give me joy in my heart, keep me praising. give me joy in ... · give me joy in my heart,keep me...

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Give me joy in my heart, keep me Praising.

Give me joy in my heart, I Pray

Saturday19th September 2015



For Further details: Tamil chaplaincy UK.

Tel-020 8870 6257 or visit

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Programmes Doors Open 6PM

Lighting the traditional lamp


Welcome dance by Wallington youth group

Dance by Southall youth group

Dance by Wembley youth group

Singing by Earlsfield youth group

Massage from the Chaplain

Talent Contest - by Kenton youth group

Villu Paattu by Norway youth group

Speech by the youth Secretary – Charles Amir Louis

Speech by Chief Guest – Rev. Fr. Reginold

Drama “Ooril ilanthathai velinaaddil meeddom - Inga ilakaporathai yaar meedpaar” - by Eastham youth group

Dance Wallington youth group

Drama – English pesinalum thamilandan- Earlsfield youth group

Singing by Southall youth group


Vote of thanks


Ending the programme 11.00pm

Ecclesiastes 11: 9-10 –12:1-3, 12-14

9. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk

in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things

God will bring thee into judgment.

10. Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and

youth are vanity.

1. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years

draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

2. While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return af-

ter the rain:

3. In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow them-

selves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be


12. And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and

much study is a weariness of the flesh.

13. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for

this is the whole duty of man.

14. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or

whether it be evil.

Psalms. 119 : 9-12

9. BETH. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy


10. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

11. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

12. Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.

Ephesians 6 : 1-3

1. Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

2. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)

Good news Praise the Lord Jesus Christ

Message from the Chief Guest

I deem it a great privilege to be able to participate at the Youth Night that will be taking place in London on September 19, 2015, along with some

Tamil Youth from Bergen, Norway. I am sure this is going to be a great event showcasing the multifaceted talents of our youth living in London. I am quite pleased at the fact that our Tamil youth living in London have this wonderful opportunity to come together once a year and I would like to congratulate Fr.Sebanesaratnam, the Catholic Chaplain for Tamils in London for supporting this initiative. It is my wish that this Youth Night should gradually evolve into a celebration where our youth from different countries in Europe could come together and meet with one another. Jesus said I have come so that you may have life and life to the full. May this event become a life-giving event for all the youth participating at this event. I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to all those engaged in organizing this important event.Looking forward to seeing you all on September 19th. Edmund Reginald Saveripillai OMI Chaplain for Tamils St.Paul’s Church, Bergen,Norway.

Message from the Chaplain

vdJ md;Gkpf;f jkpo; fj;Njhypf;f ,isNahNu>

,t;thz;L ,yz;ld; khefupy; ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpy; xd;wpizAk; cq;fs; midtiuAk; tho;j;jp epw;fpNwd;.

,isNahiu mutizf;Fk; moFk; gz;Gk; ,NaRtplk; cz;L. cq;fs; epd;kjp Fiyf;Fk; Nghyp cyftpay; ,d;gq;fspy; njhiye;J NghfhJ ,NaRtpy; xd;wpiza cq;fis mioj;J epw;fpd;Nwd;.

,yz;ld; tho; jkpo; fj;Njhypf;f ,isQHfshf xd;wpizAk; ePq;fs; vkJ Md;kPfg; gzpafj;jpd; J}z;fs; vd;gjid kwe;J tplhjPHfs;. khwptUk;

cyfpy; khwhj tpRthrj;ijf; fl;bf;fhf;f Ntz;batHfs; ePq;fNs. ,iwtd; cq;fSf;Fj; je;j Mw;wy;fs;> jpwikfisf;nfhz;L ,NaRitg; Nghw;wpg;GfOk; rhl;rpfshf ePq;fs; ,yz;ld; khefupy; thoNtz;Lk; vd;gNj ,NaRtpd; tpUg;gkhFk;.

vt;tpj ghFghLfSkpd;wp ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpy; xd;wpize;J vkJ jkpo; fj;Njhypf;f Md;kPfg; gzpafj;jpd; tsHr;rpf;F cWJizGupa Ntz;Lk; vd;gNj vd; Ntz;Ljy;.

,d;iwa epfo;tpd; Vw;ghl;lhsHfSf;F vdJ ghuhl;Lf;fisAk; ed;wpfisAk; njuptpj;Jf;nfhs;fpNwd;. ,d;iwa ehs; cq;fsJ jpwikfis ntspf;fhl;Lk; ehshf mikaTk;> kfpr;rpia kw;wtHfSld; gfpHe;J nfhz;lhLk; ehshf mika vd; MrpfisAk; tho;j;Jf;fisAk; njuptpj;J epw;fpd;Nwd;.

,NaRtpd; md;gpy;

mUl;gzp nrgNerul;zk;


jkpo; fj;Njhypf;f Md;kPfg; gzpafk;

Message by the Youth Secretary

Our Dear Chief Guest Edmund Reginald, Rev. Fr. Sebanesaratnam, the member of the Committee, dear Youth, Ladies and Gentlemen

I am truly honored to deliver this short message of felicitation. First of all, words are in-adequate to express my joy and my deep gratitude for the opportunity and the term of office that I have been granted to lead the youth team of the Tamil Chaplaincy. I am truly thankful to Rev. Fr. Sebanesaratnam and the Committee for their unstinted support and encouragement given to me at all times. Although I joined the Chaplaincy back in years, I have never got fully involved until last year when I was invited to take part in the Passion play. Without any doubt, my active involvement in that Play and the subsequent leadership of the Youth group have truly helped me to get interested more and more in the spiritual animation of the Tamil Youth, for which I am thankful to the good Lord.

With deep sentiments of gratitude, I congratulate all the Youth Members of our Chap-laincy for what they are to us. They are very precious gift to our Christian society. They are the future leaders of the Church. At this juncture, I would like to bring to your memories the mes-sage the Holy Father Pope Francis for the next World Youth Day to be held in Krakow in 2016. Highlighting on the importance of true love of the Youth, he rightly says, “Youth is a time of life when your desire for a love which is genuine, beautiful and expansive begins to blossom in your hearts. How powerful is this ability to love and to be loved! Do not let this precious treasure be debased, destroyed or spoiled. That is what happens when we start to use our neighbors for our own selfish ends, even as objects of pleasure. Hearts are broken and sad-ness follows upon these negative experiences. I urge you: Do not be afraid of true love, the love that Jesus teaches us and which Saint Paul describes as “patient and kind”. Paul says: “Love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor 13:4-8).”

And so, as we gather to celebrate this unique occasion of the Youth Day of our Chap-laincy, I stand here, inviting all of you dear Youth, to be adventurers of that true love. It is my fervent desire that you become a revolutionary, setting an example in the path of Christ, against the standards of this world which seeks happiness and pleasure alone. We need to have a high standard of living based on the values of God’s Kingdom. And so, begin to love your parents and appreciate their love for you. Cultivate a true love, commitment and respon-sibility to your life, so that you will realize that you are unique and precious, called by God.

Thank you for your patience and I wish you all a very joyous and successful evening. May God bless you and your families! Enjoy the evening!

Charles Amir Louis

Some Quotations to think about…

Put your heart into dance and the dance will never leave your heart

The best way to predict your future is to create it!

I've learned that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an el-

derly person.

Did you know that opportunities are never lost? That's because some-

one will always take the ones you miss!

Borrow money from a pessimist - they don't expect it back.

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Always laugh when you can. It is cheapest medicine.

Solid advice: If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember

any thing!

Positive thinkers have a solution for every problem, negative thinkers

have a problem for every solution.

God is like Oxygen. You can’t see him but you can’t live without him.

If you walk in the light, the world will follow you but if you walk in the

dark, even your shadow will not follow you.

There are three entities on the planet.

God- He knows everything & knows what to do

Human- He can learn from others & do better

Donkey- They will never learn anything.

And finally, Work hard, Have fun, Help others, don’t harm others be-

cause life is too short!


Three 5-year-old boys were sitting in the park arguing over whose Dad was the


One said, “My Dad is the greatest because he’s the town’s Mayor."

The second boy said, “That’s pretty good, but my Dad owns the biggest hotel in


The third boy said, "That’s nothing, my Dad owns Hell. Before he came back from the

pub late last night, my mum said she was going to give it to him."

Southwark youth retreat at Aylesford in June 2015

Talk by Southwark diocese youth group on Bishop Romero with the youths and below youths

from various parishes.

Introduction to our Youth

St. Don Bosco Tamil youth team, based in Kenton was founded by Rev.

Fr. Seba in June 2013 and led by Rev. Fr. Thirumahan. We chose St. Don

Bosco to be our saint, since he was a man that dedicated his life to im-

prove the education of street children and the disadvantaged youth. In

the same way we hoped that the members of our youth team will also

offer their time and efforts into helping the unfortunate children in our

homeland, Sri Lanka.

The motto of the ‘Don-Bosco Youth Team’ is ‘Love your neighbour as

yourself’ (Mark 12:31), which is one of the greatest commandments in

the Bible. The youth team is set up not only to increase the faith

amongst the youngsters in our own community, but also to reflect upon

the difficult times that other children our age are going through. It was

also our aim to raise funds and share the love for our brothers and sisters

in Sri Lanka who are not as fortunate as us.

We have organised many events this year, which are both fund raising

and educative for the youth. We meet up at least once or twice a month

and discuss our input for the upcoming events which are both liturgical

and social. Some of the events that we have organised for the youth in-

clude seasonal youth retreats, youth night, carol singing, youth CD, Mary

statue, Christmas sales and numerous other sales. The youth have devel-

oped so much during this year, they are now in a position where they can

sing along to Tamil songs and play the music as well.

We thank Fr. Seba for giving the youth this wonderful opportunity, and

we will continue to strive and perform well as the youth.

Kenton Group

Development of the youth

We started a youth group about a year ago and we started off as

a small group and now there’s so many of us. In the beginning

some of us knew each other and some of us didn’t but, in the end

we all got a bit of confidence and introduced each other and be-

came great friends. At first we were still discovering each other’s

talents and they are yet to be discovered today.

All of these talents e.g. singing, dancing was shared amongst eve-

ryone and built up more assurance in the youth. We have learnt

to stick up for each other when someone is in trouble. We have

done so much together like singing Christmas carols, performing

for the youth night or doing Christmas sales. As the time pro-

gressed to youth night, not everyone was up for it (mainly the

dancing) but as always we were determined to do it anyway and

perfect it for the youth night. There were some ups and downs

where some people wouldn’t agree to things however we always

managed to push past it and carry on. Our friendship has got

stronger and stronger that now we are one big family. Through-

out the time we have learnt from our mistakes and have been

there when someone’s upset. We have grown and developed

through this year and hopefully it will continue.

Irene Indiran

1st Retreat

It was a gloomy morning, the rain was hammering down whilst the

clouds enclosed the sun from any visible sunshine. Nevertheless, that did

not stop the recently formed St. Don Bosco Kenton Youth group from en-

joying their first ever retreat together. The journey was led by our youth

co-ordinator Noieline Mariabalanayagam, with the assistance of Disath’s

iPhone particularly when we were not able to find the tube station. We

initiated this memorable experience in the car park of All Saints Church.

We arrived, unsurprisingly early, and then set up the church hall for the

retreat. There were going to be three different people giving lectures

that day. Fr. Robinson spoke about how he does work with the youth at

his place. We had a lunch break at which there was remarkable food,

which was Kotthu Roti, and chicken wings. I ate more than my belly could

take. There were some youth members that decided to entertain us with

their immaculate voices. There were also two professors who travelled

all the way from Sri Lanka, to lecture us about religion and its purposes

and how vital it is for the youth. We were joined by Fr. Seba and Fr. Thiru

who organised this event. They lead the elections for significant roles

such as the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer of our

youth. As the evening came to an end, so did the retreat and we con-

cluded our visit by taking one huge group photo of the Tamil youth

group. It was a worthwhile outing and I’m sure that I speak for every-

one who came to that retreat that they learnt something signifi-


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cq;fs; fzzpfspy; Vw;gl;Lk; gpur;ridfOf;F jPh;Tfhz Kjy; Kiw ,ytr MNyhrid toq;fg;gLk;.








Father God, we lift up our families to you today, praying for your

presence in our lives.Give us the strength to face everything that

we are facing and the grace to handle anything that comes our

way. As we trust you, bring us closer to each other and closer to

you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Art work by Seba Arulpragas & Amir

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