grackle blackbird with yellow iris.. red-winged blackbird blackbird with red patch on wing

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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GrackleBlackbird with yellow iris.

Red-winged blackbirdBlackbird with red patch on wing

Ruby-throated hummingbirdSmallest bird, red throat

Eastern bluebirdBlue dorsal, rusty ventral

Catbird Gray bird, black cap, rusty rump

Great horned owl Large owl, ear tufts

Bobwhite Rounded bird, brown, (male) white on face

Canada goose Large bird, black head and neck, white under throat

Indigo buntingSmall blue bird, black stripes on wing

American goldfinchSmall yellow bird, black cap, black wings

Northern orioleOrange bird, black head

Song sparrowBrown stripes in front with one dot

Eastern meadowlarkYellow ventral, black V

Blue jayLarge blue bird, tufted crest on top of head

Cardinal (male) red bird with black mask

Crow Large black bird

Black-capped chickadee Small bird, black cap, white on side of face

Killdeer Brown dorsal, white ventral, 2 black stripes on front

Robin Black dorsal, rusty ventral

Red-tailed hawk Red tail feathers, large curved beak

Turkey vultureVery large, no feathers on head

Starling Black oily looking, yellow beak, short tail

Cedar waxwing Black mask, tuft on head, yellow on tip of tail

American kestrelSmall hawk, very colorful

Rufous-sided towheeBlack bird, red eye, rusty sides, white ventral

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