hpu green club

Post on 01-Mar-2016






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Brochure, HPU, geen club


problems we face at both the global

and local levels. And, perhaps most

importantly, these new global leaders

will have the moral courage to help

chart new directions towards a hu-

man community in harmony with the

natural world.

Upon closing, I invite you to contact

me or Paula Lombardo, the Student

Editor of this Newsletter, with your

feedback, comments or questions

about any aspect of the newsletter or

the MAGLSD program. Our aim is to

become a vital information exchange

with alumni, friends, prospective new

students, faculty, and the many

NGOs, business organizations, and

communities—local, national, and

international—who support the vision

and values of the MAGLSD program.

On a personal note, Mahalo, Paula for

having taken on the huge task of de-

signing this Newsletter and publishing

this first Issue. Like so many other

students, old and new, Paula has been

unselfish with her time and energies

on behalf of the program.


Send your correspondence to:


A Sustained ALOHA to All

Friends, Alumni, Students, Fac-

ulty, Staff, and Administrators

affiliated with the MA program

in Global Leadership and Sus-

tainable Development:

Welcome to this first issue of

―Spotlight on Sustainability‖. Pro-

foundly important changes are oc-

curring in the MAGLSD program

and this newsletter is the perfect

vehicle for sharing. For starters, the

program was moved to the College

of Natural and Computational Sci-

ences as of July 1, 2009. After the

move, my new colleagues from

Environmental Science and I started

work in September on a major

revision of the curriculum which

will go into effect in the Fall, 2010.

We are adding new courses such

as: ―Sustainable Energy Systems,‖

―Global Climate Change,‖ and

―Sustainable Building Sciences‖ to

strengthen the sustainable develop-

ment dimension of the degree.

Also, we are adding a 9-credit

―supporting field‖ option. Students

will chose from over 9 different

academic areas. Examples are:

International Disaster and Emergency

Management, International Eco-

nomics, Religion and Sustainability,

Community Development, Environ-

mental Science, World History. We

believe that with these changes

we will be on our way to having

one of the most respected inter-

disciplinary leadership and sus-

tainable development-focused

masters programs in the Pacific

and Western United States re-

gions. Our goal is to produce

global leaders who are first and

foremost environmental stew-

ards and who understand the

causes of the multitude of envi-

ronmental, social, and economic

I try to live by the motto : ―To whom much is given, much is expected‖. As a new student in the MAGLSD pro-

gram, I came to HPU via Jamaica and Kenya (full story in next issue) with a clear goal in mind: To learn as much

as possible to maximize my ability to take full advantage of my privilege by serving humanity. While my life‘s

journeys have made me feel abundantly blessed and inspired, they have also heightened my awareness of the

realities of the effects our ―abundance‖ has had on many parts of the world. As Paul Hawken said in Blessed

Unrest, ―If you look at the science that describes what is happening on earth today and aren‘t pessimistic, you

don‘t have the correct data. If you meet the people in this unnamed movement and aren‘t optimistic, you have-

n‘t got a heart.‖ I strive for balance between the realities of the problems we are facing with hopefulness in the

wealth of solutions being offered, discussed and implemented throughout the global community and particularly

in the sustainability movement. The MAGLSD program is helping me achieve

Dr Arthur Whatley, Chair of MA in Global

Leadership and Sustainability Development

humbly displays his garden in the back of

his house in Enchanted Lakes, Kailua.

Reconnecting with nature can be done by

learning how to run urban gardens.

Letter MAGLSD Program Chair, Dr. Art Whatley

Letter from the Editor, Paula Lombardo

N ew s l e t t e r f o r t h e M A i n G lob a l

L e ade r sh i p & Su s t a i n ab l e

D eve l op men t P ro g r am a t Hawa i i

P a c i f i c Un i ve rs i t y

S p r i n g 2 0 1 0 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

I n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :

Letters from the

Program Chair

and the Editor

(p. 1)

Spotlight on

Campus: HPU

Hawai'i Loa

Campus Expan-

sion and The

Green Club at


(p. 2)

Spotlight on Fac-

ulty: Dr. Louie



Project and

Dr. Regina Oster-


(p. 3)

Spotlight on

Students: Saleh

Azizi and

Duda Breeseg

(p. 4)

Spotlight on

Alumni: Erwin

Hudelist and

Myah Ely

(p. 5)

Spotlight on

Hawaii: Kanu

Hawaii and the

Blue Planet



Spotlight on the

World: Idealist.org

and Ashoka.org

(p. 7)


Next Issue pre-

view and a request

for your feedback

(p. 8)

Continued on back page...

Spotlight on Campus: Hawai'i Loa Campus Expansion

P a g e 2 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Despite a downturned economy, HPU is

moving forward with plans to expand

the Hawai‘I Loa Campus with a $100

million dollar project which will be a

―model for sustainability in higher educa-

tion facilities‖. The new Hawaii Loa cam-

pus will be HPU‘s marker in environ-

mental stewardship. The project will

incorporate design strategies to limit the

project‘s environmental footprint and will be

designed with a fully integrated approach to

meet the U.S. Green Building Council‘s Lead-

ership in Energy and Environmental Design

(LEED) certification criteria. The overarching

plan for each resource should follow these

basic principles: 1) Reduce demand. 2) Effi-

cient systems. 3) On-site

generation (e.g. water,

power) 4) Offset off-site

resources needs and

impacts. The major

themes include: 1) HPU

will be an international

learning community. 2)

HPU will be student centered. 3) The

HPU campus will be an aggregate of gath-

ering places which reflect the aesthetic

and cultural qualities of HPU and the mul-

tiple cultures of Hawai‘i… (Taken from

the Master Plan prepared by Group 70

Architects, available for viewing on the

President‘s page of HPU‘s website.)

semester, thanks to many very active and

committed members, we were able to or-

ganize a lot of successful events additionally.

Highlights included the JUNKraft presenta-

tion by Joel Paschal and Senator Hooser

who talked to us about green legislature.

The GREEN Club also hosted an EcoPre-

neur Panel where Ari Patz, Erwin Hudelist,

Myah Ely, Jennifer Homcy, and Kevin Vac-

carello shared their stories of sustainability

innovation with us. We further participated

in the Blue Line Project and were part of

the 350 event on Hawaii. With our last

event at the HPU holiday bazaar

(pictured above), we showed students

how they can make

their holidays

more sustainable.

In the upcoming

spring semester we

will continue work

the sustainability

garden at the Ha-

waii Loa Campus.

We also plan to adopt the Kamalii Park to get more

bicycle stands for the university.

The GREEN Club at HPU is the

student club around sustainability.

GREEN stands for Globally Re-

sponsible Environmental Efforts

Now. We are committed to pro-

mote sustainability within the HPU

community and to the people of

Hawaii through education and rais-

ing awareness. In the past, our main

effort was the paper recycling at

the downtown campus. Most of-

fices at the downtown campus can

now recycle paper and newsprint

which is then picked up by the

Hagadone Printing Company. This

Spotlight on Campus: The Green Club at HPU

Stories, above and below, submitted by Theresa

Freund, President of The Green Club at HPU and a

last semester student in the MAGLSD program.

HPU Sustainability Day — February 24, 2010 On February 24th, 2010 the GREEN Club will be hosting a major HPU event: ―HPU as a sustainable campus day‖. This will be a day-

long event envisioning how HPU can become more sustainable and how a sustainable HPU can serve Hawaii. During the day, vari-

ous student clubs, classes, faculty members and local green businesses will have booths and displays on Upper Fort Street Mall to

present their involvement in sustainability. We want to show the community why sustainability is important and how everyone can

make their lives more sustainable. Students and the public can obtain information about the recycling program at HPU, there will be

tours of the garden and the aquaponics project, and you can exchange your light bulb at the CFL Light Bulb Exchange Program. For

a good atmosphere there will also be a band playing and food and refreshments for sale. In the afternoon a forum will follow, start-

ing with a couple of short presentations by politicians, business leaders, students, and faculty about sustainability issues related to

HPU. Afterwards the audience and the speakers will participate in a dialogue, discussion, sharing, brainstorming, and inspiration with

the goal to write up a concluding report with recommendations on how HPU can become more sustainable.

Spotlight on Faculty:

Dr. Louie Primavera & The Aquaponics Project at HPU

P a g e 3 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Above: Current aquaponics system

showing the fish tank, PVC plumbing,

and the plants present in the large

grow bed. The roof is made from

clear, UV- protected, polycarbonate

roofing sheets.

“The Conversion of a

Portion of the Hawaii Loa

Campus Sewage Treatment

Plant into a Sustainable

Agriculture Aquaponics

Farm” by

Louis P. Primavera, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Microbiology

Above: This image shows the preliminary

crop of bok choy and herbs that were

then moved to the large grow bed and

immersed in the fish water.

Above: This photo displays the return water

spout (from the large grow bed) into the fish

tank. The orange blotches in the water (lower

right in photo) are the Tilapia fingerlings.

Spotlight on Faculty:

Dr. Regina Ostergaard-Klem

Dr. Regina Ostergaard-Klem is an adjunct professor at HPU. Regina‘s course in Ecological Economics

and Sustainable Development has been highly acclaimed and recommended by numerous alumni from

the MAGLSD program. The course addresses the topic of sustainable development focusing on eco-

nomics at the interface of nations and the global economy. Students complete a comprehensive study of

the emerging field of ecological economics and contrast/compare it to the neoclassical economic model

of development. Students also propose policy options for sustainable development and conduct in-depth

analysis of a developing nation in terms of economic development based on population, agriculture, in-

dustrial development, and natural capital (ecosystem goods and services). She also teaches Environ-

mental History, Natural Resources Management and Environmental Science & the Modern Prospect.

Before joining HPU, Regina was an Environmental Policy Advisor (Global Environment Center, Office of

Energy, Environment and Technology) with United States Agency for International Development

(USAID) in Washington, DC. There she provided technical expertise for programmatic design, support,

and oversight while serving as an on-site policy advisor to USAID and provided technical assistance to

USAID missions and programs in support of USAID‘s Global Climate Change Initiative. She was also a

Science and Diplomacy Fellow at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and

a Fulbright Fellow with the University of Lodz in Poland.

Ph.D in Environmental Economics

and Public Policy (1997),

M.S.Engr., Environmental Systems

Analysis and Economics (1993)

from The John Hopkins University

The cleansed fish green water is then recycled

back to the fish tank. The most important point

behind this aquaponics system (besides being able

to eat the plants and eventually the fish) is that

there are no culture effluents released into our

precious environment. People that live in arid envi-

ronments (deserts or coral atolls) where potable

water is at a premium would benefit from a similar

aquaponics system setup. In addition, Hawaii Pacific

University will benefit by the production of plants

to green and beautify our reconstructed campus of

the future. (A tour of the project will be con-

ducted the end of January.)

In order to allow Hawaii Pacific University the distinc-

tion of being a national leader in the movement of

campus sustainability, and to make use of equipment

and land made available due to the decommissioning of

the Hawaii Loa Campus Sewage Treatment Plant, a

sustainable aquaponics farm was constructed. This

100% organic plant growth system incorporates Tilapia

fish green water that is relocated via a sump pump to a

pea gravel grow bed that allows luxurious plant

growth. In addition, the plants and associated bacteria

(that are present in the pea gravel grow beds) filter

the fish water and chemically convert the toxic ammo-

nia into natural plant fertilizers of nitrites and nitrates.

Spotlight on Students: Saleh Azizi

P a g e 4 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Spotlight on Students: Duda Breseeg ―Give a man a fish, and you have feed him for one day, teach him how to fish and you have fed him for a life-

time,‖ this is the underlying, guiding philosophy of microfinance as practiced by the Grameen Bank. Its aim is to

help the poorest of the poor, so that they can lift themselves out of poverty. Microfinance is the concept of

giving collateral free loans to the poor so that they can start small businesses and move themselves and their

children out of the cycle of poverty. Duda Breseeg has become passionate about the concept of microfinance

which lead him on a search for an academic institution that would further his understanding and prepare him for

a career in sustainable development and microfinance. That search lead him to HPU‘s MAGLSD program and in

August he advanced his goal with a 2-month internship with the Grameen Bank in Bangeldesh. There he was

able to experience and witness firsthand the systematic approach and effectiveness of micro-lending and social

business practices. His journeys enabled him to visit several sister companies and projects. Grameen has estab-

lished a partnership with Danone Foods, a French yogurt company, to help feed the hungry; Grameen Eye-Care

Hospital and Grameen Kalyan to provide quality healthcare to the poor; Grameen Shakti, a utility company to provide electric ity, and Grameen

Shika, an educational project.. Duda is now motivated and inspired to start his own microcredit institution ―somewhere in the world‖.

MAGLSD Student, Duda Breseeg

with Mohammad Yunus, 2006

Nobel Peace Prize Recipient and

Founder of the Grameen Bank

Left: Saleh Azizi; Right:

Student participation and

Saleh‘s leadership made

for quick progress on the

Hawaii Loa Sustainability


Saleh Azizi joined the MAGLSD program to attain academic and practical experience to alleviate poverty and develop poor rural areas in develop-

ing countries through tools such as food security, micro/ development- finance, fair-trade and cooperatives, carbon-trade and other efficient meth-

ods of sustainable economic development. Midway through the program he traveled to Italy and Sierra Leone for an internship with the Food and

Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). During his time at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy ,he gained a deeper knowledge of the

UN system, food security, rural & agricultural finance, and research work. He collaborated in developing an ―Agribusiness Access to Finance‖

research project that will potentially be used for countries across the world. After moving to FAO Sierra Leone (Freetown) he worked closely

with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food Security (MAFFS) in developing the country‘s National Sustainable Agricu ltural Development

Planning (NSADP) project. Since returning to Hawaii and HPU he has been active in the Green Club as coordinator of the Hawaii Loa Sustainabil-

ity Gardens. His opinions are often featured in HPU‘s Kalamalama, the HPU student newspaper, on topics ranging from local food security to

―economic obesity‖ in the most recent edition. The following editorial is taken from an article published in the Kalamalama in December:

―Gardening and sustainability- an idea of localized economy „as if people mattered‟ This is all about growth—

natural growth that is! Economic growth and recognizing our individual dependency on consumer goods is part of why it

makes sense to garden: reversing trends. Globally and in Hawai‗i, signs such as the 2008 financial crisis show us that over-

dependency of trade and finance can one day leave us stranded and hungry. Local food production has the potential to

initiate healthy lifestyle as well as inexpensive organic local produce. Recent revolutions in mixed agricultural systems such

as urban agriculture, perma-culture, and agro-forestry suggest that modern gardening can enhance coexistence between

urban human settlement and agricultural food production in a way that mimics the web of interlinked relationships found

in nature. However this is no news to Hawaiians, whose ahupua‗a, a traditional land unit extending from the mountaintops

to the sea, provided a valuable mix of produce, livestock, and fish as far back as 1200 C.E. Combined with the practice of

ho‗oponopono (how to correct prior error), Hawaiian wisdom can guide modern urbanized consumers back to nature,

gardening, and enhanced self-awareness. The garden itself, as much as the practice of gardening, provides lessons in har-

mony, symbiosis, and diversity as well as increased functionality and productivity. This contemporary Hawaiian practice of

interactive gardening combines best practices in components such as organic vegetable farming, mixing fruit-trees plantation and honey bees, com-

posting, water catchment, and fish farming activities—each component feedback the success of another.‖

Saleh is in his last semester of the MAGLSD program and welcomes everyone‟s participation in the Sustainability Gardens Project.

"There are two dangers

in not owning a farm.

One is the danger of

supposing that breakfast

comes from the grocery,

and the other that heat

comes from the furnace."

– Aldo Leopold from A

Sand County Almanac

Spotlight on Alumni: Erwin Hudelist, President, Hagadone Printing Co.

P a g e 5 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Erwin Hudelist was born in Klagen-

furt, Austria in 1961. His father

Otto, a typesetter by trade, taught

him all about printing and the basic

rule in any business: be honest and

service your customer to the best

of your abilities. After a few years of operating his own business in Vienna successfully, he decided

to sell it and to ―check out the world‖. In 1990, Erwin ended up in Hawaii and got involved in Har-

bor Graphics. His total commitment to customer service and quality paid off: Harbor Graphics be-

came the largest sheet-fed printing business in the state and received several awards like the

―Environmental Award‖ and the ―Service Excellence Award‖ from the State of Hawaii. Erwin joined

Hagadone Printing Company in 1998. He attended HPU and graduated from the MAGLSD program

in 2006. He is committed to growing a company that will be second to none and is equally commit-

ted to environmentally responsible processes like using recycled paper , eco-friendly inks and carbon

offsetting. Erwin values ―innovation, reliability and the ability to ‗think out of the box‘.‖ He also be-

lieves in a strong, professional workforce. This is why Printing Industries of America has awarded

Hagadone Printing the ―The best workplace in America‖ for the 3rd year in a row. Hagadone is ac-

tively involved in supporting the local community with a variety of initiatives aimed at ―making a

meaningful impact‖. Hagadone‘s collective stated values of ―empathy, respect, integrity, and quality of

life and product‖ make them a fine example of sustainable business. Erwin invites you to visit:


Spotlight on Alumni: Myah Ely

Myah grew up in a small Texas town near San

Antonio. After graduating high school, she

learned carpentry and built her own house

while attending community college at North-

West Vista. Myah pursued courses there

which led her to visit places like Costa Rica &

Belize to study environmental geology. She

also worked at SeaWorld as an Education

Instructor, informing guests of the impor-

tance of conservation. Myah continued her

schooling in Hawaii with an Environmental

Studies degree. She graduated from HPU in

2006 with a particular interest in Sustainable

HonuGuide. EcoLounge is a net-

working mixer focused on sustainabil-

ity. MAGLSD students in attendance

may even earn extra credit!

Development and earned a certificate through

the MAGLSD program in Environmental Policy.

Myah joined Hagadone Printing Company in 2007

in the newly created position of Sustainability

Coordinator. Myah is also actively involved with

the Sustainability Association of Hawaii. SAH is a

great source for information and local events; they

even offer carbon credits for purchase. You can

find the Sustainability Association of Hawaii on

their website www.sahawaii.org and also

at Indigo from 6-8pm every 3rd Thursday begin-

ning January 21st for EcoLounge. Brought to

you by Nella Media Group &

Spotlight on Hawaii: Kanu Hawaii

P a g e 6 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Kanu Hawaii is a ―movement of everyday

people‖ who join together ―to protect

and promote island living - a connection

to the 'aina, a culture of aloha, and local

economic self reliance.‖ Kanu Hawaii

has a refreshing focus on practical

solutions to issues ranging from land-

fills to Furlough Fridays. This website

offers an exciting variety of ways to

make a commitment, educate yourself

and take action locally. Kanu Hawaii‘s

members commit to living according

to their values and receive support by

doing it in a group setting. One exam-

ple is Commitment #80 of 93, ―I will

use a reusable water bottle and not buy bottled

water.‖ To illustrate the impact and tangible

outcome if every Kanu member made this com-

mitment, Kanu Hawaii states that: ―Our com-

mitments will keep 1,483,471 plastic bottles out

of our landfills, incinerators, and environment

each year.‖ Kanu represents the epitome of the

adage ―think globally, act locally‖.

Join Kanu and make your first commitment

today! www.KanuHawaii.org

model, and how to translate those results

to benefit other locations around the

globe. Blue Planet‘s success stories in-

clude: helping to engage people in the local

legislative process and to enact key new

clean energy policies; hosting major public

events with thousands of participants in-

cluding rallies at the State Capital and the

Blue Line Project drawing attention to the

critical need to respond to the threat of

climate change and a resulting sea level

rise; distributing 3250 tire pressure gauges

and nearly 5000 compact fluorescent light

bulbs to residents throughout Oahu; and

most recently producing a local ―Home

Energy Make-Over‖ television show. As an

active volunteer with the Blue Planet Foun-

dation, I can say that they are truly innova-

tive in their approach and dedicated to

their mission!

To show your support and get involved,



Hawai'i is the most dependent state in

the nation on imported oil, yet its

unique blend of attributes makes it an

ideal place to become a clean energy

model for the world. As the most re-

mote island chain on earth, its need for

locally produced clean energy is par-

ticularly acute. This isolation also

makes it an ideal place to measure the

impact of introducing alternative energy

sources, as Hawaii is not connected to

a mainland grid. Indeed, even the indi-

vidual island grids are not intercon-

nected. Hawaii has almost every natural

resource needed for energy develop-

ment, a wide variety of energy projects

is already underway and plans to re-

duce its dependence on fossil fuel are

being considered. Add to that a millen-

nia-long cultural heritage of sustainable

resource management and an image as

paradise in the eyes of the world and

one can readily see that Hawaii is per-

fectly situated to become a clean en-

ergy paradigm for the planet. The Blue

Planet Foundation encourages every-

one to envision how to maximize the

potential of this unique combination of

factors to make Hawaii an energy

Spotlight on Hawaii: Blue Planet Foundation

Blue Planet Foundation's mission is

to end the use of carbon-based fuels

on Earth by making Hawai‘i a global

leader for energy independence

within a decade.

(Above) The Green Club at HPU par-

ticipates in the Blue Line Project event

on the International Day of Climate


Spotlight on the World: Idealist.org

P a g e 7 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Idealist.org is an amazing on-line commu-

nity of people and organizations committed

to ―building a better world‖. You can find

opportunities for philanthropic travel, vol-

unteering, internships and employment

around the globe. Their Resource Center

offers: a Career Center, a Mid-Career

Transitions Resource Center, a Commu-

nity Action Center, a Nonprofit Homan

Resources Center, an International Volun-

teerism Resource Center, Tools for Teach-

ers, Tools for Organizations, Tools for

Webmasters and a Public Service Graduate

Education Resource Center that provides

advice, options and insight on how to pre-

pare, apply and get financing for higher

education. They sponsor nonprofit career

fairs and global volunteering fairs in cities

throughout the U.S. With more than

1,300,000 members throughout the world,

it is truly a global community.

The idealist.org website is run by Action

Without Borders and has offices in the

United States (New York, NY and Port-

land, OR) and in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

They also have staff based in cities including

Berlin, Geneva, San Francisco, Seattle, and


―Our Vision: We would like to live in a

world where: All people can lead free and

dignified lives.

Every person who

wants to help

another has the

ability to do so.

No opportunities

for action or col-

laboration are

missed or wasted. Our Mission: Action With-

out Borders connects people, organizations,

and resources to help build a world where all

people can live free and dignified lives.‖

Check out the MAGLSD program and

―become an idealist‖ today at idealist.org!

Ashoka was founded in 1980 by Bill Drayton, who pioneered the global field of social entrepreneurship,

on the premise that the most effective way to promote positive social change is to invest in social entre-

preneurs with innovative solutions that are sustainable and replicable, both nationally and globally. It is

named after Ashoka, the Indian leader who unified the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BC, re-

nouncing violence and dedicating his life to social welfare and economic development. For his creativity,

global mindedness and tolerance, Ashoka is renowned as the earliest example of a social innovator. In

honor of their namesake, Ashoka invests in people by searching the world for leading social entrepre-

neurs. They then provide the resources to launch these entrepreneurs, ―Ashoka Fellows‖. Benefits

include a living stipend for an average of three years, allowing them to focus full-time on building their

institutions and spreading their ideas. They also provide Fellows with a global support network of their

peers and partnerships with professional consultants. Fellows become part of a life-long community. All

around the world, Ashoka facilitates collaborations of Fellows so that they can learn from one another,

share valuable knowledge and insights, and be better equipped to for success. Ashoka is also committed

to building sector infrastructure including seed financing and capital, bridges to the business and academic

sectors, and strategic partnerships that deliver social and financial value. Ashoka has established programs

in over 60 countries and supports the work of over 2000 Fellows.

Vision Statement: Ashoka envisions an Everyone A Changemaker™ world. A world that responds quickly

and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence and societal

support to address any social problem and drive change.

Mission Statement: Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that

allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world‘s citizens to think and act as changemakers.

Visit their website at: www.ashoka.org.

Spotlight on the World:

Ashoka—Innovators for the Public

“Ashoka is represented by the

oak tree. A strong, sturdy tree,

the oak represents the power of

Ashoka's commitment and

contributions to building the

profession of social

entrepreneurship. A broad-

spreading tree, it is symbolic of

those dimensions of Ashoka's

programs that select, launch

and foster collaborations among

social entrepreneurs around the


“Preview” Next Issue:

the Hawaiian charter schools,

“Philanthropic‖ travel ,

Everyone‘s ―favorite‖ course –

Power & Social Systems with-

Dan Morgan.

I welcome your suggestions for up-

coming topics and encourage you all

to submit your writings for publica-

tion in our newsletter.


my goals by leading me on a path of stewardship

in the sustainability movement. ―Spotlight on Sus-

tainability‖ is a vehicle to bring innovative, moti-

vated, inspired minds together and to celebrate

diversity, unity and collaboration. To examine

new models that foster compassion, justice and

real prosperity and sustain the earth‘s living sys-

tems. To provide a medium for expression and

story-telling that we can ALL take part in creating

and shaping. As Limits To Growth has taught us, we

must commit to visioning,, networking, truth-

telling,, life-long learning and loving in order to

make the necessary transition toward sustainabil-

ity. May each ―spotlight‖ in this newsletter be a

beacon of hope and shine a light on the on the

plethora of positive, solution-based activity hap-

pening, locally and globally, in this movement and

compel us all toward ―restoring grace, justice and

beauty to the world‖ (Paul Hawken) I hope you

enjoy it and I anxiously await your feedback!

Mahalo Nui Loa!

Myah, Bastian and Hagadone Printing for

all their help and support, both moral and

technical. Bastian created the ―Spotlight on

Sustainability‖ logo.

Rob Kinslow, Assistant Editor . HPU‟s

MAGLSD program is proud to welcome Rob

Kinslow! Rob has had many diverse experi-

ences from systems engineering to farming. He

has worked with the Conservation Council of

Hawai`i, The Nature Conservancy, Kaho„olawe

Island Reserve Commission, O„ahu Land Trust,

World Turtle Trust, „Ahahui o ka Lokahi and

he was personally trained by Al Gore for The

Climate Project Hawaii. Passionate about

“living simply so that others may simply live”,

he is a guest speaker on sustainability to stu-

dents, elementary schools, churches, and pro-

fessional associations. In addition to working

on his Masters he is currently a community

organizer, island filmmaker and executive co-

ordinator for Hawaii Interfaith Power & Light

(HIPL) based in Hawaii, Hawaii Interfaith

Power & Light is an affiliate of the Interfaith

Power & Light (IPL) network. HIPL‟s mission

is "to promote energy efficiency and conserva-

tion in Hawaii's faith communities" (temples,

churches, shrines, or campus facilities). Their

fiscal sponsor, the Interfaith Alliance Hawaii

has been a voice for justice in our state for

many years. I am sincerely grateful for the

technical expertise Rob has offered to the

newsletter and I look forward to having Rob as

a class mate as I know he has a fascinating,

enlightening perspective to share with the pro-


To endorse the IDCC visit

www.interfaithdeclaration.org. Both indi-

viduals and organizations may endorse.

To learn more about HIPL, visit hipl.org!

Letter from the Editor, Paula Lombardo (continued from page one)

Hawai'i Pacific University

1164 Bishop Street

Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 U.S.A.


Hawai'i Pacific University's logo is based on the

Asian concept of yin and yang, the logo signifies

the fluid and polar, yet balanced, aspects of life.

The tri-part design represents the student,

education, and community. The "wave" form

symbolizes HPU's location at the center of the

Pacific region. The vortex suggests the synergy

resulting from the successful combination of the

three elements of the orb.

MA in Global Leadership & Sustainable

Development Program

The University's motto, Holomua Me Ka 'Oia'i'o, is

written in the Hawaiian language and translates

"Forward with Truth."

Photo, right: Rob and

Stuart Scott of the Inter-

faith Declaration on Cli-

mate Change hold a per-

sonal invitation from UN

Climate chief Yvo de

Boer to His Holiness

Pope Benedict XVI. Scott

made a pilgrimage to the

Vatican in December to

present the handwritten

invitation to the Pope.

Rob supported the IDCC

project during the recent

Copenhagen talks as

Director of Communica-

tion. (Be sure to intro-

duce yourself to Rob and

ask him about the Pope‘s


Photo, above: Paula on

the roof top of her apart-

ment in Mombasa, Kenya

(May, 2009)

top related