how to use webinars to educate and build trust at scale

Post on 15-Feb-2017






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How to Use Webinars

to Educate and Build

Trust at Scale

Joshua FeinbergCo-Founder of SP Home Run

Co-Leader of Boca Raton HubSpot User Group

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How to Use Webinars to Educate and

Build Trust at Scale

I. Why Top-of-Funnel Programs Fail to Grow


II. Why Achieving Trusted Advisor Status is No

Longer Optional

III. Top 10 Best Practices for Webinars that Educate,

Build Trust, and Create Scalable, Predictable

Revenue Growth

IV. Take the Next Step to Compete More Effectively

Why Top-of-Funnel Programs Fail to Grow


Attract Net New Strangers

• Blogging

• Social Media

• Keywords

Critical Prerequisite: Buyer Persona(s)

But this alone – even when done superbly well (it

rarely is)– is not enough to close new clients and

generate revenue

Convert Net New Visitors into Leads

• Calls to Action

• Forms

• Landing Pages and Confirmation Pages

Critical Prerequisite: Buyer Persona(s)

But again this alone – even when done superbly well

(it rarely is)– is not enough to close new clients and

generate revenue

The Burning Question

Strangers Visitors

Visitors Leads

New Clients and Revenue


How to Use Webinars to Educate and

Build Trust at Scale

I. Why Top-of-Funnel Programs Fail to Grow


II. Why Achieving Trusted Advisor Status is No

Longer Optional

III. Top 10 Best Practices for Webinars that Educate,

Build Trust, and Create Scalable, Predictable

Revenue Growth

IV. Take the Next Step to Compete More Effectively

Why Achieving Trusted Advisor Status is No Longer


The 2006 Buyer’s Journey (pre-iPhone)

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Prospects ready to

speak with your

sales team


• Trade shows

• Print ads

• Direct mail

• Email spam


• Buyers at the mercy of sales team

• Sales controls access to information (asymmetry)

• Marketing could be totally unaccountable and it didn’t matter

• Seller-centric sales cycle



Today’s Buyer’s Journey

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Prospects ready to

speak with your

sales team


• Trade shows

• Print ads

• Direct mail

• Email spam


• Sales needs to get found early as

trusted advisors

• Buyer-centric sales cycle

• Sales monopoly on info gone

Disruption of Traditional Playbook

• Search

• Social

• Mobile

• Cloud

• Sales and marketing alignment is critical

• Marketing has massive control over sales’ paychecks

• Personalization is critical

• Much more consultative

Buyer’s Journey Within 3 Years

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Prospects ready to

speak with your

sales team


• Trade shows

• Print ads

• Direct mail

• Email spam

Sales Challengers

• Order takers and

explainers gone

• True consultants

dominate sales

Disruption of Traditional Playbook

• Search

• Social

• Mobile

• Cloud

• Podcasting

• Video

• Live Video

• Personalization

• Sales and marketing “departments” disappear revenue team

• Marketing owns 70% to 90% of revenue generation



Is Your Leadership in Denial?


profile views

per minute


tweets per


The Burning Question

How the heck will you and your team earn a

trusted advisor seat at the table?

How to Use Webinars to Educate and

Build Trust at Scale

I. Why Top-of-Funnel Programs Fail to Grow


II. Why Achieving Trusted Advisor Status is No

Longer Optional

III. Top 10 Best Practices for Webinars that Educate,

Build Trust, and Create Scalable, Predictable

Revenue Growth

IV. Take the Next Step to Compete More Effectively

Top 10 Best Practices for Webinars that Educate,

Build Trust, and Create Scalable, Predictable

Revenue Growth

Set SMART Goals


• Specific

• Measurable

• Attainable

• Relevant

• Timebound

Find the Right Topic, Speaker(s),

Audience, and Timeslot


• Topics

• Ask a write-in question on registration

• Pull from popular blog posts

• Repurpose an eBook

Find the Right Topic, Speaker(s),

Audience, and Timeslot


• Speakers

• Internal subject matter expert(s)

• External/guest subject matter expert(s)

• High energy level

• Teach not sell

Find the Right Topic, Speaker(s),

Audience, and Timeslot


• Audience

• Focus on one buyer persona at a time

• Limit the number of lifecycle stages/buyer’s

journey stages

Find the Right Topic, Speaker(s),

Audience, and Timeslot


• Timeslot

• Mid-day, Mid-week usually safe choice

• Survey your buyer persona, leads, clients,

partners, etc.

• Factor in audience location/timezones

Select the Right Tools to Power

Full-Funnel Revenue Growth


• Marketing Platform

• Calls to Action

• Forms

• Landing Pages and Confirmation Pages

• List Management and Email

• Social Media Publishing and Monitoring

• Workflow Automation

• Lead Scoring

Select the Right Tools to Power

Full-Funnel Revenue Growth


• Webinar Hosting Platform

• VoIP Support

• Dial-In by Phone Support

• Mobile App Support

• Fully Integrated with Marketing Platform and

Sales Platform

• Survey Tools

• Polling Tools

Select the Right Tools to Power

Full-Funnel Revenue Growth


• Video Hosting Platform (For Recording)

• Fully Integrated with Marketing Platform and

Sales Platform

• Responsive Players

• Heatmaps by User and In Agreement

• Gateable with Form (Turnstyle)

• Calls to Action at End

Select the Right Tools to Power

Full-Funnel Revenue Growth


• Sales Platform

• CRM Fully-Integrated with Marketing Platform

• Website Revisit Notifications

• Email Template Library

• Collateral Library

• Integrated Calling

Build Repeatable Processes and Your

Pre-Flight Checklist


• One of Most Complex Campaigns You Can Do

(Except Maybe for Offline Events)

• Ridiculous Amount of Moving Parts

• Process Critical for Efficiency, Quality Control,

and Ease of Training

Build Repeatable Processes and Your

Pre-Flight Checklist


• Reboot Computer(s)

• Disable Taskbar App Alerts

• Proactive Mute the Noise

• Quiet Room

• Sign On Door: Do Not Disturb

• Phone(s) on Vibrate/DND

Build Repeatable Processes and Your

Pre-Flight Checklist


• Proactive Bio Needs

• Water Bottles

• Bathroom

• Fault Tolerance

• Have PPTx and PDF on Jump Drives

• Record on More Than One Computer

• Battery Backup

• Redundant Internet Access

Create Effective Live Event and

Post-Event Campaigns


• Separate Conversion Paths for Live Event and


• Time-Specific Campaign

• Long-Duration Semi-Evergreen Campaign

• Don’t Get Lazy About This

(It Matters a Lot)

Promote the Live Event and

Post-Event Assets in the Right Places

Best Practice


• Email Segments and Email Signatures

• Social Media (per Buyer Persona)

• Blogging (Preview and Excerpt)

• Co-Marketing

• Paid Search

• Paid Social (per Buyer Persona)

• Website Calls to Action

Balance Educational Content with Your

Revenue Growth Goals


• Don’t Sound Like an Infomercial

• Educate (Think Like a Professor)

• Watch Very Carefully for Dropoff and Average

Session Time

• Survey! Survey! Survey!

• Include a Highly-Relevant Call to Action

• Acid Test: Would People Pay for It?

Integrate Email, Social Media, Blogging,

and Other Cross-Channel Tactics


• Emails to Promote Webinar (2-4 Sends)

• Promote Landing Page on Social Media

• Title Slide Image

• Landing Page Screen Shot Image

Integrate Email, Social Media, Blogging,

and Other Cross-Channel Tactics


• Blogs

• Preview Post

• Post-Event Recap Post or Excerpt Post

• LinkedIn Pulse

• Medium

• Display Ads

• Podcasts

Create CRM Templates and Workflow

Automation to Boost Registrations, Cross-

Promotion, and Post-Event Sales



• Segments

• Registrants

• Attendees

• Recording

Create CRM Templates and Workflow

Automation to Boost Registrations, Cross-

Promotion, and Post-Event Sales



• Behavioral Emails

• Who Else Should Attend?

• Who Else Should Watch This?

• Did It Play OK?

• Did You Get Your Questions Answered?

Take Your Webinars Offline and

On the Road


• Breakfast Seminars

• Lunch and Learn Events

• Networking Receptions

• Speaking at Conferences

• Jointly Sponsored Events/Co-Marketing

How to Use Webinars to Educate and

Build Trust at Scale

I. Why Top-of-Funnel Programs Fail to Grow


II. Why Achieving Trusted Advisor Status is No

Longer Optional

III. Top 10 Best Practices for Webinars that Educate,

Build Trust, and Create Scalable, Predictable

Revenue Growth

IV. Take the Next Step to Compete More Effectively

Take the Next Step

Sign Up at

Growth Doesn't Happen

By Accident.

You Need Goals and a Plan.

Schedule a Complimentary

Revenue Growth Assessment

How to Use Webinars

to Educate and Build

Trust at Scale

Joshua FeinbergCo-Founder of SP Home Run

Co-Leader of Boca Raton HubSpot User Group

Connect with on LinkedIn

Follow on Twitter

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