health care by the numbers

Post on 16-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Written by Adele Allison, National Director of Government Affairs, SuccessEHS. The shape of the U.S. health care industry is changing every day, and this presentation sheds light on some interesting statistics including Primary Care Providers, The American Patient, Health Care and the U.S. Economy and more.


Health CareBy the Numbers

Primary Care Providers

Community Health Centers

Health Care & the U.S. Economy

The American Patient

Eligible Professionals & Meaningful Use

Patient-Centered Medical Home


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Written by:

Adele Allison

National Director of Government Affairs, SuccessEHS

Primary Care Providers

The role of the primary care provider in overall quality is now and always has been a fundamental building block for a hearty health care delivery system. As the country seeks to convert from episodic care or reactive medicine to delivery of long-term wellness and care management throughout the patient life, the PCP is the proverbial glue that binds. That value is becoming increasingly recognized. Nevertheless, 21% of Americans live in rural locales and only 10% of physicians practice there; and, it is increasingly rare for physicians to enter primary care medicine out of medical school. The U.S. is looking to mid-level providers more and more to fill the gap.

Primary Care Providers

Office visits in the U.S. that are Primary Care Providers62%

Physicians that currently practice Primary Care Medicine43%

Medical school graduates entering Primary Care Residencies in Internal Medicine (2%), Family Medicine (4.9%), and Pediatrics (11.7%)


49.1%Office-based physicians that use nurse practitioners (NPs), nurse midwives (CNMs) or physician assistants (PAs)

Primary care physicians utilizing NPs, CNMs or PAs as compared to 45.9% of surgical specialists and 45.9% of medical specialists


Primary Care Providers

Number of PCPs the U.S. will be short by 2025 with our current trends


Average yearly salary difference between Primary Care Providers and Specialists


Community Health Centers

Borne out of President Johnson’s “War on Poverty and Civil Right” in 1965, Neighborhood Health Centers were started with the first two being opened in a Boston public housing project and Mound Bayou, MS. In the 45 years since, Community Health Centers have played a critical role in providing care to underserved communities, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. CHCs have long held bipartisan support to expand these critical services. With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in March, 2010, CHCs have been identified as ideal in providing care to the additional 32 million Americans that will have coverage.

Community Health Centers

Physicians serving CHCs

9,600Mid-level providers serving CHCs


CHC patients served in 2010

19,469,467CHC patient visits in 2010

77,000,000Community Health Centers

1,124CHC clinic sites


Dollars spent on CHC services in 2010

$11,000,000,000CHC visits with any Chronic Condition.

Compare this to the 49% of Chronic Care patients for private MDs.


Health Care & the U.S. Economy

As health care expenditures in the U.S. near 18% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – meaning almost 18 cents on every dollar spent in the U.S. is for something health care related – and rising, the course must be changed. Without a change in care delivery and reimbursement, the current path will saddle Americans with a health care system that consumes 31% of GDP by 2035. Incredible! According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), health care is out-pacing inflation, driven by new technologies / services, costly new drugs, increased demand for care, rampant chronic disease, lack of patient accountability for lifestyle choices, and aging demographics with Baby Boomers, who account for 56% of the projected growth in spending on entitlements under Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Health Care & the U.S. Economy

Dollars estimated by the CBO for Medicare expenditures by 2025


Dollars estimated by CBO for Medicare expenditures with the advent of the Baby Boomer generation entering retirement


6.3% Projected annual growth in Medicare between 2013 and 2021


GDP percentage predicted to be attributed to health care spending if no changes are made to the U.S. System by 2025

Health Care & the U.S. Economy

GDP percentage representing health care

spending in 1965


GDP percentage representing health care

spending in 2011


The American Patient

In a report by the World Economic Forum delivered to the United Nations Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases in September 2011, the world was given a glimpse of global trends in non-infectious diseases. The top 5 “biggest killers,” which are: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and mental health. According to this report, non-communicable disease represents 87% of all U.S. deaths, compounded by the American lifestyle of inactivity (43% are sedentary), smoking, and markedly rising rates in blood pressure and glucose. According to Kaiser Health, prevention is the answer to bringing the cost of chronic disease into check, and health IT can provide the tools to do so.

The American Patient

48% 74%

19.6% 26.9%

Americans using at least one prescription in the last month

U.S. physician office visits involving drug therapy

Americans age 65+ with Diabetes from 2005-2008

Americans age 65+ with Diabetes from 1988-1994

The American Patient

Number of drugs ordered or provided in 2008


Americans without insurance in 201049,900,000

U.S. life expectancy as compared with 86.4 in Japan and 76.1 in Turkey


Adults age 18+ who met the federal physical activity

guidelines for aerobic activity

Increase in obesity among children age 6-11 from

1988-94 to 2007-08



The American Patient

Ambulatory care visits with mental disorders as primary diagnosis


Adults age 18+ who currently smoke


Cancers that are preventable with proper exercise, diet and avoiding tobacco


Heart disease and Type 2 diabetes that are preventable with proper exercise, diet and avoiding tobacco


Dollars spent on health care needs related to diabetes

1 out of every 10

Cents of every health care dollar spent in the U.S. is chronic disease related


Cents of every health care dollar is spent in the U.S. is spent on prevention


Eligible Providers & Meaningful Use

The enacting of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) essentially has legislated the adoption of certified, interoperable electronic health records (EHRs). According to the CBO, health information technology (HIT) plays a critical role in reforming health care, reigning in costs and delivering value for the health care dollar. Not only can providers realize individual return on investments through reduced / eliminated transcription costs, labor for paper manual workflows and missed charges, adoption of interoperable EHRs can create industry-wide savings and improved patient quality and safety through evidence-based clinical decision support, coordinated patient care, and elimination of duplication in diagnostics. HIT also delivers a public good through access to relevant medical information when needed, where needed. The CBO estimated a reduction in Medicare spending by $4.4B and $7.3B in Medicaid from 2011-2019 from accelerated adoption of HIT. Additionally, the CBO estimates implementation of HITECH would reduce costs in the health care system by 0.3% overall from 2011-2019, or $289.7B in savings.

Eligible Providers & Meaningful Use

Eligible Professionals registered with CMS for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program


Specialty professionals achieving Stage 1 Medicare Meaningful Use

813Internists and Family Practice professionals achieving Stage 1 Medicare Meaningful Use


Eligible Professionals registered with CMS for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program


Physicians receiving year 1 Medicaid EHR Incentives

3,372Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Mid-wives

and Physician Assistants receiving year 1 Medicaid EHR Incentives


Eligible Providers & Meaningful Use

Dentists receiving year 1 Medicaid EHR Incentives


Dollars paid to Eligible Professionals for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs YTD


Dollars paid to Eligible Professionals for the Medicare EHR Incentive Programs YTD


Patient-Centered Medical Home

Inspired in the mid-1960s through the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the idea arose that whenever a patient is cared for, the question, “where is their medical home?,” should be asked. Subsequently, the largest U.S. gathering of primary care organizations – including AAFP, AAP, ACP and AOA – came together in 2007 and defined the “Joint Principles of the Patient-Centered Medical Home” (PCMH). Since that time, the patient-centered medical home has received a firestorm of attention. “Medical Homes” and “Patient-Centered” care is heralded throughout the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA). Anticipated Accountable Care Organizations being put into place effective January 1, 2011, as required under PPACA, advocate a PCMH at the hub. HRSA and the National Association of CHCs (NACHC) are striving to have every CHC in the nation PCMH recognized by 2015. As the U.S. seeks to address health care spending, value is being placed on primary care that embraces the PCMH model in the form of reimbursement differentials. The call to action is at hand.

Patient-Centered Medical Home

Laws have been passed in 44 states and D.C. relating to the Medical Home300

Bills introduced in 27 states reference the Medical Home81 FQHCs that have been recognized as

Level 1, 2 or 3 NCQA-PCMHs


Physician organizations that support the PCMH care model23

Year initiative announced by CMS in late September 2011 to foster collaboration between public-private health care payers building upon PCMH

4FQHCs planning to apply for NCQA-PCMH

recognition in the next 18 months


Patient-Centered Medical Home

FQHCs considering or having received medical home recognition from

another national organization

11%Federal Agencies with PCMH activities underway (AHRQ,



Physicians surveyed by MGMA with PCMH

transformation underway or expressed interest in

becoming PCMH recognized

5,259Number of practices that

have received NCQA recognition as PCMHs



CHCs participating in public/state PCMH pilot or

demonstrations, in comparison to 24.1% of MD-owned and

58.3% Hospital-owned practices

Patient-Centered Medical Home

Hospital-owned practices participating in public/federal PCMH pilot or demonstration projects, compared to 37.5% of CHCs and 55.2% of MD-owned practices


72.4%MD-owned practices participating in Commercial Health Plan or Multi-Payer PCMH program

68.5% Practices expressing a preference for NCQA’s PCMH program of recognition

11.3%Practices expressing a preference for The Joint

Commission’s PCMH program of recognition

Practices expressing a preference for AAAHC’s PCMH program of recognition


SourcesPrimary Care Providers-Hing and Uddin, NCHS Data Brief, No. 47, “Visits to Primary Care Delivery Sites: United States, 2008,” October, 2010.-Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2008 AMA Table 4.1, (Note: PCP is defined herein as Family Practice, General Practice, Internal Medicine, OB-GYN, and Pediatrics).-Hauer KE, Durning SJ, Kernan WN, Fagan MJ, Mintz M, O’Sullivan PS, et al., “Factors associated with medical students’ career choices regarding internal medicine,” JAMA, 2008; 300(10): 1154-1164.-Assn. of American Medical Colleges, “Physician Shortages to Worsen Without Increases in Residency Training,” June, 2010.-Robert Phillips et al., “Specialty and Geographic Distribution of the Physician Workforce: What Influences Medical Student & Resident Choices” 43, March, 2009.-Park, Cherry, and Decker, NCHS Data Brief, No. 69, “Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, and Physician Assistants in Physician Offices,” August, 2011.-Ibid.

Community Health Centers-HRSA Data Warehouse,, October, 2011.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Hing and Uddin, Ibid.

SourcesHealth Care & the US Economy-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, National Health Expenditures Data Tables,, NHE Data Tables, Ibid.-Congressional Budget Office, Long-Term Budget Outlook, “The Long-Term Outlook for Medicare, Medicaid, and Total Health Care Spending,” Chapter 2, June, 2009.-Congressional Budget Office, “The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update,” August, 2011.-Ibid.-Ibid.

The American Patient- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Fast Facts: Therapeutic Drug Use,” 2005-2008.-Ibid.-Ibid.-U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, “Health, United States, 2010,” DHHS Pub. No. 2011-1232, February, 2011, 77.-Ibid.-Ibid, Table 66-U.S. Census Bureau 2010 Highlights Report, -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Fast Facts: Mental Health – Ambulatory Care,” Average Annual 2006-2007.-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Fast Facts: How Healthy Are We – Health Risk Factors,” 2008.-Ibid.-K. Thorpe and J. Lever, Kaiser Health News, “Prevention: The Answer to Curbing Chronically High Health Care Costs,” May, 2011.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.

SourcesEligible Professionals & Meaningful Use-R. Sunshine, Congressional Budget Office, U.S. Congress, Letter to Hon. Charles Rangel, U.S. House of Representatives, Chairman on the Ways and Means Committee, January, 2009.-CMS, Regulations and Guidance, EHR Incentive Programs, Spotlight and Upcoming Events, “Provider Registration and Payments,” August, 2011.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Ibid.

Patient-Centered Medical Home-Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative, Federal & State Government, -American Academy of Family Practice, Government Relations Division, “2011 State Legislation: Medical Homes,” March, 2011.-Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, CMS, “Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative,” September 28, 2011.-American College of Physicians, ‘Who Supports the PCMH Care Model,” McBride, Modern Medicine, “The Patient-Centered House that Technology Built,” July, 2011.-L. Ku, P. Shin, E .Jones, B. Bruen, George Washington University Department of Health Policy, “Transforming Community Health Centers into Patient-Centered Medical Homes: The Role of Payment Reform,” September, 2011.-Ibid.-Ibid.-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, PCMH Resource Center, “Cross-Agency Summary Table,” March, 2011.-Medical Group Management Association, “The Patient-Centered Medical Home: 2011 Status and Needs Study,” July, 2011.-Ibid.

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