hr in start up!? aiesec dec 2016

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Recruiting & HR



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TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

HR in Start-up?!

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Who am I?

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Alexandru Terente

• Developer, Speaker, Trainer and technology addicted

• Founder of ATCSoft (dead company)

• Founder of TAGonSoft (5 years of activity)

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Founded 5 years ago

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

We are now 6 people

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

And we are still a Start-up

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

And we will remain a Start-up

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Software development company

• Focused on Mobile solution

• Mainly doing outsourcing

• Dreaming on our own products

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

What is HR?

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

What does the HR department do?

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Do we need a HR department?

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

What about HR in Start-up?!

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Most important HR issues in a Start-up

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

HR in Start-up

• Personality

• Transparency

• Why do we exists as a company?

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Create a “mix” of employs

• Reflect the personality of our customers

• Founders should hire different personality from their own

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Transparency• Inform your employees about the business

• Don’t over inform

• Give only clear information

• Don’t give to low information

• Balance the right level of business information

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Why do we exists as a company?

• The most important thing is Why?

• As the company grows you rely on your team to represent the company and transmit “Why you exist”

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Transmit to initial employees the vision of the future

• Make them understand “Why” the company exists

• “Why“ we do what we do?

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Employee Importance

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Employee Importance• The power of company relays in the skills and

power of their employees

• You hire the greatest people and they are self-managing

• What they need is a common vision, a leadership

• Once they know what they have to do they will figure out how to do it

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Self policing

• Create a core group that share the same vision and they will become self policing on who will let in the group

• People work because they want to work if they believe in what they are doing

• Don't work because there is work to be done.

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Your job is to hire great people!

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Hire great people and empower them

• Do not micro manage

• Empower them to take decisions

• Take risk and hire people with passion not the most technical skilled guys

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Inspire and lead people

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• The vision needs to be reiterated form time to time

• Transmit the core vision of the business and make sure every one understands it

• Keep the vision simple so anybody can understand it and transmit it

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Do something that matters do something big

• You have to touch the emotion part of the humans

• The vision is interpreted different from each people so make sure you do the best to transmit the correct vision

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Make the people feel that can achieve something bigger than themselves

• You have to believe what you say because the people can feel it if you lie

• Be and transmit confidence

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• You can have a position but you may not be a leader

• If the people follow you because they have to you will not get the best from your people

• You have to be a likeable person so people can like and follow you

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

Lead• Relationships are the foundation of leadership

• Listen well

• Observe

• Learn

• With attitude of servitude

• Is a mind set a culture of servitude

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Build momentum

• People follow you if you have problems but you have a big momentum

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

People development

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

People development• Grow your people skills

• Bring good people (recruitment)

• Positioning (put them in the right place)

• Successful people find them self on what they are good at

• Successful people position them self well

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

People development

• Successful leaders position other people well

• No mater how talented you are if you are position in a wrong position you will not perform well

• Be mentor, be a coach transfer the knowledge and then ask others to do it for you

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


• Respect your people

• People follow you when they respect you

• Work hard to be respected by the people

TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!


TAGonSoftWe do mobile and we do it well!

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