graphics journal

Post on 19-May-2015






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I was asked to pull a well known person out of a hatand produce a business card and letterhead incorporatinga new identity/logo to reflect the individual or their services.

I received Cruella De Vil andwas extremely pleased with mycharacter as I am already familiarwith her.

From my research I began looking for USP’s of Cruella De Vil and Started to think of how I could put them to use.

I didn’t want to make ordinary business cards as I believe adding a unique feature to them would make a more fascinating.

My first idea was to do a dogpoop bag service, as I wanted

to have some fun with my work,and Cruella is known for

her hatred of dogs. My added Feature was a poop bag which clients could keep.

My second idea was toreverse the roles of Cruella

wanting Dalmatians fur and instead supply fur coats

for dogs. My added featurewould be a small piece of fur

to give the card texture.

I like these business cards becausethey are not just your average designs,they have added features which makes them more unique and fun to receive.

What is a letterhead?Letterhead represents the company or organization the letter is from. Below are some classic letterheads I have found from big organizations.

The images and websites above gave me inspiration when it cameto designing my business cards,

letterheads & strap lines.

Logos for both business cards & letterheads.

Strap lines-

‘Because life’s full of crap’‘Made for rich bitches’

I was asked to produce a series of six postcards with a wrap or slip cover. Two aspects of semiotics that are not usually seen or used in the same place were to be explored.

It was explained that the six post cards maybe primarily image-based, but they each hadto contain a small paragraph of typography, That provokes a response as a juxtapositionof semiotics explored.




Postcard- A commercially printed card with space on one side for an address and a postage stamp, used for sending a short message.

After looking at my research and understanding all of the different types of signs I was eager to get started. I

was mainly interested in the signs were we are expected to do certain things at certain times, Such as rising to ones feet when a judge enters a courtroom, to serve as a gesture of respect. I was also interested in looking at road/toilet symbols and what they meant and started to think of ways that I could link them


Soon after I came up with the concept ‘The Standing Human’ and began to explore all of the different times we rise to our

feet to serve different gestures.

• We rise to our feet when a judge enters a courtroom

• Standing is appropriate at certain times in church such as weddings, funerals, holy communions and christenings

• We stand for the national anthem

• We usually stand when making a speech

• It is appropriate to stand up in front of the pop/royalty

• We are expected to patiently stand in queues when waiting for services

• Standing on public transport for the elderly can also be seen as a gesture of respect

These are some drawings and rough work to show my development. I started to think about how I could create my signs in illustrator.

These are my signs I have created in illustrator, each of them represent semioticswere standing is concerned. I created my images in the style of WC signs to connect them with the standing human which gave two aspects of semiotics.

Chivalry Attention Respect


Respect Tradition

I will now design my postcards including these images and

explain a little about what each of them mean.

This Ad is part of a campaign I found for the Guardian. This was my main source of

inspiration when it came to designing mypostcards. I particularly liked the

typography and bold colours in this piece.I thought that by using the same approach in myown work, I would be able to inject energy into

my designs and make them stand out.

Overall I am very pleased with the outcomeof my postcards as I feel that they demonstratemy points about semiotics clearly, and come together nicely as a pack. I chose to design them bold and colourful as I wanted to create energy within my work andmake the pack stand out.However I do wish that I had spent a little moretime designing the packaging for my postcards,which is something that I will take into considerationon my next brief.

I was asked to create a solution for packaging a small product, object, idea or message that when bought, given away or mailed

will change the world for the better.I needed to be sure of what sort of emotion/response I

wished to evoke and also those I wish to avoid.


Direct mail is a way of advertising in which advertisers mail printed ads, letters or other solicitations to large groups of consumers.

Bulk-mail rates are used to lower the cost of the mailing, and mailing lists are used to

maximize potential response.

Ken Garland- is notable as a British graphic designer, author and game designer. Garland established Ken

Garland Associates in 1962. Garland studied design at London’s Central School of Arts and Crafts in the early

1950’s.In November 1936 Garland authored the First Things

First manifesto which advocated ‘in favour of the more useful and more lasting forms of communication’ over the increasing overuse of design talent in advertising.

The manifesto was signed by 21 others. In January 1964, the manifesto was reprinted by Tony Benn in his column in The Guardian. As a result, Garland was invited onto

the BBC to read a section of manifesto.

Color is an important consideration in your brand identity system. Colors have a significant impact on people’s emotional state. They also have been shown to impact people’s ability to concentrate and learn. They have a wide variety of specific mental associations. In fact, the effects are physiological, psychological, and sociological. Non primary colours are more calming than primary colours. Colors also have a functional impact on readability, eye-strain, ability to attract attention, ability to be seen at night, etc. This is important in choosing colors for signing, website pages, prints ads, and other marketing media.

After looking through my research I have reached a decision on which direction I wish to take my work in. I would like to create direct mail to

encourage people to think before they speak. I am passionate about thistopic because of personal experiences and I do think that if people

thought before they spoke, the world would be a better place.I have been thinking of ways in which I could represent this and came up

a few ideas.

I have decided to go with the idea of having a pause button within my design and a recording device which allows me to record the words

‘think before you speak’ when the direct mail is opened.

A lot of my inspiration came from quoteson the internet. I used this one in my work.

The squares will be cut out in order for the pause button to be displayed. The packaging will be a simple plain white button & string envelope with

a square cut out also.

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