gse 213 lesson 4

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Instructional Media

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Students Activity

From the video you watch what did you understand with the


Media is a plural of Medium which means a channel of communication between the sender (teacher) and the receiver (pupils). Any channel you employed in order to pass information to the audience its referred to as medium.

Media can also be viewed as tools used to store and deliver information or data

What is Media?


Implied the use of media to facilitate teaching and learning activities. In another vein it can be viewed as application of hardware or software in teaching and learning activities which magnificently help in achieving the three educational domain (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor) it can also be a stimulating tools that can increase the students potentially.

Instructional Media

There are three categories of Instructional media: Printed Media Electronic Media Multimedia / Internet

Types of Instructional Media

Printed Media this involves: Text, Graphics, Image, and symbols which were printed on surfaces which informed, educated and enlighten targeted audients.

The following are examples of printed media:

Printed Media



Text Books



Students Activity

What are the Printed Media

Electronic media this involves the used of electronic devices in disseminating information, education, entertainment and enlightenment of the people. electronic media often use signals, frequency modulators and Shortwaves (SW) during information transmission.

The following are examples of electronic media

Electronic Media

Radio Set

Television Sets

Radio Massage (Worky – Talky)

Micro and Macro Computers

Students Activity

Explain Electronic Media

Computer Assisted Instruction and Computer Assisted Learning (CAI-CAL) it is an adverse and rapidly expanding spectrum of computer technologies that assist the teaching and learning process. Its facilitates communication between the students and teachers.

In our present days, Information and Communication (ICT) Technology serves as a basic technological tools such as TV, Radio, Telephone and Internet used in disseminating information. However, employing such technological tools in class is often called instructional Technology (IT)


IT can be define as the use of hardware and software as well as storage devices in teaching and learning accomplishments.

IT tools that will be use to enhance teaching and learning are as follows: Computer, TV and CD/DVD Players, Radio, Worky–Tolky, Handsets, Ipads, Tablet PC’s and Internet,

IT can be used to help students visualize objects that are difficult or impossible to view, for example, computers can be used to display human anatomy, molecular structures, or complex geometrical objects.

Exploration and manipulation of simulated environments can be accomplished with IT ranging from virtual libraries and laboratory experiments that may be too difficult, expensive, or dangerous to perform in a school environment to complex virtual worlds like those used in airplane flight simulators.

IT facilitate communication among students, between students and instructors and beyond the classroom to distant students, instructors and experts around the world.

Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animation, video and interactive content.

Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, dynamic, interacted with or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. (Wikipedia 2015)


Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.


The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing.

Internet covers all aspect of media (3E’s), internet is magnificent in information sharing: e.g. Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, websites like Youtube, Slideshare, etc. can be used in disseminating information.

It can dramatically increase student’s access to information.

The program can adapt to the abilities and preference of the individual students and increase the amount of personalized instruction a student receive.

It often engages the interest of students, motivating them to learn and increasing independence and personal responsibility for education.

It can also engage the students to learn more even if they are at holidays

Advantages of Instructional Technology

IT is not efficient for abstract reasoning and problem – solving process e.g. writing analytical essay.

Critical claim that designed IT system can dehumanize or regiment the educational experiences and thereby diminish students interest and motivation.

IT is difficult and expensive to implement by the teacher train in IT system.

Using computer to rain students instead of teacher may lead to a process that causes distraction from the core educational process.


Students Activity

What is Multimedia How does

As a Modern Teachers describe how can you use CD/DVD, Television and CD/DVD player in teaching primary 4 pupils one of the following topics

“ACCIDENT AND FIRST AID TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS” Irrigation System Baking (Cake or Bread) Human Skeletal System Pronunciations (Phonetics) Obedience Arithmetic (+, -, and x of fractions)

Group Work II

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