happy father’s day! st. ignatius catholic parish · masses will resume on june 27th-28th. your...

Post on 30-Jun-2020






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Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 1

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky

Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church

Rev. Blackman Road, West Bay

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 or +1 (345) 949-7390

Weekend Mass time:

Suspended until further notice.


St. Ignatius Parish is a welcoming Roman Catholic Christian Communion. We worship

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we celebrate Jesus Christ in the Word and in the

Eucharist, we evangelise, we educate, and we serve as disciples of Jesus.

St. Ignatius Catholic Parish Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

597 Walkers Road, George Town, Grand Cayman Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Fax: +1 (345) 945-2594

Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2638, Grand Cayman KY1-1102, CAYMAN ISLANDS

Weekend Mass times:

Public Weekend Masses at St. Ignatius will

resume NEXT weekend, June 27th-28th.

See schedule on page 4.

Weekday Mass times (resume June 22nd):

Monday-Friday 7:00 am

Friday 6:00 pm

Saturday 8:30 am

Public Holidays 8:30 am

Confessions (St. Ignatius):

Temporarily on Fridays 5:00-5:45 pm

Stella Maris Catholic Church

Alta Vista Drive, Cotton Tree Bay, Cayman Brac

Phone: +1 (345) 926-0551 or +1 (345) 925-6215

Weekend Mass or Communion Service time:

Suspended until further notice.



our Parish

in your Will.

Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 2

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky




Religious Education Director

Mr. O’Neil Miller

Church Secretary

Mrs. May U. Ursua

Community Liaison Coordinator

Mr. Jeremy Rice

Youth Ministry Team Coordinators

Mr. O’Neil Miller & Mr. Jeremy Rice


Music Ministry — Organists

Mrs. Sarah Bertran

Mr. Albert Chin

Mr. Rolly Aleria

Mr. Von Abrantes

Mr. Simon Donoghue

Parish Website

Mr. Paul de Freitas

947-8630 or 916-6331


Rosary (St. Ignatius):

Monday through Friday in Adoration Chapel 7:30 - 8:00 am

Saturday in Adoration Chapel after 8:30 am Mass

Morning Prayers (St. Ignatius):

Monday to Friday 6:40 am,

Saturday 8:10 am

Evening Prayer Meetings:

St. Ignatius — Wednesdays 6:00 pm (English) and 7:00 pm (Spanish)

Living Hope Community — Fridays 7:30 pm

Missionary Families of Christ:

Last Sunday of each Month 1:30 pm

Faith Formation and First Communion:

Sunday mornings @ 10:15 am to 11:15 am (September through June)

All children of the Parish are welcome; please call the office for details.


Classes are held on Sunday mornings @ 9:45 am to 11:15 am

for students in Years 7-9 of High School and other

High School aged students who have not been confirmed.


Phone: 949-9250 Fax: 945-6230

E-mail: general@st-ignatius.com Website: www.st-ignatius.com

Head of School: Mrs. Emily Alexander

Head of Secondary: Mr. Peter Embleton

Head of Primary: Mr. James Hickey

Facilities Manager: Mr. Sambasivam Dhanasekar

Administrative Staff: Mrs. Deborah Huggins, Mrs. Anita McIntyre,

Mrs. Priya Dhanasekar, Mr. Joe Olszewski, Mrs. Jody Balon

MEET OUR CLERGY (Left to Right)

Pastor: Rev. Fr. Theodore D’Cunha, SAC

Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. Naveen D’Souza, SAC

Permanent Deacon: Rev. Mr. Joseph Biggs

FINANCE COUNCIL Facilitates the means for pastoral priori-

ties and planning, Monitors and Main-

tains parish goods, and Communicates

with the Pastoral Council on prioritizing

resources. Members are:

Fr. Theo D’Cunha, SAC

Frank Gallippi

Angela Miller

Jennison Nunez

Deborah Kirkconnell

Adriannie Webb

Jasper Uy


Pastoral: Fr. Theo, SAC; Fr. Naveen, SAC; Deacon Joseph Biggs

Chairperson: Wil Pineau

Other elected members:

J.C. Calhoun, Michelle Asadon, Rachael Brendel, Blas Serrano,

Stanford Williams, Denise Delpesh-Morain, Anna Cayasso (Youth Rep.)

Commission Representatives:

Worship: Angela Miller Evangelisation/Education: Angie Fawkes

Stewardship: Elie Kozaily Christian Service: TBA

School Advisory Board: Anthony Partridge

Building and Growing Together for our Future!

Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 3

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky

June 21st, 2020 - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Weekend’s Readings

TODAY’S READINGS: First Reading: Jeremiah 20:10-13

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35

Second Reading: Romans 5:12-15

Gospel: Matthew 10:26-33

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: “The Spirit of truth will testify to me, says the Lord; and you also will testify.” - John 15:26b, 27a

12TH SUNDAY … THE GOSPEL CALLS US TO STRETCH OURSELVES There are many things of which we can be afraid: being rebuked, rejection, anger, being challenged, having to defend

ourselves, standing alone, insecurity, failure, and even death. For some, identifying and overcoming their fears is a

daunting task. Regardless of how much they may want to break the cycle of fear, they find that they remain close

friends with old and dysfunctional behavioral habits and norms. Maybe what they really fear is change. There are

many who gravitate to the familiar and comfortable, and find safety and security in doing so, even if they remain

mired in mediocrity. Human beings have to learn that there is life beyond the “what has always been” and that happi-

ness and depth are possible when old structures and systems have to be left behind.

Can you leave the near and dear, the comfortable and familiar, the safe and secure, and discover new opportunities?

The shear thought of doing so can bring on feelings of apprehension, intense anger, resentment, defensiveness, reluc-

tance, resistance, and even apathy. If we have to be responsible for making the change, cowardice can creep in. If

someone else is to blame for making the change, any number of possible negative reactions are possible. In the end,

only one thing is required and that is God. If I can rely on and deepen my relationship with God, especially in the

Eucharist along with a community of believers, then little else is of great concern. We have to figure out what is really

important. It is not always what we think.

The Gospel calls us to stretch ourselves and try new things, not to remain stuck and stagnant in familiar ways. We are

asked to live life more deliberately, radically, and intentionally. We are asked to leave the familiar behind and learn to

live with changing, and often limiting, human structures. We cannot get too caught up in the physical, ideological, or

structural systems we are used to. The Holy Spirit always leads and guides us. If we trust this, we will find ourselves

doing things we never thought we could do. Always seek the path to joy and love. They keep us from falling victim to

our fears and from seeking the nostalgic crutches we think we need to achieve a sense of well-being and happiness.

©2020 Liturgical Publications Inc.


On the next few pages you will find important updates regarding our

Parish events.

Sunday, June 21st: Private Mass at 9:00 am (via Facebook).

Weekday Public Masses resume this Monday, June 22nd at 7:00 am.

The Parish Office will reopen this Monday, June 22nd.

The Adoration Chapel will reopen this Monday, June 22nd.

Please monitor your e-mail and our Parish Facebook page and website

for important updates and directives.

All persons (except children under 2) MUST wear a mask for Mass!

I pray that you all have a blessed and prayerful week. - Fr. Theo


“My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

To our God and Father, glory forever and ever. Amen” - Philippians 4:19-20

The offertory collection at weekend

Masses will resume on June 27th-28th.

Your offerings can also be transferred

to the St. Ignatius Church Butterfield

account 02-101-031260.

Alternatively, cheques can be mailed to

St. Ignatius Church, PO Box 2638,

Grand Cayman, KY1-1102.

Thank you to all those who have been

making regular contributions!

Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 4

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky


Our Prayer List for the Sick

Nicole Kent

Celeste Broderick

Gerald Kirkconnell

Sally Balderamos

Alexis Nunez

Jean Pereira

Janet Pereira

John Eden

Natasha Tibbetts

Ernest Reynolds

David Wheaton

Anita Wheaton

Bob Daigle

Patricia Lewis

Tracey Meaney

Ryan Law

Gina Pine

Fr. Devon Nash

Jessica Ebanks

Joe Rozick

Kelley Ayres

John Johnson

Eileen Van Driel

Juliet Rabanal

Janelle Foster

Linval Webb

Dothlyn Scott

Please pray that the Healing

Hand of the Lord touches all

our sick bringing consola-

tion to the aged, peace of

soul to the terminally ill, and

strength to those who are

young and all those in our parish and families

who are suffering. May all of them know

God’s healing love. We pray for all the sick

not listed and those in hospitals. In order to

keep the list current we will be keeping it to

about 30 names at a time. Please phone 949-

6797 to add or remove any names.

Prayer for all needs:

We beg you, Lord, to help and defend us.

Deliver the oppressed. Pity the insignificant.

Raise the fallen. Show yourself to the needy.

Heal the sick. Bring back those of your peo-

ple who have gone astray. Feed the hungry.

Lift up the weak. Take off the prisoners’

chains. May every nation come to know that

you alone are God, that Jesus is your Child,

that we are your people, the sheep that you

pasture. Amen.

- Clement of Rome

Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions - June 2020

The Way of the Heart

We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life,

allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.

St. Ignatius Mass Intentions

Sunday: June 21st 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Father’s Day

9:00 am Private Mass (live-streamed on Facebook)

Monday: June 22nd St. Paulinus of Nola

7:00 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

Tuesday: June 23rd

7:00 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

Wednesday: June 24th The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

7:00 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

Thursday: June 25th

7:00 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

Friday: June 26th

7:00 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

6:00 pm People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

Saturday: June 27th St. Cyril of Alexandria

8:30 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

6:00 pm People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church and Hall)

Sunday: June 28th 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church and Hall)

11:30 am People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church and Hall)

6:00 pm People of the Parish (Public Mass in Church)

Please monitor e-mail, Parish website and Facebook for updates and

full guidelines that will be in place for the resumption of Public Masses.


AND MASS REQUESTS/INTENTIONS Reminder that any announcements for the Parish Bulletin

should be submitted electronically to Ignatius@candw.ky

by Wednesdays, 12 noon each week.

Mass requests must be made in person and paid for in the church office

by Wednesdays, 12 noon each week.

A minimum $10 stipend is acceptable, per Canon Law.

BAPTISMS & CLASS SCHEDULE For the time being, Baptisms will be done by request.

Please contact the Parish Office to register your child and confirm details.

MARRIAGES & PRE-MARITAL INSTRUCTION Six months notice required and completion of pre-marital instruction.

Classes are offered twice a year; next classes TBA.

Please call the Parish Office to register for classes as soon as possible.

Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 5

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky

Scripture Readings for the Week

June 22nd-28th, 2020

Mon: 2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18;

Matthew 7:1-5

Tues: 2 Kings 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;

Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Wed: Isaiah 49:1-6;

Acts of the Apostles 13:22-26;

Luke 1:57-66, 80

Thurs: 2 Kings 24:8-17; Matthew 7:21-29

Fri: 2 Kings 25:1-12; Matthew 8:1-4

Sat: Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19;

Matthew 8:5-17

Sun: 2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a;

Romans 6:3-4, 8-11;

Matthew 10:37-42

LISTEN TO THE READINGS: https://ignatius.ky/daily-readings.html.


Watching great Catholic content is really easy! This is a FREE Service

thanks to the generosity of our Parish Evangelization Commission!

All Parishioners are encouraged to register! It’s very simple!

1. Go to https://formed.org and click signup. Chrome works best!

2. Select option 3, “I belong to a parish or organization”.

3. Type in St. Ignatius Parish and select 7801 NW 37th St Doral FL.

4. Register with your name and e-mail address.

5. Check your e-mail for a link to begin using FORMED!

PARISH OFFICE REOPENS THIS WEEK The Parish Office will reopen this Monday, June 22nd for normal hours

(Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 - 4:00 pm).

Please phone 949-6797 or e-mail to Ignatius@candw.ky.

CRS RICE BOWLS — RETURNS All Parishioners are asked to please begin returning Rice Bowls once we

resume Public Masses. They can also be dropped off at the Parish Office.

To learn more about Rice Bowl, visit http://www.crsricebowl.org.

75% of the funds raised will be sent to CRS; 25% will go towards our Food Pantry.

The Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel Dedicated on December 4th, 2016

“...could you not watch one hour with Me?”

- St. Matthew

The Adoration Chapel REOPENS this

Monday, June 22nd, 6:00 am to Midnight.

If you have any questions, please phone or

e-mail Fay Anne de Freitas: 925-3807 or

fayanne@defreitas.info. Maximum capacity

is 6 people. Safety protocols will be observed.



Father, all the elements of nature obey your

command. Calm the storms and hurricanes

that threaten us and turn our fear of your power

into praise of your goodness. Grant this through our Lord

Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and

the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.


12th Week in Ordinary Time

Monday, June 22nd: St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop.

Wednesday, June 24th: The Nativity of

St. John the Baptist.

Saturday, June 27th: St. Cyril of Alexandria,

Bishop and Doctor of the Church.

For information on the Saints, be sure to

visit our Parish Website: Ignatius.ky.


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS As Public Masses resume, ALL

persons must wear a mask, must

ensure proper distancing, and must

use the hand sanitizer.

Please enter through the


WEDDING BANNS #2 David Eugene Conolly II


Kelcey Joelle Smith

SPRING FLING - PRIZE DRAW - TICKET BOOKS: The Prize Draw will still go ahead this Summer!

Parishioners who were selling tickets — once your ticket book is

finished, kindly return it to the Church Office, BEFORE July 31st.

Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 6

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky



RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the

process by which people who are interested in learning

about the Catholic Faith can attend classes and have the

opportunity to become members of the Catholic Church.

RCIA is a spiritual formation process scheduled to begin September 1st.

RCIA is for adults who:

Are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith

Have never been baptized

Have been baptized in another Christian faith and are interested in the

Catholic Faith

Are baptized Catholics who have not yet received the Sacraments of

First Communion or Confirmation

Are married to a Catholic and attend Mass and would like to take the

next step to become a member of the Catholic Church

Are Catholic but want to learn more about their Faith

Classes are normally held every Tuesday evening from 6:00-7:30 pm

in the Sixth Form Common Room, above the school office.

On occasion the classes will take place at St. Ignatius Church instead.

To register, or for further information,

please contact O’Neil Miller at



Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 7

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky


THE ST. IGNATIUS FOOD PANTRY — UPDATE During this unexpected global pandemic, it is important that we keep our

Food Pantry going in order to support the most vulnerable in our community.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who have supported in recent weeks!

There are many different ways that Parishioners may help at this time!

1. Donations of non-perishable food items or toiletries are welcome!

2. Supermarket gift cards are also welcome (Foster’s, Kirk Market, Hurley’s, Cost-U-Less)!

3. If you prefer to make monetary donations our volunteers will be happy to purchase items needed!

4. Plastic and/or reusable shopping bags are always much appreciated!

Food Pantry donations may now be dropped off at the PARISH OFFICE during normal weekday hours.

If you have any questions please e-mail Ignatius@candw.ky or phone 949-6797.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.” - Matthew 25:35

Together, as a community, let us continue making a difference in the lives of others!


How you can help:

On-line transfers can be done through Butterfield Bank… please e-mail Ignatius@candw.ky for details.

Donations can also be sent in by mail to PO Box 2638, Grand Cayman, KY1-1102. If paying by cheque,

please make your donations payable to: ST. IGNATIUS, and in the memo, please indicate “Scholarship Fund”.

Perhaps your company would like to assist with regular contributions OR a one-off donation?

Please consider the Scholarship Fund from time to time when doing your charitable work throughout the year!

Many thanks to all those who have contributed to the fund during recent months and during the past several years!

For further information, please contact Jeremy Rice in the Parish Office or via e-mail: jeremy.rice@st-ignatius.com.

POPE FRANCIS: “Allow yourselves to be transformed!” During his Sunday Angelus on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Pope Francis turned to the day’s read-

ing, in which Saint Paul describes the Eucharistic celebration. “He highlights two effects of the shared chalice and the

broken bread: the mystical effect and the communal effect”, said the Pope.

Pope Francis explained that Jesus is present in the sacrament of the Eucharist “to be our nourishment, to be assimilated

and to become in us that renewing force that gives energy and the desire to set out again after every pause or fall”.

He added that this, however, requires “our assent, our willingness to let ourselves be transformed – our way of think-

ing and acting”. Otherwise, continued the Pope, the Eucharistic celebrations in which we participate “are reduced to

empty and formal rites”.

The communal effect is “the mutual communion of those who participate in the Eucharist, to the point of becoming

one body together, in the same way that one loaf is broken and distributed”, said the Pope. He explained that “one can-

not participate in the Eucharist without committing oneself to mutual fraternity”.

Pope Francis continued saying the Lord knows that “our human strength alone is not enough for this” and that aware

of the temptation to rivalry, envy, prejudice, division, “He left us the Sacrament of His real, tangible and permanent

Presence, so that, remaining united to Him, we may always receive the gift of fraternal love”.

For the full text, and further information, please visit Vatican News website: https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html

Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 8

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky


Be sure to tell them you saw their ad in the

St. Ignatius Parish Bulletin!



The Living Hope Community invites all interested persons

to attend our prayer meetings each Friday at 7:30 pm, in the

Sixth Form Room of St. Ignatius School (located directly

above the school office).

For further information, please contact Julius Aurelio on



MEETS WEDNESDAYS AT 6:00 PM “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” - Psalm 150:6

All are welcome to join in Fount of Life Prayer Group

meetings at St. Ignatius Church, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.

We praise, worship, give thanks, petition, intercede, share,

witness and fellowship at our prayer meetings. We look

forward to seeing you!


ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE ON THIS PAGE! Thank you to all those companies and individuals who have

placed ads on these last two pages of the Parish Bulletin!

We encourage ALL parishioners to support these fine businesses and

tell them you saw them listed in the St. Ignatius Parish Bulletin!

All those companies who had Ads from March through June will

automatically have them renewed for July through October.

Ads will appear in full COLOUR!

Ads will appear on our Parish website also.

We require electronic copy of ads/logos, etc.

For further information, please contact the parish office by phone or e-mail.

HAVE YOU ‘LIKED’ OUR PARISH FACEBOOK PAGE? The intent of our Parish Facebook page is to keep parishioners abreast of the latest happenings and

upcoming Masses and events within our Church community. To ‘like’ our Facebook page, please visit


or alternatively you may conduct a Facebook search for: St. Ignatius Parish - Grand Cayman.


If you wish to purchase

anything from the Gift

Shop, please contact

May in the Parish Of-

fice, Monday to Friday,

9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Thank you for your support!

Place your ad here! $200 per 4 months

Please support the

St. Ignatius — Dorothy Rice

Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Envelopes at church entrance.

Please support our new multi-purpose

Sports Hall building fund!

Contact the Parish or School Office for

details or visit www.st-ignatius.com.

Ads also appear on

the Parish website!


Happy Father’s Day! Parish Bulletin for June 20th-21st, 2020 Page 9

Phone: +1 (345) 949-6797 Website: http://ignatius.ky E-mail: Ignatius@candw.ky



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Sign up for a holy hour!

See inside this bulletin

for complete details.

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