iindoublKdly be unloaded Uiln Mon- «liiy. And we're ordering a n o th e r c a r lo iK) shipped Im m eillntrly, O ur A rkansas m otor oil business U cri • ta ln ly Koliig w onderfully, I1 ie iieople a re n o t d«clve<l w hen they IwUove tlia l A rkansas h as iiroiluced Uie best m otor oil in Che en tire U nited B lates. And oiif glnss)junU)ess—mull,

' linn. It's Iniiiii-nsU. W e're shipp ing I t In carload loin now. Wo need a big wiircliouAn Imlll like a s la te ba iii - l) t) fool wide and 303 foot long w ith a leiiii-to on Uie back. Well, th a n k you, everybiHly. Ju s t keep on coin­ing.

A Hpvclnl on Ucmilul« K lh y l

D rive up tiiid h n llcn ••Kthyl"!.

Tht;oiiKhoiit th e en tire m onth o f October.

1 d o n 't w an t you lo forgot th a t we h ave-a good price on th e galvanised plt>e. I t 's a Youngstown prodiuit and no b e tte r galvanised p lix Is made. T lie h a lf- in c h Is Ifl.lO a huiiilied, a n d If you have a meinlieinlilii r a id I t's AC; off on tliiit. All o ther iirlres

lordlngly: on tlin Ih iee -c iu a rlers ' a«ul.oua.iJicli; lU Inch. I t i in c it a n d - 3 Inch.

Pratt Gim &-Glasn, Lumber. Oil & Coal Co.

“O n tlM Road U> Ilia lloapHal’'

MonJ«Y. Oetelwr 7, 1940 IDAHO' EVENING TIMES, IJWIN FALLS, IDAHO P a g « E la v m

Consult Business & Professional Directory for plumbing assistanceW A N T A D R A T E S

For PubUcaUoD in Both T IM E S »nd KEW8;

RATES PEB LINE PE R OAT; 'Bis d»yv p e r Uoe pe r l U y --------12cT h m d*yi. per »no per <Uy _ l S e Oiw d»y. pw’ — ----------;— 2*0

33 1 /3 D iscount For Cash

Cash d iscounts allowed If advertise* m en t U paid for wllhlD tsven day# of tlr« t insertion.No e lau lf led ta U k en for less Uian

’ M e IncludlnB discount.L ina of classified ad v erlb in g com* pu ted on basis o t five medium* leng th words per line.



L««v« Ada a t K & W R oot Beer IN RUPJ31T

Leave Ads a t A e s ld c ^ e o t. - Mrs. Id a w n ee le r, n i B Bt.

IN BUHL \ •Leave Ads a t Joslli^s

Shell Super Service Station.300 Broadway South

T h is paper subscribes to th e code of e lh lcs of Che Association of News­p a p er Classified Advertising Man- (iRcn and reserves Uie r ig h t (o edit o r reject any classified advertising “ Blind* Ads” carry ing a News-Tlmes B o i num ber a re stric tly confldenUal a n d no In form ation can be givnn In regard to th e advertiser.E rro rs should be reported Immedi­a tely. No allownnce ts-111 be made fo r more th a n one Incorrect Inser­tion .


b e d bug fum igation. T . P PJoraL

DOROTHEA'S Rest Home. Invol- Kl»--*lderly. Mod. ratea. OlBB-tU.

A M H irCA N Dry C lenners guaran ' tea you high quality repairing and a ltera tions. 410 Sho. W. Ph. 371.


8W EBT d d e r 16c gal. Public M kt.

M ISSO URI so rg h u m . Public M kt.

Dress up your

home for winter

U p h o ls terh g and r e fin ish in g

services are lis ted in your

Bjisinesa and P r o fe m o n a l

D irectory


PERM, special: » i-«3 .50 : Ifr-JJJO . Craw ford Beauty Salon. Ph. 1674

SPECIA L »e wave tor |3 iO ; (4 and >5 w aves price. Idaho Barber & B eauty Shop. Ph . 424.

A R T IST IC BEADTV SALON O il pertn& nentsllA O up. P h IQO


o n P e rm an e n ts »1H0 up. Jun io r s tu ­d e n t work frea. lU M ain Wm L

K RA U T cabbage, 1 ml. E. ' i S. of E. end M ain. K ny’s O ardens.

SW EET e lder; treaU?d ns required by Pure Pood law. Id ah o Vinegar te C ider Co. 535 W all S t.

G RA PES, 05c. you pick. OellclQUS. Jo n a th a n apples. 35c to 90c. C. V. Jones, a ’ k ml. S, of South Park.

DELICIOUS. Jo n a th an , Rom e Beau- Mcs a t B ren t’s, 3 m l. S., 2 E.. ‘v S. of K im berly. R a tes to truckers.

W IN TER BHmiiiii, Dcllclous, GrlmM G olden, Jo tm lh an npple.s. Bu. truck load. 1W„ \ S. Klmb, H,

APr*LES, Delicious, Jo nn ihnn and Rom s Beaulies. Kenyon Oreen, 1 rill. 6-. ' i W.. U S, of Bo. Park.

O E T your w inter’s supply of w inter bnnniiu, Delicious iiiicl Jnn n tlian RPlrirs nt njrhar<l pilot,-., lodayl NorUi M ain P ru lt M arket.

M cIN TO SII. Di'llclouB, W inter B a ­n an a, ni)d R om an Ueiiuly apples. E. L, W onacott O rchards, 3 ml. E. on Hy. 30. ‘i 5. Ph . 0402-J3,

A PPI.ES. 40,000'b ii. All vnrlPtlfs. f\ll Krnrte^, by bii. o r Iruck lonri, 2‘ nncl up. B ring ronlnlnern, H. l-fing’s W arehouse. 423 K, T riirk l.Hne,


WK hnvp ll<lnlr^ unuiinK KlrU lo wriiK for nil. nncl IkI. ulillo niic iu l- Ing biiMnrrA noliool. T, I''. Uu«. U,

POU H A I.K -In lnniitlonal Corre-^lxlllllrlll•l' ;,rlii>cil rmir.spi nnv Mil).Jnai, c;o,it Jlfld, will «rll for ITS, or will tliiilP lor «<»«l I'i'w or liPlJt- I. K. Kiilglil, Ulioflhonr.

A lJ lC U A n ' TH AININGnhortflKn of T riilnrd Mpu Offer

Vast, O pixirtutilllP i NOW.Mc ti Id to JR. Nnllvft Horn, wIiMc

only. To «(( to AnilPrMin Alrplnii'n HclionI 111 AmkpIp" for Mioi't UiirnAlvfl rourftp In a irc ra f t Alriirtlnn. TinlnltiK to cniitlnufl by n lgh l Bchool nftpr placom nnl. Piirt tu ition , tran ip firla tlo n needPrt lo t>l4|rt. Ual, piO<l out n( PiirnlUHA

jab. tOl placed pwil 20 ilaya, iftn Mr, Ikpnliprry, Mi I'uen. W rd, n<>KPrMiii IIoIpI, i w e If you ra n <\uallly, or wi

I Box 30, Nrwa-Tlinea,

MRS. Neeley will leave Oct. l& to fu rth e r specialize In bcRuly work and requests tliose palroiiH desir­ing h e r personal work to call be­fore th flt d a le . T he regular opera­tor will con tinue In charge during h er absence.

SIT U A T IO N S W A NTEDBEET hau ling . Ph. 14B0-W evenings.


IM M ED IA TE Opening. Good W nl- klns route In Twin Palls, Chr, exp, uiniccps.mry. Avernge pftrnlngs J25 wkly. Poy s ta ru Immed. Larccst compan>’. best known prodiicl.s, biggest riemiind. W nlklns Co, D-83. W inona, Minn.


W ANTED; Young girl. Eden Cate.

YOUNG wonuui housckec|)er, Ic em ployed wirinw. Good h o m u n a ll WUKP.-'. ne f's . Ph. 1770,


W A N T r.l> -Tw o m en and three wo men w lih rar« . Arps 2.\ lo 40. Qunl IflPd for buslnPM earepM, Must be able 10 nippl public. Good Income Sen Mr. Skidmore, Rogerson ho- lei, Suntlny. Oct. e iti; 2 10 6 p m : M onday. 7(h , 2 to fl p, m.

(H IS IN E S S O P P O U T U N m E !



SLEEPIN G room . Room w ith prl. v a te show er. O lnw cd In sleepnig porch w ith alcove. Stoker lieni 207 8th Ave. E.

ROOM A N D BOARDRM . & bd. 563 2nd Ave.

. 120 6 lh Ave, N.

ROOM a n d tooanS. 381 2nd Ave. W.

RM . and bd. M en picf. 745 M ain E.

W ELL fum-. f ro n t rm . for 2. Men pref. E xcellent food. Ph . 1401-w,

U N F U R N IS H E D HOUSESL arge m od Bl, Lks. Blvd. Ph . 17S0-W

5-RM ,. m od. except h t. Ph. 374.

2 RM S. 313 Elm. Inq . 127 Ash.

5 RM S:, b ttth . 351 4 lh W, Ph . 1289•^


R E A L E S T A T E FOR SA L EA. trac ts , >4 ml, W . Bughouse.

50x135 ft. lo t In So. P ark , sm all down paym ent, \e n le n t t t rm s . P h . 319.

EXCEPTIONALLY nice I n c o m e property In th e h e a r t of T , P . Will consider good fa rm land up to 160 A. W rite Box 34. Newt-Tlmea.-

FA R M S A N D ACREAG ES _______FOR SA L E ___________

S A C R in c E m y Imp. on a ftov. 40 Al In K lm b. d lst. School bus r ( . elec. Price $335. Bx 21, N ew i-Tlm ea

l^ E D E R A L L A N D B A N K ~ FA R M

80 A. V i m l. NW of B uh l An BoUe highway.

) A .'tv a te r r ig h t. PuHy Improved, w ith good w ell a n d elec, power. \ ml, from L ucerne school. Price W600. T erm s. Low In terest. I n ­quire J , W. McDowell. NPLA sec- ireas.. 113 3rd Ave. 8 . P h . 431 Tw in PalU .

W ANT to trad e for Idaho p roperty : A 4-rm . brick house in Phoenix, Arlz.. 113 ft. fronU ge. 200 ft. back. Su itab le fo r to u ris t park o r apts., on m a in highw ay. Address Pen- •U rm ak e r A pts., 132 N, AlWon A « . Burley. P h . 256-J, Burley.


10 A. close In . lays fine. O lU -R l

ONE Of th e best 60's under th e T T . C anal Co. system .


31 A., 3 ml. W . of S. Park, a ll in hay and blue grass, aprico t o rchard , 6- rm . house, elec.. deep well, on paved road . Price M.OOO.'

0 A. deep soil, f> rm, s toker, good outbldg!< shrubs. I2B0 per A. kins.

mod. home. . shade, fru it K . L . Je n -

110 A. fa rm In hlRli p roduction to sell a t lOO per A. Would tak e WOOD or *4000 T « 'ln Fnlls property In p o r t paym ent. Sflilm Inv . Co.

160 A. la n d . 61 sha res w ater right, 81 A. good farm land. All in good s ta te cu ltiva tion . Price *3100.00 cash . T . B. Brush, agen t. R ich ­field, Idaho .

120 A. good land , fa ir Improve- m Piits. to n northslde town, $5400.00.

80 A. sp lendid land 3'4 m l. from tow n. *35 p e r acre.

40 A. abo u t 7 m . from T w in Palls, SI.000.00.

T hese farm s have .splendid w ater r lghta and are partlculaYly a d a p t­ed to growing aU alfa. com , onions and po tatoes,

EASY TERM SC. A. Robinson, Bank <k T ru s t Bldg.

P o n SALE—30 acres. S room house, b a m , chicken house, deep w ell, ' elec tricity . A 1 1

fenced. Close In. A bargain a t * 3 0 ^ . T erm s.40 acres, 4*room hou^e, stable, chicken All fenced ; one m ile from tow n. A re a l 'b u y . 1135 p e r A.J . E. Roberta * .A , B. H en so a

333 M ain Ave. N.

S E E D SM lrhel's a n d C rested W heat

Ora.s.s. Prices reducedi Globe L aying M ash.... MJO cwt. Globe D airy P eed .... 12.10 cwt.

Seam less Bags. 35c C leaning a n d Storage



Michel's gross .......................6c lb.Crc.stcd w heat g r a s s ............I2c lb.In te rm o u n la ln Seed & Fuel Co. Phone 120 T ^ 'ln Falls', Ida.


rO R SALE—C aterp illar 20, com - plolely ovcrlinulcd. new brakes. Mrs. N. A. W allcs. H azcllon.

H A Y , G R A IN , F E E D


Phono 73J3— we pay phone calU.

LA'YING MASH20% Pro te in ......................... *2J0 cwt.15% P ro te in ......................... IlSO cwt.


B u s i n e s s a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l

DIRECTORY[. m od. house. O arage . Ph. 3.

3-RM . and b a th . In. P h . 338.

SO O N —Mod. 7 rm . and ba th , locat­ed easl p a rt. W ould con.slder leas­ing year. Box 32, News-Tlmes,

F IV E room, well locnletl. Oil hPAter, G arage , Four room house, close In, F u rnace , I.iiniidrv,



MOD. fum , hoii^'o, 4 rms., glas.ied-^ 111 |X>rcli. O ar. ln i|. 330 ^iid Av, N

W ELL furn . nio<l. 5-rm , hoiiie. Full b a sn n en l. stflkci. elec. ho i w alrr hentpr. Blue Lakes Add. Pli. 010.

~ ^ ’A N fF n > TO IIEN T O r f ’ L E A S E

BO ACnKS or m ore by responsible pariv . Uim fuiTilsh rqiU pm rnt and fljintu-e. Refs. Box 3(J. Tlmes-Newi

“e S T A T l f LO A N ^



L 0 8 T ; W hile tw btnlled sow, 130 lbs. M eyeu. Ph . 0lB7*ni.

LOHT—2 black, wtilln face aterra, WI MX) lbs. Hrituii D - . Pii J e r- nma 3tl4-J3.

L O ST ; T op h a lf of extension la d ­d e r betw een Uhoslione a n d rw ln P a lli , R ew ard, 041 3rd E,

2 H M H . Plec. appliance)). Ph, 33« .

MOD. fu rn . ap t. 3AI Btli Ava. R.

HMAUL a p t. for 2 aduSU. Ph, 617,

2 IlM/i. mod. ap t. 460 2nd Ave, N.

APT. OrvrnKP. Adulla. 338 Bth Avn. e".

3 IlMH. flin i. liPilt, 432 3d aVp '* £

C O :^ 2 and 3 rm. apta. Ph. Ifllo,

A 'm iA O , fro n t ap i, 210 e th K.

3-RM . fu m . ilungalow apts, 2nd R,

JUB-I^MERIE Inn P h r i f lT o a iu 071

L O ? r r - l O uen isrv s lre r . w t. about 800 Iba.. 1 re<l oow. aU iu t 1000 ihi.,

- In violnltv of M tirlaugh. K. A. T olm an. P h , 1032. Reward,

I<OSTi Drown Ira lh e r n(>leinM>k non> ta ln ln g paiH ri and money, ftn- w ard, keep ilie num ry for return or (lie book, •H arold U. Harvey, Cllt^ H all,

r j f i i i a o N A L s

SHARR exp, eara «nd p a u . m o it plana*. T rave l B ureau. PJ». 3213.

B E A U T Y B H 0 P 8BP^O . perma., 83 com p.; D»iart. |8 ;

n a tu ra l M.00. «3« Malfi i«, M«»j.

APTB Tlio Oxford, 43B Main Nortiv

3 R M S : m odern . prIvaU bnlh, Pur- nacfl h e a t. M ain N. Ph. ITiJ,

3-RO O M ap t. for couple. LlghU w te r pa id . 417 W alnut,

F U R N IS H E D ROOMSPRON-V rm , Htoker. 143 b’uT ho!

N IOR rni., fltoker hV Ph” 3103,

W ELL fu rn , iw , H to k e rr iif l 'ad n T

t i lS A M h e a te d m , 4I» M 'ftYa, W.

FR O N T bedroom , 4 i4 I r4 A n . ■.

1<0, db l. rm .. fum , h t. t t t Main B,

W ARM n n - boa rd o pU onal Wo-W

BPEOIAL ra te s for I girU. Btoker lit, CkwUof, laund iy , prjv. Ph. n i3 ,

UW INANCF; ym ir 1o«h r I lo’ riitr. Miiiiilpr imvniPill;.


l,OANI5 on FA IlM h nnd HOMEIl, Fred I’ U ates—N o rth rn Life Ins Ct), P ravey -T aber HUlg. Ph. 1278


ra tea a n d lerm si

i>!,% In a ll U n d Blink burrow eri a io curirnU y paying. Why pay more? Hce NuUonal Farm Loan OJflc# a t 111> S 'd Ave, H In T. P.

H OM ES FOR SA L E4-llM . house, Intj, 183 A ih fl.7 p.m.

ft-Ttmn mod. ex, h t, 3d \ ^ T p i r i 7 8 a ^

I 'lN i’: reniiKlelrMl ap ts , H team ht. lUokrr, IJlfOO dow n, 137 0 th N,

7-itM . Il0 ll^e. new roof, mo<l,. tx> rep l heat. Oloaa In. Naw doubla ( .ra g o , *3600. P h . aoeoj evenln«f.

NHJR l)lg iiom e wlUi a tlrao tlye BtnuiidA. W aslj in ito n a6hool dlst. A ll-day sun room. 3 flrtnlkces. (Jood fu rn a ce a n d stoker, Bar- gninl r . A. RO BIN SO N , B ank s , T ru s t U ld i.

D O NT~PA Y W EN T r b w ij yoii'r iw n Home for leaa on M% PHA plan. I3A34 i>er ino. oovara taxes, Insur- ■ iiip, a n d pm t, N ew fO .rm , dwell- i n i w ith nreplKCe, stoker, elec, h o t wat<T h ir . I n beat d istric t, D 43 -oven tn ta 380.


W ANTED T O B U Y -a r f l ra ta 40 . SO, w ith T . P , o a n a ) Oo, atooh,

SW IM X N V nT M K N T 0 0 ,

B a ih s an d M assagesSta-W eli, 535 MalO W, Phone 155..

B icycle S a le s & Service

See J e W hite first for loans on homes oc business property Low rate s—^u lck service 130 Mam p.


B icycles lo r R entOLOY STEIN -3 - PHONE SOO-R.

C a rp en ter W orkExp. rem odeling. R eas, Ph . 1630-W,

Chiropra6(orK» r . M. w lim T T a s M am w . p m 247.

C oal a n d WoodPH O N E 3

(or AUiMdren tu a l, niuvliiti and Unn-sfer McCoy C oal e» Transfer.

C u rta in Shops

Je lllson .C o . 435 M ain E. 436-w .

O steo p a th ic PhysicianD r. B J . M iller, 413 MaUi N Pti 1977

Floor S a n d in gnnndlng. H. A. Ilelder 0D3-W.

Job P r in tin gIA IJT Y JO B P R IN T IN O

i.p ilerheads , . . Mall Pleert iun ine .u C ards . . Polders

StAtionery TIM E S a n d NKW8


Insu ran cePoat'ey-Taber O o . Inc. Phone 101.

Ni)i'thwr>lern M utua l Life Ins Oo; M K. Hetmbolt, Bp. Ag. Ph. IR24.

K e y S h opHriiado Key b^op . 130 2nd B t sotiili.

llitck of Id ah o D ept. Store.

L a u n i r iaParl.ilan U u n d r j , P hona 8M.

M on ey to Loan

» » • I « • .1 8 8 I *

$5 to .$50to working people on iiirir s ig n a tu re only.CASH C R C D IT 0 0 .

R<ni 1-3, U urkiioldar Bldg. Pli 7IA > » * » » * < * <

$15 AND UPon your o a r o r fu rn itu re

Pnym ei|ta to a u lt you r Income.L O C A L C O M PA N Y

W E S T E R N F IN A N C E CO. N ^kt to PM allt^ Bank

M o n ey to Loan

$25 to $1000O N Y O L II! C A R

UP T O IB MONTHS T O IlKPAY C on lracis reflrfanccd—private sales

fin an c ed —cash advanced

C onsum ers C redit C om pany

ANSW ER: An o ld-llm e football fo rm ation ; a large, fru lt-c a tln g bat of th e Old W orld; a w restling hold.

H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D

FO R S A L E -5 0 acres F le tcher or­c h ard pastu re , heavy a lfa lfa. Ph. 258. Filer.

FO R SA LE: E lectrical fixtures, fluo-. rescen t m a teria ls , floor and table l a m ^ . Low prices.


CUSTOM G R IN D IN G G rind I t w here i t g row v

M ORELAND M IL U N O SERVICE, P h . 318. F iler. Pti. calls oH g ttad lng .

1 used co al clrcu la t 1 used e lec lrlc range ..

LIVESTO CK FOR SA L EI,good used baUi tu b -I used lav ato ry ...........


POLAND C hina boars and gilts. 13 yrs. old Sprlnfter Jersey cow. 850. 3 So. 1 E. of f :. Main.

FO R SALE; My reg is tered Holstein c a itle . Herd s ta te accredited. H. S. Beals. G ooding. Idaho .

1200 Cro.wbred w hite face yearling ewes Suffolk Hnmp. bucking lor J a n . 20 lam bing. Joe Y raqul, Ph. 0403-J12, or Roy P a in te r.


NEW Hftmp. R ed fryers . 029SJ3.


SPR IN G E R cows, Leo J. Hsnloti.

H IG H E ST p rices pa id for your fat chickens and tu rk ey s Independ­e n t .M eat Com onny

M on u m en ts

D r. O W Rose. 114 M ain N. Ph. B17.

P ia n in o M illWe m ake sash , duors. sore«n.s, cnhi-

n e tj, c o u n te rs—a n y th in g of ivixKi T W IN FA LLS LUMBER CO

Phone B42

F or a ll genera l building and nlaning m ill w ork seeM onlooth & S 0JIK, :17H-W

P lu m b in g an d H eatingS7'OKtCR, oil burn ing e<|ulpiiiput.

P lum bing, w ater softener. ShIpi and service, A bbott Plbg. Pli, 85-W

R a d io R epa irin gP O W ^ L Rad’lo r iM “3nd 'A venuB ll '

S h o e D yein gID A H O ~ ih M ~ eh ln e ^a ll colms.

S h oe R epa irin gL E T tis rep a ir your ahoes for the

rom ing w in te r m onths. Tw in Falls Shoe R epair. 133 W. Bhoshone,

T ra ile rsT raU sta fo r r e n t 3fll F ou rth Waet.

T ra ile r Houae*. 0 « D T raile r O a

T y p e w rU e r t841m . m u i a a n d tenrtoe. Phone 90.

U p h o ls ter in g

>Voodii>orJI(<ii9 M a e M n « r v

D elU wmtdworkhf k i u J u n k B o u M n o U a ia • .



DKER rifles, Shot guns. Pli. 1713.

F IE L D .B A G S, used only oner, and up. H . Case, 3 S., 2 F nf 1

O E N U IN E c u t glass. HevernI plri'Pi of D resden a n d H avlland chlni P rice reasonable. 120 7Hi Avp n .

IILDO. 10x18 ft., new shlnitlp Suitab le fo r.g a ra g e , woik simp dw elling house. 850. 138 W alnut

PBTERB a n d R em ington shot ulirlls a n d oUier am m un ition . All fli quality , fresh stock.


W INDOW a n d A trTO O l.A fts No lalmr c harge for wlndnw kI'i 'S if brm iglit to store. I<ow pi on au to glass,



1 used elec. w ater p u m p ...............|30A BB O T T PLU M B IN G CO.

u n d e r F idelity Bank


IM P. a c rc a se for la rge house or ilu - plex. W rite BoJc 35. Tlmes-News.

5-RM . house ; 2-rm . house. 313 Mon-


PIA N O for sale. P h o n e 1378.

13 F IR S T grade band Instrum ent siim ples. 7 d ifferen t makes other lh a n C onn . 25% to 40'". discount lo close ou l.

D nm ns-W orner Music Co. Klks' n id g . Ph. 601 Estab. IS Yrs.

A U T O S FOR SALE’3fl OUlsmoblle. Good cond. Small

down paym en l, In a 435 4th Ave, N


owned an l n t « r ^ In rea l property s itua ted In, th e C ounty of Twin' Falls, s u t e of Id aho , a n d -described- as follows, to -w it:

An undiv ided in te re s t In the N ortheast Q u arte r (N E ’h ) : th e 'E as t H alf of th e N orthw est Q uarte r ( E 'iN W 4 ) : tiie N orth­w est Q uarte r o t th e S ou theast Q uarter (N W U SEV i): and the N orthwest Five (8) Acre# •below. - T w in Falls C anal C om pany L a t­e ra l In th e Southw est Q uarte r of Uie S o u th ea st Q uarte r fS W 'iS E ’i ) : a ll 1 n Section T w enty-four (34), Tow nship T ea (10) S outh , R ange IH lrtee n (13) E ast o f Boise M eridian.

Together wl^h a ll w ater righ ts a ppu riennn t and belonghig tlirrcio , ineludlnR Tw 6 H undred E lghty-flve (265) sh a re s of the cap ita l stock of T w in Falls C a- ’ no t Com pany, evidencing the w ater r ig h t a p p u rte n a n t to said premLses.And th a t Ute deceased owned an

undivided one -tw elfth ( l/1 2 th ) In - . te re s t in said rea l property a n d th a t no applica tion haa been m ade In th e S ta te of Id ah o for th e appoin tm ent

an A dm inistra to r of th e E state said deceased by any, one and

th a t th e In tere st of sa id PetlU oner' In said C sU te is th a t th e Petitioner has derived U tle to th e rea l proper­ty above described a n d an .In terest there in from th e helra o f sa id de­ceased Ella A. Schenck by convey­ances and haa a n In terest in said real p roperty a n d l i th e ow ner of

n in te rest the re in .T h a t said P e titio n prays th a t the

c ourt make a n d e n te r Its Decree es- fftblLshlng of record a n d .determin­ing who are th e h e irs of th e de­ceased Ella A. Schenck a n d the ir degree of k in sh ip to th e decea.sed and th e rig h t o f descen t of th e real p roperty of w hich said deceased Ella A. Schenck d ied seised a n d th a t she died In tes ta te and determ ine the tim e of de a th of th e decedent and th a t the C ourt m ake and en ter Its Decree in accordance w ith sa id Pe- tlUon and decree th a t said E lla A Schenck died D ecem ber 30, 1M7, lnte.^tate and seised of an e state of Inhe'rlU ncc In th e above described rea l property a n d le ft as h e r heirs th e persons nam ed a s follows and ' Of the degree of k in sh ip as se t forth , to -w lt: . .

Jam es B. Schenck, a b ro th er; Oarl D. Schenck. a b ro th e r: A nna E. Em inger. a s is te r ; Jo h n H. Schenck. a b ro ther; O er tru d e McLean, a niece: E dith Steveais. a lso know n as E dith S tephens, a n iece; M ary Jane S achs, a g ran d niece; M argare t Sachs, a g ran d niece a n d Robert Sarhs, a g ran d nephew .

And th a t sa id heir* were enllUed to th e r ig h t o f descen t in sa id real p roperty a n d th a t a ll of th e r igh t, title and In terest of sa id deceased E lla A. Schenck In th e rea l proper­ly above described h a s descended to a n d vested in th e persons abo'/e nam ed as h e r heirs.

N O TICE I S FU R TH E R GIVEN T h a t F riday , th e f irs t day -of No­vember. 1040, a t th e h o u r of 10:00 o'c lock A. M n a t th e c o u rt room 0: sa ljl court In th e ' County Court H ouse In T w in F a lls County, S tale of Id ah o h a s been appoin ted as tlie tim e nnd p lace for th e h w l n g of sa id Pe tition when a n d w here any person in te reste d In aald E sta te of E lla A ,-Schenck. deceased, e ither as a n heir or c red ito r, m ay appear and ob ject to th e g ran ting of said P eti­tion and siiow cause w hy th e prayer o f .some .should not be gran ted .

D ated th is 28th dny of September. 1040.

• C A. BAILEY. ,I SEAL) Probate Judge.Pul). T im es; Sept. 30; Oct. 7, 14, 31.


»3.W E Q U IT Y In 1041 Ford for »nle. W ill a cc ep t 10'’;, dl.stcoiiiU lor cn.'li, Box 40, Newfl-Tlines.

'3ft PP iuxn PIvm m itti ...._■... 83.50'3. I’ly inou tli 4 d i. ^^.l^.ll ..........$335'37 D eluxe Plym oiilli Coupe $305

Hee New Dn RotoM Tiip^Mlny >llll.^c'll M u to is 30.S Kill), S.

T l u T c K s ” A " N D " f U A lL E R S

in n . n trenm llned ir . hoiiMP. nil liiiilt- Ins a n d Ice box rotnp. I’llccd for iiuick sa le , 34S 4lh E.

K X O eam O N A L L Y « e ll built trallsf house. P hona 543.


B R IC K m e each . Nlitris, quilts, b lankets , ra incoats . nvrrsliiK's, field a n d onion bag*. See Idiiho Ju n k House,

U SED tha linw well syntrm , 390-gnl, caiM clty, 835; 3 good uited .hiiiid pum ps, 88 e a ,; 40 ft, lU - ln , k*1- r a n lw d pipe, 1-1 In, cylinder. kikkI rond., a n d 40-ft, Steel rod. 85; l used 0 |>en type pu m p Jack for xus engine. »A; 1 B r l a s 4i BU atkxi I H. P, a ir oooled g as en ilne , |3A, FI.O Y O L O X Y . a i4 Bhnahoni R

“ h o m e f u r n Ts h in g s ^A N D A P P U A N C P S

HRATROLA. C all 395 7lh Avn. East,

aiN O L E M selMd.'ootnp. ijTBIcfiiry,

R U S T bnd-daveno. 83ft, 7M M ain H.

HRATROLA, W ashing maoltlne, II* brary tab le, le a th a r obalrs , bed, floor lam p, dreoser. 349 Locust.

U N O L S \n 4 » n . wirta pe r r\»T|. n ing foot. Kxam ple, 7UxO alse, 83.70.


MCH(X)L b us tm l',4-tou tn irk ; 1 i r a l le r , com blnatun i slock. Phone A03-W, liu h l,

FO R H A L ^ lO W T T m C. AO 303 IH Inn tru ck , slake IkhIv. iiochI 7:t)0 llren, 3 ni>rnl ax ir, tiuilor re«m d. I.rfiw m ileage, nn ex tra good buy' J . L, F ow lei, I’ll, «4, llrtlley, Ida.


N o i 'K ^ ~ o r i iK A n iN o ”o r TIO N KOit d k t k r -M IN lN d i n i ' IlK.IItN OP IIK- ri^lAHKI), IMKIIl DMtntKK OKK iN H n i r ANH t « k r u m i t o p DKHCKNT U P UKAI, PR O rR K - TY.



Plaim iff,

H. O. D arnesDefendant,

U nder a n d by virtue of an Execu­tion Issued ou t of th e above en­titled C ourt, In the above entitled action, da ted the 3flth day of Sep­tem ber, 1B4(). w herein th e Plalnlllf ttirtiviufd ft Jwlgnu'ivt ag a in s t the Pe fend im t here in , on th e l l i h day of O ctober. 1037 and the sum of 1100.53 a t ih e da le o f ihe W rit now Is due, I have levied upon a ll the r ig h t, tllle, In terest and claim of sa id dpfendiint, of. In and to tlin following described real estate, stand ing on th e records In th e nam ea of H O B arnes, E dna V. Ilrashears, Jesnie V, O liver and Robert O,

ir.v filiuiited in T » In Fulls Coun­ty, H iale of Idaho , lo -w ll;

An unillvided n iie -fom th 111- te rest In a n d to I » ls fi and fl, Hlork Rft, to w a ilte of Twin riills, Idaho .I'UIJMO N O TICE IS HiCREBy

O lV E H : in^A t on th e 36th day t>( October, 1040, a t th e hou r of 10:00 6'clork A. M. M ounta in T im s, of said day, a t tlie Cant F ro n t Door of the Court H ouse of th e C ounty of T w in Falls, S ta te o f Idaho , 1 will, In obedience to said E xecution, sell Ihe above described property to s a t­isfy p la in tif f s Judgm ent w ith Inter­e st the reon , to g e th er w ith a ll eosU th a t have a c rn ie d o r m ay aconie, to th e h ighest bidder to r casb , lawful money, of th e U nited States,

D ated a t T w in P a lls , Idaho, on th is 2Sth day of Sep tem ber. 1040.

I,. W, H*AWKINB, H h e r if f / 'lv ln Falls County, Idaho.

Puh. T im es: Sept, 80, O ot f, 14, 31, rtW ,

In th e M a tte r of Uie K stale of Klla A. S ohenok , deoeasfxl.


th a t H a iti* J. Olbatm also known « ■HttU6-Jani"CnBiion. T u l i S T S thU Court h>r peutlon M tU ni fortti Uiftt Klia A . Soiienok died I t ^ U U on DecemlMr >0. iPtT at in . PuJuU , Illinois. « reaXUnt o t M l. Pulaski In th e ODunty o l L o n n , Btat* pi IW- noia and th a t aaiS O la A. Sohinok died M iH d ot an M ta(* of lnh«ri* tance In th e BMta of td«ho and

FARMEltJ)STOCKMIN-•■r*-K..’2 r - r r

Page Twelve IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, October .7, 1940



As 20-30 Chib Received Charter

Dsfk bv fi; Ihrni jiiill V in brokrn 1

othrr<i(.rr Ihr- iirr;

WllllOllt (

fvowrd thp Ji rirnpix'd six lionib' Enuliind iiuirkri to

.RllPiifc wliUti hull n ont. Ilir tilKlil nvpr niKl ftlincvil nil of hisiri.

Mlllloii.s o( Lo;i

,s IIO'■niry

lait pl;u

llirir bomb

I down MKir liK'hKhiit! stn

b r fo ir (law (I snulIirH?


rill lx>

plni - Gfriii

. fic

E ns-

u-i,'„ liH- iiic .Irpl iiiKll.stm-ljPd

riiidlnn Cicmiim uiitl

purily rpr.poii.slble for d ie iibscinc or tlic OermBU i>lu3ics. T licrc wii:, im IncronsliiK tcmlciicy, however, lo lU- tr ib u te a kockI sliiirc lo n miticiibly »trrnBllicnc<l <lcfciisp vvlilcli wiis mnkliig a c rm n ii rnld.H Itirini.sinijly costly.

No "Boriiltif llcll"A O rrnm ii oftlcUil new.^ nijpiu'y

dlspiilch Imil snia yc.stcnlny Loiuloti SalurtJay nlKlit wn.s •'nKnlii n i)lrHii o of burntiiK, smokluK hell." TViere WHS c\lrn o rtlln arlly licavy HrlnK by nn tl-f ilrcra lt buiis . SnUirtiivy B ut tlie boinblnB sccmcil less m - tciise ihnn tistinl nnd no Ilrc i wt-re sron from thP U nited Press tnwer.

T he nlr m in is try nnd hom e scrur- Uv mitilMry comnninltiue ye.stenliiy nioinliiR sfttd tli rrc had b rrn n lew Itrcs wlileli had been qulckl? ex- tlnfful-sliKi. liicldCHtnlly. rain nldwl 111 puttlnR ihcm out. I t Is ixvv.lble lo sftv th a t London «ns no smoklnK, b u m lnu liell nnd liail n ia been one any o the r niR ht. /

A R O U N D(h e


PA R IS ivlii tien iiiiii .o iii ln t npi'lUD—U r, O lto HcM'ki;, nclnitnis irn to r of K rrncti pil'-cm cuiniv., io!i th e fori'lun prr.;i li><tiiv Unit roiidl llon.^ are ko<kI in ih f I'limii', i>n<l iliii Am erican new.spiipi'r^ niriviiij; Mor Iv.s in th<* opiiO 'll'' ■■ricii \>M

Mild ''ln'(i»-t, ln.l 'Mil-'

NKW V (lltK -M a< k ii ; i.uilo (n-cluv l ii lr r ir ii tr i l i> I .......l lir (l.flKn-lon Hrlllvh frrlK lilrr (irlirr^il w hicli rn io ilr it nlir >Ki(t h rrii l(>n>rcli><-il n irlv Iml.iv iiliciiil ron n illrt <itr lh<- v o iih n rs i u( IrcluLiKt.

UK) .lA N K llll)

urmal j r a n t of rJia rter had o f flria llj placed Ihe T n ln Fall* 20-30 rlub nn thp national ro n k r today. \ r , Irri to rlxht, M as Bpolh, O cdrii, deputy d istric t (o v rrn o r of snb-ilK lrlr l No. I ; Millard D .tnson. pr«si< t (if llir T « lii TalN club, rrcflv ln j; t lif ch a r te r : Geo'rer Soulhw orlh, Iteiio. na llnnal tru*ilpc; Knbcrl Rod- 1, Sail l.akr Clly. d istric t sovcrnor, p rrn c n tln t the c h a r lc r ; UuRh W otith, ^last-pccsWcfvl «C Ihp Boise club,

It.iy Mi-I'arlaiul. i<>:i.stmaslcr a t the Unnqiiet and se n e ra l c hairm an of c h n rtr r iiifh l.(Times r lin to and tn j: ra v ln ()

W. P. A. Road Work in County Totals 236 Miles in 5 Years

iiiiiK Ilic t h e yours in T w in fi KiilK cdiinlv. WPA crrw.s have con-

tuU 'd and .Mirliic-tl 238 m iles of id, ti cllMaiRC rtiiial to th a t Iroin in f 'ii lh 10 S a lt l.iikP C lly. 11 wii.s ■

luniiicrd ihls ;ifii'riii)on by H nbcrl H am pton, dlsirlul n ianase r w ith of-•' '■> lit niihl.

liuiipioii niiiilp ih l.i 'n ti iln n c n t ns ri'lvA .wS n vrpnri ot \lie ftrci»n-

plKlnnrnl.-. ot llip \V1>A In th is ro u n - lor ih a l jXTliiil. ■nio rc iw rt w.s Ih a t n im l roads In farm muinlllc.s idialt-d 163 mllp;;; two ■ brldnrs were constructed w ltlv ii.1 h 'n« lh (.r r>l f e d : ’10 brldj;e.s ^ rccoiislruL-ti'il w ith a to la l

ir iic ih nf 701 fp il; nine nia.sonry IdKP.'i were placed w ith a totf\l of

rJO fLTt; 12U culvpils, toUiUU\B'3,517 and 148 culverts, to ta lling 4585

Icc t were iccon.'.tructwi.O ther Work

addition In the roads m en- ilunctl 111 the report, there Vi'cie IQ nillps nC road side dralnlnf? con-

:tpil, liicludhiK plpf-i find borrow jjlt.H, and 4, mllc.s o f road side d ra ln - OKC rccQnslruclfd, T lic la rper p a r t of

iich construcllon took place h i -thc iiral areas'drvplopUiKTlartn'to m a r­

ket roiuls, the report shows.DurlnR the flvc-ycar )>erlod. WPA

•ows In various ciilps of th e county in?;truclcd 70,271 fre t o t cu rb and ri highw ays nnd cli'y strcel.s trn t- c control llne.t of 16R:340 fee l, or

npproxim nlely 34 ' mllc.s, were painted.

.Constriicllon worh durlnR th e pe­riod, Hnmplon',*: rcim it stiow.s. hv eluded 12 new bulkllnns. recon- .slruellon of 3H buildings nnd build- liiK of flvd addlllon^, lour of ijohiR to schools. Als<i built th rc r recn-atlon bulliUnns. om inlto ry nnd o th e r stotaIlcc bulkllnKs.

OraiidstaiKlKTwo K iandstands, wli

i-apai-ltv ol «<■!••and (»o cntndM ands, wi rapacllv of 2,(>00, w

of w ater m nlns -were rccon- ctcd ; five nnd o ne-hn lf nillp;. nt ,'ianlinry M w m w ere la ld ;. th r re one-half miles o f san lu iry rcw- were reconsln ic ted ; th ree cc.i.'i-

pools iind two septic ta n k s nnd niso 4,n00 fre t o I sprinkling system In public pnrk.v

Flsh R alchcry Onp lto\i hnUrhery wa.n lecnn-

.Inir.icd brinRlnR up th e nniiuftl m - pnclty 10 600,000 fhiKPrlhiK.H; clly parks, streets and hlfihway.s wpri- bpneJllted and m ade m ore snfe

:h the conslnintlon of 1G,4«7 ,f retftlnlMK walls, 3.50.S fp(;t

of rlprapplng; 300 f re t of Irrlua tlon d lich wa.'s constructed and 3.455 rc-

.iriicted: 20,03 acre.s of parks ! landscftpcd', {o«r ornftmcnisvl

pooh were rceonstructed ; drftlnaRi work w as completed on 13.81 acre of a irpo rt lan d ; six m iles of fenchiR was constructed nnd n ine nnd one- h|tU miles was rccoiiKlructcd; twv tunnel.s were consirueied wlOi n to-

Ipnclh of 074 'feet; 38.000 ynni. Rravel and .«anri wa.s sppiirrt

and 43S feet of concrete pipe man- ufnctured.

L- dor- nnd o{


Pedestrian Hurt When Hit by Car

Condition of Sydnev M yeis, 47 who suffered three frnciu^ps of tin le ft leg w hen struck by nn nulo mobile w ithin the c ity llmlt.s S .it- ucday nlRhl, j,fis salrt bv hosp»n\ offlclnl-t today to be "cood."

Myers, police records .show, s tm ck a t the corner of Shosli (ilrect nnd Scroiid avenue sou lh by n ninchlnp bpInK nppraltd by F . W, n e ed . 172 nnrtli Wa.slilngton stree t.

S . 1 R K I E K CUASHINCiTON, Oct. 7 lU.' ro-hnur A dm inistra tor P h ilip D, iiini!-nnnoim ced to<lav th a t e m ­

ployes whose rcRular w nrk-weck be- Klns before m idnigh t Oct, 23 neec conform only to. (he p resen t 42-

axim um durlnR th n t week.U nder th e la ir labor .standards •t, th e tniiximum work-wpck dc- p.ises nutom nllca lly on O ct. 23, cniid ann iversary nf th e s ta tu te 's iinl approval. D uring th e yenr

Ihe a rt 's rffccilvcness Ihe w ork- cek was 4 i hours.If th e rniploye'.s work-weck b e ­ns on nr a fte r m idnigh t, O ct. 23, !• said, th e em ployer m ust pay tim e ,;d !\ UwH a lte r 40 h o n rs a re wovycti.


rn lls lm cn ts are now being ac- ptcd for a class In th e n 'v a l re- rvo known as ‘ of m en 17 to . vonrs of age who a re com m ercial • '.unateur rad io operators, It was nii.unced th is afte rnoon by C. A. itnntii.son, officer In chnr>(e o f the

iccrulU ng stiitlon In th e post- tlro building.The men m akhig applica tion III eood ch a rac te r, and be able to

I S Ihp required physical exnm lna- (111 Acceptable candidates , upon ilwiinent, will be tran s fe rr rd lo a hIIo or signal school a t Los Angeles r n r,idlo school a t San FrancUco ■here they will receive a four loniiis' course of Inatrucilon de- Kuril to qualify them for th r ra t- le o[ rad iom an th ird or slg- alin.m th ird class in the naval re-

tatinind equ ipm ent will be p.ild by

till- -.lovcrnment. A fter completion of the rou rsc o l Instruction, ilPtiL-. will be given a n opportunity to ^nrve fo r an add itiona l period o;‘ llnip on active d u ty a t sea or ai n a \a l ;ho re rad io sta tions. Pay wll niiit:'' from ,121 to 160 a m onth , de- iwiulliie upon th e In itia l qunllflca tlnns and ndvonecm ent. and nil met must agree to serve on active duty no! .'r.s.? th a n one y e a r IncludJnp the four m onths’ schooling.

f:dinon.son said th a t anyone inter- psied .‘'h bu ld com m unicate w ith him a t oncp a t th e T w in F a lls postoffice, DntB can a lso be ob ta ined from the navy recru iting office a t tiie federal building In S a lt L ake City.


W ord had been recPlvi-d bpre to ­day of Ihe d e a th of F. D ou-lns H aw ­ley. f irs t Scout executive of th s Snake v lv tr urea council svivh henil- quarlcr.s In Tw in Falls .

Hawley, according to word receiv­ed by G ordon A. Day. ^nT^pnt. exe­cutive here, died about two wrcks ago \>;hllc on a cnmpInK trip ■ m em bers of a Po rtland Roy Scout un it, A fler leaving th e expcutlvc po­sition a t T\vln F a lls he went to Wfll- la W nlla. Wiisli,. a n d Ihkt to Olym­pia , w hen ' hts .stnvwl in Ihe .same capacity , ic th ln g from .service n t the liittc r point. His dei.lli occurred durUig the lUslU afte had rcrlred, nnd his i)»xl> was covcred by iroo]) nu'inl»-i.< the m orning,

Altorney Speaks To Latawah Club

HANSEN, Oct. 7 < S peclal)-A t' tornp.v Lionel Cam pbell. In address lug the Sen ior lA taw ah club oi Ti|ps<lay, urged Ihe group to .school hniii'Plves h) th e m a tte r of projKi- nmdn,

■ \Vf should be preparing oui niiiils and bodies to accept cmtr- jriiclr» whlcii we m ay be fore«^ to Ihco boih physically and mentiilly, ‘ he inld them . "M any questions nr

iked by th e public w hich urges one i In.MH on you th s of varlou.s or- m i/jitlons being encouraged U i‘pp pliy,5lcally a n d m orally strong r)(l m entally a le r t by way of open

dl.scu.'.aon on problem s of th s d a y .' he 'a id

'.Mrs. H arold K oenig. In charge o thp progiam , in troduced th e 'g u e s t speaker, A brief business m eeting wns abo conducted.

Mrs. D. J , Koenig, n t whose homi Ihe nii-ctlng wns he ld , was a.s-slstPi by Mr.- . Will Em ery In serving re fre.’.hinenifi.

Fun at a Chowder Party

Com pletely relax ing from (he rare* of .slate and polillr*. P residen t Rooievelt enjoys a h e a rty lauch wllh K atharinp ilepb iirn as Ihey sip f lth ehow der d a rin g recen t visit of Ihe famed aelresa to Ihe P residen t's Hyde P a rk home.


Slate o f m nominees for th e fIX lo be tlHed In th e T « ln F rUs

J unior Cham ber of Commerce elec­tion was announced today by P resi­den t R obert H- W arner a fte r report of th e nom inating committee.

Alton Y o u n g 'r tn d Jim Bow'flph ere selected as candidates fo r the.

presidency. One or th e o the r will succeed M r. W arner.

Klecl Oel. IS Tlie election will be held a t Uio

Jaycee m em bership mcpllng T ues­day. Oct. 15. a t the Pa rk holel. O f­ficers will take over Immediately

.and will hold the ir paM.s un til Oel.1941. Dlreolors chosen In llyj

ba llotlne. however, will hold ofllee for two years.

T he full .‘ liiip of Jaycee nomlnrp?^. s spleclp<l by thp com m ittee headed

by Tom Ppavoy, If:President— Alton Young and Jim

Bowden.'F irs t v ice-president — L o y a l I. .

Perry and F rank iT o n y ' W arner. ' Second vice - prpsidpnt — c . A.

Bud) B uffington and C harles Steber.

Secreu in-—Stanley Sturgeon and Max B. Miller. *

Trea.surer—Jam es A. Sinclair, Jr., nntl Russell Thom as.

Director l.lst D irectors a h r r e to be elec ted)—

Roy Babbel, W alter Dos.s, Hob G reene, R. E <Bud> KIme.s. W il­bur 'M cK ray, Jo h n Yaple.

E n te rta in m e n t for the Ocl. l.S meeting will be provided by the board of directors.


A T ennc.«ee college dean and n we.stern bu^lne.ssman lam ed as an in sp ira tional .speaker will headline th e 1940 " teache rs ' InstU ule" of ilic S outh C en tra l Id ah o E<lueatlon a s ­sociation in T w in F a lls O cl. 2.^-2(l.

Tlipy are Dr. Joseph Roemer, dean of Peabody Ju n io r college, Nnshvllle, T cnn., a n d How ard (PaU Patience. Denver, division m anager of W est­e rn A uto Supply c o m p a n y .'

A nnouncem ent of th e sj)eakers was m ade by j . B. F rid ley , p residen t of th e sou th cenU al educa tional o rgan ­ization.

Mr. Prldiey- sa id reg is tra tion will be a t T w in Fnlls h igh school Friday m orning. Oct. 25, F irs t general .ses­sion will be a t 10 a . m . th a t day. w ith

Dr. Roemer speaking on "W hat I: DemocrBtip School? ’

Tlieme of th e 1D40 in.slKule Democracy In th e S c h o o b -U o w

Much,"Annual Schoolm a.siers ' luncheoi'

will be held a l noon .F rid a y , and pctlonal m eetings a t th e h igh school 111 constitu te th e afte rnoon busl le.vs t)roi;ram. Footbull gam e th a t light and the a n n u a l In stitu te dance ,•111 round out the Inaugu ra l day,

Mr. patience will speak a t the S a turday m orning. He will dl.^ciws

Is O ur Kducatlonal Navy Properly planned? ' Bu:ilne.\s ses.slon will also

be held th a t m orning, an d th e a n ­nual alum ni Umehcon of form er Albion S ta te N orm al stu d en ts Is scheduled for noon. S ec tional m e e t­ings S a turday a ltc rn o o n will wind up th e Institute.


Tlie average life o f ar. ftuiojnobllo is now eight and th ree -q u a rte rs y ta rs lus com pared lo th e old figure of six and o ne-hn it years.

BO ISE. Oct. 7 fU.R)-C. Ben Ro:.s. Idaho 's only th ree -term governor, will open a one-m an cam paign on beliftlf of Mayor A, C lark o f , i Idaho Fnlls, Democrniic nom inee for g f governor, a t Eagle T liu rsday flight.It wn.s nnnounced today. •

ROS.S .said he would ndctrcis fa rm ­ers In 20 or 25 coimlles du ring th t course of his tour.


distinction of linvlng th e m ost m em - ber.s In one fam ily serving w ith th e C anadian, a rm ed forces is claim ed by th e Tliomp.son fam ily in R cstl- gmiche county. Seven of 'WllllBm Tliompson'.s .sons a rc In nctiva Rcr- vlce w ith th e C anadian Active Ser­vice Force.

W ife Gets DivorceMrs. Florence L eG rand received

divorce decree In d is tric t couH S a l- urdny against Edw ard L eG rand , to whom slie was wed Nov. 13, 1039. a t Nam pa. T he,w ile received re tu rn of her form er nam e. Florence G las­cock. ,

TIh' constltulion of the United S la te s w ent Into effect on th e Jlrst W edne.sday In M arch. 1789.




lUM'd lo .• troopn hii'l 1..1 w hat pi,


c ii i 'N O K iN ii — o rri ii .iu un lrii loclny 3K0 » n-il i iu l AOfl Hi.iiiuir.l li. Ihr

III hMiuliiy iir l>l| .t..| Mi rUI i«|iinilr<ii»

MOIiCOW A lliiM -,|,u I

defenses iiiiiUi «ns ........ nnfciipervl.sioii <if M arshal Mi ihmiu inoshriiko, txivh't wm i-<iiiinii'- n:

HANOI. l-rriM h lix in -n ilii.i (Inv. Je an d r 4'<mih> rrjr.-lli.n llifl tleiitatido of HlnlUi^il ihluiAlt lnda-(<hlna rai>*e<l » i r a

___ .Scliool TcstH SetA cH iovem rnt lc « u n im o t the

two M rtM g iva ii miAiwlly in 'i v in n U U county rurnJ •ohooU - will bo

- g iv tn -W w lrw a d ty or UiU week, ae-



n a rk a t T oil oe tlr*

Phone 870

l y y n ^ m i lc 6 C r u is e r 4 - D o o r , S i 0 2 0 * (S tw ie

VHnJel H . S l O ' i y ) . /V /f f f i jic lu tU c h ro m e fe tu le r o riu iiiien lt.

TICKK’fl ilrlvjii,- . . . . /-/«-"<• and /. J ly t l r a - M a i t c , y..i Biiii a to p —wIiliDiit p reM —n r |;e iirn h lll tn nn iitipn- l a ie . Y ou r ru i a o In a n p n r- ■inoolh foutlh . A nd If ymi w a n t ox lra “ [xip" for paaaln^

or clhnbiiiK , >>< th e oc<-Blrriili>r unit ii pIcU-UpKCurawfrpayi., I i ia h in tly , A vuliiililn O lda n«Klol« for l 'J 4 1 - ( C n ila e r, D ynam ic C ru ln rr n lo w - p r l n n d O lila S p e n iu S U o n d Ult.'lil. T r y It lo<l

.................. «r « a y a , 'a » « r *S O Cf O ••Mich. Tr0n»por.

•nf)iOplloiial •iiulinifnt »mla«o«t§o- rJ**—•» » « . I'rhmt (o oAan||*iv<rAoufnn//a<>.Ai>«r<iiRAi.H(m>aavAi4ia * o n . . »,.il..n.l .1 .Ml


CHANEY MOTOR CO.Miiin nnd F o iir ih KiinI Twin F n |h


PUBLIC SALET he L one S ta r Ranch having been so ld , R . E . Shepherd o f f e r s for sa le th e fonow injf lis t o f pcrjwnal properly at th e I /)n e S tur Ranch, I m iles South and fi m iles o f Jerom e; or 1 mile South and 1 m . K. o f Falls C ilv School House.

T h u rs.O ct.1 0 ,1 1 a.m.39 - CATTLE - 39

14 Head High Production R egistered Holstein.sAge Dam Blre riri-d Test

Cow ....... B yrs, old Peg«y HiiiUPslPiid . Governor Hi)iiiPst<-ad ....... 7-3(1-40 . . ... :i sCow......... . S yrs. old K<-ho Heryl nr|{'1)1 ’ ... Govrrnor Homestead . . . .ju st Fresh. . 3 04Cow......... -5 yrs. old Beryl Hciim-M.-ad Kcho ....Louis Jerome ......... . (1-7-40 ....... ..,.3.-J(lCow____ ., r. yra. old Bacouesa Jeiome .....Clovcvnor l>rk ol'R rryl....... .. !»-'J:1-40 ...... . . .3.'i3Cow.......... ..4 yrs: old Beryl llomi-sioad Kcho . .. Louts Jerome ....................... .. 1-2-40 ' ........ ,.. n.iBCow ........ ..3 yrs. old Knrnilykc Htnneslni<t i;<-h0 . l/>uts Jerome ....................... , S-ll.'.-IO ......Cow......... ..4 yrs. old Baroness Jerome 11 Louis Jecome ....................... Kirsheiied .... H'JJCow........ ..1 yrs. old DeKol l*egi:v Hniini'stra d . ...I.,ouls Jerome ...................... . 7-in--lflCow ........ n yrs. old Beryl IIoiupmpikI (■•rlio . Loiii.i Jrroiiie 0-R-4H .. J HCow .. 21 Mo, old KoriKlyke Honn-.' lead IiPr\ 1 Idaho perlrrlim i Kiiiul»hBull. . 11 Mo. old Beryl Epho Knrra Stic- . . .Id a h o Pcrfeclion Kamlah .Bull Calf 3 Mo. old Jpioiup Ann ..... ....Joe Pan.'iv Boy.......................Bull Calf B Mo. old Beryl Houjpslrucl Krho .... ,.. Hir Honipo ................Ball Call a SVks, Old D<-kol llomestvi\>l llfl-vj ... Jop n-iy .............

2,') Head i)l' Grade Hol.stein Stocl<I'rr-.ln-lu

. Ih ri l n-l;! 40 Hied 3-ln 4(1

4 Years lil rMlPd l l - n 1i>

(linv ... 5 Yearn JJinl .VUl-m . C ow M atured Hied il.::ii.40 (.•ow a Years lireil 4-J3-40

All n itt lc h a v e hern (CNtcd for T, crfdlU'tl. All priMlHcllon flKiiri-M v



•J YearsCiiw . .. -J Vnir,1 lin 'd :i-::,'i-4nCow . Years Hieil 7-l!,\-40(.'ow ,. ,. . .n . Mo. ... llrn l O-mi-tl)Cow . ...It) Mo. litrd H-I1-4Ut\)W .. . .2 Vnii.s Ilr.’d fl.7-40(.'ow ■i Yeai* lired 7-»-H)Cow . Cow (:i>w . C o w . Cow. ,

, r . Mo. . . . 17 Mo . .. 11 Ml.... 14 Ml)......2 Mo......

It. and l{iint(H dlnviiHe nnd h c id itnn lirt'n he­re t iih iiln ti'd hy (h e D a ir y H e rd Im p rn v c -


HORSESy .s old. noo ; inurp, H

ir , 9 years old. Ift.tO; lioi^ home, sm ooth, 1300; mar

le . sm ooth UOfl. w are, I p, n mnlit.lui old.


C hina g ilu <lu 4 H pollrd J ‘oli O iipsler W hite

■ Hpolteil I’lilaiMl Oliliia 3 U|KiIle<l Poland (;iiliia

■ ow soon; n ((polled I'cilaiul (o fariiiw Ih-Iimo l ) r r 1 ;

Kl Clihni ii'-i)|pd sons; i iMiiir; S V-iypn hog iimi-ien. igiis and wiK)d barrels.

F A R M M A C H I N E R Y; hay rack ; hay

dls<‘ inillivalor; Colorado pl" hiirnrii.i; PonW m

lioilnp R)cl3, double Ijoaided:

lion hiMTow; «-fiHit dli c o o t kllpni a UlK «

Hagon; h in d rr ; 'J-wav ditcher iliualnr. 4-lio ine frrsn o ; inni w llh li-w ay phiw. roriiiH alor

Oiiip rq iil |in ie n l: d illiI, j)lti-lir<»k», ^ll(lveln and m any o the r sm all llei

'I Ifl-holr Kialn drill; corn lowers; Rlrte delivery rake;

liean fiiltp r: lioel iiUiler;' ure fipreadpr; Burr m ill; and mower a tla r lu u rn ts ;

|K)wer grind nlonr;I loo I

MIhK KQUII'MKNTlU lle r; Hiirgo inllkri*: l iie la wpai.i caiiji; la -ga i. eleolrle w ater hnitPf. Terms:; CASH

R. E. SHEPHERD, Ownerfl«le « t I I , I .iin c h bjr H . W . W l l . I J A M f l O N , Clerk

(iranjr* COI-. JO H N IIAUTHIKmN, Jerom i E . O ^W A l/nC H , Filer, AiictUmcem

4 ;

top related