great interior design inspirations by jones painting and carpentry

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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You want to look the interior and exterior of your house so attractive that every visitor remembers your house for a long time. For such an amazing look, you must choose paint color, coloring design and patterns very wisely.


Apply Great Interior Design Inspirations while Painting Your Buildings

When you think to paint your house, you want to assign it a completely new look. You want to look the interior and exterior of your house so attractive that every visitor remembers your house for a long time. For such an amazing look, you must choose paint color, coloring design and patterns very wisely. By following a great interior design inspiration, you can select right colors for interior walls, ceilings and floors. There are different interior design themes according to which you can decorate your house interiors, bedrooms, dining halls, study rooms, kitchens and bathrooms. When you select a design theme for a room, you are able to select right kind of colors for the room according to the theme.

Nature inspired painting theme:

Nature inspired painting themes are best suitable for bedrooms that offer you fresh, positive and cozy environment inside bedrooms. For example, if you select floral theme, you can apply your favorite flower colors on the walls of the bedroom. When you apply a flower painting and designing theme, you will feel like waking amidst flowers. You can use earthy wall paint colors such as fiery red or sandy browns to add a personal touch to the room. With these colors, you get a pious environment and good thoughts come to your mind. You can apply eco-friendly colors that always remind you the importance of nature and inspire you to take care of environment. If you want an antique look in your room, you can fix glass jar lanterns for lighting the room, use olden classic furniture and use old model jewelries to decorate your room.

French style painting:

French people are very romantic and their romantic nature can be seen in their architectural designs and painting themes. French style painting and designing can be applied in bedrooms, dining halls and bathrooms to assign them attractive look. You can use French style windows, French design curtains and French style furniture and other accessories to transform your room into a real French room. While painting your room in French style, you get a large range of color choices such as hue, blue, yellow and burgundy. French interior designs are effective in space management and storing a large number of items while still having sufficient space in your room.

Professional painting companies enrich your house painting ideas with many unique and wonderful painting themes.

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