how to create attention grabbing headline fast

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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How to Create Attention Grabbing Headline Fast - Article Compilations written by Robert Plank


How to Create Attention Grabbing Headline Fast - Copywriting 505

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“Copywriting 505”

Free Articles by Robert Plank

“…I've compiled free articles that Robert Plank is giving away through his site or from

article directories.

Long on content, short on sales, but he is hoping that you like his free stuff enough to

someday buy something he's selling, of course, and if you do, I might or might not get a

commission out of the deal.

Regardless, you can learn a lot from reading the following articles, just like I do…”

Compiled by Syamsul Alam

How to Create Attention Grabbing Headline Fast - Copywriting 505

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Table of Contents What is a Headline Really Supposed to Do? ........................................................................................ 3

Copywriting Tips - The Amazing QQQ Technique That Generates Rapid-Fire Headlines ................... 5

Write an Hourly Headline For Copywriting Success ............................................................................ 7

Three Top Bullet Point Generation Methods For Copywriting ........................................................... 9

Other Resources by Robert Plank ...................................................................................................... 11

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What is a Headline Really Supposed to Do?

Every once in a while when I read a cheesy headline on a sales letter, I see sales letters with

useless headlines, or those that are too long or short, I think to myself, what the heck are

headlines supposed to do in sales copy anyway? Any copywriter will tell you that the only job of a

headline is to get you to read the next line. That is great advice, but how does it help you to write

good headlines? My philosophy is that a meaty copywriting headline should contain three

elements: proof, benefits, and curiosity.

If you can introduce proof into a headline, you are almost halfway there. Can you tie authority into

your claim, discuss the before and after results, or demonstrate your claim somehow? Give some

quick details and documentation in just a few words about how your solution just has to work.

Measure the size and speed of your claim, mention the before and after results. Another great

technique to supplying proof is building on what already works. If your niche and solution are well-

known, and other people can deliver what you promise, you only need to prove you can deliver as

good or better than they can.

What about the benefits? This is the most important element. You can choose to remove proof

and even curiosity from a headline if you want, but if you are missing a benefit, you are dead in

the water. Reinforce your prospects' desires by telling them what they will get out of it. Focus on

the end result, not on the work they have to do to achieve it. Sharpen their image of what you

satisfy and extend their image of how well it satisfies their need.

Then you have curiosity. Copywriters love to make their headlines into half-statements that

arouse curiosity and prospects like to become curious, whether they admit it or not. A cookie

cutter way to arouse curiosity is to take almost any headline, and add a question mark to the end

of it. Ask a question in your headline, or change the mechanism that solves their problem.

Contradict common sense solutions to startle your prospects or mention former limitations that

have now been overcome.

Is it not difficult to write headlines, even if you experience writer's block. if you remember those

three elements in headline creation: proof, benefits, and curiosity.

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Get the exact step by step formula to write a sales letter in five minutes or less, complete with

easy to use worksheets and plug-n-play headlines, offers, stories, and guarantees...

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Copywriting Tips - The Amazing QQQ Technique That

Generates Rapid-Fire Headlines

I have said many times that if your headline sucks, no one will read the rest of your sales letter or

your promotional e-mail. No matter what you write, you need a great headline to get attention. So

how do you come up with a great headline quickly, even if you are completely uninspired? You use

a system for thinking up headlines, and the system I want to share with you today for coming up

with an unlimited number of headlines for copywriting is the QQQ headline formula: Quotation,

Question, and Quest.

First, try to think of a quotation headline. This is the easiest type of headline you can write

because you simply have to do a Google search or blog search and find some newsworthy

statements about your niche. For example, if your niche is about iPhone application development,

you might find out that Apple's AppStore made $30 million per month just in August 2008 and

start your headline off with that statement.

Still stuck? Try the "question" headline. Simply ask your reader a question. Let's go with the

previous example. You are selling a course to create iPhone software and instead of simply telling

people the iPhone AppStore pays out a million dollars a day to programmers... you could say,

"Apple Pays Out One Million Dollars a Day to iPhone Developers... Would You Like Even 0.01% of

the AppStore Pie?" The headline is still simple, gets people to continue reading, and is miles ahead

of cheesy headlines like, "Who Else Wants to Earn Thousands Per Day Selling iPhone Apps?"

If you are down to your last resort, try the "quest" headline approach. The quest simply means

that your visitors are in a bad place right now, and they need to go through some kind of simple

struggle to get to their solution. An easy way to explain a quest is: they give you something, and

you give prospects something even more valuable in return. For example, "Give Me Just 47

Minutes of Your Time and My Step-by-Step Videos Will Show You How to Breeze Through iPhone

App Creation and Grab Your Slice of the AppStore's 30 Million Dollars Per Month!"

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Anytime cannot think of that perfect headline, remember the QQQ approach: Quotation,

Question, and Quest. Chances are, one of these three angles will get you pointed in the right

direction to writing fabulous copywriting headlines.

Get the exact step by step formula to write a sales letter in five minutes or less, complete with

easy to use worksheets and plug-n-play headlines, offers, stories, and guarantees...

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Write an Hourly Headline For Copywriting Success

I want you to make a commitment today to write one headline per hour. That's all I want out of


If I came to you and said, I want 16 headlines today... you would give up. Instead, time yourself

every hour. If you have a watch that beeps once per hour, that is great. When you hear the beep,

go back to your piece of paper and write a headline for your product.

I don't care if you already have a product that's selling, think of one of the benefits of that product,

think of a way to present it that demands attention.

Remember, Attention... Interest, Desire, Action. Your headline is only the beginning of your copy.

It's not meant to close any sales or make you any money, just attract attention and get people

reading the rest of your copy.

At 12 PM today... write a headline. At 1 PM today... write a headline. Until you go to bed tonight. I

don't care what you write that headline about. It can be about yourself, your wife, your

microwave, just write a headline once per hour.

It needs to attract attention and contain some kind of benefit half-statement. For example, I'll pick

a random headline from Hard To Find Ads: "Fact-Filled Book Reveals How to Keep Your Wife from

Driving You Crazy During Menopause..."

That's all a headline needs to be. It gets attention (keep your wife from driving you crazy), it tells

you a little bit about what the product is (a fact-filled book)... but it doesn't say HOW the book can

keep your wife from driving you crazy.

At 12 P.M., you might walk by the microwave in your house and write: "Free Report Reveals What

Your Local Restaurant Chain Won't Tell You: Food That's Just As Healthy and Tastes Just As Good

As Restaurant Food, for 10% of the Cost and Only 5% of the Wait Time"

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At 1 P.M., you might see a yellow pickup truck drive past and write: " Save Enough Money Driving

a 30 Mile-Per-Gallon Hybrid Car to Afford the Payments on a Brand New Vehicle... Only 43


At 2 P.M., you might go to the grocery store and see a loaf of bread and write: "The Most Valuable

Loaf of Bread on Shelves Today!"

If you need inspiration, look at your junk mail or at the ads on Hard To Find Ads.

You will probably notice after doing this every hour that you cannot write just one headline. You

also might notice tomorrow that you will think of headlines everywhere you go... it is a flow of

creativity you just can't turn off for your copywriting.

Attention copywriters: Consistently write satisfactory sales letters that are selling within a matter

of hours... GUARANTEED!

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Three Top Bullet Point Generation Methods For


As a copywriter, bullet points are your best friend. If your only copywriting skill is writing good

bullet points, you know everything you need to know. Why? You can use bullet points as

headlines. You can use them in place of long, boring sentences. You do not need to be a strong

writer, or a prolific writer, to write good copy. Just be able to write decent bullet points that pop

out at your viewers. But as a copywriter, how do you generate good bullet points out of thin air?

You can accomplish that using the How-Why method, the Power Words method, and the Cosmo

Magazine method.

The first way I can quickly build a killer list of bullet points is using the How-Why method. I simply

say, "How ___ and Why ___." For example, "How the Google Slap de-indexed millions of web

pages overnight, and why that means you will jump to the top of the search engines." The How-

Why method is awesome because you can come up with a bunch of cause and effect situations,

they make it easy to "tease" your prospects with the benefits but not the actual features, and

most importantly, every bullet point you write contains action.

Next you can try the Power Words method. This involves listing out the mundane features of your

product, and adding adjectives (words that describe other words) such as "massive" ... "instant" ...

or "overnight." For example, you are selling a video course on how to play the guitar in a short

amount of time. One of your bullet points is: "Visualize the entire fingerboard at once and play

continuous single note lines without getting lost along the way or hitting a single bad note."

That is a good bullet point. But if you added some power words to it, you could make it more

descriptive: "Immediately visualize the entire fingerboard using my simple system that you can

learn almost overnight. Play continuous single note lines without difficulty. Easily avoid getting lost

along the way or hitting a single bad note... guaranteed!" The thing I like the best about the Power

Words method is that it elongates the sentences in your bullet points, which forces you to split

them up into smaller sentences and makes them easier to read. Many times you will notice that

you can split one bullet point into three and make each one stand on its own.

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The final bullet point system I want to share with you is the Cosmo Magazine method. All you have

to do is look at the cover of any issue of Cosmo Magazine. This publication has mastered bullet

points with titles such as, "Your Period: The Most Important News We've Heard in Years" or, "100

Outrageous Facts About Men." You simply cannot go wrong with the catchiness of these bullet

points, and chances are you will be able to replace a few words to make these bullet points your


Those are three immediate techniques to come up with bullet points quickly: the How-Why

method, the Power Words method, and the Cosmo Magazine method. Get out there and apply

what you know to bullet point copywriting.

Get the exact step by step formula to write a sales letter in five minutes or less, complete with

easy to use worksheets and plug-n-play headlines, offers, stories, and guarantees...

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Other Resources by Robert Plank

Free Webinar - Double Your Products w/ the Same Amount of Time? »

Integrate GoToWebinar Registration to Any Email Autoresponder »

Free Plugins - Add Your Visitor to Your Membership Site in One Click »

Easily Double Your Subscribers, Products, Traffics, and Buyers »

“Point, Click, and Talk… and Your Digital Product is Done" »

Your Internet Business Setup in 48 Hours »

Free Webinar - Setup Your Blog as an Autoresponder with One Click! »

Build a Big and RESPONSIVE List of Buyers Ready and Eager to Read Your E-Mails! »

Free Webinar - Secrets of Successful Email Marketing… »

Final Step

Do you like this report? You can download full Copywriting Series (101 - 909) of Robert Plank here

(it’s FREE):

How to Setup Squeeze Page, Low-Ticket Item Sales Letter, and more In One Minute or Less Using

Completely Free Software »

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