how to include both the indirect and direct object in the same sentence

Post on 25-Jan-2016






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¡Los Pronombres Dobles!

How to include both the indirect and direct object in the same sentence

A Direct object answers the question “What?”Ex: I eat a taco. What is being eaten? The taco. The taco is the direct object. An Indirect Object answers the question “To

Whom?Ex: I gave a gift to my friend. To whom did I give a gift? My friend. My friend is the indirect object.


Direct Object Pronouns

Me Nos

Te Os

Lo LosLa Las


Indirect Object Pronouns

Me Nos

Te Os

Le Les



Talk to a neighbor and discus 3 things that you remember about Direct Objects and 3 things you remember about

Indirect Objects.

We can place both an IOP and a DOP in the

same sentence, we just need to place them in the correct locations within the sentence. 1st: IOP 2nd: DOP 3rd: Conjugated Verb

Ex: Das el regalo a mi. Me lo das.Ex: Voy a dar la tarea a ti.

Te la voy a dar.

¡Información Nueva!

Yo dije las instrucciones a ti.

Yo te las dije El muchacho mandó una carta a nosotros.

El muchacho nos la mandó Ustedes van a dar muchos regalos a mi.

Ustedes me los van a dar. Tú lees el libro a mi

Tú me lo lees


We cannot have to “L” pronouns in a row. So, if this is going to happen, we will change the IOP to “se”.

Le lo = se lo Les lo = se loLe la = se la Les la = se laLe los = se los Les los = se losLe las = se las Les las = se las

The ones that break the rule

Yo doy los libros a Manuel.

Se los doy. El muchacho lee el libro a su hermano.

El muchacho se lo lee. Yo expliqué la lección a los alumnos.

Yo se la expliqué. Mario dio un beso a su novia.

Mario se lo dio.

Por Ejemplo


Discuss with someone around you 5 important things to remember.

Just like any other Object pronoun, Double Object pronouns

can attach to the end of an infinitive or present progressive verb.

Ella está pasando los papeles a mi.Ella está pasándomelos.

Yo Voy a dar la tarea a ustedes.Yo voy a dársela.

*Notice how the accent must be applied in this case: *We can only attach to an infinitive or a gerund if one already exists in the sentence.

El uso con infinitivos

They give them(m) to me.

Ellos me los dan. She sells it(f) to you.

Te la vende I am going to buy cars(m) for you all. (2

options)Se los voy a comprar / voy a comprárselos

You told him the truth(f)?¿Se la dijiste?

¡A la Práctica!

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