gmo hit the road

Post on 04-Mar-2016






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7/21/2019 GMO Hit the Road 1/3

GMO Hit the Road

With an ever increasing global population, massive 3rd world hunger, Genetically Modified

Organisms (GMO is to solve the with the world population e!panding, and the announce of the synthetic

 pesticides have bad effects for food "uality, novel solutions are increasingly demanded and GMO is one

of it#

With an estimation that a child dies for every two seconds worldwide from starvation$ this does

not even ta%e into account the number of people who are mal and undernourished, that relies on a single

crop such as rice which cannot contain ade"uate amounts of all necessary nutrients if not engineered#

&ccording to 'nternational Rice Research 'nstitute ('RR', researchers develops a stain of

golden) rice containing an unusually high content of beta*carotene (+itamin & but it was being

 protested by farmers especially Magsasa%a at iyentipi%o -ara sa -ag*unlad ng &gri%ultura (M&'-&G

'n contrary, Genetic .ngineer .fren Reyes insisted that the rights to GM rice are owned by

 private seed companies, which will eventually force farmers to pay for seed, instead of farmers being able

to freely use rice seed harvested from a previously grown crop, which can reduce input costs#

However, even if there are lots of vegetables that contain +itamin &, we should understand that

 beta*carotene deficiencies a ma/or cause of blindness among &sia especially -hilippines and an e"ual

rights for farmers and GM seed companies must be attained through better understanding among them

written in a contract#

We are responsible for our choice and ma%ing decisions# 0hus, GMO can solve -hilippines1

 problem primarily in the hunger and malnutrition problems, and it can help in protecting and preserving

the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides which

e!plains the inevitable wave of the future but this is a great challenge ahead for governments#

0he issues in areas of safety testing, regulation, international policy and food labeling are the

difficult circumstances in facing GMO but we cannot ignore a technology that has such enormous

 potential benefits so we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm to human health and

the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology#

Hidden 2enefits on .4&

.nhanced efense 4ooperation &greement (.4& strengthened the union between the 5nited

tates of &merica and the -hilippines to help both countries with enhanced military readiness, response to

calamities and improve interoperability but benefits must be e"ual weighted#

-hilippine as one of the most common countries affected by natural disasters will be benefited

and at the same time, 6ilipinos and &mericans will share the same moderni7ed weapon but this is a great

challenge for us to control our army and made decisions not affected by 5#

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0he sovereignty of our country will not be affected because according to the -reamble,

-hilippines invited 5 to use its own facilities and there will be no permanent military presence in our

territory and it is important for both countries to share understanding#

0hrough .4& both countries have updated their partnership from maintained strong alliance for 

many decades as stated by 5 -resident Obama but it is noticed that -hilippines is seen as one of its

colony without having any proclamation#

6ilipinos face great difficulties including the enhancement of military forces and protecting our

sovereignty from 4hina but 5 promised to help us from these problems through combined trainings and

humanitarian assistance and with an aggressive pact aimed at containing 4hina from getting the

carborough hoal#

5 ensures -hilippines to rescue in every danger that may happen from this agreement and

6ilipinos must be than%ful from this help even though 5 will be surely benefited from free access in the

-hilippines but 6ilipino citi7ens must learn to stand in their own feet#

.ffective and wise decisions are needed prior to these issue but 6ilipinos should learn from thisagreement because concrete action li%e ma%ing enhanced military force is the best answer in protecting

our sovereignty and the whole country against terrorist#

Hear the 0eacher1s 4ry

0eachers mold the hope of the country but despite their sacrifices the government tends to ignore

their hard wor% which is unreasonable#

'ncreased salary as a payment for teacher1s hard wor% is a must but how can a developing country

li%e -hilippines support 899,999 teachers with an increased salary from - :;,<;= to - >?, 999 if our

country has hundreds of foreign debt to pay and give least attention in improving education that canresolve those problems@

0rillanes who proposed the House 2ill Ao# ><? to increase teacher1s salary stated that the highest

 budgetary priority to education and ensure the teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best

available talents through ade"uate remuneration and other means of /ob satisfaction and fulfillment from

&rticle B'+, ection ? of the -hilippine 4onstitution#

&lso, &lliance of 4oncerned 0eachers (&40 Region C 5nion -resident Dim said that by

increasing teacher1s salaries, they can feel the importance in shaping the minds of youth as a teacher but

in contrary, -resident &"uino ignored it due to the lac% of money to be paid#

We must not ignore that -hilippines has a lot of things to be constructed but teachers who molds

students are the %ey to success in paying attention to them li%e giving benefits is needed and this is a great

 problem to &"uino1s administration#

0he &"uino1s administration must considered the proposed House 2ill Ao# ><? as an e!change

for their hard wor% even though it is not well agreeable during this time, teachers should not lose their

hope in achieving these in the near future#

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0he possible solution if the government can1t grant the teachers1 re"uest of salary increase they

deserve to be e!empted from ta%ing ta!es which can result to the fulfillment of their lives as molders of

the young1s life that would help the -hilippines to pay the foreign debt#

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