gta design cluster

Post on 22-May-2015






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GTA design cluster slide show for MRK625


In the GTA, Vancouver & Kitchener

By: Mike Korman

The Toronto Design cluster is ranked Canada's largest

Also ranked # 3 in North America

With over 25,000 designers

All four universities and numerous colleges in Toronto offer design programs that ensure a wealth of highly skilled graduates, educating over 3,000 students per year.

York University launched its masters program in design in September '05, and Ryerson University is also planning a new design masters.

The Design Exchange is the only institution devoted to promoting the GTA Design Cluster

DX delivers exhibit tours, workshops, competitions and outreach programs to support the primary and secondary school curriculum in the area of design and technology

They also offer a student scholarship ever year to help shape the future of design in Canada.

Report released by “The Creative Group “ states theirs a huge demand for designers

Of the 99 marketing and advertising executives interviewed for this report, 83% plan to hire a graphic designer in the next 12 months

A seven percentage point increase over last year.

Now in its seventh year, L'Oreal Fashion Week in Toronto will showcase the fall 2008 collections of some of the biggest names in the Canadian Fashion industry.

Was Six days, with 69 designers, and 33 shows to see

Had some of the biggest names in Canadian fashion (and from all over the world) gathered to showcase their fall 2008 collections

Kitchener has developed a plan to develop a design cluster in the downtown area

They want to create “Art and Culture Cluster” (A part of the Design Cluster)

The whole plan described their goals, and how it makes Kitchener so attractive that companies would like to invest into the cluster

Pacific Lutheran University will hold its annual student-planned School of the Arts and Communication (SOAC) week from April 6 to 11

The weeklong event showcases the PLU communications, art, music, theatre and dance

Will also have guest speaker Vice President of academic administration at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design

IDS has planed a event for February 2009

There is going to be 10 Innovative Canadian Designers

There will be the best Design companies from Canada at this event

There also will be awards given out by CDECA

Has announced that they are no longer taking new students

Announced this at the end of 2007 and still currently not taking new students

Referring people to go to (

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