how to win customer

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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How to Win Customers?

Prepared By: Manoj Ku. Pandey

The secret to winning and keeping customers is to reward them.

Forget about selling. People love to buy but hate to be sold.

Concentrate on helping customers buy what’s best for them.

The most important goal of any employee, including salespersons, is to create and keep customers.

I’m a nice customer. You all know me. I’m the one who never complains, no matter what kind of service I get. I never kick. I never nag. I never criticize. And I wouldn’t dream of making a scene, as I’ve seen some people do in public places, no matter how bad the service is. I think that is uncalled for. No, I’m the nice customer. And I’ll tell you who else I am – I’m the customer who never comes back!

“Why customers quit?”

a. 3 % move awayb. 5 % develop other friendshipsc. 9 % leave for competitive reasonsd. 14 % are dissatisfied with the producte. 68 % quit because of an attitude of

indifference toward the customer by the owner, manager, or some employee.

A typical dissatisfied customer will tell eight to ten people about his problem. One in five will tell twenty. It takes twelve positive service incidents to make up for one negative incident.

Seven out of ten complaining customers will come again if you resolve the complaint in their favor. If you resolve it on the spot, 95 % will come again. On average, a satisfied complainer will tell five people about the problem and how it was satisfactorily resolved.

The average business spends six times more to attract new customers than it does to keep old ones. Yet customer loyalty is in most cases worth ten times the price of a single purchase.

Businesses having a low service quality average only a 1 % return on sales and lose market share at the rate of 2 % per year. Businesses with high service quality average a 12 % return on sales, gain market share at the rate of 6 % per year, and charge significantly higher prices.

A typical company looses half of its customers every five years. Yet by increasing the yearly customer retention rate by as little as 5 %, companies can increase their bottom line profits from 25 to 100 %.

Today’s customer is better educated and better informed, and has more choices than ever.

In earlier times the seller told the buyer, “Price, quality, speed – choose any two.” Today, a company that can’t deliver all three is out of the race.

One of the greatest keys to long-term business success can be summed up in three simple words: quality customer service.

The greatest customer you’ll ever win is you, because the best salesperson is the true believer.

Customer Behaviors

The first point to remember is that people buy emotionally and justify with logic.

The second point to remember is that people spend money when and where they feel good.

Customers buy only when they are feeling glad about you and your products and services.

“People don’t buy goods, they buy solutions to problems. They don’t buy quarter-inch drill bits, they buy quarter-inch holes.”

The only two things people ever buy are good feelings and solutions to problems.

If you know what you’re doing, love what you’re doing, and believe in what you’re doing, you’ll be totally sold on the products and services you offer. And that’s the greatest customer you’ll ever win.

The World is Your Mirror and Your Mind is a Magnet

Put yourself in the glad emotional state. (Act the way you want to feel and soon you’ll feel the way you act)

Never tell customers your problems. (Most of them don’t care. Telling people your problems makes them sad, and sad people don’t buy as often)

Customers buy for their reasons, not ours.

Act as if you are the only personal contact that the customer has with the company and behave as if the entire company’s image depends on you.

Use both logic and emotion to win and keep customers.

Use the problem-solving approach to move customers from mad, sad, or scared to glad.

Help them to like themselves better and they’ll love you.

Perceived service quality is the difference between what they get and what they expect.

Whenever you have contact with a customer, you are the company to that customer.

It’s not enough to give the customer excellent service. You must subtly make him aware of the great service he is getting.

Reward customers, and you’ll create and keep them.

Every company’s greatest assets are its customers, because without customers there is no company.

To win new customers, ask the golden question: “What’s the unmet want?”

To keep them for life, ask the platinum questions: “How are we doing?” and “How can we get better?”

The five best ways to keep customers coming back are: Be Reliable, be Credible, be Attractive, be Responsive, and be Empathic. “Reliable CARE” keeps customers coming back.

Quality Customer Service Action Plan

• Treat your customers like lifetime partners.• Ask everyone where you work for service

improvements ideas.• If you don’t have a service strategy, get one.• Carefully select and heavily train your frontline

service people.• Set service quality goals and rewards.• Get out of your office and find out what’s

happening.• Always be patient but never satisfied.

When the CustomerAppears, calls, or inquires

Reward Him:By being prompt and prepared

When the Customer Is angry or defensive

Reward Him:With kindness and empathy

When the CustomerHas special requests

Reward Him:By customizing

When the CustomerCan’t make up his mind

Reward Him:With a specific recommendation

When the CustomerRaises obstacles or objections to


Reward Him:By agreeing, empathizing, and

buying value

When the CustomerGives buying signals

Reward Him:By reinforcing the signal, making

it easy to buy, and asking for the business

When the CustomerBuys

Reward Him:By delivering more than you


When the CustomerRefuses to Buy

Reward Him:With polite appreciation

When the CustomerComplains

Reward Him:With fast, positive action

When the CustomerIs going to be disappointed

Reward Him:With positive perks

Almost two-thirds of all sales calls conclude without the salesperson asking for the order. Yet it’s one of the most crucial ingredients to winning and keeping customers. You may offer the greatest products and services and have the greatest marketing strategy in the world, but unless you cultivate the habit of asking for the order, you’re going to lose a lot of business.

To manage any moment of truth, ask yourself the winning question: “How can I make him glad he talked to me? And put the answer to work. Practice the plus, minus, zero theory at every moment of truth.

Customer retention is the best business strategy of all.

Rewarding the customer is everybody’s job. Rewarding those who reward the customer is management’s job.

Thank You

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