hello, world!, ncurses style - paulgriffiths.net · 2010. 9. 4. · "hello, world!",...

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Lesson 35

Objectives: -

• Write a program to write Hello World added with colours • Write a program to sets up a timer to send a SIGALRM

signal at a specified interval.

"Hello, world!", ncurses style Function This program implements the good old "Hello, world!" application using ncurses. It clears the screen, displays the phrase in the centre, waits for a few seconds, then exits.

Programming Issues All programs using ncurses must call initscr() before using any of the library functions. This function can fail, so we always check the return value.

We output the "Hello, world!" phrase using mvaddstr, or "move to the specified position and add a string there". Note that the coordinates are specified in the order of row, column, or y, x, and not the other way around.

Note that the above function (along with most other library functions) do not actually directly modify the display; they just modify data structures held in memory. To actually reflect our changes on the screen, we must call one of the refresh() functions.

We call the sleep() function to sleep for a few seconds, to show the full screen display for a moment before our command prompt returns. Note that sleep() here is a UNIX function and defined in <unistd.h>; if you are using a version of ncurses ported to a non-UNIX platform, your compiler may not have this header file or this function, though it will almost certainly have something similar.

Finally, we must clean up after ourselves, as we want the terminal to be in a useable state after our program exits. First, we must delete all of our windows using delwin(), including the one returned by initscr(). Then, we call endwin() and finally refresh() again, before we exit safely.

Note that when you are learning ncurses development, you will almost certainly foul up your terminal with alarming regularity. On UNIX, you can type stty sane at the command prompt to return the terminal to a useable state without needing to log out.

Usage You will need to link to the ncurses library in order to use the functions in it. On UNIX, this is typically done using the -l compiler switch, e.g.:

[paul@localhost src]$ cc -o curhello curhello.c -lncurses

On other systems, consult your compiler's documentation, or the ncurses documentation for more information.

Also note that in most of these ncurses examples, we assume a terminal with 80 columns and 25 rows. If your terminal has different dimensions, you may need to adapt the examples to suit.

curhello.c /*

CURHELLO.C ========== (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 1999 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net "Hello, world!", ncurses style. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> /* for sleep() */ #include <curses.h> int main(void) { WINDOW * mainwin; /* Initialize ncurses */ if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising ncurses.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Display "Hello, world!" in the centre of the screen, call refresh() to show our changes, and sleep() for a few seconds to get the full screen effect */ mvaddstr(13, 33, "Hello, world!"); refresh(); sleep(3); /* Clean up after ourselves */ delwin(mainwin); endwin(); refresh(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

"Hello, world!" - now with added colour! Function This program extends "Hello, world!" by outputting the phrase a number of times, with different foreground and background colors.

Programming Issues We must call start_color() to initialze colour operations in ncurses, before using any of the colour handling library functions. After doing this, we can call has_color() to find out whether the terminal in use supports colour at all.

To change color, we need to call color_set() and specify a "color pair" to use. A color pair simply consists of a foreground and background color. ncurses has a limited number of color pairs available (you can find out how many by checking the value of the constant COLOR_PAIRS).

In this program, we set up a number of color pairs using the init_pair() function together with the predefined color constants ncurses supplies (e.g. COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_GREEN). Once we have defined these, we loop through them, using color_set() to switch between pairs, printing the "Hello, world!" phrase in each one as we go.

curhell2.c /* CURHELL2.C ========== (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 1999 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net "Hello, world!", ncurses style (now in colour!)

*/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> /* for sleep() */ #include <curses.h> int main(void) { WINDOW * mainwin; /* Initialize ncurses */ if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising ncurses.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } start_color(); /* Initialize colours */ /* Print message */ mvaddstr(6, 32, " Hello, world! "); /* Make sure we are able to do what we want. If has_colors() returns FALSE, we cannot use colours. COLOR_PAIRS is the maximum number of colour pairs we can use. We use 13 in this program, so we check to make sure we have enough available. */ if ( has_colors() && COLOR_PAIRS >= 13 ) { int n = 1; /* Initialize a bunch of colour pairs, where: init_pair(pair number, foreground, background); specifies the pair. */

init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(4, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(5, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(6, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(7, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(8, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); init_pair(9, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(10, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(11, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(12, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_MAGENTA); init_pair(13, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); /* Use them to print of bunch of "Hello, world!"s */ while ( n <= 13 ) { color_set(n, NULL); mvaddstr(6 + n, 32, " Hello, world! "); n++; } } /* Refresh the screen and sleep for a while to get the full screen effect */ refresh(); sleep(3); /* Clean up after ourselves */ delwin(mainwin); endwin(); refresh(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

Basic ncurses keyboard input Function

Because it cannot assume much about the environment in which it will be run, ANSI C provides no mechanism for unbuffered, direct keyboard input (i.e. it cannot retrieve a single character, and cannot interpret cursor keys or other non-character keys). This makes handling interactive input somewhat difficult. ncurses provides some platform specific methods of doing this.

This program simply accepts keypresses from the user and immediately prints the hexadecimal key code, and a textual description of the key pressed.

Programming Issues After initialisation, the program calls noecho() to prevent the key being echoed to the screen, and keypad() to enable the cursor and other keys to be detected by the program. The getch() function is then used to retrieve each character at a time, until the user hits 'q'.

In our intprtkey() function, we return a string describing the key pressed. If the key was a printable character, we just return a pointer to a string containing that character only. Otherwise, we use an array of structs to hold the key code of a selection of other keys (as defined in <curses.h>) along with their short descriptions.

curin1.c /* CURIN1.C ======== (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 1999 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net Demonstrating basic ncurses single key input. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <curses.h>

char * intprtkey(int ch); int main(void) { WINDOW * mainwin; int ch; /* Initialize ncurses */ if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing ncurses.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } noecho(); /* Turn off key echoing */ keypad(mainwin, TRUE); /* Enable the keypad for non-char keys */ /* Print a prompt and refresh() the screen */ mvaddstr(5, 10, "Press a key ('q' to quit)..."); mvprintw(7, 10, "You pressed: "); refresh(); /* Loop until user presses 'q' */ while ( (ch = getch()) != 'q' ) { /* Delete the old response line, and print a new one */ deleteln(); mvprintw(7, 10, "You pressed: 0x%x (%s)", ch, intprtkey(ch)); refresh(); } /* Clean up after ourselves */ delwin(mainwin); endwin(); refresh(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

/* Struct to hold keycode/keyname information */ struct keydesc { int code; char name[20]; }; /* Returns a string describing a character passed to it */ char * intprtkey(int ch) { /* Define a selection of keys we will handle */ static struct keydesc keys[] = { { KEY_UP, "Up arrow" }, { KEY_DOWN, "Down arrow" }, { KEY_LEFT, "Left arrow" }, { KEY_RIGHT, "Right arrow" }, { KEY_HOME, "Home" }, { KEY_END, "End" }, { KEY_BACKSPACE, "Backspace" }, { KEY_IC, "Insert" }, { KEY_DC, "Delete" }, { KEY_NPAGE, "Page down" }, { KEY_PPAGE, "Page up" }, { KEY_F(1), "Function key 1" }, { KEY_F(2), "Function key 2" }, { KEY_F(3), "Function key 3" }, { KEY_F(4), "Function key 4" }, { KEY_F(5), "Function key 5" }, { KEY_F(6), "Function key 6" }, { KEY_F(7), "Function key 7" }, { KEY_F(8), "Function key 8" },

{ KEY_F(9), "Function key 9" }, { KEY_F(10), "Function key 10" }, { KEY_F(11), "Function key 11" }, { KEY_F(12), "Function key 12" }, { -1, "<unsupported>" } }; static char keych[2] = {0}; if ( isprint(ch) && !(ch & KEY_CODE_YES)) { /* If a printable character */ keych[0] = ch; return keych; } else { /* Non-printable, so loop through our array of structs */ int n = 0; do { if ( keys[n].code == ch ) return keys[n].name; n++; } while ( keys[n].code != -1 ); return keys[n].name; } return NULL; /* We shouldn't get here */ }

Basic ncurses windows Function This program introduces the window operations ncurses makes possible. It simply shows a window in the centre of the screen, and allows the user to move it around using the cursor keys, and the HOME and END keys.

Programming Issues After initializing ncurses, switching off echo and enabling the keypad, we create a new window using subwin(), specifying our main window as the parent. We give this window a border using the box() function, and add some text to it using mvwaddstr(). The coordinates passed to mvwaddstr()> are now relative to the origin of our new window, and not to the screen.

We then use getch() to get some keypresses from the user. We catch the cursor keys, HOME and END, and modify the coordinates of our window accordingly. Then, we call mvwin() to move it. Note that we do not need to call refresh() after moving our window.

Finally we clean up. Notice that we call delwin() on our subwindow before calling it on the parent.

curwin1.c /* CURWIN1.C ========= (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 1999 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net Moving windows with ncurses. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <curses.h> int main(void) { WINDOW * mainwin, * childwin; int ch; /* Set the dimensions and initial position for our child window */ int width = 23, height = 7;

int rows = 25, cols = 80; int x = (cols - width) / 2; int y = (rows - height) / 2; /* Initialize ncurses */ if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising ncurses.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Switch of echoing and enable keypad (for arrow keys) */ noecho(); keypad(mainwin, TRUE); /* Make our child window, and add a border and some text to it. */ childwin = subwin(mainwin, height, width, y, x); box(childwin, 0, 0); mvwaddstr(childwin, 1, 4, "Move the window"); mvwaddstr(childwin, 2, 2, "with the arrow keys"); mvwaddstr(childwin, 3, 6, "or HOME/END"); mvwaddstr(childwin, 5, 3, "Press 'q' to quit"); refresh(); /* Loop until user hits 'q' to quit */ while ( (ch = getch()) != 'q' ) { switch ( ch ) { case KEY_UP: if ( y > 0 ) --y; break; case KEY_DOWN: if ( y < (rows - height) ) ++y; break; case KEY_LEFT: if ( x > 0 ) --x; break;

case KEY_RIGHT: if ( x < (cols - width) ) ++x; break; case KEY_HOME: x = 0; y = 0; break; case KEY_END: x = (cols - width); y = (rows - height); break; } mvwin(childwin, y, x); } /* Clean up after ourselves */ delwin(childwin); delwin(mainwin); endwin(); refresh(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }

Worms (with ncurses) Function This program implements a version of the "Worms" arcade game, using ncurses.

Programming Issues Game logic

The object of the game is to:

• direct the worm to collect worm food, whilst • avoiding hitting anything else (including yourself)

The controls are:

• Left arrow or 'g' to direct the worm left • Right arrow or 'j' to direct the worm right • Up arrow or 'y' to direct the worm up • Down arrow or 'n' to direct the worm down • 'q' to quit

The program sets up a timer to send a SIGALRM signal at a specified interval. Every time this signal is received, the worm is moved. The current direction of the worm is stored in a global variable.

The worm is represented as a linked list, typedef'd to WORM. Every time the SIGALRM signal is received:

• The next position of the worm's head is calculated using the stored direction

• That position is checked to see whether the worm has run into a wall, itself, or some food.

• If the worm has run into itself or a wall, the game ends.

• If not, a new node is added to the WORM list, and displayed on the screen.

• If the worm has run into some food, the node at the back of the list is left alone, so the worm becomes one node longer every time food is collected. Otherwise, the first worm node is deleted, to keep the moving worm at the same length.

• One point is gained every time the worm moves (to reward the player for simply not hitting anything), and ten points are gained for eating some wormfood.

While this signal handling is happening in the background, the main program calls getch() to get input from the player. If any of the direction keys are pressed, the global direction variable is updated. The actual change in direction will occur the next time the worm moves, i.e. when SIGALRM is next received.


As usual, ncurses is initialised at the start, and then cleaned up again whenever the game ends. The box()

function is used to make the screen border, and addch() is used to display the worm. When deleting previous WORM nodes, addch() is used to simply output a space character over the top of the previous nodes, to remove them.

When placing a new piece of food, the game needs to know how many rows and columns the terminal has, in order that food should not be placed outside the game arena. To do this, ioctl() is used, specifying TIOCGWINSZ as the request to get the terminal size.

Signal handling

Using ncurses presents us with a problem when the user quits the game other than through the normal route (i.e. by hitting 'q'). For instance, if the user hits CTRL-C to abort the program, and we do nothing, then ncurses will not clean up the terminal after itself, and the terminal may then be garbled.

To avoid this, we catch SIGTERM and SIGINT. When these signals are received, we clean up ncurses nicely, and then quit as normal.

A similiar thing would have to be implemented when the game is temporarily stopped, then restarted (e.g. by hitting CTRL-Z). We would have to clean up ncurses when SIGTSTP is received, and reinitialise it and redraw the screen when SIGCONT is subsequently received. However, for simplicity, in this game we simply ignore SIGTSTP signals, effectively disabling CTRL-Z.

Usage There are no command line arguments. Simply type ./worms or whatever your OS requires to run the game.

main.c /*

MAIN.C ====== (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 2000 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net Worms game using ncurses. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <curses.h> #include "worms.h" #include "helper.h" #define TIMESTEP 200000 void SetTimer(void); void SetSignals(void); WINDOW * mainwin; int oldcur; int main(void) { /* Seed RNG, set timer and register signal handlers */ srand( (unsigned) time(NULL) ); SetTimer(); SetSignals(); /* Initialize ncurses */ if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) { perror("error initialising ncurses"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } noecho(); keypad(mainwin, TRUE); oldcur = curs_set(0); /* Initialize worm and draw it */

InitWorm(); Draw(); /* Loop and get user input */ while ( 1 ) { int key = getch(); switch ( key ) { case KEY_UP: case 'Y': case 'y': ChangeDir(UP); break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'N': case 'n': ChangeDir(DOWN); break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'G': case 'g': ChangeDir(LEFT); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case 'J': case 'j': ChangeDir(RIGHT); break; case 'Q': case 'q': Quit(USER_QUIT); break; } } /* We never get here */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* Sets up the game timer */ void SetTimer(void) { struct itimerval it;

/* Clear itimerval struct members */ timerclear(&it.it_interval); timerclear(&it.it_value); /* Set timer */ it.it_interval.tv_usec = TIMESTEP; it.it_value.tv_usec = TIMESTEP; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL); } /* Sets up signal handlers we need */ void SetSignals(void) { struct sigaction sa; /* Fill in sigaction struct */ sa.sa_handler = handler; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); /* Set signal handlers */ sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); /* Ignore SIGTSTP */ sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, NULL); }

worms.h /* WORMS.H ======= (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 2000 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net

Interface to worms functions */ #ifndef PG_WORMS_H #define PG_WORMS_H /* Structures and typedefs */ struct worm_part { struct worm_part * next; int x; int y; }; typedef struct worm_part WORM; /* Macros */ #define DOWN 1 #define UP 2 #define LEFT 3 #define RIGHT 4 #define WORMBIT 'O' #define EMPTY ' ' #define WORMFOOD 'X' /* Function prototypes */ void InitWorm(void); void MoveWorm(void); void Draw(void); void FreeWorm(void); #endif /* PG_WORMS_H */

worms.c /* WORMS.C

======= (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 2000 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net Implementation of worms functions. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <curses.h> #include "worms.h" #include "helper.h" #define MOVESCORE 1 #define FOODSCORE 10 #define WORMSIZE 8 static WORM * worm; static int dir = DOWN; static int rows, cols; int score = 0; void PlaceFood(void); void Draw(void); /* Initialises the worm, and draws it for the first time */ void InitWorm(void) { WORM * temp; int x = 1, y = 1, i; /* Allocate memory for worm */ for ( i = 0; i < WORMSIZE; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { /* If this is the first worm part */ if ( (worm = malloc(sizeof(WORM))) == NULL ) Error_Quit("couldn't allocate memory for worm"); temp = worm; } else { /* If this is not the first worm part */

if ( (temp->next = malloc(sizeof(WORM))) == NULL ) Error_Quit("couldn't allocate memory for worm"); temp = temp->next; } /* Set coordinates for this worm part */ temp->x = x; temp->y = y++; } temp->next = NULL; /* Get window size */ GetTermSize(&rows, &cols); } /* Draws game arena */ void Draw(void) { WORM * temp = worm; /* Draw border around arena */ box(stdscr, 0, 0); /* Draw the worm */ while ( temp ) { move(temp->y, temp->x); addch(WORMBIT); temp = temp->next; } /* Draw initial worm food */ PlaceFood(); } /* Moves the worm */ void MoveWorm(void) { WORM * temp = worm; int x, y, ch;

/* Move to last worm bit */ while ( temp->next != NULL ) temp = temp->next; /* Make a new worm bit */ if ( (temp->next = malloc(sizeof(WORM))) == NULL ) Error_Quit("couldn't allocate memory in MoveWorm()"); /* Determine position of new worm bit */ switch ( dir ) { case DOWN: x = temp->x; y = temp->y + 1; break; case UP: x = temp->x; y = temp->y - 1; break; case LEFT: x = temp->x - 1; y = temp->y; break; case RIGHT: x = temp->x + 1; y = temp->y; break; } /* Fill in new worm bit structure */ temp = temp->next; temp->next = NULL; temp->x = x; temp->y = y; /* See if we hit anything */ move(y, x); switch ( (ch = inch()) ) { case EMPTY: score += MOVESCORE;

/* Delete first worm bit */ temp = worm->next; move(worm->y, worm->x); addch(EMPTY); free(worm); worm = temp; /* Fallthrough */ case WORMFOOD: /* Add new wormbit */ move(y, x); addch(WORMBIT); if ( ch == WORMFOOD ) { /* Place some new food */ PlaceFood(); score += FOODSCORE; } refresh(); break; case WORMBIT: Quit(HITSELF); default: Quit(HITWALL); } } /* Place food in the arena */ void PlaceFood(void) { int x, y; do { x = rand() % (cols - 3) + 1; y = rand() % (rows - 3) + 1; move(y, x); } while ( inch() != EMPTY ); addch(WORMFOOD); } /* Changes the direction of travel */ void ChangeDir(int d) { WORM * temp = worm;

/* Move to last worm bit */ while ( temp->next != NULL ) temp = temp->next; /* Determine next position */ switch ( d ) { case LEFT: if ( dir == RIGHT ) return; move(temp->y, temp->x - 1); break; case RIGHT: if ( dir == LEFT ) return; move(temp->y, temp->x + 1); break; case UP: if ( dir == DOWN ) return; move(temp->y - 1, temp->x); break; case DOWN: if ( dir == UP ) return; move(temp->y + 1, temp->x); break; } dir = d; } /* Releases memory used by worm */ void FreeWorm(void) { WORM * temp = worm; while ( worm ) { temp = worm->next; free(worm); worm = temp; } }

helper.h /* HELPER.H ======== (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 2000 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net Interface to helper functions. */ #ifndef PG_HELPER_H #define PG_HELPER_H /* Macros */ #define USER_QUIT 1 #define HITSELF 2 #define HITWALL 3 /* Function prototypes */ void Error_Quit(char * msg); void Quit(int reason); void GetTermSize(int * rows, int * cols); void handler(int signum); void ChangeDir(int d); #endif /* PG_HELPER_H */

helper.c /* HELPER.C ======== (c) Copyright Paul Griffiths 2000 Email: mail@paulgriffiths.net

Helper functions. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <curses.h> #include "helper.h" #include "worms.h" /* Quit on error */ void Error_Quit(char * msg) { extern WINDOW * mainwin; extern int oldcur; /* Clean up nicely */ delwin(mainwin); curs_set(oldcur); endwin(); refresh(); FreeWorm(); /* Output error message and exit */ perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Quit successfully */ void Quit(int reason) { extern WINDOW * mainwin; extern int oldcur; extern int score; /* Clean up nicely */ delwin(mainwin); curs_set(oldcur); endwin(); refresh(); FreeWorm();

/* Output farewell message */ switch ( reason ) { case HITWALL: printf("\nYou hit a wall!\n"); printf("Your score is %d\n", score); break; case HITSELF: printf("\nYou ran into yourself!\n"); printf("Your score is %d\n", score); break; default: printf("\nGoodbye!\n"); break; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Returns the x-y size of the terminal */ void GetTermSize(int * rows, int * cols) { struct winsize ws; /* Get terminal size */ if ( ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) < 0 ) { perror("couldn't get window size"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Update globals */ *rows = ws.ws_row; *cols = ws.ws_col; } /* Signal handler */ void handler(int signum) { extern WINDOW * mainwin; extern int oldcur; /* Switch on signal number */ switch ( signum ) { case SIGALRM:

/* Received from the timer */ MoveWorm(); return; case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: /* Clean up nicely */ delwin(mainwin); curs_set(oldcur); endwin(); refresh(); FreeWorm(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }

Questions: -

1. Write a program to write Hello World added with colours 2. Write a program to sets up a timer to send a SIGALRM signal at a specified


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