green news bulletin 4

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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Green News Bulletin

Acest material a fost realizat cu finantare din partea Comisiei Europene This material was made with U.E. financial support

Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Rebricea

Localitatea Rebricea, Judetul Vaslui - Iulie - 2011 -

Project made possible and funded by the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission This bulletin reflects only the author’s opinion and it doesn’t represent necessarily European Commission position

My country has nice and rich fields, Highlands with beautiful flowers. Clear, sparkling and cold springs, A beautiful sky with no clouds. My country has good people, Hardworking nice women And handsome men. A creative people, a glorious history A special land surrounds you everywhere.


Tara mea are campii frumoase si bogate Dealuri cu flori frumoase Izvoare limpezi, reci si zburdalnice Si un cer minunat fara nori. Tara mea are oameni buni, Femei dragute, muncitoare Si barbati chipesi. Un popor creativ, cu o istorie glorioasa Si un pamant aparte te inconjoara pretutindeni.


Intalniri de proiect

Vizita din Romania

1. Fericiti sa va vedem din nou! Iasi este un oras cultural si aca-demic in zona Moldovei, unde copiii nostri isi continua studiile la liceu si universitate. Porumbei si prieteni - nimic nu este mai frumos si mai plin de sper-anta

2.Gradina botanica – una din-tre cele mai vechi si mai mari in Ro-mania. Partenerii nostri greci au spus: “ Romania este verde.” . Asta inseamna speranta…

.3. Istoria si cultura sunt pre-

tutindeni. Panos cunoaste multe lucruri despre istoria noastra, poate pentru ca romanii si grecii au multe in comun.


Project Meetings

1. Happy to see you again! Iasi is a cultural and academic city in Moldavia zone, where our children continue their studies to high secon-dary school and University. Pigeons and friends – nothing is more beautiful and hopeful.

2. Botanical Garden – one of the oldest and biggest in Romania. Our Greek partners said : “Romania is green.” That means hope…

3.History and culture are

everywhere. And Panos knows many things about our history, maybe because Greeks and Ro-manians have much in common.

Romanian Visit


Vizita din Romania


4. O scoala mica cu un suflet mare Pastreaza trecutul. Ziua

Independentei si Ziua Eu-ropei – 9 mai

Un pic emotionata, dar fericita, Scoala Rebricea vrea sa fie verde si reuseste.

Sa cunoastem cultura si traditiile romanesti, muzica si dans.

Intalniri de proiect

4. A little school with a big heart. Preserve the past. Inde-

pendence Day and Europe Day - 9 May

A little nervous but really happy. Rebricea School wants to be green and succeeds.

Let’s know Romanian

culture and traditions, music and dance.

Romanian Visit

Project Meetings


Vizita din Romania

Parada Modei din deseuri reciclate Frumusete, fantezie si copiii romani atat de simpli si atat de creativi.

Prezentari de proiect si daruri deosebite. Partenerii nostri

au fost foarte generosi si primarul nostru a fost un adeva- rat Domn Primar.

Intalniri de proiect


Recycled Waste Fash-

ion Parade. Beauty, fantasy, and Romanian children so simple and so creative.

Project presentations and special gifts. Our partners were very generous and our Mayor was a real Lord Mayor.

Romanian Visit

Project Meetings


Intalniri de proiect

Vizita din Romania

5. Cetatea Neamt – istorie si natura. Nu este usor de escaladat chiar si pentru prieteni. Cetatea a fost construita la sfarsitul secolului al XIV-lea de Petru Musat, a fost for-tificata in secolul al XV-lea de Stefan Cel Mare si distrusa in secolul la XVIII-lea (1718) din ordinul domnitorului Mihai Racovita.

6. Barajul Bicaz – O sursa de energie pentru Moldova

A fost construit intre anii 1950-1960. Apa acumulata in lac este folosita la producerea energiei electrice in central hidroelectrica “Bicaz-Stejaru”.


5. The Neamt Fortress- history and nature.

Not easy to climb even for friends. The Fortress was build at the end of the XIV century, forti-fied in the XV century by Stefan The Great and destroyed in the XVIII century (1718), by the or-der of Prince Mihai Racovita.

6. Bicaz Dane – an energy source for Moldavia It was built between 1950-1960. The accumulated water is used to produce electric energy at the “Bicaz-Stejaru” hydroelec-tric power.

Project Meetings

Romanian Visit


7. Protejand biodiversitatea

Cheile Bicazului – Parcul National. Si ploaie…

Lacul Rosu,

cu povestea sa. Si ploaie…

Intalniri de proiect

Vizita din Romania


7. Protecting biodiversity

Bicaz Gorge – The National Park. And rain…

The Red Lake with it’s story. And rain…

Project Meetings

Romanian Visit


Vizita din Romania

7. O echipa de proiect fericita si epuizata! Dar asta in-seamna “Mintea depas-este problemele”.

8. Un ramas-bun nostalgic

Ultima noastra in-talnire a luat sfarsit. Ramane….. durabili-tatea.

Intalniri de proiect


7. A happy and exhausted project team! But that means Mind Over Matter.

8. A nostalgic farewell. Our last meeting

is ended. It remains…..


Romanian Visit

Project Meetings


Proiectul continua...


Aprilie 2011

Campanie de curatenie in comuna Intreaga comunitate scolara s-a implicat in colectarea deseurilor si a gunoaielor din spatiile publice ale comunei Deseurile au fost sortate pentru a fi reciclate. Gunoaiele au fost arse in gropi special amenajate de Consiliul Local.

Aceste campanii de curatenie s-au derulat in fiecare an, primavera si toamna si au devenit déjà o traditie. Elevii s-au implicat cu placere si profesorii au incercat sa faca aceasta activitate cat mai agreabila.

Gradina se imbogateste Cu sprijinul financiar al Fundatiei World Vision s-au achizitionat bulbi, seminte, co-pacei pentru plantare. Au fost plantati de catre elevi, profesori si parinti impreuna. Apa de ploaie a fost colectata in butoaie pentru udarea gradinii. Periodic, plantele au fost udate de toti elevii scolii. 15

The project continues...


April 2011

Cleaning campaign in the district The whole school community was in-volved in collecting waste and garbage in district public spaces. The waste has been sorted for re-cycling. The garbage has been burnt in special holes arranged by the Local Council.

These cleaning campaigns rolled on every year, in spring and in autumn and became al-ready a tradition. The pupils were involved with pleasure the teachers tried to make this activity as pleasant as possible. Enriches garden

With the “World Vision Foundation” finan-cial support were achieved bulbs, seeds, little trees for planting. They were planted by pupils, teachers and parents together. The rainwater was collected in barrels for splashing the garden. Frequently, the plants were splashed by all the school pupils.


Proiectul continua...


Aprilie 2011 Casuta din povesti

Constructia din lemn a fost adaugata parcului de joaca cu sprijinul parintilor. Apoi copiii au pictat-o impreuna cu indru-matorul clasei.

Confectionarea costumelor din deseuri reciclabile

Costumele au fost prezentate intr-o Parada a Modei din Deseuri la intalnirea de proiect din mai 2011. Partenerii nostri au apreciat munca si fantezia elevilor.


The project continues...


April 2011 Fairytale house The wooden construction was added to the playground with parents’ sup-port. Then, the children painted it to-gether with the form class.

Making up costumes from recycled waste The costumes were presented in a

Waste Fashion Parade at the project meeting in our school (May 2011). Our partners appreciated the pupils’ work and fantasy.


Proiectul continua...


Iunie 2011

Analiza activitatilor de proiect

Elevii din fiecare clasa, impreuna cu indrumatorul clasei, au discutat despre toate activitatile de proiect derulate in ultimii doi ani. Ei si-au ex-primat opiniile despre importanta si utilitatea parteneriatului, despre achizitiile si beneficiile culturale si educationale pentru o educatie de lunga durata.


The project continues...


June 2011 Project activities analyze

Pupils from each class together with their form class discussed about all the project activities rolled on in the last two years. They expressed their opinions about the partnership’s importance and utility, about cul-tural and educational achievements and benefits for a sustainable educa-tion.




Valoarea adaugata a fost incomesurabila. Participarea la acest proiect a oferit oportunitati unice, atat pentru dezvoltarea profesionala cat si personala, prin schimbul de experiente, e-mailuri, probe de lucru, prezentari, fotografii si vizite. Membrii au avut posibilitatea - prin vizite - sa vada personal alte scoli din tari europene , sa compare pedagogia, metodologiile, cultura, obiceiurile, sa impartaseasca experientele si sa dezvolte relatii cu alti pro-fesori din Comunitatea Europeana. Mai precis, membrii au avut ocazia sa impartaseasca idei despre Durabilitate si Mediu. Oportunitatile culturale oferite de fiecare scoala pentru vizitatori au fost uimitoare si au aratat membrilor o imagine de ansamblu asupra tarii “reale”, spre deosebire de imaginea oferita de o experienta de vacanta. Ca rezultat al proiectului, intreaga comunitate scolara a inteles in mod real ca dezvoltarea sustenabila este o preocupare europeana/globala si ca alte scoli din Europa se implica individual pentru imbunatatirea pro-gramului “Educatie pentru Dezvoltare Durabila.” Fiecare scoala a benefi-ciat, fara indoiala,de pe urma schimbului de experiente intre scolile partenere. Elevii au avut, deasemeni, sansa sa accepte si sa inteleaga alte culturi si nationalitati prin intalnirile cu membri tuturor scolilor partenere si prin vizionarea prezentarilor PowerPoint, a obiectelor si fotografiilor. Astfel ,li s-a oferit prilejul sa observe asemanarile si deosebirile dintre scoli si activitatile care apartin de EDD desfasurate in fiecare scoala. Intreaga experienta Comenius a fost de nepretuit atat personal cat si profesional, precum si pentru comunitatea scolara ca intreg.

(Din Raportul final al coordonatorului de proiect – Elaine Doherty, Irlanda de Nord.)

Valoarea europeana adaugata

Project survey


The added value was immeasurable. Participating in this partnership pro-vided unique opportunities for both professional and personal development through the exchange of good practice, e-mails, samples of work, presenta-tions, photographs and visits. Staff had an opportunity through visits to see first-hand other schools in other European countries and compare curriculum, pedagogy, methodologies, culture, habits, share good practice and develop good relations with other teachers within European Community. More specifically staff were able to share curricular ideas on Sustainability and Environmental ideas. The cultural opportunities provided by each school for their visitors was amazing and really gave staff an insight to the “real” country as opposed to the “holiday destina-tion” experience. As a result of the project whole school community has a first-hand reali-zation that sustainable development is a European/global concern and that other schools across Europe are all playing their part to improve Education for Sustainable Development in their individual schools. Each school has without doubt benefitted from the sharing of expertise and knowledge with each of the partner schools. Pupils have also had the opportunity to develop attitude of tolerance and understanding of other cultures and nationalities through meeting the staff from each of the schools and seeing their PowerPoint presentations, artifacts and photographs. This gave them the opportunity to see the similarities and differences between schools and the ESD activities undertaken in each school. The whole Comenius experience has been invaluable personally and pro-fessionally and for the school community as a whole.

(From the Final Report of the Project coordinator – Elaine Doherty, Northern Ireland.)

European added value


Principalele obiective ale parteneriatului au fost: - A se compara asemanarile si diferentele intre comunitatile scolare la nivel global in ceea ce priveste utilizarea energiei in intreaga comunitate sco-lara – fiecare scoala a avut “Energia” ca subiect EDD pentru proiect. - A se examina si modifica comportamentele si obiceiurile in ceea ce priveste utilizarea energiei in intreaga comunitate scolara – au fost infiintate Comitetele ECO reprezentand clasele din intreaga scoala. Comitetele s-au in-talnit la interval regulate pentru a discuta si sugera idei in ceea ce priveste re-ducerea consumului de energie si a costurilor. Ei au impartasit ideile cu restul comunitatii scolare prin intalniri in scoala si buletine informative. - A se introduce modalitati de reducere a consumului de energie in scoala si a se promova masurile implementate in comunitatea scolara si in cea locala – fiecare scoala a intreprins un studiu asupra comportamentelor si obiceiurilor din intreaga scoala si a introdus strategii pentru reducerea consumului de ener-gie. - A se reduce consumul de energie in scoala, la nivel local si global, prin intermediul unor modificari individuale: numirea unor supraveghetori, moni-torizarea consumului de energie in fiecare scoala de catre elevi si profesori. - A se include o retea precum “Connect” pentru compararea obiceiurilor si comportamentelor in ceea ce priveste transportul in raport cu comunitatea sco-lara – toate scolile au contribuit la proiectul “Connect” prin monitorizarea de-plasarii elevilor la scoala. Ne propunem sa comparam actiunile si sa prezentam activitatile noastre prin intermediul unei retele existente – toate scolile au comunicat activitatile lor proiectului “Connect” si fiecareia dintre scolile partenere prin e-mail, foto-grafii, rapoarte, prezentari si vizite in scoli.

(Din Raportul final al coordonatorului de proiect – Elaine Doherty,

Irlanda de Nord.)


Obiective realizate in parteneriat


The main objectives of our partnership were to: - To compile similarities and differences between school communities glob-ally in relation to use of energy in the whole school community – each school took “Energy” as an ESD topic for the project. - To examine and change habits and behaviours in relation to use of energy in the whole school community – ECO Committies were set up in each school representing classes throughout the school. They met at regular intervals to dis-cuss and suggest ideas regarding reducing energy consumption and costs. They presented their ideas to the rest of the school community through assemblies and newsletters. - To introduce ways to reduce energy use in school and promote action taken in the school community and local community – each school undertook a study of their whole school habits and behaviours and introduced strategies to reduce energy consumption. - To reduce energy use in school, locally and globally through our individual school changes – building supervisors, teachers and pupils have monitored en-ergy consumption in each school. - To include a network like “Connect” to compare the transportation habits and behaviours related with school community – all school contributed to the connect project by monitoring pupil travel to school. In my own school we also support Walk to School Week and continue to encourage walking to school or travelling by bicycle throughout the year. We plan to compare our actions and present our activities through an exist-ing network – all schools communicated their activities to connect and to each partner school through e-mail, photos, files of evidence, presentations and school visits.

(From the Final Report of the Project coordinator – Elaine Doherty, Northern Ireland.)

Project survey

Achieved objectives in partnership


Impresii despre proiectul “Mintea

depaseste problemele” si despre parteneri

Copiii romani

Clasa a V-a (11 ani) “ Au fost impresionati de spectacolul nostru si ne-au apreciat.” “I-am placut foarte mult: au fost amabili, draguti, curiosi, politicosi. Ne- au impresionat ca s-au jucat ca niste copii in parcul nostru. “Sunt foarte generosi, amuzanti, glumeti.” “Au fost foarte atenti cu noi, au comunicat cu noi chiar si in limba ro mana.” “Au fost impresionati de clasa noastra.” “Am muncit din greu pentru aceasta intalnire si a fost pentru o cauza buna si nu regretam.” “Am fost emotionati inca de la coborarea lor din autobuz si am asteptat cu nerabdare sa ne viziteze clasele.” “Speram ca i-am impresionat cu simplitatea si cu ideile noastre deasemeni.” Clasa a VI-a (12 ani) “A fost un proiect frumos si interesant, pentru ca am avut ocazia sa ve dem prezentari cu alti copii, din alte scoli si am invatat mai multe despre ei.” “A fost interesant ca am putut sa interactionam cu alte persoane ce vorbesc o limba diferita.” “Am fost fericita pentru ca scoala noastra a fost implicata in acest proiect.” “Proiectul a fost incredibil si foarte interesant pentru ca am avut sansa sa vedem cum functioneaza alte scoli.” “Am fost incantati pentru ca nici un alt proiect nu s-a desfasurat in scoala noastra.” “A fost super, in special cand am vazut ca puteam intelege limba lor si

ceea ce spuneau despre noi.”


Impressions about “Mind Over

Matter” Project and Partners

Romanian children

Form V (11 years old): “They were impressed by our performance and they appreciated us.” “We liked them very much: they were kind, nice, curious, polite. We were impressed they played like children on our playground.” “They were very generous, funny, jokers.” “They were very attentive with us, communicated with us even in Roma-nian.” “They were impressed by our classroom.” “We worked hard for that meeting and it was for a good cause and we don’t regret it.” “We were nervous since they were coming down from the bus and we expected impatiently they visit our classrooms.” “We hope we impressed them with our simplicity and with our ideas also.” Form VI (12 years old): “It was a beautiful and interesting project, because we had the opportu-nity to see presentations with other children, from other schools and we learnt more about them.” “It was interesting, because we were able to interact with other persons who speak a different language.” “I was happy that our school was involved in this project.” “This project was unbelievable and very interesting because we had the chance to see how other schools work.” “We were delightful because no other project was developed in our school’” “It was super, especially when we saw we could understand their language and what they were saying about us.”



Profesorii parteneri

“Romania este foarte verde.” (Stavroula, Grecia) “Satele si mancarea au multe asemanari cu cele din Grecia.” (Panos, Grecia) “Trenurile sunt foarte comfortabile.” (Rosslyn, Irlanda de Nord) “Copiii sunt la fel peste tot, in Irlanda ca si in Roma-nia.” (Rosslyn, Irlanda de Nord) “Vizita a fost uimitoare si timpul a trecut foarte repede.” (Elaine, Irlanda de Nord) “Totul a fost extraordinar, aveti o scoala minunata, cu copii minunati.” (Julie, Tara Galilor) “Multumim foarte mult pentru timpul minunat petre-cut in Romania si ca ai fost o gazda grozava. Toti din echipa galeza au savurat experienta si au indragit scoala voastra. Am vorbit incontinuu pe drumul spre casa si am impartasit impresii despre timpul minunat petrecut cu tine si colegii tai.” (Sion, Tara Galilor) “Atat profesorii cat si copiii au fost incantati sa va in-talneasca si s-au bucurat sa vada fotografiile scolii voastre si munca depusa de voi.” (Sion, Tara Galilor)


Partner Teachers

“Romania is very green.” (Stavroula, Greece) “ Villages and food have a lot of similarities with Greek villages and food.” (Panos, Greece) “Trains are very comfortable.” (Rosslyn, Northern Ire-land) “Children are the same everywhere, in Northern Ire-land also in Romania.” (Rosslyn, Northern Ireland) “The visit was amazing and the time passed very quickly.” (Elaine, Northern Ireland) “Everything was extraordinary, you have a wonderful school with wonderful children.” (Julie, Wales) “Thank you so much for a wonderful time in Romania and being a great hostess. Everyone of the Welsh team en-joyed the experience and loved your school. We couldn’t stop talking and sharing the brilliant time we had with you and your colleagues on the way home.” (Sion, Wales) “Everyone as staff and children was so pleased to meet you and enjoyed seeing photos of your school and the work you do.” (Sion, Wales).


Colectivul de redactie Redactor : Prof. Claudia Russu Foto : Prof. Claudia Russu Inv. Mariana Morariu Inv. Aurelia Murariu


1. Romania 2. Intalniri de proiect - Romania 3. Proiectul continua… - Activitati 4. Bilant 5. Impresii


1. Romania 2. Project Meeting - Romania 3. Project continues... - Activities 4. Project survey 5. Impressions

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