hair myths debunked

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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Hair Myths Debunked

"Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have”


Myth 1# Chopping your hair off will make it grow faster

Regular trims are a must. It does away with split ends and leaves your

mane healthy. However, it does not affect the growth of it.

On a monthly average, hair grows half an inch regardless of whether you trim it or not.

The trim just makes your hair appear neat and fuller.

If you want the perfect mane, you’ve got to maintain it.

For that to happen, you will have to visit the salon every eight to twelve weeks.

Myth 2# If you pluck one strand of grey hair, two more will grow in it’s place

We’re sure everyone has heard of this one from some relative or the other.

Truth is, that’s not the case at all! The act of plucking will only make your scalp and hair weaker.

Plucking out any type of hair and colour will force the hair follicle to reproduce more hair.

That’s why we suggest you to embrace your age and put an end to damaging your hair.

Myth 3# The more often you brush your hair, the healthier it will become.

Heard of that popular phrase, “too much of anything is bad for you”?

Your hair is no exception here either. While you want your hair to be free from those troublesome knots, sometimes the act can do more harm than good.

Over brushing your gorgeous locks can damage your hair cuticles causing strands to fall out. So, the next time you pick up that brush, think twice!

Myth 4# Always comb wet hair from top to bottom.

When hair is wet, it’s in its weakest form but it’s very important to detangle hair when it’s wet.

Here a bit of advice, never use any comb on your hair except a wide-toothed comb, and, always start brushing from the bottom and not the top.

Starting from the bottom will be less stressful on your strands and will prevent it from any further damage.

Haphazardly running a comb from top to bottom will result in extra hair loss and damage.

Myth 5# Using the right hair products enables your hair to grow thicker.

You’d be shocked to know this, but more than hair products, food is responsible for thicker and healthier hair.

Since it takes your body a lot of energy to grow hair, it requires nutrients.

Apparently, food happens to be the richest source of them all. Healthy food makes sure that your roots get enough of nutrients, minerals and vitamins to keep it going.

So, if you’re blessed with thick hair, it’s not hair products you need to give credit to, it’s actually your diet!

Myth 6# Dandruff signifies a dry scalp

Dryness is not what causes dandruff, it’s actually an oily scalp.

Dandruff usually happens by a type of yeast that overgrows in an oily environment. It’s your body’s way of tackling it.

Avoid washing your hair daily to prevent the scalp from losing its natural oil.

Also, if dandruff is an issue, make the best use of anti dandruff shampoo.

Myth 7# You should towel dry your hair

Most women make this mistake. Once they’re out of the shower, they immediately pull out a towel and rub their hair dry vigorously.

For your information, towel drying is rough on your hair, causes breakage and ruins its texture as well as causes frizziness thanks to all that friction.

The next time you wash your hair, make sure that you gently pat your hair against the towel, and use a wide-tooth brush to remove excess water.

Myth 8# Going out with wet hair makes you fall sick

We’re sure you probably heard this from your parents a zillion number of times.

Fortunately, wet hair has nothing to do with it, infact, germs and bacteria in the air do.

You catch a cold when you’re hair is dry as well thanks to airborne diseases.


Body Language Expert

International Etiquette Expert

Business Protocol

Communication Expert

Personal Branding Expert

Devoted to inspiring people to be their best version, Sheena Agarwaal founded Urbanista Image Consulting LLP in 2010.

Sheena attended Mayo College in Ajmer, Rajasthan. Christ College, Bangalore, where she graduated in Human Resource, She has done her Post Graduation from Mudra Institute of

Communications, Ahmedabad and specializes in Digital Media and Brand Management.

Trained by master trainers Carla Mathis, Christina Ong and Lynne Marks, along with the unparalleled background in the arena of Image Consultancy,

she is a Neuro Linguistic Practitioner and one of India’s first Reach Certified Personal Brand Strategist.

• Director Urbanista Image Consulting LLP, REACH Personal Brand Strategist


Skills • Finance Analyst with Goldman Sachs

• Worked with Big Cinemas, Apollo Munich Life Insurance, Shoppers Stop, IIT Chennai, TiE, Ranjan Narula Associates, Beetle, Bharti Foundation, Vodafone and GE.

About Sheena Agarwal


Established in the year 2010, Urbanista Image Consulting LLP is the renowned Image Consultancy firm based out of New Delhi, India and was founded by Sheena Agarwal one of India’s first certified Image Consultant and Reach Personal Brand Strategist.

With the vision to enable people to express their core competence and brand values effectively, Urbanista Image Consulting works on three broad aspects of Powerful Presence: Appearance, Behaviour and Communication.

We are committed to positively impacting lives, which in turn leads one to securing better opportunities and higher recognition and delivering noticeable results for clients - both at an Individual and Corporate level.

An innovator in Image Management, we conduct consultations and workshops for individuals or groups respectively, on matters related to Executive Presence, Communication Skills, Body Language, Business Protocol, International Etiquette, Storytelling and Personal Branding.

With a desire to bring internationally acclaimed Master Trainer from across domains to Indian Shores, in April 2014 we hosted Master Trainer Carla Mathis from United States of America in New Delhi, India to train aspiring Image Consultants and look forward to host many such trainers from across the spectrum in the near future.

We creatively use the theory of evolution on all our clients that involve not just superficial verbal consultation but a total involvement and a sensitive approach.

We encourage you to contact us and discuss how to enhance your personal and professional presence. +91 852 797 8886 Building No 845, Ist Floor, Ghittorni, New Delhi - 110030

“Image is not about beautification. Its about projection of your purpose, goal and objective, in life. We help you create a brand that speaks for itself, day on day!” ~Sheena Agarwal~

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