how to make money on facebook - click here!

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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Learn how to make money on facebook step-by-step. We walk you through the mandatory basics of choosing a niche, signing up for networks, and creating your page. You then can check out a free tool many marketers are using as the biggest loophole to make money on facebook! You can check out the video here free:


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Watch Me Make $1850.00 A Day With Facebook...

Facebook is the world’s largest social network, so it’d be silly

for you not to take advantage of it. What we’re going to be

doing is creating a viral fan page to leverage our products/

services, affiliate offers, and CPA offers.

We’re going to do this with NO ADS. Strictly organic traffic, and

content strategies found in this guide.

So without further or do – let’s dive right into it. Start with the

first module “Choosing Your Niche & Signing Up For Networks”

which we will explain which audience is best for your business,

and how to provide high quality offers to that audience.

Fanpage Profits

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Module 1: Choosing Your Niche & Signing Up For Networks

Building a fanbase is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it – the problem is…not

every fanbase can be converted into money. We want to build a fanpage of leads and

buyers, that way every time we make a promotional post, our accounts our filling up with


Always choose VALUE over quantity. If you’re able to provide your users with value – the

money will come.

Picking Your Niche:

If you already have a business, chances are you know what your niche is. You can just

build a basic page promoting your business – if that’s what your using it for. Otherwise

this can be a stand-alone income source.

You want to choose things people are passionate about. For example if you we’re dipping

into the health niche – this would obviously be to broad. Narrow it down. For example;

Crossfit. If you’re not sure what crossfit is do a quick google search. It’s a quickly growing

trend in the “Fitness & Health” and has a large committed following. Something like this

would be perfect.

You’re really looking for three things when you choose your niche:

People have passion & are willing to defend it.

Members actively want to share their content (This way people will be actively sharing

content – giving you an endless stream of content)

People are spending money in it. (Products are successfully selling in the marketplace)

You are passionate & willing to learn about the niche.

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If you can nail these three things – you’re already 25% of the way there in terms of success.

If you’re having trouble choosing your niche – check out Wordstreams Niche Finder, enter some keywords,

and it will narrow niche’s down for you.

Now let’s move onto Signing up for networks.

Each affiliate & CPA Network are different, so I’m going to give you the majority of the top ones. I’d

sign up to at least of few of each, that way you have a variety to choose from when we’re ready to


So let’s start with Affiliate Networks: – Online digital marketplace, used for selling digital goods in nearly every niche.

Things such as memberships, softwares, eBooks, and similar products. Commission can be up

to 75%! – Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past ten years, you’ve probably

heard of amazon. It’s one of the largest marketplaces for selling physical goods, and by part-

nering with them, you have access to sell any product in their marketplace for a set commis-

sion. – Much larger and more diverse then clickbank – shareasale often is my go to for

affiliate networks. While their commissions are lower than clickbanks, they also have a decent

payout. Plus, the diversity of products makes up for it.

eBay Partner Network: We all know eBay, we’ve all used eBay. By partnering with them you can

sell any product on auction for a commission. Not my first choice as an affiliate network, but in

some niches you can find red-hot products and make a killing.

Commission Junction: Commission Junction is one of the largest affiliate networks in the world.

They offer affiliate products, & CPA offers.

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Once we’re signed up for a few networks…we need to find products to promote so we have a clear plan set

out from the beginning. Before we focus on building our fanpage – we should have at least 10 high-quality

products, or offers to promote to our future audience.





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