how to prepare your home before selling it

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Are you about to sell your home? You will be more likely to attract buyers and sell your home within a short time frame if you take the time to prepare it. Preparing your home for sale is a small investment of your time and resources that could help you get more for your home.


How to Prepare Your Home

before Selling It

Are you about to sell your home? You will be more likely to attract buyers and sell your home within a short time frame if you take the time to prepare it. Preparing your home for sale is a small investment of your time and resources that could help you get more for your home.

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Curb appeal is often neglected by sellers. However, the exterior is what potential buyers notice the most. If a home has very little curb appeal, a lot of potential buyers will not even call after noticing the for sale sign. Increasing curb appeal is very easy to do.

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You could do some work on your yard, paint the exterior of your home and invest in new window treatments. Look for a reliable gardening service to have someone mow the lawn regularly while your home is on the market.

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Prepare yourself to let go of your home by putting away personal items. Potential buyers will have a hard time imagining themselves in your home if everything reminds them that a family lives here.

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Clutter can make a home look at lot smaller than it really is. You can make most rooms appear larger by getting rid of the clutter. Start packing everything the items you keep on shelves or counters. Get rid of unnecessary pieces of furniture, decor and items you no longer use.

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Make small repairs if necessary. Fixing cracked tiles or patching small holes in the walls only takes a few minutes but it can make a real difference. You could also upgrade the fixtures in your kitchen and your bathroom, replace cabinet handles and knobs and purchase new window treatments.

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A clean home will definitely make a great impression on potential buyers. You should take the time to thoroughly clean everything in your home. Scrub the floors, wash the walls and don't forget to clean small spaces such as the inside of cabinets.

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Potential buyers will want to look around and they will probably open cabinets to see how much storage space there is. If necessary, look for a good cleaning service to prepare your home before potential buyers stop by.

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These simple tips will help you attract more potential buyers and get more for your home. If you are selling your home through a real estate agency, have someone inspect it and give you some tips on how to make your home look better.

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