how to prepare for interview

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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How to Prepare for Interview

You made it past the application process, you got the call, now it’s time. You’re going in for the interview. Whether

you’re interviewing with the hiring manager or multiple individuals throughout the course of the interview process,

these tips will help you look like an expert (and remain poised and confident) during each interaction.

1. Research the company- No matter where your interview is from a fast food restaurant to a fortune 500 global

conglomerate, know your business. You will feel confident and knowledgeable if you know what you’re talking

about. Nothing is worse than being asked what you like about the company and not being able to give a

confident, clear, direct response.

2. Dress to Impress- If you’ve done your research on the organization you’re interviewing with, you should have an

idea of what the dress code is. A light, neutral fragrance is ok, but do not overdo it. Always dress one “level”

higher than what you think the dress code is, and when in doubt, wear a suit! Please, do not wear jeans or

casual attire to any interview, no matter the job. It is never appropriate. Don’t forget the most important part of

your attire, a smile.

3. Be Prepared- You know the company, you’ve got the position specifics nailed down and you’re dressed like you

own the place. You’ve shaken the hand of the person(s) doing the interview and flashed a winning smile. What

else should you have with you? Resumes! Multiple copies of your resume are critical, as well as a notebook (w/

writing utensil) for making notes. You never know how many people you might be interviewing with and you

want to be able to hand them all a copy of your resume, you also want to write down the key points of the

interaction-they may be helpful with the next person you talk to. Also, have an idea of key accomplishments that

highlight your experience that you can reference during the interview. They want to know specific instances to

back up the skills that you have. Don’t feel bad about talking yourself up here, sell yourself, but be honest, you

want to set yourself up for success.

4. Presentation- Smile, handshake, posture and body language are important. You want to give a good impression,

and this one is critical! Sit up straight, always stand to shake hands with the person greeting you and make sure

you smile. These go a long way and help to build rapport with the individual you are meeting with. Don’t be

afraid to engage in a little small talk, but don’t lose focus and carry the conversation away from the interview.

5. Be Confident- When you’re asked a question you might feel unprepared for, it is ok to pause to gather your

thoughts, rather than filling the air with “um’s” and “uh’s”. A well thought out answer will leave a much better

impression than filler words. When it comes to answering the age old behavioral based questions, most

recommended is the STAR method (be sure to use specifics, and it is advised that you think of a few different

scenarios prior to the interview so you’re ready to blow them away with your answer):

Situation: Describe the situation that you were in or the task that you needed to accomplish. You must

describe a specific event or situation, not a generalized description of what you have done in the past.

Be sure to give enough detail for the interviewer to understand. This situation can be from a previous

job, from a volunteer experience, or any relevant event.

Task: What goal were you working toward?

Action: Describe the actions you took to address the situation with an appropriate amount of detail and

keep the focus on YOU. What specific steps did you take and what was your particular contribution? Be

careful that you don’t describe what the team or group did when talking about a project, but what you

actually did. Use the word “I,” not “we” when describing actions.

Result: Describe the outcome of your actions and don’t be shy about taking credit for your behavior.

What happened? How did the event end? What did you accomplish? What did you learn? Make sure

your answer contains multiple positive results.1

6. Ask questions- This is another area where your research will help. Prepare at least 3 questions related to the

company and/or position that you really care about and remain engaged during the interaction. Take notes. This

is a key time to also find out the timeline for filling the position and it’s never a bad idea to ask if there is any

reason or hesitation they have based on your skills and qualifications, which will allow you to again reassure that

you’re the person for the job (but, odds are, you’ve already nailed the interview and there’s no reason they

wouldn’t want you to join their team).

7. Follow up- You aced the interview, you feel like it went really well and you want them to remember you. Send a

follow up email within 24 hours saying “Thank you” and touching on 2 or 3 key points of interest that you

discussed (look at those notes). Highlight how your skills are a good fit based on those 2 or 3 points and express

your continued interest in the position.

There are going to be nuances based on industry for every interview, but these 7 key points are standard across the

board. If you follow this list of tips, you’ll nail your interview every time. Find more information on landing your next job


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