guide to subject registration semester two 201 / to...

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Guide to

Subject Registration

Semester Two 2017/18

Last Updated on 27 September 2017

Table of Contents

What is Subject Registration? .............................................................................................................. 1

General Information ............................................................................................................................. 1

Key Dates of Subject Registration Activities for Semester Two 2017/18 ........................................... 2

Important Points to Note ...................................................................................................................... 4

Subject Registration Facility Operation Manual .................................................................................. 5

Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................ 9

1. Who will participate in the subject registration for Semester Two 2017/18? ............................ 9

2. How can I prepare for subject registration? ................................................................................ 9

3. Where is the online subject registration system? ........................................................................ 9

4. Where is my “home campus”? ................................................................................................... 9

5. Can I register for subjects that are being offered on another campus? ..................................... 10

6. What should I do if I would like to take more or fewer credits? .............................................. 11

7. Do I need to retake a failed subject? ......................................................................................... 11

8. What if I failed a subject which is the pre-requisite of the follow-on subject(s) for the next

semester? .................................................................................................................................. 12

9. What is the arrangement of the subject registration during bad weather? ................................ 12

Page 1 of 12

What is Subject Registration?

Subject Registration is a process during which you are invited to select elective subjects for the

semester concerned. It covers the selection of the following subjects:

i. General Education (GE) elective subjects and Discipline-specific (DS) elective subjects

of your programme.

ii. Subjects which you have failed or in lieu of exemption.

HKCC has set aside designated periods for a series of subject registration activities. If you do not

complete the subject registration during the prescribed period and/or wish to change your subject

choices can have your last chance of subject selection during the add/drop period designated for the

semester concerned. However, available study places by then will be very limited and you may not

be able to set up a clash-free timetable during the add/drop period. If you do not select sufficient

elective subjects in the subject registration, you will be assigned a personal time ticket with

lower priority for making changes to the subjects enrolled and your personal timetable during

the add/drop period. The end of the add/drop period is the deadline for you to make adjustments

to your subject selection. Except for zero subject enrollment or deferment of study approved by

HKCC, if you do not take any subject by then, you will be treated as having no intention to continue

your study at HKCC. Your registration and student status will accordingly be removed.

You are requested to check your subject registration records online carefully after completing the

subject registration process. For rectification, you should report any discrepancy found to HKCC.

General Information

The online subject registration for Semester Two 2017/18 will be held on 12 – 14 October 2017,

during which you may login to the system via my.HKCC Student Portal (http://www.hkcc- for subject registration. The details are as follows:

Date: 12 – 14 October 2017

Time: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm


subject registration choose subject

For each successful login, you will be given 15 minutes to select subjects. The system will

automatically be logged out if it is idle for 15 minutes. You may login to the system anytime within

the period stated above to change your choice of elective subjects. However, any last-minute login

is highly discouraged.

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Key Dates of Subject Registration Activities for Semester Two 2017/18

Date/Week/Period Activities Actions to be taken by students

Week 5 – 6 Briefing sessions /

Consultation hours are arranged.

Students are strongly recommended

to read the recommended study

patterns, subject offering lists, subject

pre-requisite, co-requisite and

exclusion requirements, and any other

requirements stipulated in your

definitive scheme/programme


Students should attend the briefing

sessions, if any, and/or contact the

Programme Counselling Team for

academic advice, if necessary.

12 – 14 October


The online subject registration system

is open from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm

on the my.HKCC Student Portal.

Students are required to select and

confirm their subject selection for

Semester Two 2017/18 via the online

subject registration system.

20 October 2017 HKCC announces the cancellation of

subjects due to insufficient

enrollment, and notifies the students

concerned of unsuccessful enrollment

due to limited quotas, if any.#

Students with unsuccessful

enrollment will be invited to access

the online subject registration system

again to select other subjects for

replacement when necessary.

23 October 2017 The online subject registration system

is open again for the students

concerned from 10:00 am to 10:00


Only students with unsuccessful

enrollment due to subject

cancellation/limited quotas would be

allowed to access the system to select

other elective subjects for


Week 9 Confirmation of subject registration


Students are advised to check their

subjects registered for Semester Two

2017/18 via the my.HKCC Student


December 2017 Notices of the tuition fee payments

are available online.

(Tuition fees payable for Semester

Two 2017/18 will depend on the

number of credits you register for the


Students are advised to read through

the message regarding the details of

the tuition fee payments and arrange

the payments accordingly.

Page 3 of 12

Date/Week/Period Activities Actions to be taken by students

16 January 2018 Assessment results for Semester One

2017/18 will be announced via the

my.HKCC Student Portal.

Students on academic probation are

required to reduce their study load via

my.HKCC Student Portal during the

add/drop period in Semester Two


Students may check their assessment

results through the assessment result

enquiry facility.

after 13 January


Students’ personal timetables for

Semester Two 2017/18 are available

on the my.HKCC Student Portal.

Students should check their personal


# HKCC has the final authority to decide on the subject selection of students. HKCC may cancel the

offer of any subject if its student enrollment falls below the minimum class size or request students to

change their selections if the maximum quotas of the selected subjects are reached. You will be

advised to select other replacement subjects in case you cannot enroll on the selected subjects


Page 4 of 12

Important Points to Note

1. You are especially advised to consult the Programme Counselling Team for the most appropriate

elective subjects that you should select to avoid unnecessary subject add/drop at the

commencement of Semester Two 2017/18, where the available vacancy is limited or even null.

2. Different elements such as quiz, test, presentation, case study, term paper, and project may be

included in the assessment approach for those subjects with 100% continuous assessment. The

detailed assessment elements and the medium of instruction of subjects can be found in the

Subject Descriptions Forms. For Subject Description Forms, please refer to the documents on

the my.HKCC Student Portal via scheme/programme


3. You may refer to the HKCC subject offering list for the offering semesters and locations of the

elective subjects. If a compulsory/selected elective subject is offered on both campuses, you will

be arranged to take the subject on your home campus in general.

4. If you do not select sufficient subjects at this stage, you would only be able to select the

outstanding subjects during the add/drop period, where the available vacancy is very limited or

even null. You will be assigned a personal time ticket with lower priority for making any

changes to the subjects enrolled and your personal timetable during the add/drop period.

5. You are required to indicate additional 2 – 5 preferred GE elective subjects during subject

registration if you need to register GE elective subject(s) for the coming semester. The final list

of students successfully enrolled on the subjects will be determined by lot drawing. If the

selected GE elective subject(s) is full, you will be assigned the replacement GE elective subject(s)

according to your preference.

6. If you have made any changes to your selected subjects, you should always print the “Submission

of Subject(s) selected” before you logout from the system every time and keep the latest version

for retention.

7. Although you may wish to take a practicum subject, you are advised to select sufficient elective

subjects during the subject registration period. This will guarantee your study places in the

selected elective subjects and a clash-free timetable.

8. You only need to choose the elective subjects and/or previously failed subjects. Your

personalised timetable will be generated by the system later. You do not need to select any time

slot and location for your subjects in this subject registration process. Please be reminded that

HKCC reserves the right to cancel any subject or make changes to the study patterns. You will

be notified if the subjects you have chosen are cancelled or the maximum quotas of the selected

subjects are reached.

9. At least 1 hour of travelling time is required between the PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus and

PolyU West Kowloon Campus, and at least 15 minutes is required for travelling between the

PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus and PolyU Main Campus. You are encouraged to plan

thoughtfully when you select your subjects.

10. Subject to availability of places, students are free to change subject groups within the same or on

another campus during the add/drop period in January 2018.

Page 5 of 12

Subject Registration Facility Operation Manual


1. You may login to the system via my.HKCC Student Portal (http://www.hkcc- to make changes to the subjects enrolled during the subject registration


Please click ‘choose subject’ under ‘e-applications’ ‘subject registration’.

For each successful login, you will be given 15 minutes to add/drop/change your elective subjects.

If you fail to complete the registration process within the 15 minutes, you are required to re-login

to the system and try again. You may login to the system anytime within the aforementioned

subject registration period to change your choice of elective subjects. However, any last-minute

login is highly discouraged.

Page 6 of 12

Adding or changing Subject(s)

1. To add a new subject, you may select the “Subject Type” followed by the “Subject” from the

drop-down menus.

2. To select GE elective subjects, you will be required to indicate 2 – 5 additional preferences in

“Part B: Preferred Subject Indication” after selecting GE elective subject(s) in Part A. If the

selected GE elective subject(s) is full, replacement of GE elective subject(s) will be assigned

according to the preference you indicated.

3. When you have completed your selection, click “Next” button to proceed.

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4. The selected subjects will be shown under ‘Verification of submission of selected subject(s)’,

please check the subjects selected carefully and click “Confirm” for submission.

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Successful Confirmation

1. The system will display the message ‘Thank you for using our online subject registration service’ only

if the subject registration/amendment is conducted successfully.

If you do not receive this message, you need to repeat the whole subject registration process.

2. After you have completed the subject registration, click “Print Current Page for Reference” to

print the confirmation page for retention.

3. You may make changes to the selection of subjects within the subject registration period.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who will participate in the subject registration for Semester Two 2017/18?

Students will be invited to select the elective subjects on a semester basis, if they are outlined

in the recommended study pattern.

2. How can I prepare for subject registration?

You should read the recommended study pattern, the subject pre-requisite, co-requisite and

exclusion requirements, and/or other requirements stipulated in your definitive

scheme/programme document. You are also suggested to attend the briefing session and/or

contact the Programme Counselling Team for academic advice, if necessary.

3. Where is the online subject registration system?

The online subject registration system can be accessed via: subject registration choose subject

For each successful login, you will be given 15 minutes to add/drop/change your elective

subjects. If you fail to complete the registration process within the 15 minutes, you are

required to re-login to the system and try again. You may login to the system anytime within

the aforementioned subject registration period to change your choice of elective subjects.

However, any last-minute login is highly discouraged.

4. Where is my “home campus”?

Please refer to the following table for details:




Code Programme Title





8C108-ACC Associate in Business (Accounting)

8C108-BM Associate in Business (Business Management)

8C108-FIN Associate in Business (Finance)

8C108-HM Associate in Business (Hospitality Management)

8C108-HR Associate in Business (Human Resources Management)

8C108-IB Associate in Business (International Business)

8C108-LM Associate in Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

8C108-MK Associate in Business (Marketing)

8C108-TM Associate in Business (Tourism Management)

8C108-NS Associate in Business

8C121-EM Higher Diploma in Event Management

8C121-FIP Higher Diploma in Financial and Investment Planning

8C121-SVM Higher Diploma in Service Management

8C110-AA Associate of Arts

8C110-BC Associate in Bilingual Communication

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Code Programme Title





8C110-EBC Associate in English for Business Communication

8C110-LC Associate in Language and Culture

8C110-PR Associate in Public Relations and Communication

8C110-TI Associate in Translation And Interpretation






8C106 Associate in Health Studies

8C111-NS Associate in Applied Social Sciences

8C111-PSY Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Psychology)

8C111-SC Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Sociology and Culture)

8C111-SPA Associate in Applied Social Sciences (Social Policy and


8C112-AS Associate of Science

8C112-ENG Associate in Engineering

8C112-IT Associate in Information Technology

8C112-SDS Associate in Statistics and Data Science

8C113-ADV Associate in Design (Advertising Design)

8C113-EI Associate in Design (Environment and Interior Design)

8C113-VC Associate in Design (Visual Communication)

8C118 Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

8C122 Higher Diploma in Aircraft Services Engineering

8C123 Higher Diploma in Social Work

5. Can I register for subjects that are being offered on another campus?

You may register for elective subjects that are not offered on your home campus. However,

please note that you have to reserve at least 1 hour for travelling between the two campuses

and be prepared to pay the transportation fees such as the fare for public transport and the shuttle

bus service arranged by CPCE. Besides, please be reminded that the amount of Student Travel

Subsidy, if any, offered by Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family

and Student Financial Assistance Agency, HKSAR is calculated according to the distance

between your residential address and your home campus only.

If a compulsory/chosen elective subject is offered on both campuses, you will be arranged to

take the subject on your home campus in general. Subject to availability of study places, you

are free to change subject groups within the same or on the other campus during the add/drop

period for the semester concerned.

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6. What should I do if I would like to take more or fewer credits?

Subject to availability of resources, the system will pre-assign any failed compulsory subjects

to your subject selection. Including the pre-assigned subject and compulsory subject, you will

be allowed to indicate up to 15 or 18 credits according to your study patterns during the subject

registration period. Although subjects will be assigned to you, you are still required to choose

the elective subjects, if any, via the online subject registration system.

If you wish to increase or reduce your study load for any semester, you are required to seek

approval from HKCC. The application deadline for changing the study load is as follows:

Application for Deviating from Recommended Study Load in a Semester

Get details from: Send a written request to:

Notices sent through email HKCC Information Kiosks through your

student email account

Application deadline:

Before the commencement of the add/drop period concerned

7. Do I need to retake a failed subject?

You will need to retake the same subject if you have failed a compulsory subject. If the failed

subject is a discipline-specific or general education elective subject, you may choose either to

retake the same subject or to take another subject within the same elective pool in any semester,

subject to availability of places, before you graduate.

In addition to retaking a subject due to failure, you may retake any subject for the purpose of

improving your grades on the condition that your maximum study load per semester does not

exceed 21 credits. Students who wish to retake passed subjects will be accorded a lower

priority for taking the subjects concerned and can only do so if places are available. You will

be informed of the application result for retaking a passed subject after the add/drop period.

Furthermore, if you are eligible to graduate upon completion of all graduation requirements of

your programme of study, you will not be allowed to retake any subject for the purpose of

improving the subject grade or GPA.

When you retake the same subject, only the subject grade obtained in the final attempt (even if

it is lower than the subject grades in the previous attempts) will be included in the calculation

of the Grade Point Average (GPA) and the Grade Point Average for award classification (Award

GPA). If a student passed a subject but failed after retake, credits accumulated for passing the

subject in a previous attempt will remain valid for satisfying the credit requirement for award.

The subject grades obtained in previous attempts will only be reflected in transcript of studies.

You should refer to the definitive scheme/programme document to ascertain the requirements

for retaking failed subjects or seek advice from the Programme Counselling Team.

You may register to retake subjects during the add/drop period of each semester, subject to

availability of places. Tuition fees will be charged in accordance with the total number of

credits (including retaken subjects) taken in the semester concerned.

Page 12 of 12

Application for Retaking Subjects/Taking Unqualified Subjects (Form 31) Get the form from: Return it to:

HKCC Information Kiosks

my.HKCC Student Portal

HKCC Information Kiosks

Application deadline:

Before the end of add/drop period of each semester

8. What if I failed a subject which is the pre-requisite of the follow-on subject(s) for the next


Upon the finalisation of the semester assessment results, if you have failed a subject which is

the pre-requisite of the follow-on subject(s) in the next semester, the follow-on subject(s) will

be marked as ‘unqualified subjects’ in your subject registration record and you will not be

qualified to attend classes of these subjects.

You are therefore advised to check whether you have any unqualified subjects after the

announcement of the assessment results. In case there are unqualified subjects in your subject

registration record but you still wish to take them despite the unqualified status, you should

approach the HKCC Information Kiosks as soon as possible to seek approval for waiving the

pre-requisite requirements. Alternatively you can take other subjects in place of the

unqualified subjects. You should complete these actions before the end of the add/drop period

of the semester concerned.

Application for Retaking Subjects/Taking Unqualified Subjects (Form 31) Get the form from: Return it to:

HKCC Information Kiosks

my.HKCC Student Portal

HKCC Information Kiosks

Application deadline:

Before the end of add/drop period of each semester

9. What is the arrangement of the subject registration during bad weather?

The subject registration is performed online. No extension of the subject registration period in

the event of typhoon signal is hoisted or rainstorm warning is issued. However, in case of

severe system shutdown, we will post notices on the HKCC website (http://www.hkcc- to inform you of the necessary remedial arrangement once the system is restored.

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